// Performance test. void performance(char *fileName, fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPool *pool) { double totalSec, calibration, test; int memoryUsed; PERFORMANCE_STATE state; state.pool = pool; state.fileName = fileName; #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_CREATE(state.lock); #endif state.test = "Caching Data"; state.calibrate = 1; state.max = 0; state.numberOfThreads = 1; state.passes = 1; performTest(&state); state.numberOfThreads = THREAD_COUNT; state.max = state.count * state.numberOfThreads; state.passes = PASSES; state.test = "Calibrate"; calibration = performTest(&state); state.test = "Detection test"; state.calibrate = 0; test = performTest(&state); // Get the memory needed for a provider. memoryUsed = (int)fiftyoneDegreesGetProviderSizeWithPropertyCount(pool->dataSet->fileName, (int)pool->dataSet->requiredPropertyCount, (int)pool->size, (int)pool->cache->total); memoryUsed = memoryUsed / 1048576; // Time to complete. totalSec = test - calibration; printf("Number of records per iteration: %i s\n", state.count); printf("Average detection time for total data set: %.2f s\n", totalSec); printf("Average number of detections per second per thread: %.2f\n", (double)state.max / totalSec / (double)state.numberOfThreads); printf("Average milliseconds per detection: %.6f\n", (totalSec * (double)1000) / (double)state.max); printf("Memory used by a provider initialised with the given arguments: %d Mb\n", memoryUsed); if (pool->cache != NULL) { printf("Cache hits: %d\n", pool->cache->hits); printf("Cache misses: %d\n", pool->cache->misses); printf("Cache switches: %d\n", pool->cache->switches); } #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_CLOSE(state.lock); #endif // Wait for a character to be pressed. fgetc(stdin); }
// Performance test. void performance(char *fileName, fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPool *pool) { double totalSec, calibration, test; PERFORMANCE_STATE state; state.pool = pool; state.fileName = fileName; #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_CREATE(state.lock); #endif state.test = "Caching Data"; state.calibrate = 1; state.max = 0; state.numberOfThreads = 1; state.passes = 1; performTest(&state); state.numberOfThreads = THREAD_COUNT; state.max = state.count * state.numberOfThreads; state.passes = PASSES; state.test = "Calibrate"; calibration = performTest(&state); state.test = "Detection test"; state.calibrate = 0; test = performTest(&state); // Time to complete. totalSec = test - calibration; printf("Average detection time for total data set: %.2f s\n", totalSec); printf("Average number of detections per second per thread: %.2f\n", (double)state.max / totalSec / (double)state.numberOfThreads); printf("Average milliseconds per detection: %.6f\n", (totalSec * (double)1000) / (double)state.max / (double)state.numberOfThreads); if (pool->cache != NULL) { printf("Cache hits: %d\n", pool->cache->hits); printf("Cache misses: %d\n", pool->cache->misses); printf("Cache switches: %d\n", pool->cache->switches); } #ifndef FIFTYONEDEGREES_NO_THREADING FIFTYONEDEGREES_MUTEX_CLOSE(state.lock); #endif // Wait for a character to be pressed. fgetc(stdin); }
FormEditAccount::FormEditAccount(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), m_ui(new Ui::FormEditAccount), m_editableRoot(nullptr) { m_ui->setupUi(this); m_btnOk = m_ui->m_buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); setWindowFlags(Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint | Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint); setWindowIcon(qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("tinytinyrss"))); m_ui->m_lblServerSideUpdateInformation->setText(tr("Leaving this option on causes that updates " "of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.")); m_ui->m_lblDescription->setText(tr("Note that at least API level %1 is required.").arg(MINIMAL_API_LEVEL)); m_ui->m_txtHttpUsername->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("HTTP authentication username")); m_ui->m_txtHttpPassword->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("HTTP authentication password")); m_ui->m_txtPassword->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("Password for your TT-RSS account")); m_ui->m_txtUsername->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("Username for your TT-RSS account")); m_ui->m_txtUrl->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("FULL URL of your TT-RSS instance WITH trailing \"/api/\" string")); m_ui->m_lblTestResult->setStatus(WidgetWithStatus::Information, tr("No test done yet."), tr("Here, results of connection test are