Exemple #1
int main(void)
	double abs_error;
	int n = 100000;
	double pi;
	printf("Leibniz series \n");
		pi = pi_leibniz(n);
		abs_error = fabs(pi - M_PI);
		printf("%8d   %20.15f   %20.15f\n", n, pi, abs_error);
		n += 100000;
	}while(abs_error > .000001);
	n = 1;
		pi = pi_bbp(n);
		abs_error = fabs(pi - M_PI);
		printf("%8d   %20.15f   %20.15f\n", n, pi, abs_error);
		n += 1;
	}while(abs_error > .000001);

	clock_t start, stop;
	int n_one = 1000000;
	int n_two = 4;
	int leib_runs = 100;
	start = clock();
	for(int i = 0; i < leib_runs; i++){
		pi = pi_leibniz(n_one);
	stop = clock();
	double t1 = 1000*((double)(stop-start))/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC*leib_runs);
	printf("t1 %.6f \n", t1);
	int bbp_runs = 2000000;
	start  = clock();
	for(int i = 0; i < bbp_runs; i++){
		pi = pi_bbp(n_two);
	stop = clock();
	double t2 = 1000*((double)(stop-start))/(1.0*CLOCKS_PER_SEC*bbp_runs);
	printf("t2 %.6f \n", t2);
	printf("%21.0f \n", t1/t2); 
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(void)  { // j and n are just used as iteration variables n

  int i = 1;
  double pi;
  double abserr;
  double tol = pow ( 10 , -6 );

  do { //doubles the amount of terms in the pi_leibniz series until error is less than 10^-6

    pi = pi_leibniz (i);

    abserr = fabs (pi - M_PI);

    printf ("%8d   %20.15f   %20.15f\n", i, pi, abserr);

    i *= 2;

  } while ( abserr > tol );

  i = 1;

  do { //doubles the amount of terms in the pi_bbp series until error is less than 10^-6

    pi = pi_bbp (i);

    abserr = fabs (pi - M_PI);

    printf ("%8d   %20.15f   %20.15f\n", i, pi, abserr);

    i *= 2;

  } while ( abserr > tol );

  // end of code figuring out number of terms needed for 10^-6 accuracy

  int count = 10;
  double time;
  double time1;
  double tmin = 1;
  double tmax = 2;


  do {
      timer_start ();

      for (int k = 0; k <= count; k++) {

        pi_leibniz (1048576);


      time = timer_stop ();

      time1 = time / count;

      printf (" %10.2f usec     %10.6f sec    %10d\n",
          time1 * 1.e6, time, count);

       * adjust count such that cpu time is between
       * tmin and tmax

      count = adjust_rep_count (count, time, tmin, tmax);

  } while ((time > tmax) || (time < tmin));


  do {

      timer_start ();

      for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {

        pi_bbp (4);


      time = timer_stop ();

      time1 = time / count;

      printf (" %10.2f usec     %10.6f sec    %10d\n", time1 * 1.e6, time, count);

       * adjust count such that cpu time is between
       * tmin and tmax

      count = adjust_rep_count (count, time, tmin, tmax);

  } while ((time > tmax) || (time < tmin));

  return 0;
