// HTMLAllCollections are strange objects, they support both get and call.
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL callHTMLAllCollection(ExecState* exec)
    if (exec->argumentCount() < 1)
        return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());

    // Do not use thisObj here. It can be the JSHTMLDocument, in the document.forms(i) case.
    JSHTMLAllCollection* jsCollection = jsCast<JSHTMLAllCollection*>(exec->callee());
    HTMLAllCollection& collection = jsCollection->impl();

    // Also, do we need the TypeError test here ?

    if (exec->argumentCount() == 1) {
        // Support for document.all(<index>) etc.
        String string = exec->argument(0).toString(exec)->value(exec);
        if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(*string.impl()))
            return JSValue::encode(toJS(exec, jsCollection->globalObject(), collection.item(index.value())));

        // Support for document.images('<name>') etc.
        return JSValue::encode(namedItems(*exec, jsCollection, Identifier::fromString(exec, string)));

    // The second arg, if set, is the index of the item we want
    String string = exec->argument(0).toString(exec)->value(exec);
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(*exec->argument(1).toWTFString(exec).impl())) {
        if (auto* item = collection.namedItemWithIndex(string, index.value()))
            return JSValue::encode(toJS(exec, jsCollection->globalObject(), item));

    return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
bool JSTestEventTarget::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* state, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    auto* thisObject = jsCast<JSTestEventTarget*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
    if (auto index = parseIndex(propertyName)) {
        if (index.value() < thisObject->wrapped().length()) {
            auto value = toJS<IDLInterface<Node>>(*state, *thisObject->globalObject(), thisObject->wrapped().item(index.value()));
            slot.setValue(thisObject, static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly), value);
            return true;
        return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(object, state, propertyName, slot);
    using GetterIDLType = IDLInterface<Node>;
    auto getterFunctor = [] (auto& thisObject, auto propertyName) -> Optional<typename GetterIDLType::ImplementationType> {
        auto result = thisObject.wrapped().namedItem(propertyNameToAtomicString(propertyName));
        if (!GetterIDLType::isNullValue(result))
            return typename GetterIDLType::ImplementationType { GetterIDLType::extractValueFromNullable(result) };
        return WTF::nullopt;
    if (auto namedProperty = accessVisibleNamedProperty<OverrideBuiltins::No>(*state, *thisObject, propertyName, getterFunctor)) {
        auto value = toJS<IDLInterface<Node>>(*state, *thisObject->globalObject(), WTFMove(namedProperty.value()));
        slot.setValue(thisObject, static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly), value);
        return true;
    return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(object, state, propertyName, slot);
Exemple #3
GetByIdStatus GetByIdStatus::computeFor(const StructureSet& set, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
    // For now we only handle the super simple self access case. We could handle the
    // prototype case in the future.
    if (set.isEmpty())
        return GetByIdStatus();

    if (parseIndex(*uid))
        return GetByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
    GetByIdStatus result;
    result.m_state = Simple;
    result.m_wasSeenInJIT = false;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < set.size(); ++i) {
        Structure* structure = set[i];
        if (structure->typeInfo().overridesGetOwnPropertySlot() && structure->typeInfo().type() != GlobalObjectType)
            return GetByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        if (!structure->propertyAccessesAreCacheable())
            return GetByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        unsigned attributes;
        PropertyOffset offset = structure->getConcurrently(uid, attributes);
        if (!isValidOffset(offset))
            return GetByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath); // It's probably a prototype lookup. Give up on life for now, even though we could totally be way smarter about it.
        if (attributes & Accessor)
            return GetByIdStatus(MakesCalls); // We could be smarter here, like strength-reducing this to a Call.
        if (!result.appendVariant(GetByIdVariant(structure, offset)))
            return GetByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
    return result;
Exemple #4
bool LLMimeParser::parseIndex(
	const std::vector<U8>& buffer,
	LLMimeIndex& index)
	LLMemoryStream mstr(&buffer[0], buffer.size());
	return parseIndex(mstr, buffer.size() + 1, index);
Exemple #5
// ECMA 8.7.2
bool JSValue::putToPrimitive(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName))
        return putToPrimitiveByIndex(exec, index.value(), value, slot.isStrictMode());