shown.")); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_txtUrl->lineEdit(), m_ui->m_checkServerSideUpdate); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_checkServerSideUpdate, m_ui->m_txtUsername->lineEdit()); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_txtUsername->lineEdit(), m_ui->m_txtPassword->lineEdit()); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_txtPassword->lineEdit(), m_ui->m_checkShowPassword); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_checkShowPassword, m_ui->m_gbHttpAuthentication); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_gbHttpAuthentication, m_ui->m_txtHttpUsername->lineEdit()); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_txtHttpUsername->lineEdit(), m_ui->m_txtHttpPassword->lineEdit()); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_txtHttpPassword->lineEdit(), m_ui->m_checkShowHttpPassword); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_checkShowHttpPassword, m_ui->m_btnTestSetup); setTabOrder(m_ui->m_btnTestSetup, m_ui->m_buttonBox); connect(m_ui->m_checkShowPassword, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(displayPassword(bool))); connect(m_ui->m_buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(onClickedOk())); connect(m_ui->m_buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(onClickedCancel())); connect(m_ui->m_txtPassword->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onPasswordChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_txtUsername->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onUsernameChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_txtHttpPassword->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onHttpPasswordChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_txtHttpUsername->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onHttpUsernameChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_txtUrl->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onUrlChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_txtPassword->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkOkButton())); connect(m_ui->m_txtUsername->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkOkButton())); connect(m_ui->m_txtUrl->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkOkButton())); connect(m_ui->m_btnTestSetup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(performTest())); connect(m_ui->m_gbHttpAuthentication, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onHttpPasswordChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_gbHttpAuthentication, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onHttpUsernameChanged())); connect(m_ui->m_checkShowHttpPassword, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(displayHttpPassword(bool))); onPasswordChanged(); onUsernameChanged(); onUrlChanged(); onHttpPasswordChanged(); onHttpUsernameChanged(); checkOkButton(); displayPassword(false); displayHttpPassword(false); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool installMode; #ifdef TESTMODE bool testMode = false; #endif if (argc != 2) { displayHelpAndExit(argv[0]); } if (strcmp(argv[1], "install") == 0) { installMode = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "uninstall") == 0) { installMode = false; } else #ifdef TESTMODE if (strcmp(argv[1], "test") == 0) { testMode = true; } else #endif { displayHelpAndExit(argv[0]); } int rc; #ifdef TESTMODE if (testMode) { rc = performTest(); } else #endif if (installMode) { rc = installDriver(); } else { rc = uninstallDriver(); } if (rc == 0) { printf("operation completed successfully!\n"); } else { printf("error: operation failed with status code %d\n", rc); } return rc; }
QString TestManager::execute(TestLevel level, LatexEditorView* edView, QCodeEdit* codeedit, QEditor* editor, BuildManager* buildManager){ QTemporaryFile tf; tf.setAutoRemove(false); tf.open(); QByteArray tfn = QFile::encodeName(tf.fileName()); tf.close(); tempResult = tfn.data(); //codeedit, editor are passed as extra parameters and not extracted from edView, so we don't have //to include latexeditorview.h here totalTestTime = 0; QString tr; QList<QObject*> tests=QList<QObject*>() << new SmallUsefulFunctionsTest() << new BuildManagerTest(buildManager) << new CodeSnippetTest(editor) << new QDocumentLineTest() << new QDocumentCursorTest() << new QDocumentSearchTest(editor,level==TL_ALL) << new QSearchReplacePanelTest(codeedit,level==TL_ALL) << new QEditorTest(editor,level==TL_ALL) << new LatexEditorViewTest(edView) << new LatexCompleterTest(edView) << new ScriptEngineTest(edView,level==TL_ALL) << new LatexEditorViewBenchmark(edView,level==TL_ALL) << new StructureViewTest(edView,edView->document,level==TL_ALL) << new TableManipulationTest(editor) << new SyntaxCheckTest(edView) << new UpdateCheckerTest(level==TL_ALL) << new HelpTest(); bool allPassed=true; if (level!=TL_ALL) tr="There are skipped tests. Please rerun with --execute-all-tests\n\n"; for (int i=0; i <tests.size();i++){ emit newMessage(tests[i]->metaObject()->className()); QString res=performTest(tests[i]); tr+=res; if (!res.contains(", 0 failed, 0 skipped")) allPassed=false; } tr+=QString("\nTotal testing time: %1 ms\n").arg(totalTestTime); if (!allPassed) tr="*** THERE SEEM TO BE FAILED TESTS! ***\n\n\n\n"+tr; QFile(QFile::decodeName(tempResult)).remove(); return tr; }
