Exemple #1
 *		int2out			- converts short to "num"
datum_t int2out(PG_FUNC_ARGS)
	int16 arg1 = ARG_INT16(0);
	char *result = (char*) palloc(7);	/* sign, 5 digits, '\0' */

	pg_itoa(arg1, result);
 *		int2out			- converts short to "num"
	int16		arg1 = PG_GETARG_INT16(0);
	char	   *result = (char *) palloc(7);	/* sign, 5 digits, '\0' */

	pg_itoa(arg1, result);
	int16		arg1 = PG_GETARG_INT16(0);
	text	   *result = (text *) palloc(7 + VARHDRSZ); /* sign,5 digits, '\0' */

	pg_itoa(arg1, VARDATA(result));
	VARATT_SIZEP(result) = strlen(VARDATA(result)) + VARHDRSZ;
Exemple #4
 *		int2vectorout		- converts internal form to "num num ..."
datum_t int2vectorout(PG_FUNC_ARGS)
	int2_vector_s *int2Array = (int2_vector_s *) ARG_POINTER(0);
	int num, nnums = int2Array->dim1;
	char *rp;
	char *result;

	/* assumes sign, 5 digits, ' ' */
	rp = result = (char *)palloc(nnums * 7 + 1);
	for (num = 0; num < nnums; num++) {
		if (num != 0)
			*rp++ = ' ';

		pg_itoa(int2Array->values[num], rp);
		while (*++rp != '\0') ;

	*rp = '\0';
Exemple #5
 * Create a set of logical tapes in a temporary underlying file.
 * Each tape is initialized in write state.  Serial callers pass ntapes,
 * NULL argument for shared, and -1 for worker.  Parallel worker callers
 * pass ntapes, a shared file handle, NULL shared argument,  and their own
 * worker number.  Leader callers, which claim shared worker tapes here,
 * must supply non-sentinel values for all arguments except worker number,
 * which should be -1.
 * Leader caller is passing back an array of metadata each worker captured
 * when LogicalTapeFreeze() was called for their final result tapes.  Passed
 * tapes array is actually sized ntapes - 1, because it includes only
 * worker tapes, whereas leader requires its own leader tape.  Note that we
 * rely on the assumption that reclaimed worker tapes will only be read
 * from once by leader, and never written to again (tapes are initialized
 * for writing, but that's only to be consistent).  Leader may not write to
 * its own tape purely due to a restriction in the shared buffile
 * infrastructure that may be lifted in the future.
LogicalTapeSet *
LogicalTapeSetCreate(int ntapes, TapeShare *shared, SharedFileSet *fileset,
					 int worker)
	LogicalTapeSet *lts;
	LogicalTape *lt;
	int			i;

	 * Create top-level struct including per-tape LogicalTape structs.
	Assert(ntapes > 0);
	lts = (LogicalTapeSet *) palloc(offsetof(LogicalTapeSet, tapes) +
									ntapes * sizeof(LogicalTape));
	lts->nBlocksAllocated = 0L;
	lts->nBlocksWritten = 0L;
	lts->nHoleBlocks = 0L;
	lts->forgetFreeSpace = false;
	lts->blocksSorted = true;	/* a zero-length array is sorted ... */
	lts->freeBlocksLen = 32;	/* reasonable initial guess */
	lts->freeBlocks = (long *) palloc(lts->freeBlocksLen * sizeof(long));
	lts->nFreeBlocks = 0;
	lts->nTapes = ntapes;

	 * Initialize per-tape structs.  Note we allocate the I/O buffer and the
	 * first block for a tape only when it is first actually written to.  This
	 * avoids wasting memory space when tuplesort.c overestimates the number
	 * of tapes needed.
	for (i = 0; i < ntapes; i++)
		lt = &lts->tapes[i];
		lt->writing = true;
		lt->frozen = false;
		lt->dirty = false;
		lt->firstBlockNumber = -1L;
		lt->curBlockNumber = -1L;
		lt->nextBlockNumber = -1L;
		lt->offsetBlockNumber = 0L;
		lt->buffer = NULL;
		lt->buffer_size = 0;
		/* palloc() larger than MaxAllocSize would fail */
		lt->max_size = MaxAllocSize;
		lt->pos = 0;
		lt->nbytes = 0;