    // Check if there are any setters or getters in the prototype chain
    JSObject* obj = synthesizePrototype(exec);
    if (UNLIKELY(!obj))
        return false;
    JSValue prototype;
    if (propertyName != exec->propertyNames().underscoreProto) {
        for (; !obj->structure()->hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto(); obj = asObject(prototype)) {
            prototype = obj->getPrototypeDirect();
            if (prototype.isNull()) {
                if (slot.isStrictMode())
                    throwTypeError(exec, scope, StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError);
                return false;

    for (; ; obj = asObject(prototype)) {
        unsigned attributes;
        PropertyOffset offset = obj->structure()->get(vm, propertyName, attributes);
        if (offset != invalidOffset) {
            if (attributes & ReadOnly) {
                if (slot.isStrictMode())
                    throwTypeError(exec, scope, StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError);
                return false;

            JSValue gs = obj->getDirect(offset);
            if (gs.isGetterSetter())
                return callSetter(exec, *this, gs, value, slot.isStrictMode() ? StrictMode : NotStrictMode);

            if (gs.isCustomGetterSetter())
                return callCustomSetter(exec, gs, attributes & CustomAccessor, obj, slot.thisValue(), value);

            // If there's an existing property on the object or one of its 
            // prototypes it should be replaced, so break here.

        prototype = obj->getPrototype(vm, exec);
        if (vm.exception())
            return false;
        if (prototype.isNull())
    if (slot.isStrictMode())
        throwTypeError(exec, scope, StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError);
    return false;
Exemple #6
static bool isStringOwnProperty(ExecState* exec, StringObject* object, PropertyName propertyName)
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length)
        return true;
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName)) {
        if (object->internalValue()->canGetIndex(index.value()))
            return true;
    return false;
Exemple #7
bool StringObject::deleteProperty(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName)
    StringObject* thisObject = jsCast<StringObject*>(cell);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length)
        return false;
    Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName);
    if (index && thisObject->internalValue()->canGetIndex(index.value()))
        return false;
    return JSObject::deleteProperty(thisObject, exec, propertyName);
JSValue JSHTMLAllCollection::item(ExecState& state)
    VM& vm = state.vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    if (UNLIKELY(state.argumentCount() < 1))
        return throwException(&state, scope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(&state));

    String argument = state.uncheckedArgument(0).toWTFString(&state);
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(*argument.impl()))
        return toJS(&state, globalObject(), wrapped().item(index.value()));
    return namedItems(state, this, Identifier::fromString(&state, argument));
Exemple #9
struct gbIgnore* gbIgnoreNew(struct gbRelease* release)
/* Load the ignore index. */
static char *IGNORE_IDX = "etc/ignore.idx";
char ignoreIdx[PATH_LEN];
struct gbIgnore* ignore;

safef(ignoreIdx, sizeof(ignoreIdx), "%s/%s", release->index->gbRoot,
if (fileExists(ignoreIdx))
    parseIndex(release, ignore, ignoreIdx);
return ignore;
bool KAbstractObjParserPrivate::parseFaceIndices()
  // If there is no starting integer, there is no index
  if (!parseIndex(m_index_array[0]))
    return false;

  // Check for subequent indices (texture)
  if (checkToken(PT_SEPARATOR))
    if (!parseIndex(m_index_array[1]))
      m_index_array[1] = 0;
    m_index_array[1] = 0;

  // Check for subequent indices (normal)
  if (checkToken(PT_SEPARATOR))
    if (!parseIndex(m_index_array[2]))
       m_index_array[2] = 0;
    m_index_array[2] = 0;

  return true;
Exemple #11
bool checkIndex(PAKFile &file) {
	uint32 size = 0;
	const uint8 *data = file.getFileData("INDEX", &size);
	if (!data)
		return false;

	Index index = parseIndex(data, size);

	if (index.version != kKyraDatVersion)
		return false;
	if (index.includedGames * 2 + 8 != size)
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #12
void RuntimeArray::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    RuntimeArray* thisObject = jsCast<RuntimeArray*>(cell);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        exec->vm().throwException(exec, createRangeError(exec, "Range error"));
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName)) {
        thisObject->getConcreteArray()->setValueAt(exec, index.value(), value);
    JSObject::put(thisObject, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Exemple #13
bool JSString::getStringPropertyDescriptor(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(jsNumber(length()), DontEnum | DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;
    std::optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName);
    if (index && index.value() < length()) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(getIndex(exec, index.value()), DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #14
bool StringObject::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    StringObject* thisObject = jsCast<StringObject*>(cell);

    if (UNLIKELY(isThisValueAltered(slot, thisObject)))
        return ordinarySetSlow(exec, thisObject, propertyName, value, slot.thisValue(), slot.isStrictMode());

