Exemple #1
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	/* clear position */
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {

	/* are we still looking at the right object? */
	uint64_t peekGUID, tempGUID;
	if (g_playerGUID != peekGUID) {
		/* no? Try to resynch to the new address. Happens when walking through portals quickly (aka no or short loading screen) */
		tempGUID = g_playerGUID;
		if (tempGUID != g_playerGUID) {
			/* GUID of actor changed, likely a character and/or realm change */
		if (g_playerGUID != peekGUID) {
			/* no? we are still getting the expected GUID for our avatar, but we don't have it's current position */
			return true;
	std::wstringstream identityStream;
	identityStream << wow.getNameAvatar();
	identity = identityStream.str();

	BOOL ok = true;

	// Wow stores as
	// North/South (+ North)
	// East/West (+ West)
	// Up/Down (+Up)
	// ... which isn't a right-hand coordinate system.

	float pos[3];
	ok = ok && peekProc((BYTE *) p_playerBase + 0x798, pos, sizeof(float)*3);
	if (! ok) {
		if (g_playerGUID == 0xffffffffffffffff) {
			return false;
		} else if (g_playerGUID == 0) {
			return true;
		} else {
			/* FIXME need a better way to mark PlayerBase invalid */
			return true; /* we got a good reference for an avatar, but no good position */

	/* convert wow -> right hand coordinate system */
	avatar_pos[0] = -pos[1];
	avatar_pos[1] = pos[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = pos[0];

	float heading=0.0;
	ok = ok && peekProc((BYTE *) p_playerBase + 0x7A8, &heading, sizeof(heading));
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	float pitch=0.0;
	ok = ok && peekProc((BYTE *) p_playerBase + 0x7AC, &pitch, sizeof(pitch));
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	/* TODO use yaw (heading) and pitch angles */
	/* FIXME sin/cos (heading) is right from the numbers, but (-heading) is right from the sound position */

	// Dummy top vector, can't tilt your head sideways in wow.
	avatar_top[0]= 0.0;
	avatar_top[1]= 1.0;
	avatar_top[2]= 0.0;

	getCamera(camera_pos, camera_front, camera_top);

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	//	printf("P %f %f %f -- %f %f %f \n", avatar_pos[0], avatar_pos[1], avatar_pos[2], avatar_front[0], avatar_front[1], avatar_front[2]);

	// is it a unit length vector?
	if (fabs((avatar_front[0]*avatar_front[0]+avatar_front[1]*avatar_front[1]+avatar_front[2]*avatar_front[2])-1.0)>0.5) {
		//		printf("F %f %f %f\n", front[0], front[1], front[2]);
		return false;

	// are we around 0/0/0
	if ((fabs(avatar_pos[0])<0.1) && (fabs(avatar_pos[1])<0.1) && (fabs(avatar_pos[2])<0.1)) {
		//		printf("P %f %f %f\n", avatar_pos[0], avatar_pos[1], avatar_pos[2]);
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #2
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &/*identity*/) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)

	char state;
	bool ok;

	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) pModule+0x290557, state); // Magical state value
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	if (state != 8) {
		return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells Mumble to ignore them.

	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float pos_corrector[3];
	float front_corrector[3];
	float top_corrector[3];

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) posptr, pos_corrector) &&
	     peekProc((BYTE *) frtptr, front_corrector) &&
	     peekProc((BYTE *) topptr, top_corrector);

	if (! ok)
		return false;
	// Convert to left-handed coordinate system

	avatar_pos[0] = -pos_corrector[0];
	avatar_pos[1] = pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = pos_corrector[1];

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] /= 64.0f; // Scale to meters

	avatar_front[0] = -front_corrector[1];
	avatar_front[1] = front_corrector[2];
	avatar_front[2] = -front_corrector[0];
	avatar_top[0] = top_corrector[0];
	avatar_top[1] = -top_corrector[2];
	avatar_top[2] = -top_corrector[1];

	correctFront(avatar_front, avatar_top);
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i];
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	// Read server name
	BYTE *cbase = peekProc<BYTE *> ((BYTE *) pModule + 0x00290550);
	BYTE *cptr0 = peekProc<BYTE *> ((BYTE *) cbase + 0x30);
	BYTE *cptr1 = peekProc<BYTE *> ((BYTE *) cptr0 + 0x73C);
	BYTE *cptr2 = peekProc<BYTE *> ((BYTE *) cptr1 + 0x244);

	wchar_t wservername[60];

	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) cptr2, wservername);
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	wservername[sizeof(wservername)/sizeof(wservername[0]) - 1] = '\0';

	std::string servername;
	wcsToMultibyteStdString(wservername, servername);

	std::ostringstream contextss;
	contextss << "{"
	<< "\"servername\":\"" << servername << "\""
	<< "}";

	context = contextss.str();

	return true;
Exemple #3
static int trylock(const std::multimap<std::wstring, unsigned long long int> &pids)
	if (!initialize(pids, L"Borderlands2.exe")) {
		return false;

	unsigned char detected_version[32];

	// Note for further versions:
	// The "version" string above change. However, it looks like it will always start
	// with "WILLOW2-". Everything after this can change between versions.
	// Position vectors are read as triplet (X,Y,Z). The tree triplet are in this order:
	// front, top, position.
	// When entering the game, in Sanctuary (after liftoff), with the character Zero,
	// the reading are the following (rounded):
	// front.X = 0
	// front.Y = 0
	// front.Z = 1
	// top.X = 0
	// top.Y = 1
	// top.Z = 0
	// pos.X = -8109
	// pos.Y = 3794
	// pos.Z = 2930
	// The "state" ptr is just a value that reliably alternate between 0 (in main menu)
	// and 1 (not in main menu). There is a lot of value that keep reliably changing even 
	// across restart, change of characters...
	// Note that I couldn't find an address that would do this reliably with the game "pause" 
	// menu, only the main menu (when you initially start the game, or completely exit your
	// current game)

	// VERSION_EQ safely checks whether the content of `buf'
	// (a buffer in the form of a C-style array of unsigned char)
	// contains the byte-level content of the string literal `strlit'.
	// The NUL terminator of the string literal is not considered in
	// this equality check.
#define VERSION_EQ(buf, strlit) \
	memcmp(buf, strlit, std::min(sizeof(buf), sizeof(strlit)-1)) == 0

