Exemple #1
bool parseSensor(Sensor &sensor, TiXmlElement* config)

    const char *name_char = config->Attribute("name");
    if (!name_char)
        printf("No name given for the sensor. \n");
        return false;
    sensor.name = std::string(name_char);

    // parse parent_link_name
    const char *parent_link_name_char = config->Attribute("parent_link_name");
    if (!parent_link_name_char)
        printf("No parent_link_name given for the sensor. \n");
        return false;
    sensor.parent_link_name = std::string(parent_link_name_char);

    // parse origin
    TiXmlElement *o = config->FirstChildElement("origin");
    if (o)
        if (!parsePose(sensor.origin, o))
            return false;

    // parse sensor
    sensor.sensor = parseVisualSensor(config);
    return true;
	bool RPLocaliser::setupRoadmap(std::string filename) {

		ros::NodeHandle nh("~");

		// clear previous roadmap from knowledge base
		ROS_INFO("KCL: (RPLocaliser) Loading roadmap from file %s", filename.c_str());

		// load configuration file
		std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
		std::string line;
		int curr,next;
		while(!infile.eof()) {
			// read waypoint
// std::cout << line << std::endl;
			std::getline(infile, line);
			std::string name = line.substr(0,curr);

			// data
			geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
			pose.header.frame_id = "map";
			parsePose(pose, line);
			waypoints[name] = pose;
Exemple #3
	bool RPSimpleMapServer::setupRoadmap(std::string filename) {

		ros::NodeHandle nh("~");

		// clear previous roadmap from knowledge base
		ros::service::waitForService("/kcl_rosplan/update_knowledge_base", ros::Duration(20));
		ROS_INFO("KCL: (RPSimpleMapServer) Loading roadmap from file");

		// load configuration file
		std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
		std::string line;
		int curr,next;
		while(std::getline(infile, line)) {
			// read waypoint
			std::string name = line.substr(0,curr);

			// instance
			rosplan_knowledge_msgs::KnowledgeUpdateService updateSrv;
			updateSrv.request.update_type = rosplan_knowledge_msgs::KnowledgeUpdateService::Request::ADD_KNOWLEDGE;
			updateSrv.request.knowledge.knowledge_type = rosplan_knowledge_msgs::KnowledgeItem::INSTANCE;
			updateSrv.request.knowledge.instance_type = "waypoint";
			updateSrv.request.knowledge.instance_name = name;

			// data
			geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
			pose.header.frame_id = fixed_frame;
			parsePose(pose, line);
			std::string id(message_store.insertNamed(name, pose));
			db_name_map[name] = id;

			// save here for viz
			Waypoint* wp = new Waypoint(name, pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y);
			waypoints[wp->wpID] = wp;

		// publish visualization
Exemple #4
bool parseVisual(Visual &vis, TiXmlElement *config)

  // Origin
  TiXmlElement *o = config->FirstChildElement("origin");
  if (o) {
    if (!parsePose(vis.origin, o))
      return false;

  // Geometry
  TiXmlElement *geom = config->FirstChildElement("geometry");
  vis.geometry = parseGeometry(geom);
  if (!vis.geometry)
    return false;

  const char *name_char = config->Attribute("name");
  if (name_char)
    vis.name = name_char;

  // Material
  TiXmlElement *mat = config->FirstChildElement("material");
  if (mat) {
    // get material name
    if (!mat->Attribute("name")) {
      logError("Visual material must contain a name attribute");
      return false;
    vis.material_name = mat->Attribute("name");

    // try to parse material element in place
    resetPtr(vis.material,new Material());
    if (!parseMaterial(*vis.material, mat, true))
      logDebug("urdfdom: material has only name, actual material definition may be in the model");

  return true;
Exemple #5
bool parseCollision(Collision &col, TiXmlElement* config)

  // Origin
  TiXmlElement *o = config->FirstChildElement("origin");
  if (o) {
    if (!parsePose(col.origin, o))
      return false;

  // Geometry
  TiXmlElement *geom = config->FirstChildElement("geometry");
  col.geometry = parseGeometry(geom);
  if (!col.geometry)
    return false;

  const char *name_char = config->Attribute("name");
  if (name_char)
    col.name = name_char;

  return true;
Exemple #6
bool parseJoint(Joint &joint, TiXmlElement* config)

