static int daemonize (void) { struct rlimit rl; pid_t pid = 0; int i = 0; if (0 != chdir ("/")) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: chdir() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return -1; } if (0 != getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: getrlimit() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return -1; } if (0 > (pid = fork ())) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: fork() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return -1; } else if (pid != 0) { exit (0); } if (0 != pidfile_create ()) return -1; setsid (); if (RLIM_INFINITY == rl.rlim_max) rl.rlim_max = 1024; for (i = 0; i < (int)rl.rlim_max; ++i) close (i); errno = 0; if (open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR) != 0) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't connect STDIN to /dev/null: %s", strerror (errno)); return -1; } errno = 0; if (dup (0) != 1) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't connect STDOUT to /dev/null: %s", strerror (errno)); return -1; } errno = 0; if (dup (0) != 2) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't connect STDERR to /dev/null: %s", strerror (errno)); return -1; } return 0; } /* daemonize */
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ret = 0; parse_command_line(argc, argv); if (arg_check_config) { return check_configuration(arg_dump_config); } #ifndef WIN32 if (arg_fork) { ret = fork(); if (ret == -1) { LOG_FATAL("Unable to fork to background!"); return -1; } else if (ret == 0) { /* child process - detatch from TTY */ fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); close(0); close(1); close(2); } else { /* parent process */ LOG_DEBUG("Forked to background\n"); return 0; } } if (pidfile_create() == -1) return -1; if (drop_privileges() == -1) return -1; #endif /* WIN32 */ ret = main_loop(); #ifndef WIN32 pidfile_destroy(); #endif return ret; }
void pidfile_init( const char *pidfile ) { if( pidfile_exists( pidfile ) == 1 ) { pss_fatal( "Daemon already running (pidfile %s exists)!\n", pidfile == NULL ? DEFAULT_PIDFILE : pidfile ); } else { pidfile_create( pidfile ); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; deamonize(); ret = pidfile_create("/var/run/", 0); printf("ret = %d\n", ret); printf("press Enter to = %d\n", getpid()); while(1) { sleep(10); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int c; int option_index = 0; int received; int mq_id; struct sIPCMsg mymsg; char *ttydev = DEFAULT_TTY; char *parity_s = DEFAULT_PAR; int parity; int baud = DEFAULT_BAUD; USHORT result[255] = {0,}; int result_int = 0; USHORT usLen; eMBErrorCode err = MB_ENOERR; int reg_start = DEFAULT_REGISTER_START; int address = DEFAULT_ADDRESS; int regt = -1; int reg_action = -1; int reg_action_param = -1; int no_reg = -1; int run_forground = 0; int errorcount = 0; struct pidfile *pidfile = NULL; UCHAR *pucFrame; eMBException eException; UCHAR ucFuncType; /* Parse cmd-line options */ while ( (c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVd:s:p:r:t:c:a:f", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF ) { switch (c) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'V': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'd': ttydev = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 's': baud = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': parity_s = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 'f': // run in forground run_forground = 1; break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } if(!run_forground){ fprintf(stderr, "Deamonizing...\n"); daemon(0, 0); } /* Setup signalhandler so that we shut down nicely on CTRL+C */ signal(SIGINT, int_handler); pidfile = pidfile_create(DEFAULT_PIDFILE, PMODE_RETURN, 0); mq_id = create_ipc(); /* Allocate space for an ADU frame */ pucFrame = eMBAllocateFrame(&usLen); while(outer_loop) { if(running == 1) printf("Restarting modbus layer\n"); else { printf("\n\n\n\n Restarting modbus layer\n\n\n\n"); running = 1; errorcount = 0; } /* Parse user inputs... */ if(strcmp(parity_s, "even") == 0) parity = MB_PAR_EVEN; else if(strcmp(parity_s, "odd") == 0) parity = MB_PAR_ODD; else parity = MB_PAR_NONE; PRINT_DBG(1, "init modbus at tty: %s parity %d baud %d", ttydev, parity, baud); /* mode, port, baud, parity */ eMBMasterInit(MB_RTU, ttydev, baud, parity); while(running) { /* Check message queue */ if((received = msgrcv(mq_id, &mymsg, sizeof(mymsg.text), 1, IPC_NOWAIT)) > 0) { /* Address */ address = parse_address(mymsg.text); /* Starting register */ reg_start = parse_reg_start(mymsg.text); /* Register type */ regt = parse_reg_type(mymsg.text); /* Register action */ reg_action_param = 0; reg_action = parse_reg_action(mymsg.text, ®_action_param); /* Optional: number of registers */ no_reg = parse_no_reg(mymsg.text); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev>=1){ printf("Got: %s\n", mymsg.text); printf("Parsing command:\n"); printf("Address: 0x%02x\n", address); printf("Register: %d\n", reg_start); printf("Register type: %d\n", regt); printf("Register action: %d Arg: %d\n", reg_action, reg_action_param); printf("Register count: %d\n", no_reg); } #endif switch(regt) { case MB_TYPE_COILS: switch(reg_action) { case ACTION_READ: err = build_eMBMasterReadCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; case ACTION_WRITE: err = build_eMBMasterWriteCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param ? 0xff : 0x0, &usLen); break; case ACTION_WRITEMULTIPLE: err = build_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, no_reg, reg_action_param ? 0xff : 0x0, &usLen); break; } break; case MB_TYPE_INPUT: err = build_eMBMasterReadInput (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; case MB_TYPE_HOLDING: switch(reg_action) { case ACTION_READ: err = build_eMBMasterReadHolding (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; case ACTION_WRITE: err = build_eMBMasterWriteSingleHolding (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; } break; } #ifdef DBG if(dbglev){ int n; printf("Dumping built frame:\n"); for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } #endif /* ? */ eMBEnable(); memset(result, 0, sizeof(result)); if(err == MB_EX_NONE) { /* Set the address of the device in question */ eMBSetSlaveAddress(address); /* Send the frame */ if( (err = eMBSendFrame(pucFrame, usLen)) == MB_ENOERR) { printf(" ---- done processing frame ----\n"); eException = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; ucFuncType = pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF]; #ifdef DBG if(dbglev){ printf("%s():%d - after send...\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); { int n; printf("Dumping received frame:\n"); for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } } #endif if(ucFuncType & 0x80) { UCHAR ucExceptType = pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF+1]; /* We encountered some sort of error */ switch(ucExceptType) { case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal function!\n"); break; case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal data address!\n"); break; case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal data value!\n"); break; case MB_EX_SLAVE_DEVICE_FAILURE: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Slave device failure!\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error (%d)!\n", eException); break; } } else { switch(ucFuncType) { case MB_FUNC_READ_COILS: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev) printf("Reply: %04x\n", result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL: eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev) printf("Reply: %04x\n", result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadInput(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev) printf("Reply (%d): %04x\n", eException, result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadHolding(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG printf("Reply: %04x %04x %d %d\n", result[0],result[1], result_int, reg_action_param); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteSingleHolding(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG printf("Reply: %04x\n", result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS: usLen = 5; eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); if(eException == MB_EX_NONE) printf("Write multiple coils SUCCESS!\n"); else printf("Write multiple coils FAIL!