	// 1.3.1
	if (peekProc(pModule + 0x1E6D048, detected_version)
		&& VERSION_EQ(detected_version, "WILLOW2-PCSAGE-28-CL697606"))
		vects_ptr = pModule + 0x1E792B0;
		state_ptr = pModule + 0x1E79BC8;
		character_name_ptr_loc = pModule + 0x1E7302C;
	// 1.4.0
	else if (peekProc(pModule + 0x1E8D1D8, detected_version)
		&& VERSION_EQ(detected_version, "WILLOW2-PCSAGE-77-CL711033"))
		vects_ptr = pModule + 0x1E993F0;
		state_ptr = pModule + 0x1E99D08;
		character_name_ptr_loc = pModule + 0x1E93194;
	// 1.5.0
	else if (peekProc(pModule + 0x01E9F338, detected_version)
		&& VERSION_EQ(detected_version, "WILLOW2-PCLILAC-60-CL721220"))
		vects_ptr = pModule + 0x1EAB650;
		state_ptr = pModule + 0x1EABF68;
		character_name_ptr_loc = pModule + 0x01EA5384;
	// 1.7.0
	else if (peekProc(pModule + 0x01ED53A8, detected_version)
		&& VERSION_EQ(detected_version, "WILLOW2-PCALLIUM-55-CL770068"))
		vects_ptr = pModule + 0x1EE18E0;
		state_ptr = pModule + 0x1EE21F8;
		character_name_ptr_loc = pModule + 0x01EDB5B4;
	// 1.8.3
	else if (peekProc(pModule + 0x1EE63C8, detected_version)
		&& VERSION_EQ(detected_version, "WILLOW2-PCCHINA-29-CL827556"))
		vects_ptr = pModule + 0x1EF2930;
		state_ptr = pModule + 0x1EF3248;
		character_name_ptr_loc = pModule + 0x01EEC5D4;
		return false;

	// Check if we can get meaningful data from it
	float apos[3], afront[3], atop[3];
	float cpos[3], cfront[3], ctop[3];
	std::wstring sidentity;
	std::string scontext;

	if (fetch(apos, afront, atop, cpos, cfront, ctop, scontext, sidentity)) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
Exemple #4
static DWORD peekProc(VOID *base) {
	DWORD v = 0;
	peekProc(base, reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(&v), sizeof(DWORD));
	return v;
Exemple #5
static BYTE *peekProcPtr(VOID *base) {
	DWORD v = peekProc(base);
	return reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(v);
Exemple #6
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// Boolean value to check if game addresses retrieval is successful
	bool ok;
	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float avatar_pos_corrector[3], camera_pos_corrector[3], avatar_azimuth, camera_azimuth, camera_elevation;
	// Values for extra features
	char player[64];
	unsigned int map_id;
	// State
	unsigned char state, camera_is_free;

	// Retrieve Avatar and Camera addresses
#ifdef FFXIV_USE_x64
	procptr_t avatar_address = peekProcPtr(pModule + avatar_ptr);
	procptr_t camera_address = peekProcPtr(pModule + camera_ptr);
	procptr_t avatar_address = peekProcPtr(pModule + avatar_ptr);
	procptr_t camera_address = peekProcPtr(pModule + camera_ptr);
	if (!avatar_address || !camera_address) return false;

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc(pModule + state_offset, &state, 1) && // Magical state value: 0 or 255 when in main menu and 1 when in-game.
			peekProc(camera_address + camera_pos_offset, &camera_pos_corrector, 12)  && // Camera Position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(camera_address + camera_azimuth_offset, &camera_azimuth, 4)     && // Camera azimuth float.
			peekProc(camera_address + camera_elevation_offset, &camera_elevation, 4) && // Camera elevation float.
			peekProc(camera_address + camera_is_free_offset, &camera_is_free, 1)     && // Camera is in first person mode
			peekProc(avatar_address + avatar_pos_offset, &avatar_pos_corrector, 12)  && // Avatar Position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(avatar_address + avatar_azimuth_offset, &avatar_azimuth, 4)     && // Avatar azimuth float.
			peekProc(pModule + map_id_offset, &map_id, 4)                            && // Map id.
			peekProc(avatar_address + identity_offset, player);                         // Player name.

	// This prevents the plugin from linking to the game in case something goes wrong during values retrieval from memory addresses.
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// State
	if (state != 1) { // If not in-game
		context.clear(); // Clear context
		identity.clear(); // Clear identity
		// Set vectors values to 0.
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
			avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

		return true; // This tells Mumble to ignore all vectors.

	// Begin context
	std::ostringstream ocontext;
	ocontext << "{";

	// Map id
	ocontext  << "Map: " << map_id << ""; // Set map id in identity.

	ocontext << "}";
	context = ocontext.str();
	// End context

	// Begin identity
	std::wostringstream oidentity;
	oidentity << "{";

	// Map id
	oidentity << "Map: " << map_id << ", "; // Set map id in identity.

	// Player name
	escape(player, sizeof(player));
	if (strcmp(player, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << "Player: \"" << player << "\""; // Set player name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << "Player: null";

	oidentity << "}";
	identity = oidentity.str();
	// End identity

	Mumble | Game (in L hand coordinate system)
	X      | -X
	Y      | Y
	Z      | Z
	avatar_pos[0] = -avatar_pos_corrector[0];
	avatar_pos[1] = avatar_pos_corrector[1];
	avatar_pos[2] = avatar_pos_corrector[2];

	camera_pos[0] = -camera_pos_corrector[0];
	camera_pos[1] = camera_pos_corrector[1];
	camera_pos[2] = camera_pos_corrector[2];

	avatar_front[0] = static_cast<float>(std::sin(-avatar_azimuth));
	avatar_front[1] = 0.0f;
	avatar_front[2] = static_cast<float>(std::cos(-avatar_azimuth));

	camera_front[0] = static_cast<float>(std::cos(camera_elevation) * std::sin(-camera_azimuth));
	camera_front[1] = static_cast<float>(std::sin(camera_elevation));
	camera_front[2] = static_cast<float>(std::cos(camera_elevation) * std::cos(-camera_azimuth));

	if (camera_is_free) {
		camera_front[0] *= -1;
		camera_front[2] *= -1;

	// Convert from yards (yalms) to meters
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {

	return true;
Exemple #7
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// To update visit http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing
	// and look for a thread called "[WoW] [Version] Release Info Dump Thread".
	// http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/578228-wow-7-0-3-22522-release-info-dump-thread-post3584506.html#post3584506

	// Avatar pointer
	procptr32_t avatar_offset = peekProc<procptr32_t>(pModule + 0xDE545C); // "LocalPlayer" in the thread.
	if (!avatar_offset) return false;

	// Camera pointer
	procptr32_t camera_base = peekProc<procptr32_t>(pModule + 0xEB9F1C); // "CameraStruct" in the thread.
	if (!camera_base) return false;
	procptr32_t camera_offset = peekProc<procptr32_t>(camera_base + 0x3264); // "CameraOffset" in the thread.
	if (!camera_offset) return false;

	// Realm pointer
	procptr32_t realm_offset = peekProc<procptr32_t>(pModule + 0xF3AD7C); // Not available in the thread.
	if (!realm_offset) return false;

	// Memory addresses
	procptr32_t state_address = 0xE5BB19; // "GameState" in the thread.
	procptr32_t avatar_pos_address = 0xAF8; // "UnitOrigin" in the thread.
	procptr32_t camera_pos_address = 0x08; // "CameraOrigin" in the thread.
	procptr32_t camera_front_address = 0x14; // "CameraMatrix" in the thread.
	procptr32_t camera_top_address = 0x2C; // "CameraMatrix" + 0x18.
	procptr32_t avatar_heading_address = 0xB08; // "UnitAngle" in the thread.
	procptr32_t realm_address = 0x384; // Not available in the thread.
	procptr32_t player_address = 0xF3B088; // Not available in the thread.

