Exemple #1
// alternative defaults settings for AlienFlight targets
void targetConfiguration(void) {
    masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_NONE;            // disabled by default
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = 1;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = 32000;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 2;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 0;
    masterConfig.gyro_sync_denom = 2;
    masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 1;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[ROLL] = 90;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.I8[ROLL] = 44;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.D8[ROLL] = 60;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[PITCH] = 90;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.I8[PITCH] = 44;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.D8[PITCH] = 60;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);

    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[0] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f, -1.0f };    // REAR_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[1] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f,  1.0f };    // FRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[2] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f,  1.0f };    // REAR_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[3] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f };    // FRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[4] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[5] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[6] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDREAR_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[7] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDREAR_L#endif
Exemple #2
static void cliMap(char *cmdline)
    uint32_t len;
    uint32_t i;
    char out[rxRuntimeConfig.channelCount + 1];

    len = strlen(cmdline);

    if (len == rxRuntimeConfig.channelCount) {
        // uppercase it
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            cmdline[i] = toupper((unsigned char)cmdline[i]);

        //TODO: rewrite input sequence check	    
        /*for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            if (strchr(rcChannelLetters, cmdline[i]) && !strchr(cmdline + i + 1, cmdline[i]))
            cliPrint("Must be any order of AETR1234\r\n");

        parseRcChannels(cmdline, &masterConfig.rxConfig);
    cliPrint("Current assignment: ");
    for (i = 0; i < rxRuntimeConfig.channelCount; i++)
        out[i] = '-';
    out[i] = '\0';
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        if (masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[i] != -1)
            out[masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[i]] = rcChannelLetters[i];

    printf("%s\r\n", out);
Exemple #3
static void cliMap(char *cmdline)
    uint32_t len;
    uint32_t i;
    char out[9];

    len = strlen(cmdline);

    if (len == mcfg.rc_channel_count) {
        // uppercase it
        for (i = 0; i < mcfg.rc_channel_count; i++)
            cmdline[i] = toupper((unsigned char)cmdline[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < mcfg.rc_channel_count; i++) {
            if (strchr(rcChannelLetters, cmdline[i]) && !strchr(cmdline + i + 1, cmdline[i]))
            cliPrint("Must be any order of AETR1234\r\n");
    cliPrint("Current assignment: ");
    for (i = 0; i < mcfg.rc_channel_count; i++)
        out[mcfg.rcmap[i]] = rcChannelLetters[i];
    out[i] = '\0';
    printf("%s\r\n", out);
Exemple #4
void targetConfiguration(void)
    if (hardwareMotorType == MOTOR_BRUSHED) {
        motorConfigMutable()->dev.motorPwmRate = BRUSHED_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
        motorConfigMutable()->minthrottle = 1049;

#if defined(FF_ACROWHOOPSP)
        rxConfigMutable()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048;
        rxConfigMutable()->spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
        rxConfigMutable()->spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = 1;
        serialConfigMutable()->portConfigs[findSerialPortIndexByIdentifier(SERIAL_PORT_USART2)].functionMask = FUNCTION_TELEMETRY_FRSKY_HUB;
        rxConfigMutable()->serialrx_inverted = true;
        parseRcChannels("TAER1234", rxConfigMutable());

        for (uint8_t pidProfileIndex = 0; pidProfileIndex < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; pidProfileIndex++) {
            pidProfile_t *pidProfile = pidProfilesMutable(pidProfileIndex);

            pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].P = 80;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].I = 37;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].D = 35;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].P = 100;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].I = 37;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].D = 35;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_YAW].P = 180;
            pidProfile->pid[PID_YAW].D = 45;

        for (uint8_t rateProfileIndex = 0; rateProfileIndex < CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT; rateProfileIndex++) {
            controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig = controlRateProfilesMutable(rateProfileIndex);

            controlRateConfig->rcRates[FD_ROLL] = 100;
            controlRateConfig->rcRates[FD_PITCH] = 100;
            controlRateConfig->rcRates[FD_YAW] = 100;
            controlRateConfig->rcExpo[FD_ROLL] = 15;
            controlRateConfig->rcExpo[FD_PITCH] = 15;
            controlRateConfig->rcExpo[FD_YAW] = 15;
            controlRateConfig->rates[PID_ROLL] = 80;
            controlRateConfig->rates[PID_PITCH] = 80;
            controlRateConfig->rates[PID_YAW] = 80;
Exemple #5
// alternative defaults settings for AlienFlight targets
void targetConfiguration(void) {
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = 1;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = 32000;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 2;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 0;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);

    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[0] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f, -1.0f };    // REAR_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[1] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f,  1.0f };    // FRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[2] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f,  1.0f };    // REAR_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[3] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f };    // FRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[4] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[5] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[6] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDREAR_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[7] = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDREAR_L#endif
Exemple #6
void checkFirstTime(bool eepromReset)
    uint8_t test_val;

    test_val = *(uint8_t *)FLASH_WRITE_EEPROM_ADDR;

    if (eepromReset || test_val != checkNewEEPROMConf)
		// Default settings
        eepromConfig.version = checkNewEEPROMConf;


        eepromConfig.accelBiasMPU[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelBiasMPU[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelBiasMPU[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMPU[XAXIS] = 0.00119708f;  // (1/8192) * 9.8065  (8192 LSB = 1 G)
        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMPU[YAXIS] = 0.00119708f;  // (1/8192) * 9.8065  (8192 LSB = 1 G)
        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMPU[ZAXIS] = 0.00119708f;  // (1/8192) * 9.8065  (8192 LSB = 1 G)


        eepromConfig.accelBiasMXR[XAXIS] = 2048.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelBiasMXR[YAXIS] = 2048.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelBiasMXR[ZAXIS] = 2048.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMXR[XAXIS] = 0.04937965f;  // (3.3 / 4096) / 0.16 * 9.8065
        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMXR[YAXIS] = 0.04937965f;  // (3.3 / 4096) / 0.16 * 9.8065
        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMXR[ZAXIS] = 0.04937965f;  // (3.3 / 4096) / 0.16 * 9.8065


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[PITCH] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[PITCH] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.magBias[XAXIS] = 0.0f;      // Internal Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[YAXIS] = 0.0f;      // Internal Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;      // Internal Mag Bias

	    eepromConfig.magBias[XAXIS + 3] = 0.0f;  // External Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[YAXIS + 3] = 0.0f;  // External Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[ZAXIS + 3] = 0.0f;  // External Mag Bias


		eepromConfig.accelCutoff = 1.0f;


	    eepromConfig.KpAcc = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer
	    eepromConfig.KiAcc = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
	    eepromConfig.KpMag = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to magnetometer
	    eepromConfig.KiMag = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases


	    eepromConfig.compFilterA =  2.0f;
		eepromConfig.compFilterB =  1.0f;


	    eepromConfig.dlpfSetting = BITS_DLPF_CFG_98HZ;


	    eepromConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling = 100.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 100 DPS

	    eepromConfig.yawRateScaling          = 100.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 100 DPS

        eepromConfig.attitudeScaling         = 60.0  / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to att scaling for 60 degrees

        eepromConfig.nDotEdotScaling         = 0.009f;                 // Stick to nDot/eDot scaling (9 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.009

        eepromConfig.hDotScaling             = 0.003f;                 // Stick to hDot scaling (3 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.003


	    eepromConfig.receiverType  = SPEKTRUM;

	    eepromConfig.slaveSpektrum = false;


	    eepromConfig.escPwmRate   = 450;
        eepromConfig.servoPwmRate = 50;

        eepromConfig.mixerConfiguration = MIXERTYPE_TRI;
        eepromConfig.yawDirection = 1.0f;

        eepromConfig.triYawServoPwmRate = 50;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMin     = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMid     = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMax     = 4000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triCopterYawCmd500HzLowPassTau = 0.05f;

        // Free Mix Defaults to Quad X
		eepromConfig.freeMixMotors        = 4;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][ROLL ]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][PITCH]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][YAW  ]    = -1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][ROLL ]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][PITCH]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][YAW  ]    =  1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][ROLL ]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][PITCH]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][YAW  ]    = -1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][ROLL ]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][PITCH]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][YAW  ]    =  1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[5][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[5][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[5][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;

        eepromConfig.midCommand   = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.minCheck     = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxCheck     = (float)(MAXCOMMAND - 200);
        eepromConfig.minThrottle  = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxThrottle  = (float)(MAXCOMMAND);

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].B               =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].P               = 250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].I               = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].D               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].iTerm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].windupGuard     = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastDterm       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc      =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].type            =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].B              =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].P              = 250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].I              = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].D              =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].iTerm          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].windupGuard    = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastDterm      =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc     =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].type           =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].B                =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].P                = 350.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].I                = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].D                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].iTerm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].windupGuard      = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc       =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].type             =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].B                =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].P                =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].I                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].D                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].iTerm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].windupGuard      =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastDcalcValue   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastLastDterm    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].dErrorCalc       =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].type             =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].B               =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].P               =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].I               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].D               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].iTerm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].windupGuard     =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastDcalcValue  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastDterm       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastLastDterm   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].dErrorCalc      =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].type            =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].B                 =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].P                 =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].I                 =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].D                 =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].iTerm             =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].windupGuard       =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastDcalcValue    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastDterm         =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastLastDterm     =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].dErrorCalc        =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].type              =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].P                    =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].P                    =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].P                    =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   5.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].P                       =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].windupGuard             =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].P                       =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].windupGuard             =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].P                       =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].windupGuard             =   5.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.batteryCells             = 3;
        eepromConfig.voltageMonitorScale      = 11.5f / 1.5f;
        eepromConfig.voltageMonitorBias       = 0.0f;

        eepromConfig.batteryLow               = 3.30f;
        eepromConfig.batteryVeryLow           = 3.20f;
        eepromConfig.batteryMaxLow            = 3.10f;

        eepromConfig.armCount                 =  50;
        eepromConfig.disarmCount              =  0;

        eepromConfig.activeTelemetry          = 0;
        eepromConfig.mavlinkEnabled           = false;

        eepromConfig.verticalVelocityHoldOnly = true;

        eepromConfig.externalHMC5883          = 0;
        eepromConfig.externalMS5611           = false;

        eepromConfig.useMXR9150               = false;

Exemple #7
void checkSystemEEPROM(bool eepromReset)
    uint8_t version;

    systemConfigaddr.value = SYSTEM_EEPROM_ADDR;


	spiTransfer(EEPROM_SPI, READ_DATA);

	spiTransfer(EEPROM_SPI, systemConfigaddr.bytes[2]);
	spiTransfer(EEPROM_SPI, systemConfigaddr.bytes[1]);
	spiTransfer(EEPROM_SPI, systemConfigaddr.bytes[0]);

	version = spiTransfer(EEPROM_SPI, 0x00);




    if (eepromReset || version != systemVersion)
		// Default settings
        systemConfig.version = systemVersion;


	    systemConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling = 100.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 100 DPS
        systemConfig.yawRateScaling          = 300.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 100 DPS
        systemConfig.rollRateCmdLowPassTau   = 0.1f;
        systemConfig.pitchRateCmdLowPassTau  = 0.1f;

        systemConfig.attitudeScaling         = 60.0  / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to att scaling for 60 degrees
        systemConfig.rollAttCmdLowPassTau    = 0.1f;
        systemConfig.pitchAttCmdLowPassTau   = 0.1f;

        systemConfig.nDotEdotScaling         = 0.009f;                 // Stick to nDot/eDot scaling (9 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.009

        systemConfig.hDotScaling             = 0.003f;                 // Stick to hDot scaling (3 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.003


	    systemConfig.receiverType  = SPEKTRUM;

        systemConfig.slaveSpektrum = false;


	    systemConfig.escPwmRate   = 450;
        systemConfig.servoPwmRate = 50;


        systemConfig.mixerConfiguration = MIXERTYPE_TRI;
        systemConfig.yawDirection = 1.0f;

        systemConfig.triYawServoPwmRate             = 50;
        systemConfig.triYawServoMin                 = 2000.0f;
        systemConfig.triYawServoMid                 = 3000.0f;
        systemConfig.triYawServoMax                 = 4000.0f;
        systemConfig.triCopterYawCmd500HzLowPassTau = 0.05f;

        // Free Mix Defaults to Quad X
		systemConfig.freeMixMotors        = 4;

		systemConfig.freeMix[0][ROLL ]    =  1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[0][PITCH]    = -1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[0][YAW  ]    = -1.0f;

		systemConfig.freeMix[1][ROLL ]    = -1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[1][PITCH]    = -1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[1][YAW  ]    =  1.0f;

		systemConfig.freeMix[2][ROLL ]    = -1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[2][PITCH]    =  1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[2][YAW  ]    = -1.0f;

		systemConfig.freeMix[3][ROLL ]    =  1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[3][PITCH]    =  1.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[3][YAW  ]    =  1.0f;

		systemConfig.freeMix[4][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[4][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[4][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;

		systemConfig.freeMix[5][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		systemConfig.freeMix[5][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
        systemConfig.freeMix[5][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;


        systemConfig.rollAttAltCompensationGain   =  1.0f;
        systemConfig.rollAttAltCompensationLimit  =  0.0f * D2R;

        systemConfig.pitchAttAltCompensationGain  =  1.0f;
        systemConfig.pitchAttAltCompensationLimit =  0.0f * D2R;


        systemConfig.midCommand   = 3000.0f;
        systemConfig.minCheck     = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        systemConfig.maxCheck     = (float)(MAXCOMMAND - 200);
        systemConfig.minThrottle  = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        systemConfig.maxThrottle  = (float)(MAXCOMMAND);


        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].P                =  250.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].I                =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].D                =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].N                =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].integratorState  =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].filterState      =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].prevResetState   =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].P               =  250.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].I               =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].D               =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].N               =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].integratorState =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].filterState     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].prevResetState  =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].P                 =  350.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].I                 =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].D                 =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].N                 =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].integratorState   =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].filterState       =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].prevResetState    =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].P                 =    2.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].I                 =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].D                 =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].N                 =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].integratorState   =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].filterState       =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].prevResetState    =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].P                =    2.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].I                =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].D                =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].N                =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].integratorState  =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].filterState      =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].prevResetState   =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].P                  =    3.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].I                  =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].D                  =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].N                  =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].integratorState    =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].filterState        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].prevResetState     =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].P                     =    3.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].I                     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].D                     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].N                     =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].integratorState       =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].filterState           =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].prevResetState        =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].P                     =    3.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].I                     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].D                     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].N                     =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].integratorState       =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].filterState           =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].prevResetState        =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].P                     =    2.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].I                     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].D                     =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].N                     =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].integratorState       =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].filterState           =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].prevResetState        =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].P                        =    3.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].I                        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].D                        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].N                        =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].integratorState          =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].filterState              =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[N_PID].prevResetState           =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].P                        =    3.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].I                        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].D                        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].N                        =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].integratorState          =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].filterState              =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[E_PID].prevResetState           =   false;

        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].P                        =    2.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].I                        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].D                        =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].N                        =  100.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].integratorState          =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].filterState              =    0.0f;
        systemConfig.PID[H_PID].prevResetState           =   false;


        systemConfig.armCount                 =  50;
		systemConfig.disarmCount              =  0;


		systemConfig.activeTelemetry          =  0;
		systemConfig.mavlinkEnabled           =  false;


		systemConfig.CRCFlags = 0;


Exemple #8
void createDefaultConfig(master_t *config)
    // Clear all configuration
    memset(config, 0, sizeof(master_t));

    uint32_t *featuresPtr = &config->enabledFeatures;

    intFeatureSet(DEFAULT_RX_FEATURE | FEATURE_FAILSAFE , featuresPtr);
    intFeatureSet(DEFAULT_FEATURES, featuresPtr);

#ifdef OSD
    intFeatureSet(FEATURE_OSD, featuresPtr);

    // only enable the VBAT feature by default if the board has a voltage divider otherwise
    // the user may see incorrect readings and unexpected issues with pin mappings may occur.
    intFeatureSet(FEATURE_VBAT, featuresPtr);

    config->version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    config->mixerMode = MIXER_QUADX;

    // global settings
    config->current_profile_index = 0;    // default profile
    config->dcm_kp = 2500;                // 1.0 * 10000
    config->dcm_ki = 0;                   // 0.003 * 10000
    config->gyro_lpf = 0;                 // 256HZ default
#ifdef STM32F10X
    config->gyro_sync_denom = 8;
    config->pid_process_denom = 1;
#elif defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6000) || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_MPU6500)  || defined(USE_GYRO_SPI_ICM20689)
    config->gyro_sync_denom = 1;
    config->pid_process_denom = 4;
    config->gyro_sync_denom = 4;
    config->pid_process_denom = 2;
    config->gyro_soft_type = FILTER_PT1;
    config->gyro_soft_lpf_hz = 90;
    config->gyro_soft_notch_hz_1 = 400;
    config->gyro_soft_notch_cutoff_1 = 300;
    config->gyro_soft_notch_hz_2 = 200;
    config->gyro_soft_notch_cutoff_2 = 100;

    config->debug_mode = DEBUG_NONE;



    config->boardAlignment.rollDegrees = 0;
    config->boardAlignment.pitchDegrees = 0;
    config->boardAlignment.yawDegrees = 0;
    config->acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    config->max_angle_inclination = 700;    // 70 degrees
    config->yaw_control_direction = 1;
    config->gyroConfig.gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold = 32;

    // xxx_hardware: 0:default/autodetect, 1: disable
    config->mag_hardware = 1;

    config->baro_hardware = 1;




#ifdef USE_ADC

#ifdef BEEPER

#ifdef SONAR

    intFeatureSet(FEATURE_SDCARD, featuresPtr);

    config->rxConfig.serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_PROVIDER;
    config->rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 0;
    config->rxConfig.rx_spi_protocol = RX_SPI_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL;
    config->rxConfig.sbus_inversion = 1;
    config->rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 0;
    config->rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = 1;
    config->rxConfig.midrc = 1500;
    config->rxConfig.mincheck = 1100;
    config->rxConfig.maxcheck = 1900;
    config->rxConfig.rx_min_usec = 885;          // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger rx loss detection
    config->rxConfig.rx_max_usec = 2115;         // any of first 4 channels above this value will trigger rx loss detection

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_RC_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) {
        rxFailsafeChannelConfiguration_t *channelFailsafeConfiguration = &config->rxConfig.failsafe_channel_configurations[i];
        channelFailsafeConfiguration->mode = (i < NON_AUX_CHANNEL_COUNT) ? RX_FAILSAFE_MODE_AUTO : RX_FAILSAFE_MODE_HOLD;
        channelFailsafeConfiguration->step = (i == THROTTLE) ? CHANNEL_VALUE_TO_RXFAIL_STEP(config->rxConfig.rx_min_usec) : CHANNEL_VALUE_TO_RXFAIL_STEP(config->rxConfig.midrc);

    config->rxConfig.rssi_channel = 0;
    config->rxConfig.rssi_scale = RSSI_SCALE_DEFAULT;
    config->rxConfig.rssi_ppm_invert = 0;
    config->rxConfig.rcInterpolation = RC_SMOOTHING_AUTO;
    config->rxConfig.rcInterpolationInterval = 19;
    config->rxConfig.fpvCamAngleDegrees = 0;
    config->rxConfig.max_aux_channel = MAX_AUX_CHANNELS;
    config->rxConfig.airModeActivateThreshold = 1350;


    config->inputFilteringMode = INPUT_FILTERING_DISABLED;

    config->gyro_cal_on_first_arm = 0;  // TODO - Cleanup retarded arm support
    config->disarm_kill_switch = 1;
    config->auto_disarm_delay = 5;
    config->small_angle = 25;

    config->airplaneConfig.fixedwing_althold_dir = 1;

    // Motor/ESC/Servo

#ifdef LED_STRIP

#ifdef GPS
    // gps/nav stuff
    config->gpsConfig.provider = GPS_NMEA;
    config->gpsConfig.sbasMode = SBAS_AUTO;
    config->gpsConfig.autoConfig = GPS_AUTOCONFIG_ON;
    config->gpsConfig.autoBaud = GPS_AUTOBAUD_OFF;




    config->mag_declination = 0;
    config->acc_lpf_hz = 10.0f;
    config->accDeadband.xy = 40;
    config->accDeadband.z = 40;
    config->acc_unarmedcal = 1;

#ifdef BARO

    // Radio
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", &config->rxConfig);
    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", &config->rxConfig);


    config->throttle_correction_value = 0;      // could 10 with althold or 40 for fpv
    config->throttle_correction_angle = 800;    // could be 80.0 deg with atlhold or 45.0 for fpv

    // Failsafe Variables
    config->failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 10;                            // 1sec
    config->failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 10;                        // 1sec
    config->failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle = 1000;                       // default throttle off.
    config->failsafeConfig.failsafe_kill_switch = 0;                       // default failsafe switch action is identical to rc link loss
    config->failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100;              // default throttle low delay for "just disarm" on failsafe condition
    config->failsafeConfig.failsafe_procedure = FAILSAFE_PROCEDURE_DROP_IT;// default full failsafe procedure is 0: auto-landing

