PyObject *py_ped_constraint_solve_max(PyObject *s, PyObject *args) { PedConstraint *constraint = NULL; PedGeometry *geometry = NULL; _ped_Geometry *ret = NULL; constraint = _ped_Constraint2PedConstraint(s); if (constraint == NULL) { return NULL; } geometry = ped_constraint_solve_max(constraint); ped_constraint_destroy(constraint); if (geometry) { ret = PedGeometry2_ped_Geometry(geometry); } else { if (partedExnRaised) { partedExnRaised = 0; if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PartedException) && !PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_NotImplementedError)) PyErr_SetString(ConstraintException, partedExnMessage); } else PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ArithmeticError, "Could not find largest region satisfying constraint"); return NULL; } return (PyObject *) ret; }
void SystemPartitioner::init() { #if NONDESTRUCTIVE emit done(); return; #endif // Check # of harddisks to see if RAID0-ing them makes any sense ped_device_probe_all(); PedDevice *tmp=NULL; int disks=0; QString installsource(getenv("INSTALLSOURCE")); MSG("Install source is " + installsource); while((tmp=ped_device_get_next(tmp))) { // FIXME workaround for parted breakage // Skip CD-ROMs parted accidentally marks as harddisk QString p(tmp->path); if(!p.startsWith("/dev/sd") && (p.contains("/dev/scd") || p.contains("/dev/sr") || access(QFile::encodeName("/proc/ide/" + p.section('/', 2, 2) + "/cache"), R_OK))) continue; // It's not a good idea to install on a USB stick we're installing from... if(installsource.startsWith(p)) continue; MSG(QString("Found disk: ") + QString(tmp->path) + ":" + "/proc/ide/" + p.section('/', 2, 2) + "/" + "cache" + ":" + QString::number(access(QFile::encodeName("/proc/ide/" + p.section('/', 2, 2) + "/cache"), R_OK))); #if 0 // Check if the drive is actually there -- some empty CF // readers misidentify themselves... int fd=open(tmp->path, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) continue; char test; if(read(fd, &test, 1) <= 0) { close(fd); continue; } close(fd); #endif disks++; } ped_device_free_all(); // Grab all disks ped_device_probe_all(); PedFileSystemType const *ext3=ped_file_system_type_get("ext2"); // parted doesn't support ext3 creation yet, so we need this hack PedFileSystemType const *bootext3=ped_file_system_type_get("ext2"); PedFileSystemType const *swap=ped_file_system_type_get("linux-swap"); Meminfo m; unsigned long long swapsize=m.suggested_swap(); QStringList raidPartitions; PedDevice *dev=NULL; PedPartition *fspart=NULL; PedGeometry *fsgeo=NULL; setHelp(tr("Removing other OSes...")); resizeEvent(0); uint32_t bootsize=0; #ifndef NO_RAID0 if(disks>1) bootsize=32*1024*2; /* size is in 512 kB blocks --> we use 32 MB */ #endif while((dev=ped_device_get_next(dev))) { // FIXME workaround for parted breakage QString p(dev->path); if(!p.startsWith("/dev/sd") && (p.contains("/dev/scd") || p.contains("/dev/sr") || access(QFile::encodeName("/proc/ide/" + p.section('/', 2, 2) + "/cache"), R_OK))) continue; // It's not a good idea to install on a USB stick we're installing from... if(installsource.startsWith(p)) continue; //unsigned long long disksize=dev->length*dev->sector_size; PedDiskType *type=ped_disk_type_get("msdos"); PedDisk *disk=ped_disk_new_fresh(dev, type); PedGeometry *part=ped_geometry_new(dev, 0, dev->length); if(swapsize && _swap.isEmpty() && ((unsigned long long)part->length > swapsize + bootsize)) { // Split disk in swap and fs partitions PedGeometry *swapgeo=ped_geometry_new(dev, 0, swapsize); PedGeometry *bootgeo=NULL; uint32_t fssize=part->end - swapsize; uint32_t fsstart=swapsize+1; if(bootsize) { bootgeo=ped_geometry_new(dev, swapsize+1, bootsize); fssize -= bootsize; fsstart += bootsize; } fsgeo=ped_geometry_new(dev, fsstart, fssize); PedPartition *swappart=ped_partition_new(disk, (PedPartitionType)0, swap, swapgeo->start, swapgeo->end); PedPartition *bootpart=NULL; if(bootsize) bootpart=ped_partition_new(disk, (PedPartitionType)0, bootext3, bootgeo->start, bootgeo->end); fspart=ped_partition_new(disk, (PedPartitionType)0, ext3, fsgeo->start, fsgeo->end); if(bootsize) ped_partition_set_flag(fspart, PED_PARTITION_RAID, 