static char *parser_get_param_name_heap(char *line, char **end) { /* This is similar to parser_get_param_name_stack except it returns heap objects in the return value and the end parameter. This is used in case the name or value is longer than the stack-allocated string. */ char *next; char *str; next = parser_get_next_char('=', line, 1); if (next == 0) { return 0; } str = make_segment(line, next); *end = next + 1; if (**end == '"') { *end = *end + 1; next = parser_get_next_char('"', *end, 0); if (next == 0) { free(str); *end = NULL; return 0; } *end = make_segment(*end, next); } else { *end = make_segment(*end, *end + strlen(*end)); } parser_decode_param_value(*end); return str; }
static char *parser_get_next_parameter(char *line, char **end) { char *next; char *v; char *str; v = parser_get_next_char(':', line, 1); next = parser_get_next_char(';', line, 1); /* There is no ';' or, it is after the ':' that marks the beginning of the value */ if (next == 0 || next > v) { next = parser_get_next_char(':', line, 1); } if (next != 0) { str = make_segment(line, next); *end = next + 1; return str; } else { *end = line; return 0; } }
static char* parser_get_param_name(char* line, char **end, char **buf) { char* next; char *str; next = parser_get_next_char('=',line,1); *buf = 0; if (next == 0) { return 0; } str = make_segment(line,next); *end = next+1; if (**end == '"') { *end = *end+1; next = parser_get_next_char('"',*end,0); if (next == 0) { return 0; } *buf = *end = make_segment(*end,next); } return str; }
static char* parser_get_prop_name(char* line, char** end) { char* p; char* v; char *str; p = parser_get_next_char(';',line,1); v = parser_get_next_char(':',line,1); if (p== 0 && v == 0) { return 0; } /* There is no ';' or, it is after the ';' that marks the beginning of the value */ if (v!=0 && ( p == 0 || p > v)){ str = make_segment(line,v); *end = v+1; } else { str = make_segment(line,p); *end = p+1; } return str; }
static int parser_get_param_name_stack(char *line, char *name, size_t name_length, char *value, size_t value_length) { char *next, *end_quote; size_t requested_name_length, requested_value_length; /* The name is everything up to the equals sign */ next = parser_get_next_char('=', line, 1); if (next == 0) { return 0; } requested_name_length = (ptrdiff_t)(next - line); /* Figure out what range of line contains the value (everything after the equals sign) */ next++; if (next[0] == '"') { /* Dequote the value */ next++; end_quote = parser_get_next_char('"', next, 0); if (end_quote == 0) { return 0; } requested_value_length = (ptrdiff_t)(end_quote - next); } else { requested_value_length = strlen(next); } /* There's not enough room in the name or value inputs, we need to fall back to parser_get_param_name_heap and use heap-allocated strings */ if (requested_name_length >= name_length - 1 || requested_value_length >= value_length - 1) { return 0; } strncpy(name, line, requested_name_length); name[requested_name_length] = 0; strncpy(value, next, requested_value_length); value[requested_value_length] = 0; parser_decode_param_value(value); return 1; }
/*keep for historical sake*/ static char *parser_get_next_paramvalue(char *line, char **end) { char *next; char *str; next = parser_get_next_char(',', line, 1); if (next == 0) { next = (char *)(size_t) line + (size_t) strlen(line); } if (next == line) { return 0; } else { str = make_segment(line, next); *end = next + 1; return str; } }
icalcomponent *icalparser_add_line(icalparser *parser, char *line) { char *str; char *end; int pcount = 0; int vcount = 0; icalproperty *prop; icalproperty_kind prop_kind; icalvalue *value; icalvalue_kind value_kind = ICAL_NO_VALUE; icalerror_check_arg_rz((parser != 0), "parser"); if (line == 0) { parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; return 0; } if (line_is_blank(line) == 1) { return 0; } /* Begin by getting the property name at the start of the line. The property name may end up being "BEGIN" or "END" in which case it is not really a property, but the marker for the start or end of a component */ end = 0; str = parser_get_prop_name(line, &end); if (str == 0 || *str == '\0') { /* Could not get a property name */ icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); if (tail) { insert_error( tail, line, "Got a data line, but could not find a property name or component begin tag", ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR); } tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; return 0; } /********************************************************************** * Handle begin and end of components **********************************************************************/ /* If the property name is BEGIN or END, we are actually starting or ending a new component */ if (strcasecmp(str, "BEGIN") == 0) { icalcomponent *c; icalcomponent_kind