    // servos
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS; i++) {
        config->servoConf[i].min = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN;
        config->servoConf[i].max = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX;
        config->servoConf[i].middle = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIDDLE;
        config->servoConf[i].rate = 100;
        config->servoConf[i].angleAtMin = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN_ANGLE;
        config->servoConf[i].angleAtMax = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX_ANGLE;
        config->servoConf[i].forwardFromChannel = CHANNEL_FORWARDING_DISABLED;

    // gimbal
    config->gimbalConfig.mode = GIMBAL_MODE_NORMAL;

#ifdef GPS

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS; i++) {
        config->customMotorMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

#ifdef VTX
    config->vtx_band = 4;    //Fatshark/Airwaves
    config->vtx_channel = 1; //CH1
    config->vtx_mode = 0;    //CH+BAND mode
    config->vtx_mhz = 5740;  //F0

    static const uint8_t defaultTransponderData[6] = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9A, 0xBC }; // Note, this is NOT a valid transponder code, it's just for testing production hardware

    memcpy(config->transponderData, &defaultTransponderData, sizeof(defaultTransponderData));

    intFeatureSet(FEATURE_BLACKBOX, featuresPtr);
    config->blackbox_device = BLACKBOX_DEVICE_FLASH;
    intFeatureSet(FEATURE_BLACKBOX, featuresPtr);
    config->blackbox_device = BLACKBOX_DEVICE_SDCARD;
    config->blackbox_device = BLACKBOX_DEVICE_SERIAL;

    config->blackbox_rate_num = 1;
    config->blackbox_rate_denom = 1;
    config->blackbox_on_motor_test = 0; // default off
#endif // BLACKBOX

    if (featureConfigured(FEATURE_RX_SERIAL)) {
        int serialIndex = findSerialPortIndexByIdentifier(SERIALRX_UART);
        if (serialIndex >= 0) {
            config->serialConfig.portConfigs[serialIndex].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;

#if defined(TARGET_CONFIG)

    // copy first profile into remaining profile
    for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&config->profile[i], &config->profile[0], sizeof(profile_t));
Exemple #9
void checkFirstTime(bool reset)
    uint8_t test_val, i;

    test_val = *(uint8_t *) FLASH_WRITE_ADDR;

    if (!reset && test_val == checkNewConf)

    // Default settings
    cfg.version = checkNewConf;
    cfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;

    cfg.looptime = 0;
    cfg.P8[ROLL] = 40;
    cfg.I8[ROLL] = 30;
    cfg.D8[ROLL] = 23;
    cfg.P8[PITCH] = 40;
    cfg.I8[PITCH] = 30;
    cfg.D8[PITCH] = 23;
    cfg.P8[YAW] = 85;
    cfg.I8[YAW] = 45;
    cfg.D8[YAW] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDALT] = 16;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT] = 15;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT] = 7;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOS] = 11; // POSHOLD_P * 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS] = 0; // POSHOLD_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOS] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR] = 20; // POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR] = 8; // POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR] = 45; // POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR] = 14; // NAV_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR] = 20; // NAV_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR] = 80; // NAV_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] = 70;
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL] = 10;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] = 20;
    cfg.P8[PIDMAG] = 40;
    cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.rcRate8 = 90;
    cfg.rcExpo8 = 65;
    cfg.rollPitchRate = 0;
    cfg.yawRate = 0;
    cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.thrMid8 = 50;
    cfg.thrExpo8 = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
        cfg.activate[i] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[0] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[1] = 0;
    cfg.accZero[0] = 0;
    cfg.accZero[1] = 0;
    cfg.accZero[2] = 0;
    cfg.mag_declination = 0;    // For example, -6deg 37min, = -637 Japan, format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    cfg.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    cfg.acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    cfg.acc_lpf_for_velocity = 10;
    cfg.accz_deadband = 50;
    cfg.gyro_cmpf_factor = 400; // default MWC
    cfg.gyro_lpf = 42;
    cfg.mpu6050_scale = 1; // f**k invensense
    cfg.baro_tab_size = 21;
    cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;
    cfg.baro_cf = 0.985f;
    cfg.gyro_smoothing_factor = 0x00141403;     // default factors of 20, 20, 3 for R/P/Y
    cfg.vbatscale = 110;
    cfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43;
    cfg.vbatmincellvoltage = 33;

    // Radio
    cfg.deadband = 0;
    cfg.yawdeadband = 0;
    cfg.alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 20;
    cfg.spektrum_hires = 0;
    cfg.midrc = 1500;
    cfg.mincheck = 1100;
    cfg.maxcheck = 1900;
    cfg.retarded_arm = 0;       // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.failsafe_delay = 10;            // 1sec
    cfg.failsafe_off_delay = 200;       // 20sec
    cfg.failsafe_throttle = 1200;       // decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.

    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    cfg.minthrottle = 1150;
    cfg.maxthrottle = 1850;
    cfg.mincommand = 1000;
    cfg.motor_pwm_rate = 400;
    cfg.servo_pwm_rate = 50;

    // servos
    cfg.yaw_direction = 1;
    cfg.tri_yaw_middle = 1500;
    cfg.tri_yaw_min = 1020;
    cfg.tri_yaw_max = 2000;

    // flying wing
    cfg.wing_left_min = 1020;
    cfg.wing_left_mid = 1500;
    cfg.wing_left_max = 2000;
    cfg.wing_right_min = 1020;
    cfg.wing_right_mid = 1500;
    cfg.wing_right_max = 2000;
    cfg.pitch_direction_l = 1;
    cfg.pitch_direction_r = -1;
    cfg.roll_direction_l = 1;
    cfg.roll_direction_r = 1;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_gain = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_gain = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_min = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_max = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_mid = 1500;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_min = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_max = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_mid = 1500;

    // gps/nav stuff
    cfg.gps_type = GPS_NMEA;
    cfg.gps_baudrate = 115200;
    cfg.gps_wp_radius = 200;
    cfg.gps_lpf = 20;
    cfg.nav_slew_rate = 30;
    cfg.nav_controls_heading = 1;
    cfg.nav_speed_min = 100;
    cfg.nav_speed_max = 300;

    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    cfg.serial_baudrate = 115200;

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
        cfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    const int8_t default_align[3][3] = { /* GYRO */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* ACC */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* MAG */ { -2, -3, 1 } };

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&mcfg, 0, sizeof(master_t));
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));

    mcfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    mcfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;

    // global settings
    mcfg.current_profile = 0;       // default profile
    mcfg.gyro_cmpf_factor = 600;    // default MWC
    mcfg.gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250;   // default MWC
    mcfg.gyro_lpf = 20;             // supported by all gyro drivers now. In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead
    mcfg.accZero[0] = 0;
    mcfg.accZero[1] = 0;
    mcfg.accZero[2] = 0;
    memcpy(&mcfg.align, default_align, sizeof(mcfg.align));
    mcfg.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    mcfg.moron_threshold = 32;
    mcfg.gyro_smoothing_factor = 0x00141403;     // default factors of 20, 20, 3 for R/P/Y
    mcfg.vbatscale = 110;
    mcfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43;
    mcfg.vbatmincellvoltage = 33;
    mcfg.power_adc_channel = 0;
    mcfg.spektrum_hires = 0;
    mcfg.midrc = 1500;
    mcfg.mincheck = 1100;
    mcfg.maxcheck = 1900;
    mcfg.retarded_arm = 0;       // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right
    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    mcfg.minthrottle = 1250;
    mcfg.maxthrottle = 1850;
    mcfg.mincommand = 1000;
    mcfg.motor_pwm_rate = 400;
    mcfg.servo_pwm_rate = 50;
    // gps/nav stuff
    mcfg.gps_type = GPS_NMEA;
    mcfg.gps_baudrate = 115200;
    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    mcfg.serial_baudrate = 115200;
    mcfg.looptime = 3000;
    cfg.pidController = 0;
    cfg.P8[ROLL] = 40;
    cfg.I8[ROLL] = 30;
    cfg.D8[ROLL] = 23;
    cfg.P8[PITCH] = 40;
    cfg.I8[PITCH] = 30;
    cfg.D8[PITCH] = 23;
    cfg.P8[YAW] = 85;
    cfg.I8[YAW] = 45;
    cfg.D8[YAW] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDALT] = 64;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT] = 25;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT] = 24;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOS] = 11; // POSHOLD_P * 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS] = 0; // POSHOLD_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOS] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR] = 20; // POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR] = 8; // POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR] = 45; // POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR] = 14; // NAV_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR] = 20; // NAV_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR] = 80; // NAV_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] = 90;
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL] = 10;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] = 100;
    cfg.P8[PIDMAG] = 40;
    cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.rcRate8 = 90;
    cfg.rcExpo8 = 65;
    cfg.rollPitchRate = 0;
    cfg.yawRate = 0;
    cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.thrMid8 = 50;
    cfg.thrExpo8 = 0;
    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[0] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[1] = 0;
    cfg.mag_declination = 625;    // For example, -6deg 37min, = -637 Japan, format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    cfg.acc_lpf_factor = 20;
    cfg.accz_deadband = 10;
    cfg.baro_tab_size = 21;
    cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;
    cfg.baro_cf = 0.985f;

    // Radio
    cfg.deadband = 20;
    cfg.yawdeadband = 20;
    cfg.alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 40;
    cfg.alt_hold_fast_change = 1;

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.failsafe_delay = 10;                // 1sec
    cfg.failsafe_off_delay = 200;           // 20sec
    cfg.failsafe_throttle = 1200;           // decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    cfg.failsafe_detect_threshold = 985;    // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger failsafe

    // servos
    cfg.yaw_direction = 1;
    cfg.tri_yaw_middle = 1500;
    cfg.tri_yaw_min = 1020;
    cfg.tri_yaw_max = 2000;

    // flying wing
    cfg.wing_left_min = 1020;
    cfg.wing_left_mid = 1500;
    cfg.wing_left_max = 2000;
    cfg.wing_right_min = 1020;
    cfg.wing_right_mid = 1500;
    cfg.wing_right_max = 2000;
    cfg.pitch_direction_l = 1;
    cfg.pitch_direction_r = -1;
    cfg.roll_direction_l = 1;
    cfg.roll_direction_r = 1;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_gain = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_gain = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_min = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_max = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_mid = 1500;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_min = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_max = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_mid = 1500;

    // gps/nav stuff
    cfg.gps_wp_radius = 200;
    cfg.gps_lpf = 20;
    cfg.nav_slew_rate = 30;
    cfg.nav_controls_heading = 1;
    cfg.nav_speed_min = 100;
    cfg.nav_speed_max = 300;
    cfg.ap_mode = 40;

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
        mcfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

    // copy default config into all 3 profiles
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        memcpy(&mcfg.profile[i], &cfg, sizeof(config_t));
Exemple #11
void targetConfiguration(void)
    if (getDetectedMotorType() == MOTOR_BRUSHED) {
        motorConfigMutable()->dev.motorPwmRate = BRUSHED_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
        motorConfigMutable()->minthrottle = 1050; // for 6mm and 7mm brushed

    /* Default to Spektrum */
    rxConfigMutable()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048; // all DSM* except DSM2 22ms
    rxConfigMutable()->spektrum_sat_bind = 5; // DSM2 11ms
    rxConfigMutable()->spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = 1;
    rxConfigMutable()->mincheck = 1025;
    rxConfigMutable()->rcInterpolation = RC_SMOOTHING_MANUAL;
    rxConfigMutable()->rcInterpolationInterval = 14;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", rxConfigMutable());

    mixerConfigMutable()->yaw_motors_reversed = true;
    imuConfigMutable()->small_angle = 180;

    blackboxConfigMutable()->p_ratio = 128;

    /* Breadboard-specific settings for development purposes only
#if defined(BREADBOARD)
    boardAlignmentMutable()->pitchDegrees = 90; // vertical breakout board
    barometerConfigMutable()->baro_hardware = BARO_DEFAULT; // still testing not on V1 or V2 pcb
    barometerConfigMutable()->baro_hardware = BARO_NONE;

    compassConfigMutable()->mag_hardware =  MAG_NONE;

    systemConfigMutable()->cpu_overclock = 2; //216MHZ

    pidConfigMutable()->runaway_takeoff_prevention = false;


    /* AlienWhoop PIDs tested with 6mm and 7mm motors on most frames */
    for (uint8_t pidProfileIndex = 0; pidProfileIndex < PID_PROFILE_COUNT; pidProfileIndex++) {
        pidProfile_t *pidProfile = pidProfilesMutable(pidProfileIndex);

	pidProfile->pidSumLimit = 1000;
	pidProfile->pidSumLimitYaw = 1000;

        /* AlienWhoop PIDs tested with 6mm and 7mm motors on most frames */
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].P = 115;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].I = 75;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].D = 95;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].P = 110;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].I = 75;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].D = 85;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_YAW].P = 220;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_YAW].I = 75;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_YAW].D = 20;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_LEVEL].P = 65;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_LEVEL].I = 65;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_LEVEL].D = 55;

        /* Setpoints */
        pidProfile->dterm_filter_type = FILTER_BIQUAD;
        pidProfile->dterm_notch_hz = 0;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].F = 100;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].F = 100;
        pidProfile->feedForwardTransition = 0;

	/* Anti-Gravity */
	pidProfile->itermThrottleThreshold = 500;
	pidProfile->itermAcceleratorGain = 5000;

	pidProfile->levelAngleLimit = 65;

    for (uint8_t rateProfileIndex = 0; rateProfileIndex < CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT; rateProfileIndex++) {
        controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig = controlRateProfilesMutable(rateProfileIndex);

        /* RC Rates */
        controlRateConfig->rcRates[FD_ROLL] = 218;
        controlRateConfig->rcRates[FD_PITCH] = 218;
        controlRateConfig->rcRates[FD_YAW] = 218;

	/* Classic Expo */
        controlRateConfig->rcExpo[FD_ROLL] = 45;
        controlRateConfig->rcExpo[FD_PITCH] = 45;
        controlRateConfig->rcExpo[FD_YAW] = 45;

        /* Super Expo Rates */
        controlRateConfig->rates[FD_ROLL] = 0;
        controlRateConfig->rates[FD_PITCH] = 0;
        controlRateConfig->rates[FD_YAW] = 0;

        /* Throttle PID Attenuation (TPA) */
        controlRateConfig->dynThrPID = 0; // tpa_rate off
        controlRateConfig->tpa_breakpoint = 1600;

	/* Force the clipping mixer at 100% seems better for brushed than default (off) and scaling)? */
        controlRateConfig->throttle_limit_type = THROTTLE_LIMIT_TYPE_CLIP;
        //controlRateConfig->throttle_limit_percent = 100;

        controlRateConfig->thrExpo8 = 20; // 20% throttle expo
Exemple #12
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int32_t i;
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));
    cfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;

	// Default settings
    cfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    cfg.mixerConfiguration                 = MULTITYPE_QUADX;
    // Motor/ESC
    cfg.escPwmRate                     = 400;
    cfg.servoPwmRate                   = 50;
    // Failsafe
    cfg.failsafeOnDelay                = 50; // Number of command loops (50Hz) until failsafe kicks in
    cfg.failsafeOffDelay               = 20000; // Number of command loops until failsafe stops
    cfg.failsafeThrottle               = 1200;
    cfg.commandRate             = 90;
    cfg.commandExpo             = 65;
    cfg.rollPitchRate           = 0;
    cfg.yawRate                 = 0;
    //cfg.dynThrPID             = 0;
    cfg.throttleMid             = 50;
    cfg.throttleExpo            = 0;
    // Command Settings
    for(i = 0; i < AUX_OPTIONS; ++i)
        cfg.auxActivate[i] = 0;

    cfg.minCommand                         = 1000;
    cfg.midCommand                         = 1500;
    cfg.maxCommand                         = 2000;
    cfg.minCheck                           = 1100;
    cfg.maxCheck                           = 1900;
    cfg.minThrottle                        = 1150;
    cfg.maxThrottle                        = 1850;
    cfg.spektrumHiRes                      = false;
    cfg.deadBand[ROLL]                     = 12;
    cfg.deadBand[PITCH]                    = 12;
    cfg.deadBand[YAW]                      = 12;
    // Servos
    // Tricopter
    cfg.yawDirection                       = 1;
    cfg.triYawServoMin                     = 1000;
    cfg.triYawServoMid                     = 1500;
    cfg.triYawServoMax                     = 2000;
    // Bicopter
    cfg.biLeftServoMin                     = 1000;
    cfg.biLeftServoMid                     = 1500;
    cfg.biLeftServoMax                     = 2000;

    cfg.biRightServoMin                    = 1000;
    cfg.biRightServoMid                    = 1500;
    cfg.biRightServoMax                    = 2000;
    // Flying wing
    cfg.wingLeftMin             = 1020;
    cfg.wingLeftMid             = 1500;
    cfg.wingLeftMax             = 2000;
    cfg.wingRightMin            = 1020;
    cfg.wingRightMid            = 1500;
    cfg.wingRightMax            = 2000;
    cfg.pitchDirectionLeft      = 1;
    cfg.pitchDirectionRight     = -1;
    cfg.rollDirectionLeft       = 1;
    cfg.rollDirectionRight      = 1;
    cfg.gimbalFlags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;
    cfg.gimbalSmoothFactor = 0.95f;

    cfg.gimbalRollServoMin                 = 1000;
	cfg.gimbalRollServoMid                 = 1500;
	cfg.gimbalRollServoMax                 = 2000;
	cfg.gimbalRollServoGain                = 1.0f;

	cfg.gimbalPitchServoMin                = 1000;
	cfg.gimbalPitchServoMid                = 1500;
	cfg.gimbalPitchServoMax                = 2000;
	cfg.gimbalPitchServoGain               = 1.0f;

    // PIDs
    cfg.pids[ROLL_RATE_PID].p               = 100.0f;
    cfg.pids[ROLL_RATE_PID].i               =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[ROLL_RATE_PID].d               =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[ROLL_RATE_PID].iLim            = 100.0f;  // PWMs

    cfg.pids[PITCH_RATE_PID].p              = 100.0f;
    cfg.pids[PITCH_RATE_PID].i              =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[PITCH_RATE_PID].d              =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[PITCH_RATE_PID].iLim           = 100.0f;  // PWMs

    cfg.pids[YAW_RATE_PID].p                = 200.0f;
    cfg.pids[YAW_RATE_PID].i                =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[YAW_RATE_PID].d                =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[YAW_RATE_PID].iLim             = 100.0f;  // PWMs

    cfg.pids[ROLL_LEVEL_PID].p                =   2.0f;
    cfg.pids[ROLL_LEVEL_PID].i                =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[ROLL_LEVEL_PID].d                =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[ROLL_LEVEL_PID].iLim             =   0.5f;  // radians/sec

    cfg.pids[PITCH_LEVEL_PID].p               =   2.0f;
    cfg.pids[PITCH_LEVEL_PID].i               =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[PITCH_LEVEL_PID].d               =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[PITCH_LEVEL_PID].iLim            =   0.5f;  // radians/sec

    cfg.pids[HEADING_PID].p                 =   1.5f;
    cfg.pids[HEADING_PID].i                 =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[HEADING_PID].d                 =   0.0f;
    cfg.pids[HEADING_PID].iLim              =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
    cfg.pids[ALTITUDE_PID].p                 =   20.0f;
    cfg.pids[ALTITUDE_PID].i                 =   17.0f;
    cfg.pids[ALTITUDE_PID].d                 =   7.0f;
    cfg.pids[ALTITUDE_PID].iLim              =   30000.0f; // 0.1 m
    cfg.angleTrim[ROLL]         = 0.0f;
    cfg.angleTrim[PITCH]        = 0.0f;
    cfg.accelLPF                = false;
    cfg.accelSmoothFactor       = 0.75f;
    cfg.accelCalibrated                 = false;
    cfg.accelBias[XAXIS]                = 0;
    cfg.accelBias[YAXIS]                = 0;
    cfg.accelBias[ZAXIS]                = 0;

    cfg.gyroBiasOnStartup           = false;
    cfg.gyroSmoothFactor            = 0.95f;
    cfg.gyroTCBiasSlope[ROLL]       = 0.0f;
    cfg.gyroTCBiasSlope[PITCH]      = 0.0f;
    cfg.gyroTCBiasSlope[YAW]        = 0.0f;
    cfg.gyroTCBiasIntercept[ROLL]   = 0.0f;
    cfg.gyroTCBiasIntercept[PITCH]  = 0.0f;
    cfg.gyroTCBiasIntercept[YAW]    = 0.0f;

    cfg.magCalibrated               = false;
    cfg.magBias[ROLL]               = 0;
    cfg.magBias[PITCH]              = 0;
    cfg.magBias[YAW]                = 0;
    cfg.mpu6050Scale                = false; // Shitty hack

    // For Mahony AHRS
    cfg.accelKp                     = 2.0f;
    cfg.accelKi                     = 0.01f;
    cfg.magKp                       = 1.0f;
    cfg.magKi                       = 0.01f;
    cfg.magDriftCompensation        = false;