	 * Create temp BufFile storage as required.
	 * Leader concatenates worker tapes, which requires special adjustment to
	 * final tapeset data.  Things are simpler for the worker case and the
	 * serial case, though.  They are generally very similar -- workers use a
	 * shared fileset, whereas serial sorts use a conventional serial BufFile.
	if (shared)
		ltsConcatWorkerTapes(lts, shared, fileset);
	else if (fileset)
		char		filename[MAXPGPATH];

		pg_itoa(worker, filename);
		lts->pfile = BufFileCreateShared(fileset, filename);
		lts->pfile = BufFileCreateTemp(false);

	return lts;
Exemple #6
 * Claim ownership of a set of logical tapes from existing shared BufFiles.
 * Caller should be leader process.  Though tapes are marked as frozen in
 * workers, they are not frozen when opened within leader, since unfrozen tapes
 * use a larger read buffer. (Frozen tapes have smaller read buffer, optimized
 * for random access.)
static void
ltsConcatWorkerTapes(LogicalTapeSet *lts, TapeShare *shared,
					 SharedFileSet *fileset)
	LogicalTape *lt = NULL;
	long		tapeblocks = 0L;
	long		nphysicalblocks = 0L;
	int			i;

	/* Should have at least one worker tape, plus leader's tape */
	Assert(lts->nTapes >= 2);

	 * Build concatenated view of all BufFiles, remembering the block number
	 * where each source file begins.  No changes are needed for leader/last
	 * tape.
	for (i = 0; i < lts->nTapes - 1; i++)
		char		filename[MAXPGPATH];
		BufFile    *file;
		int64		filesize;

		lt = &lts->tapes[i];

		pg_itoa(i, filename);
		file = BufFileOpenShared(fileset, filename);
		filesize = BufFileSize(file);

		 * Stash first BufFile, and concatenate subsequent BufFiles to that.
		 * Store block offset into each tape as we go.
		lt->firstBlockNumber = shared[i].firstblocknumber;
		if (i == 0)
			lts->pfile = file;
			lt->offsetBlockNumber = 0L;
			lt->offsetBlockNumber = BufFileAppend(lts->pfile, file);
		/* Don't allocate more for read buffer than could possibly help */
		lt->max_size = Min(MaxAllocSize, filesize);
		tapeblocks = filesize / BLCKSZ;
		nphysicalblocks += tapeblocks;

	 * Set # of allocated blocks, as well as # blocks written.  Use extent of
	 * new BufFile space (from 0 to end of last worker's tape space) for this.
	 * Allocated/written blocks should include space used by holes left
	 * between concatenated BufFiles.
	lts->nBlocksAllocated = lt->offsetBlockNumber + tapeblocks;
	lts->nBlocksWritten = lts->nBlocksAllocated;

	 * Compute number of hole blocks so that we can later work backwards, and
	 * instrument number of physical blocks.  We don't simply use physical
	 * blocks directly for instrumentation because this would break if we ever
	 * subsequently wrote to the leader tape.
	 * Working backwards like this keeps our options open.  If shared BufFiles
	 * ever support being written to post-export, logtape.c can automatically
	 * take advantage of that.  We'd then support writing to the leader tape
	 * while recycling space from worker tapes, because the leader tape has a
	 * zero offset (write routines won't need to have extra logic to apply an
	 * offset).
	 * The only thing that currently prevents writing to the leader tape from
	 * working is the fact that BufFiles opened using BufFileOpenShared() are
	 * read-only by definition, but that could be changed if it seemed
	 * worthwhile.  For now, writing to the leader tape will raise a "Bad file
	 * descriptor" error, so tuplesort must avoid writing to the leader tape
	 * altogether.
	lts->nHoleBlocks = lts->nBlocksAllocated - nphysicalblocks;