\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown function type : %x\n", ucFuncType); printf("%d : %s()\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); { int n; for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } break; } switch(ucFuncType) { case MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER: case MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER: if(reg_action_param == 2){ printf("!!!!\n"); result_int = (result[0]<<16) | result[1]; }else { result_int = result[0]; } break; default: result_int = result[0]; break; } if(eException == MB_EX_NONE) { snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "%ld:REG:%d:RESULT:%d", time(NULL), reg_start, result_int); } else { snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "ERROR:Parsing frame"); } #ifdef DBG printf("%s():%d - reply: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, mymsg.text); #endif goto out; } } else { printf("Error sending frame. (%d)\n", err); snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "ERROR:Sending frame"); if(errorcount > 10) running = 0; else errorcount++; } } else { printf("Error in frame arguments.\n"); snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "ERROR:Wrong argument"); } out: /* Set the reply */ mymsg.type = 2; #ifdef DBG printf("%s():%d - reply: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, mymsg.text); #endif msgsnd(mq_id, &mymsg, sizeof(mymsg.text), IPC_NOWAIT); eMBDisable(); } else { //printf("No messages. Sleeping (%d - %s)\n", received, received < 0 ? strerror(errno) : ""); } usleep(1000); } // free(pucFrame); eMBClose(); } destroy_ipc(PROJ_ID); pidfile_delete(pidfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) { /* shall I run as a daemon */ bool is_daemon = false; bool interactive = false; bool Fork = true; bool no_process_group = false; bool log_stdout = false; char *ports = NULL; char *profile_level = NULL; int opt; poptContext pc; bool print_build_options = False; enum { OPT_DAEMON = 1000, OPT_INTERACTIVE, OPT_FORK, OPT_NO_PROCESS_GROUP, OPT_LOG_STDOUT }; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP {"daemon", 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_DAEMON, "Become a daemon (default)" }, {"interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_INTERACTIVE, "Run interactive (not a daemon)"}, {"foreground", 'F', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_FORK, "Run daemon in foreground (for daemontools, etc.)" }, {"no-process-group", '\0', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_NO_PROCESS_GROUP, "Don't create a new process group" }, {"log-stdout", 'S', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_LOG_STDOUT, "Log to stdout" }, {"build-options", 'b', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'b', "Print build options" }, {"port", 'p', POPT_ARG_STRING, &ports, 0, "Listen on the specified ports"}, {"profiling-level", 'P', POPT_ARG_STRING, &profile_level, 0, "Set profiling level","PROFILE_LEVEL"}, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA POPT_COMMON_DYNCONFIG POPT_TABLEEND }; struct smbd_parent_context *parent = NULL; TALLOC_CTX *frame; NTSTATUS status; uint64_t unique_id; struct tevent_context *ev_ctx; struct messaging_context *msg_ctx; /* * Do this before any other talloc operation */ talloc_enable_null_tracking(); frame = talloc_stackframe(); setup_logging(argv[0], DEBUG_DEFAULT_STDOUT); load_case_tables(); smbd_init_globals(); TimeInit(); #ifdef HAVE_SET_AUTH_PARAMETERS set_auth_parameters(argc,argv); #endif pc = poptGetContext("smbd", argc, argv, long_options, 0); while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case OPT_DAEMON: is_daemon = true; break; case OPT_INTERACTIVE: interactive = true; break; case OPT_FORK: Fork = false; break; case OPT_NO_PROCESS_GROUP: no_process_group = true; break; case OPT_LOG_STDOUT: log_stdout = true; break; case 'b': print_build_options = True; break; default: d_fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n", poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt)); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); exit(1); } } poptFreeContext(pc); if (interactive) { Fork = False; log_stdout = True; } if (log_stdout) { setup_logging(argv[0], DEBUG_STDOUT); } else { setup_logging(argv[0], DEBUG_FILE); } if (print_build_options) { build_options(True); /* Display output to screen as well as debug */ exit(0); } #ifdef HAVE_SETLUID /* needed for SecureWare on SCO */ setluid(0); #endif set_remote_machine_name("smbd", False); if (interactive && (DEBUGLEVEL >= 9)) { talloc_enable_leak_report(); } if (log_stdout && Fork) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Can't log to stdout (-S) unless daemon is in foreground (-F) or interactive (-i)\n")); exit(1); } /* we want to re-seed early to prevent time delays causing client problems at a later date. (tridge) */ generate_random_buffer(NULL, 0); /* get initial effective uid and gid */ sec_init(); /* make absolutely sure we run as root - to handle cases where people are crazy enough to have it setuid */ gain_root_privilege(); gain_root_group_privilege(); fault_setup(); dump_core_setup("smbd", lp_logfile()); /* we are never interested in SIGPIPE */ BlockSignals(True,SIGPIPE); #if defined(SIGFPE) /* we are never interested in SIGFPE */ BlockSignals(True,SIGFPE); #endif #if defined(SIGUSR2) /* We are no longer interested in USR2 */ BlockSignals(True,SIGUSR2); #endif /* POSIX demands that signals are inherited. If the invoking process has * these signals masked, we will have problems, as we won't recieve them. */ BlockSignals(False, SIGHUP); BlockSignals(False, SIGUSR1); BlockSignals(False, SIGTERM); /* Ensure we leave no zombies until we * correctly set up child handling below. */ CatchChild(); /* we want total control over the permissions on created files, so set our umask to 0 */ umask(0); reopen_logs(); DEBUG(0,("smbd version %s started.\n", samba_version_string())); DEBUGADD(0,("%s\n", COPYRIGHT_STARTUP_MESSAGE)); DEBUG(2,("uid=%d gid=%d euid=%d egid=%d\n", (int)getuid(),(int)getgid(),(int)geteuid(),(int)getegid())); /* Output the build options to the debug log */ build_options(False); if (sizeof(uint16) < 2 || sizeof(uint32) < 4) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba is not configured correctly for the word size on your machine\n")); exit(1); } if (!lp_load_initial_only(get_dyn_CONFIGFILE())) { DEBUG(0, ("error opening config file '%s'\n", get_dyn_CONFIGFILE())); exit(1); } /* Init the security context and global current_user */ init_sec_ctx(); /* * Initialize the event context. The event context needs to be * initialized before the messaging context, cause the messaging * context holds an event context. * FIXME: This should be s3_tevent_context_init() */ ev_ctx = server_event_context(); if (ev_ctx == NULL) { exit(1); } /* * Init the messaging context * FIXME: This should only call messaging_init() */ msg_ctx = server_messaging_context(); if (msg_ctx == NULL) { exit(1); } /* * Reloading of the printers will not work here as we don't have a * server info and rpc services set up. It will be called later. */ if (!reload_services(NULL, -1, False)) { exit(1); } /* ...NOTE... Log files are working from this point! */ DEBUG(3,("loaded services\n")); init_structs(); #ifdef WITH_PROFILE if (!profile_setup(msg_ctx, False)) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: failed to setup profiling\n")); return -1; } if (profile_level != NULL) { int pl = atoi(profile_level); struct server_id src; DEBUG(1, ("setting profiling level: %s\n",profile_level)); = getpid(); set_profile_level(pl, src); } #endif if (!is_daemon && !is_a_socket(0)) { if (!interactive) DEBUG(0,("standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option\n")); /* * Setting is_daemon here prevents us from eventually calling * the open_sockets_inetd() */ is_daemon = True; } if (is_daemon && !interactive) { DEBUG( 3, ( "Becoming a daemon.\n" ) ); become_daemon(Fork, no_process_group, log_stdout); } generate_random_buffer((uint8_t *)&unique_id, sizeof(unique_id)); set_my_unique_id(unique_id); #if HAVE_SETPGID /* * If we're interactive we want to set our own process group for * signal management. */ if (interactive && !no_process_group) setpgid( (pid_t)0, (pid_t)0); #endif if (!directory_exist(lp_lockdir())) mkdir(lp_lockdir(), 0755); if (is_daemon) pidfile_create("smbd"); status = reinit_after_fork(msg_ctx, ev_ctx, procid_self(), false); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("reinit_after_fork() failed\n")); exit(1); } smbd_server_conn->msg_ctx = msg_ctx; smbd_setup_sig_term_handler(); smbd_setup_sig_hup_handler(ev_ctx, msg_ctx); /* Setup