    if (propertyName == vm.propertyNames->length)
        return typeError(exec, scope, slot.isStrictMode(), ASCIILiteral(ReadonlyPropertyWriteError));
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName))
        return putByIndex(cell, exec, index.value(), value, slot.isStrictMode());
    return JSObject::put(cell, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Exemple #15
bool RuntimeArray::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    RuntimeArray* thisObject = jsCast<RuntimeArray*>(cell);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        throwException(exec, scope, createRangeError(exec, "Range error"));
        return false;
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName))
        return thisObject->getConcreteArray()->setValueAt(exec, index.value(), value);
    return JSObject::put(thisObject, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Exemple #16
void PropertyNameArray::add(StringImpl* identifier)
    ASSERT(!identifier || (identifier == StringImpl::empty() || identifier->isAtomic() || identifier->isSymbol()));
        Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(Identifier::fromUid(m_vm, identifier));
        ASSERT_UNUSED(index, !index || index.value() >= m_previouslyEnumeratedLength);

    if (m_alternateSet && m_alternateSet->contains(identifier))

    if (!m_set->add(identifier).isNewEntry)

Exemple #17
bool RuntimeArray::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    RuntimeArray* thisObject = jsCast<RuntimeArray*>(object);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        slot.setCacheableCustom(thisObject, DontDelete | ReadOnly | DontEnum, thisObject->lengthGetter);
        return true;
    Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName);
    if (index && index.value() < thisObject->getLength()) {
        slot.setValue(thisObject, DontDelete | DontEnum,
            thisObject->getConcreteArray()->valueAt(exec, index.value()));
        return true;
    return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot);
Exemple #18
	void ImageExportSerializer::parseGroup(pugi::xml_node _node, DataPtr _parent)
		DataPtr data = Data::CreateInstance();
		std::string value = _node.attribute("name").value();
		if (value.empty())
			value = "unnamed";
		data->setPropertyValue("Name", value);
		data->setPropertyValue("Texture", _node.attribute("texture").value());
		MyGUI::IntSize size = MyGUI::IntSize::parse(_node.attribute("size").value());
		data->setPropertyValue("Size", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, size.width, size.height).print());


		pugi::xpath_node_set nodes = _node.select_nodes("Index");
		for (pugi::xpath_node_set::const_iterator node = nodes.begin(); node != nodes.end(); node ++)
			parseIndex((*node).node(), data);
Exemple #19
bool updateIndex(PAKFile &out, const ExtractInformation *eI) {
	uint32 size = 0;
	const uint8 *data = out.getFileData("INDEX", &size);

	Index index;
	if (data)
		index = parseIndex(data, size);

	GameDef gameDef = createGameDef(eI);
	if (index.version == kKyraDatVersion) {
		if (std::find(index.gameList.begin(), index.gameList.end(), gameDef) == index.gameList.end()) {
		} else {
			// Already included in the game list, thus we do not need any further processing here.
			return true;
	} else {
		index.version = kKyraDatVersion;
		index.includedGames = 1;

	const uint32 indexBufferSize = 8 + index.includedGames * 2;
	uint8 *indexBuffer = new uint8[indexBufferSize];
	uint8 *dst = indexBuffer;
	WRITE_BE_UINT32(dst, index.version); dst += 4;
	WRITE_BE_UINT32(dst, index.includedGames); dst += 4;
	for (Index::GameList::const_iterator i = index.gameList.begin(); i != index.gameList.end(); ++i) {
		WRITE_BE_UINT16(dst, *i); dst += 2;

	if (!out.addFile("INDEX", indexBuffer, indexBufferSize)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't update kyra.dat INDEX\n");
		delete[] indexBuffer;
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #20
// Property access sequence is:
// (1) indexed properties,
// (2) regular own properties,
// (3) named properties (in fact, these shouldn't be on the window, should be on the NPO).
bool JSDOMWindow::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* state, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    // (1) First, indexed properties.
    // Hand off all indexed access to getOwnPropertySlotByIndex, which supports the indexed getter.
    if (Optional<unsigned> index = parseIndex(propertyName))
        return getOwnPropertySlotByIndex(object, state, index.value(), slot);

    auto* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMWindow*>(object);
    auto* frame = thisObject->wrapped().frame();

    // Hand off all cross-domain/frameless access to jsDOMWindowGetOwnPropertySlotRestrictedAccess.
    String errorMessage;
    if (!frame || !BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(*state, thisObject->wrapped(), errorMessage))
        return jsDOMWindowGetOwnPropertySlotRestrictedAccess(thisObject, frame, state, propertyName, slot, errorMessage);
    // FIXME: this need more explanation.
    // (Particularly, is it correct that this exists here but not in getOwnPropertySlotByIndex?)

