static void pd_conjoint_jlongs_atomic(jlong* from, jlong* to, size_t count) {
#ifdef AMD64
  assert(BytesPerLong == BytesPerOop, "jlongs and oops must be the same size");
  pd_conjoint_oops_atomic((oop*)from, (oop*)to, count);
  // Guarantee use of fild/fistp or xmm regs via some asm code, because compilers won't.
  __asm {
    mov    eax, from;
    mov    edx, to;
    mov    ecx, count;
    cmp    eax, edx;
    jbe    downtest;
    jmp    uptest;
    fild   qword ptr [eax];
    fistp  qword ptr [edx];
    add    eax, 8;
    add    edx, 8;
    sub    ecx, 1;
    jge    up;
    jmp    done;
    fild   qword ptr [eax][ecx*8];
    fistp  qword ptr [edx][ecx*8];
    sub    ecx, 1;
    jge    down;
#endif // AMD64
Exemple #2
static void pd_conjoint_jlongs_atomic(jlong* from, jlong* to, size_t count) {
#ifdef _LP64
  assert(BytesPerLong == BytesPerOop, "jlongs and oops must be the same size");
  pd_conjoint_oops_atomic((oop*)from, (oop*)to, count);
  // Guarantee use of ldd/std via some asm code, because compiler won't.
  // See
  _Copy_conjoint_jlongs_atomic(from, to, count);
static void pd_conjoint_jlongs_atomic(jlong* from, jlong* to, size_t count)
  assert(BytesPerLong == BytesPerOop, "jlongs and oops must be the same size");
  pd_conjoint_oops_atomic((oop*)from, (oop*)to, count);
static void pd_arrayof_conjoint_oops(HeapWord* from, HeapWord* to, size_t count) {
  pd_conjoint_oops_atomic((oop*)from, (oop*)to, count);