bool proxy_connection::read_chunked_body(unsigned fd, size_t& total)
	io_result res;

	do {
		if ((res = read(fd, _M_client->_M_body, total)) == IO_ERROR) {
			_M_client->_M_error = http_error::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT;
			return false;
		} else if (res == IO_NO_DATA_READ) {
			return true;

		_M_client->_M_timestamp = now::_M_time;

		switch (parse_chunk(_M_client->, _M_client->_M_body.count())) {
			case chunked_parser::INVALID_CHUNKED_RESPONSE:
				_M_client->_M_error = http_error::BAD_GATEWAY;
				return false;
			case chunked_parser::CALLBACK_FAILED:
				_M_client->_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
				return false;
			case chunked_parser::NOT_END_OF_RESPONSE:
				return true;
	} while (res == IO_SUCCESS);

	return true;
Exemple #2
int hrepack_addchunk(const char* str, 
                     options_t *options)
    obj_list_t  *obj_list=NULL;     /*one object list for the -t and -c option entry */
    int         n_objs;             /*number of objects in the current -t or -c option entry */
    int32       chunk_lengths[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */
    int         chunk_rank;         /*global rank for chunks */
    int         i, j;
    if (options->all_chunk==1){
        printf("Error: Invalid chunking input: '*' is present with other objects <%s>\n",str);
        return FAIL;
    /* parse the -c option */
    if ((obj_list = parse_chunk(str,&n_objs,chunk_lengths,&chunk_rank)) == NULL)
        return FAIL;
    /* searh for the "*" all objects character */
    for (i = 0; i < n_objs; i++) 
        if (HDstrcmp("*",obj_list[i].obj)==0)
            /* if we are chunking all set the global chunking type */
            for (j = 0; j < chunk_rank; j++) 
                options->chunk_g.chunk_lengths[j] = chunk_lengths[j];
    if (i>1)
        printf("\nError: '*' cannot be with other objects, <%s>. Exiting...\n",str);
        goto out;
    if (options->all_chunk==0)
        if (options_add_chunk(obj_list,n_objs,chunk_lengths,chunk_rank,options->op_tbl)<0)
            goto out;
    return SUCCEED;
    return FAIL;
static lcb_error_t parse_body(struct htvb_st *vbs, int *done)
    lcb_error_t err = LCB_BUSY;
    char *term;

    if ((err = parse_chunk(vbs)) != LCB_SUCCESS) {
        *done = 1; /* no data */
        lcb_assert(err == LCB_BUSY);
        return err;

    if (lcb_string_append(&vbs->input, vbs->chunk.base, vbs->chunk_size)) {
        return LCB_CLIENT_ENOMEM;

    lcb_string_erase_end(&vbs->input, 2);
    lcb_string_erase_beginning(&vbs->chunk, vbs->chunk_size);

    vbs->chunk_size = (lcb_size_t) - 1;

    if (vbs->chunk.nused > 0) {
        *done = 0;

    term = strstr(vbs->input.base, "\n\n\n\n");

    if (term != NULL) {
        lcb_string tmp;
        lcb_error_t ret;

        /** Next input */
        lcb_string_appendz(&tmp, term + 4);

        *term = '\0';
        ret = set_next_config(vbs);

        /** Now, erase everything until the end of the 'term' */
        if (vbs->input.base) {

        lcb_string_transfer(&tmp, &vbs->input);
        return ret;

    return err;
bool http_connection::read_chunked_body(unsigned fd, size_t& total)
	io_result res;

	do {
		if ((res = read(fd, total)) == IO_ERROR) {
			return false;
		} else if (res == IO_NO_DATA_READ) {
			return true;

		if (_M_rule->handler == rulelist::HTTP_HANDLER) {
			size_t size;
			switch (parse_chunk(, _M_in.count(), size)) {
				case chunked_parser::INVALID_CHUNKED_RESPONSE:
					_M_error = http_error::BAD_REQUEST;


					return true;
				case chunked_parser::CALLBACK_FAILED:
					_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;


					return true;
				case chunked_parser::END_OF_RESPONSE:
					_M_inp += size;


					return true;

