Exemple #1
 * parseCommandLine()
 *	Parses the command line (argc, argv[]) and loads structures
parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
	static struct option long_options[] = {
		{"old-datadir", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
		{"new-datadir", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
		{"old-bindir", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
		{"new-bindir", required_argument, NULL, 'B'},
		{"old-options", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
		{"new-options", required_argument, NULL, 'O'},
		{"old-port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
		{"new-port", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},

		{"username", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
		{"check", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
		{"link", no_argument, NULL, 'k'},
		{"retain", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
		{"jobs", required_argument, NULL, 'j'},
		{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
		{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
	int			option;			/* Command line option */
	int			optindex = 0;	/* used by getopt_long */
	int			os_user_effective_id;
	FILE	   *fp;
	char	  **filename;
	time_t		run_time = time(NULL);

	user_opts.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_COPY;

	os_info.progname = get_progname(argv[0]);

	/* Process libpq env. variables; load values here for usage() output */
	old_cluster.port = getenv("PGPORTOLD") ? atoi(getenv("PGPORTOLD")) : DEF_PGUPORT;
	new_cluster.port = getenv("PGPORTNEW") ? atoi(getenv("PGPORTNEW")) : DEF_PGUPORT;

	os_user_effective_id = get_user_info(&os_info.user);
	/* we override just the database user name;  we got the OS id above */
	if (getenv("PGUSER"))
		/* must save value, getenv()'s pointer is not stable */
		os_info.user = pg_strdup(getenv("PGUSER"));

	if (argc > 1)
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0)
			puts("pg_upgrade (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION);

	/* Allow help and version to be run as root, so do the test here. */
	if (os_user_effective_id == 0)
		pg_fatal("%s: cannot be run as root\n", os_info.progname);

	if ((log_opts.internal = fopen_priv(INTERNAL_LOG_FILE, "a")) == NULL)
		pg_fatal("cannot write to log file %s\n", INTERNAL_LOG_FILE);

	while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:D:b:B:cj:ko:O:p:P:rU:v",
								 long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
		switch (option)
			case 'b':
				old_cluster.bindir = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'B':
				new_cluster.bindir = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'c':
				user_opts.check = true;

			case 'd':
				old_cluster.pgdata = pg_strdup(optarg);
				old_cluster.pgconfig = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'D':
				new_cluster.pgdata = pg_strdup(optarg);
				new_cluster.pgconfig = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'j':
				user_opts.jobs = atoi(optarg);

			case 'k':
				user_opts.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_LINK;

			case 'o':
				old_cluster.pgopts = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'O':
				new_cluster.pgopts = pg_strdup(optarg);

				 * Someday, the port number option could be removed and passed
				 * using -o/-O, but that requires postmaster -C to be
				 * supported on all old/new versions.
			case 'p':
				if ((old_cluster.port = atoi(optarg)) <= 0)
					pg_fatal("invalid old port number\n");

			case 'P':
				if ((new_cluster.port = atoi(optarg)) <= 0)
					pg_fatal("invalid new port number\n");

			case 'r':
				log_opts.retain = true;

			case 'U':
				os_info.user = pg_strdup(optarg);
				os_info.user_specified = true;

				 * Push the user name into the environment so pre-9.1
				 * pg_ctl/libpq uses it.
				pg_putenv("PGUSER", os_info.user);

			case 'v':
				pg_log(PG_REPORT, "Running in verbose mode\n");
				log_opts.verbose = true;

				pg_fatal("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n",

	/* label start of upgrade in logfiles */
	for (filename = output_files; *filename != NULL; filename++)
		if ((fp = fopen_priv(*filename, "a")) == NULL)
			pg_fatal("cannot write to log file %s\n", *filename);

		/* Start with newline because we might be appending to a file. */
		fprintf(fp, "\n"
				"  pg_upgrade run on %s"

	/* Turn off read-only mode;  add prefix to PGOPTIONS? */
	if (getenv("PGOPTIONS"))
		char	   *pgoptions = psprintf("%s %s", FIX_DEFAULT_READ_ONLY,

		pg_putenv("PGOPTIONS", pgoptions);

	/* Get values from env if not already set */
	check_required_directory(&old_cluster.bindir, NULL, "PGBINOLD", "-b",
							 "old cluster binaries reside");
	check_required_directory(&new_cluster.bindir, NULL, "PGBINNEW", "-B",
							 "new cluster binaries reside");
	check_required_directory(&old_cluster.pgdata, &old_cluster.pgconfig,
							 "PGDATAOLD", "-d", "old cluster data resides");
	check_required_directory(&new_cluster.pgdata, &new_cluster.pgconfig,
							 "PGDATANEW", "-D", "new cluster data resides");
Exemple #2
main(int argc, char **argv)
	char	   *analyze_script_file_name = NULL;
	char	   *deletion_script_file_name = NULL;
	bool		live_check = false;

	parseCommandLine(argc, argv);



	setup(argv[0], &live_check);



	get_sock_dir(&old_cluster, live_check);
	get_sock_dir(&new_cluster, false);



	/* -- NEW -- */
	start_postmaster(&new_cluster, true);


	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "\nPerforming Upgrade\n");
	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "------------------\n");



	 * Destructive Changes to New Cluster


	/* New now using xids of the old system */

	/* -- NEW -- */
	start_postmaster(&new_cluster, true);




	 * Most failures happen in create_new_objects(), which has completed at
	 * this point.  We do this here because it is just before linking, which
	 * will link the old and new cluster data files, preventing the old
	 * cluster from being safely started once the new cluster is started.
	if (user_opts.transfer_mode == TRANSFER_MODE_LINK)

	transfer_all_new_tablespaces(&old_cluster.dbarr, &new_cluster.dbarr,
								 old_cluster.pgdata, new_cluster.pgdata);

	 * Assuming OIDs are only used in system tables, there is no need to
	 * restore the OID counter because we have not transferred any OIDs from
	 * the old system, but we do it anyway just in case.  We do it late here
	 * because there is no need to have the schema load use new oids.
	prep_status("Setting next OID for new cluster");
	exec_prog(UTILITY_LOG_FILE, NULL, true,
			  "\"%s/pg_resetxlog\" -o %u \"%s\"",
			  new_cluster.bindir, old_cluster.controldata.chkpnt_nxtoid,

	prep_status("Sync data directory to disk");
	exec_prog(UTILITY_LOG_FILE, NULL, true,
			  "\"%s/initdb\" --sync-only \"%s\"", new_cluster.bindir,



	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "\nUpgrade Complete\n");
	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "----------------\n");




	return 0;
 * Output the pivoted resultset with the printTable* functions.  Return true
 * if successful, false otherwise.
static bool
printCrosstab(const PGresult *results,
			  int num_columns, pivot_field *piv_columns, int field_for_columns,
			  int num_rows, pivot_field *piv_rows, int field_for_rows,
			  int field_for_data)
	printQueryOpt popt = pset.popt;
	printTableContent cont;
	int			i,
	char		col_align;
	int		   *horiz_map;
	bool		retval = false;

	printTableInit(&cont, &popt.topt, popt.title, num_columns + 1, num_rows);

	/* Step 1: set target column names (horizontal header) */

	/* The name of the first column is kept unchanged by the pivoting */
						PQfname(results, field_for_rows),

	 * To iterate over piv_columns[] by piv_columns[].rank, create a reverse
	 * map associating each piv_columns[].rank to its index in piv_columns.
	 * This avoids an O(N^2) loop later.
	horiz_map = (int *) pg_malloc(sizeof(int) * num_columns);
	for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++)
		horiz_map[piv_columns[i].rank] = i;

	 * The display alignment depends on its PQftype().
	col_align = column_type_alignment(PQftype(results, field_for_data));

	for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++)
		char	   *colname;

		colname = piv_columns[horiz_map[i]].name ?
			piv_columns[horiz_map[i]].name :
			(popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "");

		printTableAddHeader(&cont, colname, false, col_align);

	/* Step 2: set row names in the first output column (vertical header) */
	for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++)
		int			k = piv_rows[i].rank;

		cont.cells[k * (num_columns + 1)] = piv_rows[i].name ?
			piv_rows[i].name :
			(popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "");
	cont.cellsadded = num_rows * (num_columns + 1);

	 * Step 3: fill in the content cells.
	for (rn = 0; rn < PQntuples(results); rn++)
		int			row_number;
		int			col_number;
		pivot_field *p;
		pivot_field elt;

		/* Find target row */
		if (!PQgetisnull(results, rn, field_for_rows))
			elt.name = PQgetvalue(results, rn, field_for_rows);
			elt.name = NULL;
		p = (pivot_field *) bsearch(&elt,
		Assert(p != NULL);
		row_number = p->rank;

		/* Find target column */
		if (!PQgetisnull(results, rn, field_for_columns))
			elt.name = PQgetvalue(results, rn, field_for_columns);
			elt.name = NULL;

		p = (pivot_field *) bsearch(&elt,
		Assert(p != NULL);
		col_number = p->rank;

		/* Place value into cell */
		if (col_number >= 0 && row_number >= 0)
			int			idx;

			/* index into the cont.cells array */
			idx = 1 + col_number + row_number * (num_columns + 1);

			 * If the cell already contains a value, raise an error.
			if (cont.cells[idx] != NULL)
				psql_error(_("data cell already contains a value: (row: \"%s\", column: \"%s\")\n"),
							 piv_rows[row_number].name ? piv_rows[row_number].name :
							 popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "(null)",
							 piv_columns[col_number].name ? piv_columns[col_number].name :
							 popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "(null)");
				goto error;

			cont.cells[idx] = !PQgetisnull(results, rn, field_for_data) ?
				PQgetvalue(results, rn, field_for_data) :
				(popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "");

	 * The non-initialized cells must be set to an empty string for the print
	 * functions
	for (i = 0; i < cont.cellsadded; i++)
		if (cont.cells[i] == NULL)
			cont.cells[i] = "";

	printTable(&cont, pset.queryFout, false, pset.logfile);
	retval = true;


	return retval;
Exemple #4
 * create_script_for_cluster_analyze()
 *	This incrementally generates better optimizer statistics
create_script_for_cluster_analyze(char **analyze_script_file_name)
	FILE	   *script = NULL;
	char	   *user_specification = "";

	prep_status("Creating script to analyze new cluster");

	if (os_info.user_specified)
		user_specification = psprintf("-U \"%s\" ", os_info.user);

