Exemple #1
create_pgm_socket (void)
    struct pgm_addrinfo_t* res = NULL;
    pgm_error_t* pgm_err = NULL;
    sa_family_t sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;

    /* parse network parameter into PGM socket address structure */
    if (!pgm_getaddrinfo (g_network, NULL, &res, &pgm_err)) {
        g_error ("Parsing network parameter: %s", pgm_err->message);
        goto err_abort;

    sa_family = res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_group.ss_family;

    if (g_udp_encap_port) {
        if (!pgm_socket (&g_sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_UDP, &pgm_err)) {
            g_error ("Creating PGM/UDP socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
            goto err_abort;
        pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_UCAST_PORT, &g_udp_encap_port, sizeof(g_udp_encap_port));
        pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_MCAST_PORT, &g_udp_encap_port, sizeof(g_udp_encap_port));
    } else {
        if (!pgm_socket (&g_sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_PGM, &pgm_err)) {
            g_error ("Creating PGM/IP socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
            goto err_abort;

    /* Use RFC 2113 tagging for PGM Router Assist */
    const int no_router_assist = 0;
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_IP_ROUTER_ALERT, &no_router_assist, sizeof(no_router_assist));


    /* set PGM parameters */
    const int send_only = 1,
              ambient_spm = pgm_secs (30),
              heartbeat_spm[] = { pgm_msecs (100),
                                  pgm_msecs (100),
                                  pgm_msecs (100),
                                  pgm_msecs (100),
                                  pgm_msecs (1300),
                                  pgm_secs  (7),
                                  pgm_secs  (16),
                                  pgm_secs  (25),
                                  pgm_secs  (30)

    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_ONLY, &send_only, sizeof(send_only));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MTU, &g_max_tpdu, sizeof(g_max_tpdu));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TXW_SQNS, &g_sqns, sizeof(g_sqns));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TXW_MAX_RTE, &g_max_rte, sizeof(g_max_rte));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_AMBIENT_SPM, &ambient_spm, sizeof(ambient_spm));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_HEARTBEAT_SPM, &heartbeat_spm, sizeof(heartbeat_spm));
    if (g_fec) {
        struct pgm_fecinfo_t fecinfo;
        fecinfo.block_size		= g_n;
        fecinfo.proactive_packets	= 0;
        fecinfo.group_size		= g_k;
        fecinfo.ondemand_parity_enabled	= TRUE;
        fecinfo.var_pktlen_enabled	= TRUE;
        pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_USE_FEC, &fecinfo, sizeof(fecinfo));

    /* create global session identifier */
    struct pgm_sockaddr_t addr;
    memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sa_port = g_port ? g_port : DEFAULT_DATA_DESTINATION_PORT;
    addr.sa_addr.sport = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_PORT;
    if (!pgm_gsi_create_from_hostname (&addr.sa_addr.gsi, &pgm_err)) {
        g_error ("Creating GSI: %s", pgm_err->message);
        goto err_abort;

    /* assign socket to specified address */
    struct pgm_interface_req_t if_req;
    memset (&if_req, 0, sizeof(if_req));
    if_req.ir_interface = res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_interface;
    memcpy (&if_req.ir_address, &res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
    if (!pgm_bind3 (g_sock,
                    &addr, sizeof(addr),
                    &if_req, sizeof(if_req),	/* tx interface */
                    &if_req, sizeof(if_req),	/* rx interface */
        g_error ("Binding PGM socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
        goto err_abort;

    /* join IP multicast groups */
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < res->ai_recv_addrs_len; i++)
        pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_JOIN_GROUP, &res->ai_recv_addrs[i], sizeof(struct group_req));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_GROUP, &res->ai_send_addrs[0], sizeof(struct group_req));
    pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);

    /* set IP parameters */
    const int blocking = 0,
              multicast_loop = g_multicast_loop ? 1 : 0,
              multicast_hops = 16,
              dscp = 0x2e << 2;		/* Expedited Forwarding PHB for network elements, no ECN. */

    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_LOOP, &multicast_loop, sizeof(multicast_loop));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_HOPS, &multicast_hops, sizeof(multicast_hops));
    if (AF_INET6 != sa_family)
        pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TOS, &dscp, sizeof(dscp));
    pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NOBLOCK, &blocking, sizeof(blocking));

    if (!pgm_connect (g_sock, &pgm_err)) {
        g_error ("Connecting PGM socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
        goto err_abort;

    return TRUE;

    if (NULL != g_sock) {
        pgm_close (g_sock, FALSE);
        g_sock = NULL;
    if (NULL != res) {
        pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        res = NULL;
    if (NULL != pgm_err) {
        pgm_error_free (pgm_err);
        pgm_err = NULL;
    return FALSE;
Exemple #2
//  Create, bind and connect PGM socket.
int zmq::pgm_socket_t::init (bool udp_encapsulation_, const char *network_)
    //  Can not open transport before destroying old one.
    zmq_assert (sock == NULL);
    zmq_assert (options.rate > 0);

    //  Zero counter used in msgrecv.
    nbytes_rec = 0;
    nbytes_processed = 0;
    pgm_msgv_processed = 0;

    uint16_t port_number;
    struct pgm_addrinfo_t *res = NULL;
    sa_family_t sa_family;

    pgm_error_t *pgm_error = NULL;

    if (init_address(network_, &res, &port_number) < 0) {
        goto err_abort;

    zmq_assert (res != NULL);

    //  Pick up detected IP family.
    sa_family = res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_group.ss_family;

    //  Create IP/PGM or UDP/PGM socket.
    if (udp_encapsulation_) {
        if (!pgm_socket (&sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_UDP,
              &pgm_error)) {

            //  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t.
            zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
            if (pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_SOCKET && (
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_BADF &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAULT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_NOPROTOOPT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAILED))

                //  User, host, or network configuration or transient error.
                goto err_abort;

            //  Fatal OpenPGM internal error.
            zmq_assert (false);

        //  All options are of data type int
        const int encapsulation_port = port_number;
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_UCAST_PORT,
                &encapsulation_port, sizeof (encapsulation_port)))
            goto err_abort;
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_MCAST_PORT,
                &encapsulation_port, sizeof (encapsulation_port)))
            goto err_abort;
    else {
        if (!pgm_socket (&sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_PGM,
              &pgm_error)) {

            //  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t.
            zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
            if (pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_SOCKET && (
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_BADF &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAULT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_NOPROTOOPT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAILED))

                //  User, host, or network configuration or transient error.
                goto err_abort;

            //  Fatal OpenPGM internal error.
            zmq_assert (false);

		const int rcvbuf = (int) options.rcvbuf;
		if (rcvbuf >= 0) {
		    if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &rcvbuf,
		          sizeof (rcvbuf)))
		        goto err_abort;

		const int sndbuf = (int) options.sndbuf;
		if (sndbuf >= 0) {
		    if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf,
		          sizeof (sndbuf)))
		        goto err_abort;

		const int max_tpdu = (int) pgm_max_tpdu;
		if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MTU, &max_tpdu,
		      sizeof (max_tpdu)))
		    goto err_abort;

    if (receiver) {
        const int recv_only        = 1,
                  rxw_max_tpdu     = (int) pgm_max_tpdu,
                  rxw_sqns         = compute_sqns (rxw_max_tpdu),
                  peer_expiry      = pgm_secs (300),
                  spmr_expiry      = pgm_msecs (25),
                  nak_bo_ivl       = pgm_msecs (50),
                  nak_rpt_ivl      = pgm_msecs (200),
                  nak_rdata_ivl    = pgm_msecs (200),
                  nak_data_retries = 50,
                  nak_ncf_retries  = 50;