  // Get Joint Name
  const char *name = config->Attribute("name");
  if (!name)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("unnamed joint found");
    return false;
  joint.name = name;

  // Get transform from Parent Link to Joint Frame
  TiXmlElement *origin_xml = config->FirstChildElement("origin");
  if (!origin_xml)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logDebug("urdfdom: Joint [%s] missing origin tag under parent describing transform from Parent Link to Joint Frame, (using Identity transform).", joint.name.c_str());
    if (!parsePose(joint.parent_to_joint_origin_transform, origin_xml))
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Malformed parent origin element for joint [%s]", joint.name.c_str());
      return false;

  // Get Parent Link
  TiXmlElement *parent_xml = config->FirstChildElement("parent");
  if (parent_xml)
    const char *pname = parent_xml->Attribute("link");
    if (!pname)
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logInform("no parent link name specified for Joint link [%s]. this might be the root?", joint.name.c_str());
      joint.parent_link_name = std::string(pname);

  // Get Child Link
  TiXmlElement *child_xml = config->FirstChildElement("child");
  if (child_xml)
    const char *pname = child_xml->Attribute("link");
    if (!pname)
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logInform("no child link name specified for Joint link [%s].", joint.name.c_str());
      joint.child_link_name = std::string(pname);

  // Get Joint type
  const char* type_char = config->Attribute("type");
  if (!type_char)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("joint [%s] has no type, check to see if it's a reference.", joint.name.c_str());
    return false;
  std::string type_str = type_char;
  if (type_str == "planar")
    joint.type = Joint::PLANAR;
  else if (type_str == "floating")
    joint.type = Joint::FLOATING;
  else if (type_str == "revolute")
    joint.type = Joint::REVOLUTE;
  else if (type_str == "continuous")
    joint.type = Joint::CONTINUOUS;
  else if (type_str == "prismatic")
    joint.type = Joint::PRISMATIC;
  else if (type_str == "fixed")
    joint.type = Joint::FIXED;
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Joint [%s] has no known type [%s]", joint.name.c_str(), type_str.c_str());
    return false;

  // Get Joint Axis
  if (joint.type != Joint::FLOATING && joint.type != Joint::FIXED)
    // axis
    TiXmlElement *axis_xml = config->FirstChildElement("axis");
    if (!axis_xml){
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logDebug("urdfdom: no axis elemement for Joint link [%s], defaulting to (1,0,0) axis", joint.name.c_str());
      joint.axis = Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      if (axis_xml->Attribute("xyz")){
        try {
        catch (ParseError &e) {
          CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Malformed axis element for joint [%s]: %s", joint.name.c_str(), e.what());
          return false;

  // Get limit
  TiXmlElement *limit_xml = config->FirstChildElement("limit");
  if (limit_xml)
    joint.limits.reset(new JointLimits());
    if (!parseJointLimits(*joint.limits, limit_xml))
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Could not parse limit element for joint [%s]", joint.name.c_str());
      return false;
  else if (joint.type == Joint::REVOLUTE)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Joint [%s] is of type REVOLUTE but it does not specify limits", joint.name.c_str());
    return false;
  else if (joint.type == Joint::PRISMATIC)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Joint [%s] is of type PRISMATIC without limits", joint.name.c_str()); 
    return false;

  // Get safety
  TiXmlElement *safety_xml = config->FirstChildElement("safety_controller");
  if (safety_xml)
    joint.safety.reset(new JointSafety());
    if (!parseJointSafety(*joint.safety, safety_xml))
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Could not parse safety element for joint [%s]", joint.name.c_str());
      return false;

  // Get calibration
  TiXmlElement *calibration_xml = config->FirstChildElement("calibration");
  if (calibration_xml)
    joint.calibration.reset(new JointCalibration());
    if (!parseJointCalibration(*joint.calibration, calibration_xml))
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Could not parse calibration element for joint  [%s]", joint.name.c_str());
      return false;

  // Get Joint Mimic
  TiXmlElement *mimic_xml = config->FirstChildElement("mimic");
  if (mimic_xml)
    joint.mimic.reset(new JointMimic());
    if (!parseJointMimic(*joint.mimic, mimic_xml))
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Could not parse mimic element for joint  [%s]", joint.name.c_str());
      return false;