comp_kind; parser->level++; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = parser_get_next_value(end, &end, value_kind); comp_kind = icalenum_string_to_component_kind(str); c = icalcomponent_new(comp_kind); if (c == 0) { c = icalcomponent_new(ICAL_XLICINVALID_COMPONENT); insert_error(c, str, "Parse error in component name", ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_COMPONENTPARSEERROR); } pvl_push(parser->components, c); parser->state = ICALPARSER_BEGIN_COMP; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; return 0; } else if (strcasecmp(str, "END") == 0) { icalcomponent *tail; parser->level--; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = parser_get_next_value(end, &end, value_kind); /* Pop last component off of list and add it to the second-to-last */ parser->root_component = pvl_pop(parser->components); tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); if (tail != 0) { icalcomponent_add_component(tail, parser->root_component); } tail = 0; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; if (parser->level < 0) { // Encountered an END before any BEGIN, this must be invalid data icalerror_warn("Encountered END before BEGIN"); parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; parser->level = 0; return 0; } else if (parser->level == 0) { /* Return the component if we are back to the 0th level */ icalcomponent *rtrn; if (pvl_count(parser->components) != 0) { /* There are still components on the stack -- this means that one of them did not have a proper "END" */ pvl_push(parser->components, parser->root_component); (void)icalparser_clean(parser); /* may reset parser->root_component */ } assert(pvl_count(parser->components) == 0); parser->state = ICALPARSER_SUCCESS; rtrn = parser->root_component; parser->root_component = 0; return rtrn; } else { parser->state = ICALPARSER_END_COMP; return 0; } } /* There is no point in continuing if we have not seen a component yet */ if (pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)) == 0) { parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; return 0; } /********************************************************************** * Handle property names **********************************************************************/ /* At this point, the property name really is a property name, (Not a component name) so make a new property and add it to the component */ prop_kind = icalproperty_string_to_kind(str); prop = icalproperty_new(prop_kind); if (prop != 0) { icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); if (prop_kind == ICAL_X_PROPERTY) { icalproperty_set_x_name(prop, str); } icalcomponent_add_property(tail, prop); /* Set the value kind for the default for this type of property. This may be re-set by a VALUE parameter */ value_kind = icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(icalproperty_isa(prop)); } else { icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); insert_error(tail, str, "Parse error in property name", ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PROPERTYPARSEERROR); tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; return 0; } icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; /********************************************************************** * Handle parameter values **********************************************************************/ /* Now, add any parameters to the last property */ while (pcount < MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_PARAMETERS) { if (*(end - 1) == ':') { /* if the last separator was a ":" and the value is a URL, icalparser_get_next_parameter will find the ':' in the URL, so better break now. */ break; } icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = parser_get_next_parameter(end, &end); strstriplt(str); if (str != 0) { char *name_heap = 0; char *pvalue_heap = 0; char name_stack[TMP_BUF_SIZE]; char pvalue_stack[TMP_BUF_SIZE]; char *name = name_stack; char *pvalue = pvalue_stack; icalparameter *param = 0; icalparameter_kind kind; icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); if (!parser_get_param_name_stack(str, name_stack, sizeof(name_stack), pvalue_stack, sizeof(pvalue_stack))) { name_heap = parser_get_param_name_heap(str, &pvalue_heap); name = name_heap; pvalue = pvalue_heap; if (name_heap == 0) { /* 'tail' defined above */ insert_error(tail, str, "Cant parse parameter name", ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PARAMETERNAMEPARSEERROR); tail = 0; break; } } kind = icalparameter_string_to_kind(name); if (kind == ICAL_X_PARAMETER) { param = icalparameter_new(ICAL_X_PARAMETER); if (param != 0) { icalparameter_set_xname(param, name); icalparameter_set_xvalue(param, pvalue); } } else if (kind == ICAL_IANA_PARAMETER) { ical_unknown_token_handling tokHandlingSetting = ical_get_unknown_token_handling_setting(); if (tokHandlingSetting == ICAL_DISCARD_TOKEN) { if (name_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(name_heap); name_heap = 0; } if (pvalue_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(pvalue_heap); pvalue_heap = 0; } continue; } param = icalparameter_new(ICAL_IANA_PARAMETER); if (param != 0) { icalparameter_set_xname(param, name); icalparameter_set_xvalue(param, pvalue); } } else if (kind == ICAL_TZID_PARAMETER && *(end - 1) != ';') { /* Special case handling for TZID to work around invalid incoming data. For example, Google Calendar will send back stuff like this: DTSTART;TZID=GMT+05:30:20120904T020000 In this case we read to the next semicolon or the last colon rather than the first colon. This way the TZID will become GMT+05:30 rather than trying to parse the date-time as 30:20120904T020000. This also handles properties that look like this: DTSTART;TZID=GMT+05:30;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20120904T020000 */ char *lastColon = 0; char *nextColon = end; char *nextSemicolon = parser_get_next_char(';', end, 1); /* Find the last colon in the line */ do { nextColon = parser_get_next_char(':', nextColon, 1); if (nextColon) { lastColon = nextColon; } } while (nextColon); if (lastColon && nextSemicolon && nextSemicolon < lastColon) { /* Ensures that we don't read past a semicolon Handles the following line: DTSTART;TZID=GMT+05:30;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20120904T020000 */ lastColon = nextSemicolon; } /* Rebuild str so that it includes everything up to the next semicolon or the last colon. So given the above example, str will go from "TZID=GMT+05" to "TZID=GMT+05:30" */ if (lastColon && *(lastColon + 1) != 0) { char *strStart = line + strlen(name) + 2; end = lastColon + 1; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = make_segment(strStart, end - 1); } /* Reparse the parameter name and value with the new segment */ if (!parser_get_param_name_stack(str, name_stack, sizeof(name_stack), pvalue_stack, sizeof(pvalue_stack))) { if (pvalue_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(pvalue_heap); pvalue_heap = 0; pvalue = 0; } if (name_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(name_heap); name = 0; } name_heap = parser_get_param_name_heap(str, &pvalue_heap); pvalue = pvalue_heap; } param = icalparameter_new_from_value_string(kind, pvalue); } else if (kind != ICAL_NO_PARAMETER) { param = icalparameter_new_from_value_string(kind, pvalue); } else { /* Error. Failed to parse the parameter */ /* 'tail' defined above */ /* Change for mozilla */ /* have the option of being flexible towards unsupported parameters */ #if ICAL_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL == 1 insert_error(tail, str, "Cant parse parameter name", ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PARAMETERNAMEPARSEERROR); tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; if (pvalue_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(pvalue_heap); pvalue = 0; } if (name_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(name_heap); name = 0; } icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; return 0; #else if (name_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(name_heap); name_heap = 0; } if (pvalue_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(pvalue_heap); pvalue_heap = 0; } icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; continue; #endif } if (pvalue_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(pvalue_heap); pvalue_heap = 0; } if (name_heap) { icalmemory_free_buffer(name_heap); name_heap = 0; } if (param == 0) { /* 'tail' defined above */ insert_error(tail, str, "Cant parse parameter value", ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PARAMETERVALUEPARSEERROR); tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; continue; } /* If it is a VALUE parameter, set the kind of value */ if (icalparameter_isa(param) == ICAL_VALUE_PARAMETER) { value_kind = (icalvalue_kind)icalparameter_value_to_value_kind( icalparameter_get_value(param)); if (!icalproperty_value_kind_is_valid(prop_kind, value_kind)) { /* Ooops, invalid VALUE parameter, so reset the value_kind */ const char *err_str = "Invalid VALUE type for property"; const char *prop_str = icalproperty_kind_to_string(prop_kind); size_t tmp_buf_len = strlen(err_str) + strlen(prop_str) + 2; char *tmp_buf = icalmemory_tmp_buffer(tmp_buf_len); snprintf(tmp_buf, tmp_buf_len, "%s %s", err_str, prop_str); insert_error(tail, str, tmp_buf, ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_PARAMETERVALUEPARSEERROR); value_kind = icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(prop_kind); icalparameter_free(param); tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; pcount++; continue; } } /* Everything is OK, so add the parameter */ icalproperty_add_parameter(prop, param); tail = 0; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; pcount++; } else { /* str is