	*analyze_script_file_name = psprintf("analyze_new_cluster.%s", SCRIPT_EXT);

	if ((script = fopen_priv(*analyze_script_file_name, "w")) == NULL)
		pg_fatal("Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n",
			   *analyze_script_file_name, getErrorText(errno));

#ifndef WIN32
	/* add shebang header */
	fprintf(script, "#!/bin/sh\n\n");
	/* suppress command echoing */
	fprintf(script, "@echo off\n");

	fprintf(script, "echo %sThis script will generate minimal optimizer statistics rapidly%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sso your system is usable, and then gather statistics twice more%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %swith increasing accuracy.  When it is done, your system will%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %shave the default level of optimizer statistics.%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

	fprintf(script, "echo %sIf you have used ALTER TABLE to modify the statistics target for%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sany tables, you might want to remove them and restore them after%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %srunning this script because they will delay fast statistics generation.%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

	fprintf(script, "echo %sIf you would like default statistics as quickly as possible, cancel%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sthis script and run:%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %s    \"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all %s%s\n", ECHO_QUOTE,
			new_cluster.bindir, user_specification,
	/* Did we copy the free space files? */
			(GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 804) ?
			"--analyze-only" : "--analyze", ECHO_QUOTE);
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

#ifndef WIN32
	fprintf(script, "sleep 2\n");
	fprintf(script, "PGOPTIONS='-c default_statistics_target=1 -c vacuum_cost_delay=0'\n");
	/* only need to export once */
	fprintf(script, "export PGOPTIONS\n");
	fprintf(script, "REM simulate sleep 2\n");
	fprintf(script, "PING -n 1 -w 2000 > nul\n");
	fprintf(script, "SET PGOPTIONS=-c default_statistics_target=1 -c vacuum_cost_delay=0\n");

	fprintf(script, "echo %sGenerating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %s--------------------------------------------------%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "\"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all --analyze-only\n",
			new_cluster.bindir, user_specification);
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n", ECHO_BLANK);
	fprintf(script, "echo %sThe server is now available with minimal optimizer statistics.%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sQuery performance will be optimal once this script completes.%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

#ifndef WIN32
	fprintf(script, "sleep 2\n");
	fprintf(script, "PGOPTIONS='-c default_statistics_target=10'\n");
	fprintf(script, "REM simulate sleep\n");
	fprintf(script, "PING -n 1 -w 2000 > nul\n");
	fprintf(script, "SET PGOPTIONS=-c default_statistics_target=10\n");

	fprintf(script, "echo %sGenerating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %s---------------------------------------------------%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "\"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all --analyze-only\n",
			new_cluster.bindir, user_specification);
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

#ifndef WIN32
	fprintf(script, "unset PGOPTIONS\n");
	fprintf(script, "SET PGOPTIONS\n");

	fprintf(script, "echo %sGenerating default (full) optimizer statistics (100 targets?)%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %s-------------------------------------------------------------%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "\"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all %s\n", new_cluster.bindir,
	/* Did we copy the free space files? */
			(GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 804) ?
			"--analyze-only" : "--analyze");

	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);
	fprintf(script, "echo %sDone%s\n",


#ifndef WIN32
	if (chmod(*analyze_script_file_name, S_IRWXU) != 0)
		pg_fatal("Could not add execute permission to file \"%s\": %s\n",
			   *analyze_script_file_name, getErrorText(errno));

	if (os_info.user_specified)

Exemple #5
int dp_free( char *gobname )
  return( pg_free( gobname ) );
Exemple #6
 *	parallel_exec_prog
 *	This has the same API as exec_prog, except it does parallel execution,
 *	and therefore must throw errors and doesn't return an error status.
parallel_exec_prog(const char *log_file, const char *opt_log_file,
				   const char *fmt,...)
	va_list		args;
	char		cmd[MAX_STRING];

#ifndef WIN32
	pid_t		child;
	HANDLE		child;
	exec_thread_arg *new_arg;

	va_start(args, fmt);
	vsnprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), fmt, args);

	if (user_opts.jobs <= 1)
		/* throw_error must be true to allow jobs */
		exec_prog(log_file, opt_log_file, true, "%s", cmd);
		/* parallel */
#ifdef WIN32
		if (thread_handles == NULL)
			thread_handles = pg_malloc(user_opts.jobs * sizeof(HANDLE));

		if (exec_thread_args == NULL)
			int			i;

			exec_thread_args = pg_malloc(user_opts.jobs * sizeof(exec_thread_arg *));

			 * For safety and performance, we keep the args allocated during
			 * the entire life of the process, and we don't free the args in a
			 * thread different from the one that allocated it.
			for (i = 0; i < user_opts.jobs; i++)
				exec_thread_args[i] = pg_malloc0(sizeof(exec_thread_arg));

		cur_thread_args = (void **) exec_thread_args;
		/* harvest any dead children */
		while (reap_child(false) == true)

		/* must we wait for a dead child? */
		if (parallel_jobs >= user_opts.jobs)

		/* set this before we start the job */

		/* Ensure stdio state is quiesced before forking */

#ifndef WIN32
		child = fork();
		if (child == 0)
			/* use _exit to skip atexit() functions */
			_exit(!exec_prog(log_file, opt_log_file, true, "%s", cmd));
		else if (child < 0)
			/* fork failed */
			pg_fatal("could not create worker process: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		/* empty array element are always at the end */
		new_arg = exec_thread_args[parallel_jobs - 1];

		/* Can only pass one pointer into the function, so use a struct */
		if (new_arg->log_file)
		new_arg->log_file = pg_strdup(log_file);
		if (new_arg->opt_log_file)
		new_arg->opt_log_file = opt_log_file ? pg_strdup(opt_log_file) : NULL;
		if (new_arg->cmd)
		new_arg->cmd = pg_strdup(cmd);

		child = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, (void *) win32_exec_prog,
										new_arg, 0, NULL);
		if (child == 0)
			pg_fatal("could not create worker thread: %s\n", strerror(errno));

		thread_handles[parallel_jobs - 1] = child;

Exemple #7
 * create_script_for_old_cluster_deletion()
 *	This is particularly useful for tablespace deletion.
create_script_for_old_cluster_deletion(char **deletion_script_file_name)
	FILE	   *script = NULL;
	int			tblnum;
	char		old_cluster_pgdata[MAXPGPATH];

	*deletion_script_file_name = psprintf("delete_old_cluster.%s", SCRIPT_EXT);

	 * Some users (oddly) create tablespaces inside the cluster data
	 * directory.  We can't create a proper old cluster delete script in that
	 * case.
	strlcpy(old_cluster_pgdata, old_cluster.pgdata, MAXPGPATH);
	for (tblnum = 0; tblnum < os_info.num_old_tablespaces; tblnum++)
		char		old_tablespace_dir[MAXPGPATH];

		strlcpy(old_tablespace_dir, os_info.old_tablespaces[tblnum], MAXPGPATH);
		if (path_is_prefix_of_path(old_cluster_pgdata, old_tablespace_dir))
			/* Unlink file in case it is left over from a previous run. */
			*deletion_script_file_name = NULL;

	prep_status("Creating script to delete old cluster");

	if ((script = fopen_priv(*deletion_script_file_name, "w")) == NULL)
		pg_fatal("Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n",
			   *deletion_script_file_name, getErrorText(errno));

#ifndef WIN32
	/* add shebang header */
	fprintf(script, "#!/bin/sh\n\n");

	/* delete old cluster's default tablespace */
	fprintf(script, RMDIR_CMD " %s\n", fix_path_separator(old_cluster.pgdata));

	/* delete old cluster's alternate tablespaces */
	for (tblnum = 0; tblnum < os_info.num_old_tablespaces; tblnum++)
		 * Do the old cluster's per-database directories share a directory
		 * with a new version-specific tablespace?
		if (strlen(old_cluster.tablespace_suffix) == 0)
			/* delete per-database directories */
			int			dbnum;

			fprintf(script, "\n");
			/* remove PG_VERSION? */
			if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) <= 804)
				fprintf(script, RM_CMD " %s%cPG_VERSION\n",

			for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
				fprintf(script, RMDIR_CMD " %s%c%d\n",
						PATH_SEPARATOR, old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum].db_oid);
			char	*suffix_path = pg_strdup(old_cluster.tablespace_suffix);

			 * Simply delete the tablespace directory, which might be ".old"
			 * or a version-specific subdirectory.
			fprintf(script, RMDIR_CMD " %s%s\n",


#ifndef WIN32
	if (chmod(*deletion_script_file_name, S_IRWXU) != 0)
		pg_fatal("Could not add execute permission to file \"%s\": %s\n",
			   *deletion_script_file_name, getErrorText(errno));

Exemple #8
 * get_control_data()
 * gets pg_control information in "ctrl". Assumes that bindir and
 * datadir are valid absolute paths to postgresql bin and pgdata
 * directories respectively *and* pg_resetxlog is version compatible
 * with datadir. The main purpose of this function is to get pg_control
 * data in a version independent manner.
 * The approach taken here is to invoke pg_resetxlog with -n option
 * and then pipe its output. With little string parsing we get the
 * pg_control data.  pg_resetxlog cannot be run while the server is running
 * so we use pg_controldata;  pg_controldata doesn't provide all the fields
 * we need to actually perform the upgrade, but it provides enough for
 * check mode.  We do not implement pg_resetxlog -n because it is hard to
 * return valid xid data for a running server.
get_control_data(ClusterInfo *cluster, bool live_check)
	char		cmd[MAXPGPATH];
	char		bufin[MAX_STRING];
	FILE	   *output;
	char	   *p;
	bool		got_xid = false;
	bool		got_oid = false;
	bool		got_nextxlogfile = false;
	bool		got_multi = false;
	bool		got_mxoff = false;
	bool		got_oldestmulti = false;
	bool		got_log_id = false;
	bool		got_log_seg = false;
	bool		got_tli = false;
	bool		got_align = false;
	bool		got_blocksz = false;
	bool		got_largesz = false;
	bool		got_walsz = false;
	bool		got_walseg = false;
	bool		got_ident = false;
	bool		got_index = false;
	bool		got_toast = false;
	bool		got_large_object = false;
	bool		got_date_is_int = false;
	bool		got_float8_pass_by_value = false;
	bool		got_data_checksum_version = false;
	char	   *lc_collate = NULL;
	char	   *lc_ctype = NULL;
	char	   *lc_monetary = NULL;
	char	   *lc_numeric = NULL;
	char	   *lc_time = NULL;
	char	   *lang = NULL;
	char	   *language = NULL;
	char	   *lc_all = NULL;
	char	   *lc_messages = NULL;
	uint32		logid = 0;
	uint32		segno = 0;
	uint32		tli = 0;