        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RECV_ONLY, &recv_only,
                sizeof (recv_only)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RXW_SQNS, &rxw_sqns,
                sizeof (rxw_sqns)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_PEER_EXPIRY, &peer_expiry,
                sizeof (peer_expiry)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SPMR_EXPIRY, &spmr_expiry,
                sizeof (spmr_expiry)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_BO_IVL, &nak_bo_ivl,
                sizeof (nak_bo_ivl)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RPT_IVL, &nak_rpt_ivl,
                sizeof (nak_rpt_ivl)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RDATA_IVL,
                &nak_rdata_ivl, sizeof (nak_rdata_ivl)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_DATA_RETRIES,
                &nak_data_retries, sizeof (nak_data_retries)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_NCF_RETRIES,
                &nak_ncf_retries, sizeof (nak_ncf_retries)))
            goto err_abort;
    else {
        const int send_only        = 1,
                  max_rte      = (int) ((options.rate * 1000) / 8),
                  txw_max_tpdu     = (int) pgm_max_tpdu,
                  txw_sqns         = compute_sqns (txw_max_tpdu),
                  ambient_spm      = pgm_secs (30),
                  heartbeat_spm[]  = { pgm_msecs (100),
                                       pgm_msecs (100),
                                       pgm_msecs (100),
                                       pgm_msecs (100),
                                       pgm_msecs (1300),
                                       pgm_secs  (7),
                                       pgm_secs  (16),
                                       pgm_secs  (25),
                                       pgm_secs  (30) };

        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_ONLY,
                &send_only, sizeof (send_only)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_ODATA_MAX_RTE,
                &max_rte, sizeof (max_rte)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TXW_SQNS,
                &txw_sqns, sizeof (txw_sqns)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_AMBIENT_SPM,
                &ambient_spm, sizeof (ambient_spm)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_HEARTBEAT_SPM,
                &heartbeat_spm, sizeof (heartbeat_spm)))
            goto err_abort;

    //  PGM transport GSI.
    struct pgm_sockaddr_t addr;

    memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sa_port = port_number;
    addr.sa_addr.sport = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_PORT;

    //  Create random GSI.
    uint32_t buf [2];
    buf [0] = generate_random ();
    buf [1] = generate_random ();
    if (!pgm_gsi_create_from_data (&addr.sa_addr.gsi, (uint8_t*) buf, 8))
        goto err_abort;

    //  Bind a transport to the specified network devices.
    struct pgm_interface_req_t if_req;
    memset (&if_req, 0, sizeof(if_req));
    if_req.ir_interface = res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_interface;
    if_req.ir_scope_id  = 0;
    if (AF_INET6 == sa_family) {
        struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
        memcpy (&sa6, &res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_group, sizeof (sa6));
        if_req.ir_scope_id = sa6.sin6_scope_id;
    if (!pgm_bind3 (sock, &addr, sizeof (addr), &if_req, sizeof (if_req),
          &if_req, sizeof (if_req), &pgm_error)) {

        //  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t.
        zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
        if ((pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_SOCKET ||
             pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_IF) && (
             pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_INVAL &&
             pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_BADF &&
             pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAULT))

            //  User, host, or network configuration or transient error.
            goto err_abort;

        //  Fatal OpenPGM internal error.
        zmq_assert (false);

    //  Join IP multicast groups.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < res->ai_recv_addrs_len; i++) {
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_JOIN_GROUP,
              &res->ai_recv_addrs [i], sizeof (struct group_req)))
            goto err_abort;
    if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_GROUP,
          &res->ai_send_addrs [0], sizeof (struct group_req)))
        goto err_abort;

    pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
    res = NULL;

    //  Set IP level parameters.
		// Multicast loopback disabled by default
		const int multicast_loop = 0;
		if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_LOOP,
		      &multicast_loop, sizeof (multicast_loop)))
		    goto err_abort;

		const int multicast_hops = options.multicast_hops;
		if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_HOPS,
		        &multicast_hops, sizeof (multicast_hops)))
		    goto err_abort;

		//  Expedited Forwarding PHB for network elements, no ECN.
		//  Ignore return value due to varied runtime support.
		const int dscp = 0x2e << 2;
		if (AF_INET6 != sa_family)
		    pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TOS,
		       &dscp, sizeof (dscp));

		const int nonblocking = 1;
		if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NOBLOCK,
		      &nonblocking, sizeof (nonblocking)))
		    goto err_abort;

    //  Connect PGM transport to start state machine.
    if (!pgm_connect (sock, &pgm_error)) {

        //  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t.
        zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
        goto err_abort;

    //  For receiver transport preallocate pgm_msgv array.
    if (receiver) {
        zmq_assert (in_batch_size > 0);
        size_t max_tsdu_size = get_max_tsdu_size ();
        pgm_msgv_len = (int) in_batch_size / max_tsdu_size;
        if ((int) in_batch_size % max_tsdu_size)
        zmq_assert (pgm_msgv_len);

        pgm_msgv = (pgm_msgv_t*) malloc (sizeof (pgm_msgv_t) * pgm_msgv_len);
        alloc_assert (pgm_msgv);

    return 0;

    if (sock != NULL) {
        pgm_close (sock, FALSE);
        sock = NULL;
    if (res != NULL) {
        pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        res = NULL;
    if (pgm_error != NULL) {
        pgm_error_free (pgm_error);
        pgm_error = NULL;
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;
Exemple #3
on_startup (void)
	struct pgm_addrinfo_t* res = NULL;
	pgm_error_t* pgm_err = NULL;
	sa_family_t sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;

	g_message ("startup.");

/* parse network parameter into transport address structure */
	if (!pgm_getaddrinfo (g_network, NULL, &res, &pgm_err)) {
		g_error ("parsing network parameter: %s", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

	sa_family = res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_group.ss_family;

	if (g_udp_encap_port) {
		g_message ("create PGM/UDP socket.");
		if (!pgm_socket (&g_sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_UDP, &pgm_err)) {
			g_error ("socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
			goto err_abort;
		pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_UCAST_PORT, &g_udp_encap_port, sizeof(g_udp_encap_port));
		pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_MCAST_PORT, &g_udp_encap_port, sizeof(g_udp_encap_port));
	} else {
		g_message ("create PGM/IP socket.");
		if (!pgm_socket (&g_sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_PGM, &pgm_err)) {
			g_error ("socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
			goto err_abort;

/* Use RFC 2113 tagging for PGM Router Assist */
	const int no_router_assist = 0;
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_IP_ROUTER_ALERT, &no_router_assist, sizeof(no_router_assist));