1); ped_disk_add_partition(disk, swappart, ped_constraint_any(dev)); ped_disk_commit(disk); ped_geometry_destroy(swapgeo); setHelp(tr("Creating swap filesystem")); PedFileSystem *swapfs=ped_file_system_create(&(swappart->geom), swap, NULL /*timer->timer()*/); ped_file_system_close(swapfs); _swap = dev->path + QString::number(swappart->num); // Parted's swap creator is buggy QProcess::execute("/sbin/mkswap " + _swap); if(bootpart) { setHelp(tr("Creating boot filesystem")); ped_disk_add_partition(disk, bootpart, ped_constraint_any(dev)); ped_disk_commit(disk); PedFileSystem *bootfs=ped_file_system_create(&(bootpart->geom), bootext3, timer->timer()); ped_file_system_close(bootfs); ped_partition_set_flag(bootpart, PED_PARTITION_BOOT, 1); ped_geometry_destroy(bootgeo); QString devname=dev->path + QString::number(bootpart->num); _size.insert(devname, bootpart->geom.length); if(_rootfs == "ext3") { Ext3FS e3(devname); e3.addJournal(0); e3.setCheckInterval(0); e3.setCheckMountcount(-1); e3.setDirIndex(); } else { QProcess::execute("/sbin/mkfs." + _rootfs + " " + _mkfsopts + " " + devname); } if(!_postmkfs.isEmpty()) QProcess::execute(_postmkfs + " " + devname); _partitions.insert(devname, FileSystem("/boot", _rootfs)); } } else { // Grab the whole disk for filesystem fsgeo=ped_constraint_solve_max(ped_constraint_any(dev)); fspart=ped_partition_new(disk, (PedPartitionType)0, ext3, part->start, part->end); if(bootsize) ped_partition_set_flag(fspart, PED_PARTITION_RAID, 1); } ped_disk_add_partition(disk, fspart, ped_constraint_any(dev)); if(!bootsize) ped_partition_set_flag(fspart, PED_PARTITION_BOOT, 1); ped_disk_commit(disk); if(!bootsize) { setHelp(tr("Creating Linux filesystem")); PedFileSystem *fs=ped_file_system_create(&(fspart->geom), ext3, timer->timer()); _totalSize += fspart->geom.length; ped_file_system_close(fs); } ped_geometry_destroy(fsgeo); // Convert to ext3 and turn off checking QString devname=dev->path + QString::number(fspart->num); if(bootsize) raidPartitions.append(devname); else if(!_partitions.hasMountpoint("/")) _partitions.insert(devname, FileSystem("/", _rootfs)); else { QString mp(devname); mp.replace("/dev", "/mnt"); _partitions.insert(devname, FileSystem(mp, _rootfs)); } _size.insert(devname, fspart->geom.length); if(!bootsize) { if(_rootfs == "ext3") { Ext3FS e3(devname); e3.addJournal(0); e3.setCheckInterval(0); e3.setCheckMountcount(-1); e3.setDirIndex(); } else { QProcess::execute("/sbin/mkfs." + _rootfs + " " + _mkfsopts + " " + devname); } if(!_postmkfs.isEmpty()) QProcess::execute(_postmkfs + " " + devname); ped_disk_destroy(disk); } } if(bootsize) { setHelp(tr("Combining disks...")); // Make sure we can read the array we're building first... Modules::instance()->loadWithDeps("md"); Modules::instance()->loadWithDeps("raid0"); // Now create it FILE *f=fopen("/tmp/mdadm.conf", "w"); if(!f) QMessageBox::information(0, "debug", QString("Failed to create mdadm.conf: ") + strerror(errno)); fprintf(f, "DEVICE partitions"); fprintf(f, "ARRAY /dev/md0 name=ArkLinux devices=%s level=0 num-devices=%u\n", qPrintable(raidPartitions.join(",")), raidPartitions.count()); fprintf(f, "MAILADDR root@localhost\n"); fclose(f); QString command="/sbin/mdadm --create -e 1.2 --chunk=32 --level=0 --raid-devices=" + QString::number(raidPartitions.count()) + " --name=ArkLinux --force /dev/md0 " + raidPartitions.join(" "); QProcess::execute(command); if(_rootfs == "ext3") { QProcess::execute("/sbin/mke2fs -j /dev/md0"); Ext3FS e3("/dev/md0"); e3.setCheckInterval(0); e3.setCheckMountcount(-1); e3.setDirIndex(); } else { QProcess::execute("/sbin/mkfs." + _rootfs + " " + _mkfsopts + " /dev/md0"); } if(!_postmkfs.isEmpty()) QProcess::execute(_postmkfs + " /dev/md0"); _partitions.insert("/dev/md0", FileSystem("/", _rootfs)); _size.clear(); _size.insert("/dev/md0", _totalSize); } // We don't need a UI to take the whole system - we're done. emit done(); }