	 * Because we test the pg_resetxlog output as strings, it has to be in
	 * English.  Copied from pg_regress.c.
	if (getenv("LC_COLLATE"))
		lc_collate = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_COLLATE"));
	if (getenv("LC_CTYPE"))
		lc_ctype = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_CTYPE"));
	if (getenv("LC_MONETARY"))
		lc_monetary = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_MONETARY"));
	if (getenv("LC_NUMERIC"))
		lc_numeric = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_NUMERIC"));
	if (getenv("LC_TIME"))
		lc_time = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_TIME"));
	if (getenv("LANG"))
		lang = pg_strdup(getenv("LANG"));
	if (getenv("LANGUAGE"))
		language = pg_strdup(getenv("LANGUAGE"));
	if (getenv("LC_ALL"))
		lc_all = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_ALL"));
	if (getenv("LC_MESSAGES"))
		lc_messages = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_MESSAGES"));

	pg_putenv("LC_COLLATE", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_CTYPE", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_MONETARY", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_NUMERIC", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_TIME", NULL);
#ifndef WIN32
	/* On Windows the default locale cannot be English, so force it */
	pg_putenv("LANGUAGE", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_ALL", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_MESSAGES", "C");

	snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "\"%s/%s \"%s\"",
			 live_check ? "pg_controldata\"" : "pg_resetxlog\" -n",

	if ((output = popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL)
		pg_fatal("Could not get control data using %s: %s\n",
				 cmd, getErrorText(errno));

	/* Only in <= 9.2 */
	if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 902)
		cluster->controldata.data_checksum_version = 0;
		got_data_checksum_version = true;

	/* we have the result of cmd in "output". so parse it line by line now */
	while (fgets(bufin, sizeof(bufin), output))
		pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "%s", bufin);

		if ((p = strstr(bufin, "pg_control version number:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: pg_resetxlog problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.ctrl_ver = str2uint(p);
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Catalog version number:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.cat_ver = str2uint(p);
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log segment after reset:")) != NULL)
			/* Skip the colon and any whitespace after it */
			p = strchr(p, ':');
			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);
			p = strpbrk(p, "01234567890ABCDEF");
			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			/* Make sure it looks like a valid WAL file name */
			if (strspn(p, "0123456789ABCDEF") != 24)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			strlcpy(cluster->controldata.nextxlogfile, p, 25);
			got_nextxlogfile = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log file ID after reset:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			logid = str2uint(p);
			got_log_id = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log file segment after reset:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			segno = str2uint(p);
			got_log_seg = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_tli = str2uint(p);
			got_tli = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextXID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtepoch = str2uint(p);

			p = strchr(p, '/');
			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove '/' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtxid = str2uint(p);
			got_xid = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextOID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtoid = str2uint(p);
			got_oid = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtmulti = str2uint(p);
			got_multi = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's oldestMultiXid:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_oldstMulti = str2uint(p);
			got_oldestmulti = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtmxoff = str2uint(p);
			got_mxoff = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum data alignment:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.align = str2uint(p);
			got_align = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Database block size:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.blocksz = str2uint(p);
			got_blocksz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Blocks per segment of large relation:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.largesz = str2uint(p);
			got_largesz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "WAL block size:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.walsz = str2uint(p);
			got_walsz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Bytes per WAL segment:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.walseg = str2uint(p);
			got_walseg = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum length of identifiers:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.ident = str2uint(p);
			got_ident = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum columns in an index:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.index = str2uint(p);
			got_index = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.toast = str2uint(p);
			got_toast = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Size of a large-object chunk:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.large_object = str2uint(p);
			got_large_object = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Date/time type storage:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.date_is_int = strstr(p, "64-bit integers") != NULL;
			got_date_is_int = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Float8 argument passing:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			/* used later for contrib check */
			cluster->controldata.float8_pass_by_value = strstr(p, "by value") != NULL;
			got_float8_pass_by_value = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "checksum")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_fatal("%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* remove ':' char */
			/* used later for contrib check */
			cluster->controldata.data_checksum_version = str2uint(p);
			got_data_checksum_version = true;

	if (output)

	 * Restore environment variables
	pg_putenv("LC_COLLATE", lc_collate);
	pg_putenv("LC_CTYPE", lc_ctype);
	pg_putenv("LC_MONETARY", lc_monetary);
	pg_putenv("LC_NUMERIC", lc_numeric);
	pg_putenv("LC_TIME", lc_time);
	pg_putenv("LANG", lang);
	pg_putenv("LANGUAGE", language);
	pg_putenv("LC_ALL", lc_all);
	pg_putenv("LC_MESSAGES", lc_messages);


	 * Before 9.3, pg_resetxlog reported the xlogid and segno of the first log
	 * file after reset as separate lines. Starting with 9.3, it reports the
	 * WAL file name. If the old cluster is older than 9.3, we construct the
	 * WAL file name from the xlogid and segno.
	if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 902)
		if (got_log_id && got_log_seg)
			snprintf(cluster->controldata.nextxlogfile, 25, "%08X%08X%08X",
					 tli, logid, segno);
			got_nextxlogfile = true;

	/* verify that we got all the mandatory pg_control data */
	if (!got_xid || !got_oid ||
		!got_multi || !got_mxoff ||
		(!got_oldestmulti &&
		 cluster->controldata.cat_ver >= MULTIXACT_FORMATCHANGE_CAT_VER) ||
		(!live_check && !got_nextxlogfile) ||
		!got_tli ||
		!got_align || !got_blocksz || !got_largesz || !got_walsz ||
		!got_walseg || !got_ident || !got_index || !got_toast ||
		(!got_large_object &&
		 cluster->controldata.ctrl_ver >= LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE_PG_CONTROL_VER) ||
		!got_date_is_int || !got_float8_pass_by_value || !got_data_checksum_version)
			   "The %s cluster lacks some required control information:\n",

		if (!got_xid)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  checkpoint next XID\n");

		if (!got_oid)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint next OID\n");

		if (!got_multi)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint next MultiXactId\n");

		if (!got_mxoff)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint next MultiXactOffset\n");

		if (!got_oldestmulti &&
			cluster->controldata.cat_ver >= MULTIXACT_FORMATCHANGE_CAT_VER)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint oldest MultiXactId\n");

		if (!live_check && !got_nextxlogfile)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  first WAL segment after reset\n");

		if (!got_tli)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint timeline ID\n");

		if (!got_align)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum alignment\n");

		if (!got_blocksz)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  block size\n");

		if (!got_largesz)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  large relation segment size\n");

		if (!got_walsz)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  WAL block size\n");

		if (!got_walseg)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  WAL segment size\n");

		if (!got_ident)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum identifier length\n");

		if (!got_index)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum number of indexed columns\n");

		if (!got_toast)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum TOAST chunk size\n");

		if (!got_large_object &&
			cluster->controldata.ctrl_ver >= LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE_PG_CONTROL_VER)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  large-object chunk size\n");

		if (!got_date_is_int)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  dates/times are integers?\n");

		if (!got_float8_pass_by_value)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  float8 argument passing method\n");

		/* value added in Postgres 9.3 */
		if (!got_data_checksum_version)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  data checksum version\n");

		pg_fatal("Cannot continue without required control information, terminating\n");
Exemple #9
 * get_loadable_libraries()
 *	Fetch the names of all old libraries containing C-language functions.
 *	We will later check that they all exist in the new installation.
	PGresult  **ress;
	int			totaltups;
	int			dbnum;

	ress = (PGresult **)
		pg_malloc(old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs * sizeof(PGresult *));
	totaltups = 0;

	/* Fetch all library names, removing duplicates within each DB */
	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
		DbInfo	   *active_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
		PGconn	   *conn = connectToServer(&old_cluster, active_db->db_name);

		/* Fetch all libraries referenced in this DB */
		ress[dbnum] = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
										"SELECT DISTINCT probin "
										"FROM	pg_catalog.pg_proc "
										"WHERE	prolang = 13 /* C */ AND "
										"probin IS NOT NULL AND "
										"oid >= %u;",
		totaltups += PQntuples(ress[dbnum]);


	/* Allocate what's certainly enough space */
	if (totaltups > 0)
		os_info.libraries = (char **) pg_malloc(totaltups * sizeof(char *));
		os_info.libraries = NULL;

	 * Now remove duplicates across DBs.  This is pretty inefficient code, but
	 * there probably aren't enough entries to matter.
	totaltups = 0;

	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
		PGresult   *res = ress[dbnum];
		int			ntups;
		int			rowno;

		ntups = PQntuples(res);
		for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
			char	   *lib = PQgetvalue(res, rowno, 0);
			bool		dup = false;
			int			n;

			for (n = 0; n < totaltups; n++)
				if (strcmp(lib, os_info.libraries[n]) == 0)
					dup = true;
			if (!dup)
				os_info.libraries[totaltups++] = pg_strdup(lib);


	os_info.num_libraries = totaltups;

Exemple #10
 * create_script_for_cluster_analyze()
 *	This incrementally generates better optimizer statistics
create_script_for_cluster_analyze(char **analyze_script_file_name)
	FILE	   *script = NULL;
	char	   *user_specification = "";

	prep_status("Creating script to analyze new cluster");

	if (os_info.user_specified)
		user_specification = psprintf("-U \"%s\" ", os_info.user);

	*analyze_script_file_name = psprintf("analyze_new_cluster.%s", SCRIPT_EXT);

	if ((script = fopen_priv(*analyze_script_file_name, "w")) == NULL)
		pg_fatal("Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n",
			   *analyze_script_file_name, getErrorText(errno));