	// Boolean value to check if game addresses retrieval is successful
	bool ok;
	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float avatar_pos_corrector[3], camera_pos_corrector[3], avatar_heading, camera_front_corrector[3], camera_top_corrector[3];
	// Char values for extra features
	char state, player[50], realm[50];

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc(pModule + state_address, &state, 1) && // Magical state value: 1 when in-game, 0 when not.
			peekProc(avatar_offset + avatar_pos_address, avatar_pos_corrector, 12) && // Avatar Position values (Z, -X and Y).
			peekProc(camera_offset + camera_pos_address, camera_pos_corrector, 12) && // Camera Position values (Z, -X and Y).
			peekProc(avatar_offset + avatar_heading_address, avatar_heading) && // Avatar heading.
			peekProc(camera_offset + camera_front_address, camera_front_corrector, 12) && // Camera Front Vector values (Z, -X and Y).
			peekProc(camera_offset + camera_top_address, camera_top_corrector, 12) && // Camera Top Vector values (Z, -X and Y).
			peekProc(realm_offset + realm_address, realm) && // Realm name.
			peekProc(pModule + player_address, player); // Player nickname.

	// This prevents the plugin from linking to the game in case something goes wrong during values retrieval from memory addresses.
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// State
	if (state != 1) { // If not in-game
		context.clear(); // Clear context
		identity.clear(); // Clear identity
		// Set vectors values to 0.
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

		return true; // This tells Mumble to ignore all vectors.

	// Begin context
	std::ostringstream ocontext;

	// Realm
	realm[sizeof(realm)-1] = 0; // NUL terminate queried C strings. We do this to ensure the strings from the game are NUL terminated. They should be already, but we can't take any chances.
	if (strcmp(realm, "") != 0) { // Set Realm string only if not empty
		ocontext << " {\"Realm\": \"" << realm << "\"}"; // Set context with Realm's name

	context = ocontext.str();
	// End context

	// Begin identity
	std::wostringstream oidentity;
	oidentity << "{";

	// Player
	player[sizeof(player)-1] = 0; // NUL terminate queried C strings. We do this to ensure the strings from the game are NUL terminated. They should be already, but we can't take any chances.
	if (strcmp(player, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl;
		oidentity << "\"Player\": \"" << player << "\""; // Set player nickname in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player\": null";

	oidentity << std::endl << "}";
	identity = oidentity.str();
	// End identity

	Mumble | Game
	X      | Z
	Y      | -X
	Z      | Y
	avatar_pos[0] = -avatar_pos_corrector[1];
	avatar_pos[1] = avatar_pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = avatar_pos_corrector[0];

	camera_pos[0] = -camera_pos_corrector[1];
	camera_pos[1] = camera_pos_corrector[2];
	camera_pos[2] = camera_pos_corrector[0];

	avatar_front[0] = -sin(avatar_heading);
	avatar_front[1] = 0.0f;
	avatar_front[2] = cos(avatar_heading);

	avatar_top[2] = -1; // Dummy top vector, you can't tilt your head sideways in WoW.

	camera_front[0] = -camera_front_corrector[1];
	camera_front[1] = camera_front_corrector[2];
	camera_front[2] = camera_front_corrector[0];

	camera_top[0] = -camera_top_corrector[1];
	camera_top[1] = camera_top_corrector[2];
	camera_top[2] = camera_top_corrector[0];

	return true;
Exemple #8
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &, std::wstring &) {
	float viewHor, viewVer;
	char state;

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	bool ok;

		This plugin uses the following Variables:

			Address			Type	Description
			0x01516608		float	Z-Coordinate (=0 out-of-game)
			0x0151660C		float	X-Coordinate (=0 out-of-game)
			0x01516610		float	Y-Coordinate (=0 out-of-game)
			0x0151A114		float	Horizontal view (degrees) (=0 out-of-game)
			0x0151A110		float	Vertical view (degrees) (=0 out-of-game)
			0x0096B688		byte	Magic value (0=ingame/out-of-game, 4=spectator)
	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) 0x0096B688, &state, 1);
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	if (state == 4)
		return true; // If this magic value is 4 we are spectating, so switch of PA

	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) 0x01516608, avatar_pos+2, 4) &&	//Z
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x0151660C, avatar_pos, 4) &&	//X
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x01516610, avatar_pos+1, 4) && //Y
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x0151A114, &viewHor, 4) && //Hor
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x0151A110, &viewVer, 4); //Ver

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// Scale Coordinates
	   Z-Value is increasing when heading north
				  decreasing when heading south
	   X-Value is increasing when heading west
				  decreasing when heading east
	   Y-Value is increasing when going up
				  decreasing when going down
	   40 units = 1 meter (not confirmed)
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i]/=40.0f; // Scale to meters
	avatar_pos[0]*=(-1.0f); // Convert right to left handed

	avatar_top[2] = -1; // Head movement is in front vector

	// Calculate view unit vector
	   Vertical view 0 when centered
					85	when looking down
				   275 when looking up
	   Decreasing when looking up.

	   Horizontal is 0 when facing North
					90 when facing West
				   180 when facing South
				   270 when facing East
	   Increasing when turning left.
	viewVer *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);
	viewHor *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);

	avatar_front[0] = -sin(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);
	avatar_front[1] = -sin(viewVer);
	avatar_front[2] = cos(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);

	return true;
Exemple #9
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// Boolean value to check if game addresses retrieval is successful
	bool ok;
	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float avatar_pos_corrector[3], camera_pos_corrector[3], camera_front_corrector[3], camera_top_corrector[3];
	// Char values for extra features
	char serverid[22], host[22], map[30], playerid[22];
	// State
	bool state;

	// State pointers
	procptr32_t state_base = peekProc<procptr32_t>(pModule + 0x5A7354);
	if (state_base == 0) return false;
	procptr32_t state_offset = peekProc<procptr32_t>(state_base + 0x5C);
	if (state_offset == 0) return false;

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc(state_offset + 0x8, state) && // Magical state value: 0 when not playing and 1 when in-game.
			peekProc(pModule + 0x512264, avatar_pos_corrector) && // Avatar position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(pModule + 0x5943B0, camera_pos_corrector) && // Camera position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(pModule + 0x594410, camera_front_corrector) && // Front vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(pModule + 0x594440, camera_top_corrector) && // Top vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(steamclient + 0x95E56D, serverid) && // Unique server Steam ID.
			peekProc(engine + 0x61F5D8, host) && // Server value: "IP:Port" (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyyy) when in a remote server and "loopback" when on a local server.
			peekProc(pModule + 0x5A7A29, map) && // Map name.
			peekProc(engine + 0x40CF00, playerid); // Unique player Steam ID.

