Exemple #1
static void
setup_button (Launcher *launcher)
	char *comment;
	char *name;
	char *str;
	char *icon;
	char *unescaped_str;
	g_return_if_fail (launcher != NULL);

	name = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (launcher->key_file, "Name");
	comment = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (launcher->key_file,

	/* Setup tooltip */
	if (!PANEL_GLIB_STR_EMPTY (name) && !PANEL_GLIB_STR_EMPTY (comment))
		str = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n%s", name, comment);
	else if (!PANEL_GLIB_STR_EMPTY (name))
		str = g_strdup (name);
		str = g_strdup (comment);

	g_free (name);
	g_free (comment);

	/* If we can unescape the string, then we probably have an escaped
	 * string (a location e.g.). If we can't, then it most probably means
	 * we have a % that is not here to encode a character, and we don't
	 * want to unescape in this case. See bug #170516 for details. */
	unescaped_str = g_uri_unescape_string (str, NULL);
	if (unescaped_str) {
		g_free (str);
		str = unescaped_str;

	panel_util_set_tooltip_text (launcher->button, str);

	/* Setup accessible name */
	panel_a11y_set_atk_name_desc (launcher->button, str, NULL);

	g_free (str);

	/* Setup icon */
	icon = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (launcher->key_file, "Icon");
	if (icon && icon[0] == '\0') {
		g_free (icon);
		icon = NULL;

	if (!icon)
		icon = guess_icon_from_exec (button_widget_get_icon_theme (BUTTON_WIDGET (launcher->button)),
	if (!icon)
		icon = g_strdup (PANEL_ICON_LAUNCHER);

	button_widget_set_icon_name (BUTTON_WIDGET (launcher->button), icon);
	g_free (icon);
Exemple #2
panel_key_file_ensure_C_key (GKeyFile   *keyfile,
			     const char *key)
	char *C_value;
	char *buffer;

	/* Make sure we set the "C" locale strings to the terms we set here.
	 * This is so that if the user logs into another locale they get their
	 * own description there rather then empty. It is not the C locale
	 * however, but the user created this entry herself so it's OK */
	C_value = panel_key_file_get_string (keyfile, key);
	if (C_value == NULL || C_value [0] == '\0') {
		buffer = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (keyfile, key);
		if (buffer) {
			panel_key_file_set_string (keyfile, key, buffer);
			g_free (buffer);
	g_free (C_value);
Exemple #3
static void
panel_menu_items_append_from_desktop (GtkWidget *menu,
				      char      *path,
				      char      *force_name,
                                      gboolean   use_icon)
	GKeyFile  *key_file;
	gboolean   loaded;
	GtkWidget *item;
	char      *path_freeme;
	char      *full_path;
	char      *uri;
	char      *type;
	gboolean   is_application;
	char      *tryexec;
	char      *icon;
	char      *name;
	char      *comment;

	path_freeme = NULL;

	key_file = g_key_file_new ();

	if (g_path_is_absolute (path)) {
		loaded = g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, path,
						    G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL);
		full_path = path;
	} else {
		char *lookup_file;
		char *desktop_path;

		if (!g_str_has_suffix (path, ".desktop")) {
			desktop_path = g_strconcat (path, ".desktop", NULL);
		} else {
			desktop_path = path;

		lookup_file = g_strconcat ("applications", G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
					   desktop_path, NULL);
		loaded = g_key_file_load_from_data_dirs (key_file, lookup_file,
		full_path = path_freeme;
		g_free (lookup_file);

		if (desktop_path != path)
			g_free (desktop_path);

	if (!loaded) {
		g_key_file_free (key_file);
		if (path_freeme)
			g_free (path_freeme);