    // (2) Regular own properties.
    PropertySlot slotCopy = slot;
    if (Base::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, state, propertyName, slot)) {
        // Detect when we're getting the property 'showModalDialog', this is disabled, and has its original value.
        bool isShowModalDialogAndShouldHide = propertyName == state->propertyNames().showModalDialog
            && !DOMWindow::canShowModalDialog(frame)
            && slot.isValue() && isHostFunction(slot.getValue(state, propertyName), jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionShowModalDialog);
        // Unless we're in the showModalDialog special case, we're done.
        if (!isShowModalDialogAndShouldHide)
            return true;
        slot = slotCopy;

    if (propertyName == state->propertyNames().webkit && thisObject->wrapped().shouldHaveWebKitNamespaceForWorld(thisObject->world())) {
        slot.setCacheableCustom(thisObject, DontDelete | ReadOnly, jsDOMWindowWebKit);
        return true;

    return false;
Exemple #21
Face ModelLoaderOBJ::parseFace(const TOKENS &tokens) {
	ASSERT(isLineOfType(tokens, "f"), "Line does not contain a face");
	Face result;
	TOKENS::const_iterator i = tokens.begin();
	for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
		tuple<int, int, int> index = parseIndex(*(++i));
		result.vertIndex[j] = index.get<0>();
		result.coordIndex[j] = index.get<1>();
		result.normalIndex[j] = index.get<2>();
		ASSERT(result.vertIndex[j] >= 0, "Vertex index is negative!");
		ASSERT(result.coordIndex[j] >= 0, "Tex-Coord index is negative!");
		ASSERT(result.normalIndex[j] >= 0, "Normal index is negative!");
	return result;
Exemple #22
ALWAYS_INLINE static void JIT_OPERATION operationPutByValInternal(ExecState* exec, EncodedJSValue encodedBase, EncodedJSValue encodedProperty, EncodedJSValue encodedValue)
    VM* vm = &exec->vm();
    NativeCallFrameTracer tracer(vm, exec);

    JSValue baseValue = JSValue::decode(encodedBase);
    JSValue property = JSValue::decode(encodedProperty);
    JSValue value = JSValue::decode(encodedValue);

    if (LIKELY(property.isUInt32())) {
        // Despite its name, JSValue::isUInt32 will return true only for positive boxed int32_t; all those values are valid array indices.
        putByVal<strict, direct>(exec, baseValue, property.asUInt32(), value);

    if (property.isDouble()) {
        double propertyAsDouble = property.asDouble();
        uint32_t propertyAsUInt32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(propertyAsDouble);
        if (propertyAsDouble == propertyAsUInt32 && isIndex(propertyAsUInt32)) {
            putByVal<strict, direct>(exec, baseValue, propertyAsUInt32, value);

    // Don't put to an object if toString throws an exception.
    auto propertyName = property.toPropertyKey(exec);
    if (vm->exception())

    PutPropertySlot slot(baseValue, strict);
    if (direct) {
        if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(propertyName))
            asObject(baseValue)->putDirectIndex(exec, index.value(), value, 0, strict ? PutDirectIndexShouldThrow : PutDirectIndexShouldNotThrow);
            asObject(baseValue)->putDirect(*vm, propertyName, value, slot);
    } else
        baseValue.put(exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Exemple #23
bool LLMimeParser::Impl::parseIndex(
	std::istream& istr,
	S32 limit,
	const std::string& separator,
	bool is_subpart,
	LLMimeIndex& index)
	LLSD headers;
	bool parsed_something = false;
	if(parseHeaders(istr, limit, headers))
		parsed_something = true;
		LLMimeIndex mime(headers, mScanCount);
		index = mime;
			// Figure out the separator, scan past it, and recurse.
			std::string ct = headers[CONTENT_TYPE].asString();
			std::string sep = findSeparator(ct);
			scanPastSeparator(istr, limit, sep);
			while(continueParse() && parseIndex(istr, limit, sep, true, mime))
			// Scan to the end of content.
			scanPastContent(istr, limit, headers, separator);
				scanPastSeparator(istr, limit, separator);
	if(mError) return false;
	return parsed_something;
Exemple #24
	void ObjFile::read(std::istream& from) {
		std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> points;
		std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f> normals;
		std::vector<int> indices;
		std::vector<int> uvIndices;
		std::vector<int> vnIndices;
		std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> uvs;
		std::string curLine;
		while (!from.eof()) {
			std::getline(from, curLine);
			if (curLine.compare(0, 2, "v ") == 0) {
			else if (curLine.compare(0, 2, "f ") == 0) {
				auto tuple = parseIndex(curLine);
				indices.insert(indices.end(), std::get<0>(tuple).begin(), std::get<0>(tuple).end());
				uvIndices.insert(uvIndices.end(), std::get<1>(tuple).begin(), std::get<1>(tuple).end());
				vnIndices.insert(vnIndices.end(), std::get<2>(tuple).begin(), std::get<2>(tuple).end());
			} else if (curLine.compare(0, 3, "vt ") == 0) {
			} else if (curLine.compare(0, 3, "vn ") == 0) {
		//std::reverse(indices.begin(), indices.end());
		//std::reverse(vnIndices.begin(), vnIndices.end());
		//std::reverse(uvIndices.begin(), uvIndices.end());
		_points = std::move(points);
		_indices = std::move(indices);
		_normals = std::move(normals);
		_uvIndices = std::move(uvIndices);
		_vnIndices = std::move(vnIndices);
		_uvs = std::move(uvs);
PutByIdStatus PutByIdStatus::computeFor(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, const StructureSet& set, UniquedStringImpl* uid, bool isDirect)
    if (parseIndex(*uid))
        return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);

