int do_ini_parser(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
    int rcode = 0;
    const char* filePath = "dos_dc_burn.ini";
    //mmc info to ensure sdcard inserted and inited, mmcinfo outer as there U-disk later
    rcode = run_command("mmcinfo", 0);
        err("Fail in init mmc, Does sdcard not plugged in?\n");
        return __LINE__;

    if(2 <= argc){
        filePath = argv[1];

    rcode = parse_ini_cfg_file(filePath);
        err("error in parse ini file\n");
        return __LINE__;

    return 0;
int optimus_burn_with_cfg_file(const char* cfgFile)
    extern ConfigPara_t g_sdcBurnPara ;

    int ret = 0;
    HIMAGE hImg = NULL;
    ConfigPara_t* pSdcCfgPara = &g_sdcBurnPara;
    const char* pkgPath = pSdcCfgPara->burnEx.pkgPath;
    __hdle hUiProgress = NULL;

    ret = parse_ini_cfg_file(cfgFile);
    if (ret) {
        DWN_ERR("Fail to parse file %s\n", cfgFile);
        ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;

    if (pSdcCfgPara->custom.eraseBootloader && strcmp("1", getenv("usb_update")))
        if (is_bootloader_old())
            DWN_MSG("To erase OLD bootloader !\n");
            ret = optimus_erase_bootloader("sdc");
            if (ret) {
                DWN_ERR("Fail to erase bootloader\n");
                ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;

            //axp to low power off LCD, no-charging
            DWN_MSG("To close LCD\n");
            ret = run_command("video dev disable", 0);
            if (ret) {
                printf("Fail to close back light\n");
                /*return __LINE__;*/
#endif// #if defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_AMLLCD)

            DWN_MSG("Reset to load NEW uboot from ext-mmc!\n");
            return __LINE__;//should never reach here!!

    if (OPTIMUS_WORK_MODE_SDC_PRODUCE == optimus_work_mode_get()) //led not depend on image res, can init early
        if (optimus_led_open(LED_TYPE_PWM)) {
            DWN_ERR("Fail to open led for sdc_produce\n");
            return __LINE__;

    hImg = image_open("mmc", "0", "1", pkgPath);
    if (!hImg) {
        DWN_ERR("Fail to open image %s\n", pkgPath);
        ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;

    //update dtb for burning drivers
    ret = optimus_sdc_burn_dtb_load(hImg);
    if (ITEM_NOT_EXIST != ret && ret) {
        DWN_ERR("Fail in load dtb for sdc_burn\n");
        ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;

    if (video_res_prepare_for_upgrade(hImg)) {
        DWN_ERR("Fail when prepare bm res or init video for upgrade\n");
        return __LINE__;

    hUiProgress = optimus_progress_ui_request_for_sdc_burn();
    if (!hUiProgress) {
        DWN_ERR("request progress handle failed!\n");
        ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;
    optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hUiProgress, UPGRADE_STEPS_AFTER_IMAGE_OPEN_OK);

    int hasBootloader = 0;
    u64 datapartsSz = optimus_img_decoder_get_data_parts_size(hImg, &hasBootloader);

    int eraseFlag = pSdcCfgPara->custom.eraseFlash;
    if (!datapartsSz) {
            eraseFlag = 0;
            DWN_MSG("Disable erase as data parts size is 0\n");
    ret = optimus_storage_init(eraseFlag);
    if (ret) {
        DWN_ERR("Fail to init stoarge for sdc burn\n");
        return __LINE__;

    optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hUiProgress, UPGRADE_STEPS_AFTER_DISK_INIT_OK);

    if (datapartsSz)
            ret = optimus_progress_ui_set_smart_mode(hUiProgress, datapartsSz,
            if (ret) {
                    DWN_ERR("Fail to set smart mode\n");
                    ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;

            ret = optimus_sdc_burn_partitions(pSdcCfgPara, hImg, hUiProgress, 1);
            if (ret) {
                    DWN_ERR("Fail when burn partitions\n");
                    ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;

    if (pSdcCfgPara->burnEx.bitsMap.mediaPath) //burn media image
        const char* mediaPath = pSdcCfgPara->burnEx.mediaPath;

        ret = optimus_sdc_burn_media_partition(mediaPath, NULL);//no progress bar info if have partition image not in package
        if (ret) {
            DWN_ERR("Fail to burn media partition with image %s\n", mediaPath);
            ret = __LINE__;goto _finish;
    optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hUiProgress, UPGRADE_STPES_AFTER_BURN_DATA_PARTS_OK);

    //TO burn nandkey/securekey/efusekey
    ret = sdc_burn_aml_keys(hImg, pSdcCfgPara->custom.keyOverwrite);
    if (ret) {
            DWN_ERR("Fail in sdc_burn_aml_keys\n");
            ret = __LINE__;goto _finish;

#if 1
    if (hasBootloader)
    {//burn bootloader
            ret = optimus_burn_bootlader(hImg);
            if (ret) {
                    DWN_ERR("Fail in burn bootloader\n");
                    goto _finish;
            {//update bootloader ENV only when bootloader image is burned
                    ret = optimus_set_burn_complete_flag();
                    if (ret) {
                            DWN_ERR("Fail in set_burn_complete_flag\n");
                            ret = __LINE__; goto _finish;
    optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hUiProgress, UPGRADE_STEPS_AFTER_BURN_BOOTLOADER_OK);

    optimus_progress_ui_report_upgrade_stat(hUiProgress, !ret);
    optimus_report_burn_complete_sta(ret, pSdcCfgPara->custom.rebootAfterBurn);
    //optimus_storage_exit();//temporary not exit storage driver when failed as may continue burning after burn
    return ret;