/* set PGM parameters */
	const int recv_only = 1,
		  passive = 0,
		  peer_expiry = pgm_secs (300),
		  spmr_expiry = pgm_msecs (250),
		  nak_bo_ivl = pgm_msecs (50),
		  nak_rpt_ivl = pgm_secs (2),
		  nak_rdata_ivl = pgm_secs (2),
		  nak_data_retries = 50,
		  nak_ncf_retries = 50;

	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RECV_ONLY, &recv_only, sizeof(recv_only));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_PASSIVE, &passive, sizeof(passive));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MTU, &g_max_tpdu, sizeof(g_max_tpdu));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RXW_SQNS, &g_sqns, sizeof(g_sqns));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_PEER_EXPIRY, &peer_expiry, sizeof(peer_expiry));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SPMR_EXPIRY, &spmr_expiry, sizeof(spmr_expiry));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_BO_IVL, &nak_bo_ivl, sizeof(nak_bo_ivl));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RPT_IVL, &nak_rpt_ivl, sizeof(nak_rpt_ivl));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RDATA_IVL, &nak_rdata_ivl, sizeof(nak_rdata_ivl));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_DATA_RETRIES, &nak_data_retries, sizeof(nak_data_retries));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_NCF_RETRIES, &nak_ncf_retries, sizeof(nak_ncf_retries));

/* create global session identifier */
	struct pgm_sockaddr_t addr;
	memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
	addr.sa_port = g_port ? g_port : DEFAULT_DATA_DESTINATION_PORT;
	addr.sa_addr.sport = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_PORT;
	if (!pgm_gsi_create_from_hostname (&addr.sa_addr.gsi, &pgm_err)) {
		g_error ("creating GSI: %s", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

/* assign socket to specified address */
	struct pgm_interface_req_t if_req;
	memset (&if_req, 0, sizeof(if_req));
	if_req.ir_interface = res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_interface;
	memcpy (&if_req.ir_address, &res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
	if (!pgm_bind3 (g_sock,
			&addr, sizeof(addr),
			&if_req, sizeof(if_req),	/* tx interface */
			&if_req, sizeof(if_req),	/* rx interface */
		g_error ("binding PGM socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

/* join IP multicast groups */
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < res->ai_recv_addrs_len; i++)
		pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_JOIN_GROUP, &res->ai_recv_addrs[i], sizeof(struct group_req));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_GROUP, &res->ai_send_addrs[0], sizeof(struct group_req));
	pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);

/* set IP parameters */
	const int blocking = 0,
		  multicast_loop = g_multicast_loop ? 1 : 0,
		  multicast_hops = 16,
		  dscp = 0x2e << 2;		/* Expedited Forwarding PHB for network elements, no ECN. */

	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_LOOP, &multicast_loop, sizeof(multicast_loop));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_HOPS, &multicast_hops, sizeof(multicast_hops));
	if (AF_INET6 != sa_family)
		pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TOS, &dscp, sizeof(dscp));
	pgm_setsockopt (g_sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NOBLOCK, &blocking, sizeof(blocking));

	if (!pgm_connect (g_sock, &pgm_err)) {
		g_error ("connecting PGM socket: %s", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

	g_message ("startup complete.");
	return TRUE;

	if (NULL != g_sock) {
		pgm_close (g_sock, FALSE);
		g_sock = NULL;
	if (NULL != res) {
		pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
		res = NULL;
	if (NULL != pgm_err) {
		pgm_error_free (pgm_err);
		pgm_err = NULL;
	return FALSE;
int zmq::socket_base_t::connect (const char *addr_)
    if (unlikely (ctx_terminated)) {
        errno = ETERM;
        return -1;

    //  Parse addr_ string.
    std::string protocol;
    std::string address;
    int rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    //  Checks that protocol is valid and supported on this system
    rc = check_protocol (protocol);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    //  Parsed address for validation
    sockaddr_storage addr;
    socklen_t addr_len;

    if (protocol == "tcp")
        rc = resolve_ip_hostname (&addr, &addr_len, address.c_str ());
    if (protocol == "ipc")
        rc = resolve_local_path (&addr, &addr_len, address.c_str ());
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    if (protocol == "inproc" || protocol == "sys") {

        //  TODO: inproc connect is specific with respect to creating pipes
        //  as there's no 'reconnect' functionality implemented. Once that
        //  is in place we should follow generic pipe creation algorithm.

        //  Find the peer endpoint.
        endpoint_t peer = find_endpoint (addr_);
        if (!peer.socket)
            return -1;

        reader_t *inpipe_reader = NULL;
        writer_t *inpipe_writer = NULL;
        reader_t *outpipe_reader = NULL;
        writer_t *outpipe_writer = NULL;

        // The total HWM for an inproc connection should be the sum of
        // the binder's HWM and the connector's HWM.  (Similarly for the
        // SWAP.)
        int64_t  hwm;
        if (options.hwm == 0 || peer.options.hwm == 0)
            hwm = 0;
            hwm = options.hwm + peer.options.hwm;
        int64_t swap;
        if (options.swap == 0 && peer.options.swap == 0)
            swap = 0;
            swap = options.swap + peer.options.swap;

        //  Create inbound pipe, if required.
        if (options.requires_in)
            create_pipe (this, peer.socket, hwm, swap,
                &inpipe_reader, &inpipe_writer);

        //  Create outbound pipe, if required.
        if (options.requires_out)
            create_pipe (peer.socket, this, hwm, swap,
                &outpipe_reader, &outpipe_writer);

        //  Attach the pipes to this socket object.
        attach_pipes (inpipe_reader, outpipe_writer, peer.options.identity);

        //  Attach the pipes to the peer socket. Note that peer's seqnum
        //  was incremented in find_endpoint function. We don't need it
        //  increased here.
        send_bind (peer.socket, outpipe_reader, inpipe_writer,
            options.identity, false);

        return 0;

    //  Choose the I/O thread to run the session in.
    io_thread_t *io_thread = choose_io_thread (options.affinity);
    if (!io_thread) {
        errno = EMTHREAD;
        return -1;

    if (protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm") {
        struct pgm_addrinfo_t *res = NULL;
        uint16_t port_number = 0;
        int rc = pgm_socket_t::init_address(address.c_str(), &res, &port_number);
        if (res != NULL)
            pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        if (rc != 0 || port_number == 0)
            return -1;

    //  Create session.
    connect_session_t *session = new (std::nothrow) connect_session_t (
        io_thread, this, options, protocol.c_str (), address.c_str ());
    alloc_assert (session);

    //  If 'immediate connect' feature is required, we'll create the pipes
    //  to the session straight away. Otherwise, they'll be created by the
    //  session once the connection is established.
    if (options.immediate_connect) {

        reader_t *inpipe_reader = NULL;
        writer_t *inpipe_writer = NULL;
        reader_t *outpipe_reader = NULL;
        writer_t *outpipe_writer = NULL;

        //  Create inbound pipe, if required.
        if (options.requires_in)
            create_pipe (this, session, options.hwm, options.swap,
                &inpipe_reader, &inpipe_writer);