	} while (res == IO_SUCCESS);

	return true;
bool http_connection::process_non_local_handler(unsigned fd)
	if ((_M_method == http_method::GET) || (_M_method == http_method::HEAD)) {
		_M_request_body_size = 0;

		_M_payload_in_memory = 1;


		_M_error = http_error::OK;

		return true;
	} else if ((_M_method != http_method::POST) && (_M_method != http_method::PUT)) {
		_M_error = http_error::NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
		return true;

	size_t count = _M_in.count() - _M_request_header_size;

	// Transfer-Encoding: chunked?
	const char* value;
	unsigned short valuelen;
	bool chunked;
	if ((_M_headers.get_value_known_header(http_headers::TRANSFER_ENCODING_HEADER, value, &valuelen)) && (memcasemem(value, valuelen, "chunked", 7))) {
		chunked = true;

		_M_request_body_size = 0;

		_M_payload_in_memory = 0;
	} else {
		chunked = false;

		// Get payload size (Content-Length).
		if (!_M_headers.get_value_known_header(http_headers::CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER, value, &valuelen)) {
			_M_error = http_error::LENGTH_REQUIRED;
			return true;

		if (number::parse_size_t(value, valuelen, _M_request_body_size) != number::PARSE_SUCCEEDED) {
			_M_error = http_error::BAD_REQUEST;
			return true;

		// If the payload is already in memory...
		if (_M_request_header_size + _M_request_body_size <= _M_in.count()) {
			_M_payload_in_memory = 1;

			_M_inp += _M_request_body_size;

		} else {
			_M_payload_in_memory = (_M_request_body_size <= static_cast<http_server*>(_M_server)->_M_max_payload_in_memory);

			_M_inp += count;

			_M_filesize = _M_request_body_size - count;


	logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[http_connection::process_non_local_handler] (fd %d) %s payload will be saved in %s.", fd, chunked ? "Chunked" : "Not chunked", _M_payload_in_memory ? "memory" : "disk");

	// If the payload should be written to disk...
	if (!_M_payload_in_memory) {
		// Open a temporary file.
		if ((_M_tmpfile = static_cast<http_server*>(_M_server)-> < 0) {
			_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
			return true;

		_M_tmpfilesize = 0;

		// If there is some payload already in the input buffer...
		if (count > 0) {
			if (chunked) {
				size_t size;
				switch (parse_chunk( + _M_request_header_size, count, size)) {
					case chunked_parser::INVALID_CHUNKED_RESPONSE:
						_M_error = http_error::BAD_REQUEST;
						return true;
					case chunked_parser::CALLBACK_FAILED:
						_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
						return true;
					case chunked_parser::NOT_END_OF_RESPONSE:
						_M_inp += size;


						_M_error = http_error::OK;

						return true;
			} else {
				if (_M_rule->handler == rulelist::HTTP_HANDLER) {
					if (!file_wrapper::write(_M_tmpfile, + _M_request_header_size, count)) {
						_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
						return true;
				} else {
					if (!fastcgi::stdin_stream(REQUEST_ID, + _M_request_header_size, count, _M_tmpfile, _M_tmpfilesize)) {
						_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
						return true;

		_M_inp = 0;

	_M_error = http_error::OK;

	return true;
bool proxy_connection::process_response(unsigned fd)
	const char* value;
	unsigned short valuelen;

	if (_M_client->_M_method == http_method::HEAD) {
		_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory = 1;

		if (!_M_client->_M_headers.get_value_known_header(http_headers::CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER, value, &valuelen)) {
			_M_client->_M_filesize = 0;
		} else {
			if (number::parse_off_t(value, valuelen, _M_client->_M_filesize, 0) != number::PARSE_SUCCEEDED) {
				logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) Invalid body size.", fd);

				_M_client->_M_error = http_error::BAD_GATEWAY;
				return false;

	} else {
		size_t count = _M_client->_M_body.count() - _M_body_offset;