    // Get your magnetic decliniation from here : http://magnetic-declination.com/
    // For example, -6deg 37min, = -6.37 Japan, format is [sign]ddd.mm (degreesminutes)
    cfg.magDeclination              = 10.59f; 

    cfg.batScale                    = 11.0f;
    cfg.batMinCellVoltage           = 3.3f;
    cfg.batMaxCellVoltage           = 4.2f;
    cfg.startupDelay                = 1000;
    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
        cfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

Exemple #13
// alternative defaults settings for AlienFlight targets
void targetConfiguration(void)
    /* depending on revision ... depends on the LEDs to be utilised. */
    if (hardwareRevision == AFF3_REV_2) {
        statusLedConfigMutable()->inversion = 0
            | BIT(0)
            | BIT(1)
            | BIT(2)

        for (int i = 0; i < STATUS_LED_NUMBER; i++) {
            statusLedConfigMutable()->ioTags[i] = IO_TAG_NONE;
#ifdef LED0_A
        statusLedConfigMutable()->ioTags[0] = IO_TAG(LED0_A);
#ifdef LED1_A
        statusLedConfigMutable()->ioTags[1] = IO_TAG(LED1_A);
#ifdef LED2_A
        statusLedConfigMutable()->ioTags[2] = IO_TAG(LED2_A);
    } else {
        gyroConfigMutable()->gyro_sync_denom = 2;
        pidConfigMutable()->pid_process_denom = 2;

    if (!haveFrSkyRX) {
        rxConfigMutable()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048;
        rxConfigMutable()->spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
        rxConfigMutable()->spektrum_sat_bind_autoreset = 1;
        parseRcChannels("TAER1234", rxConfigMutable());
    } else {
        rxConfigMutable()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SBUS;
        rxConfigMutable()->serialrx_inverted = true;
        serialConfigMutable()->portConfigs[findSerialPortIndexByIdentifier(SERIALRX_UART)].functionMask = FUNCTION_TELEMETRY_FRSKY_HUB | FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
        telemetryConfigMutable()->telemetry_inverted = false;
        beeperDevConfigMutable()->isOpenDrain = false;
        beeperDevConfigMutable()->isInverted = true;
        parseRcChannels("AETR1234", rxConfigMutable());

    if (hardwareMotorType == MOTOR_BRUSHED) {
        motorConfigMutable()->dev.motorPwmRate = BRUSHED_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
        pidConfigMutable()->pid_process_denom = 1;

    for (uint8_t pidProfileIndex = 0; pidProfileIndex < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; pidProfileIndex++) {
        pidProfile_t *pidProfile = pidProfilesMutable(pidProfileIndex);

        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].P = 90;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].I = 44;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_ROLL].D = 60;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].P = 90;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].I = 44;
        pidProfile->pid[PID_PITCH].D = 60;

    *customMotorMixerMutable(0) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f, -1.0f };    // REAR_R
    *customMotorMixerMutable(1) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f,  1.0f };    // FRONT_R
    *customMotorMixerMutable(2) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f,  1.0f };    // REAR_L
    *customMotorMixerMutable(3) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f };    // FRONT_L
    *customMotorMixerMutable(4) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_R
    *customMotorMixerMutable(5) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_L
    *customMotorMixerMutable(6) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDREAR_R
    *customMotorMixerMutable(7) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDREAR_L
Exemple #14
void checkFirstTime(bool eepromReset)
    uint8_t test_val;

    test_val = *(uint8_t *)FLASH_WRITE_EEPROM_ADDR;

    if (eepromReset || test_val != checkNewEEPROMConf)
		// Default settings
        eepromConfig.version = checkNewEEPROMConf;


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[PITCH] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[PITCH] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.magBias[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.magBias[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.magBias[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


		eepromConfig.accelCutoff = 1.0f;


	    eepromConfig.KpAcc = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer
	    eepromConfig.KiAcc = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
	    eepromConfig.KpMag = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to magnetometer
	    eepromConfig.KiMag = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases


	    eepromConfig.compFilterA =  0.005f;
		eepromConfig.compFilterB =  0.005f;


	    eepromConfig.dlpfSetting = BITS_DLPF_CFG_98HZ;


        eepromConfig.rateScaling     = 300.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 300 DPS

        eepromConfig.attitudeScaling = 60.0  / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to att scaling for 60 degrees

        eepromConfig.nDotEdotScaling = 0.009f;      // Stick to nDot/eDot scaling (9 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.009

        eepromConfig.hDotScaling     = 0.003f;      // Stick to hDot scaling (3 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.003


	    eepromConfig.receiverType  = PARALLEL_PWM;
	    eepromConfig.spektrumChannels = 7;
	    eepromConfig.spektrumHires = 0;


	    eepromConfig.escPwmRate   = 450;
        eepromConfig.servoPwmRate = 50;

        eepromConfig.mixerConfiguration = MIXERTYPE_QUADX;
        eepromConfig.yawDirection = 1.0f;

        eepromConfig.midCommand   = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.minCheck     = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxCheck     = (float)(MAXCOMMAND - 200);
        eepromConfig.minThrottle  = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxThrottle  = (float)(MAXCOMMAND);

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].B               =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].P               = 250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].I               = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].D               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].iTerm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].windupGuard     = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastDterm       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc      =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].type            =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].B              =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].P              = 250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].I              = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].D              =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].iTerm          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].windupGuard    = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastDterm      =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc     =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].type           =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].B                =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].P                = 350.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].I                = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].D                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].iTerm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].windupGuard      = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc       =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].type             =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].B                =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].P                =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].I                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].D                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].iTerm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].windupGuard      =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastDcalcValue   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastLastDterm    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].dErrorCalc       =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].type             =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].B               =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].P               =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].I               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].D               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].iTerm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].windupGuard     =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastDcalcValue  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastDterm       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastLastDterm   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].dErrorCalc      =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].type            =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].B                 =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].P                 =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].I                 =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].D                 =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].iTerm             =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].windupGuard       =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastDcalcValue    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastDterm         =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastLastDterm     =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].dErrorCalc        =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].type              =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].P                    =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].P                    =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].P                    =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   5.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].P                       =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].windupGuard             =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].P                       =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].windupGuard             =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].P                       =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].windupGuard             =   5.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.gimbalRollServoMin    = 2000.0f;
		eepromConfig.gimbalRollServoMid    = 3000.0f;
		eepromConfig.gimbalRollServoMax    = 4000.0f;
		eepromConfig.gimbalRollServoGain   = 1.0f;

		eepromConfig.gimbalPitchServoMin   = 2000.0f;
		eepromConfig.gimbalPitchServoMid   = 3000.0f;
		eepromConfig.gimbalPitchServoMax   = 4000.0f;
		eepromConfig.gimbalPitchServoGain  = 1.0f;

        eepromConfig.rollDirectionLeft     = -1.0f;
        eepromConfig.rollDirectionRight    =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.pitchDirectionLeft    = -1.0f;
        eepromConfig.pitchDirectionRight   =  1.0f;

        eepromConfig.wingLeftMinimum       = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.wingLeftMaximum       = 4000.0f;
        eepromConfig.wingRightMinimum      = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.wingRightMaximum      = 4000.0f;

        eepromConfig.biLeftServoMin        = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.biLeftServoMid        = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.biLeftServoMax        = 4000.0f;

        eepromConfig.biRightServoMin       = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.biRightServoMid       = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.biRightServoMax       = 4000.0f;

        eepromConfig.triYawServoMin        = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMid        = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMax        = 4000.0f;

        eepromConfig.vTailAngle            = 40.0f;

        // Free Mix Defaults to Quad X
		eepromConfig.freeMixMotors         = 4;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][ROLL ]     =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[0][PITCH]     = -1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[0][YAW  ]     = -1.0f;

        eepromConfig.freeMix[1][ROLL ]     = -1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[1][PITCH]     = -1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[1][YAW  ]     =  1.0f;

        eepromConfig.freeMix[2][ROLL ]     = -1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[2][PITCH]     =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[2][YAW  ]     = -1.0f;

        eepromConfig.freeMix[3][ROLL ]     =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[3][PITCH]     =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[3][YAW  ]     =  1.0f;

        eepromConfig.freeMix[4][ROLL ]     =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[4][PITCH]     =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[4][YAW  ]     =  0.0f;

        eepromConfig.freeMix[5][ROLL ]     =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[5][PITCH]     =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[5][YAW  ]     =  0.0f;

        eepromConfig.osdEnabled            =  false;
        eepromConfig.defaultVideoStandard  =  NTSC;
        eepromConfig.metricUnits           =  false;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAlt         =  true;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAH          =  true;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAtt         =  false;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdg         =  true;

        eepromConfig.gpsType               =  NO_GPS;
        eepromConfig.gpsBaudRate           =  38400;
        eepromConfig.magVar                =  9.033333f * D2R;  // Albuquerque, NM Mag Var 9 degrees 2 minutes (+East, - West)

        eepromConfig.batteryVoltageDivider = (10.0f + 1.5f) / 1.5f;

        eepromConfig.armCount              = 50;
        eepromConfig.disarmCount           = 0;

Exemple #15
// Default settings
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void resetConf(void)



    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", rxConfig());



    // only enable the feature by default if the board has supporting hardware

    // only enable the feature by default if the board has supporting hardware
    batteryConfig()->amperageMeterSource = AMPERAGE_METER_ADC;

    // alternative defaults settings for ALIENFLIGHTF1 and ALIENFLIGHTF3 targets
    serialConfig()->portConfigs[2].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
    getVoltageMeterConfig(ADC_BATTERY)->vbatscale = 20;
    sensorSelectionConfig()->mag_hardware = MAG_NONE;            // disabled by default
# else
    serialConfig()->portConfigs[1].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
# endif
    rxConfig()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048;
    rxConfig()->spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
    motorConfig()->minthrottle = 1000;
    motorConfig()->maxthrottle = 2000;
    motorConfig()->motor_pwm_rate = 32000;
    failsafeConfig()->failsafe_delay = 2;
    failsafeConfig()->failsafe_off_delay = 0;
    mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit = YAW_JUMP_PREVENTION_LIMIT_HIGH;
    currentControlRateProfile->rcRate8 = 100;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[PITCH] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[ROLL] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[YAW] = 20;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", rxConfig());

    *customMotorMixer(0) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f, -1.0f };    // REAR_R
    *customMotorMixer(1) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f,  1.0f };    // FRONT_R
    *customMotorMixer(2) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f,  1.0f };    // REAR_L
    *customMotorMixer(3) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f };    // FRONT_L
    *customMotorMixer(4) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_R
    *customMotorMixer(5) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_L
    *customMotorMixer(6) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDREAR_R
    *customMotorMixer(7) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDREAR_L

    // copy first profile into remaining profile
        for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
            memcpy(reg->address + i * pgSize(reg), reg->address, pgSize(reg));
    for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        configureRateProfileSelection(i, i % MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT);
Exemple #16
// Default settings
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void resetConf(void)





    // only enable the VBAT feature by default if the board has a voltage divider otherwise
    // the user may see incorrect readings and unexpected issues with pin mappings may occur.


    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", rxConfig());


#if defined(COLIBRI_RACE)
    // alternative defaults settings for COLIBRI RACE targets
    imuConfig()->looptime = 1000;


    // alternative defaults settings for ALIENWIIF1 and ALIENWIIF3 targets
#ifdef ALIENWII32
# ifdef ALIENWIIF3
    serialConfig()->portConfigs[2].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
    batteryConfig()->vbatscale = 20;
# else
    serialConfig()->portConfigs[1].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
# endif
    rxConfig()->serialrx_provider = SERIALRX_SPEKTRUM2048;
    rxConfig()->spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
    motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle = 1000;
    motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle = 2000;
    motorAndServoConfig()->motor_pwm_rate = 32000;
    imuConfig()->looptime = 2000;
    pidProfile()->pidController = 3;
    pidProfile()->P8[PIDROLL] = 36;
    pidProfile()->P8[PIDPITCH] = 36;
    failsafeConfig()->failsafe_delay = 2;
    failsafeConfig()->failsafe_off_delay = 0;
    currentControlRateProfile->rcRate8 = 130;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[ROLL] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[PITCH] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[YAW] = 100;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", rxConfig());
    *customMotorMixer(0) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f, -1.0f };    // REAR_R
    *customMotorMixer(1) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f,  1.0f };    // FRONT_R
    *customMotorMixer(2) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f,  1.0f };    // REAR_L
    *customMotorMixer(3) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f };    // FRONT_L
    *customMotorMixer(4) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_R
    *customMotorMixer(5) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDFRONT_L
    *customMotorMixer(6) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f };    // MIDREAR_R
    *customMotorMixer(7) = (motorMixer_t){ 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f };    // MIDREAR_L

    // copy first profile into remaining profile
        for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
            memcpy(reg->address + i * pgSize(reg), reg->address, pgSize(reg));
    for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        configureRateProfileSelection(i, i % MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT);
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    uint8_t i;
    const int8_t default_align[3][3] = { /* GYRO */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* ACC */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* MAG */ { -2, -3, 1 } };
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));

    cfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    cfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;
//    featureSet(FEATURE_VBAT);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_FAILSAFE);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_LCD);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_GPS);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_PASS);                   // Just pass Throttlechannel
//    featureSet(FEATURE_SONAR);

    cfg.P8[ROLL]                  = 35;         // 40
    cfg.I8[ROLL]                  = 20;
    cfg.D8[ROLL]                  = 30;

    cfg.P8[PITCH]                 = 35;         // 40
    cfg.I8[PITCH]                 = 20;
    cfg.D8[PITCH]                 = 30;

    cfg.P8[YAW]                   = 60;         // 70
    cfg.I8[YAW]                   = 45;

    cfg.P8[PIDALT]                = 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT]                = 30;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT]                = 80;

    cfg.P8[PIDPOS]                = 10;         // FIND YOUR VALUE
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS]                =  0;         // NOT USED
    cfg.D8[PIDPOS]                =  0;         // NOT USED

    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR]               = 50;         // FIND YOUR VALUE                    // Controls the speed part with my PH logic
    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR]               =  0;         // 25;  // DANGER "I" may lead to circeling   // Controls the speed part with my PH logic
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR]               = 40;         // FIND YOUR VALUE                    // Controls the speed part with my PH logic

    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR]               = 15;         // 14 More ?
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR]               =  0;         // NAV_I * 100;                       // Scaling/Purpose unchanged
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR]               =  0;         // NAV_D * 1000;                      // Scaling/Purpose unchanged

//    cfg.P8[PIDPOS]                = 11;         // APM PH Stock values
//    cfg.I8[PIDPOS]                = 0;
//    cfg.D8[PIDPOS]                = 0;

//    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR]               = 20;         // POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
//    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR]               = 8;          // POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
//    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR]               = 45;         // POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;

//    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR]               = 14;         // NAV_P * 10;
//    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR]               = 20;         // NAV_I * 100;
//    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR]               = 80;         // NAV_D * 1000;

    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL]              = 60;         // 70
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL]              = 10;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL]              = 50;

    cfg.P8[PIDMAG]                = 80;         // cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 0;// cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 0;// cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 0;

    cfg.rcRate8                   = 100;
    cfg.rcExpo8                   = 80;         // cfg.rollPitchRate = 0;// cfg.yawRate = 0;// cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.thrMid8                   = 50;
    // cfg.thrExpo8 = 0;//for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)//cfg.activate[i] = 0;
    // cfg.angleTrim[0] = 0;// cfg.angleTrim[1] = 0;// cfg.accZero[0] = 0;// cfg.accZero[1] = 0;
    // cfg.accZero[2] = 0;// cfg.mag_declination = 0;    // For example, -6deg 37min, = -637 Japan, format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    memcpy(&cfg.align, default_align, sizeof(cfg.align));

//    cfg.mag_declination           = 0;          // For example, -6deg 37min, = -637 Japan, format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    cfg.mag_declination           = 107;        // Crashpilot //cfg.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;// default/autodetect
    cfg.mag_oldcalib              = 0;          // 1 = old hard iron calibration // 0 = extended calibration (better)
    cfg.mag_oldctime              = 1;          // 1 - 5 Time in MINUTES for old calibration. Use this together with mag_oldcalib = 1 if you have a monster of a copter
    cfg.acc_hardware              = 2;          // Crashpilot MPU6050
    cfg.acc_lpf_factor            = 100;	      // changed 27.11.2012
    cfg.acc_ins_lpf               = 10;         // General LPF for all INS stuff

    cfg.looptime                  = 3000;	      // changed 27.11.2012 //    cfg.acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    cfg.mainpidctrl               = 1;          // 1 = OriginalMwiiPid pimped by me, 2 = New mwii controller (experimental, float pimped + pt1)
    cfg.mainpt1cut                = 15;         // (0-50Hz) 0 Disables pt1element. Cuf Off Frequency for pt1 element D term in Hz of main Pid controller
    cfg.newpidimax                = 256;        // [10-65000) 256 Default. Imax of new Pidcontroller
    cfg.gpspt1cut                 = 10;         // (1-50Hz) Cuf Off Frequency for D term in Hz of GPS Pid controller 
    cfg.gyro_cmpf_factor          = 1000;       // (10-1000) 400 default. Now 1000. The higher, the more weight gets the gyro and the lower is the correction with Acc data.
    cfg.gyro_cmpfm_factor         = 1000;       // (10-2000) 200 default for 10Hz. Now 1000 for 70Hz seems ok. Gyro/Magnetometer Complement. Greater Value means more filter on mag/delay
    cfg.gyro_lpf                  = 42;         // Possible values 256 188 98 42 20 10 (HZ)

    // Baro
    cfg.accz_vel_cf               = 0.985f;     // Crashpilot: Value for complementary filter accz and barovelocity
    cfg.accz_alt_cf               = 0.940f;     // Crashpilot: Value for complementary filter accz and altitude
    cfg.baro_lag                  = 0.3f;       // Lag of Baro/Althold stuff in general, makes stop in hightchange snappier
    cfg.barodownscale             = 0.7f;       // Scale downmovement down (because copter drops faster than rising)

    // Autoland
    cfg.al_barolr                 = 75;         // Temporary value "64" increase to increase Landingspeed
    cfg.al_snrlr                  = 75;         // You can specify different landingfactor here on sonar contact, because sonar land maybe too fast when snr_cf is high
    cfg.al_lndthr                 = 0;          // This is the absolute throttle that kicks off the "has landed timer" if it is too low cfg.minthrottle is taken.
    cfg.al_debounce               = 5;          // (0-20%) 0 Disables. Defines a Throttlelimiter on Autoland. Percentage defines the maximum deviation of assumed hoverthrottle during Autoland
    cfg.al_tobaro                 = 2000;       // Timeout in ms (100 - 5000) before shutoff on autoland. "al_lndthr" must be undershot for that timeperiod
    cfg.al_tosnr                  = 1000;       // Timeout in ms (100 - 5000) If sonar aided land is wanted (snr_land = 1) you can choose a different timeout here

    cfg.baro_debug                = 0;          // Crashpilot: 1 = Debug Barovalues //cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;// Crashpilot: Not used anymore//cfg.baro_cf = 0.985f;// Crashpilot: Not used anymore
    cfg.moron_threshold           = 32;
    cfg.gyro_smoothing_factor     = 0x00141403; // default factors of 20, 20, 3 for R/P/Y
    cfg.vbatscale                 = 110;
    cfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage        = 43;
    cfg.vbatmincellvoltage        = 33;
    cfg.power_adc_channel         = 0;

    // Radio
    cfg.deadband                  = 15;         // Crashpilot: A little deadband will not harm our crappy RC
    cfg.yawdeadband               = 15;         // Crashpilot: A little deadband will not harm our crappy RC
    cfg.alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 50;         // Crashpilot: A little deadband will not harm our crappy RC
    cfg.gps_adddb                 = 5;          // Additional Deadband for all GPS functions;

    // cfg.spektrum_hires = 0;
    cfg.midrc                     = 1500;
    cfg.mincheck                  = 1100;
    cfg.maxcheck                  = 1900;
    cfg.retarded_arm              = 0;          // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right
    cfg.auxChannels               = 4;          // [4 - 10] cGiesen: Default = 4, then like the standard!
    cfg.killswitchtime            = 0;          // Time in ms when your arm switch becomes a Killswitch, 0 disables the Killswitch, can not be used together with FEATURE_INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL

    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    cfg.minthrottle               = 1150;       // ORIG
//    cfg.minthrottle               = 1100;
    cfg.maxthrottle               = 1950;
    cfg.passmotor                 = 0;          // Crashpilot: Only used with feature pass. If 0 = all Motors, otherwise specific Motor
    cfg.mincommand                = 1000;
    cfg.motor_pwm_rate            = 400;
    cfg.servo_pwm_rate            = 50;

    // servos
    cfg.yaw_direction             = 1;
    cfg.tri_yaw_middle            = 1500;
    cfg.tri_yaw_min               = 1020;
    cfg.tri_yaw_max               = 2000;

    // flying wing
    cfg.wing_left_min             = 1020;
    cfg.wing_left_mid             = 1500;
    cfg.wing_left_max             = 2000;
    cfg.wing_right_min            = 1020;
    cfg.wing_right_mid            = 1500;
    cfg.wing_right_max            = 2000;
    cfg.pitch_direction_l         = 1;
    cfg.pitch_direction_r         = -1;
    cfg.roll_direction_l          = 1;
    cfg.roll_direction_r          = 1;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_gain         = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_gain          = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_flags              = GIMBAL_NORMAL;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_min          = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_max          = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_mid          = 1500;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_min           = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_max           = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_mid           = 1500;

