bool LoginData::match(const LoginData& b) const
    return partialMatch(b.m_realm, b.m_usernameField, b.m_usernameValue, b.m_passwdField) && (m_passwdValue == b.m_passwdValue);
			This functions finds a BookData object
			Checked it.  Looks good.
		void BookCollection::lookUpBook()
			// To hold the indices of found books
			std::vector<std::list<BookData>::iterator> found;
			std::vector<std::list<BookData>::iterator> partialfound;
			std::string input;		// To hold user string input.

			// Ask the user for the title or ISBN of the book
			std::cout << "Please enter the title of the "
				<< "book." << std::endl;
			std::getline(std::cin, input);
			std::cout << std::endl;

			// pass the user input to the match and partial match function
			match(input, found);
			partialMatch(input, partialfound);

			if (found.empty())
				// go through the partialfound vector
				for (unsigned int index = 0; index < partialfound.size(); index++)
					// add the position of the book to found
				} // end for
			} // end if
				// go through the partialfound vector
				for (unsigned int index = 0; index < partialfound.size(); index++)
					// go through the found vector
					for (unsigned int count = 0; count < found.size(); count++)
						// initialze flag
						bool flag = false;

						// if the elements are equal
						if (found[index] == partialfound[count])
							// set flag to true
							flag = true;
						} // end if

						// if it wasn't found in found
						if (!flag)
							// add the position of the book to found
						} // end if
					} // end for
				} // end for
			} // end else

			// If nothing was found
			if (found.empty() && partialfound.empty())
				std::cout << "Your query did not match any titles." 
					<< std::endl;
			} // end if
			// Otherwise
				// display the matches and patial matches
				std::cout << "Found: "  << std::endl;

		} // end function lookUpBook