#ifndef WIN32
	/* add shebang header */
	fprintf(script, "#!/bin/sh\n\n");
	/* suppress command echoing */
	fprintf(script, "@echo off\n");

	fprintf(script, "echo %sThis script will generate minimal optimizer statistics rapidly%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sso your system is usable, and then gather statistics twice more%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %swith increasing accuracy.  When it is done, your system will%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %shave the default level of optimizer statistics.%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

	fprintf(script, "echo %sIf you have used ALTER TABLE to modify the statistics target for%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sany tables, you might want to remove them and restore them after%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %srunning this script because they will delay fast statistics generation.%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

	fprintf(script, "echo %sIf you would like default statistics as quickly as possible, cancel%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %sthis script and run:%s\n",
	fprintf(script, "echo %s    \"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all %s%s\n", ECHO_QUOTE,
			new_cluster.bindir, user_specification,
	/* Did we copy the free space files? */
			(GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 804) ?
			"--analyze-only" : "--analyze", ECHO_QUOTE);
	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);

	fprintf(script, "\"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all --analyze-in-stages\n",
			new_cluster.bindir, user_specification);
	/* Did we copy the free space files? */
	if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) < 804)
		fprintf(script, "\"%s/vacuumdb\" %s--all\n", new_cluster.bindir,

	fprintf(script, "echo%s\n\n", ECHO_BLANK);
	fprintf(script, "echo %sDone%s\n",


#ifndef WIN32
	if (chmod(*analyze_script_file_name, S_IRWXU) != 0)
		pg_fatal("Could not add execute permission to file \"%s\": %s\n",
			   *analyze_script_file_name, getErrorText(errno));

	if (os_info.user_specified)

 * Main entry point to this module.
 * Process the data from *res according to the options in pset (global),
 * to generate the horizontal and vertical headers contents,
 * then call printCrosstab() for the actual output.
PrintResultsInCrosstab(const PGresult *res)
	bool		retval = false;
	avl_tree	piv_columns;
	avl_tree	piv_rows;
	pivot_field *array_columns = NULL;
	pivot_field *array_rows = NULL;
	int			num_columns = 0;
	int			num_rows = 0;
	int			field_for_rows;
	int			field_for_columns;
	int			field_for_data;
	int			sort_field_for_columns;
	int			rn;


	if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
		psql_error("\\crosstabview: query must return results to be shown in crosstab\n");
		goto error_return;

	if (PQnfields(res) < 3)
		psql_error("\\crosstabview: query must return at least three columns\n");
		goto error_return;

	/* Process first optional arg (vertical header column) */
	if (pset.ctv_args[0] == NULL)
		field_for_rows = 0;
		field_for_rows = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[0], res);
		if (field_for_rows < 0)
			goto error_return;

	/* Process second optional arg (horizontal header column) */
	if (pset.ctv_args[1] == NULL)
		field_for_columns = 1;
		field_for_columns = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[1], res);
		if (field_for_columns < 0)
			goto error_return;

	/* Insist that header columns be distinct */
	if (field_for_columns == field_for_rows)
		psql_error("\\crosstabview: vertical and horizontal headers must be different columns\n");
		goto error_return;

	/* Process third optional arg (data column) */
	if (pset.ctv_args[2] == NULL)
		int			i;

		 * If the data column was not specified, we search for the one not
		 * used as either vertical or horizontal headers.  Must be exactly
		 * three columns, or this won't be unique.
		if (PQnfields(res) != 3)
			psql_error("\\crosstabview: data column must be specified when query returns more than three columns\n");
			goto error_return;

		field_for_data = -1;
		for (i = 0; i < PQnfields(res); i++)
			if (i != field_for_rows && i != field_for_columns)
				field_for_data = i;
		Assert(field_for_data >= 0);
		field_for_data = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[2], res);
		if (field_for_data < 0)
			goto error_return;

	/* Process fourth optional arg (horizontal header sort column) */
	if (pset.ctv_args[3] == NULL)
		sort_field_for_columns = -1;	/* no sort column */
		sort_field_for_columns = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[3], res);
		if (sort_field_for_columns < 0)
			goto error_return;

	 * First part: accumulate the names that go into the vertical and
	 * horizontal headers, each into an AVL binary tree to build the set of
	 * DISTINCT values.

	for (rn = 0; rn < PQntuples(res); rn++)
		char	   *val;
		char	   *val1;

		/* horizontal */
		val = PQgetisnull(res, rn, field_for_columns) ? NULL :
			PQgetvalue(res, rn, field_for_columns);
		val1 = NULL;

		if (sort_field_for_columns >= 0 &&
			!PQgetisnull(res, rn, sort_field_for_columns))
			val1 = PQgetvalue(res, rn, sort_field_for_columns);

		avlMergeValue(&piv_columns, val, val1);

		if (piv_columns.count > CROSSTABVIEW_MAX_COLUMNS)
			psql_error("\\crosstabview: maximum number of columns (%d) exceeded\n",
			goto error_return;

		/* vertical */
		val = PQgetisnull(res, rn, field_for_rows) ? NULL :
			PQgetvalue(res, rn, field_for_rows);

		avlMergeValue(&piv_rows, val, NULL);

	 * Second part: Generate sorted arrays from the AVL trees.

	num_columns = piv_columns.count;
	num_rows = piv_rows.count;

	array_columns = (pivot_field *)
		pg_malloc(sizeof(pivot_field) * num_columns);

	array_rows = (pivot_field *)
		pg_malloc(sizeof(pivot_field) * num_rows);

	avlCollectFields(&piv_columns, piv_columns.root, array_columns, 0);
	avlCollectFields(&piv_rows, piv_rows.root, array_rows, 0);

	 * Third part: optionally, process the ranking data for the horizontal
	 * header
	if (sort_field_for_columns >= 0)
		rankSort(num_columns, array_columns);

	 * Fourth part: print the crosstab'ed results.
	retval = printCrosstab(res,
						   num_columns, array_columns, field_for_columns,
						   num_rows, array_rows, field_for_rows,

	avlFree(&piv_columns, piv_columns.root);
	avlFree(&piv_rows, piv_rows.root);

	return retval;
Exemple #12
 * get_loadable_libraries()
 *	Fetch the names of all old libraries containing C-language functions.
 *	We will later check that they all exist in the new installation.
	PGresult  **ress;
	int			totaltups;
	int			dbnum;
	bool		found_public_plpython_handler = false;

	ress = (PGresult **) pg_malloc(old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs * sizeof(PGresult *));
	totaltups = 0;

	/* Fetch all library names, removing duplicates within each DB */
	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
		DbInfo	   *active_db = &old_cluster.dbarr.dbs[dbnum];
		PGconn	   *conn = connectToServer(&old_cluster, active_db->db_name);

		 * Fetch all libraries referenced in this DB.  We can't exclude the
		 * "pg_catalog" schema because, while such functions are not
		 * explicitly dumped by pg_dump, they do reference implicit objects
		 * that pg_dump does dump, e.g. CREATE LANGUAGE plperl.
		ress[dbnum] = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
										"SELECT DISTINCT probin "
										"FROM	pg_catalog.pg_proc "
										"WHERE	prolang = 13 /* C */ AND "
										"probin IS NOT NULL AND "
										"oid >= %u;",
		totaltups += PQntuples(ress[dbnum]);

		 * Systems that install plpython before 8.1 have
		 * plpython_call_handler() defined in the "public" schema, causing
		 * pg_dumpall to dump it.  However that function still references
		 * "plpython" (no "2"), so it throws an error on restore.  This code
		 * checks for the problem function, reports affected databases to the
		 * user and explains how to remove them. 8.1 git commit:
		 * e0dedd0559f005d60c69c9772163e69c204bac69
		 * http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2012-03/msg01101.php
		 * http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2012-05/msg00206.php
		if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) < 901)
			PGresult   *res;

			res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
									"SELECT 1 "
						   "FROM	pg_catalog.pg_proc JOIN pg_namespace "
							 "		ON pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid "
							   "WHERE proname = 'plpython_call_handler' AND "
									"nspname = 'public' AND "
									"prolang = 13 /* C */ AND "
									"probin = '$libdir/plpython' AND "
									"pg_proc.oid >= %u;",
			if (PQntuples(res) > 0)
				if (!found_public_plpython_handler)
						   "\nThe old cluster has a \"plpython_call_handler\" function defined\n"
						   "in the \"public\" schema which is a duplicate of the one defined\n"
						   "in the \"pg_catalog\" schema.  You can confirm this by executing\n"
						   "in psql:\n"
						   "    \\df *.plpython_call_handler\n"
						   "The \"public\" schema version of this function was created by a\n"
						   "pre-8.1 install of plpython, and must be removed for pg_upgrade\n"
						   "to complete because it references a now-obsolete \"plpython\"\n"
						   "shared object file.  You can remove the \"public\" schema version\n"
					   "of this function by running the following command:\n"
						 "    DROP FUNCTION public.plpython_call_handler()\n"
						   "in each affected database:\n"
				pg_log(PG_WARNING, "    %s\n", active_db->db_name);
				found_public_plpython_handler = true;


	if (found_public_plpython_handler)
		 "Remove the problem functions from the old cluster to continue.\n");

	totaltups++;				/* reserve for pg_upgrade_support */

	/* Allocate what's certainly enough space */
	os_info.libraries = (char **) pg_malloc(totaltups * sizeof(char *));

	 * Now remove duplicates across DBs.  This is pretty inefficient code, but
	 * there probably aren't enough entries to matter.
	totaltups = 0;
	os_info.libraries[totaltups++] = pg_strdup(PG_UPGRADE_SUPPORT);

	for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < old_cluster.dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++)
		PGresult   *res = ress[dbnum];
		int			ntups;
		int			rowno;

		ntups = PQntuples(res);
		for (rowno = 0; rowno < ntups; rowno++)
			char	   *lib = PQgetvalue(res, rowno, 0);
			bool		dup = false;
			int			n;

			for (n = 0; n < totaltups; n++)
				if (strcmp(lib, os_info.libraries[n]) == 0)
					dup = true;
			if (!dup)
				os_info.libraries[totaltups++] = pg_strdup(lib);


	os_info.num_libraries = totaltups;