    // gps/nav
    cfg.gps_type                  = 1;          // GPS_NMEA = 0, GPS_UBLOX = 1, GPS_MTK16 = 2, GPS_MTK19 = 3, GPS_UBLOX_DUMB = 4
    cfg.gps_baudrate              = 115200;     //38400; // Changed 8/6/13 to 115200;
//    cfg.gps_baudrate              = 38400;      //38400; // Changed 8/6/13 to 115200;
//    cfg.gps_ins_vel               = 0.72f;      // Crashpilot GPS INS The LOWER the value the closer to gps speed // Dont go to high here
    cfg.gps_ins_vel               = 0.6f;       // Crashpilot GPS INS The LOWER the value the closer to gps speed // Dont go to high here
    cfg.gps_ins_mdl               = 1;          // NOTE: KEEP THIS TO "1" FOR NOW because other models work like shit currently. GPS ins model. 1 = Based on lat/lon, 2 = based on Groundcourse & speed,(3 = based on ublx velned deleted)
    cfg.gps_lag                   = 2000;       // GPS Lag in ms
    cfg.gps_phase                 = 0;          // +- 30 Degree Make a phaseshift of GPS output for whatever reason you might want that (frametype etc)
    cfg.gps_ph_minsat             = 6;          // Minimal Satcount for PH, PH on RTL is still done with 5Sats or more
    cfg.gps_ph_settlespeed        = 10;         // 1 - 200 cm/s PH settlespeed in cm/s
    cfg.gps_ph_brakemaxangle      = 10;         // 1 - 45 Degree Maximal 5 Degree Overspeedbrake
    cfg.gps_ph_minbrakepercent    = 50;         // 1 - 99% minimal percent of "brakemaxangle" left over for braking. Example brakemaxangle = 6 so 50 Percent is 3..
    cfg.gps_ph_brkacc             = 40;         // [1 - 500] Is the assumed negative braking acceleration in cm/(s*s) of copter. Value is positive though. It will be a timeout. The lower the Value the longe the Timeout
    cfg.gps_ph_abstub             = 100;        // 0 - 1000cm (300 Dfault, 0 disables) Defines the "bath tub" around current absolute PH Position, where PosP is diminished, reaction gets harder on tubs edge and then goes on linear
    cfg.gps_maxangle              = 25;         // 10 - 45 Degree Maximal over all GPS bank angle
    cfg.gps_wp_radius             = 150;
//    cfg.gps_rtl_minhight          = 20;         // (0 - 200) Minimal RTL hight in m, 0 disables feature
	  cfg.gps_rtl_minhight          = 0;          // (0 - 200) Minimal RTL hight in m, 0 disables feature
    cfg.gps_rtl_mindist           = 0;          // 0 Disables. Minimal distance for RTL in m, otherwise it will just autoland, prevent Failsafe jump in your face, when arming copter and turning off TX
    cfg.gps_rtl_flyaway           = 0;          // 0 Disables. If during RTL the distance increases beyond this value (in meters relative to RTL activation point), something is wrong, autoland
    cfg.gps_yaw                   = 30;         // Thats the MAG P during GPS functions, substitute for "cfg.P8[PIDMAG]"
    cfg.nav_rtl_lastturn          = 1;          // 1 = when copter gets to home position it rotates it's head to takeoff direction independend of nav_controls_heading
//    cfg.nav_slew_rate             = 30;         // was 30 and 50 before
    cfg.nav_slew_rate             = 20;         // was 30 and 50 before
    cfg.nav_tail_first            = 0;          // 1 = Copter comes back with ass first (only works with nav_controls_heading = 1)
    cfg.nav_controls_heading      = 0;          // 1 = Nav controls YAW during WP ONLY
//    cfg.nav_controls_heading      = 1;          // 1 = Nav controls YAW during WP ONLY
    cfg.nav_speed_min             = 100;        // 10 - 200 cm/s don't set higher than nav_speed_max! That dumbness is not covered.
    cfg.nav_speed_max             = 350;        // 50 - 2000 cm/s don't set lower than nav_speed_min! That dumbness is not covered.
    cfg.nav_approachdiv           = 3;          // 2 - 10 This is the divisor for approach speed for wp_distance. Example: 400cm / 3 = 133cm/s if below nav_speed_min it will be adjusted
    cfg.nav_tiltcomp              = 20;         // 0 - 100 (20 TestDefault) Only arducopter really knows. Dfault was 54. This is some kind of a hack of them to reach actual nav_speed_max. 54 was Dfault, 0 disables
    cfg.nav_ctrkgain              = 0.5f;       // 0 - 10.0 (0.5 TestDefault) (Floatvariable) That is the "Crosstrackgain" APM Dfault is "1". "0" disables

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.failsafe_delay            = 10;         // in 0.1s (10 = 1sec)
    cfg.failsafe_off_delay        = 200;        // in 0.1s (200 = 20sec)
    cfg.failsafe_throttle         = 1200;       // decent Dfault which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    cfg.failsafe_deadpilot        = 0;		      // DONT USE, EXPERIMENTAL Time in sec when FS is engaged after idle on THR/YAW/ROLL/PITCH, 0 disables max 250
    cfg.failsafe_justph           = 0;          // Does just PH&Autoland an not RTL, use this in difficult areas with many obstacles to avoid RTL crash into something
    cfg.failsafe_ignoreSNR        = 1;          // When snr_land is set to 1, it is possible to ignore that on Failsafe, because FS over a tree could turn off copter

    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    cfg.serial_baudrate           = 115200;
    cfg.tele_prot                 = 0;          // Protocol ONLY used when Armed including Baudchange if necessary. 0 (Dfault)=Keep Multiwii @CurrentUSB Baud, 1=Frsky @9600Baud, 2=Mavlink @CurrentUSB Baud, 3=Mavlink @57KBaud (like stock minimOSD wants it)

    // LED Stuff
    cfg.LED_invert                = 0;          // Crashpilot: Inversion of LED 0&1 Partly implemented because Bootup is not affected
    cfg.LED_Type                  = 1;		      // 1=MWCRGB / 2=MONO_LED / 3=LEDRing
    cfg.LED_Pinout                = 1;		      // rc6
    cfg.LED_ControlChannel        = 8;		      // AUX4 (Channel 8)
    cfg.LED_Armed                 = 0;		      // 0 = Show LED only if armed, 1 = always show LED
    cfg.LED_Pattern1			        = 1300; 		  // 32bit bit pattern to have flickering led patterns / the pattern for MWCRGB 1000-2000
    cfg.LED_Pattern2			        = 1800; 		  // 32bit bit pattern to have flickering led patterns / the pattern for MWCRGB 1000-2000
    cfg.LED_Pattern3			        = 1900; 		  // 32bit bit pattern to have flickering led patterns / the pattern for MWCRGB 1000-2000
    cfg.LED_Toggle_Delay1         = 0x08;       // slow down LED_Pattern
    cfg.LED_Toggle_Delay2         = 0x08;       // slow down LED_Pattern
    cfg.LED_Toggle_Delay3         = 0x08;       // slow down LED_Pattern

    // SONAR

    // PWM56 are 5V resistant, RC78 only tolerate 3.3V(!!) so add a 1K Ohms resistor!!!
    // Note: You will never see the maximum possible sonar range in a copter, so go for the half of it (or less?)
    // Connection possibilities depending on Receivertype:
    // PPSUM: RC78 possible, PWM56 possible (on max. quadcopters, see below)
    // Normal RX: Just Connection on Motorchannel 5&6 (PWM56) is possible.
    // The PWM56 sonar connection option is only available in setups with max motors 4, otherwise sonar is not initialized.
    // HC-SR04:
    // Operation Voltage: 5V (!! Use PWM56 or 1K resistor !!)
    // Range: 2cm - 400cm
    // Angle: 15 Degrees (Test out for yourself: cfg.snr_tilt = X)
    // Maxbotics in general
    // Operation Voltage: (some 2.5V)3.3V - 5V ((!! Use PWM56 or resistor with 5V !!)
    // Only wire the Maxbotics for PWM output (more precise anyway), not the analog etc. modes, just wire echopin (normally pin 2)
    // Range: 20cm(!) - 765cm (some >1000cm), MaxTiltAngle is not specified, depending on Model
    // Tested on MB1200 XL-MaxSonar-EZ0
    // I implemented some checks to prevent that user error, but still keep that in mind.
    // Min/Max are checked and changed if they are too stupid for your sonar. So if you suddenly see other values, thats not an eeprom error or so.
    // MAXBOTICS: SET snr_min to at least 25! I check this in sensors and change the value, if needed.
    // NOTE: I limited Maxbotics to 7 meters in the code, knowing that some types will do >10m, if you have one of them 7m is still the limit for you.
    // HC-SR04:   SET snr_min to at least 5 ! I check this in sensors and change the value, if needed.
    // DaddyWalross Sonar: I DON'T KNOW! But it uses HC-SR04 so i apply the same limits (5cm-400cm) to its output
    // NOTE: Sonar is def. not a must - have. But nice to have.
    cfg.snr_type                  = 3;          // 0 = PWM56 HC-SR04, 1 = RC78 HC-SR04, 2 = I2C (DaddyWalross), 3 = MBPWM56, 4 = MBRC78
    cfg.snr_min                   = 25;         // Valid Sonar minimal range in cm (5-200) see warning above
    cfg.snr_max                   = 200;        // Valid Sonar maximal range in cm (50-700)
    cfg.snr_debug                 = 0;          // 1 Sends Sonardata (within defined range and tilt) to debug[0] and tiltvalue to debug[1], debug[0] will be -1 if out of range/tilt. debug[2] contains raw sonaralt, like before
    cfg.snr_tilt                  = 18;         // Somehow copter tiltrange in degrees (Not exactly but good enough. Value * 0.9 = realtilt) in wich Sonar is possible
    cfg.snr_cf                    = 0.7f;       // The bigger, the more Sonarinfluence, makes switch between Baro/Sonar smoother and defines baroinfluence when sonarcontact. 1.0f just takes Sonar, if contact (otherwise baro)
    cfg.snr_diff                  = 0;          // 0 disables that check. Range (0-200) Maximal allowed difference in cm between sonar readouts (100ms rate and snr_diff = 50 means max 5m/s)
    cfg.snr_land                  = 1;          // Aided Sonar - landing, by setting upper throttle limit to current throttle. - Beware of Trees!! Can be disabled for Failsafe with failsafe_ignoreSNR = 1

    // LOGGING
    cfg.floppy_mode               = FD_MODE_GPSLOGGER; // Usagemode of free Space. 1 = GPS Logger
    cfg.FDUsedDatasets            = 0;          // Default no Datasets stored
    cfg.stat_clear                = 1;          // This will clear the stats between flights, or you can set to 0 and treasue overallstats, but you have to write manually eeprom or have logging enabled
    cfg.sens_1G                   = 1;          // Just feed a dummy "1" to avoid div by zero
    // custom mixer. clear by Dfaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++) cfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;
Exemple #18
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&masterConfig, 0, sizeof(master_t));

    masterConfig.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    masterConfig.mixerMode = MIXER_QUADX;

    // only enable the VBAT feature by default if the board has a voltage divider otherwise
    // the user may see incorrect readings and unexpected issues with pin mappings may occur.

    // global settings
    masterConfig.current_profile_index = 0;     // default profile
    masterConfig.dcm_kp_acc = 2500;             // 0.25 * 10000
    masterConfig.dcm_ki_acc = 50;               // 0.005 * 10000
    masterConfig.dcm_kp_mag = 10000;            // 1.00 * 10000
    masterConfig.dcm_ki_mag = 0;                // 0.00 * 10000
    masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 3;                  // INV_FILTER_42HZ, In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead

    resetAccelerometerTrims(&masterConfig.accZero, &masterConfig.accGain);


    masterConfig.boardAlignment.rollDeciDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.pitchDeciDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.yawDeciDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    masterConfig.gyroConfig.gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold = 32;

    masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_DEFAULT;   // default/autodetect



    masterConfig.rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc = 1500;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck = 1100;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.maxcheck = 1900;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rx_min_usec = 885;          // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger rx loss detection
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rx_max_usec = 2115;         // any of first 4 channels above this value will trigger rx loss detection

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_RC_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) {
        rxFailsafeChannelConfiguration_t *channelFailsafeConfiguration = &masterConfig.rxConfig.failsafe_channel_configurations[i];
        channelFailsafeConfiguration->mode = (i < NON_AUX_CHANNEL_COUNT) ? RX_FAILSAFE_MODE_AUTO : RX_FAILSAFE_MODE_HOLD;
        channelFailsafeConfiguration->step = (i == THROTTLE) ? CHANNEL_VALUE_TO_RXFAIL_STEP(masterConfig.rxConfig.rx_min_usec) : CHANNEL_VALUE_TO_RXFAIL_STEP(masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc);

    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_channel = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_scale = RSSI_SCALE_DEFAULT;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_ppm_invert = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcSmoothing = 1;


    masterConfig.inputFilteringMode = INPUT_FILTERING_DISABLED;

    masterConfig.disarm_kill_switch = 1;
    masterConfig.auto_disarm_delay = 5;
    masterConfig.small_angle = 25;


    // Motor/ESC/Servo

    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = BRUSHED_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = BRUSHLESS_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
    masterConfig.servo_pwm_rate = 50;

#ifdef GPS
    // gps/nav stuff
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.provider = GPS_UBLOX;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.sbasMode = SBAS_AUTO;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.autoConfig = GPS_AUTOCONFIG_ON;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.autoBaud = GPS_AUTOBAUD_ON;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.dynModel = GPS_DYNMODEL_AIR_1G;

#ifdef NAV


    masterConfig.looptime = 2000;
    masterConfig.emf_avoidance = 0;
    masterConfig.i2c_overclock = 0;
    masterConfig.gyroSync = 0;
    masterConfig.gyroSyncDenominator = 2;



    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;

    currentProfile->mag_declination = 0;


    // Radio
    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);


    currentProfile->throttle_tilt_compensation_strength = 0;      // 0-100, 0 - disabled

    // Failsafe Variables
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 10;              // 1sec
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 200;         // 20sec
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle = 1000;         // default throttle off.
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_kill_switch = 0;         // default failsafe switch action is identical to rc link loss
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 100; // default throttle low delay for "just disarm" on failsafe condition
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_procedure = 0;           // default full failsafe procedure is 0: auto-landing

    // servos
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS; i++) {
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].min = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].max = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].middle = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIDDLE;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].rate = 100;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].angleAtMin = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN_ANGLE;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].angleAtMax = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX_ANGLE;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].forwardFromChannel = CHANNEL_FORWARDING_DISABLED;

    // gimbal
    currentProfile->gimbalConfig.mode = GIMBAL_MODE_NORMAL;

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS; i++)
        masterConfig.customMotorMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

#ifdef LED_STRIP
    applyDefaultColors(masterConfig.colors, CONFIGURABLE_COLOR_COUNT);

    masterConfig.blackbox_device = BLACKBOX_DEVICE_FLASH;
    masterConfig.blackbox_device = BLACKBOX_DEVICE_SERIAL;
    masterConfig.blackbox_rate_num = 1;
    masterConfig.blackbox_rate_denom = 1;

    // alternative defaults settings for COLIBRI RACE targets
#if defined(COLIBRI_RACE)
    masterConfig.looptime = 1000;

    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[0] = 1;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[1] = 2;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[2] = 3;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[3] = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[4] = 4;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[5] = 5;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[6] = 6;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rcmap[7] = 7;


    // alternative defaults settings for ALIENWIIF1 and ALIENWIIF3 targets
#ifdef ALIENWII32
    masterConfig.serialConfig.portConfigs[2].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
    masterConfig.batteryConfig.vbatscale = 20;
    masterConfig.serialConfig.portConfigs[1].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 1;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
    masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.minthrottle = 1000;
    masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.maxthrottle = 2000;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = 32000;
    masterConfig.looptime = 2000;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[ROLL] = 36;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[PITCH] = 36;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 2;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 0;
    currentControlRateProfile->rcRate8 = 130;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_PITCH] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_ROLL] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_YAW] = 100;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);

    //  { 1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f, -1.0f },          // REAR_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[0].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[0].roll = -0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[0].pitch = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[0].yaw = -1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f,  1.0f },          // FRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[1].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[1].roll = -0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[1].pitch = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[1].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f,  1.0f },          // REAR_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[2].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[2].roll = 0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[2].pitch = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[2].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f, -1.0f },          // FRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[3].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[3].roll = 0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[3].pitch = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[3].yaw = -1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.414178f, -1.0f },          // MIDFRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[4].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[4].roll = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[4].pitch = -0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[4].yaw = -1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.414178f,  1.0f },          // MIDFRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[5].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[5].roll = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[5].pitch = -0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[5].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.414178f,  1.0f },          // MIDREAR_R
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[6].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[6].roll = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[6].pitch = 0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[6].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.414178f, -1.0f },          // MIDREAR_L
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[7].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[7].roll = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[7].pitch = 0.414178f;
    masterConfig.customMotorMixer[7].yaw = -1.0f;

    // copy first profile into remaining profile
    for (i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&masterConfig.profile[i], currentProfile, sizeof(profile_t));

    // copy first control rate config into remaining profile
    for (i = 1; i < MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&masterConfig.controlRateProfiles[i], currentControlRateProfile, sizeof(controlRateConfig_t));

    for (i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        masterConfig.profile[i].defaultRateProfileIndex = i % MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT;
void receiverCLI()
    char     rcOrderString[9];
    float    tempFloat;
    uint8_t  index;
    uint8_t  receiverQuery;
    uint8_t  validQuery = false;

    cliBusy = true;

    cliPrint("\nEntering Receiver CLI....\n\n");

        cliPrint("Receiver CLI -> ");

		while ((cliAvailable() == false) && (validQuery == false));

		if (validQuery == false)
		    receiverQuery = cliRead();



            case 'a': // Receiver Configuration
                cliPrint("\nReceiver Type:                  ");
                    case PARALLEL_PWM:
                    case SERIAL_PWM:
                    case SPEKTRUM:

                cliPrint("Current RC Channel Assignment:  ");
                for (index = 0; index < 8; index++)
                    rcOrderString[eepromConfig.rcMap[index]] = rcChannelLetters[index];

                rcOrderString[index] = '\0';

                cliPrint(rcOrderString);  cliPrint("\n");

                cliPrintF("Spektrum Resolution:            %s\n",     eepromConfig.spektrumHires ? "11 Bit Mode" : "10 Bit Mode");
                cliPrintF("Number of Spektrum Channels:    %2d\n",    eepromConfig.spektrumChannels);
                cliPrintF("Mid Command:                    %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)eepromConfig.midCommand);
				cliPrintF("Min Check:                      %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)eepromConfig.minCheck);
				cliPrintF("Max Check:                      %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)eepromConfig.maxCheck);
				cliPrintF("Min Throttle:                   %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)eepromConfig.minThrottle);
				cliPrintF("Max Thottle:                    %4ld\n\n", (uint16_t)eepromConfig.maxThrottle);

				tempFloat = eepromConfig.rateScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
				cliPrintF("Max Rate Command:               %6.2f DPS\n", tempFloat);

				tempFloat = eepromConfig.attitudeScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
                cliPrintF("Max Attitude Command:           %6.2f Degrees\n\n", tempFloat);

				cliPrintF("Arm Delay Count:                %3d Frames\n",   eepromConfig.armCount);
				cliPrintF("Disarm Delay Count:             %3d Frames\n\n", eepromConfig.disarmCount);

				validQuery = false;


            case 'b': // Read Max Rate Value
                eepromConfig.rateScaling = readFloatCLI() / 180000 * PI;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'c': // Read Max Attitude Value
                eepromConfig.attitudeScaling = readFloatCLI() / 180000 * PI;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


			case 'x':
			    cliPrint("\nExiting Receiver CLI....\n\n");
			    cliBusy = false;


            case 'A': // Read RX Input Type
                eepromConfig.receiverType = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();
			    cliPrint( "\nReceiver Type Changed....\n");

			    cliPrint("\nSystem Resetting....\n");



            case 'B': // Read RC Control Order
                readStringCLI( rcOrderString, 8 );
                parseRcChannels( rcOrderString );

          	    receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'C': // Read Spektrum Resolution
                eepromConfig.spektrumHires = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'D': // Read Number of Spektrum Channels
                eepromConfig.spektrumChannels = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'E': // Read RC Control Points
                eepromConfig.midCommand   = readFloatCLI();
    	        eepromConfig.minCheck     = readFloatCLI();
    		    eepromConfig.maxCheck     = readFloatCLI();
    		    eepromConfig.minThrottle  = readFloatCLI();
    		    eepromConfig.maxThrottle  = readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'F': // Read Arm/Disarm Counts
                eepromConfig.armCount    = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();
        	    eepromConfig.disarmCount = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'W': // Write EEPROM Parameters
                cliPrint("\nWriting EEPROM Parameters....\n\n");


			case '?':
			   	cliPrint("'a' Receiver Configuration Data            'A' Set RX Input Type                    AX, 1=Parallel, 2=Serial, 3=Spektrum\n");
   		        cliPrint("'b' Set Maximum Rate Command               'B' Set RC Control Order                 BTAER1234\n");
			   	cliPrint("'c' Set Maximum Attitude Command           'C' Set Spektrum Resolution              C0 or C1\n");
			   	cliPrint("                                           'D' Set Number of Spektrum Channels      D6 thru D12\n");
			   	cliPrint("                                           'E' Set RC Control Points                EmidCmd;minChk;maxChk;minThrot;maxThrot\n");
			   	cliPrint("                                           'F' Set Arm/Disarm Counts                FarmCount;disarmCount\n");
			   	cliPrint("                                           'W' Write EEPROM Parameters\n");
			   	cliPrint("'x' Exit Receiver CLI                      '?' Command Summary\n");


