MStatus blindDoubleDataCmd::redoIt()
	MStatus     stat;				// Status code
	MObject 	dependNode;		// Selected dependency node

	// Iterate over all selected dependency nodes
	for ( ; !iter->isDone(); iter->next() ) 
		// Get the selected dependency node and create
		// a function set for it
		if ( MS::kSuccess != iter->getDependNode( dependNode ) ) {
			cerr << "Error getting the dependency node" << endl;
		MFnDependencyNode fnDN( dependNode, &stat );
		if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) {
			cerr << "Error creating MFnDependencyNode" << endl;

		// Create a new attribute for our blind data
		// cerr << "Creating attr..." << endl;
		MFnTypedAttribute fnAttr;
		const MString fullName( "blindDoubleData" );
		const MString briefName( "BDD" );
		MObject newAttr = fnAttr.create( fullName, briefName,
										 blindDoubleData::id );

		// Now add the new attribute to the current dependency node
		// cerr << "Adding attr..." << endl;
		fnDN.addAttribute( newAttr, MFnDependencyNode::kLocalDynamicAttr );
		// Create a plug to set and retrive value off the node.
        MPlug plug( dependNode, newAttr );  

		// Instantiate blindDoubleData and set its value.
 		blindDoubleData * newData = new blindDoubleData;
		// cerr << "Setting value of attribute to 3.2" << endl;
 		newData->setValue( 3.2 ); 

		// Set the value for the plug.
        stat = plug.setValue( newData );

		// Now try to retrieve the value off the plug as an MObject.
        MObject sData;
        stat = plug.getValue( sData );

        if ( stat != MS::kSuccess ) {
            cerr << "error getting value off plug" << endl;

		// Convert the data back to MPxData.
        MFnPluginData pdFn( sData ); 
        blindDoubleData* data = ( blindDoubleData* ) pdFn.constData( &stat );

		// Get the value.
		if ( NULL == data ) {
			cerr << "error: failed to retrieve data." << endl;  
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus blindComplexDataCmd::redoIt()
	MStatus     stat;				// Status code
	MObject 	dependNode;		// Selected dependency node

	// Iterate over all selected dependency nodes
	for ( ; !iter->isDone(); iter->next() ) 
		// Get the selected dependency node and create
		// a function set for it
		if ( MS::kSuccess != iter->getDependNode( dependNode ) ) {
			cerr << "Error getting the dependency node" << endl;
		MFnDependencyNode fnDN( dependNode, &stat );
		if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) {
			cerr << "Error creating MFnDependencyNode" << endl;

		// Create a new attribute for our blind data
		// cout << "Creating attr..." << endl;
		MFnTypedAttribute fnAttr;
		const MString fullName( "blindComplexData" );
		const MString briefName( "BCD" );
		MObject newAttr = fnAttr.create( fullName, briefName,
										 blindComplexData::id );

		// Now add the new attribute to the current dependency node
		// cout << "Adding attr..." << endl;
		fnDN.addAttribute( newAttr, MFnDependencyNode::kLocalDynamicAttr );
		// now we will demonstrate setting the value by using a plug.
		MPlug plug( dependNode, newAttr );  

		// create an instance of the blind data with an initial array size of
		// 5.
		blindComplexData * newData = new blindComplexData( 5 );

		// initialized 
		// cout << "setting data values..." << endl;
		unsigned int i;
		for ( i= 0; i < newData->length(); i++ ) {
			(*newData)[i]._intData = 10 + i;
			(*newData)[i]._doubleData = 20.02 + i;

		// setting the value for the plug.
		stat = plug.setValue( newData );

		// The following code demonstrates the retrieving of data from the 
		// plug.
		MObject sData;
		stat = plug.getValue( sData );

		if ( stat != MS::kSuccess ) {
			cerr << "error getting value off plug" << endl;

		// Convert the data from an MObject back to a pointer to MPxData, then
		// cast it back to a pointer to blindComplexData.
		MFnPluginData pdFn( sData ); 
		blindComplexData* data =
							( blindComplexData* ) pdFn.constData( &stat );
		// read the data, and set the result to the values set.

		if ( NULL != data ) {
			// cout << "retrieving data values..." << endl;
			for ( i = 0; i < data->length(); i++ ) {
				// cout << "rec #" << i << ": " << (*data)[i]._intData << ", "; 
				// cout << (*data)[i]._doubleData << endl;
				appendToResult((double) ((*data)[i]._intData));
		} else {
			// cout << "Null data" << endl;

	return MS::kSuccess;