        //  Create outbound pipe, if required.
        if (options.requires_out)
            create_pipe (session, this, options.hwm, options.swap,
                &outpipe_reader, &outpipe_writer);

        //  Attach the pipes to the socket object.
        attach_pipes (inpipe_reader, outpipe_writer, blob_t ());

        //  Attach the pipes to the session object.
        session->attach_pipes (outpipe_reader, inpipe_writer, blob_t ());

    //  Activate the session. Make it a child of this socket.
    launch_child (session);

    return 0;
Exemple #5
int zmq::socket_base_t::connect (const char *addr_)
    if (unlikely (ctx_terminated)) {
        errno = ETERM;
        return -1;

    //  Process pending commands, if any.
    int rc = process_commands (0, false);
    if (unlikely (rc != 0))
        return -1;

    //  Parse addr_ string.
    std::string protocol;
    std::string address;
    rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    rc = check_protocol (protocol);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    if (protocol == "inproc") {

        //  TODO: inproc connect is specific with respect to creating pipes
        //  as there's no 'reconnect' functionality implemented. Once that
        //  is in place we should follow generic pipe creation algorithm.

        //  Find the peer endpoint.
        endpoint_t peer = find_endpoint (addr_);
        if (!peer.socket)
            return -1;

        // The total HWM for an inproc connection should be the sum of
        // the binder's HWM and the connector's HWM.
        int sndhwm = 0;
        if (options.sndhwm != 0 && peer.options.rcvhwm != 0)
            sndhwm = options.sndhwm + peer.options.rcvhwm;
        int rcvhwm = 0;
        if (options.rcvhwm != 0 && peer.options.sndhwm != 0)
            rcvhwm = options.rcvhwm + peer.options.sndhwm;

        //  Create a bi-directional pipe to connect the peers.
        object_t *parents [2] = {this, peer.socket};
        pipe_t *new_pipes [2] = {NULL, NULL};

        bool conflate = options.conflate &&
            (options.type == ZMQ_DEALER ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PULL ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUSH ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUB ||
             options.type == ZMQ_SUB);

        int hwms [2] = {conflate? -1 : sndhwm, conflate? -1 : rcvhwm};
        bool delays [2] = {options.delay_on_disconnect, options.delay_on_close};
        bool conflates [2] = {conflate, conflate};
        int rc = pipepair (parents, new_pipes, hwms, delays, conflates);
        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        //  Attach local end of the pipe to this socket object.
        attach_pipe (new_pipes [0]);

        //  If required, send the identity of the local socket to the peer.
        if (peer.options.recv_identity) {
            msg_t id;
            rc = id.init_size (options.identity_size);
            errno_assert (rc == 0);
            memcpy (id.data (), options.identity, options.identity_size);
            id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
            bool written = new_pipes [0]->write (&id);
            zmq_assert (written);
            new_pipes [0]->flush ();

        //  If required, send the identity of the peer to the local socket.
        if (options.recv_identity) {
            msg_t id;
            rc = id.init_size (peer.options.identity_size);
            errno_assert (rc == 0);
            memcpy (id.data (), peer.options.identity, peer.options.identity_size);
            id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
            bool written = new_pipes [1]->write (&id);
            zmq_assert (written);
            new_pipes [1]->flush ();

        //  Attach remote end of the pipe to the peer socket. Note that peer's
        //  seqnum was incremented in find_endpoint function. We don't need it
        //  increased here.
        send_bind (peer.socket, new_pipes [1], false);

        // Save last endpoint URI
        last_endpoint.assign (addr_);

        // remember inproc connections for disconnect
        inprocs.insert (inprocs_t::value_type (std::string (addr_), new_pipes[0]));

        return 0;

    //  Choose the I/O thread to run the session in.
    io_thread_t *io_thread = choose_io_thread (options.affinity);
    if (!io_thread) {
        errno = EMTHREAD;
        return -1;

    address_t *paddr = new (std::nothrow) address_t (protocol, address);
    alloc_assert (paddr);

    //  Resolve address (if needed by the protocol)
    if (protocol == "tcp") {
        paddr->resolved.tcp_addr = new (std::nothrow) tcp_address_t ();
        alloc_assert (paddr->resolved.tcp_addr);
        int rc = paddr->resolved.tcp_addr->resolve (
            address.c_str (), false, options.ipv6);
        if (rc != 0) {
            delete paddr;
            return -1;
#if !defined ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS && !defined ZMQ_HAVE_OPENVMS
    if (protocol == "ipc") {
        paddr->resolved.ipc_addr = new (std::nothrow) ipc_address_t ();
        alloc_assert (paddr->resolved.ipc_addr);
        int rc = paddr->resolved.ipc_addr->resolve (address.c_str ());
        if (rc != 0) {
            delete paddr;
            return -1;
    if (protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm") {
        struct pgm_addrinfo_t *res = NULL;
        uint16_t port_number = 0;
        int rc = pgm_socket_t::init_address(address.c_str(), &res, &port_number);
        if (res != NULL)
            pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        if (rc != 0 || port_number == 0)
            return -1;
    //  Create session.
    session_base_t *session = session_base_t::create (io_thread, true, this,
        options, paddr);
    errno_assert (session);

    //  PGM does not support subscription forwarding; ask for all data to be
    //  sent to this pipe.
    bool icanhasall = protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm";
    pipe_t *newpipe = NULL;

    if (options.immediate != 1 || icanhasall) {
        //  Create a bi-directional pipe.
        object_t *parents [2] = {this, session};
        pipe_t *new_pipes [2] = {NULL, NULL};

        bool conflate = options.conflate &&
            (options.type == ZMQ_DEALER ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PULL ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUSH ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUB ||
             options.type == ZMQ_SUB);

        int hwms [2] = {conflate? -1 : options.sndhwm,
            conflate? -1 : options.rcvhwm};
        bool delays [2] = {options.delay_on_disconnect, options.delay_on_close};
        bool conflates [2] = {conflate, conflate};
        rc = pipepair (parents, new_pipes, hwms, delays, conflates);
        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        //  Attach local end of the pipe to the socket object.
        attach_pipe (new_pipes [0], icanhasall);
        newpipe = new_pipes [0];

        //  Attach remote end of the pipe to the session object later on.
        session->attach_pipe (new_pipes [1]);