	// This prevents the plugin from linking to the game in case something goes wrong during values retrieval from memory addresses.
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// State
	if (!state) { // If not in-game
		context.clear(); // Clear context
		identity.clear(); // Clear identity

		// Set vectors values to 0.
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
			avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

		return true; // This tells Mumble to ignore all vectors.

	// Begin context
	escape(serverid, sizeof(serverid));
	escape(host, sizeof(host));
	std::ostringstream ocontext;
	if (strcmp(serverid, "") != 0) {
		ocontext << " {\"Server ID\": \"" << serverid << "\"}"; // Set context with server ID
	} else {
		ocontext << " {\"Host\": \"" << host << "\"}"; // Set context with IP address and port

	context = ocontext.str();
	// End context

	// Begin identity
	std::wostringstream oidentity;
	oidentity << "{";

	// Host
	if (strcmp(host, "") != 0 && strstr(host, "loopback") == NULL) { // Only include host (IP:Port) if it is not empty and does not include the string "loopback" (which means it's a local server).
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Host\": \"" << host << "\","; // Set host address in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Host\": null,";

	// Map
	escape(map, sizeof(map));
	if (strcmp(map, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Map\": \"" << map << "\","; // Set map name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Map\": null,";

	// Player ID
	escape(playerid, sizeof(playerid));
	if (strcmp(playerid, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player ID\": \"" << playerid << "\""; // Set player ID in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player ID\": null";

	oidentity << std::endl << "}";
	identity = oidentity.str();
	// End identity

	Mumble | Game
	X      | X
	Y      | Z
	Z      | Y
	avatar_pos[0] = avatar_pos_corrector[0];
	avatar_pos[1] = avatar_pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = avatar_pos_corrector[1];

	camera_pos[0] = camera_pos_corrector[0];
	camera_pos[1] = camera_pos_corrector[2];
	camera_pos[2] = camera_pos_corrector[1];

	camera_front[0] = camera_front_corrector[0];
	camera_front[1] = camera_front_corrector[2];
	camera_front[2] = camera_front_corrector[1];

	camera_top[0] = camera_top_corrector[0];
	camera_top[1] = camera_top_corrector[2];
	camera_top[2] = camera_top_corrector[1];

	// Convert from inches to meters and sync avatar vectors with camera ones
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_front[i] = camera_front[i];
		avatar_top[i] = camera_top[i];

	return true;
Exemple #10
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &, std::wstring &) {
	float viewHor, viewVer;
	char state;
	char specops;

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	bool ok;

		This plugin uses the following Variables:

			Address			Type	Description
			0x00783A64		float	Z-Coordinate
			0x00783A68		float	X-Coordinate
			0x00783A6C		float	Y-Coordinate
			0x00783A34		float	Horizontal view (degrees)
			0x00783A30		float	Vertical view (degrees)

			0x019713F0		byte	SO game identifier
			0x009270F0		byte	Magical state value

	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) 0x019713F0, &specops, 1); // Magical state value
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	if (specops != 2)
		return false; // 2 value indicates you are playing Special Ops, 1 indicates SP, 0 indicates at three-way selection menu

	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) 0x009270F0, &state, 1); // Magical state value
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// /*
	//	state value is:
	//	0		while not in game
	//	4		while playing

	//	This value is used for disabling pa for spectators
	//	or people not on a server.
	// */

	if (state == 0)
		return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells mumble to ignore them.

	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) 0x00783A64, avatar_pos+2, 4) &&	//Z
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x00783A68, avatar_pos, 4) &&	//X
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x00783A6C, avatar_pos+1, 4) && //Y
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x00783A34, &viewHor, 4) && //Hor
	     peekProc((BYTE *) 0x00783A30, &viewVer, 4); //Ver

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// Scale Coordinates
	   Z-Value is increasing when heading north
				  decreasing when heading south
	   X-Value is increasing when heading west
				  decreasing when heading east
	   Y-Value is increasing when going up
				  decreasing when going down
	   40 units = 1 meter (not confirmed)
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i]/=40.0f; // Scale to meters
	avatar_pos[0]*=(-1.0f); // Convert right to left handed

	avatar_top[2] = -1; // Head movement is in front vector

	// Calculate view unit vector
	   Vertical view 0° when centered
					85°	when looking down
				   275° when looking up
	   Decreasing when looking up.

	   Horizontal is 0° when facing North
					90° when facing West
				   180° when facing South
				   270° when facing East
	   Increasing when turning left.
	viewVer *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);
	viewHor *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);

	avatar_front[0] = -sin(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);
	avatar_front[1] = -sin(viewVer);
	avatar_front[2] = cos(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i];
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	return true;
Exemple #11
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// Boolean value to check if game addresses retrieval is successful
	bool ok;
	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float avatar_pos_corrector[3], camera_pos_corrector[3], avatar_front_corrector[3], avatar_top_corrector[3];
	// Char values for extra features
	char serverid[22], host[22], servername[50], map[30], player[33], playerid[22];
	// State
	unsigned char state;

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc(pModule + state_offset, &state, 1) && // Magical state value: 0 or 255 when in main menu and 1 when in-game.
			peekProc(pModule + avatar_pos_offset, avatar_pos_corrector, 12)		&& // Avatar Position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(pModule + camera_pos_offset, camera_pos_corrector, 12)		&& // Camera Position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(pModule + avatar_front_offset, avatar_front_corrector, 12)	&& // Front vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(pModule + avatar_top_offset, avatar_top_corrector, 12)		&& // Top vector values (Z, X and Y).
			peekProc(steamclient + serverid_steamclient_offset, serverid)		&& // Unique server Steam ID.
			peekProc(pModule + host_offset, host)								&& // Server value: "IP:Port" (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyyy) when in a remote server, "loopback:0" when on a local server and empty when not playing.
			peekProc(pModule + servername_offset, servername)					&& // Server name.
			peekProc(pModule + map_offset, map)									&& // Map name.
			peekProc(server + player_server_offset, player)						&& // Player nickname.
			peekProc(engine + playerid_engine_offset, playerid);				   // Unique player Steam ID.

