Exemple #1
	指导语句:	#pragma omp parallel for
	结构功能:	user function of parallel for struct ,an implicit task
	函数功能:	for指导语句中调用的用户子函数
static void callme_pardo(void *p1)
	TaskInfo old_task;
	char fun_name[30] = "Parallel_User_do_fun_";
	char id [10];

	Record_Event Event = Event_init ();

	old_task = current_task;
	current_task = create_itask ();
	//Is it necessary to add this task to the thread team ?
	add_itask (current_task);
	itoa (pardo_uf_id, id);
	strcat (fun_name, id);
	Event.event_name = fun_name;
	Event.eid = 233;
	Event.type = NONE;

	Event.omp_rank = get_thread_num ();
	Event.omp_level = get_level ();
	Event.p_rank = omp_get_ancestor_thread_num (get_level () - 1);

	Event.p_task_id_start = current_task.task_parent_id;
	Event.task_id_start = current_task.task_id;
	Event.task_state_start = TASK_CREATE;

	if (pardo_uf == NULL)
		printf_d("Error! Invalid initialization of 'pardo_uf'\n");
		return ;
	if (PAPI == PAPI_ON)
		PAPI_get_info (fun_name, 0, PAPI_THREAD);
		Event.starttime = gettime ();
		pardo_uf (p1);
		Event.endtime = gettime ();
		PAPI_get_info (fun_name, 1, PAPI_THREAD);
		Event.starttime = gettime ();
		pardo_uf (p1);
		Event.endtime = gettime ();

	Event.p_task_id_end = current_task.task_parent_id;
	Event.task_id_end = current_task.task_id;
	Event.task_state_end = TASK_END;
	remove_itask (current_task);
	current_task = old_task;
	Record (&Event, OMPI_TRACE);
		callme_pardo (char*, ull, ull)
		With the same header as the routine to be called by the SMP runtime, just
    acts as a trampoline to this call. Invokes the required iterations of the
    parallel do loop.
static void callme_pardo (char *ptr, long lbnd, long ubnd, unsigned thid)
	void *p = *((void**) pardo_uf);

#if defined(DEBUG)
	fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": callme_pardo: ptr=%p lbnd=%ld ubnd=%ld thid=%u\n", ptr, lbnd, ubnd, thid);
	fprintf (stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": callme_pardo: pardo_uf=%p\n", p);

	Extrae_OpenMP_UF_Entry (p);
	Backend_Leave_Instrumentation (); /* We're entering in user code */
	pardo_uf (ptr, lbnd, ubnd, thid);
	Extrae_OpenMP_UF_Exit ();