    //  Save last endpoint URI
    paddr->to_string (last_endpoint);

    add_endpoint (addr_, (own_t *) session, newpipe);
    return 0;
Exemple #6
//  Create, bind and connect PGM socket.
//  network_ of the form <interface & multicast group decls>:<IP port>
//  e.g. eth0;
//       link-local;,;
//       ;[fe80::1%en0]:7500
int zmq::pgm_socket_t::init (bool udp_encapsulation_, const char *network_)
    //  Can not open transport before destroying old one. 
    zmq_assert (sock == NULL);
    //  Parse port number, start from end for IPv6
    const char *port_delim = strrchr (network_, ':');
    if (!port_delim) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    uint16_t port_number = atoi (port_delim + 1);
    char network [256];
    if (port_delim - network_ >= (int) sizeof (network) - 1) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;
    memset (network, '\0', sizeof (network));
    memcpy (network, network_, port_delim - network_);
    //  Validate socket options 
    //  Data rate is in [B/s]. options.rate is in [kb/s].
    if (options.rate <= 0) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;
    //  Recovery interval [s]. 
    if (options.recovery_ivl <= 0) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    //  Zero counter used in msgrecv.
    nbytes_rec = 0;
    nbytes_processed = 0;
    pgm_msgv_processed = 0;

    bool rc;
    pgm_error_t *pgm_error = NULL;
    struct pgm_addrinfo_t hints, *res = NULL;
    sa_family_t sa_family;

    memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    if (!pgm_getaddrinfo (network, NULL, &res, &pgm_error)) {
//  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t
        zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
        if (pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_IF && (
//  NB: cannot catch EAI_BADFLAGS
              pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_SERVICE &&
              pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_SOCKTNOSUPPORT))
//  User, host, or network configuration or transient error
            goto err_abort;

//  Fatal OpenPGM internal error
        zmq_assert (false);

    zmq_assert (res != NULL);

    //  Pick up detected IP family
    sa_family = res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_group.ss_family;

    //  Create IP/PGM or UDP/PGM socket
    if (udp_encapsulation_) {
        if (!pgm_socket (&sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_UDP, &pgm_error)) {
//  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t
            zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
            if (pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_SOCKET && (
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_BADF &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAULT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_NOPROTOOPT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAILED))
//  User, host, or network configuration or transient error
                goto err_abort;

//  Fatal OpenPGM internal error
            zmq_assert (false);

        //  All options are of data type int
        const int encapsulation_port = port_number;
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_UCAST_PORT, &encapsulation_port, sizeof (encapsulation_port)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_MCAST_PORT, &encapsulation_port, sizeof (encapsulation_port)))
            goto err_abort;
    } else {
        if (!pgm_socket (&sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_PGM, &pgm_error)) {
//  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t
            zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
            if (pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_SOCKET && (
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_BADF &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAULT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_NOPROTOOPT &&
                  pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAILED))
//  User, host, or network configuration or transient error
                goto err_abort;

//  Fatal OpenPGM internal error
            zmq_assert (false);

        const int rcvbuf = (int) options.rcvbuf,
                  sndbuf = (int) options.sndbuf,
                  max_tpdu = (int) pgm_max_tpdu;
        if (rcvbuf) {
            if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &rcvbuf, sizeof (rcvbuf)))
                    goto err_abort;
        if (sndbuf) {
            if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf, sizeof (sndbuf)))
                    goto err_abort;

    //  Set maximum transport protocol data unit size (TPDU).
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MTU, &max_tpdu, sizeof (max_tpdu)))
            goto err_abort;

    if (receiver) {
        const int recv_only        = 1,
                  rxw_max_rte      = options.rate * 1000 / 8,
                  rxw_secs         = options.recovery_ivl,
                  peer_expiry      = 5 * pgm_msecs (8192),
                  spmr_expiry      = pgm_msecs (25),
                  nak_bo_ivl       = pgm_msecs (50),
                  nak_rpt_ivl      = pgm_msecs (200),
                  nak_rdata_ivl    = pgm_msecs (200),
                  nak_data_retries = 5,
                  nak_ncf_retries  = 2;

        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RECV_ONLY, &recv_only, sizeof (recv_only)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RXW_MAX_RTE, &rxw_max_rte, sizeof (rxw_max_rte)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RXW_SECS, &rxw_secs, sizeof (rxw_secs)) ||
	    !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_PEER_EXPIRY, &peer_expiry, sizeof (peer_expiry)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SPMR_EXPIRY, &spmr_expiry, sizeof (spmr_expiry)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_BO_IVL, &nak_bo_ivl, sizeof (nak_bo_ivl)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RPT_IVL, &nak_rpt_ivl, sizeof (nak_rpt_ivl)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RDATA_IVL, &nak_rdata_ivl, sizeof (nak_rdata_ivl)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_DATA_RETRIES, &nak_data_retries, sizeof (nak_data_retries)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_NCF_RETRIES, &nak_ncf_retries, sizeof (nak_ncf_retries)))
            goto err_abort;
    } else {
        const int send_only        = 1,
                  txw_max_rte      = options.rate * 1000 / 8,
                  txw_secs         = options.recovery_ivl,
                  ambient_spm      = pgm_msecs (8192),
                  heartbeat_spm[]  = { pgm_msecs (4),
                                       pgm_msecs (4),
                                       pgm_msecs (8),
                                       pgm_msecs (16),
                                       pgm_msecs (32),
                                       pgm_msecs (64),
                                       pgm_msecs (128),
                                       pgm_msecs (256),
                                       pgm_msecs (512),
                                       pgm_msecs (1024),
                                       pgm_msecs (2048),
                                       pgm_msecs (4096),
                                       pgm_msecs (8192) };

        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_ONLY, &send_only, sizeof (send_only)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TXW_MAX_RTE, &txw_max_rte, sizeof (txw_max_rte)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TXW_SECS, &txw_secs, sizeof (txw_secs)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_AMBIENT_SPM, &ambient_spm, sizeof (ambient_spm)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_HEARTBEAT_SPM, &heartbeat_spm, sizeof (heartbeat_spm)))
            goto err_abort;

    //  PGM transport GSI.
    struct pgm_sockaddr_t addr;

    memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sa_port = port_number;
    addr.sa_addr.sport = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_PORT;

    if (options.identity.size () > 0) {

        //  Create gsi from identity.
        if (!pgm_gsi_create_from_data (&addr.sa_addr.gsi, options.identity.data (), options.identity.size ()))
            goto err_abort;
    } else {

        //  Generate random gsi.
        std::string gsi_base = uuid_t ().to_string ();
        if (!pgm_gsi_create_from_string (&addr.sa_addr.gsi, gsi_base.c_str (), -1))
            goto err_abort;

    //  Bind a transport to the specified network devices.
    struct pgm_interface_req_t if_req;
    memset (&if_req, 0, sizeof(if_req));
    if_req.ir_interface = res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_interface;
    if_req.ir_scope_id  = 0;
    if (AF_INET6 == sa_family) {
        struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
        memcpy (&sa6, &res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_group, sizeof (sa6));
        if_req.ir_scope_id = sa6.sin6_scope_id;
    if (!pgm_bind3 (sock, &addr, sizeof (addr), &if_req, sizeof (if_req), &if_req, sizeof (if_req), &pgm_error)) {
//  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t
        zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
        if ((pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_SOCKET ||
             pgm_error->domain == PGM_ERROR_DOMAIN_IF) && (
             pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_INVAL &&
             pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_BADF &&
             pgm_error->code != PGM_ERROR_FAULT))
//  User, host, or network configuration or transient error
            goto err_abort;

//  Fatal OpenPGM internal error
        zmq_assert (false);

    //  Join IP multicast groups
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < res->ai_recv_addrs_len; i++)
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_JOIN_GROUP, &res->ai_recv_addrs[i], sizeof (struct group_req)))
            goto err_abort;
    if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_GROUP, &res->ai_send_addrs[0], sizeof (struct group_req)))
        goto err_abort;

    pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
    res = NULL;