	// This prevents the plugin from linking to the game in case something goes wrong during values retrieval from memory addresses.
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// State
	if (state != 1) { // If not in-game
		context.clear(); // Clear context
		identity.clear(); // Clear identity
		// Set vectors values to 0.
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
			avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

		return true; // This tells Mumble to ignore all vectors.

	// Begin context
	escape(serverid, sizeof(serverid));
	std::ostringstream ocontext;
	if (strcmp(serverid, "") != 0) {
		ocontext << " {\"Server ID\": \"" << serverid << "\"}"; // Set context with IP address and port

	context = ocontext.str();
	// End context

	// Begin identity
	std::wostringstream oidentity;
	oidentity << "{";

	// Host
	escape(host, sizeof(host));
	if (strcmp(host, "") != 0 && strstr(host, "loopback") == NULL) { // Only include host (IP:Port) if it is not empty and does not include the string "loopback" (which means it's a local server).
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Host\": \"" << host << "\","; // Set host address in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Host\": null,";

	// Server name
	escape(servername, sizeof(servername));
	if (strcmp(servername, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Server name\": \"" << servername << "\","; // Set server name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Server name\": null,";

	// Map
	escape(map, sizeof(map));
	if (strcmp(map, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Map\": \"" << map << "\","; // Set map name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Map\": null,";

	// Player nickname
	escape(player, sizeof(player));
	if (strcmp(player, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player\": \"" << player << "\","; // Set player nickname in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player\": null,";

	// Player ID
	escape(playerid, sizeof(playerid));
	if (strcmp(playerid, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player ID\": \"" << playerid << "\""; // Set player ID in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player ID\": null";

	oidentity << std::endl << "}";
	identity = oidentity.str();
	// End identity

	Mumble | Game
	X      | X
	Y      | Z
	Z      | Y
	avatar_pos[0] = avatar_pos_corrector[0];
	avatar_pos[1] = avatar_pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = avatar_pos_corrector[1];

	camera_pos[0] = camera_pos_corrector[0];
	camera_pos[1] = camera_pos_corrector[2];
	camera_pos[2] = camera_pos_corrector[1];

	avatar_front[0] = avatar_front_corrector[0];
	avatar_front[1] = avatar_front_corrector[2];
	avatar_front[2] = avatar_front_corrector[1];

	avatar_top[0] = avatar_top_corrector[0];
	avatar_top[1] = avatar_top_corrector[2];
	avatar_top[2] = avatar_top_corrector[1];

	// Convert from inches to meters and sync camera vectors with avatar ones
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	return true;
Exemple #12
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	bool ok, state, spec;
	char host[22];
	BYTE team;
	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float avatar_pos_corrector[3], camera_pos_corrector[3], viewHor, viewVer;

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x0188248, &state, 1) && // Magical state value: 1 when in-game and 0 when in main menu.
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x1041CAC, &spec, 1) && // Spectator state value: 1 when spectating and 0 when playing.
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x0EB8950, &avatar_pos_corrector, 12) && // Avatar Position values (Z, X and Y, respectively).
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x0E6093C, &camera_pos_corrector, 12) && // Camera Position values (Z, X and Y, respectively).
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x1072954, &viewHor, 4) && // Changes in a range from 87.890625 (looking down) to -87.890625 (looking up).
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x1072950, &viewVer, 4) && // Changes in a range from 180 to -180 when moving the view to left/right.
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x0E4A638, host) && // Server value: "IP:Port" when in a remote server, "loopback" when on a local server.
		peekProc((BYTE *) pModule + 0x106CE6C, team); // Team value: 0 when in a FFA game (no team); 1 when in Red team; 2 when in Blue team; 3 when in Spectators.
	if (! ok) {
		return false;

	if (! state) { // If not in-game
		context.clear(); // Clear context
		identity.clear(); // Clear identity
		return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells Mumble to ignore them.

	if (state && spec) { // If in-game as spectator
		// Set to 0 avatar and camera values.
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
			avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;
		// Set team to SPEC.
		std::wostringstream oidentity;
		oidentity << "{\"team\": \"SPEC\"}";
		identity = oidentity.str();
		return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells Mumble to ignore them.

	host[sizeof(host) - 1] = '\0';
	std::string Server(host);
	// This string can be either "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyyy" (or shorter), "loopback" or "" (empty) when loading. Hence 22 size for char.
	if (!Server.empty()) {
		if (Server.find("loopback") == std::string::npos) {
			std::ostringstream newcontext;
			newcontext << "{\"ipport\": \"" << Server << "\"}";
			context = newcontext.str();

		std::wostringstream oidentity;
		if (team == 0)
			oidentity << "{\"team\": \"FFA\"}";
		else if (team == 1)
			oidentity << "{\"team\": \"RED\"}";
		else if (team == 2)
			oidentity << "{\"team\": \"BLUE\"}";
		else if (team == 3)
			oidentity << "{\"team\": \"SPEC\"}";
		identity = oidentity.str();
	Game | Mumble
	X    | Y
	Y    | Z
	Z    | X
	avatar_pos[0] = avatar_pos_corrector[1];
	avatar_pos[1] = avatar_pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = avatar_pos_corrector[0];

	camera_pos[0] = camera_pos_corrector[1];
	camera_pos[1] = camera_pos_corrector[2];
	camera_pos[2] = camera_pos_corrector[0];
	// Scale to meters
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
	viewVer *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);
	viewHor *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);

	avatar_front[0] = camera_front[0] = -sin(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);
	avatar_front[1] = camera_front[1] = -sin(viewVer);
	avatar_front[2] = camera_front[2] = cos(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);

	avatar_top[0] = camera_top[0] = -sin(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);
	avatar_top[1] = camera_top[1] = -sin(viewVer);
	avatar_top[2] = camera_top[2] = cos(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);

	return true;
Exemple #13
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &, std::wstring &) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// char state;
	bool ok;

	float front_corrector1;
	float front_corrector2;
	float front_corrector3;

	float top_corrector1;
	float top_corrector2;
	float top_corrector3;

		value is 0 when one is not in a game, 4 when one is

	   ok = peekProc((BYTE *) 0x, &state, 1); // Magical state value
	   if (! ok)
	 	return false;

	   if (state == 0)
	          return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells Mumble to ignore them.

	ok = peekProc(posptr, avatar_pos, 12) &&
	     peekProc(frontptr, avatar_front, 12) &&
	     peekProc(topptr, avatar_top, 12);

	if (avatar_pos[1] > 999000000.0)
		return false;

	peekProc(frontptr, &front_corrector1, 4) &&
	peekProc(frontptr + 0xC, &front_corrector2, 4) &&
	peekProc(frontptr + 0x18, &front_corrector3, 4) &&
	peekProc(topptr, &top_corrector1, 4) &&
	peekProc(topptr + 0xC, &top_corrector2, 4) &&
	peekProc(topptr + 0x18, &top_corrector3, 4);