Exemple #20
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    const int8_t default_align[3][3] = { /* GYRO */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* ACC */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* MAG */ { -2, -3, 1 } };

    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));

    cfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    //cfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;
    cfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_AIRPLANE;
    //featureSet(FEATURE_VBAT);		// Enable Vbat monitoring
    //featureSet(FEATURE_PPM);	  	// Enable CPPM input

    cfg.looptime = 0;
    cfg.P8[ROLL] = 20;
    //cfg.I8[ROLL] = 30;
    //cfg.D8[ROLL] = 23;
    cfg.I8[ROLL] = 0;
    cfg.D8[ROLL] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PITCH] = 20;
    //cfg.I8[PITCH] = 30;
    //cfg.D8[PITCH] = 23;
    cfg.I8[PITCH] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PITCH] = 0;
    cfg.P8[YAW] = 85;
    cfg.I8[YAW] = 0;
    //cfg.I8[YAW] = 45;
    cfg.D8[YAW] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOS] = 0; 	// POSHOLD_P * 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS] = 0; 	// POSHOLD_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOS] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR] = 0; 	// POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR] = 0; 	// POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR] = 0; 	// POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR] = 0; 	// NAV_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR] = 0; 	// NAV_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR] = 0; 	// NAV_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] = 20;
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] = 100;
    //cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] = 70;
    //cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL] = 10;
    //cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] = 20;
    cfg.P8[PIDMAG] = 40;
    cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 0;
    cfg.rcRate8 = 100;
    cfg.rcExpo8 = 0;
    cfg.rollPitchRate = 0;
    cfg.yawRate = 0;
    cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.thrMid8 = 50;
    cfg.thrExpo8 = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
        cfg.activate[i] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[0] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[1] = 0;
    cfg.accZero[0] = 0;
    cfg.accZero[1] = 0;
    cfg.accZero[2] = 0;
    // Magnetic declination: format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    // +12deg 31min = 1231 Sydney, Australia
    // -6deg 37min = -637 Southern Japan
    // cfg.mag_declination = 0;
    cfg.mag_declination = 1231;
    memcpy(&cfg.align, default_align, sizeof(cfg.align));
    cfg.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    cfg.acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    cfg.acc_lpf_for_velocity = 10;
    cfg.accz_deadband = 50;
    cfg.gyro_cmpf_factor = 400; 		// default MWC
    cfg.gyro_lpf = 42;
    cfg.mpu6050_scale = 1; // f**k invensense
    cfg.baro_tab_size = 21;
    cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;
    cfg.baro_cf = 0.985f;
    cfg.moron_threshold = 32;
    cfg.gyro_smoothing_factor = 0x00141403;     // default factors of 20, 20, 3 for R/P/Y
    cfg.vbatscale = 110;
    cfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43;
    cfg.vbatmincellvoltage = 33;
    // cfg.power_adc_channel = 0;

    // Radio
    //parseRcChannels("TAER1234"); // Debug - JR
    cfg.deadband = 0;
    cfg.yawdeadband = 0;
    cfg.alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 20;
    cfg.spektrum_hires = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)					// RC stick centers
        cfg.midrc[i] = 1500;
    cfg.defaultrc = 1500;
    cfg.mincheck = 1100;
    cfg.maxcheck = 1900;
    cfg.retarded_arm = 0;       			// disable arm/disarm on roll left/right

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.failsafe_delay = 10;    			// 1sec
    cfg.failsafe_off_delay = 200;       	// 20sec
    cfg.failsafe_throttle = 1200;       	// decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.

    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    cfg.minthrottle = 1150;
    cfg.maxthrottle = 1850;
    cfg.mincommand = 1000;
    cfg.motor_pwm_rate = 400;
    cfg.servo_pwm_rate = 50;

    // servos
    cfg.yaw_direction = 1;
    cfg.tri_yaw_middle = 1500;
    cfg.tri_yaw_min = 1020;
    cfg.tri_yaw_max = 2000;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_gain = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_gain = 10;
    cfg.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_min = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_max = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_pitch_mid = 1500;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_min = 1020;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_max = 2000;
    cfg.gimbal_roll_mid = 1500;

    // gps/nav stuff
    cfg.gps_type = GPS_NMEA;
    cfg.gps_baudrate = 115200;
    cfg.gps_wp_radius = 200;
    cfg.gps_lpf = 20;
    cfg.nav_slew_rate = 30;
    cfg.nav_controls_heading = 1;
    cfg.nav_speed_min = 100;
    cfg.nav_speed_max = 300;

    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    cfg.serial_baudrate = 115200;

    // Aeroplane stuff
    cfg.flapmode = ADV_FLAP;				// Switch for flaperon mode?
    cfg.flapchan = AUX2;					// RC channel number for simple flaps)
    cfg.aileron2 = AUX1;					// RC channel number for second aileron
    cfg.flapspeed = 10;						// Desired rate of change of flaps
    cfg.flapstep = 3;						// Steps for each flap movement
    cfg.DynPIDchan = THROTTLE;				// Dynamic PID source channel
    cfg.DynPIDbreakpoint = 1500;			// Dynamic PID breakpoint
    cfg.rollPIDpol = 1;
    cfg.pitchPIDpol = 1;
    cfg.yawPIDpol = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)					// Servo limits
        cfg.servoendpoint_low[i] = 1000;
        cfg.servoendpoint_high[i] = 2000;
        cfg.servoreverse[i] = 1;
        cfg.servotrim[i] = 1500;			// Set servo trim to default

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
        cfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

Exemple #21
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    uint8_t i;
    const int8_t default_align[3][3] = { /* GYRO */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* ACC */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* MAG */ { 0, 0, 0 } };
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));

    cfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    cfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;
//    featureSet(FEATURE_VBAT);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_FAILSAFE);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_LCD);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_GPS);
//    featureSet(FEATURE_PASS);                   // Just pass Throttlechannel
//    featureSet(FEATURE_SONAR);

    cfg.P8[ROLL]                  =  35;        // 40
    cfg.I8[ROLL]                  =  30;
    cfg.D8[ROLL]                  =  30;

    cfg.P8[PITCH]                 =  35;        // 40
    cfg.I8[PITCH]                 =  30;
    cfg.D8[PITCH]                 =  30;

    cfg.P8[YAW]                   =  60;        // 70
    cfg.I8[YAW]                   =  45;

    cfg.P8[PIDALT]                = 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT]                =  30;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT]                =  80;

    cfg.P8[PIDPOS]                =  10;        // FIND YOUR VALUE
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS]                =  40;        // USED

    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR]               =  70;        // FIND YOUR VALUE                    // Controls the speed part with my PH logic
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR]               = 100;        // FIND YOUR VALUE                    // Controls the speed part with my PH logic

    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR]               =  15;        // 14 More ?
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR]               =   0;        // NAV_I * 100;                       // Scaling/Purpose unchanged
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR]               =   0;        // NAV_D * 1000;                      // Scaling/Purpose unchanged

//    cfg.P8[PIDPOS]                = 11;         // APM PH Stock values
//    cfg.I8[PIDPOS]                = 0;
//    cfg.D8[PIDPOS]                = 0;

//    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR]               = 20;         // POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
//    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR]               = 8;          // POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
//    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR]               = 45;         // POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;

//    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR]               = 14;         // NAV_P * 10;
//    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR]               = 20;         // NAV_I * 100;
//    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR]               = 80;         // NAV_D * 1000;

    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL]              = 70;         // 70
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL]              = 10;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL]              = 50;

    cfg.P8[PIDMAG]                = 80;         // cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 0;// cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 0;// cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 0;

    cfg.rcRate8                   = 100;
    cfg.rcExpo8                   = 80;         // cfg.rollPitchRate = 0;// cfg.yawRate = 0;// cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.thrMid8                   = 50;

    memcpy(&cfg.align, default_align, sizeof(cfg.align));

    cfg.mag_dec                   = 113;        // Crashpilot //cfg.acc_hdw = ACC_DEFAULT;// default/autodetect
    cfg.mag_time                  = 1;          // (1-6) Calibration time in minutes
    cfg.mag_gain                  = 0;          // 0(default) = 1.9 GAUSS ; 1 = 2.5 GAUSS (problematic copters, will reduce 20% resolution)
    cfg.acc_hdw                   = 2;          // Crashpilot MPU6050
    cfg.acc_lpfhz                 = 10.0f;      // [0.x-100Hz] LPF for angle/horizon 0.536f resembles somehow the orig mwii factor
    cfg.acc_altlpfhz              = 15;         // [1-100Hz]   LPF for althold
    cfg.acc_gpslpfhz              = 30;         // [1-100Hz]   LPF for GPS ins stuff
    cfg.looptime                  = 3000;
    cfg.mainpidctrl               = 0;          // 0 = OriginalMwiiPid pimped by me, 1 = New mwii controller (experimental, float pimped + pt1)
    cfg.maincuthz                 = 12;         // [1-100Hz] Cuf Off Frequency for D term of main Pid controller
    cfg.gpscuthz                  = 45;         // [1-100Hz] Cuf Off Frequency for D term of GPS Pid controller 

    cfg.gy_gcmpf                  = 700;        // (10-1000) 400 default. Now 1000. The higher, the more weight gets the gyro and the lower is the correction with Acc data.
    cfg.gy_mcmpf                  = 200;        // (10-2000) 200 default for 10Hz. Now higher. Gyro/Magnetometer Complement.
    cfg.gy_smrll                  = 0;
    cfg.gy_smptc                  = 0;
    cfg.gy_smyw                   = 0;          // In Tricopter mode a "1" will enable a moving average filter, anything higher will also enable a lowpassfilter
    cfg.gy_lpf                    = 42;         // Values for MPU 6050/3050: 256, 188, 98, 42, 20, 10, (HZ) For L3G4200D: 93, 78, 54, 32
    cfg.gy_stdev                  = 5;

    // Baro
    cfg.accz_vcf                  = 0.985f;     // Crashpilot: Value for complementary filter accz and barovelocity
    cfg.accz_acf                  = 0.960f;     // Crashpilot: Value for complementary filter accz and altitude
    cfg.bar_lag                   = 0.3f;       // Lag of Baro/Althold stuff in general, makes stop in hightchange snappier
    cfg.bar_dscl                  = 0.7f;       // Scale downmovement down (because copter drops faster than rising)
    cfg.bar_dbg                   = 0;          // Crashpilot: 1 = Debug Barovalues //cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;// Crashpilot: Not used anymore//cfg.baro_cf = 0.985f;// Crashpilot: Not used anymore

    // Autoland
    cfg.al_barolr                 = 50;         // [10 - 200cm/s] Baro Landingrate
    cfg.al_snrlr                  = 50;         // [10 - 200cm/s] Sonar Landingrate - You can specify different landingfactor here on sonar contact, because sonar land maybe too fast when snr_cf is high
    cfg.al_debounce               = 5;          // (0-20%) 0 Disables. Defines a Throttlelimiter on Autoland. Percentage defines the maximum deviation of assumed hoverthrottle during Autoland
    cfg.al_tobaro                 = 2000;       // Timeout in ms (100 - 5000) before shutoff on autoland. "esc_nfly" must be undershot for that timeperiod
    cfg.al_tosnr                  = 1000;       // Timeout in ms (100 - 5000) If sonar aided land is wanted (snr_land = 1) you can choose a different timeout here

    // Autostart
    cfg.as_lnchr                  = 200;        // [50 - 250 no dimension DEFAULT:200] Autostart initial launchrate to get off the ground. When as_stdev is exceeded, as_clmbr takes over
    cfg.as_clmbr                  = 100;        // [50 - 250cm/s DEFAULT:100] Autostart climbrate in cm/s after liftoff! Autostart Rate in cm/s will be lowered when approaching targethight.
    cfg.as_trgt                   = 0;          // [0 - 255m  DEFAULT:0 (0 = Disable)] Autostart Targethight in m Note: use 2m or more
    cfg.as_stdev                  = 10;         // [5 - 20 no dimension DEFAULT:10] This is the std. deviation of the variometer when a liftoff is assumed. The higher the more unsensitive.

    cfg.vbatscale                 = 110;
    cfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage        = 43;
    cfg.vbatmincellvoltage        = 33;
    cfg.power_adc_channel         = 0;

    // Radio
    cfg.rc_db                     = 20;         // Crashpilot: A little deadband will not harm our crappy RC
    cfg.rc_dbyw                   = 20;         // Crashpilot: A little deadband will not harm our crappy RC
    cfg.rc_dbah                   = 50;         // Crashpilot: A little deadband will not harm our crappy RC
    cfg.rc_dbgps                  = 5;          // Additional Deadband for all GPS functions;
    cfg.devorssi                  = 0;          // Will take the last channel for RSSI value, so add one to rc_auxch, don't use that auxchannel unless you want it to trigger something
                                                // Note Spektrum or Graupner will override that setting to 0.
    cfg.rssicut                   = 0;          // [0-80%][0 Disables] Below that percentage rssi will show zero.
    // cfg.spektrum_hires = 0;
    cfg.rc_minchk                 = 1100;
    cfg.rc_mid                    = 1500;
    cfg.rc_maxchk                 = 1900;
    cfg.rc_lowlat                 = 1;          // [0 - 1] Default 1. 1 = lower latency, 0 = normal latency/more filtering.
    cfg.rc_rllrm                  = 0;          // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right
    cfg.rc_auxch                  = 4;          // [4 - 6] cGiesen: Default = 4, then like the standard! Crashpilot: Limited to 6 aux for safety
    cfg.rc_killt                  = 0;          // Time in ms when your arm switch becomes a Killswitch, 0 disables the Killswitch, can not be used together with FEATURE_INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL
    cfg.rc_flpsp                  = 0;          // [0-3] When enabled(1) and upside down in acro or horizon mode throttle is reduced (see readme)
    cfg.rc_motor                  = 0;          // [0-2] Behaviour when thr < rc_minchk: 0= minthrottle no regulation, 1= minthrottle&regulation, 2= Motorstop 

    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    cfg.esc_gain                  =    0;       // [0Disables - 32] Gain for esc to reduce delay 16 = Gain of 1 that would double the initial response(limited to +500) Only helps unflashed ESC.
//  cfg.esc_min                   = 1150;       // ORIG
    cfg.esc_min                   = 1100;
    cfg.esc_max                   = 1950;
    cfg.esc_moff                  = 1000;
    cfg.esc_nfly                  = 1300;       // This is the absolute throttle that kicks off the "has landed timer" if it is too low cfg.rc_minchk + 5% is taken. Also baselinethr for Autostart, also plausibility check for initial Failsafethrottle
//  cfg.esc_nfly                  = 0;          // This is the absolute throttle that kicks off the "has landed timer" if it is too low cfg.rc_minchk + 5% is taken.
    cfg.esc_pwm                   = 400;
    cfg.srv_pwm                   = 50;
    cfg.pass_mot                  = 0;          // Crashpilot: Only used with feature pass. If 0 = all Motors, otherwise specific Motor

    // servos
    cfg.tri_ydir                  = 1;
    cfg.tri_ymid                  = 1500;
    cfg.tri_ymin                  = 1020;
    cfg.tri_ymax                  = 2000;
    cfg.tri_ydel                  = 0;          // [0-1000ms] Tri Yaw Arm delay: Time in ms after wich the yaw servo after arming will engage (useful with "yaw arm"). 0 disables Yawservo always active.

    // flying wing
    cfg.wing_left_min             = 1020;
    cfg.wing_left_mid             = 1500;
    cfg.wing_left_max             = 2000;
    cfg.wing_right_min            = 1020;
    cfg.wing_right_mid            = 1500;
    cfg.wing_right_max            = 2000;
    cfg.pitch_direction_l         = 1;
    cfg.pitch_direction_r         = -1;
    cfg.roll_direction_l          = 1;
    cfg.roll_direction_r          = 1;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gbl_pgn                   = 10;
    cfg.gbl_rgn                   = 10;
    cfg.gbl_flg                   = GIMBAL_NORMAL;
    cfg.gbl_pmn                   = 1020;
    cfg.gbl_pmx                   = 2000;
    cfg.gbl_pmd                   = 1500;
    cfg.gbl_rmn                   = 1020;
    cfg.gbl_rmx                   = 2000;
    cfg.gbl_rmd                   = 1500;

    // gps/nav
    cfg.gps_type                  = 1;          // GPS_NMEA = 0, GPS_UBLOX = 1, GPS_MTK16 = 2, GPS_MTK19 = 3, GPS_UBLOX_DUMB = 4
    cfg.gps_baudrate              = 115200;     //38400; // Changed 8/6/13 to 115200;
    cfg.gps_ins_vel               = 0.6f;       // Crashpilot GPS INS The LOWER the value the closer to gps speed // Dont go to high here
    cfg.gps_lag                   = 2000;       // GPS Lag in ms
    cfg.gps_ph_minsat             = 6;          // Minimal Satcount for PH, PH on RTL is still done with 5Sats or more
    cfg.gps_expo                  = 20;         // 1 - 99 % defines the actual Expo applied for GPS
    cfg.gps_ph_settlespeed        = 10;         // 1 - 200 cm/s PH settlespeed in cm/s
    cfg.gps_ph_brakemaxangle      = 15;         // 1 - 45 Degree Maximal Overspeedbrake
    cfg.gps_ph_minbrakepercent    = 50;         // 1 - 99% minimal percent of "brakemaxangle" left over for braking. Example brakemaxangle = 6 so 50 Percent is 3..
    cfg.gps_ph_brkacc             = 40;         // [1 - 500] Is the assumed negative braking acceleration in cm/(s*s) of copter. Value is positive though. It will be a timeout. The lower the Value the longe the Timeout
    cfg.gps_maxangle              = 35;         // 10 - 45 Degree Maximal over all GPS bank angle
    cfg.gps_wp_radius             = 200;
//  cfg.rtl_mnh                   = 20;         // (0 - 200m) Minimal RTL hight in m, 0 disables feature
	  cfg.rtl_mnh                   = 0;          // (0 - 200m) Minimal RTL hight in m, 0 disables feature
    cfg.rtl_cr                    = 80;         // [10 - 200cm/s] When rtl_mnh is defined this is the climbrate in cm/s
    cfg.rtl_mnd                   = 0;          // 0 Disables. Minimal distance for RTL in m, otherwise it will just autoland, prevent Failsafe jump in your face, when arming copter and turning off TX
    cfg.gps_rtl_flyaway           = 0;          // [0 - 100m] 0 Disables. If during RTL the distance increases beyond this value (in meters relative to RTL activation point), something is wrong, autoland

    cfg.gps_yaw                   = 30;         // Thats the MAG P during GPS functions, substitute for "cfg.P8[PIDMAG]"
    cfg.nav_rtl_lastturn          = 1;          // 1 = when copter gets to home position it rotates it's head to takeoff direction independend of nav_controls_heading
    cfg.nav_tail_first            = 0;          // 1 = Copter comes back with ass first (only works with nav_controls_heading = 1)
    cfg.nav_controls_heading      = 0;          // 1 = Nav controls YAW during WP ONLY
//  cfg.nav_controls_heading      = 1;          // 1 = Nav controls YAW during WP ONLY
    cfg.nav_speed_min             = 100;        // 10 - 200 cm/s don't set higher than nav_speed_max! That dumbness is not covered.
    cfg.nav_speed_max             = 350;        // 50 - 2000 cm/s don't set lower than nav_speed_min! That dumbness is not covered.
    cfg.nav_approachdiv           = 3;          // 2 - 10 This is the divisor for approach speed for wp_distance. Example: 400cm / 3 = 133cm/s if below nav_speed_min it will be adjusted
    cfg.nav_tiltcomp              = 30;         // 0 - 100 (20 TestDefault) Only arducopter really knows. Dfault was 54. This is some kind of a hack of them to reach actual nav_speed_max. 54 was Dfault, 0 disables
    cfg.nav_ctrkgain              = 0.5f;       // 0 - 10.0 (0.5 TestDefault) (Floatvariable) That is the "Crosstrackgain" APM Dfault is "1". "0" disables