		// Transfer-Encoding: chunked?
		bool chunked;
		if ((_M_client->_M_headers.get_value_known_header(http_headers::TRANSFER_ENCODING_HEADER, value, &valuelen)) && (memcasemem(value, valuelen, "chunked", 7))) {
			logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) Chunked body.", fd);

			chunked = true;

			_M_client->_M_filesize = 0;

			_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory = 0;

		} else {
			chunked = false;

			// Get Content-Length.
			if (!_M_client->_M_headers.get_value_known_header(http_headers::CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER, value, &valuelen)) {
				if ((_M_status_code < 200) || (_M_status_code == 204) || (_M_status_code == 302) || (_M_status_code == 304)) {
					_M_client->_M_filesize = 0;

					_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory = 1;

				} else {
					if (_M_client->_M_headers.get_value_known_header(http_headers::CONNECTION_HEADER, value, &valuelen)) {
						if (memcasemem(value, valuelen, "Keep-Alive", 10)) {
							// We cannot know the Content-Length.
							logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) !Content-Length && Keep-Alive.", fd);

							_M_client->_M_error = http_error::BAD_GATEWAY;
							return false;
					} else {
						if ((_M_major_number == 1) && (_M_minor_number == 1)) {
							// We cannot know the Content-Length.
							logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) !Content-Length && !Connection && HTTP/1.1.", fd);

							_M_client->_M_error = http_error::BAD_GATEWAY;
							return false;

					logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) Unknown body size.", fd);

					_M_client->_M_filesize = count;

					_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory = 0;

			} else {
				if (number::parse_off_t(value, valuelen, _M_client->_M_filesize, 0) != number::PARSE_SUCCEEDED) {
					logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) Invalid body size.", fd);

					_M_client->_M_error = http_error::BAD_GATEWAY;
					return false;

				logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) Body size %lld.", fd, _M_client->_M_filesize);

				// If we have received the whole body already...
				if ((off_t) count >= _M_client->_M_filesize) {
					_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory = 1;

				} else {
					_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory = (_M_client->_M_filesize <= (off_t) static_cast<http_server*>(_M_server)->_M_max_payload_in_memory);

					_M_left = _M_client->_M_filesize - count;

					_M_state = READING_BODY_STATE;

		logger::instance().log(logger::LOG_DEBUG, "[proxy_connection::process_response] (fd %d) Payload will be saved %s.", fd, _M_client->_M_payload_in_memory ? "in memory" : "to disk");

		if (!_M_client->_M_payload_in_memory) {
			// Open a temporary file.
			if ((_M_tmpfile = static_cast<http_server*>(_M_server)-> < 0) {
				_M_client->_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
				return false;

			if (count > 0) {
				if (!chunked) {
					if (!file_wrapper::write(_M_tmpfile, _M_client-> + _M_body_offset, count)) {
						_M_client->_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
						return false;
				} else {
					switch (parse_chunk(_M_client-> + _M_body_offset, count)) {
						case chunked_parser::INVALID_CHUNKED_RESPONSE:
							_M_client->_M_error = http_error::BAD_GATEWAY;
							return false;
						case chunked_parser::CALLBACK_FAILED:
							_M_client->_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
							return false;
						case chunked_parser::END_OF_RESPONSE:
						default: // NOT_END_OF_RESPONSE.

			// If there is reason phrase...
			if (_M_reason_phrase_len > 0) {
				if (!_M_out.append(_M_client-> + _M_reason_phrase, _M_reason_phrase_len)) {
					_M_client->_M_error = http_error::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
					return false;

			_M_inp = 0;

	return true;
Exemple #7
int era_create(int argc, char **argv)
	char table[64], uuid[64];
	char *name, *meta, *data, *orig;
	unsigned orig_major, orig_minor;
	unsigned meta_major, meta_minor;
	unsigned data_major, data_minor;
	struct era_dm_info orig_info;
	uint64_t sectors;
	struct md *md;
	int chunk;
	int fd;