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	avatar_front[0] = front_corrector1;
	avatar_front[1] = front_corrector2;
	avatar_front[2] = front_corrector3;

	avatar_top[0] = top_corrector1;
	avatar_top[1] = top_corrector2;
	avatar_top[2] = top_corrector3;

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i];
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	return true;
Exemple #14
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// Memory addresses
	char game_name[20];
	procptr64_t state_address, in_game_address, avatar_pos_address, camera_pos_address, avatar_base_address, camera_front_address, camera_top_address, player_address, vehicle_address, location_address, street_address;

#define VERSION_EQ(buf, strlit) \
	memcmp(buf, strlit, std::min(sizeof(buf), sizeof(strlit)-1)) == 0

	// Steam version
	if (peekProc(pModule + 0x18064D8, game_name) && VERSION_EQ(game_name, "Grand Theft Auto V")) {
		state_address = pModule + 0x272B9E0;
		in_game_address = pModule + 0x2453730;
		avatar_pos_address = pModule + 0x1F76F40;
		camera_pos_address = pModule + 0x1F73840;
		avatar_base_address = pModule + 0x1B8E670;
		camera_front_address = pModule + 0x1F76130;
		camera_top_address = pModule + 0x1F76120;
		player_address = pModule + 0x273615C;
		vehicle_address = pModule + 0x2329D00;
		location_address = pModule + 0x23296CB;
		street_address = pModule + 0x2326410;
	// Retail version
	} else if (peekProc(pModule + 0x17C3280, game_name) && VERSION_EQ(game_name, "Grand Theft Auto V")) {
		state_address = pModule + 0x2688DB0;
		in_game_address = pModule + 0x1B73ED4;
		avatar_pos_address = pModule + 0x1F01E40;
		camera_pos_address = pModule + 0x1C06950;
		avatar_base_address = pModule + 0x1B433D0;
		camera_front_address = pModule + 0x1C06960;
		camera_top_address = pModule + 0x1ED6FF0;
		player_address = pModule + 0x26934AC;
		vehicle_address = pModule + 0x228A9A0;
		location_address = pModule + 0x228A38B;
		street_address = pModule + 0x22870C0;
	// Unknown version
	} else {
		return false;

	// Avatar pointer
	procptr64_t avatar_base = peekProc<procptr64_t>(avatar_base_address);
	if (!avatar_base) return false;

	// Boolean value to check if game addresses retrieval is successful
	bool ok;
	// Create containers to stuff our raw data into, so we can convert it to Mumble's coordinate system
	float avatar_pos_corrector[3], camera_pos_corrector[3], avatar_front_corrector[3], avatar_top_corrector[3], camera_front_corrector[3], camera_top_corrector[3];
	// Char values for extra features
	char state, in_game, player[50], vehicle[50], location[50], street[50];

	// Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
	ok = peekProc(state_address, &state, 1) && // Magical state value: 0 when in single player, 2 when online and 3 when in a lobby.
			peekProc(in_game_address, &in_game, 1) && // 0 when loading or not in-game, 1 when in-game.
			peekProc(avatar_pos_address, avatar_pos_corrector, 12) && // Avatar Position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(camera_pos_address, camera_pos_corrector, 12) && // Camera Position values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(avatar_base + 0x70, avatar_front_corrector, 12) && // Avatar Front Vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(avatar_base + 0x80, avatar_top_corrector, 12) && // Avatar Top Vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(camera_front_address, camera_front_corrector, 12) && // Camera Front Vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(camera_top_address, camera_top_corrector, 12) && // Camera Top Vector values (X, Z and Y).
			peekProc(player_address, player) && // Player nickname.
			peekProc(vehicle_address, vehicle) && // Vehicle name if in a vehicle, empty if not.
			peekProc(location_address, location) && // Location name.
			peekProc(street_address, street); // Street name if on a street, empty if not.

	// This prevents the plugin from linking to the game in case something goes wrong during values retrieval from memory addresses.
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// State
	if (state != 2 || in_game == 0) { // If not in-game
		context.clear(); // Clear context
		identity.clear(); // Clear identity
		// Set vectors values to 0.
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

		return true; // This tells Mumble to ignore all vectors.
	// Begin context
	std::ostringstream ocontext;

	// Host
	if (strcmp(host, "") != 0 && strstr(host, "") == NULL) { // Set host string as empty if "" is found in it.
		ocontext << " {\"Host\": \"" << host << "\"}"; // Set context with IP address and port

	context = ocontext.str();
	// End context
	// Begin identity
	std::wostringstream oidentity;
	oidentity << "{";

	// Player
	escape(player, sizeof(player));
	if (strcmp(player, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl;
		oidentity << "\"Player\": \"" << player << "\","; // Set player nickname in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Player\": null,";

	// Vehicle
	escape(vehicle, sizeof(vehicle));
	if (strcmp(vehicle, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl;
		oidentity << "\"Vehicle\": \"" << vehicle << "\","; // Set vehicle name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Vehicle\": null,";

	// Location
	escape(location, sizeof(location));
	if (strcmp(location, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl;
		oidentity << "\"Location\": \"" << location << "\","; // Set location name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Location\": null,";

	// Street
	escape(street, sizeof(street));
	if (strcmp(street, "") != 0) {
		oidentity << std::endl;
		oidentity << "\"Street\": \"" << street << "\""; // Set street name in identity.
	} else {
		oidentity << std::endl << "\"Street\": null";

	oidentity << std::endl << "}";
	identity = oidentity.str();
	// End identity

	Mumble | Game
	X      | X
	Y      | Z
	Z      | Y
	avatar_pos[0] = avatar_pos_corrector[0];
	avatar_pos[1] = avatar_pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = avatar_pos_corrector[1];

	camera_pos[0] = camera_pos_corrector[0];
	camera_pos[1] = camera_pos_corrector[2];
	camera_pos[2] = camera_pos_corrector[1];

	avatar_front[0] = avatar_front_corrector[0];
	avatar_front[1] = avatar_front_corrector[2];
	avatar_front[2] = avatar_front_corrector[1];

	avatar_top[0] = avatar_top_corrector[0];
	avatar_top[1] = avatar_top_corrector[2];
	avatar_top[2] = avatar_top_corrector[1];

	camera_front[0] = camera_front_corrector[0];
	camera_front[1] = camera_front_corrector[2];
	camera_front[2] = camera_front_corrector[1];

	camera_top[0] = camera_top_corrector[0];
	camera_top[1] = camera_top_corrector[2];
	camera_top[2] = camera_top_corrector[1];

	return true;
Exemple #15
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &, std::wstring &) {
	float viewHor, viewVer;
	char state;