	/* For Application desktop files, respect TryExec */
	type = panel_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Type");
	if (!type) {
		g_key_file_free (key_file);
		if (path_freeme)
			g_free (path_freeme);
	is_application = (strcmp (type, "Application") == 0);
	g_free (type);

	if (is_application) {
		tryexec = panel_key_file_get_string (key_file, "TryExec");
		if (tryexec) {
			char *prog;

			prog = g_find_program_in_path (tryexec);
			g_free (tryexec);

			if (!prog) {
				/* FIXME: we could add some file monitor magic,
				 * so that the menu items appears when the
				 * program appears, but that's really complex
				 * for not a huge benefit */
				g_key_file_free (key_file);
				if (path_freeme)
					g_free (path_freeme);

			g_free (prog);

	/* Now, simply build the menu item */
	icon    = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (key_file, "Icon");
	comment = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (key_file, "Comment");

	if (PANEL_GLIB_STR_EMPTY (force_name))
		name = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (key_file, "Name");
		name = g_strdup (force_name);

	if (use_icon) {
		item = panel_image_menu_item_new ();
        } else {
		item = gtk_image_menu_item_new ();

	setup_menu_item_with_icon (item, panel_menu_icon_get_size (),
				   icon, NULL, NULL, name);

	panel_util_set_tooltip_text (item, comment);

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
	g_signal_connect_data (item, "activate",
			       G_CALLBACK (panel_menu_item_activate_desktop_file),
			       g_strdup (full_path),
			       (GClosureNotify) g_free, 0);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (item), "button_press_event",
			  G_CALLBACK (menu_dummy_button_press_event), NULL);

	uri = g_filename_to_uri (full_path, NULL, NULL);

	setup_uri_drag (item, uri, icon, GDK_ACTION_COPY);
	g_free (uri);

	g_key_file_free (key_file);

	if (icon)
		g_free (icon);

	if (name)
		g_free (name);

	if (comment)
		g_free (comment);

	if (path_freeme)
		g_free (path_freeme);
static void
program_list_selection_changed (GtkTreeSelection *selection,
				PanelRunDialog   *dialog)
	GtkTreeModel *filter_model;
	GtkTreeModel *child_model;
	GtkTreeIter   iter;
	GtkTreeIter   filter_iter;
	char         *temp;
	char         *path, *stripped;
	gboolean      terminal;
	GKeyFile     *key_file;
	GtkWidget    *entry;

	if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &filter_model,

	gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (filter_model),
							  &iter, &filter_iter);

	path = NULL;
	child_model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (filter_model));
	gtk_tree_model_get (child_model, &iter,
			    COLUMN_PATH, &path,

	if (!path)

	key_file = g_key_file_new ();

	if (!g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, path,
		g_key_file_free (key_file);
		g_free (path);

	dialog->use_program_list = TRUE;
	if (dialog->desktop_path)
		g_free (dialog->desktop_path);
	dialog->desktop_path = g_strdup (path);
	if (dialog->item_name)
		g_free (dialog->item_name);
	dialog->item_name = NULL;

	/* Order is important here. We have to set the text first so that the
	 * drag source is enabled, otherwise the drag icon can't be set by
	 * panel_run_dialog_set_icon.
	entry = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (dialog->combobox));
	temp = panel_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Exec");
	if (temp) {
		stripped = remove_parameters (temp);
		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), stripped);
		g_free (stripped);
	} else {
		temp = panel_key_file_get_string (key_file, "URL");
		gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), sure_string (temp));
	g_free (temp);

	temp = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (key_file, "Icon");
	GIcon *icon = panel_gicon_from_icon_name (temp);
	panel_run_dialog_set_icon (dialog, icon, FALSE);
	g_object_unref (icon);
	g_free (temp);

	temp = panel_key_file_get_locale_string (key_file, "Comment");
	//FIXME: if sure_string () == "", we should display "Will run..." as in entry_changed()
	gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (dialog->program_label),
			    sure_string (temp));
	g_free (temp);

	terminal = panel_key_file_get_boolean (key_file, "Terminal", FALSE);
	gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (dialog->terminal_checkbox),

	g_key_file_free (key_file);

	g_free (path);