Exemple #13
pfree(void *pointer)
Exemple #14
main(int argc, char **argv)
	char	   *sequence_script_file_name = NULL;
	char	   *deletion_script_file_name = NULL;
	bool		live_check = false;

	parseCommandLine(argc, argv);


	setup(argv[0], live_check);


	check_old_cluster(live_check, &sequence_script_file_name);

	/* -- NEW -- */


	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "\nPerforming Upgrade\n");
	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "------------------\n");



	 * Destructive Changes to New Cluster


	/* New now using xids of the old system */

	/* -- NEW -- */




	transfer_all_new_dbs(&old_cluster.dbarr, &new_cluster.dbarr,
						 old_cluster.pgdata, new_cluster.pgdata);

	 * Assuming OIDs are only used in system tables, there is no need to
	 * restore the OID counter because we have not transferred any OIDs from
	 * the old system, but we do it anyway just in case.  We do it late here
	 * because there is no need to have the schema load use new oids.
	prep_status("Setting next OID for new cluster");
	exec_prog(true, SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s/pg_resetxlog\" -o %u \"%s\" > "
			  new_cluster.bindir, old_cluster.controldata.chkpnt_nxtoid, new_cluster.pgdata);



	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "\nUpgrade complete\n");
	pg_log(PG_REPORT, "----------------\n");




	return 0;
Exemple #15
 * transfer_single_new_db()
 * create links for mappings stored in "maps" array.
static void
transfer_single_new_db(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter,
					   FileNameMap *maps, int size)
	char		old_dir[MAXPGPATH];
	struct dirent **namelist = NULL;
	int			numFiles = 0;
	int			mapnum;
	int			fileno;
	bool		vm_crashsafe_change = false;

	old_dir[0] = '\0';

	/* Do not copy non-crashsafe vm files for binaries that assume crashsafety */
	if (old_cluster.controldata.cat_ver < VISIBILITY_MAP_CRASHSAFE_CAT_VER &&
		new_cluster.controldata.cat_ver >= VISIBILITY_MAP_CRASHSAFE_CAT_VER)
		vm_crashsafe_change = true;

	for (mapnum = 0; mapnum < size; mapnum++)
		char		old_file[MAXPGPATH];
		char		new_file[MAXPGPATH];

		/* Changed tablespaces?  Need a new directory scan? */
		if (strcmp(maps[mapnum].old_dir, old_dir) != 0)
			if (numFiles > 0)
				for (fileno = 0; fileno < numFiles; fileno++)

			snprintf(old_dir, sizeof(old_dir), "%s", maps[mapnum].old_dir);
			numFiles = load_directory(old_dir, &namelist);

		/* Copying files might take some time, so give feedback. */

		snprintf(old_file, sizeof(old_file), "%s/%u", maps[mapnum].old_dir,
		snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s/%u", maps[mapnum].new_dir,
		pg_log(PG_REPORT, OVERWRITE_MESSAGE, old_file);

		 * Copy/link the relation file to the new cluster
		transfer_relfile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file,
						 maps[mapnum].nspname, maps[mapnum].relname);

		/* fsm/vm files added in PG 8.4 */
		if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 804)
			 * Copy/link any fsm and vm files, if they exist
			snprintf(scandir_file_pattern, sizeof(scandir_file_pattern), "%u_",

			for (fileno = 0; fileno < numFiles; fileno++)
				char	   *vm_offset = strstr(namelist[fileno]->d_name, "_vm");
				bool		is_vm_file = false;

				/* Is a visibility map file? (name ends with _vm) */
				if (vm_offset && strlen(vm_offset) == strlen("_vm"))
					is_vm_file = true;

				if (strncmp(namelist[fileno]->d_name, scandir_file_pattern,
							strlen(scandir_file_pattern)) == 0 &&
					(!is_vm_file || !vm_crashsafe_change))
					snprintf(old_file, sizeof(old_file), "%s/%s", maps[mapnum].old_dir,
					snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s/%u%s", maps[mapnum].new_dir,
							 maps[mapnum].new_relfilenode, strchr(namelist[fileno]->d_name, '_'));

					transfer_relfile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file,
								 maps[mapnum].nspname, maps[mapnum].relname);

		 * Now copy/link any related segments as well. Remember, PG breaks
		 * large files into 1GB segments, the first segment has no extension,
		 * subsequent segments are named relfilenode.1, relfilenode.2,
		 * relfilenode.3, ...  'fsm' and 'vm' files use underscores so are not
		 * copied.
		snprintf(scandir_file_pattern, sizeof(scandir_file_pattern), "%u.",

		for (fileno = 0; fileno < numFiles; fileno++)
			if (strncmp(namelist[fileno]->d_name, scandir_file_pattern,
						strlen(scandir_file_pattern)) == 0)
				snprintf(old_file, sizeof(old_file), "%s/%s", maps[mapnum].old_dir,
				snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s/%u%s", maps[mapnum].new_dir,
						 maps[mapnum].new_relfilenode, strchr(namelist[fileno]->d_name, '.'));

				transfer_relfile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file,
								 maps[mapnum].nspname, maps[mapnum].relname);

	if (numFiles > 0)
		for (fileno = 0; fileno < numFiles; fileno++)
Exemple #16
static int
copy_file(const char *srcfile, const char *dstfile, bool force)
#define COPY_BUF_SIZE (50 * BLCKSZ)

	int			src_fd;
	int			dest_fd;
	char	   *buffer;
	int			ret = 0;
	int			save_errno = 0;

	if ((srcfile == NULL) || (dstfile == NULL))
		errno = EINVAL;
		return -1;

	if ((src_fd = open(srcfile, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
		return -1;

	if ((dest_fd = open(dstfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | (force ? 0 : O_EXCL), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0)
		save_errno = errno;

		if (src_fd != 0)

		errno = save_errno;
		return -1;

	buffer = (char *) pg_malloc(COPY_BUF_SIZE);

	/* perform data copying i.e read src source, write to destination */
	while (true)
		ssize_t		nbytes = read(src_fd, buffer, COPY_BUF_SIZE);

		if (nbytes < 0)
			save_errno = errno;
			ret = -1;

		if (nbytes == 0)

		errno = 0;

		if (write(dest_fd, buffer, nbytes) != nbytes)
			/* if write didn't set errno, assume problem is no disk space */
			if (errno == 0)
				errno = ENOSPC;
			save_errno = errno;
			ret = -1;


	if (src_fd != 0)

	if (dest_fd != 0)

	if (save_errno != 0)
		errno = save_errno;

	return ret;
Exemple #17
 * transfer_all_new_dbs()
 * Responsible for upgrading all database. invokes routines to generate mappings and then
 * physically link the databases.
const char *
transfer_all_new_dbs(DbInfoArr *old_db_arr,
				   DbInfoArr *new_db_arr, char *old_pgdata, char *new_pgdata)
	int			old_dbnum,
	const char *msg = NULL;

	prep_status("%s user relation files\n",
	  user_opts.transfer_mode == TRANSFER_MODE_LINK ? "Linking" : "Copying");

	/* Scan the old cluster databases and transfer their files */
	for (old_dbnum = new_dbnum = 0;
		 old_dbnum < old_db_arr->ndbs;
		 old_dbnum++, new_dbnum++)
		DbInfo	   *old_db = &old_db_arr->dbs[old_dbnum],
				   *new_db = NULL;
		FileNameMap *mappings;
		int			n_maps;
		pageCnvCtx *pageConverter = NULL;

		 * Advance past any databases that exist in the new cluster but not in
		 * the old, e.g. "postgres".  (The user might have removed the
		 * 'postgres' database from the old cluster.)
		for (; new_dbnum < new_db_arr->ndbs; new_dbnum++)
			new_db = &new_db_arr->dbs[new_dbnum];
			if (strcmp(old_db->db_name, new_db->db_name) == 0)

		if (new_dbnum >= new_db_arr->ndbs)
			pg_log(PG_FATAL, "old database \"%s\" not found in the new cluster\n",

		n_maps = 0;
		mappings = gen_db_file_maps(old_db, new_db, &n_maps, old_pgdata,

		if (n_maps)
			print_maps(mappings, n_maps, new_db->db_name);

			msg = setupPageConverter(&pageConverter);
			transfer_single_new_db(pageConverter, mappings, n_maps);


	prep_status(" ");			/* in case nothing printed; pass a space so
								 * gcc doesn't complain about empty format
								 * string */

	return msg;
Exemple #18
 * get_control_data()
 * gets pg_control information in "ctrl". Assumes that bindir and
 * datadir are valid absolute paths to postgresql bin and pgdata
 * directories respectively *and* pg_resetxlog is version compatible
 * with datadir. The main purpose of this function is to get pg_control
 * data in a version independent manner.
 * The approach taken here is to invoke pg_resetxlog with -n option
 * and then pipe its output. With little string parsing we get the
 * pg_control data.  pg_resetxlog cannot be run while the server is running
 * so we use pg_controldata;  pg_controldata doesn't provide all the fields
 * we need to actually perform the migration, but it provides enough for
 * check mode.	We do not implement pg_resetxlog -n because it is hard to
 * return valid xid data for a running server.
get_control_data(migratorContext *ctx, ClusterInfo *cluster, bool live_check)
	char		cmd[MAXPGPATH];
	char		bufin[MAX_STRING];
	FILE	   *output;
	char	   *p;
	bool		got_xid = false;
	bool		got_oid = false;
	bool		got_log_id = false;
	bool		got_log_seg = false;
	bool		got_tli = false;
	bool		got_align = false;
	bool		got_blocksz = false;
	bool		got_largesz = false;
	bool		got_walsz = false;
	bool		got_walseg = false;
	bool		got_ident = false;
	bool		got_index = false;
	bool		got_toast = false;
	bool		got_date_is_int = false;
	bool		got_float8_pass_by_value = false;
	char	   *lang = NULL;

	 * Because we test the pg_resetxlog output strings, it has to be in
	 * English.
	if (getenv("LANG"))
		lang = pg_strdup(ctx, getenv("LANG"));
#ifndef WIN32
	putenv(pg_strdup(ctx, "LANG=C"));
	SetEnvironmentVariableA("LANG", "C");
	sprintf(cmd, SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s/%s \"%s\"" SYSTEMQUOTE,
			live_check ? "pg_controldata\"" : "pg_resetxlog\" -n",

	if ((output = popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL)
		pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "Could not get control data: %s\n",