    //  Set IP level parameters
        const int nonblocking      = 1,
                  multicast_loop   = options.use_multicast_loop ? 1 : 0,
                  multicast_hops   = 16,
                  dscp             = 0x2e << 2; /* Expedited Forwarding PHB for network elements, no ECN. */

        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_LOOP, &multicast_loop, sizeof (multicast_loop)) ||
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_HOPS, &multicast_hops, sizeof (multicast_hops)))
            goto err_abort;
        if (AF_INET6 != sa_family &&
            !pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TOS, &dscp, sizeof (dscp)))
            goto err_abort;
        if (!pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NOBLOCK, &nonblocking, sizeof (nonblocking)))
            goto err_abort;

    //  Connect PGM transport to start state machine.
    if (!pgm_connect (sock, &pgm_error)) {
//  Invalid parameters don't set pgm_error_t
        zmq_assert (pgm_error != NULL);
        goto err_abort;

    //  For receiver transport preallocate pgm_msgv array.
    if (receiver) {
        zmq_assert (in_batch_size > 0);
        size_t max_tsdu_size = get_max_tsdu_size ();
        pgm_msgv_len = (int) in_batch_size / max_tsdu_size;
        if ((int) in_batch_size % max_tsdu_size)
        zmq_assert (pgm_msgv_len);

        pgm_msgv = (pgm_msgv_t*) malloc (sizeof (pgm_msgv_t) * pgm_msgv_len);

    return 0;

    if (sock != NULL) {
        pgm_close (sock, FALSE);
        sock = NULL;
    if (res != NULL) {
        pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        res = NULL;
    if (pgm_error != NULL) {
        pgm_error_free (pgm_error);
        pgm_error = NULL;
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;
Exemple #7
int zmq::socket_base_t::connect (const char *addr_)

    if (unlikely (ctx_terminated)) {
        errno = ETERM;
        return -1;

    //  Process pending commands, if any.
    int rc = process_commands (0, false);
    if (unlikely (rc != 0)) {
        return -1;

    //  Parse addr_ string.
    std::string protocol;
    std::string address;
    if (parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address) || check_protocol (protocol)) {
        return -1;

    if (protocol == "inproc") {

        //  TODO: inproc connect is specific with respect to creating pipes
        //  as there's no 'reconnect' functionality implemented. Once that
        //  is in place we should follow generic pipe creation algorithm.

        //  Find the peer endpoint.
        endpoint_t peer = find_endpoint (addr_);

        // The total HWM for an inproc connection should be the sum of
        // the binder's HWM and the connector's HWM.
        int sndhwm = 0;
        if (peer.socket == NULL)
            sndhwm = options.sndhwm;
        else if (options.sndhwm != 0 && peer.options.rcvhwm != 0)
            sndhwm = options.sndhwm + peer.options.rcvhwm;
        int rcvhwm = 0;
        if (peer.socket == NULL)
            rcvhwm = options.rcvhwm;
        if (options.rcvhwm != 0 && peer.options.sndhwm != 0)
            rcvhwm = options.rcvhwm + peer.options.sndhwm;

        //  Create a bi-directional pipe to connect the peers.
        object_t *parents [2] = {this, peer.socket == NULL ? this : peer.socket};
        pipe_t *new_pipes [2] = {NULL, NULL};

        bool conflate = options.conflate &&
            (options.type == ZMQ_DEALER ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PULL ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUSH ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUB ||
             options.type == ZMQ_SUB);

        int hwms [2] = {conflate? -1 : sndhwm, conflate? -1 : rcvhwm};
        bool conflates [2] = {conflate, conflate};
        int rc = pipepair (parents, new_pipes, hwms, conflates);
        if (!conflate) {
            new_pipes[0]->set_hwms_boost(peer.options.sndhwm, peer.options.rcvhwm);
            new_pipes[1]->set_hwms_boost(options.sndhwm, options.rcvhwm);

        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        if (!peer.socket) {
            //  The peer doesn't exist yet so we don't know whether
            //  to send the identity message or not. To resolve this,
            //  we always send our identity and drop it later if
            //  the peer doesn't expect it.
            msg_t id;
            rc = id.init_size (options.identity_size);
            errno_assert (rc == 0);
            memcpy (id.data (), options.identity, options.identity_size);
            id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
            bool written = new_pipes [0]->write (&id);
            zmq_assert (written);
            new_pipes [0]->flush ();

            const endpoint_t endpoint = {this, options};
            pend_connection (std::string (addr_), endpoint, new_pipes);
        else {
            //  If required, send the identity of the local socket to the peer.
            if (peer.options.recv_identity) {
                msg_t id;
                rc = id.init_size (options.identity_size);
                errno_assert (rc == 0);
                memcpy (id.data (), options.identity, options.identity_size);
                id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
                bool written = new_pipes [0]->write (&id);
                zmq_assert (written);
                new_pipes [0]->flush ();

            //  If required, send the identity of the peer to the local socket.
            if (options.recv_identity) {
                msg_t id;
                rc = id.init_size (peer.options.identity_size);
                errno_assert (rc == 0);
                memcpy (id.data (), peer.options.identity, peer.options.identity_size);
                id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
                bool written = new_pipes [1]->write (&id);
                zmq_assert (written);
                new_pipes [1]->flush ();

            //  Attach remote end of the pipe to the peer socket. Note that peer's
            //  seqnum was incremented in find_endpoint function. We don't need it
            //  increased here.
            send_bind (peer.socket, new_pipes [1], false);

        //  Attach local end of the pipe to this socket object.
        attach_pipe (new_pipes [0]);

        // Save last endpoint URI
        last_endpoint.assign (addr_);

        // remember inproc connections for disconnect
        inprocs.insert (inprocs_t::value_type (std::string (addr_), new_pipes [0]));

        options.connected = true;
        return 0;
    bool is_single_connect = (options.type == ZMQ_DEALER ||
                              options.type == ZMQ_SUB ||
                              options.type == ZMQ_REQ);
    if (unlikely (is_single_connect)) {
        const endpoints_t::iterator it = endpoints.find (addr_);
        if (it != endpoints.end ()) {
            // There is no valid use for multiple connects for SUB-PUB nor
            // DEALER-ROUTER nor REQ-REP. Multiple connects produces
            // nonsensical results.
            return 0;

    //  Choose the I/O thread to run the session in.
    io_thread_t *io_thread = choose_io_thread (options.affinity);
    if (!io_thread) {
        errno = EMTHREAD;
        return -1;

    address_t *paddr = new (std::nothrow) address_t (protocol, address);
    alloc_assert (paddr);