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.fs_delay                  = 10;         // in 0.1s (10 = 1sec)
    cfg.fs_ofdel                  = 200;        // in 0.1s (200 = 20sec)
    cfg.fs_rcthr                  = 1200;       // decent Dfault which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    cfg.fs_ddplt                  = 0;		      // EXPERIMENTAL Time in sec when FS is engaged after idle on THR/YAW/ROLL/PITCH, 0 disables max 250
    cfg.fs_jstph                  = 0;          // Does just PH&Autoland an not RTL, use this in difficult areas with many obstacles to avoid RTL crash into something
    cfg.fs_nosnr                  = 1;          // When snr_land is set to 1, it is possible to ignore that on Failsafe, because FS over a tree could turn off copter

    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    cfg.serial_baudrate           = 115200;
    cfg.tele_prot                 = 0;          // Protocol ONLY used when Armed including Baudchange if necessary. 0 (Dfault)=Keep Multiwii @CurrentUSB Baud, 1=Frsky @9600Baud, 2=Mavlink @CurrentUSB Baud, 3=Mavlink @57KBaud (like stock minimOSD wants it)

    // LED Stuff
    cfg.LED_invert                = 0;          // Crashpilot: Inversion of LED 0&1 Partly implemented because Bootup is not affected
    cfg.LED_Type                  = 1;		      // 1=MWCRGB / 2=MONO_LED / 3=LEDRing
    cfg.LED_Pinout                = 1;		      // rc6
    cfg.LED_ControlChannel        = 8;		      // AUX4 (Channel 8)
    cfg.LED_Armed                 = 0;		      // 0 = Show LED only if armed, 1 = always show LED
    cfg.LED_Pattern1			        = 1300; 		  // 32bit bit pattern to have flickering led patterns / the pattern for MWCRGB 1000-2000
    cfg.LED_Pattern2			        = 1800; 		  // 32bit bit pattern to have flickering led patterns / the pattern for MWCRGB 1000-2000
    cfg.LED_Pattern3			        = 1900; 		  // 32bit bit pattern to have flickering led patterns / the pattern for MWCRGB 1000-2000
    cfg.LED_Toggle_Delay1         = 0x08;       // slow down LED_Pattern
    cfg.LED_Toggle_Delay2         = 0x08;       // slow down LED_Pattern
    cfg.LED_Toggle_Delay3         = 0x08;       // slow down LED_Pattern

    // SONAR
    // PWM56 are 5V resistant, RC78 only tolerate 3.3V(!!) so add a 1K Ohms resistor!!!
    // Note: You will never see the maximum possible sonar range in a copter, so go for the half of it (or less?)
    // Connection possibilities depending on Receivertype:
    // PPSUM: RC78 possible, PWM56 possible (on max. quadcopters, see below)
    // Normal RX: Just Connection on Motorchannel 5&6 (PWM56) is possible.
    // The PWM56 sonar connection option is only available in setups with max motors 4, otherwise sonar is not initialized.
    // HC-SR04:
    // Operation Voltage: 5V (!! Use PWM56 or 1K resistor !!)
    // Range: 2cm - 400cm
    // Angle: 15 Degrees (Test out for yourself: cfg.snr_tilt = X)
    // Maxbotix in general
    // Operation Voltage: (some 2.5V)3.3V - 5V ((!! Use PWM56 or resistor with 5V !!)
    // Only wire the Maxbotics for PWM output (more precise anyway), not the analog etc. modes, just wire echopin (normally pin 2)
    // Range: 20cm(!) - 765cm (some >1000cm), MaxTiltAngle is not specified, depending on Model
    // Tested on MB1200 XL-MaxSonar-EZ0
    // I2C sonar in general (by mj666)
    // If operation voltage of the sonar sensor is 5 Volt (NAZE I2C is 3.3 Volt), take care they do not have pull up resistors connected to 5 Volt.
    // Outputs are always open drain so there is no risk kill something only signals may be critical so keep wires short as possible.
    // Maxbotix I2CXL series operates with 3.3 and 5 Volt but 5Volt are preferred for best performance and stability.
    // Devantech Ltd. (SRF02, SRF235, SRF08, SRF10):
    // Type; Range; Cycletime; Angle; Comment
    // SRF02; 16 to 600cm; 65ms; 55 degree; automatic calibration, minimum rage can be read from sensor (not implemented)
    // SRF235; 10 - 1200cm; 10ms; 15 degree; angle is may be to small for the use case
    // SRF08; 3 - 600cm; 65ms; 55 degree; range, gain an cycletime can be adjusted, multiple echos are measured (both not implemented)
    // SRF10; 6 - 600cm; 65ms; 72 degree; range, gain an cycletime can be adjusted (not implemented)
    // be sure to adjust settings accordingly, no additional test are done.
    // more details at: http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/index.html
    // Maxbotix I2CXL (MB1202, MB1212, MB1222, MB1232, MB1242)
    // I"CXL Series of sensors only differentiated by the beam pattern and sensibility. Maxbotix is recommending the MX1242 for quadcopter applications. The interface is always the same
    // NOTE: Maxbotix Sonars only operate with lower I2C speed, so the speed is changed on the fly during Maxbotix readout.
    // Thanks must go to mj666 for implementing that!
    // I implemented some checks to prevent that user error, but still keep that in mind.
    // Min/Max are checked and changed if they are too stupid for your sonar. So if you suddenly see other values, thats not an eeprom error or so.
    // MAXBOTICS: SET snr_min to at least 30! I check this in sensors and change the value, if needed.
    // NOTE: I limited Maxbotics to 7 meters in the code, knowing that some types will do >10m, if you have one of them 7m is still the limit for you.
    // HC-SR04:   SET snr_min to at least 10 ! I check this in sensors and change the value, if needed.
    // DaddyWalross Sonar: I DON'T KNOW! But it uses HC-SR04 so i apply the same limits (10cm-400cm) to its output
    // Sonar minimal hight must be higher (including temperature difference) than the physical lower limit of the sensor to do a proximity alert
    // NOTE: Sonar is def. not a must - have. But nice to have.
    cfg.snr_type                  = 3;          // 0=PWM56 HC-SR04, 1=RC78 HC-SR04, 2=I2C(DaddyWalross), 3=MBPWM56, 4=MBRC78, 5=I2C(SRFxx), 6=I2C (MX12x2)
    cfg.snr_min                   = 30;         // Valid Sonar minimal range in cm (10 - 200) see warning above
    cfg.snr_max                   = 200;        // Valid Sonar maximal range in cm (50 - 700)
    cfg.snr_dbg                   = 0;          // 1 Sends Sonardata (within defined range and tilt) to debug[0] and tiltvalue to debug[1], debug[0] will be -1 if out of range/tilt. debug[2] contains raw sonaralt, like before
    cfg.snr_tilt                  = 18;         // Somehow copter tiltrange in degrees (Not exactly but good enough. Value * 0.9 = realtilt) in wich Sonar is possible
    cfg.snr_cf                    = 0.5f;       // The bigger, the more Sonarinfluence, makes switch between Baro/Sonar smoother and defines baroinfluence when sonarcontact. 1.0f just takes Sonar, if contact (otherwise baro)
    cfg.snr_diff                  = 0;          // 0 disables that check. Range (0-200) Maximal allowed difference in cm between sonar readouts (100ms rate and snr_diff = 50 means max 5m/s)
    cfg.snr_land                  = 1;          // Aided Sonar - landing, by setting upper throttle limit to current throttle. - Beware of Trees!! Can be disabled for Failsafe with fs_nosnr = 1

    cfg.FDUsedDatasets            = 0;          // Default no Datasets stored
    cfg.stat_clear                = 1;          // This will clear the stats between flights, or you can set to 0 and treasue overallstats, but you have to write manually eeprom or have logging enabled
    cfg.sens_1G                   = 1;          // Just feed a dummy "1" to avoid div by zero

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++) cfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;// custom mixer. clear by Dfaults.
Exemple #22
void checkFirstTime(bool eepromReset)
    uint8_t test_val;

    test_val = *(uint8_t *)FLASH_WRITE_EEPROM_ADDR;

    if (eepromReset || test_val != checkNewEEPROMConf)
		// Default settings
        eepromConfig.version = checkNewEEPROMConf;


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[PITCH] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[PITCH] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.magBias[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.magBias[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.magBias[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


		eepromConfig.accelCutoff = 1.0f;


	    eepromConfig.KpAcc = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer
	    eepromConfig.KiAcc = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
	    eepromConfig.KpMag = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to magnetometer
	    eepromConfig.KiMag = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases


	    eepromConfig.compFilterA =  2.000f;
	    eepromConfig.compFilterB =  1.000f;


	    eepromConfig.dlpfSetting = BITS_DLPF_CFG_98HZ;


        eepromConfig.rateScaling     = 300.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 300 DPS

        eepromConfig.attitudeScaling = 60.0  / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to att scaling for 60 degrees

        eepromConfig.nDotEdotScaling = 0.009f;      // Stick to nDot/eDot scaling (9 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.009

        eepromConfig.hDotScaling     = 0.003f;      // Stick to hDot scaling (3 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.003


	    eepromConfig.receiverType  = SPEKTRUM;

        eepromConfig.slaveSpektrum = false;


	    eepromConfig.escPwmRate   = 450;
        eepromConfig.servoPwmRate = 50;

        eepromConfig.mixerConfiguration = MIXERTYPE_QUADX;
        eepromConfig.yawDirection = 1.0f;

        eepromConfig.midCommand   = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.minCheck     = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxCheck     = (float)(MAXCOMMAND - 200);
        eepromConfig.minThrottle  = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxThrottle  = (float)(MAXCOMMAND);

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].B               =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].P               = 250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].I               = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].D               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].iTerm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].windupGuard     = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastDterm       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc      =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].type            =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].B              =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].P              = 250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].I              = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].D              =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].iTerm          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].windupGuard    = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastDterm      =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc     =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].type           =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].B                =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].P                = 350.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].I                = 100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].D                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].iTerm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].windupGuard      = 100.0f;  // PWMs
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastDcalcValue   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].lastLastDterm    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].dErrorCalc       =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].type             =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].B                =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].P                =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].I                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].D                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].iTerm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].windupGuard      =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastDcalcValue   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].lastLastDterm    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].dErrorCalc       =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].type             =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].B               =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].P               =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].I               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].D               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].iTerm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].windupGuard     =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastDcalcValue  =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastDterm       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].lastLastDterm   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].dErrorCalc      =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].type            =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].B                 =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].P                 =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].I                 =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].D                 =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].iTerm             =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].windupGuard       =   0.5f;  // radians/sec
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastDcalcValue    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastDterm         =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].lastLastDterm     =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].dErrorCalc        =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].type              =   ANGULAR;

        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].P                    =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].P                    =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].B                    =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].P                    =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].I                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].D                    =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].iTerm                =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].windupGuard          =   5.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastDcalcValue       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastDterm            =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].lastLastDterm        =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].dErrorCalc           =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].type                 =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].P                       =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].windupGuard             =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].P                       =   3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].windupGuard             =   0.5f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].B                       =   1.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].P                       =   2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].I                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].D                       =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].iTerm                   =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].windupGuard             =   5.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastDcalcValue          =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastDterm               =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].lastLastDterm           =   0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].dErrorCalc              =   D_ERROR;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].type                    =   OTHER;

        eepromConfig.magVar                 =  9.033333f * D2R;  // Albuquerque, NM Mag Var 9 degrees 2 minutes (+ East, - West)

		eepromConfig.batteryCells           = 3;
		eepromConfig.voltageMonitorScale    = 11.0f / 1.0f;
		eepromConfig.voltageMonitorBias     = 0.0f;

		eepromConfig.armCount               =  50;
		eepromConfig.disarmCount            =  0;

		eepromConfig.activeTelemetry        =  0;

		eepromConfig.verticalVelocityHoldOnly = true;

Exemple #23
void checkFirstTime(bool eepromReset)
    uint8_t test_val;

    test_val = *(uint8_t *)FLASH_WRITE_EEPROM_ADDR;

    if (eepromReset || test_val != checkNewEEPROMConf)
		// Default settings
        eepromConfig.version = checkNewEEPROMConf;


        eepromConfig.accelBiasMPU[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelBiasMPU[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelBiasMPU[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMPU[XAXIS] = 0.00119708f;  // (1/8192) * 9.8065  (8192 LSB = 1 G)
        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMPU[YAXIS] = 0.00119708f;  // (1/8192) * 9.8065  (8192 LSB = 1 G)
        eepromConfig.accelScaleFactorMPU[ZAXIS] = 0.00119708f;  // (1/8192) * 9.8065  (8192 LSB = 1 G)


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasSlope[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[XAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[YAXIS] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.accelTCBiasIntercept[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;


        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[PITCH] = 0.0f;
        eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasSlope[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[ROLL ] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[PITCH] = 0.0f;
	    eepromConfig.gyroTCBiasIntercept[YAW  ] = 0.0f;


	    eepromConfig.magBias[XAXIS] = 0.0f;      // Internal Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[YAXIS] = 0.0f;      // Internal Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[ZAXIS] = 0.0f;      // Internal Mag Bias

	    eepromConfig.magBias[XAXIS + 3] = 0.0f;  // External Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[YAXIS + 3] = 0.0f;  // External Mag Bias
	    eepromConfig.magBias[ZAXIS + 3] = 0.0f;  // External Mag Bias


		eepromConfig.accelCutoff = 0.25f;


	    eepromConfig.KpAcc = 1.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer
	    eepromConfig.KiAcc = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
	    eepromConfig.KpMag = 5.0f;    // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to magnetometer
	    eepromConfig.KiMag = 0.0f;    // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases


	    eepromConfig.compFilterA =  2.0f;
		eepromConfig.compFilterB =  1.0f;


	    eepromConfig.dlpfSetting = BITS_DLPF_CFG_98HZ;


	    eepromConfig.sensorOrientation = 1;  // No rotation


        eepromConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling = 200.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 100 DPS
	    eepromConfig.yawRateScaling          = 200.0 / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to rate scaling for 100 DPS

	    eepromConfig.attitudeScaling         = 60.0  / 180000.0 * PI;  // Stick to att scaling for 60 degrees

	    eepromConfig.nDotEdotScaling         = 0.009f;                 // Stick to nDot/eDot scaling (9 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.009

        eepromConfig.hDotScaling             = 0.003f;                 // Stick to hDot scaling (3 mps)/(1000 RX PWM Steps) = 0.003


	    eepromConfig.receiverType  = PPM;//PWM;
	    eepromConfig.ppmChannels   = 9;
	    eepromConfig.slaveSpektrum = false;


	    eepromConfig.escPwmRate   = 450;
        eepromConfig.servoPwmRate = 50;

        eepromConfig.mixerConfiguration = MIXERTYPE_QUADX47;//MIXERTYPE_TRI;
        eepromConfig.yawDirection       = 1.0f;

        eepromConfig.triYawServoPwmRate             = 50;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMin                 = 2000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMid                 = 3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triYawServoMax                 = 4000.0f;
        eepromConfig.triCopterYawCmd500HzLowPassTau = 0.05f;

        // Free Mix Defaults to Quad X
		eepromConfig.freeMixMotors        = 4;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][ROLL ]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][PITCH]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][YAW  ]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[0][THROTTLE] =  1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][ROLL ]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][PITCH]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][YAW  ]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[1][THROTTLE] =  1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][ROLL ]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][PITCH]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][YAW  ]    = -1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[2][THROTTLE] =  1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][ROLL ]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][PITCH]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][YAW  ]    =  1.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[3][THROTTLE] =  1.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[4][THROTTLE] =  0.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[5][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[5][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[5][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[5][THROTTLE] =  0.0f;

        eepromConfig.freeMix[6][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[6][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[6][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[6][THROTTLE] =  0.0f;

		eepromConfig.freeMix[7][ROLL ]    =  0.0f;
		eepromConfig.freeMix[7][PITCH]    =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[7][YAW  ]    =  0.0f;
        eepromConfig.freeMix[7][THROTTLE] =  0.0f;

        eepromConfig.rollAttAltCompensationGain   =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.rollAttAltCompensationLimit  =  0.0f * D2R;

        eepromConfig.pitchAttAltCompensationGain  =  1.0f;
        eepromConfig.pitchAttAltCompensationLimit =  0.0f * D2R;

        eepromConfig.midCommand   = 3043.0f;//3000.0f;
        eepromConfig.minCheck     = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxCheck     = (float)(MAXCOMMAND - 200);
        eepromConfig.minThrottle  = (float)(MINCOMMAND + 200);
        eepromConfig.maxThrottle  = (float)(MAXCOMMAND);


        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].P                =  250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].I                =  100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].D                =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].Limit            = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling * eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].P ;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].integratorState  =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].filterState      =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_RATE_PID].prevResetState   =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].P               =  250.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].I               =  100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].D               =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].Limit           = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling * eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].integratorState =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].filterState     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_RATE_PID].prevResetState  =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].P                 =  350.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].I                 =  100.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].D                 =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].Limit             =  1000.0f * eepromConfig.yawRateScaling * eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].integratorState   =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].filterState       =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[YAW_RATE_PID].prevResetState    =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].P                 =    2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].I                 =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].D                 =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].Limit             = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.attitudeScaling * eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].integratorState   =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].filterState       =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[ROLL_ATT_PID].prevResetState    =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].P                =    2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].I                =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].D                =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].Limit            = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.attitudeScaling * eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].integratorState  =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].filterState      =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[PITCH_ATT_PID].prevResetState   =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].P                  =    3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].I                  =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].D                  =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].Limit              =   90.0f * D2R;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].integratorState    =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].filterState        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HEADING_PID].prevResetState     =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].P                     =    3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].I                     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].D                     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].Limit                 = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.nDotEdotScaling * eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].integratorState       =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].filterState           =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[NDOT_PID].prevResetState        =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].P                     =    3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].I                     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].D                     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].Limit                 = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.nDotEdotScaling * eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].integratorState       =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].filterState           =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[EDOT_PID].prevResetState        =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].P                     =    2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].I                     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].D                     =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].Limit                 = 1000.0f * eepromConfig.hDotScaling * eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].P;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].integratorState       =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].filterState           =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[HDOT_PID].prevResetState        =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].P                        =    3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].I                        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].D                        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].Limit                    =   10.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].integratorState          =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].filterState              =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[N_PID].prevResetState           =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].P                        =    3.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].I                        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].D                        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].Limit                    =   10.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].integratorState          =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].filterState              =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[E_PID].prevResetState           =   false;

        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].P                        =    2.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].I                        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].D                        =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].Limit                    =   10.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].integratorState          =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].filterState              =    0.0f;
        eepromConfig.PID[H_PID].prevResetState           =   false;


        eepromConfig.osdEnabled             =  false;//true;
        eepromConfig.defaultVideoStandard   =  PAL;
        eepromConfig.metricUnits            =  true;

        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAlt          =  true;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAltRow       =  15;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAltCol       =  1;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAltHoldState =  false;

        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAH           =  false; // DO NOT SET BOTH TO TRUE
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayAtt          =  true;

        eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdg          =  false;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdgRow       =  1;
        eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdgCol       =  13;

        eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdgBar		=  true;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdgBarRow	=  14;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayHdgBarCol	=  10;

		eepromConfig.osdDisplayVoltage		=  true;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayVoltageRow	=  1;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayVoltageCol	=  1;

		eepromConfig.osdDisplayCurrent		=  true;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayCurrentRow	=  1;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayCurrentCol	=  8;

		eepromConfig.osdDisplayThrot		=  true;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayThrotRow		=  15;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayThrotCol		=  25;

		eepromConfig.osdDisplayTimer		=  true;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayTimerRow		=  0;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayTimerCol		=  23;

		eepromConfig.osdDisplayRSSI			=  true;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayRSSIRow		=  1;
		eepromConfig.osdDisplayRSSICol		=  24;


        // The default agl pin and scale factor are
        // for the MB1200 ultrasonic ranger.  The
        // MB1200 is connected to the RNG input (ADC1)
        // on the AQ32 V2 hardware and is supplied
        // with 3.3 volts.  If supplied with 5 volts,
        // the analog output of the MB1200 can exceed
        // 3.3 volts by 0.1 volts.  It is not known if
        // this will damage the analog input or not.

        eepromConfig.aglPin                 = 1;
		eepromConfig.aglScale               = 3.125f;  // mV to meters, 3.2 mV = 1 cm
        eepromConfig.aglBias                = 0.0f;

		// Current monitoring defaults to off.
		// The default scale factor of 27.322404
		// is for the 90 amp AttoPilot sensor. It
		// is a nominal value and slight adjustment
		// may be required.

		eepromConfig.currentMonitoring      = true;//false;
		eepromConfig.currentMonitorPin      = 5;//6;
		eepromConfig.currentMonitorScale    = 27.322404f;  // For 90 amp AttoPilot Sensor
		eepromConfig.currentMonitorBias     =  0.0f;

		eepromConfig.rssiPPM                = true;//false;
	    eepromConfig.rssiPin		    	= 9;//5;
        eepromConfig.rssiMax			    = eepromConfig.minCheck;//3450;
		eepromConfig.rssiMin		    	= eepromConfig.maxCheck;//10;
		eepromConfig.rssiWarning		    = 25;