	/* Only pre-8.4 has these so if they are not set below we will check later */
	cluster->controldata.lc_collate = NULL;
	cluster->controldata.lc_ctype = NULL;

	/* Only in <= 8.3 */
	if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803)
		cluster->controldata.float8_pass_by_value = false;
		got_float8_pass_by_value = true;

	/* EDB AS 8.3 is an 8.2 code base */
	if (cluster->is_edb_as && GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803)
		cluster->controldata.toast = TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
		got_toast = true;

	/* we have the result of cmd in "output". so parse it line by line now */
	while (fgets(bufin, sizeof(bufin), output))
		if (ctx->debug)
			fprintf(ctx->debug_fd, bufin);

#ifdef WIN32
		 * Due to an installer bug, LANG=C doesn't work for PG 8.3.3, but does
		 * work 8.2.6 and 8.3.7, so check for non-ASCII output and suggest a
		 * minor upgrade.
		if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803)
			for (p = bufin; *p; p++)
				if (!isascii(*p))
					pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL,
						   "The 8.3 cluster's pg_controldata is incapable of outputting ASCII, even\n"
						   "with LANG=C.  You must upgrade this cluster to a newer version of Postgres\n"
						   "8.3 to fix this bug.  Postgres 8.3.7 and later are known to work properly.\n");

		if ((p = strstr(bufin, "pg_control version number:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: pg_resetxlog problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.ctrl_ver = (uint32) atol(p);
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Catalog version number:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.cat_ver = (uint32) atol(p);
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log file ID after reset:")) != NULL ||
				 (cluster->is_edb_as && GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803 &&
				  (p = strstr(bufin, "Current log file ID:")) != NULL))
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.logid = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_log_id = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log file segment after reset:")) != NULL ||
				 (cluster->is_edb_as && GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803 &&
				  (p = strstr(bufin, "Next log file segment:")) != NULL))
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.nxtlogseg = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_log_seg = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_tli = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_tli = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextXID:")) != NULL)
			char	   *op = strchr(p, '/');

			if (op == NULL)
				op = strchr(p, ':');

			if (op == NULL || strlen(op) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			op++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtxid = (uint32) atol(op);
			got_xid = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextOID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtoid = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_oid = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum data alignment:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.align = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_align = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Database block size:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.blocksz = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_blocksz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Blocks per segment of large relation:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.largesz = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_largesz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "WAL block size:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.walsz = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_walsz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Bytes per WAL segment:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.walseg = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_walseg = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum length of identifiers:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.ident = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_ident = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum columns in an index:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.index = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_index = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.toast = (uint32) atol(p);
			got_toast = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Date/time type storage:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.date_is_int = strstr(p, "64-bit integers") != NULL;
			got_date_is_int = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Float8 argument passing:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			/* used later for /contrib check */
			cluster->controldata.float8_pass_by_value = strstr(p, "by value") != NULL;
			got_float8_pass_by_value = true;
		/* In pre-8.4 only */
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "LC_COLLATE:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			/* skip leading spaces and remove trailing newline */
			p += strspn(p, " ");
			if (strlen(p) > 0 && *(p + strlen(p) - 1) == '\n')
				*(p + strlen(p) - 1) = '\0';
			cluster->controldata.lc_collate = pg_strdup(ctx, p);
		/* In pre-8.4 only */
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "LC_CTYPE:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			/* skip leading spaces and remove trailing newline */
			p += strspn(p, " ");
			if (strlen(p) > 0 && *(p + strlen(p) - 1) == '\n')
				*(p + strlen(p) - 1) = '\0';
			cluster->controldata.lc_ctype = pg_strdup(ctx, p);

	if (output)

	/* restore LANG */
	if (lang)
#ifndef WIN32
		char	   *envstr = (char *) pg_malloc(ctx, strlen(lang) + 6);

		sprintf(envstr, "LANG=%s", lang);
		SetEnvironmentVariableA("LANG", lang);
#ifndef WIN32
		SetEnvironmentVariableA("LANG", "");

	/* verify that we got all the mandatory pg_control data */
	if (!got_xid || !got_oid ||
		(!live_check && !got_log_id) ||
		(!live_check && !got_log_seg) ||
		!got_tli ||
		!got_align || !got_blocksz || !got_largesz || !got_walsz ||
		!got_walseg || !got_ident || !got_index || !got_toast ||
		!got_date_is_int || !got_float8_pass_by_value)
		pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT,
			"Some required control information is missing;  cannot find:\n");

		if (!got_xid)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  checkpoint next XID\n");

		if (!got_oid)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint next OID\n");

		if (!live_check && !got_log_id)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  first log file ID after reset\n");

		if (!live_check && !got_log_seg)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  first log file segment after reset\n");

		if (!got_tli)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint timeline ID\n");

		if (!got_align)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  maximum alignment\n");

		if (!got_blocksz)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  block size\n");

		if (!got_largesz)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  large relation segment size\n");

		if (!got_walsz)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  WAL block size\n");

		if (!got_walseg)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  WAL segment size\n");

		if (!got_ident)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  maximum identifier length\n");

		if (!got_index)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  maximum number of indexed columns\n");

		if (!got_toast)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  maximum TOAST chunk size\n");

		if (!got_date_is_int)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  dates/times are integers?\n");

		/* value added in Postgres 8.4 */
		if (!got_float8_pass_by_value)
			pg_log(ctx, PG_REPORT, "  float8 argument passing method\n");

		pg_log(ctx, PG_FATAL,
			   "Unable to continue without required control information, terminating\n");
Exemple #19
 * Make a database connection with the given parameters.
 * A password can be given, but if not (or if user forces us to) we prompt
 * interactively for one, unless caller prohibited us from doing so.
PGconn *
connectDatabase(const char *dbname, const char *pghost, const char *pgport,
				const char *pguser, const char *pgpassword,
				enum trivalue prompt_password, const char *progname,
				bool fail_ok)
	PGconn	   *conn;
	char	   *password;
	bool		new_pass;

	password = pgpassword ? strdup(pgpassword) : NULL;

	if (prompt_password == TRI_YES && !pgpassword)
		password = simple_prompt("Password: "******"host";
		values[0] = pghost;
		keywords[1] = "port";
		values[1] = pgport;
		keywords[2] = "user";
		values[2] = pguser;
		keywords[3] = "password";
		values[3] = password;
		keywords[4] = "dbname";
		values[4] = dbname;
		keywords[5] = "fallback_application_name";
		values[5] = progname;
		keywords[6] = NULL;
		values[6] = NULL;

		new_pass = false;
		conn = PQconnectdbParams(keywords, values, true);

		if (!conn)
			fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not connect to database %s: out of memory\n"),
					progname, dbname);


		 * No luck?  Trying asking (again) for a password.
		if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD &&
			PQconnectionNeedsPassword(conn) &&
			prompt_password != TRI_NO)
			if (password)
			password = simple_prompt("Password: "******"%s: could not connect to database %s: %s"),
				progname, dbname, PQerrorMessage(conn));

	return conn;
Exemple #20
 *	parallel_transfer_all_new_dbs
 *	This has the same API as transfer_all_new_dbs, except it does parallel execution
 *	by transfering multiple tablespaces in parallel
parallel_transfer_all_new_dbs(DbInfoArr *old_db_arr, DbInfoArr *new_db_arr,
							  char *old_pgdata, char *new_pgdata,
							  char *old_tablespace)
#ifndef WIN32
	pid_t		child;
	HANDLE		child;
	transfer_thread_arg *new_arg;

	if (user_opts.jobs <= 1)
		/* throw_error must be true to allow jobs */
		transfer_all_new_dbs(old_db_arr, new_db_arr, old_pgdata, new_pgdata, NULL);
		/* parallel */
#ifdef WIN32
		if (thread_handles == NULL)
			thread_handles = pg_malloc(user_opts.jobs * sizeof(HANDLE));

		if (transfer_thread_args == NULL)
			int			i;

			transfer_thread_args = pg_malloc(user_opts.jobs * sizeof(transfer_thread_arg *));

			 * For safety and performance, we keep the args allocated during
			 * the entire life of the process, and we don't free the args in a
			 * thread different from the one that allocated it.
			for (i = 0; i < user_opts.jobs; i++)
				transfer_thread_args[i] = pg_malloc0(sizeof(transfer_thread_arg));

		cur_thread_args = (void **) transfer_thread_args;
		/* harvest any dead children */
		while (reap_child(false) == true)

		/* must we wait for a dead child? */
		if (parallel_jobs >= user_opts.jobs)

		/* set this before we start the job */

		/* Ensure stdio state is quiesced before forking */

#ifndef WIN32
		child = fork();
		if (child == 0)
			transfer_all_new_dbs(old_db_arr, new_db_arr, old_pgdata, new_pgdata,
			/* if we take another exit path, it will be non-zero */
			/* use _exit to skip atexit() functions */
		else if (child < 0)
			/* fork failed */
			pg_fatal("could not create worker process: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		/* empty array element are always at the end */
		new_arg = transfer_thread_args[parallel_jobs - 1];

		/* Can only pass one pointer into the function, so use a struct */
		new_arg->old_db_arr = old_db_arr;
		new_arg->new_db_arr = new_db_arr;
		if (new_arg->old_pgdata)
		new_arg->old_pgdata = pg_strdup(old_pgdata);
		if (new_arg->new_pgdata)
		new_arg->new_pgdata = pg_strdup(new_pgdata);
		if (new_arg->old_tablespace)
		new_arg->old_tablespace = old_tablespace ? pg_strdup(old_tablespace) : NULL;

		child = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, (void *) win32_transfer_all_new_dbs,
										new_arg, 0, NULL);
		if (child == 0)
			pg_fatal("could not create worker thread: %s\n", strerror(errno));

		thread_handles[parallel_jobs - 1] = child;

