Exemple #1
void	cmd_port(t_ftpserv *ftpserv, t_client *client, char *args)
  int	i;
  char	*tmp;
  char	*tmp2;

  tmp = strchr(args, ',');
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      if (!tmp && pars_error(client))
	  return ;
      *tmp = '.';
      tmp = strchr(tmp, ',');
  if (!tmp && pars_error(client))
      return ;
  *tmp++ = 0;
  tmp2 = strchr(tmp, ',');
  if (!tmp2 && pars_error(client))
      return ;
  *tmp2++ = 0;
  if (!*tmp && pars_error(client))
      return ;
  client->data_port = 256 * atoi(tmp) + atoi(tmp2);
  client->ip = strdup(args);
  client->mode = MODE_ACTF;
  send_msg2client(client, "200 PORT command successful.\r\n");
Exemple #2
PUBLIC int lex_floatnum()
	char *endptr;

	yylval.dubbel.val = strtod(yytext, &endptr);

	if (*endptr)
		pars_error("Error converting numeric value %s", yytext);

	return floatnumSYM;
Exemple #3
PUBLIC struct expression *pars_exp_unary(int op, struct expression *exp)
	GETEXP(sizeof(struct expression *));

	work->optype = T_UNARY;

	work->op = op;
	work->e.exp = exp;

	if (exp && ISARRAY(exp))
		pars_error("Arrays may not be part of an expression");

	return work;
Exemple #4
PUBLIC struct expression *pars_exp_substr(struct expression *exp,
					  struct two_exp *twoexp)
	GETEXP(sizeof(struct exp_substr));

	if (ISARRAY(exp))
		pars_error("You may not take a substring of an array in this way");

	work->optype = T_SUBSTR;
	work->e.expsubstr.exp = exp;
	work->e.expsubstr.twoexp = *twoexp;

	return work;
Exemple #5
PUBLIC struct expression *pars_exp_binary(int op, struct expression *exp1,
					  struct expression *exp2)
	GETEXP(sizeof(struct two_exp));

	work->optype = T_BINARY;
	work->op = op;
	work->e.twoexp.exp1 = exp1;
	work->e.twoexp.exp2 = exp2;

	if (ISARRAY(exp1) || ISARRAY(exp2))
		pars_error("Arrays may not be part of an expression");

	return work;
Exemple #6
PUBLIC struct assign_list *pars_assign_item(int op,
					    struct expression *lval,
					    struct expression *rval)
	struct assign_list *work =
	    mem_alloc(PARSE_POOL, sizeof(struct assign_list));

	if (op!=becomesSYM && (ISARRAY(lval) || ISARRAY2(rval)))
		pars_error("Semi-complex assignment (e.g. :+ and :-) not supported with arrays");

	work->op = op;
	work->lval = lval;
	work->exp = rval;
	work->next = NULL;

	return work;