	    // The default voltage monitor pin and scale factor
	    // are for the AQ32 onboard resistor divider.  To use
	    // an external voltage monitor, the ADC pin and scale
	    // factor must be changed.  The onboard resistor
	    // divider requires a 7.666667 scale factor, the 90
	    // amp AttoPilot sensor requires a 15.701052 scale
	    // factor.  These are nominal values, and slight
	    // adjustment may be required.

	    eepromConfig.voltageMonitorPin      = 9;//7;
	    eepromConfig.voltageMonitorScale    = 15.696969f;//7.666667f;
	    eepromConfig.voltageMonitorBias     = 0.0f;

		eepromConfig.batteryCells           = 4;//3;

		eepromConfig.batteryLow             = 3.30f;
        eepromConfig.batteryVeryLow         = 3.20f;
        eepromConfig.batteryMaxLow          = 3.10f;


        eepromConfig.armCount               =  35;//50;
        eepromConfig.disarmCount            =  5;//0;


        eepromConfig.activeTelemetry          = 0;
        eepromConfig.mavlinkEnabled           = false;

        eepromConfig.verticalVelocityHoldOnly = true;

        eepromConfig.externalHMC5883          = 0;
        eepromConfig.externalMS5611           = false;


Exemple #24
void receiverCLI()
	char     rcOrderString[13];
    float    tempFloat;
    uint8_t  tempChannels = 0;
    uint16_t tempMax      = 0;
    uint16_t tempMin      = 0;
    uint8_t  tempPin      = 0;
	uint8_t  tempWarn     = 0;

    uint8_t  index;
    uint8_t  receiverQuery = 'x';
    uint8_t  validQuery    = false;

    cliBusy = true;

    cliPortPrint("\nEntering Receiver CLI....\n\n");

        cliPortPrint("Receiver CLI -> ");

		while ((cliPortAvailable() == false) && (validQuery == false));

		if (validQuery == false)
		    receiverQuery = cliPortRead();



            case 'a': // Receiver Configuration
                cliPortPrint("\nReceiver Type:                      ");

                if (eepromConfig.receiverType == PPM)
                	cliPortPrint("     PPM\n");
                else if (eepromConfig.receiverType == PWM)
                    cliPortPrint("     PWM\n");
                else if (eepromConfig.receiverType == SPEKTRUM)

            	if (eepromConfig.receiverType == PPM)
            		tempChannels = eepromConfig.ppmChannels;
            		tempChannels = 8;

            	for (index = 0; index < tempChannels; index++)
                    rcOrderString[eepromConfig.rcMap[index]] = rcChannelLetters[index];

                rcOrderString[index] = '\0';

                cliPortPrintF("Current RC Channel Assignment:  %12s\n", rcOrderString);

                if (eepromConfig.receiverType == PPM)
                    cliPortPrintF("Number of serial PWM channels             %2d\n",        eepromConfig.ppmChannels);

                cliPortPrintF("Mid Command:                            %4ld\n",             (uint16_t)eepromConfig.midCommand);
				cliPortPrintF("Min Check:                              %4ld\n",             (uint16_t)eepromConfig.minCheck);
				cliPortPrintF("Max Check:                              %4ld\n",             (uint16_t)eepromConfig.maxCheck);
				cliPortPrintF("Min Throttle:                           %4ld\n",             (uint16_t)eepromConfig.minThrottle);
				cliPortPrintF("Max Thottle:                            %4ld\n\n",           (uint16_t)eepromConfig.maxThrottle);

				tempFloat = eepromConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
				cliPortPrintF("Max Roll and Pitch Rate Cmd:             %6.2f DPS\n",       tempFloat);

				tempFloat = eepromConfig.yawRateScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
				cliPortPrintF("Max Yaw Rate Cmd:                        %6.2f DPS\n",       tempFloat);

				tempFloat = eepromConfig.attitudeScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
                cliPortPrintF("Max Attitude Cmd:                        %6.2f Degrees\n\n", tempFloat);

				cliPortPrintF("Arm Delay Count:                         %3d Frames\n",      eepromConfig.armCount);
				cliPortPrintF("Disarm Delay Count:                      %3d Frames\n\n",    eepromConfig.disarmCount);

				cliPortPrintF("RSSI via PPM or ADC:                     %s",                eepromConfig.rssiPPM ? "PPM\n" : "ADC\n");

				if (eepromConfig.rssiPPM == true)
				    cliPortPrintF("RSSI PPM Channel:                          %1d\n",       eepromConfig.rssiPin);
				    cliPortPrintF("RSSI ADC Pin:                              %1d\n",       eepromConfig.rssiPin);

				cliPortPrintF("RSSI Min:                               %4d\n",              eepromConfig.rssiMin);
				cliPortPrintF("RSSI Max:                               %4d\n",              eepromConfig.rssiMax);
				cliPortPrintF("RSSI Warning %%:                           %2d\n\n",         eepromConfig.rssiWarning);

				validQuery = false;


            case 'b': // Read Max Rate Values
                eepromConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling = readFloatCLI() / 180000.0f * PI;
                eepromConfig.yawRateScaling          = readFloatCLI() / 180000.0f * PI;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'c': // Read Max Attitude Value
                eepromConfig.attitudeScaling = readFloatCLI() / 180000 * PI;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;

            case 'r': // Toggle RSSI between ADC and PPM
				eepromConfig.rssiPPM = !eepromConfig.rssiPPM;
				if (eepromConfig.rssiPPM)
				{									// automatically adjust the settings
					eepromConfig.rssiPin = 9;
					eepromConfig.rssiMin = eepromConfig.minCheck;
					eepromConfig.rssiMax = eepromConfig.maxCheck;
					eepromConfig.rssiPin = 5; // default from config.c
					eepromConfig.rssiMin = 10;
					eepromConfig.rssiMax = 3450;
				eepromConfig.rssiWarning = 25;

				receiverQuery = 'a';
				validQuery = true;


			case 'x':
			    cliPortPrint("\nExiting Receiver CLI....\n\n");
			    cliBusy = false;


            case 'A': // Read RX Input Type
                eepromConfig.receiverType = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();
			    cliPortPrint( "\nReceiver Type Changed....\n");

			    cliPortPrint("\nSystem Resetting....\n");



            case 'B': // Read RC Control Order
				readStringCLI( rcOrderString, 12 );
                parseRcChannels( rcOrderString );

          	    receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'E': // Read RC Control Points
                eepromConfig.midCommand   = readFloatCLI();
    	        eepromConfig.minCheck     = readFloatCLI();
    		    eepromConfig.maxCheck     = readFloatCLI();
    		    eepromConfig.minThrottle  = readFloatCLI();
    		    eepromConfig.maxThrottle  = readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'F': // Read Arm/Disarm Counts
                eepromConfig.armCount    = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();
    	        eepromConfig.disarmCount = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'G': // Read number of PPM Channels
            	tempChannels = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();
            	if ((tempChannels < 8) || (tempChannels > 12))
					cliPortPrintF("\nValid number of channels are 8 to 12\n");
					cliPortPrintF("You entered %2d\n\n", tempChannels);
            		eepromConfig.ppmChannels = tempChannels;

				receiverQuery = 'a';
            	validQuery = true;


			case 'R': // RSSI pin/min/max/warning
				tempPin	 = readFloatCLI();
				tempMin  = readFloatCLI();
				tempMax  = readFloatCLI();
				tempWarn = readFloatCLI();

				if (eepromConfig.rssiPPM)
					if ((tempPin < 0) || (tempPin > eepromConfig.ppmChannels))
						cliPortPrintF("Invalid RSSI PPM channel number, valid numbers are 0-%2d\n", eepromConfig.ppmChannels);
						cliPortPrintF("You entered %2d, please try again\n", tempPin);
						receiverQuery = '?';
						validQuery = false;
					if ((tempPin < 1) || (tempPin > 6))
						cliPortPrintF("Invalid RSSI Pin number, valid numbers are 1-6\n");
						cliPortPrintF("You entered %2d, please try again\n", tempPin);
						receiverQuery = '?';
						validQuery = false;

				eepromConfig.rssiPin     = tempPin;
				eepromConfig.rssiMin     = tempMin;
				eepromConfig.rssiMax     = tempMax;
				eepromConfig.rssiWarning = tempWarn;

				receiverQuery = 'a';
				validQuery = true;


            case 'W': // Write EEPROM Parameters
                cliPortPrint("\nWriting EEPROM Parameters....\n\n");

                validQuery = false;


			case '?':
			   	cliPortPrint("'a' Receiver Configuration Data            'A' Set RX Input Type                    AX, 0=PPM, 1=PWM, 2=Spektrum\n");
   		        cliPortPrint("'b' Set Maximum Rate Commands              'B' Set RC Control Order                 BTAER12345678\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("'c' Set Maximum Attitude Command\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'E' Set RC Control Points                EmidCmd;minChk;maxChk;minThrot;maxThrot\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'F' Set Arm/Disarm Counts                FarmCount;disarmCount\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'G' Set number of serial PWM channels    GnumChannels\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("'r' Toggle RSSI between PPM/ADC            'R' Set RSSI Config                      RPin;Min;Max;Warning\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'W' Write EEPROM Parameters\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("'x' Exit Receiver CLI                      '?' Command Summary\n\n");


Exemple #25
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    int8_t servoRates[8] = { 30, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&mcfg, 0, sizeof(master_t));
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));

    mcfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    mcfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;
#ifdef CJMCU

    // global settings
    mcfg.current_profile = 0;       // default profile
    mcfg.gyro_cmpf_factor = 600;    // default MWC
    mcfg.gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250;   // default MWC
    mcfg.gyro_lpf = 42;             // supported by all gyro drivers now. In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead
    mcfg.accZero[0] = 0;
    mcfg.accZero[1] = 0;
    mcfg.accZero[2] = 0;
    mcfg.gyro_align = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.acc_align = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.mag_align = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.board_align_roll = 0;
    mcfg.board_align_pitch = 0;
    mcfg.board_align_yaw = 0;
    mcfg.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    mcfg.mag_hardware = MAG_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.max_angle_inclination = 500;    // 50 degrees
    mcfg.yaw_control_direction = 1;
    mcfg.moron_threshold = 32;
    mcfg.currentscale = 400; // for Allegro ACS758LCB-100U (40mV/A)
    mcfg.vbatscale = 110;
    mcfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43;
    mcfg.vbatmincellvoltage = 33;
    mcfg.vbatwarningcellvoltage = 35;
    mcfg.power_adc_channel = 0;
    mcfg.serialrx_type = 0;
    mcfg.spektrum_sat_bind = 0;
    mcfg.telemetry_provider = TELEMETRY_PROVIDER_FRSKY;
    mcfg.telemetry_port = TELEMETRY_PORT_UART;
    mcfg.telemetry_switch = 0;
    mcfg.midrc = 1500;
    mcfg.mincheck = 1100;
    mcfg.maxcheck = 1900;
    mcfg.retarded_arm = 0;       // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right
    mcfg.disarm_kill_switch = 1; // AUX disarm independently of throttle value
    mcfg.fw_althold_dir = 1;
    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    mcfg.minthrottle = 1150;
    mcfg.maxthrottle = 1850;
    mcfg.mincommand = 1000;
    mcfg.deadband3d_low = 1406;
    mcfg.deadband3d_high = 1514;
    mcfg.neutral3d = 1460;
    mcfg.deadband3d_throttle = 50;
    mcfg.motor_pwm_rate = MOTOR_PWM_RATE;
    mcfg.servo_pwm_rate = 50;
    // safety features
    mcfg.auto_disarm_board = 5; // auto disarm after 5 sec if motors not started or disarmed
    // gps/nav stuff
    mcfg.gps_type = GPS_NMEA;
    mcfg.gps_baudrate = GPS_BAUD_115200;
    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    mcfg.serial_baudrate = 115200;
    mcfg.softserial_baudrate = 9600;
    mcfg.softserial_1_inverted = 0;
    mcfg.softserial_2_inverted = 0;
    mcfg.looptime = 3500;
    mcfg.emf_avoidance = 0;
    mcfg.rssi_aux_channel = 0;
    mcfg.rssi_adc_max = 4095;

    cfg.pidController = 0;
    cfg.P8[ROLL] = 40;
    cfg.I8[ROLL] = 30;
    cfg.D8[ROLL] = 23;
    cfg.P8[PITCH] = 40;
    cfg.I8[PITCH] = 30;
    cfg.D8[PITCH] = 23;
    cfg.P8[YAW] = 85;
    cfg.I8[YAW] = 45;
    cfg.D8[YAW] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDALT] = 50;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOS] = 11; // POSHOLD_P * 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS] = 0; // POSHOLD_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOS] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR] = 20; // POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR] = 8; // POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR] = 45; // POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR] = 14; // NAV_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR] = 20; // NAV_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR] = 80; // NAV_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] = 90;
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL] = 10;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] = 100;
    cfg.P8[PIDMAG] = 40;
    cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 120;
    cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 45;
    cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 1;
    cfg.rcRate8 = 90;
    cfg.rcExpo8 = 65;
    cfg.yawRate = 0;
    cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.tpa_breakpoint = 1500;
    cfg.thrMid8 = 50;
    cfg.thrExpo8 = 0;
    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[0] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[1] = 0;
    cfg.locked_in = 0;
    cfg.mag_declination = 0;    // For example, -6deg 37min, = -637 Japan, format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    cfg.acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    cfg.accz_deadband = 40;
    cfg.accxy_deadband = 40;
    cfg.baro_tab_size = 21;
    cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;
    cfg.baro_cf_vel = 0.985f;
    cfg.baro_cf_alt = 0.965f;
    cfg.accz_lpf_cutoff = 5.0f;
    cfg.acc_unarmedcal = 1;
    cfg.small_angle = 25;

    // Radio
    cfg.deadband = 0;
    cfg.yawdeadband = 0;
    cfg.alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 40;
    cfg.alt_hold_fast_change = 1;
    cfg.throttle_correction_value = 0;      // could 10 with althold or 40 for fpv
    cfg.throttle_correction_angle = 800;    // could be 80.0 deg with atlhold or 45.0 for fpv

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.failsafe_delay = 10;                // 1sec
    cfg.failsafe_off_delay = 200;           // 20sec
    cfg.failsafe_throttle = 1200;           // decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    cfg.failsafe_detect_threshold = 985;    // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger failsafe

    // servos
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        cfg.servoConf[i].min = 1020;
        cfg.servoConf[i].max = 2000;
        cfg.servoConf[i].middle = 1500;
        cfg.servoConf[i].rate = servoRates[i];

    cfg.yaw_direction = 1;
    cfg.tri_unarmed_servo = 1;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;

    // gps/nav stuff
    cfg.gps_wp_radius = 200;
    cfg.gps_lpf = 20;
    cfg.nav_slew_rate = 30;
    cfg.nav_controls_heading = 1;
    cfg.nav_speed_min = 100;
    cfg.nav_speed_max = 300;
    cfg.ap_mode = 40;
    // fw stuff
    cfg.fw_roll_throw = 0.5f;
    cfg.fw_pitch_throw = 0.5f;
    cfg.fw_gps_maxcorr = 20;
    cfg.fw_gps_rudder = 15;
    cfg.fw_gps_maxclimb = 15;
    cfg.fw_gps_maxdive = 15;
    cfg.fw_climb_throttle = 1900;
    cfg.fw_cruise_throttle = 1500;
    cfg.fw_idle_throttle = 1300;
    cfg.fw_scaler_throttle = 8;
    cfg.fw_roll_comp = 1;
    // control stuff
    mcfg.reboot_character = 'R';

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
        mcfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

    // copy default config into all 3 profiles
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        memcpy(&mcfg.profile[i], &cfg, sizeof(config_t));
Exemple #26
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    int8_t servoRates[8] = { 30, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&mcfg, 0, sizeof(master_t));
    memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(config_t));

    mcfg.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    mcfg.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;

    // global settings
    mcfg.current_profile = 0;       // default profile
    mcfg.gyro_cmpf_factor = 600;    // default MWC
    mcfg.gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250;   // default MWC
    mcfg.gyro_lpf = 42;             // supported by all gyro drivers now. In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead
    mcfg.accZero[0] = 0;
    mcfg.accZero[1] = 0;
    mcfg.accZero[2] = 0;
    mcfg.gyro_align = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.acc_align = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.mag_align = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
    mcfg.board_align_roll = 0;
    mcfg.board_align_pitch = 0;
    mcfg.board_align_yaw = 0;
    mcfg.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    mcfg.max_angle_inclination = 500;    // 50 degrees
    mcfg.yaw_control_direction = 1;
    mcfg.moron_threshold = 32;
    mcfg.vbatscale = 110;
    mcfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43;
    mcfg.vbatmincellvoltage = 33;
    mcfg.power_adc_channel = 0;
    mcfg.serialrx_type = 0;
    mcfg.telemetry_softserial = 0;
    mcfg.telemetry_switch = 0;
    mcfg.midrc = 1500;
    mcfg.mincheck = 1100;
    mcfg.maxcheck = 1900;
    mcfg.retarded_arm = 0;       // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right
    mcfg.flaps_speed = 0;
    mcfg.fixedwing_althold_dir = 1;
    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    mcfg.minthrottle = 1150;
    mcfg.maxthrottle = 1850;
    mcfg.mincommand = 1000;
    mcfg.deadband3d_low = 1406;
    mcfg.deadband3d_high = 1514;
    mcfg.neutral3d = 1460;
    mcfg.deadband3d_throttle = 50;
    mcfg.motor_pwm_rate = 400;
    mcfg.servo_pwm_rate = 50;
    // gps/nav stuff
    mcfg.gps_type = GPS_NMEA;
    mcfg.gps_baudrate = 0;
    // serial (USART1) baudrate
    mcfg.serial_baudrate = 115200;
    mcfg.softserial_baudrate = 19200;
    mcfg.softserial_inverted = 0;
    mcfg.looptime = 3500;
    mcfg.rssi_aux_channel = 0;

    cfg.pidController = 0;
    cfg.P8[ROLL] = 40;
    cfg.I8[ROLL] = 30;
    cfg.D8[ROLL] = 23;
    cfg.P8[PITCH] = 40;
    cfg.I8[PITCH] = 30;
    cfg.D8[PITCH] = 23;
    cfg.P8[YAW] = 85;
    cfg.I8[YAW] = 45;
    cfg.D8[YAW] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDALT] = 50;
    cfg.I8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.D8[PIDALT] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOS] = 11; // POSHOLD_P * 100;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOS] = 0; // POSHOLD_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOS] = 0;
    cfg.P8[PIDPOSR] = 20; // POSHOLD_RATE_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDPOSR] = 8; // POSHOLD_RATE_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDPOSR] = 45; // POSHOLD_RATE_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDNAVR] = 14; // NAV_P * 10;
    cfg.I8[PIDNAVR] = 20; // NAV_I * 100;
    cfg.D8[PIDNAVR] = 80; // NAV_D * 1000;
    cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] = 90;
    cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL] = 10;
    cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] = 100;
    cfg.P8[PIDMAG] = 40;
    cfg.P8[PIDVEL] = 120;
    cfg.I8[PIDVEL] = 45;
    cfg.D8[PIDVEL] = 1;
    cfg.rcRate8 = 90;
    cfg.rcExpo8 = 65;
    cfg.rollPitchRate = 0;
    cfg.yawRate = 0;
    cfg.dynThrPID = 0;
    cfg.thrMid8 = 50;
    cfg.thrExpo8 = 0;
    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[0] = 0;
    cfg.angleTrim[1] = 0;
    cfg.mag_declination = 0;    // For example, -6deg 37min, = -637 Japan, format is [sign]dddmm (degreesminutes) default is zero.
    cfg.acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    cfg.accz_deadband = 40;
    cfg.accxy_deadband = 40;
    cfg.baro_tab_size = 21;
    cfg.baro_noise_lpf = 0.6f;
    cfg.baro_cf_vel = 0.985f;
    cfg.baro_cf_alt = 0.965f;
    cfg.acc_unarmedcal = 1;

    // Radio
    cfg.deadband = 0;
    cfg.yawdeadband = 0;
    cfg.alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 40;
    cfg.alt_hold_fast_change = 1;
    cfg.throttle_angle_correction = 0;      // could be 40

    // Failsafe Variables
    cfg.failsafe_delay = 10;                // 1sec
    cfg.failsafe_off_delay = 200;           // 20sec
    cfg.failsafe_throttle = 1200;           // decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    cfg.failsafe_detect_threshold = 985;    // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger failsafe

    // servos
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        cfg.servoConf[i].min = 1020;
        cfg.servoConf[i].max = 2000;
        cfg.servoConf[i].middle = 1500;
        cfg.servoConf[i].rate = servoRates[i];

    cfg.yaw_direction = 1;
    cfg.tri_unarmed_servo = 1;

    // gimbal
    cfg.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;

    // gps/nav stuff
    cfg.gps_wp_radius = 200;
    cfg.gps_lpf = 20;
    cfg.nav_slew_rate = 30;
    cfg.nav_controls_heading = 1;
    cfg.nav_speed_min = 100;
    cfg.nav_speed_max = 300;
    cfg.ap_mode = 40;

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
        mcfg.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

    // copy default config into all 3 profiles
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        memcpy(&mcfg.profile[i], &cfg, sizeof(config_t));
Exemple #27
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    int8_t servoRates[MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS] = { 30, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&masterConfig, 0, sizeof(master_t));

    masterConfig.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    masterConfig.mixerMode = MIXER_QUADX;
#if defined(CJMCU) || defined(SPARKY)

    // only enable the VBAT feature by default if the board has a voltage divider otherwise
    // the user may see incorrect readings and unexpected issues with pin mappings may occur.