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	bool ok;

		This plugin uses the following Variables:

			Address			Type	Description
			0x008DE23C		float	Z-Coordinate
			0x008DE234		float	X-Coordinate
			0x008DE238		float	Y-Coordinate
			0x008DE244		float	Horizontal view (degrees)
			0x008DE240		float	Vertical view (degrees)

			0x0098FD2C		byte	Magical state value
	ok = peekProc(0x0098FD2C, &state, 1); // Magical state value
	if (! ok)
		return false;
		state value is:
		0		while not in game
		4		while playing
		8		while spectating

		This value is used for disabling pa for spectators
		or people not on a server.
	if (state != 4)
		return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells mumble to ignore them.

	ok = peekProc(0x008DE23C, avatar_pos+2, 4) &&	//Z
	     peekProc(0x008DE234, avatar_pos, 4) &&	//X
	     peekProc(0x008DE238, avatar_pos+1, 4) && //Y
	     peekProc(0x008DE244, &viewHor, 4) && //Hor
	     peekProc(0x008DE240, &viewVer, 4); //Ver

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// Scale Coordinates
	   Z-Value is increasing when heading north
				  decreasing when heading south
	   X-Value is increasing when heading west
				  decreasing when heading east
	   Y-Value is increasing when going up
				  decreasing when going down
	   40 units = 1 meter (not confirmed)
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i]/=40.0f; // Scale to meters
	avatar_pos[0]*=(-1.0f); // Convert right to left handed

	avatar_top[2] = -1; // Head movement is in front vector

	// Calculate view unit vector
	   Vertical view 0° when centered
					85°	when looking down
				   275° when looking up
	   Decreasing when looking up.

	   Horizontal is 0° when facing North
					90° when facing West
				   180° when facing South
				   270° when facing East
	   Increasing when turning left.
	viewVer *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);
	viewHor *= static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.0f);

	avatar_front[0] = -sin(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);
	avatar_front[1] = -sin(viewVer);
	avatar_front[2] = cos(viewHor) * cos(viewVer);

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i];
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	return true;
Exemple #16
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &) {
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	bool ok;

	byte l[2];
	byte r,i;
	float o[3];
	procptr_t hPtr;
	float h;

		Position as represented by /loc command

		lx, ly = 8 * (byte)l;
		ox, oy, oz = (float)o;

		0 < ox < 160

		x = west->east
		y = south->north
		z = altitude

		r = region
		i = instance nr

		nPtr = pointer to character name (unique on a server)

	ok = peekProc(0x01272D34, o, 12) &&
	     peekProc(0x01272D2C, l, 2) &&
	     peekProc(0x01272D28, &r, 1) &&
	     peekProc(0x01272D20, &i, 1) &&
	     peekProc(pModule + 0x00A138A4, &hPtr, 4);

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	ok = peekProc((procptr_t)(hPtr  + 0x0000046F), &h, 4);

	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// Set identity
	//if(nPtr3 > 0)
	//	identity.assign(nPtr3);

	// Use region as context since each region has its own coordinate system
	if (r == 1)
		context = "Eriador";
	else if (r == 2)
		context = "Rhovannion";
		return true;

	// If we're in an instance, append the instance id
	if (i != 0)
		context += i;

	// Heading should be between 0 and 360
	if (h < 0 || h > 360)
		return true;

	// Limit coordinates to byte-values, otherwise we probably have a read error
	if (l[0] == 255 && l[1] == 255)
		return true;

	avatar_pos[0] = (float)l[0] * 160.0f + o[0];
	avatar_pos[1] = o[2];
	avatar_pos[2] = (float)l[1] * 160.0f + o[1];

	avatar_front[0] = sinf(h * static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180.0f);
	avatar_front[1] = 0.0f;
	avatar_front[2] = cosf(h * static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180.0f);

	avatar_top[0] = 0.0;
	avatar_top[1] = 1.0;
	avatar_top[2] = 0.0;

	// TODO: 3rd person camera support
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i];
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	return true;
Exemple #17
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &identity) {
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
        avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

    bool ok, state;
    char serverid[37], host[22], team[3];
    BYTE squad, squad_leader, squad_state;

    // Server ID pointers
    procptr64_t serverid_base = peekProc<procptr64_t>(pModule + 0x02210658);
    if (!serverid_base) return false;
    procptr64_t serverid_offset_0 = peekProc<procptr64_t>(serverid_base + 0x18);
    if (!serverid_offset_0) return false;
    procptr64_t serverid_offset_1 = peekProc<procptr64_t>(serverid_offset_0 + 0x28);
    if (!serverid_offset_1) return false;
    procptr64_t serverid_offset = peekProc<procptr64_t>(serverid_offset_1 + 0x350);
    if (!serverid_offset) return false;

    // Squad pointers
    procptr64_t squad_base = peekProc<procptr64_t>(pModule + 0x02210718);
    if (!squad_base) return false;
    procptr64_t squad_offset_0 = peekProc<procptr64_t>(squad_base + 0xD8);
    if (!squad_offset_0) return false;
    procptr64_t squad_offset_1 = peekProc<procptr64_t>(squad_offset_0 + 0x100);
    if (!squad_offset_1) return false;
    procptr64_t squad_offset_2 = peekProc<procptr64_t>(squad_offset_1 + 0x58);
    if (!squad_offset_2) return false;

    // Peekproc and assign game addresses to our containers, so we can retrieve positional data
    ok = peekProc(pModule + 0x21CAFF0, state) && // Magical state value: 0 when in-game and 1 when in menu/dead.
            peekProc(pModule + 0x21C6D40, avatar_pos) && // Avatar Position values (X, Y and Z).
            peekProc(pModule + 0x21CAF80, camera_pos) && // Camera Position values (X, Y and Z).
            peekProc(pModule + 0x21CAF60, avatar_top) && // Avatar Top Vector values (X, Y and Z).
            peekProc(pModule + 0x21CAF70, avatar_front) && // Avatar Front Vector values (X, Y and Z).
            peekProc(serverid_offset, serverid) && // Server ID (36 characters).
            peekProc(pModule + 0x21B80C0, host) && // Host value: "IP:Port" when in a server, "bot" when loading and empty when it's hidden.
            peekProc(pModule + 0x24AFAE5, team) && // Team value: US (United States); RU (Russia); CH (China).
            peekProc(squad_offset_2 + 0x230, squad) && // Squad value: 0 (not in a squad); 1 (Alpha); 2 (Bravo); 3 (Charlie)... 26 (Zulu).
            peekProc(squad_offset_2 + 0x234, squad_leader) && // Squad leader value: 0 (False); 1 (True).
            peekProc(squad_offset_2 + 0x235, squad_state); // Squad state value: 0 (Public); 1 (Private).