NULL */ break; } } /* while(1) */ /********************************************************************** * Handle values **********************************************************************/ /* Look for values. If there are ',' characters in the values, then there are multiple values, so clone the current parameter and add one part of the value to each clone */ vcount = 0; while (vcount < MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_MULTIPLE_VALUES) { /* Only some properties can have multiple values. This list was taken from rfc5545. Also added the x-properties, because the spec actually says that commas should be escaped. For x-properties, other apps may depend on that behaviour */ icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; if (icalproperty_value_kind_is_multivalued(prop_kind, &value_kind)) { str = parser_get_next_value(end, &end, value_kind); } else { str = icalparser_get_value(end, &end, value_kind); } strstriplt(str); if (str != 0) { if (vcount > 0) { /* Actually, only clone after the second value */ icalproperty *clone = icalproperty_clone(prop); icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); icalcomponent_add_property(tail, clone); prop = clone; tail = 0; } value = icalvalue_new_from_string(value_kind, str); /* Don't add properties without value */ if (value == 0) { char temp[200]; /* HACK */ icalproperty_kind prop_kind = icalproperty_isa(prop); icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Can't parse as %s value in %s property. Removing entire property", icalvalue_kind_to_string(value_kind), icalproperty_kind_to_string(prop_kind)); insert_error(tail, str, temp, ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_VALUEPARSEERROR); /* Remove the troublesome property */ icalcomponent_remove_property(tail, prop); icalproperty_free(prop); prop = 0; tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; return 0; } else { vcount++; icalproperty_set_value(prop, value); } icalmemory_free_buffer(str); str = NULL; } else { #if ICAL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PROPERTIES /* Don't replace empty properties with an error. Set an empty length string (not null) as the value instead */ if (vcount == 0) { icalproperty_set_value(prop, icalvalue_new(ICAL_NO_VALUE)); } break; #else if (vcount == 0) { char temp[200]; /* HACK */ icalproperty_kind prop_kind = icalproperty_isa(prop); icalcomponent *tail = pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)); snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "No value for %s property. Removing entire property", icalproperty_kind_to_string(prop_kind)); insert_error(tail, str, temp, ICAL_XLICERRORTYPE_VALUEPARSEERROR); /* Remove the troublesome property */ icalcomponent_remove_property(tail, prop); icalproperty_free(prop); prop = 0; tail = 0; parser->state = ICALPARSER_ERROR; return 0; } else { break; } #endif } } /**************************************************************** * End of component parsing. *****************************************************************/ if (pvl_data(pvl_tail(parser->components)) == 0 && parser->level == 0) { /* HACK. Does this clause ever get executed? */ parser->state = ICALPARSER_SUCCESS; assert(0); return parser->root_component; } else { parser->state = ICALPARSER_IN_PROGRESS; return 0; } }
static char *parser_get_next_value(char *line, char **end, icalvalue_kind kind) { char *next = 0; char *p; char *str; size_t length = strlen(line); int quoted = 0; if (line[0] == '\"' && line[length - 1] == '\"') { /* This line is quoted, don't split into multiple values */ quoted = 1; } p = line; while (!quoted) { next = parser_get_next_char(',', p, 1); /* Unforunately, RFC2445 allowed that for the RECUR value, COMMA could both separate digits in a list, and it could separate multiple recurrence specifications. This is not a friendly part of the spec and was deprecated in RFC5545. The following weirdness tries to distinguish the two uses. It is probably a HACK */ if (kind == ICAL_RECUR_VALUE) { if (next != 0 && (*end + length) > next + 5 && strncmp(next, "FREQ", 4) == 0) { /* The COMMA was followed by 'FREQ', is it a real separator */ /* Fall through */ } else if (next != 0) { /* Not real, get the next COMMA */ p = next + 1; next = 0; continue; } } /* ignore all , for query value. select dtstart, dtend etc ... */ else if (kind == ICAL_QUERY_VALUE) { if (next != 0) { p = next + 1; continue; } else { break; } } /* If the comma is preceded by a '\', then it is a literal and not a value separator */ if ((next != 0 && *(next - 1) == '\\') || (next != 0 && *(next - 3) == '\\') ) /*second clause for '/' is on prev line. HACK may be out of bounds */ { p = next + 1; } else { break; } } if (next == 0) { next = (char *)(size_t) line + length; *end = next; } else { *end = next + 1; } if (next == line) { return 0; } str = make_segment(line, next); return str; }