    // global settings
    masterConfig.current_profile_index = 0;     // default profile
    masterConfig.gyro_cmpf_factor = 600;        // default MWC
    masterConfig.gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250;       // default MWC
    masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 42;                 // supported by all gyro drivers now. In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead



    masterConfig.boardAlignment.rollDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.pitchDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.yawDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    masterConfig.max_angle_inclination = 500;    // 50 degrees
    masterConfig.yaw_control_direction = 1;
    masterConfig.gyroConfig.gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold = 32;

    masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect



    masterConfig.rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc = 1500;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck = 1100;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.maxcheck = 1900;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rx_min_usec = 985;          // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger rx loss detection
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rx_max_usec = 2115;         // any of first 4 channels above this value will trigger rx loss detection

    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_channel = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_scale = RSSI_SCALE_DEFAULT;

    masterConfig.inputFilteringMode = INPUT_FILTERING_DISABLED;

    masterConfig.retarded_arm = 0;
    masterConfig.disarm_kill_switch = 1;
    masterConfig.auto_disarm_delay = 5;
    masterConfig.small_angle = 25;


    masterConfig.airplaneConfig.flaps_speed = 0;
    masterConfig.airplaneConfig.fixedwing_althold_dir = 1;

    // Motor/ESC/Servo

    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = BRUSHED_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = BRUSHLESS_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
    masterConfig.servo_pwm_rate = 50;

#ifdef GPS
    // gps/nav stuff
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.provider = GPS_NMEA;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.sbasMode = SBAS_AUTO;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.autoConfig = GPS_AUTOCONFIG_ON;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.autoBaud = GPS_AUTOBAUD_OFF;


    masterConfig.looptime = 3500;
    masterConfig.emf_avoidance = 0;



    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;


    currentProfile->mag_declination = 0;
    currentProfile->acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    currentProfile->accz_lpf_cutoff = 5.0f;
    currentProfile->accDeadband.xy = 40;
    currentProfile->accDeadband.z = 40;


    currentProfile->acc_unarmedcal = 1;

    // Radio
    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);


    currentProfile->throttle_correction_value = 0;      // could 10 with althold or 40 for fpv
    currentProfile->throttle_correction_angle = 800;    // could be 80.0 deg with atlhold or 45.0 for fpv

    // Failsafe Variables
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 10;              // 1sec
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 200;         // 20sec
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle = 1000;         // default throttle off.

    // servos
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS; i++) {
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].min = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].max = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].middle = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIDDLE;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].rate = servoRates[i];
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].forwardFromChannel = CHANNEL_FORWARDING_DISABLED;

    // gimbal
    currentProfile->gimbalConfig.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;

#ifdef GPS

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS; i++)
        masterConfig.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

#ifdef LED_STRIP
    applyDefaultColors(masterConfig.colors, CONFIGURABLE_COLOR_COUNT);

    masterConfig.blackbox_device = 1;
    masterConfig.blackbox_device = 0;
    masterConfig.blackbox_rate_num = 1;
    masterConfig.blackbox_rate_denom = 1;

    // alternative defaults settings for ALIENWIIF1 and ALIENWIIF3 targets
#ifdef ALIENWII32
    masterConfig.serialConfig.portConfigs[2].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
    masterConfig.batteryConfig.vbatscale = 20;
    masterConfig.serialConfig.portConfigs[1].functionMask = FUNCTION_RX_SERIAL;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 1;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 5;
    masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.minthrottle = 1000;
    masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.maxthrottle = 2000;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = 32000;
    masterConfig.looptime = 2000;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.pidController = 3;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[ROLL] = 36;
    currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[PITCH] = 36;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 2;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 0;
    masterConfig.failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle = 1000;
    currentControlRateProfile->rcRate8 = 130;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_PITCH] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_ROLL] = 20;
    currentControlRateProfile->rates[FD_YAW] = 100;
    parseRcChannels("TAER1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);

    //  { 1.0f, -0.5f,  1.0f, -1.0f },          // REAR_R
    masterConfig.customMixer[0].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[0].roll = -0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[0].pitch = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[0].yaw = -1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f, -0.5f, -1.0f,  1.0f },          // FRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMixer[1].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[1].roll = -0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[1].pitch = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[1].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  0.5f,  1.0f,  1.0f },          // REAR_L
    masterConfig.customMixer[2].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[2].roll = 0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[2].pitch = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[2].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  0.5f, -1.0f, -1.0f },          // FRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMixer[3].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[3].roll = 0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[3].pitch = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[3].yaw = -1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f, -1.0f, -0.5f, -1.0f },          // MIDFRONT_R
    masterConfig.customMixer[4].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[4].roll = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[4].pitch = -0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[4].yaw = -1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  1.0f, -0.5f,  1.0f },          // MIDFRONT_L
    masterConfig.customMixer[5].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[5].roll = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[5].pitch = -0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[5].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f, -1.0f,  0.5f,  1.0f },          // MIDREAR_R
    masterConfig.customMixer[6].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[6].roll = -1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[6].pitch = 0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[6].yaw = 1.0f;

    //  { 1.0f,  1.0f,  0.5f, -1.0f },          // MIDREAR_L
    masterConfig.customMixer[7].throttle = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[7].roll = 1.0f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[7].pitch = 0.5f;
    masterConfig.customMixer[7].yaw = -1.0f;

    // copy first profile into remaining profile
    for (i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&masterConfig.profile[i], currentProfile, sizeof(profile_t));

    // copy first control rate config into remaining profile
    for (i = 1; i < MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&masterConfig.controlRateProfiles[i], currentControlRateProfile, sizeof(controlRateConfig_t));

    for (i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        masterConfig.profile[i].defaultRateProfileIndex = i % MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT;
Exemple #28
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    int8_t servoRates[8] = { 30, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&masterConfig, 0, sizeof(master_t));
    memset(&currentProfile, 0, sizeof(profile_t));

    masterConfig.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    masterConfig.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;

    // global settings
    masterConfig.current_profile_index = 0;     // default profile
    masterConfig.gyro_cmpf_factor = 600;        // default MWC
    masterConfig.gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250;       // default MWC
    masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 42;                 // supported by all gyro drivers now. In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead



    masterConfig.boardAlignment.rollDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.pitchDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.yawDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    masterConfig.max_angle_inclination = 500;    // 50 degrees
    masterConfig.yaw_control_direction = 1;
    masterConfig.gyroConfig.gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold = 32;

    masterConfig.batteryConfig.vbatscale = 110;
    masterConfig.batteryConfig.vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43;
    masterConfig.batteryConfig.vbatmincellvoltage = 33;
    masterConfig.batteryConfig.currentMeterOffset = 0;
    masterConfig.batteryConfig.currentMeterScale = 400; // for Allegro ACS758LCB-100U (40mV/A)


    masterConfig.rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc = 1500;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck = 1100;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.maxcheck = 1900;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_channel = 0;

    masterConfig.retarded_arm = 0;              // disable arm/disarm on roll left/right
    masterConfig.airplaneConfig.flaps_speed = 0;
    masterConfig.fixedwing_althold_dir = 1;

    // Motor/ESC/Servo
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = 400;
    masterConfig.servo_pwm_rate = 50;

    // gps/nav stuff
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.provider = GPS_NMEA;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.sbasMode = SBAS_AUTO;


    masterConfig.looptime = 3500;
    masterConfig.emf_avoidance = 0;

    currentProfile.pidController = 0;

    currentProfile.controlRateConfig.rcRate8 = 90;
    currentProfile.controlRateConfig.rcExpo8 = 65;
    currentProfile.controlRateConfig.rollPitchRate = 0;
    currentProfile.controlRateConfig.yawRate = 0;
    currentProfile.dynThrPID = 0;
    currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint = 1500;
    currentProfile.controlRateConfig.thrMid8 = 50;
    currentProfile.controlRateConfig.thrExpo8 = 0;

    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;


    currentProfile.mag_declination = 0;
    currentProfile.acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    currentProfile.accDeadband.xy = 40;
    currentProfile.accDeadband.z = 40;


    currentProfile.acc_unarmedcal = 1;

    // Radio
    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);
    currentProfile.deadband = 0;
    currentProfile.yaw_deadband = 0;
    currentProfile.alt_hold_deadband = 40;
    currentProfile.alt_hold_fast_change = 1;
    currentProfile.throttle_correction_value = 0;      // could 10 with althold or 40 for fpv
    currentProfile.throttle_correction_angle = 800;    // could be 80.0 deg with atlhold or 45.0 for fpv

    // Failsafe Variables
    currentProfile.failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 10;              // 1sec
    currentProfile.failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 200;         // 20sec
    currentProfile.failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle = 1200;         // decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    currentProfile.failsafeConfig.failsafe_min_usec = 985;          // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger failsafe
    currentProfile.failsafeConfig.failsafe_max_usec = 2115;         // any of first 4 channels above this value will trigger failsafe

    // servos
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        currentProfile.servoConf[i].min = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN;
        currentProfile.servoConf[i].max = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX;
        currentProfile.servoConf[i].middle = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIDDLE;
        currentProfile.servoConf[i].rate = servoRates[i];
        currentProfile.servoConf[i].forwardFromChannel = CHANNEL_FORWARDING_DISABLED;

    currentProfile.mixerConfig.yaw_direction = 1;
    currentProfile.mixerConfig.tri_unarmed_servo = 1;

    // gimbal
    currentProfile.gimbalConfig.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;


    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS; i++)
        masterConfig.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

    // copy default config into all 3 profiles
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        memcpy(&masterConfig.profile[i], &currentProfile, sizeof(profile_t));
Exemple #29
void receiverCLI()
    char     rcOrderString[9];
    float    tempFloat;
    uint8_t  index;
    uint8_t  receiverQuery = 'x';
    uint8_t  validQuery    = false;

    NVIC_InitTypeDef  NVIC_InitStructure;

    cliBusy = true;

    cliPortPrint("\nEntering Receiver CLI....\n\n");

        cliPortPrint("Receiver CLI -> ");

		while ((cliPortAvailable() == false) && (validQuery == false));

		if (validQuery == false)
		    receiverQuery = cliPortRead();



            case 'a': // Receiver Configuration
                cliPortPrint("\nReceiver Type:                  ");
                    case PPM:
                    case SPEKTRUM:

                cliPortPrint("Current RC Channel Assignment:  ");
                for (index = 0; index < 8; index++)
                    rcOrderString[systemConfig.rcMap[index]] = rcChannelLetters[index];

                rcOrderString[index] = '\0';

                cliPortPrint(rcOrderString);  cliPortPrint("\n");

                cliPortPrintF("Secondary Spektrum:             ");

                if ((systemConfig.slaveSpektrum == true) && false)  // HJI Inhibit Slave Spektrum on Naze32 Pro

                cliPortPrintF("Mid Command:                    %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)systemConfig.midCommand);
				cliPortPrintF("Min Check:                      %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)systemConfig.minCheck);
				cliPortPrintF("Max Check:                      %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)systemConfig.maxCheck);
				cliPortPrintF("Min Throttle:                   %4ld\n",   (uint16_t)systemConfig.minThrottle);
				cliPortPrintF("Max Thottle:                    %4ld\n\n", (uint16_t)systemConfig.maxThrottle);

				tempFloat = systemConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
				cliPortPrintF("Max Roll and Pitch Rate Cmd:    %6.2f DPS\n", tempFloat);

				tempFloat = systemConfig.yawRateScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
				cliPortPrintF("Max Yaw Rate Cmd:               %6.2f DPS\n\n", tempFloat);

				cliPortPrintF("Roll Rate Cmd Tau:              %6.2f\n",   systemConfig.rollRateCmdLowPassTau);
				cliPortPrintF("Pitch Rate Cmd Tau:             %6.2f\n\n", systemConfig.pitchRateCmdLowPassTau);

				tempFloat = systemConfig.attitudeScaling * 180000.0 / PI;
                cliPortPrintF("Max Attitude Cmd:               %6.2f Degrees\n\n", tempFloat);

				cliPortPrintF("Roll Attitude Cmd Tau:          %6.2f\n",   systemConfig.rollAttCmdLowPassTau);
				cliPortPrintF("Pitch Attitude Cmd Tau:         %6.2f\n\n", systemConfig.pitchAttCmdLowPassTau);

				cliPortPrintF("Arm Delay Count:                %3d Frames\n",   systemConfig.armCount);
				cliPortPrintF("Disarm Delay Count:             %3d Frames\n\n", systemConfig.disarmCount);

				validQuery = false;


			case 'x':
			    cliPortPrint("\nExiting Receiver CLI....\n\n");
			    cliBusy = false;


            case 'A': // Toggle PPM/Spektrum Satellite Receiver
            	if (systemConfig.receiverType == PPM)
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel                   = TIM1_CC_IRQn;
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 2;
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority        = 0;
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd                = DISABLE;


                	TIM_ITConfig(TIM1, TIM_IT_CC1, DISABLE);
                	systemConfig.receiverType = SPEKTRUM;
                	NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel                   = TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM17_IRQn;
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 2;
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority        = 0;
                    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd                = DISABLE;


                    TIM_ITConfig(TIM17, TIM_IT_Update, DISABLE);
                  	systemConfig.receiverType = PPM;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'B': // Read RC Control Order
                readStringCLI( rcOrderString, 8 );
                parseRcChannels( rcOrderString );

          	    receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'C': // Toggle Slave Spektrum State
                // HJI Inhibit Slave Spektrum on Naze32 Pro if (systemConfig.slaveSpektrum == true)
                systemConfig.slaveSpektrum = false;
                // HJI Inhibit Slave Spektrum on Naze32 Pro else
                // HJI Inhibit Slave Spektrum on Naze32 Pro	    systemConfig.slaveSpektrum = true;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'D': // Read RC Control Points
                systemConfig.midCommand   = readFloatCLI();
    	        systemConfig.minCheck     = readFloatCLI();
    		    systemConfig.maxCheck     = readFloatCLI();
    		    systemConfig.minThrottle  = readFloatCLI();
    		    systemConfig.maxThrottle  = readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'E': // Read Arm/Disarm Counts
                systemConfig.armCount    = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();
        	    systemConfig.disarmCount = (uint8_t)readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'F': // Read Max Rate Value
                systemConfig.rollAndPitchRateScaling = readFloatCLI() / 180000.0f * PI;
                systemConfig.yawRateScaling          = readFloatCLI() / 180000.0f * PI;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'G': // Read Max Attitude Value
                systemConfig.attitudeScaling = readFloatCLI() / 180000.0f * PI;

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'H': // Read Rate Cmd Tau Value
                systemConfig.rollRateCmdLowPassTau  = readFloatCLI();
                systemConfig.pitchRateCmdLowPassTau = readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'I': // Read Attitude Cmd Tau Value
                systemConfig.rollAttCmdLowPassTau  = readFloatCLI();
                systemConfig.pitchAttCmdLowPassTau = readFloatCLI();

                receiverQuery = 'a';
                validQuery = true;


            case 'W': // Write System EEPROM Parameters
                cliPortPrint("\nWriting System EEPROM Parameters....\n\n");

                validQuery = false;


			case '?':
			   	cliPortPrint("'a' Receiver Configuration Data            'A' Toggle PPM/Spektrum Receiver\n");
   		        cliPortPrint("                                           'B' Set RC Control Order                 BTAER1234\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'C' Toggle Slave Spektrum State\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'D' Set RC Control Points                DmidCmd;minChk;maxChk;minThrot;maxThrot\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'E' Set Arm/Disarm Counts                EarmCount;disarmCount\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'F' Set Maximum Rate Commands            FRP;Y RP = Roll/Pitch, Y = Yaw\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'G' Set Maximum Attitude Command\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'H' Set Roll/Pitch Rate Command Filters  HROLL;PITCH\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'I' Set Roll/Pitch Att  Command Filters  IROLL;PITCH\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("                                           'W' Write System EEPROM Parameters\n");
			   	cliPortPrint("'x' Exit Receiver CLI                      '?' Command Summary\n");


Exemple #30
// Default settings
static void resetConf(void)
    int i;
    int8_t servoRates[8] = { 30, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };

    // Clear all configuration
    memset(&masterConfig, 0, sizeof(master_t));

    masterConfig.version = EEPROM_CONF_VERSION;
    masterConfig.mixerConfiguration = MULTITYPE_QUADX;
#if defined(CJMCU) || defined(SPARKY)

    // global settings
    masterConfig.current_profile_index = 0;     // default profile
    masterConfig.gyro_cmpf_factor = 600;        // default MWC
    masterConfig.gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250;       // default MWC
    masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 42;                 // supported by all gyro drivers now. In case of ST gyro, will default to 32Hz instead



    masterConfig.boardAlignment.rollDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.pitchDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.boardAlignment.yawDegrees = 0;
    masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;     // default/autodetect
    masterConfig.max_angle_inclination = 500;    // 50 degrees
    masterConfig.yaw_control_direction = 1;
    masterConfig.gyroConfig.gyroMovementCalibrationThreshold = 32;



    masterConfig.rxConfig.serialrx_provider = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.spektrum_sat_bind = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc = 1500;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck = 1100;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.maxcheck = 1900;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_channel = 0;
    masterConfig.rxConfig.rssi_scale = RSSI_SCALE_DEFAULT;

    masterConfig.inputFilteringMode = INPUT_FILTERING_DISABLED;

    masterConfig.retarded_arm = 0;
    masterConfig.disarm_kill_switch = 1;
    masterConfig.small_angle = 25;

    masterConfig.airplaneConfig.flaps_speed = 0;
    masterConfig.airplaneConfig.fixedwing_althold_dir = 1;

    // Motor/ESC/Servo

    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = BRUSHED_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
    masterConfig.motor_pwm_rate = BRUSHLESS_MOTORS_PWM_RATE;
    masterConfig.servo_pwm_rate = 50;

#ifdef GPS
    // gps/nav stuff
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.provider = GPS_NMEA;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.sbasMode = SBAS_AUTO;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.autoConfig = GPS_AUTOCONFIG_ON;
    masterConfig.gpsConfig.autoBaud = GPS_AUTOBAUD_OFF;


    masterConfig.looptime = 3500;
    masterConfig.emf_avoidance = 0;

    currentProfile->pidController = 0;


    // for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++)
    //     cfg.activate[i] = 0;


    currentProfile->mag_declination = 0;
    currentProfile->acc_lpf_factor = 4;
    currentProfile->accz_lpf_cutoff = 5.0f;
    currentProfile->accDeadband.xy = 40;
    currentProfile->accDeadband.z = 40;


    currentProfile->acc_unarmedcal = 1;

    // Radio
    parseRcChannels("AETR1234", &masterConfig.rxConfig);


    currentProfile->throttle_correction_value = 0;      // could 10 with althold or 40 for fpv
    currentProfile->throttle_correction_angle = 800;    // could be 80.0 deg with atlhold or 45.0 for fpv

    // Failsafe Variables
    currentProfile->failsafeConfig.failsafe_delay = 10;              // 1sec
    currentProfile->failsafeConfig.failsafe_off_delay = 200;         // 20sec
    currentProfile->failsafeConfig.failsafe_throttle = 1200;         // decent default which should always be below hover throttle for people.
    currentProfile->failsafeConfig.failsafe_min_usec = 985;          // any of first 4 channels below this value will trigger failsafe
    currentProfile->failsafeConfig.failsafe_max_usec = 2115;         // any of first 4 channels above this value will trigger failsafe

    // servos
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].min = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIN;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].max = DEFAULT_SERVO_MAX;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].middle = DEFAULT_SERVO_MIDDLE;
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].rate = servoRates[i];
        currentProfile->servoConf[i].forwardFromChannel = CHANNEL_FORWARDING_DISABLED;

    currentProfile->mixerConfig.yaw_direction = 1;
    currentProfile->mixerConfig.tri_unarmed_servo = 1;

    // gimbal
    currentProfile->gimbalConfig.gimbal_flags = GIMBAL_NORMAL;

#ifdef GPS

    // custom mixer. clear by defaults.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS; i++)
        masterConfig.customMixer[i].throttle = 0.0f;

#ifdef LED_STRIP
    applyDefaultColors(masterConfig.colors, CONFIGURABLE_COLOR_COUNT);

    // copy first profile into remaining profile
    for (i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&masterConfig.profile[i], currentProfile, sizeof(profile_t));

    // copy first control rate config into remaining profile
    for (i = 1; i < MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        memcpy(&masterConfig.controlRateProfiles[i], currentControlRateProfile, sizeof(controlRateConfig_t));

    for (i = 1; i < MAX_PROFILE_COUNT; i++) {
        masterConfig.profile[i].defaultRateProfileIndex = i % MAX_CONTROL_RATE_PROFILE_COUNT;