	 * check and save arguments

	switch (argc)
	case 0:
		error(0, "device name argument expected");
		usage(stderr, 1);
	case 1:
		error(0, "metadata device argument expected");
		usage(stderr, 1);
	case 2:
		error(0, "data device argument expected");
		usage(stderr, 1);
	case 3:
		chunk = DEF_CHUNK_SIZE;
	case 4:
		chunk = parse_chunk(argv[3]);
		if (chunk == -1)
			error(0, "can't parse chunk size: %s", argv[3]);
			return -1;
		error(0, "unknown argument: %s", argv[4]);
		usage(stderr, 1);

	name = argv[0];
	meta = argv[1];
	data = argv[2];

	orig = malloc(16 + strlen(data));
	if (!orig)
		error(ENOMEM, NULL);
		return -1;

	sprintf(orig, "%s-orig", name);

	 * stat data device

	fd = blkopen(data, 0, &data_major, &data_minor, &sectors);
	if (fd == -1)
		goto out;


	 * open metadata device

	md = md_open(meta, 1);
	if (!md)
		goto out;

	meta_major = md->major;
	meta_minor = md->minor;

	 * create empty era target

	snprintf(uuid, sizeof(uuid), "%s%u-%u",
	         UUID_PREFIX, meta_major, meta_minor);

	if (era_dm_create_empty(name, uuid, NULL))
		goto out;

	 * clear and close metadata

	if (clear_metadata(md, meta))
		goto out;


	 * create origin target

	snprintf(uuid, sizeof(uuid), "%s%u-%u-orig",
	         UUID_PREFIX, meta_major, meta_minor);

	snprintf(table, sizeof(table), "%u:%u 0",
	         data_major, data_minor);

	if (era_dm_create(orig, uuid, 0, sectors,
	                  TARGET_LINEAR, table, &orig_info) == -1)
		goto out;

	orig_major = (unsigned)orig_info.major;
	orig_minor = (unsigned)orig_info.minor;

	 * load and resume era target

	snprintf(table, sizeof(table), "%u:%u %u:%u %d",
	         meta_major, meta_minor, orig_major, orig_minor, chunk);

	if (era_dm_load(name, 0, sectors, TARGET_ERA, table, NULL))
		goto out;

	if (era_dm_resume(name))
		goto out;

	return 0;

	return -1;
Exemple #8
 * Dechunk more data from the input buffer `mb'.
 * @returns dechunked data in a new buffer, or NULL if no more data.
static pmsg_t *
dechunk_data(rxdrv_t *rx, pmsg_t *mb)
	struct attr *attr = rx->opaque;
	const char *error_str, *src;
	size_t size;

	 * Prepare call to parse_chunk().

	size = pmsg_size(mb);
	src = pmsg_read_base(mb);

	while (size > 0) {
		size_t ret;

		g_assert(CHUNK_STATE_ERROR != attr->state);

		 * Copy avoidance: if the data we got fits into the current chunk size,
		 * then we don't have to parse anything: all the data belong to the
		 * current chunk, so we can simply pass them to the upper layer.

		if (CHUNK_STATE_DATA == attr->state) {
			pmsg_t *nmb;

			nmb = pmsg_clone(mb);
			if (size < attr->data_remain) {
				/* The complete chunk data is forwarded to the upper layer */
				mb->m_rptr += size;
				attr->data_remain -= size;
			} else {
				/* Only the first ``data_remain'' bytes are forwarded */
				mb->m_rptr += attr->data_remain;
				nmb->m_wptr =
				attr->data_remain = 0;
				attr->state = CHUNK_STATE_DATA_CRLF;
			if (GNET_PROPERTY(rx_debug) > 9)
				g_debug("dechunk_data: returning chunk of %u bytes",
			return nmb;

		g_assert(size > 0);
		g_assert(CHUNK_STATE_DATA != attr->state);

		 * Parse chunk headers

		ret = parse_chunk(rx, src, size, &error_str);
		if (0 == ret) {
			 * We can't continue if we meet a dechunking error.  Signal
			 * our user so that the connection is terminated.

			errno = EIO;
					"dechunk() failed: %s", error_str);
			g_warning("dechunk_data(): %s", error_str);
		g_assert(ret <= size);
		size -= ret;
		mb->m_rptr += ret;		/* Read that far */

	return NULL;				/* No more data */