static NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_Send_SWP_Event( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, void *pHwRef, uint8_t pipe_id, uint8_t event ) { phHciNfc_HCP_Packet_t *hcp_packet = NULL; phHciNfc_HCP_Message_t *hcp_message = NULL; phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *p_pipe_info = NULL; uint8_t length = 0; uint8_t i=0; NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; p_pipe_info = (phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_pipe_list[pipe_id]; psHciContext->tx_total = 0 ; length = (length + HCP_HEADER_LEN); hcp_packet = (phHciNfc_HCP_Packet_t *) psHciContext->send_buffer; /* Construct the HCP Frame */ phHciNfc_Build_HCPFrame(hcp_packet,HCP_CHAINBIT_DEFAULT, (uint8_t) pipe_id, HCP_MSG_TYPE_EVENT, event); hcp_message = &(hcp_packet->msg.message); phHciNfc_Append_HCPFrame((uint8_t *)hcp_message->payload, i, (uint8_t *)p_pipe_info->param_info, p_pipe_info->param_length); length = (uint8_t)(length + i + p_pipe_info->param_length); p_pipe_info->sent_msg_type = HCP_MSG_TYPE_EVENT ; p_pipe_info->prev_msg = event ; psHciContext->tx_total = length; /* Send the Constructed HCP packet to the lower layer */ status = phHciNfc_Send_HCP( psHciContext, pHwRef ); if(NFCSTATUS_PENDING == status) { ((phHciNfc_SWP_Info_t *)psHciContext->p_swp_info)->current_seq = ((phHciNfc_SWP_Info_t *)psHciContext->p_swp_info)->next_seq; p_pipe_info->prev_status = status; } return status; }
NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_Send_Felica_Command( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psContext, void *pHwRef, uint8_t pipe_id, uint8_t cmd ) { NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext = (phHciNfc_sContext_t *)psContext ; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else if((NULL == psHciContext->p_felica_info) || (HCI_FELICA_ENABLE != ((phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *)(psHciContext->p_felica_info))-> enable_felica_gate) || (HCI_UNKNOWN_PIPE_ID == ((phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *)(psHciContext->p_felica_info))-> pipe_id) || (pipe_id != ((phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *)(psHciContext->p_felica_info))-> pipe_id)) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *p_fel_info=NULL; phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *p_pipe_info=NULL; phHciNfc_HCP_Packet_t *hcp_packet = NULL; phHciNfc_HCP_Message_t *hcp_message = NULL; uint8_t i = 0, length = HCP_HEADER_LEN; p_fel_info = (phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_felica_info ; p_pipe_info = p_fel_info->p_pipe_info; if(NULL == p_pipe_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_SEQUENCE); } else { psHciContext->tx_total = 0 ; hcp_packet = (phHciNfc_HCP_Packet_t *) psHciContext->send_buffer; /* Construct the HCP Frame */ phHciNfc_Build_HCPFrame(hcp_packet,HCP_CHAINBIT_DEFAULT, (uint8_t) pipe_id, HCP_MSG_TYPE_COMMAND, cmd); switch(cmd) { case NXP_FELICA_RAW: { /* Buffer shall be updated with TO - Time out (1 byte) Status - b0 to b2 indicate valid bits (1 byte) Data - params received from this function */ hcp_message = &(hcp_packet->msg.message); /* Time out */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = FELICA_TIMEOUT ; /* Status */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = FELICA_STATUS; phHciNfc_Append_HCPFrame((uint8_t *)hcp_message->payload, i, (uint8_t *)p_pipe_info->param_info, p_pipe_info->param_length); length =(uint8_t)(length + i + p_pipe_info->param_length); break; } case NXP_FELICA_CMD: { /* Buffer shall be updated with Cmd - Authentication A/B, read/write (1 byte) Data - params received from this function */ hcp_message = &(hcp_packet->msg.message); /* Command */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = psHciContext->p_xchg_info->params.tag_info.cmd_type ; phHciNfc_Append_HCPFrame((uint8_t *)hcp_message->payload, i, (uint8_t *)p_pipe_info->param_info, p_pipe_info->param_length); length =(uint8_t)(length + i + p_pipe_info->param_length); break; } default: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_COMMAND); break; } } if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == status) { p_pipe_info->sent_msg_type = (uint8_t)HCP_MSG_TYPE_COMMAND; p_pipe_info->prev_msg = cmd; psHciContext->tx_total = length; psHciContext->response_pending = TRUE; /* Send the Constructed HCP packet to the lower layer */ status = phHciNfc_Send_HCP( psHciContext, pHwRef); p_pipe_info->prev_status = status; } } } return status; }
static NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_Recv_Felica_Response( void *psContext, void *pHwRef, uint8_t *pResponse, #ifdef ONE_BYTE_LEN uint8_t length #else uint16_t length #endif ) { NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext = (phHciNfc_sContext_t *)psContext ; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) || (NULL == pResponse) || (0 == length)) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else if(NULL == psHciContext->p_felica_info) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *p_fel_info=NULL; uint8_t prev_cmd = ANY_GET_PARAMETER; p_fel_info = (phHciNfc_Felica_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_felica_info ; if( NULL == p_fel_info->p_pipe_info) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_SEQUENCE); } else { prev_cmd = p_fel_info->p_pipe_info->prev_msg ; switch(prev_cmd) { case ANY_GET_PARAMETER: { status = phHciNfc_Felica_InfoUpdate(psHciContext, p_fel_info->p_pipe_info->reg_index, &pResponse[HCP_HEADER_LEN], (uint8_t)(length - HCP_HEADER_LEN)); break; } case ANY_SET_PARAMETER: { HCI_PRINT("Felica Parameter Set \n"); status = phHciNfc_ReaderMgmt_Update_Sequence(psHciContext, UPDATE_SEQ); p_fel_info->next_seq = FELICA_SYSTEMCODE; break; } case ANY_OPEN_PIPE: { HCI_PRINT("Felica open pipe complete\n"); status = phHciNfc_ReaderMgmt_Update_Sequence(psHciContext, UPDATE_SEQ); p_fel_info->next_seq = FELICA_SYSTEMCODE; break; } case ANY_CLOSE_PIPE: { HCI_PRINT("Felica close pipe complete\n"); status = phHciNfc_ReaderMgmt_Update_Sequence(psHciContext, UPDATE_SEQ); break; } case NXP_FELICA_RAW: case NXP_FELICA_CMD: case WR_XCHGDATA: { HCI_PRINT("Felica packet received \n"); if (length >= HCP_HEADER_LEN) { phHciNfc_Append_HCPFrame(psHciContext->recv_buffer, 0, pResponse, length); psHciContext->rx_total = length; status = phHciNfc_Recv_Felica_Packet(psHciContext, prev_cmd, &pResponse[HCP_HEADER_LEN], (length - HCP_HEADER_LEN)); } else { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_RESPONSE); } break; } case NXP_WRA_CONTINUE_ACTIVATION: case NXP_WR_ACTIVATE_ID: { HCI_PRINT("Felica continue activation or "); HCI_PRINT("reactivation completed \n"); status = phHciNfc_ReaderMgmt_Update_Sequence(psHciContext, UPDATE_SEQ); break; } case NXP_WR_PRESCHECK: { HCI_PRINT("Presence check completed \n"); break; } case NXP_WR_ACTIVATE_NEXT: { HCI_PRINT("Activate next completed \n"); if (length > HCP_HEADER_LEN) { if (FEL_MULTIPLE_TAGS_FOUND == pResponse[HCP_HEADER_LEN]) { p_fel_info->multiple_tgts_found = FEL_MULTIPLE_TAGS_FOUND; } else { p_fel_info->multiple_tgts_found = FALSE; } } else { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_RESPONSE); } break; } case NXP_WR_DISPATCH_TO_UICC: { switch(length) { case HCP_HEADER_LEN: { /* Optional error code, if no error code field in the response, then this command is successfully completed */ p_fel_info->uicc_activation = UICC_CARD_ACTIVATION_SUCCESS; break; } case (HCP_HEADER_LEN + 1): { p_fel_info->uicc_activation = pResponse[HCP_HEADER_LEN]; break; } /* End of case (HCP_HEADER_LEN + index) */ default: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_RESPONSE); break; } } if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == status) { status = phHciNfc_ReaderMgmt_Update_Sequence(psHciContext, UPDATE_SEQ); } break; } default: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_RESPONSE); break; } } if( NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == status ) { p_fel_info->p_pipe_info->prev_status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; p_fel_info->current_seq = p_fel_info->next_seq; } } } return status; }
NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_Send_ReaderA_Command( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, void *pHwRef, uint8_t pipe_id, uint8_t cmd ) { NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else if((NULL == psHciContext->p_reader_a_info) || (HCI_READER_A_ENABLE != ((phHciNfc_ReaderA_Info_t *)(psHciContext->p_reader_a_info))-> enable_rdr_a_gate) || (HCI_UNKNOWN_PIPE_ID == ((phHciNfc_ReaderA_Info_t *)(psHciContext->p_reader_a_info))-> pipe_id) || (pipe_id != ((phHciNfc_ReaderA_Info_t *)(psHciContext->p_reader_a_info))-> pipe_id)) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { phHciNfc_ReaderA_Info_t *p_rdr_a_info=NULL; phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *p_pipe_info=NULL; phHciNfc_HCP_Packet_t *hcp_packet = NULL; phHciNfc_HCP_Message_t *hcp_message = NULL; uint8_t i = 0; uint16_t length = HCP_HEADER_LEN; p_rdr_a_info = (phHciNfc_ReaderA_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_reader_a_info ; p_pipe_info = p_rdr_a_info->p_pipe_info; if(NULL == p_pipe_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_SEQUENCE); } else { psHciContext->tx_total = 0 ; hcp_packet = (phHciNfc_HCP_Packet_t *) psHciContext->send_buffer; /* Construct the HCP Frame */ switch(cmd) { case NXP_WRA_CONTINUE_ACTIVATION: case NXP_WR_ACTIVATE_ID: { phHciNfc_Build_HCPFrame(hcp_packet,HCP_CHAINBIT_DEFAULT, (uint8_t) pipe_id, HCP_MSG_TYPE_COMMAND, cmd); break; } case NXP_MIFARE_RAW: { if (p_pipe_info->param_length < RDR_A_MIFARE_RAW_LENGTH) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { /* Buffer shall be updated with TO - Time out (1 byte) Status - b0 to b2 indicate valid bits (1 byte) Data (with CRC) - params received from this function */ hcp_message = &(hcp_packet->msg.message); #ifdef ENABLE_MIFARE_RAW /* Time out */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = NXP_MIFARE_XCHG_TIMEOUT ; /* Status */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = RDR_A_MIFARE_STATUS; #else cmd = NXP_MIFARE_CMD; #endif /* #ifdef ENABLE_MIFARE_RAW */ phHciNfc_Build_HCPFrame(hcp_packet,HCP_CHAINBIT_DEFAULT, (uint8_t) pipe_id, HCP_MSG_TYPE_COMMAND, cmd); phHciNfc_Append_HCPFrame((uint8_t *)hcp_message->payload, i, (uint8_t *)p_pipe_info->param_info, #ifdef ENABLE_MIFARE_RAW p_pipe_info->param_length); #else (p_pipe_info->param_length - 2)); #endif /* #ifdef ENABLE_MIFARE_RAW */ #ifdef ENABLE_MIFARE_RAW length =(uint16_t)(length + i + p_pipe_info->param_length); #else length =(uint16_t)(length + i + p_pipe_info->param_length - 2); #endif /* #ifdef ENABLE_MIFARE_RAW */ } break; } case NXP_MIFARE_CMD: { /* Buffer shall be updated with Cmd - Authentication A/B, read/write (1 byte) Addr - Address associated with Mifare cmd (1 byte) Data - params received from this function */ phHciNfc_Build_HCPFrame(hcp_packet,HCP_CHAINBIT_DEFAULT, (uint8_t) pipe_id, HCP_MSG_TYPE_COMMAND, cmd); hcp_message = &(hcp_packet->msg.message); /* Command */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = psHciContext->p_xchg_info->params.tag_info.cmd_type ; /* Address */ hcp_message->payload[i++] = psHciContext->p_xchg_info->params.tag_info.addr ; phHciNfc_Append_HCPFrame((uint8_t *)hcp_message->payload, i, (uint8_t *)p_pipe_info->param_info, p_pipe_info->param_length); length =(uint16_t)(length + i + p_pipe_info->param_length); break; } default: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_COMMAND); break; } } if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == status) { p_pipe_info->sent_msg_type = (uint8_t)HCP_MSG_TYPE_COMMAND; p_pipe_info->prev_msg = cmd; psHciContext->tx_total = length; psHciContext->response_pending = TRUE; /* Send the Constructed HCP packet to the lower layer */ status = phHciNfc_Send_HCP( psHciContext, pHwRef); p_pipe_info->prev_status = status; } } } return status; }