    // This prevents the plugin from linking to the game in case something goes wrong during values retrieval from memory addresses.
    if (! ok) {
        return false;

    if (state) { // If not in-game
        context.clear(); // Clear context
        identity.clear(); // Clear identity
        // Set vectors values to 0.
        for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
            avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] =  camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

        return true; // This tells Mumble to ignore all vectors.

    escape(serverid, sizeof(serverid));
    std::ostringstream ocontext;
    ocontext << " {\"Server ID\": \"" << serverid << "\"}"; // Set context with server ID
    context = ocontext.str();

    std::wostringstream oidentity;
    oidentity << "{";
    escape(host, sizeof(host));
    // Only include host (IP:port) if it is not empty and does not include the string "bot" (which means it's a local server).
    if (strcmp(host, "") != 0 && strstr(host, "bot") == NULL) {
        oidentity << std::endl << "\"Host\": \"" << host << "\",";

    std::string Team(team);
    if (!Team.empty()) {
        oidentity << std::endl;
        if (Team == "US")
            oidentity << "\"Team\": \"United States\","; // If team value is US, set "United States" as team in identity.
        else if (Team == "CH")
            oidentity << "\"Team\": \"China\","; // If team value is CH, set "China" as team in identity.
        else if (Team == "RU")
            oidentity << "\"Team\": \"Russia\","; // If team value is RU, set "Russia" as team in identity.

    // If squad value is in a value between 1 and 26, set squad name in identity using NATO Phonetic alphabet.
    if (squad > 0 && squad < 27) {
        if (squad == 1)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Alpha\",";
        else if (squad == 2)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Bravo\",";
        else if (squad == 3)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Charlie\",";
        else if (squad == 4)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Delta\",";
        else if (squad == 5)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Echo\",";
        else if (squad == 6)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Foxtrot\",";
        else if (squad == 7)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Golf\",";
        else if (squad == 8)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Hotel\",";
        else if (squad == 9)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"India\",";
        else if (squad == 10)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Juliet\",";
        else if (squad == 11)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Kilo\",";
        else if (squad == 12)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Lima\",";
        else if (squad == 13)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Mike\",";
        else if (squad == 14)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"November\",";
        else if (squad == 15)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Oscar\",";
        else if (squad == 16)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Papa\",";
        else if (squad == 17)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Quebec\",";
        else if (squad == 18)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Romeo\",";
        else if (squad == 19)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Sierra\",";
        else if (squad == 20)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Tango\",";
        else if (squad == 21)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Uniform\",";
        else if (squad == 22)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Victor\",";
        else if (squad == 23)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Whiskey\",";
        else if (squad == 24)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"X-ray\",";
        else if (squad == 25)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Yankee\",";
        else if (squad == 26)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": \"Zulu\",";
        // Squad leader
        if (squad_leader == 1)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad leader\": true,"; // If squad leader value is true, set squad leader state to "True" in identity.
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad leader\": false,"; // If squad leader value is false, set squad leader state to "False" in identity.
        // Squad state
        if (squad_state == 1)
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad state\": \"Private\""; // If squad state value is true, set squad state to "Private" in identity.
            oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad state\": \"Public\""; // If squad state value is false, set squad state to "Public" in identity.
        // When not in a squad
    } else {
        oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad\": null,"; // If squad value isn't between 1 and 26, set squad to "null" in identity.
        oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad leader\": null,"; // If not in a squad, set squad leader state to "null" in identity.
        oidentity << std::endl << "\"Squad state\": null"; // If not in a squad, set squad state to "null" in identity.

    oidentity << std::endl << "}";
    identity = oidentity.str();

    // Flip the front vector
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
        avatar_front[i] = -avatar_front[i];

    // Convert from right to left handed
    avatar_pos[0] = -avatar_pos[0];
    camera_pos[0] = -camera_pos[0];
    avatar_front[0] = -avatar_front[0];
    avatar_top[0] = -avatar_top[0];

    // Sync camera front and top vectors with avatar ones
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
        camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
        camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

    return true;
Exemple #18
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &context, std::wstring &) {
	static bool loggedin = false;
	static BYTE *contextptr;
	bool ok;

	// Zeroing the floats
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i] = avatar_front[i] = avatar_top[i] = camera_pos[i] = camera_front[i] = camera_top[i] = 0.0f;

	// When you log in the context pointer needs to be set.
	char login;
	ok = peekProc(loginaddress, &login, sizeof(login));
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	if (login == 0) {
		loggedin = false;
	} else if (!loggedin) {
		BYTE *ptr1 = peekProc<BYTE *>(contextptraddress);
		BYTE *ptr2 = peekProc<BYTE *>(ptr1 + 0x28c);
		BYTE *ptr3 = peekProc<BYTE *>(ptr2 + 0x210);
		if (ptr3 != 0) loggedin = true; //pointer set
		contextptr = ptr3 + 0x2c;

	// Magic State value
	char state;
	ok = peekProc(stateaddress, &state, sizeof(state));
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// State is 0 when you are in the main menu and 1 when your are not.
	if (state == 0)
		return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells Mumble to ignore them.

	float pos_corrector[3];
	float front_corrector[3];
	float top_corrector[3];
	ok = peekProc(posptr, &pos_corrector, 12) &&
	     peekProc(frontptr, &front_corrector, 12) &&
	     peekProc(topptr, &top_corrector, 12);
	if (! ok)
		return false;

	// coordinate systems:
	// "ENU"	"Mumble"	"In game"
	// East		x+ [0]		z+ [2]
	// North	z+ [2]		x+ [0]
	// Up		y+ [1]		y+ [1]
	avatar_pos[0] = pos_corrector[2];
	avatar_pos[1] = pos_corrector[1];
	avatar_pos[2] = pos_corrector[0];

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		avatar_pos[i]/=100.0f; // Unreal Unit is set to centimeters

	avatar_front[0] = front_corrector[2];
	avatar_front[1] = front_corrector[1];
	avatar_front[2] = front_corrector[0];

	avatar_top[0] = top_corrector[2];
	avatar_top[1] = top_corrector[1];
	avatar_top[2] = top_corrector[0];

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i];
		camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i];
		camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i];

	if (loggedin) {
		char ccontext[64];
		ok = peekProc(contextptr, &ccontext, sizeof(ccontext));
		if (! ok)
			return false;

		std::string new_context;
		new_context.assign(ccontext, sizeof(ccontext));
		if (new_context.find("bderlandspc") != std::string::npos)
			new_context.erase(0, new_context.find("bderlandspc"));
		if (new_context.find(":7777") != std::string::npos)
			new_context.erase(new_context.find(":7777") + 5);
		context = new_context;

	return ok;