    if (set.isEmpty())
        return PutByIdStatus();
    PutByIdStatus result;
    result.m_state = Simple;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < set.size(); ++i) {
        Structure* structure = set[i];
        if (structure->typeInfo().overridesGetOwnPropertySlot() && structure->typeInfo().type() != GlobalObjectType)
            return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);

        if (!structure->propertyAccessesAreCacheable())
            return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        unsigned attributes;
        PropertyOffset offset = structure->getConcurrently(uid, attributes);
        if (isValidOffset(offset)) {
            if (attributes & CustomAccessor)
                return PutByIdStatus(MakesCalls);

            if (attributes & (Accessor | ReadOnly))
                return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
            WatchpointSet* replaceSet = structure->propertyReplacementWatchpointSet(offset);
            if (!replaceSet || replaceSet->isStillValid()) {
                // When this executes, it'll create, and fire, this replacement watchpoint set.
                // That means that  this has probably never executed or that something fishy is
                // going on. Also, we cannot create or fire the watchpoint set from the concurrent
                // JIT thread, so even if we wanted to do this, we'd need to have a lazy thingy.
                // So, better leave this alone and take slow path.
                return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);

            PutByIdVariant variant =
                PutByIdVariant::replace(structure, offset, structure->inferredTypeDescriptorFor(uid));
            if (!result.appendVariant(variant))
                return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        // Our hypothesis is that we're doing a transition. Before we prove that this is really
        // true, we want to do some sanity checks.
        // Don't cache put transitions on dictionaries.
        if (structure->isDictionary())
            return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);

        // If the structure corresponds to something that isn't an object, then give up, since
        // we don't want to be adding properties to strings.
        if (!structure->typeInfo().isObject())
            return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        ObjectPropertyConditionSet conditionSet;
        if (!isDirect) {
            conditionSet = generateConditionsForPropertySetterMissConcurrently(
                globalObject->vm(), globalObject, structure, uid);
            if (!conditionSet.isValid())
                return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        // We only optimize if there is already a structure that the transition is cached to.
        Structure* transition =
            Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructureConcurrently(structure, uid, 0, offset);
        if (!transition)
            return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
        bool didAppend = result.appendVariant(
                structure, transition, conditionSet, offset,
        if (!didAppend)
            return PutByIdStatus(TakesSlowPath);
    return result;
Exemple #26
void Map::loadMap(Graphics *newGraphics, char *indexFilename)
JSValue JSHTMLAllCollection::item(ExecState& state)
    if (Optional<uint32_t> index = parseIndex(*state.argument(0).toString(&state)->value(&state).impl()))
        return toJS(&state, globalObject(), impl().item(index.value()));
    return namedItems(state, this, Identifier::fromString(&state, state.argument(0).toString(&state)->value(&state)));
Exemple #28
bool LLMimeParser::parseIndex(const U8* buffer, S32 length, LLMimeIndex& index)
	LLMemoryStream mstr(buffer, length);
	return parseIndex(mstr, length + 1, index);
Exemple #29
int arread( int (*rf)( void *data, int len ), void (*process_f)(const char *fname, void *data, int len) )
    char *nametab = 0;
    char *arIndex = 0;