  // Get Dynamics
  TiXmlElement *prop_xml = config->FirstChildElement("dynamics");
  if (prop_xml)
    joint.dynamics.reset(new JointDynamics());
    if (!parseJointDynamics(*joint.dynamics, prop_xml))
      CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Could not parse joint_dynamics element for joint [%s]", joint.name.c_str());
      return false;

  return true;
   * @function parseWorldURDF
  World* parseWorldURDF(const std::string &_xml_string, std::string _root_to_world_path) {
    World* world = new World();
    TiXmlDocument xml_doc;
    xml_doc.Parse( _xml_string.c_str() );
    TiXmlElement *world_xml = xml_doc.FirstChildElement("world");
    if( !world_xml ) {
      printf ( "[parseWorldURDF] ERROR: Could not find a <world> element in XML, exiting and not loading! \n" );
      return NULL;
    // Get world name
    const char *name = world_xml->Attribute("name");
    if(!name) {
      printf ("[parseWorldURDF] ERROR: World does not have a name specified. Exiting and not loading! \n");
      return NULL;
    world->name = std::string(name);
    if(debug) std::cout<< "World name: "<< world->name << std::endl;
    // Get all include filenames
    int count = 0;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> includedFiles;

    for( TiXmlElement* include_xml = world_xml->FirstChildElement("include");
	 include_xml; include_xml = include_xml->NextSiblingElement("include") ) {
      const char *filename = include_xml->Attribute("filename");
      const char *model_name = include_xml->Attribute("model_name");
      std::string string_filename( filename );
      std::string string_model_name( model_name );
      includedFiles[string_model_name] = string_filename;
      if(debug) std::cout<<"Include: Model name: "<<  model_name <<" filename: "<< filename <<std::endl;
    if(debug) std::cout<<"Found "<<count<<" include filenames "<<std::endl;
    // Get all entities
    count = 0;
    for( TiXmlElement* entity_xml = world_xml->FirstChildElement("entity");
	 entity_xml; entity_xml = entity_xml->NextSiblingElement("entity") ) {
      Entity entity;
      try {

	const char* entity_model = entity_xml->Attribute("model");
	std::string string_entity_model( entity_model );
	// Find the model
	if( includedFiles.find( string_entity_model ) == includedFiles.end() ) {
	  std::cout<<"[parseWorldURDF] ERROR: I cannot find the model you want to use, did you write the name right? Exiting and not loading! \n"<<std::endl;
	  return NULL;
	else {
	  std::string fileName = includedFiles.find( string_entity_model )->second;
	  std::string fileFullName = _root_to_world_path;
	  fileFullName.append( fileName );
	  if(debug) std::cout<< "Entity full filename: "<< fileFullName << std::endl;
	  // Parse model
	  std::string xml_model_string;
	  std::fstream xml_file( fileFullName.c_str(), std::fstream::in );
	  while( xml_file.good() ) {
	    std::string line;
	    std::getline( xml_file, line );
	    xml_model_string += (line + "\n");
	  ModelInterface* model = parseURDF( xml_model_string ).get();

	  if( !model ) {
	    std::cout<< "[parseWorldURDF] Model in "<<fileFullName<<" not found. Exiting and not loading!" <<std::endl;
	    return NULL;
	  else {
	    // Parse location
	    TiXmlElement *o = entity_xml->FirstChildElement("origin");
	    if( o ) {
	      if( !parsePose( entity.origin, o ) ) {
		printf ("[ERROR] Write the pose for your entity! \n");
		return world;
	    // If name is defined
	    const char* entity_name = entity_xml->Attribute("name");
	    if( entity_name ) {
	      std::string string_entity_name( entity_name );
	      entity.model->name_ = string_entity_name;	
	    // Store in world
	    world->models.push_back( entity );
	} // end of include read
      catch( ParseError &e ) {
	if(debug) printf ("Entity xml not initialized correctly \n");
	return world;
    } // end for
    if(debug) printf ("Found %d entities \n", count);
    return world;
Exemple #8
bool parseInertial(Inertial &i, TiXmlElement *config)