    //  Resolve address (if needed by the protocol)
    if (protocol == "tcp") {
        //  Do some basic sanity checks on tcp:// address syntax
        //  - hostname starts with digit or letter, with embedded '-' or '.'
        //  - IPv6 address may contain hex chars and colons.
        //  - IPv4 address may contain decimal digits and dots.
        //  - Address must end in ":port" where port is *, or numeric
        //  - Address may contain two parts separated by ':'
        //  Following code is quick and dirty check to catch obvious errors,
        //  without trying to be fully accurate.
        const char *check = address.c_str ();
        if (isalnum (*check) || isxdigit (*check)) {
            while (isalnum  (*check)
                || isxdigit (*check)
                || *check == '.' || *check == '-' || *check == ':'|| *check == ';')
        //  Assume the worst, now look for success
        rc = -1;
        //  Did we reach the end of the address safely?
        if (*check == 0) {
            //  Do we have a valid port string? (cannot be '*' in connect
            check = strrchr (address.c_str (), ':');
            if (check) {
                if (*check && (isdigit (*check)))
                    rc = 0;     //  Valid
        if (rc == -1) {
            errno = EINVAL;
            delete paddr;
            return -1;
        //  Defer resolution until a socket is opened
        paddr->resolved.tcp_addr = NULL;
#if !defined ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS && !defined ZMQ_HAVE_OPENVMS
    if (protocol == "ipc") {
        paddr->resolved.ipc_addr = new (std::nothrow) ipc_address_t ();
        alloc_assert (paddr->resolved.ipc_addr);
        int rc = paddr->resolved.ipc_addr->resolve (address.c_str ());
        if (rc != 0) {
            delete paddr;
            return -1;
// TBD - Should we check address for ZMQ_HAVE_NORM???
    if (protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm") {
        struct pgm_addrinfo_t *res = NULL;
        uint16_t port_number = 0;
        int rc = pgm_socket_t::init_address(address.c_str(), &res, &port_number);
        if (res != NULL)
            pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        if (rc != 0 || port_number == 0) {
          return -1;
#if defined ZMQ_HAVE_TIPC
    if (protocol == "tipc") {
        paddr->resolved.tipc_addr = new (std::nothrow) tipc_address_t ();
        alloc_assert (paddr->resolved.tipc_addr);
        int rc = paddr->resolved.tipc_addr->resolve (address.c_str());
        if (rc != 0) {
            delete paddr;
            return -1;

    //  Create session.
    session_base_t *session = session_base_t::create (io_thread, true, this,
        options, paddr);
    errno_assert (session);

    //  PGM does not support subscription forwarding; ask for all data to be
    //  sent to this pipe. (same for NORM, currently?)
    bool subscribe_to_all = protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm" || protocol == "norm";
    pipe_t *newpipe = NULL;

    if (options.immediate != 1 || subscribe_to_all) {
        //  Create a bi-directional pipe.
        object_t *parents [2] = {this, session};
        pipe_t *new_pipes [2] = {NULL, NULL};

        bool conflate = options.conflate &&
            (options.type == ZMQ_DEALER ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PULL ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUSH ||
             options.type == ZMQ_PUB ||
             options.type == ZMQ_SUB);

        int hwms [2] = {conflate? -1 : options.sndhwm,
            conflate? -1 : options.rcvhwm};
        bool conflates [2] = {conflate, conflate};
        rc = pipepair (parents, new_pipes, hwms, conflates);
        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        //  Attach local end of the pipe to the socket object.
        attach_pipe (new_pipes [0], subscribe_to_all);
        newpipe = new_pipes [0];

        //  Attach remote end of the pipe to the session object later on.
        session->attach_pipe (new_pipes [1]);

    //  Save last endpoint URI
    paddr->to_string (last_endpoint);

    add_endpoint (addr_, (own_t *) session, newpipe);
    return 0;
Exemple #8
on_startup (void)
	struct pgm_addrinfo_t* res = NULL;
	pgm_error_t* pgm_err = NULL;
	sa_family_t sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;

/* parse network parameter into PGM socket address structure */
	if (!pgm_getaddrinfo (network, NULL, &res, &pgm_err)) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Parsing network parameter: %s\n", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

	sa_family = res->ai_send_addrs[0].gsr_group.ss_family;

	if (udp_encap_port) {
		puts ("Create PGM/UDP socket.");
		if (!pgm_socket (&sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_UDP, &pgm_err)) {
			fprintf (stderr, "Creating PGM/UDP socket: %s\n", pgm_err->message);
			goto err_abort;
		pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_UCAST_PORT, &udp_encap_port, sizeof(udp_encap_port));
		pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_UDP_ENCAP_MCAST_PORT, &udp_encap_port, sizeof(udp_encap_port));
	} else {
		puts ("Create PGM/IP socket.");
		if (!pgm_socket (&sock, sa_family, SOCK_SEQPACKET, IPPROTO_PGM, &pgm_err)) {
			fprintf (stderr, "Creating PGM/IP socket: %s\n", pgm_err->message);
			goto err_abort;

/* Use RFC 2113 tagging for PGM Router Assist */
	const int no_router_assist = 0;
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_IP_ROUTER_ALERT, &no_router_assist, sizeof(no_router_assist));


/* set PGM parameters */
	const int recv_only = 1,
		  passive = 0,
		  peer_expiry = pgm_secs (300),
		  spmr_expiry = pgm_msecs (250),
		  nak_bo_ivl = pgm_msecs (50),
		  nak_rpt_ivl = pgm_secs (2),
		  nak_rdata_ivl = pgm_secs (2),
		  nak_data_retries = 50,
		  nak_ncf_retries = 50;

	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RECV_ONLY, &recv_only, sizeof(recv_only));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_PASSIVE, &passive, sizeof(passive));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MTU, &max_tpdu, sizeof(max_tpdu));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_RXW_SQNS, &sqns, sizeof(sqns));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_PEER_EXPIRY, &peer_expiry, sizeof(peer_expiry));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SPMR_EXPIRY, &spmr_expiry, sizeof(spmr_expiry));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_BO_IVL, &nak_bo_ivl, sizeof(nak_bo_ivl));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RPT_IVL, &nak_rpt_ivl, sizeof(nak_rpt_ivl));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_RDATA_IVL, &nak_rdata_ivl, sizeof(nak_rdata_ivl));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_DATA_RETRIES, &nak_data_retries, sizeof(nak_data_retries));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NAK_NCF_RETRIES, &nak_ncf_retries, sizeof(nak_ncf_retries));

	if (use_pgmcc) {
		struct pgm_pgmccinfo_t pgmccinfo;
		pgmccinfo.ack_bo_ivl 		= pgm_msecs (50);
		pgmccinfo.ack_c			= 75;
		pgmccinfo.ack_c_p		= 500;
		pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_USE_PGMCC, &pgmccinfo, sizeof(pgmccinfo));
	if (use_fec) {
		struct pgm_fecinfo_t fecinfo;
		fecinfo.block_size		= rs_n;
		fecinfo.proactive_packets	= 0;
		fecinfo.group_size		= rs_k;
		fecinfo.ondemand_parity_enabled	= TRUE;
		fecinfo.var_pktlen_enabled	= FALSE;
		pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_USE_FEC, &fecinfo, sizeof(fecinfo));

/* create global session identifier */
	struct pgm_sockaddr_t addr;
	memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
	addr.sa_port = port ? port : DEFAULT_DATA_DESTINATION_PORT;
	addr.sa_addr.sport = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_PORT;
	if (!pgm_gsi_create_from_hostname (&addr.sa_addr.gsi, &pgm_err)) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Creating GSI: %s\n", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

