Exemple #1
Level* LevelParser::parseLevel(const char* levelFile, PlayState* newState){
    //Create the XML document and load from file
    TiXmlDocument levelDocument;
    //Create the level object
    Level* pLevel = new Level();
    //Get the root node
    TiXmlElement* pRoot = levelDocument.RootElement();
    pRoot->Attribute("tilewidth", &m_tileSize);
    pRoot->Attribute("width" , &m_width);
    pRoot->Attribute("height", &m_height);
    //ToDo add orientation and version number
    //Look for then parse textures
    TiXmlElement* textureRoot = findElement(string("properties"), pRoot)->FirstChildElement();
    while (textureRoot != NULL) {
        textureRoot = textureRoot->NextSiblingElement();
    //Look for then parse tilesets
    for (TiXmlElement* currTileSet = pRoot->FirstChildElement();
         currTileSet != NULL ; currTileSet = currTileSet->NextSiblingElement()){
        if ((currTileSet->Value() == string("tileset"))){
    //Look for and Parse level layers
    for (TiXmlElement* e = pRoot->FirstChildElement();
         e != NULL ; e = e->NextSiblingElement()){
        if (e->Value() == string("layer") ||
            e->Value() == string("objectgroup")){
            string layerType = e->Attribute("name");
            if (e->FirstChildElement()->Value() == string("object")){
                //Parse Object layer
                parseObjectLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(),layerType,pLevel,newState);
            } else if (e->FirstChildElement()->Value() == string("properties")){
                //Parse Tile Layer
                parseTileLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(),pLevel->getCollisionLayers(), pLevel->getTilesets());
    return pLevel;
Exemple #2
Level* LevelParser::parseLevel(const char *levelFile)
	TiXmlDocument levelDocument;

	Level* pLevel = new Level();

	TiXmlElement* pRoot = levelDocument.RootElement();
	pRoot->Attribute("tilewidth", &m_tileSizew);
	pRoot->Attribute("tileheight", &m_tileSizeh);
	pRoot->Attribute("width", &m_width);
	pRoot->Attribute("height", &m_height);

	for (TiXmlElement* e = pRoot->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
		if (e->Value() == std::string("tileset"))
			parseTilesets(e, pLevel->getTilesets());
		if (e->Value() == std::string("properties"))
			TiXmlElement* pproperties = e;
			for (TiXmlElement* e = pproperties->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
				if (e->Value() == std::string("property"))
		if (e->Value() == std::string("objectgroup") || e->Value() == std::string("layer"))
			if (e->FirstChildElement()->Value() == std::string("object"))
				parseObjectLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(), pLevel);
			else if (e->FirstChildElement()->Value() == std::string("data") || (e->FirstChildElement()->NextSiblingElement() != 0
				&& e->FirstChildElement()->NextSiblingElement()->Value() == std::string("data")))
				parseTileLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(), pLevel->getTilesets(), pLevel->getCollisionLayers());

	return pLevel;
Exemple #3
Level* LevelParser::parseLevel(const char *levelFile)
	// create a TinyXML document and load the map XML
	TiXmlDocument levelDocument;
	// create the level object
	Level* pLevel = new Level();
	// get the root node
	TiXmlElement* pRoot = levelDocument.RootElement();
	pRoot->Attribute("tilewidth", &m_tileSize);
	pRoot->Attribute("width", &m_width);
	pRoot->Attribute("height", &m_height);

	// parse the tilesets
	for (TiXmlElement* e = pRoot->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
		if (e->Value() == std::string("properties"))

		if (e->Value() == std::string("tileset"))
			parseTilesets(e, pLevel->getTilesets());

	// parse any object layers
	// parse any object layers
	for (TiXmlElement* e = pRoot->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())

		if (e->Value() == std::string("objectgroup"))
			parseObjectLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(), pLevel);
		else if (e->Value() == std::string("layer"))
			parseTileLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(), pLevel->getTilesets(), pLevel->getCollisionLayers());


	return pLevel;
Exemple #4
Level* LevelParser::parseLevel(const char *levelFile)
    // create a tinyXML document and load the map xml
    TiXmlDocument levelDocument;
    // create the level object
    Level* pLevel = new Level();
    // get the root node and display some values
    TiXmlElement* pRoot = levelDocument.RootElement();
    std::cout << "Loading level:\n" << "Version: " << pRoot->Attribute("version") << "\n";
    std::cout << "Width:" << pRoot->Attribute("width") << " - Height:" << pRoot->Attribute("height") << "\n";
    std::cout << "Tile Width:" << pRoot->Attribute("tilewidth") << " - Tile Height:" << pRoot->Attribute("tileheight") << "\n";
    pRoot->Attribute("tilewidth", &m_tileSize);
    pRoot->Attribute("width", &m_width);
    pRoot->Attribute("height", &m_height);
    //we know that properties is the first child of the root
    TiXmlElement* pProperties = pRoot->FirstChildElement();
    // we must parse the textures needed for this level, which have been added to properties
    for(TiXmlElement* e = pProperties->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
        if(e->Value() == std::string("property"))
    // we must now parse the tilesets
    for(TiXmlElement* e = pRoot->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
        if(e->Value() == std::string("tileset"))
            parseTilesets(e, pLevel->getTilesets());
    // parse any object layers
    for(TiXmlElement* e = pRoot->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
        if(e->Value() == std::string("objectgroup") || e->Value() == std::string("layer"))
            if(e->FirstChildElement()->Value() == std::string("object"))
                parseObjectLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(), pLevel);
            else if(e->FirstChildElement()->Value() == std::string("data") ||
                    (e->FirstChildElement()->NextSiblingElement() != 0 && e->FirstChildElement()->NextSiblingElement()->Value() == std::string("data")))
                parseTileLayer(e, pLevel->getLayers(), pLevel->getTilesets(), pLevel->getCollisionLayers());
    // set the players collision layer
   // pLevel->getPlayer()->setCollisionLayers(pLevel->getCollisionLayers());
    return pLevel;