  // Origin
  TiXmlElement *o = config->FirstChildElement("origin");
  if (o)
    if (!parsePose(i.origin, o))
      return false;

  TiXmlElement *mass_xml = config->FirstChildElement("mass");
  if (!mass_xml)
    logError("Inertial element must have a mass element");
    return false;
  if (!mass_xml->Attribute("value"))
    logError("Inertial: mass element must have value attribute");
    return false;

  if( !stringToDouble(mass_xml->Attribute("value"),i.mass) )
    std::stringstream stm;
    stm << "Inertial: mass [" << mass_xml->Attribute("value")
        << "] is not a float";
    return false;

  TiXmlElement *inertia_xml = config->FirstChildElement("inertia");
  if (!inertia_xml)
    logError("Inertial element must have inertia element");
    return false;
  if (!(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixx") && inertia_xml->Attribute("ixy") && inertia_xml->Attribute("ixz") &&
        inertia_xml->Attribute("iyy") && inertia_xml->Attribute("iyz") &&
    logError("Inertial: inertia element must have ixx,ixy,ixz,iyy,iyz,izz attributes");
    return false;

  if( !stringToDouble(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixx"),i.ixx)
      || !stringToDouble(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixy"),i.ixy)
      || !stringToDouble(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixz"),i.ixz)
      || !stringToDouble(inertia_xml->Attribute("iyy"),i.iyy)
      || !stringToDouble(inertia_xml->Attribute("iyz"),i.iyz)
      || !stringToDouble(inertia_xml->Attribute("izz"),i.izz) )

    std::stringstream stm;
    stm << "Inertial: one of the inertia elements is not a valid double:"
        << " ixx [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("ixx") << "]"
        << " ixy [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("ixy") << "]"
        << " ixz [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("ixz") << "]"
        << " iyy [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("iyy") << "]"
        << " iyz [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("iyz") << "]"
        << " izz [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("izz") << "]";
    return false;
  return true;
Exemple #9
bool parseInertial(Inertial &i, TiXmlElement *config)

  // Origin
  TiXmlElement *o = config->FirstChildElement("origin");
  if (o)
    if (!parsePose(i.origin, o))
      return false;

  TiXmlElement *mass_xml = config->FirstChildElement("mass");
  if (!mass_xml)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Inertial element must have a mass element");
    return false;
  if (!mass_xml->Attribute("value"))
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Inertial: mass element must have value attribute");
    return false;

    i.mass = boost::lexical_cast<double>(mass_xml->Attribute("value"));
  catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &/*e*/)
    std::stringstream stm;
    stm << "Inertial: mass [" << mass_xml->Attribute("value")
        << "] is not a float";
    return false;

  TiXmlElement *inertia_xml = config->FirstChildElement("inertia");
  if (!inertia_xml)
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Inertial element must have inertia element");
    return false;
  if (!(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixx") && inertia_xml->Attribute("ixy") && inertia_xml->Attribute("ixz") &&
        inertia_xml->Attribute("iyy") && inertia_xml->Attribute("iyz") &&
    CONSOLE_BRIDGE_logError("Inertial: inertia element must have ixx,ixy,ixz,iyy,iyz,izz attributes");
    return false;
    i.ixx  = boost::lexical_cast<double>(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixx"));
    i.ixy  = boost::lexical_cast<double>(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixy"));
    i.ixz  = boost::lexical_cast<double>(inertia_xml->Attribute("ixz"));
    i.iyy  = boost::lexical_cast<double>(inertia_xml->Attribute("iyy"));
    i.iyz  = boost::lexical_cast<double>(inertia_xml->Attribute("iyz"));
    i.izz  = boost::lexical_cast<double>(inertia_xml->Attribute("izz"));
  catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &/*e*/)
    std::stringstream stm;
    stm << "Inertial: one of the inertia elements is not a valid double:"
        << " ixx [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("ixx") << "]"
        << " ixy [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("ixy") << "]"
        << " ixz [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("ixz") << "]"
        << " iyy [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("iyy") << "]"
        << " iyz [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("iyz") << "]"
        << " izz [" << inertia_xml->Attribute("izz") << "]";
    return false;
  return true;