/* assign socket to specified address */
	struct pgm_interface_req_t if_req;
	memset (&if_req, 0, sizeof(if_req));
	if_req.ir_interface = res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_interface;
	if_req.ir_scope_id  = 0;
	if (AF_INET6 == sa_family) {
		struct sockaddr_in6 sa6;
		memcpy (&sa6, &res->ai_recv_addrs[0].gsr_group, sizeof(sa6));
		if_req.ir_scope_id = sa6.sin6_scope_id;
	if (!pgm_bind3 (sock,
			&addr, sizeof(addr),
			&if_req, sizeof(if_req),	/* tx interface */
			&if_req, sizeof(if_req),	/* rx interface */
		fprintf (stderr, "Binding PGM socket: %s\n", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

/* join IP multicast groups */
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < res->ai_recv_addrs_len; i++)
		pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_JOIN_GROUP, &res->ai_recv_addrs[i], sizeof(struct group_req));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_SEND_GROUP, &res->ai_send_addrs[0], sizeof(struct group_req));
	pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);

/* set IP parameters */
	const int nonblocking = 1,
		  multicast_loop = use_multicast_loop ? 1 : 0,
		  multicast_hops = 16,
		  dscp = 0x2e << 2;		/* Expedited Forwarding PHB for network elements, no ECN. */

	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_LOOP, &multicast_loop, sizeof(multicast_loop));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_MULTICAST_HOPS, &multicast_hops, sizeof(multicast_hops));
	if (AF_INET6 != sa_family)
		pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_TOS, &dscp, sizeof(dscp));
	pgm_setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_PGM, PGM_NOBLOCK, &nonblocking, sizeof(nonblocking));

	if (!pgm_connect (sock, &pgm_err)) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Connecting PGM socket: %s\n", pgm_err->message);
		goto err_abort;

	puts ("Startup complete.");
	return TRUE;

	if (NULL != sock) {
		pgm_close (sock, FALSE);
		sock = NULL;
	if (NULL != res) {
		pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
		res = NULL;
	if (NULL != pgm_err) {
		pgm_error_free (pgm_err);
		pgm_err = NULL;
	if (NULL != sock) {
		pgm_close (sock, FALSE);
		sock = NULL;
	return FALSE;
Exemple #9
int xs::socket_base_t::connect (const char *addr_)
    if (unlikely (ctx_terminated)) {
        errno = ETERM;
        return -1;

    //  Parse addr_ string.
    std::string protocol;
    std::string address;
    int rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    rc = check_protocol (protocol);
    if (rc != 0)
        return -1;

    if (protocol == "inproc") {

        //  TODO: inproc connect is specific with respect to creating pipes
        //  as there's no 'reconnect' functionality implemented. Once that
        //  is in place we should follow generic pipe creation algorithm.

        //  Find the peer endpoint.
        endpoint_t peer = find_endpoint (addr_);
        if (!peer.socket)
            return -1;

        // The total HWM for an inproc connection should be the sum of
        // the binder's HWM and the connector's HWM.
        int  sndhwm;
        int  rcvhwm;
        if (options.sndhwm == 0 || peer.options.rcvhwm == 0)
            sndhwm = 0;
            sndhwm = options.sndhwm + peer.options.rcvhwm;
        if (options.rcvhwm == 0 || peer.options.sndhwm == 0)
            rcvhwm = 0;
            rcvhwm = options.rcvhwm + peer.options.sndhwm;

        //  Create a bi-directional pipe to connect the peers.
        object_t *parents [2] = {this, peer.socket};
        pipe_t *ppair [2] = {NULL, NULL};
        int hwms [2] = {sndhwm, rcvhwm};
        bool delays [2] = {options.delay_on_disconnect, options.delay_on_close};
        rc = pipepair (parents, ppair, hwms, delays, options.protocol);
        errno_assert (rc == 0);

        //  Attach local end of the pipe to this socket object.
        attach_pipe (ppair [0]);

        //  If required, send the identity of the local socket to the peer.
        if (options.send_identity) {
            msg_t id;
            rc = id.init_size (options.identity_size);
            xs_assert (rc == 0);
            memcpy (id.data (), options.identity, options.identity_size);
            id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
            bool written = ppair [0]->write (&id);
            xs_assert (written);
            pipes [0]->flush ();

        //  If required, send the identity of the peer to the local socket.
        if (peer.options.send_identity) {
            msg_t id;
            rc = id.init_size (peer.options.identity_size);
            xs_assert (rc == 0);
            memcpy (id.data (), peer.options.identity,
            id.set_flags (msg_t::identity);
            bool written = ppair [1]->write (&id);
            xs_assert (written);
            ppair [1]->flush ();

        //  Attach remote end of the pipe to the peer socket. Note that peer's
        //  seqnum was incremented in find_endpoint function. We don't need it
        //  increased here.
        send_bind (peer.socket, ppair [1], false);

        //  Inproc endpoints are not yet implemented thus we return 0.
        return 0;

    //  Choose the I/O thread to run the session in.
    io_thread_t *thread = choose_io_thread (options.affinity);
    xs_assert (thread);

    if (protocol == "tcp") {
        tcp_connecter_t connecter (thread, NULL, options, false);
        int rc = connecter.set_address (address.c_str());
        if (rc != 0) {
            return -1;

#if !defined XS_HAVE_WINDOWS && !defined XS_HAVE_OPENVMS
    if (protocol == "ipc") {
        ipc_connecter_t connecter (thread, NULL, options, false);
        int rc = connecter.set_address (address.c_str());
        if (rc != 0) {
            return -1;

    if (protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm") {
        struct pgm_addrinfo_t *res = NULL;
        uint16_t port_number = 0;
        int rc = pgm_socket_t::init_address(address.c_str(), &res, &port_number);
        if (res != NULL)
            pgm_freeaddrinfo (res);
        if (rc != 0 || port_number == 0)
            return -1;

    //  Create session.
    session_base_t *session = session_base_t::create (thread, true, this,
                              options, protocol.c_str (), address.c_str ());
    errno_assert (session);

    //  Create a bi-directional pipe.
    object_t *parents [2] = {this, session};
    pipe_t *ppair [2] = {NULL, NULL};
    int hwms [2] = {options.sndhwm, options.rcvhwm};
    bool delays [2] = {options.delay_on_disconnect, options.delay_on_close};
    rc = pipepair (parents, ppair, hwms, delays, options.protocol);
    errno_assert (rc == 0);

    // PGM does not support subscription forwarding; ask for all data to be
    // sent to this pipe.
    bool icanhasall = false;
    if (protocol == "pgm" || protocol == "epgm")
        icanhasall = true;

    //  Attach local end of the pipe to the socket object.
    attach_pipe (ppair [0], icanhasall);

    //  Attach remote end of the pipe to the session object later on.
    session->attach_pipe (ppair [1]);

    //  Activate the session. Make it a child of this socket.
    launch_child (session);
    return add_endpoint (session);