void GUITestLauncher::run() { if (!initGUITestBase()) { return; } int finishedCount = 0; foreach(HI::GUITest* t, tests) { if (isCanceled()) { return; } Q_ASSERT(t); if (t) { QString testName = t->getFullName(); QString testNameForTeamCity = t->getSuite() +"_"+ t->getName(); results[testName] = ""; firstTestRunCheck(testName); if (!t->isIgnored()) { qint64 startTime = GTimer::currentTimeMicros(); GUITestTeamcityLogger::testStarted(testNameForTeamCity); QString testResult = performTest(testName); results[testName] = testResult; if (GUITestTeamcityLogger::testFailed(testResult)) { renameTestLog(testName); } qint64 finishTime = GTimer::currentTimeMicros(); GUITestTeamcityLogger::teamCityLogResult(testNameForTeamCity, testResult, GTimer::millisBetween(startTime, finishTime)); } else if(t->getReason() == HI::GUITest::Bug){ GUITestTeamcityLogger::testIgnored(testNameForTeamCity, t->getIgnoreMessage()); } } updateProgress(finishedCount++); } }
int main () { unsigned int C, Vn; unsigned long long En; fscanf(stdin, "%u", &C); while (C--) { eMemCount = 0; fscanf(stdin, "%u %llu", &Vn, &En); Graph *g = new Graph(Vn); while (En--) { unsigned int fromNode, toNode; fscanf(stdin, "%u %u", &fromNode, &toNode); g->addEdge(fromNode, toNode); } unsigned int D; fscanf(stdin, "%u", &D); unsigned int* zapytania = new unsigned int[D]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) { fscanf(stdin, "%u", &(zapytania[i])); } for(unsigned int fromIndex = 0; fromIndex < D; fromIndex++) { for(unsigned int toIndex = fromIndex+1; toIndex < D; toIndex++) { performTest(g, zapytania[fromIndex], zapytania[toIndex]); } } fprintf(stdout, "%llu\n", minD); minD = INT_MAX; delete g; delete[] zapytania; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool installMode; #ifdef TESTMODE bool testMode = false; #endif if (argc != 2) return usage(argv[0]); if (strcmp(argv[1], "install") == 0) installMode = true; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "uninstall") == 0) installMode = false; #ifdef TESTMODE else if (strcmp(argv[1], "test") == 0) testMode = true; #endif else return usage(argv[0]); int rc; #ifdef TESTMODE if (testMode) rc = performTest(); else #endif if (installMode) rc = installDriver(); else rc = uninstallDriver(); if (rc == 0) printf("operation completed successfully!\n"); else printf("error: operation failed with status code %d\n", rc); return rc; }
long FXCY_Diagnosis::onCmdNewTest(FXObject*,FXSelector sel,void*){ performTest(); return 1; }
// actual test application int main(int argc, char **argv) { // init ROS ros::init(argc, argv, "pr2_multi_vel_test"); ros::NodeHandle n_("~"); // advertise joint velocity command ros::Publisher qdot_des_pub_ = n_.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>("multi_vel_command", 1); // construct RobotArm object... RobotArm arm(n_); // ...init it ROS_INFO("Init of arm action interface..."); if(!arm.init()) return 0; // activate standard controller to go to desired configuration ROS_INFO("Starting standard arm controllers..."); ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); if(!arm.startControllerPlugin()) return 0; // ... use it to go the initial joint configuration ROS_INFO("Going to desired initial configuration..."); if(!arm.gotoDesiredConfiguration()) return 0; // ... and deactivate the standard controller ROS_INFO("Stopping standard arm controllers..."); if(!arm.stopControllerPlugin()) return 0; // get controller namespace and desired test parameters from parameter server std::string joint_to_test_; double joint_velocity_, test_time_; int joint_index_; std::string vel_controller_ns_; if(!retrieveParameter(n_, "", "vel_controller_namespace", vel_controller_ns_)) return 0; if(!retrieveParameter(n_, vel_controller_ns_, "joint_to_test", joint_to_test_)) return 0; if(!retrieveParameter(n_, vel_controller_ns_, "joint_index", joint_index_)) return 0; if(!retrieveParameter(n_, vel_controller_ns_, "joint_velocity", joint_velocity_)) return 0; if(!retrieveParameter(n_, vel_controller_ns_, "test_time", test_time_)) return 0; // start test with user questions performTest(qdot_des_pub_, joint_to_test_, joint_index_, joint_velocity_, test_time_); printAndSleep(5.0); // restart standard controller to be nice ROS_INFO("Re-starting standard arm controllers..."); if(!arm.startControllerPlugin()) return 0; // exit return 0; }
bool SpectralAnalysisTest::performTest() { return performTest(50, 10) && performTest(52, 10) && performTest(52, 11); }