// Takes FRU data, invokes Parser for each fru record area and updates
// Inventory
int ipmi_update_inventory(fru_area_vec_t & area_vec)
    // Generic error reporter
    int rc = 0;

    // Dictionary object to hold Name:Value pair
    sd_bus_message *fru_dict = NULL;

    // SD Bus error report mechanism.
    sd_bus_error bus_error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;

    // Response from sd bus calls
    sd_bus_message *response = NULL;

    // For each FRU area, extract the needed data , get it parsed and update
    // the Inventory.
    for(auto& iter : area_vec)
        // Start fresh on each.

        // Constructor to allow further initializations and customization.
        rc = sd_bus_message_new_method_call((iter)->get_bus_type(),
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: creating a update method call for bus_name:[%s]\n",

        // A Dictionary ({}) having (string, variant)
        rc = sd_bus_message_open_container(fru_dict, 'a', "{sv}");
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:[%d] creating a dict container:\n",errno);

        // Fill the container with information
        rc = parse_fru_area((iter)->get_type(), (void *)(iter)->get_data(), (iter)->get_len(), fru_dict);
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR parsing FRU records\n");


        // Now, Make the actual call to update the FRU inventory database with the
        // dictionary given by FRU Parser. There is no response message expected for
        // this.
        rc = sd_bus_call((iter)->get_bus_type(),     // On the System Bus
                         fru_dict,                   // With the Name:value dictionary array
                         0,                          //
                         &bus_error,                 // Object to return error.
                         &response);                 // Response message if any.

        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:[%s] updating FRU inventory for ID:[0x%X]\n",
                    bus_error.message, (iter)->get_fruid());
        else if((iter)->is_bmc_fru())
            // For FRUs that are accessible by HostBoot, host boot does all of
            // these.
            printf("SUCCESS: Updated:[%s_%d] successfully. Setting Valid bit\n",
                    (iter)->get_name(), (iter)->get_fruid());

            printf("SUCCESS: Updated:[%s_%d] successfully\n",
                        (iter)->get_name(), (iter)->get_fruid());
    } // END walking the vector of areas and updating


    return rc;
// Takes FRU data, invokes Parser for each fru record area and updates
// Inventory
int ipmi_update_inventory(const uint8_t fruid, const uint8_t *fru_data, 
                          fru_area_vec_t & area_vec)
    // Now, use this fru dictionary object and connect with FRU Inventory Dbus
    // and update the data for this FRU ID.
    int rc = 0;
    // Dictionary object to hold Name:Value pair
    sd_bus_message *fru_dict = NULL;

    // SD Bus error report mechanism.
    sd_bus_error bus_error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;

    // Gets a hook onto either a SYSTEM or SESSION bus
    sd_bus *bus_type = ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection();

    // Req message contains the specifics about which method etc that we want to
    // access on which bus, object
    sd_bus_message *response = NULL;

    // For each FRU area, extract the needed data , get it parsed and update
    // the Inventory.
    for(auto& iter : area_vec)
        uint8_t area_type = (iter).type;

        uint8_t area_data[(iter).len];
        memset(area_data, 0x0, sizeof(area_data));

        // Grab area specific data
        memmove(area_data, (iter).offset, (iter).len);

        // Need this to get respective DBUS objects
        const char *area_name  = NULL;

        if(area_type == IPMI_FRU_AREA_CHASSIS_INFO)
            area_name = "CHASSIS_";
        else if(area_type == IPMI_FRU_AREA_BOARD_INFO)
            area_name = "BOARD_";
        else if(area_type == IPMI_FRU_AREA_PRODUCT_INFO)
            area_name = "PRODUCT_";
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid Area type :[%d]",area_type);
        // What we need is BOARD_1, PRODUCT_1, CHASSIS_1 etc..
        char fru_area_name[16] = {0};
        sprintf(fru_area_name,"%s%d",area_name, fruid);

#ifdef __IPMI_DEBUG__
        printf("Updating Inventory with :[%s]\n",fru_area_name);
        // Each area needs a clean set.       
        // We want to call a method "getObjectFromId" on System Bus that is
        // made available over  OpenBmc system services.
        rc = sd_bus_call_method(bus_type,                   // On the System Bus
                                bus_name,                   // Service to contact
                                object_name,                // Object path 
                                intf_name,                  // Interface name
                                "getObjectFromId",          // Method to be called
                                &bus_error,                 // object to return error
                                &response,                  // Response message on success
                                "ss",                       // input message (string,byte)
                                "FRU_STR",                  // First argument to getObjectFromId
                                fru_area_name);             // Second Argument

        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to issue method call: %s\n", bus_error.message);

        // Method getObjectFromId returns 3 parameters and all are strings, namely
        // bus_name , object_path and interface name for accessing that particular 
        // FRU over Inventory SDBUS manager. 'sss' here mentions that format.
        char *inv_bus_name, *inv_obj_path, *inv_intf_name;
        rc = sd_bus_message_read(response, "(sss)", &inv_bus_name, &inv_obj_path, &inv_intf_name);
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse response message:[%s]\n", strerror(-rc));

#ifdef __IPMI_DEBUG__
        printf("fru_area=[%s], inv_bus_name=[%s], inv_obj_path=[%s],inv_intf_name=[%s]\n",
                fru_area_name, inv_bus_name, inv_obj_path, inv_intf_name);

        // Constructor to allow further initializations and customization.
        rc = sd_bus_message_new_method_call(bus_type,
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: creating a update method call\n");

        // A Dictionary ({}) having (string, variant)
        rc = sd_bus_message_open_container(fru_dict, 'a', "{sv}");
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:[%d] creating a dict container:\n",errno);

        // Fill the container with information
        rc = parse_fru_area((iter).type, (void *)area_data, (iter).len, fru_dict);
        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR parsing FRU records\n");


        // Now, Make the actual call to update the FRU inventory database with the
        // dictionary given by FRU Parser. There is no response message expected for
        // this.
        rc = sd_bus_call(bus_type,            // On the System Bus
                         fru_dict,            // With the Name:value dictionary array
                         0,                   // 
                         &bus_error,          // Object to return error.
                         &response);          // Response message if any.

        if(rc < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:[%s] updating FRU inventory for ID:[0x%X]\n",
                    bus_error.message, fruid);
            printf("SUCCESS: Updated:[%s] successfully\n",fru_area_name);
    } // END walking the vector of areas and updating


    return rc;