Exemple #1
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::MeshConstruction<PointInT>::reconstruct (std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons)
  if (!initCompute ()) 
    polygons.clear ();

  // Check if a space search locator was given
  if (check_tree_)
    if (!tree_)
      if (input_->isOrganized ())
        tree_.reset (new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointInT> ());
        tree_.reset (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointInT> (false));

    // Send the surface dataset to the spatial locator
    tree_->setInputCloud (input_, indices_);

  // Set up the output dataset
  //polygons.clear ();
  //polygons.reserve (2 * indices_->size ()); /// NOTE: usually the number of triangles is around twice the number of vertices
  // Perform the actual surface reconstruction
  performReconstruction (polygons);

  deinitCompute ();
Exemple #2
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::ConvexHull<PointInT>::performReconstruction (PolygonMesh &output)
  // Perform reconstruction
  pcl::PointCloud<PointInT> hull_points;
  performReconstruction (hull_points, output.polygons, true);

  // Convert the PointCloud into a PointCloud2
  pcl::toROSMsg (hull_points, output.cloud);
Exemple #3
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::ConvexHull<PointInT>::reconstruct (PointCloud &points, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons)
  points.header = input_->header;
  if (!initCompute () || input_->points.empty () || indices_->empty ())
    points.points.clear ();

  // Perform the actual surface reconstruction
  performReconstruction (points, polygons, true);

  points.width = static_cast<uint32_t> (points.points.size ());
  points.height = 1;
  points.is_dense = true;

  deinitCompute ();
Exemple #4
template <typename PointInT, typename NormalOutT> void
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, NormalOutT>::reconstruct (PointCloudIn &output)
  // check if normals have to be computed/saved
  if (normals_)
    // Copy the header
    normals_->header = input_->header;
    // Clear the fields in case the method exits before computation
    normals_->width = normals_->height = 0;
    normals_->points.clear ();

  // Copy the header
  output.header = input_->header;
  if (!initCompute ()) 
    output.width = output.height = 0;
    output.points.clear ();

  // Check if a space search locator was given
  if (!tree_)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::compute] No spatial search method was given!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
    output.width = output.height = 0;
    output.points.clear ();

  // Send the surface dataset to the spatial locator
  tree_->setInputCloud (input_, indices_);

  // Perform the actual surface reconstruction
  performReconstruction (output);

  deinitCompute ();
Exemple #5
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::SurfaceReconstruction<PointInT>::reconstruct (pcl::PolygonMesh &output)
  // Copy the header
  output.header = input_->header;

  if (!initCompute ()) 
    output.cloud.width = output.cloud.height = 0;
    output.cloud.data.clear ();
    output.polygons.clear ();

  // Check if a space search locator was given
  if (check_tree_)
    if (!tree_)
      if (input_->isOrganized ())
        tree_.reset (new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointInT> ());
        tree_.reset (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointInT> (false));

    // Send the surface dataset to the spatial locator
    tree_->setInputCloud (input_, indices_);

  // Set up the output dataset
  pcl::toROSMsg (*input_, output.cloud); /// NOTE: passing in boost shared pointer with * as const& should be OK here
  output.polygons.clear ();
  output.polygons.reserve (2*indices_->size ()); /// NOTE: usually the number of triangles is around twice the number of vertices
  // Perform the actual surface reconstruction
  performReconstruction (output);

  deinitCompute ();
Exemple #6
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::ConvexHull<PointInT>::performReconstruction (std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons)
  pcl::PointCloud<PointInT> hull_points;
  performReconstruction (hull_points, polygons, true);