Node* Parser::parseStatement()
		if (match(Token::TYPE::LET))
			return parseLetExpr();
			return parseExpression();
Exemple #2
Implements the parsing of expressions that are part of the core language

The core language supports:
- Functions (but not closures)
- Integer literals (decimal only)
- String literals
- Tuple literals [a,b]
- If-else expressions
- Sequencing blocks with {a;b}
- Function calls fun(a,b)
Tuple coreParseExpr(Input* input)
    // Consume whitespace

    // Numerical constant
    if (isdigit(input->peekCh()))
        return parseInt(input);

    // String literal
    if (input->matchCh('\''))
        return parseStringLit(input, '\'');
    if (input->matchCh('\"'))
        return parseStringLit(input, '\"');

    // Tuple expression
    if (input->matchCh('['))
        return Tuple{
            parseExprList(input, ']')

    // Block/sequence expression (i.e { a; b; c }
    if (input->matchCh('{'))
        return parseBlockExpr(input, '}');

    // Keywords
    if (isalnum(input->peekCh()))
        // If expression
        if (input->matchStr("if"))
            return parseIfExpr(input);

        // Let expression
        if (input->matchStr("let"))
            return parseLetExpr(input);

        // Function definition expression
        if (input->matchStr("fun"))
            return parseFunExpr(input);

        // Function call expression
        if (input->matchStr("call"))
            return parseCallExpr(input);

    // Host/magic constants
    if (input->matchCh('$'))
        return parseHostRef(input);

    // Variable references
    if (input->peekCh() == '_' || isalpha(input->peekCh()))
        return parseIdent(input);

    // Parsing failed
    throw ParseError(input, "failed to parse expression");