Exemple #21
 * get_control_data()
 * gets pg_control information in "ctrl". Assumes that bindir and
 * datadir are valid absolute paths to postgresql bin and pgdata
 * directories respectively *and* pg_resetxlog is version compatible
 * with datadir. The main purpose of this function is to get pg_control
 * data in a version independent manner.
 * The approach taken here is to invoke pg_resetxlog with -n option
 * and then pipe its output. With little string parsing we get the
 * pg_control data.  pg_resetxlog cannot be run while the server is running
 * so we use pg_controldata;  pg_controldata doesn't provide all the fields
 * we need to actually perform the upgrade, but it provides enough for
 * check mode.	We do not implement pg_resetxlog -n because it is hard to
 * return valid xid data for a running server.
get_control_data(ClusterInfo *cluster, bool live_check)
	char		cmd[MAXPGPATH];
	char		bufin[MAX_STRING];
	FILE	   *output;
	char	   *p;
	bool		got_xid = false;
	bool		got_oid = false;
	bool		got_log_id = false;
	bool		got_log_seg = false;
	bool		got_tli = false;
	bool		got_align = false;
	bool		got_blocksz = false;
	bool		got_largesz = false;
	bool		got_walsz = false;
	bool		got_walseg = false;
	bool		got_ident = false;
	bool		got_index = false;
	bool		got_toast = false;
	bool		got_date_is_int = false;
	bool		got_float8_pass_by_value = false;
	char	   *lc_collate = NULL;
	char	   *lc_ctype = NULL;
	char	   *lc_monetary = NULL;
	char	   *lc_numeric = NULL;
	char	   *lc_time = NULL;
	char	   *lang = NULL;
	char	   *language = NULL;
	char	   *lc_all = NULL;
	char	   *lc_messages = NULL;

	 * Because we test the pg_resetxlog output as strings, it has to be in
	 * English.  Copied from pg_regress.c.
	if (getenv("LC_COLLATE"))
		lc_collate = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_COLLATE"));
	if (getenv("LC_CTYPE"))
		lc_ctype = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_CTYPE"));
	if (getenv("LC_MONETARY"))
		lc_monetary = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_MONETARY"));
	if (getenv("LC_NUMERIC"))
		lc_numeric = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_NUMERIC"));
	if (getenv("LC_TIME"))
		lc_time = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_TIME"));
	if (getenv("LANG"))
		lang = pg_strdup(getenv("LANG"));
	if (getenv("LANGUAGE"))
		language = pg_strdup(getenv("LANGUAGE"));
	if (getenv("LC_ALL"))
		lc_all = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_ALL"));
	if (getenv("LC_MESSAGES"))
		lc_messages = pg_strdup(getenv("LC_MESSAGES"));

	pg_putenv("LC_COLLATE", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_CTYPE", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_MONETARY", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_NUMERIC", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_TIME", NULL);
#ifndef WIN32
	/* On Windows the default locale cannot be English, so force it */
	pg_putenv("LANGUAGE", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_ALL", NULL);
	pg_putenv("LC_MESSAGES", "C");

	snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s/%s \"%s\"" SYSTEMQUOTE,
			 live_check ? "pg_controldata\"" : "pg_resetxlog\" -n",

	if ((output = popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL)
		pg_log(PG_FATAL, "Could not get control data using %s: %s\n",
			   cmd, getErrorText(errno));

	/* Only pre-8.4 has these so if they are not set below we will check later */
	cluster->controldata.lc_collate = NULL;
	cluster->controldata.lc_ctype = NULL;

	/* Only in <= 8.3 */
	if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803)
		cluster->controldata.float8_pass_by_value = false;
		got_float8_pass_by_value = true;

	/* we have the result of cmd in "output". so parse it line by line now */
	while (fgets(bufin, sizeof(bufin), output))
		pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "%s", bufin);

#ifdef WIN32

		 * Due to an installer bug, LANG=C doesn't work for PG 8.3.3, but does
		 * work 8.2.6 and 8.3.7, so check for non-ASCII output and suggest a
		 * minor upgrade.
		if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 803)
			for (p = bufin; *p; p++)
				if (!isascii(*p))
						   "The 8.3 cluster's pg_controldata is incapable of outputting ASCII, even\n"
						   "with LANG=C.  You must upgrade this cluster to a newer version of PostgreSQL\n"
						   "8.3 to fix this bug.  PostgreSQL 8.3.7 and later are known to work properly.\n");

		if ((p = strstr(bufin, "pg_control version number:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: pg_resetxlog problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.ctrl_ver = str2uint(p);
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Catalog version number:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.cat_ver = str2uint(p);
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log file ID after reset:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.logid = str2uint(p);
			got_log_id = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "First log file segment after reset:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.nxtlogseg = str2uint(p);
			got_log_seg = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_tli = str2uint(p);
			got_tli = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextXID:")) != NULL)
			char	   *op = strchr(p, '/');

			if (op == NULL)
				op = strchr(p, ':');

			if (op == NULL || strlen(op) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			op++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtxid = str2uint(op);
			got_xid = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Latest checkpoint's NextOID:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.chkpnt_nxtoid = str2uint(p);
			got_oid = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum data alignment:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.align = str2uint(p);
			got_align = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Database block size:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.blocksz = str2uint(p);
			got_blocksz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Blocks per segment of large relation:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.largesz = str2uint(p);
			got_largesz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "WAL block size:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.walsz = str2uint(p);
			got_walsz = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Bytes per WAL segment:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.walseg = str2uint(p);
			got_walseg = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum length of identifiers:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.ident = str2uint(p);
			got_ident = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum columns in an index:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.index = str2uint(p);
			got_index = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.toast = str2uint(p);
			got_toast = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Date/time type storage:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			cluster->controldata.date_is_int = strstr(p, "64-bit integers") != NULL;
			got_date_is_int = true;
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "Float8 argument passing:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			/* used later for contrib check */
			cluster->controldata.float8_pass_by_value = strstr(p, "by value") != NULL;
			got_float8_pass_by_value = true;
		/* In pre-8.4 only */
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "LC_COLLATE:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			/* skip leading spaces and remove trailing newline */
			p += strspn(p, " ");
			if (strlen(p) > 0 && *(p + strlen(p) - 1) == '\n')
				*(p + strlen(p) - 1) = '\0';
			cluster->controldata.lc_collate = pg_strdup(p);
		/* In pre-8.4 only */
		else if ((p = strstr(bufin, "LC_CTYPE:")) != NULL)
			p = strchr(p, ':');

			if (p == NULL || strlen(p) <= 1)
				pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%d: controldata retrieval problem\n", __LINE__);

			p++;				/* removing ':' char */
			/* skip leading spaces and remove trailing newline */
			p += strspn(p, " ");
			if (strlen(p) > 0 && *(p + strlen(p) - 1) == '\n')
				*(p + strlen(p) - 1) = '\0';
			cluster->controldata.lc_ctype = pg_strdup(p);

	if (output)

	 * Restore environment variables
	pg_putenv("LC_COLLATE", lc_collate);
	pg_putenv("LC_CTYPE", lc_ctype);
	pg_putenv("LC_MONETARY", lc_monetary);
	pg_putenv("LC_NUMERIC", lc_numeric);
	pg_putenv("LC_TIME", lc_time);
	pg_putenv("LANG", lang);
	pg_putenv("LANGUAGE", language);
	pg_putenv("LC_ALL", lc_all);
	pg_putenv("LC_MESSAGES", lc_messages);


	/* verify that we got all the mandatory pg_control data */
	if (!got_xid || !got_oid ||
		(!live_check && !got_log_id) ||
		(!live_check && !got_log_seg) ||
		!got_tli ||
		!got_align || !got_blocksz || !got_largesz || !got_walsz ||
		!got_walseg || !got_ident || !got_index || !got_toast ||
		!got_date_is_int || !got_float8_pass_by_value)
			"Some required control information is missing;  cannot find:\n");

		if (!got_xid)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  checkpoint next XID\n");

		if (!got_oid)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint next OID\n");

		if (!live_check && !got_log_id)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  first log file ID after reset\n");

		if (!live_check && !got_log_seg)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  first log file segment after reset\n");

		if (!got_tli)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  latest checkpoint timeline ID\n");

		if (!got_align)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum alignment\n");

		if (!got_blocksz)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  block size\n");

		if (!got_largesz)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  large relation segment size\n");

		if (!got_walsz)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  WAL block size\n");

		if (!got_walseg)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  WAL segment size\n");

		if (!got_ident)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum identifier length\n");

		if (!got_index)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum number of indexed columns\n");

		if (!got_toast)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  maximum TOAST chunk size\n");

		if (!got_date_is_int)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  dates/times are integers?\n");

		/* value added in Postgres 8.4 */
		if (!got_float8_pass_by_value)
			pg_log(PG_REPORT, "  float8 argument passing method\n");

			   "Cannot continue without required control information, terminating\n");
 * Main entry point to this module.
 * Process the data from *res according the display options in pset (global),
 * to generate the horizontal and vertical headers contents,
 * then call printCrosstab() for the actual output.
PrintResultsInCrosstab(const PGresult *res)
	char	   *opt_field_for_rows = pset.ctv_col_V;
	char	   *opt_field_for_columns = pset.ctv_col_H;
	char	   *opt_field_for_data = pset.ctv_col_D;
	int			rn;
	avl_tree	piv_columns;
	avl_tree	piv_rows;
	pivot_field *array_columns = NULL;
	pivot_field *array_rows = NULL;
	int			num_columns = 0;
	int			num_rows = 0;
	int		   *colsV = NULL,
			   *colsH = NULL,
			   *colsD = NULL;
	int			n;
	int			field_for_columns;
	int			sort_field_for_columns = -1;
	int			field_for_rows;
	int			field_for_data = -1;
	bool		retval = false;


	if (res == NULL)
		psql_error(_("No result\n"));
		goto error_return;

	if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
		psql_error(_("The query must return results to be shown in crosstab\n"));
		goto error_return;

	if (opt_field_for_rows && !opt_field_for_columns)
		psql_error(_("A second column must be specified for the horizontal header\n"));
		goto error_return;

	if (PQnfields(res) <= 2)
		psql_error(_("The query must return at least two columns to be shown in crosstab\n"));
		goto error_return;

	 * Arguments processing for the vertical header (1st arg) displayed in the
	 * left-most column. Only a reference to a field is accepted (no sort
	 * column).

	if (opt_field_for_rows == NULL)
		field_for_rows = 0;
		n = parseColumnRefs(opt_field_for_rows, res, &colsV, 1, ':');
		if (n != 1)
			goto error_return;
		field_for_rows = colsV[0];

	if (field_for_rows < 0)
		goto error_return;