    char ghbuf[GHSIZE];

    struct arreader a;

    if( GHSIZE != rf( ghbuf, GHSIZE ))
        die( &a, "no hdr");

        char fhbuf[FHSIZE];

        int ret = rf( fhbuf, FHSIZE );

        if( ret == 0 )

        if( FHSIZE != ret )
            die( &a, "no fhdr");

        char r_fname[17];
        strlcpy( r_fname, fhbuf, 16 );

        char r_fsize[10];
        strlcpy( r_fsize, fhbuf+48, 9 );

        if( fhbuf[58] != 0x60u || fhbuf[59] != 0x0Au )
            //hexdump(fhbuf, FHSIZE, "", 0);
            printf("name '%s', size '%s' magic: %x %x\n", r_fname, r_fsize, fhbuf[58], fhbuf[59] );
            die( &a, "no file magic" );

        //printf("name '%s', size '%s'\n", r_fname, r_fsize );

        //printf("name '%s'\n", r_fname );

        int size = (int)atol(r_fsize);

        pack((unsigned char *)r_fname);
        //printf("name '%s'\n", r_fname );

        int isSlash = !strcmp( r_fname, "/" );
            char *arIndex = calloc( size+1, 1 );
            if( arIndex == 0 || size != rf( arIndex, size ) )
                die( &a, "can't load /");

            arIndex = loadall( &a, rf, size );
            //printf("/=\n'%.*s'\n", size, arIndex );
            parseIndex( &a, arIndex, size);

        int isSlashSlash = !strcmp( r_fname, "//" );

            nametab = calloc( size+1, 1 );
            if( nametab == 0 || size != rf( nametab, size ) )
                die( &a, "can't load //");

            nametab = loadall( &a, rf, size );

            //printf("//=\n%.*s\n", size, nametab );

        char *fname = r_fname;

        if( r_fname[0] == '/' && r_fname[1] )
            fname = getLongName( &a, nametab, (int) atol(r_fname+1) );

        if(!isSlashSlash && !isSlash)
            //rdata( rf, size, fname );
            void *d = loadall( &a, rf, size );
            process_f( fname, d, size );

        // align at 2 bytes
        if( size & 1 )
            rf( fhbuf, 1 );


    if(nametab) free(nametab);
    if(arIndex) free(arIndex);

    return 0;

    if(nametab) free(nametab);
    if(arIndex) free(arIndex);
    return -1;
Exemple #30
void OBJFileReader::parseLine(const char*& current, const char* endOfLine)
	if(matchCommand(current, "v"))
	else if(matchCommand(current, "vn"))
	else if(matchCommand(current, "vt"))
	else if(matchCommand(current, "f")) // face
		int count = 0;
		while(!errThisLine && *current)
			VertInfo nfo;
			nfo.pos = parseIndex(current, positions.size());
			if(*current == '/')
				nfo.tex = parseIndex(++current, texcoords.size());
				nfo.tex = -1;
			if(*current == '/')
				nfo.norm = parseIndex(++current, normals.size());
				nfo.norm = -1;

			if(*current && !isspace(*current))
				diagnostic(false, current, "unexpected character after vertex indices");


		if(count < 3)
			diagnostic(false, current, "need at least 3 vertices for a face");
		else if(count > 4)
			diagnostic(true, current, "non-tri/quad face");

		FaceInfo nfo;
		nfo.start = vertices.size() - count;
		nfo.count = count;
		nfo.mtrl = currentMaterial;
    nfo.smoothing_group = currentSmoothingGroup;
	else if(matchCommand(current, "g")) // group
		current = endOfLine;
  else if(matchCommand(current, "o")) // object
    current = endOfLine;
  else if(matchCommand(current, "s")) // smooth shading
    if(matchCommand(current, "off"))
      currentSmoothingGroup = -1;
      currentSmoothingGroup = parseInt(current) - 1;
	else if(matchCommand(current, "usemtl"))
		currentMaterial = findMaterial(current);
		current = endOfLine;
	else if(matchCommand(current, "mtllib"))
		MTLFileReader mtlreader;
		if(!mtlreader.read((basepath + current).c_str()))
			diagnostic(false, current, "error reading material library");
		  current = endOfLine;

		  defaultMaterial = -1;
		  defaultMaterial = findMaterial("default");
		  sVERIFY(defaultMaterial != -1);
		  currentMaterial = defaultMaterial;
		diagnostic(false, current, "unknown command");