	 * Arguments processing for the horizontal header (2nd arg)
	 * (pivoted column that gets displayed as the first row).
	 * Determine:
	 * - the field number for the horizontal header column
	 * - the field number of the associated sort column, if any

	if (opt_field_for_columns == NULL)
		field_for_columns = 1;
		n = parseColumnRefs(opt_field_for_columns, res, &colsH, 2, ':');
		if (n <= 0)
			goto error_return;
		if (n == 1)
			field_for_columns = colsH[0];
			field_for_columns = colsH[0];
			sort_field_for_columns = colsH[1];

		if (field_for_columns < 0)
			goto error_return;

	if (field_for_columns == field_for_rows)
		psql_error(_("The same column cannot be used for both vertical and horizontal headers\n"));
		goto error_return;

	 * Arguments processing for the data columns (3rd arg).  Determine the
	 * column to display in the grid.
	if (opt_field_for_data == NULL)
		int		i;

		 * If the data column was not specified, we search for the one not
		 * used as either vertical or horizontal headers.  If the result has
		 * more than three columns, raise an error.
		if (PQnfields(res) > 3)
			psql_error(_("Data column must be specified when the result set has more than three columns\n"));
			goto error_return;

		for (i = 0; i < PQnfields(res); i++)
			if (i != field_for_rows && i != field_for_columns)
				field_for_data = i;
		Assert(field_for_data >= 0);
		int		num_fields;

		/* If a field was given, find out what it is.  Only one is allowed. */
		num_fields = parseColumnRefs(opt_field_for_data, res, &colsD, 1, ',');
		if (num_fields < 1)
			goto error_return;
		field_for_data = colsD[0];

	 * First part: accumulate the names that go into the vertical and
	 * horizontal headers, each into an AVL binary tree to build the set of
	 * DISTINCT values.

	for (rn = 0; rn < PQntuples(res); rn++)
		char	   *val;
		char	   *val1;

		/* horizontal */
		val = PQgetisnull(res, rn, field_for_columns) ? NULL :
			PQgetvalue(res, rn, field_for_columns);
		val1 = NULL;

		if (sort_field_for_columns >= 0 &&
			!PQgetisnull(res, rn, sort_field_for_columns))
			val1 = PQgetvalue(res, rn, sort_field_for_columns);

		avlMergeValue(&piv_columns, val, val1);

		if (piv_columns.count > CROSSTABVIEW_MAX_COLUMNS)
			psql_error(_("Maximum number of columns (%d) exceeded\n"),
			goto error_return;

		/* vertical */
		val = PQgetisnull(res, rn, field_for_rows) ? NULL :
			PQgetvalue(res, rn, field_for_rows);

		avlMergeValue(&piv_rows, val, NULL);

	 * Second part: Generate sorted arrays from the AVL trees.

	num_columns = piv_columns.count;
	num_rows = piv_rows.count;

	array_columns = (pivot_field *)
		pg_malloc(sizeof(pivot_field) * num_columns);

	array_rows = (pivot_field *)
		pg_malloc(sizeof(pivot_field) * num_rows);

	avlCollectFields(&piv_columns, piv_columns.root, array_columns, 0);
	avlCollectFields(&piv_rows, piv_rows.root, array_rows, 0);

	 * Third part: optionally, process the ranking data for the horizontal
	 * header
	if (sort_field_for_columns >= 0)
		rankSort(num_columns, array_columns);

	 * Fourth part: print the crosstab'ed results.
	retval = printCrosstab(res,
						   num_columns, array_columns, field_for_columns,
						   num_rows, array_rows, field_for_rows,

	avlFree(&piv_columns, piv_columns.root);
	avlFree(&piv_rows, piv_rows.root);

	return retval;
Exemple #23
static void
free_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *rel_arr)
	rel_arr->nrels = 0;
 * Parse "arg", which is a string of column IDs separated by "separator".
 * Each column ID can be:
 * - a number from 1 to PQnfields(res)
 * - an unquoted column name matching (case insensitively) one of PQfname(res,...)
 * - a quoted column name matching (case sensitively) one of PQfname(res,...)
 * If max_columns > 0, it is the max number of column IDs allowed.
 * On success, return number of column IDs found (possibly 0), and return a
 * malloc'd array of the matching column numbers of "res" into *col_numbers.
 * On failure, return -1 and set *col_numbers to NULL.
static int
parseColumnRefs(const char *arg,
				const PGresult *res,
				int **col_numbers,
				int max_columns,
				char separator)
	const char *p = arg;
	char		c;
	int			num_cols = 0;

	*col_numbers = NULL;
	while ((c = *p) != '\0')
		const char *field_start = p;
		bool		quoted_field = false;

		/* first char */
		if (c == '"')
			quoted_field = true;

		while ((c = *p) != '\0')
			if (c == separator && !quoted_field)
			if (c == '"')		/* end of field or embedded double quote */
				if (*p == '"')
					if (quoted_field)
				else if (quoted_field && *p == separator)
			if (*p)
				p += PQmblen(p, pset.encoding);

		if (p != field_start)
			char   *col_name;
			int		col_num;

			/* enforce max_columns limit */
			if (max_columns > 0 && num_cols == max_columns)
				psql_error(_("No more than %d column references expected\n"),
				goto errfail;
			/* look up the column and add its index into *col_numbers */
			col_name = pg_malloc(p - field_start + 1);
			memcpy(col_name, field_start, p - field_start);
			col_name[p - field_start] = '\0';
			col_num = indexOfColumn(col_name, res);
			if (col_num < 0)
				goto errfail;
			*col_numbers = (int *) pg_realloc(*col_numbers,
											  (num_cols + 1) * sizeof(int));
			(*col_numbers)[num_cols++] = col_num;
			psql_error(_("Empty column reference\n"));
			goto errfail;

		if (*p)
			p += PQmblen(p, pset.encoding);
	return num_cols;

	*col_numbers = NULL;
	return -1;
Exemple #25
 * parseCommandLine()
 *	Parses the command line (argc, argv[]) and loads structures
parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
	static struct option long_options[] = {
		{"old-datadir", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
		{"new-datadir", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
		{"old-bindir", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
		{"new-bindir", required_argument, NULL, 'B'},
		{"old-port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
		{"new-port", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},

		{"user", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
		{"check", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
		{"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'g'},
		{"debugfile", required_argument, NULL, 'G'},
		{"link", no_argument, NULL, 'k'},
		{"logfile", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
		{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
		{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
	int			option;			/* Command line option */
	int			optindex = 0;	/* used by getopt_long */
	int			os_user_effective_id;

	user_opts.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_COPY;

	os_info.progname = get_progname(argv[0]);

	/* Process libpq env. variables; load values here for usage() output */
	old_cluster.port = getenv("PGPORTOLD") ? atoi(getenv("PGPORTOLD")) : DEF_PGUPORT;
	new_cluster.port = getenv("PGPORTNEW") ? atoi(getenv("PGPORTNEW")) : DEF_PGUPORT;

	os_user_effective_id = get_user_info(&os_info.user);
	/* we override just the database user name;  we got the OS id above */
	if (getenv("PGUSER"))
		/* must save value, getenv()'s pointer is not stable */
		os_info.user = pg_strdup(getenv("PGUSER"));

	if (argc > 1)
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 ||
			strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0)
			puts("pg_upgrade (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION);

	/* Allow help and version to be run as root, so do the test here. */
	if (os_user_effective_id == 0)
		pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%s: cannot be run as root\n", os_info.progname);

	getcwd(os_info.cwd, MAXPGPATH);

	while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:D:b:B:cgG:kl:p:P:u:v",
								 long_options, &optindex)) != -1)
		switch (option)
			case 'b':
				old_cluster.bindir = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'B':
				new_cluster.bindir = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'c':
				user_opts.check = true;

			case 'd':
				old_cluster.pgdata = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'D':
				new_cluster.pgdata = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'g':
				pg_log(PG_REPORT, "Running in debug mode\n");
				log_opts.debug = true;

			case 'G':
				if ((log_opts.debug_fd = fopen(optarg, "w")) == NULL)
					pg_log(PG_FATAL, "cannot open debug file\n");

			case 'k':
				user_opts.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_LINK;

			case 'l':
				log_opts.filename = pg_strdup(optarg);

			case 'p':
				if ((old_cluster.port = atoi(optarg)) <= 0)
					pg_log(PG_FATAL, "invalid old port number\n");

			case 'P':
				if ((new_cluster.port = atoi(optarg)) <= 0)
					pg_log(PG_FATAL, "invalid new port number\n");

			case 'u':
				os_info.user = pg_strdup(optarg);

				 * Push the user name into the environment so pre-9.1
				 * pg_ctl/libpq uses it.
				pg_putenv("PGUSER", os_info.user);

			case 'v':
				pg_log(PG_REPORT, "Running in verbose mode\n");
				log_opts.verbose = true;

					   "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n",

	if (log_opts.filename != NULL)
		 * We must use append mode so output generated by child processes via
		 * ">>" will not be overwritten, and we want the file truncated on
		 * start.
		/* truncate */
		if ((log_opts.fd = fopen(log_opts.filename, "w")) == NULL)
			pg_log(PG_FATAL, "cannot write to log file %s\n", log_opts.filename);
		if ((log_opts.fd = fopen(log_opts.filename, "a")) == NULL)
			pg_log(PG_FATAL, "cannot write to log file %s\n", log_opts.filename);
		log_opts.filename = strdup(DEVNULL);

	/* if no debug file name, output to the terminal */
	if (log_opts.debug && !log_opts.debug_fd)
		log_opts.debug_fd = fopen(DEVTTY, "w");
		if (!log_opts.debug_fd)
			pg_log(PG_FATAL, "cannot write to terminal\n");

	/* Get values from env if not already set */
	check_required_directory(&old_cluster.bindir, "PGBINOLD", "-b",
							"old cluster binaries reside");
	check_required_directory(&new_cluster.bindir, "PGBINNEW", "-B",
							"new cluster binaries reside");
	check_required_directory(&old_cluster.pgdata, "PGDATAOLD", "-d",
							"old cluster data resides");
	check_required_directory(&new_cluster.pgdata, "PGDATANEW", "-D",
							"new cluster data resides");