all the TDB's - including CLEAR_IF_FIRST tdb's. */ if (smbd_memcache() == NULL) { exit(1); } memcache_set_global(smbd_memcache()); /* Initialise the password backed before the global_sam_sid to ensure that we fetch from ldap before we make a domain sid up */ if(!initialize_password_db(false, ev_ctx)) exit(1); if (!secrets_init()) { DEBUG(0, ("ERROR: smbd can not open secrets.tdb\n")); exit(1); } if (lp_server_role() == ROLE_DOMAIN_BDC || lp_server_role() == ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC) { struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx = loadparm_init_s3(NULL, loadparm_s3_context()); if (!open_schannel_session_store(NULL, lp_ctx)) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba cannot open schannel store for secured NETLOGON operations.\n")); exit(1); } TALLOC_FREE(lp_ctx); } if(!get_global_sam_sid()) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba cannot create a SAM SID.\n")); exit(1); } if (!sessionid_init()) { exit(1); } if (!connections_init(True)) exit(1); if (!locking_init()) exit(1); if (!messaging_tdb_parent_init(ev_ctx)) { exit(1); } if (!notify_internal_parent_init(ev_ctx)) { exit(1); } if (!serverid_parent_init(ev_ctx)) { exit(1); } if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(registry_init_full())) exit(1); /* Open the share_info.tdb here, so we don't have to open after the fork on every single connection. This is a small performance improvment and reduces the total number of system fds used. */ if (!share_info_db_init()) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: failed to load share info db.\n")); exit(1); } status = init_system_info(); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(1, ("ERROR: failed to setup system user info: %s.\n", nt_errstr(status))); return -1; } if (!init_guest_info()) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: failed to setup guest info.\n")); return -1; } if (!file_init(smbd_server_conn)) { DEBUG(0, ("ERROR: file_init failed\n")); return -1; } /* This MUST be done before start_epmd() because otherwise * start_epmd() forks and races against dcesrv_ep_setup() to * call directory_create_or_exist() */ if (!directory_create_or_exist(lp_ncalrpc_dir(), geteuid(), 0755)) { DEBUG(0, ("Failed to create pipe directory %s - %s\n", lp_ncalrpc_dir(), strerror(errno))); return -1; } if (is_daemon && !interactive) { if (rpc_epmapper_daemon() == RPC_DAEMON_FORK) { start_epmd(ev_ctx, msg_ctx); } } if (!dcesrv_ep_setup(ev_ctx, msg_ctx)) { exit(1); } /* only start other daemons if we are running as a daemon * -- bad things will happen if smbd is launched via inetd * and we fork a copy of ourselves here */ if (is_daemon && !interactive) { if (rpc_lsasd_daemon() == RPC_DAEMON_FORK) { start_lsasd(ev_ctx, msg_ctx); } if (!_lp_disable_spoolss() && (rpc_spoolss_daemon() != RPC_DAEMON_DISABLED)) { bool bgq = lp_parm_bool(-1, "smbd", "backgroundqueue", true); if (!printing_subsystem_init(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, true, bgq)) { exit(1); } } } else if (!_lp_disable_spoolss() && (rpc_spoolss_daemon() != RPC_DAEMON_DISABLED)) { if (!printing_subsystem_init(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, false, false)) { exit(1); } } if (!is_daemon) { /* inetd mode */ TALLOC_FREE(frame); /* Started from inetd. fd 0 is the socket. */ /* We will abort gracefully when the client or remote system goes away */ smbd_server_conn->sock = dup(0); /* close our standard file descriptors */ if (!debug_get_output_is_stdout()) { close_low_fds(False); /* Don't close stderr */ } #ifdef HAVE_ATEXIT atexit(killkids); #endif /* Stop zombies */ smbd_setup_sig_chld_handler(ev_ctx); smbd_process(ev_ctx, smbd_server_conn); exit_server_cleanly(NULL); return(0); } parent = talloc_zero(ev_ctx, struct smbd_parent_context); if (!parent) { exit_server("talloc(struct smbd_parent_context) failed"); } parent->interactive = interactive; if (!open_sockets_smbd(parent, ev_ctx, msg_ctx, ports)) exit_server("open_sockets_smbd() failed"); /* do a printer update now that all messaging has been set up, * before we allow clients to start connecting */ printing_subsystem_update(ev_ctx, msg_ctx, false); TALLOC_FREE(frame); /* make sure we always have a valid stackframe */ frame = talloc_stackframe(); smbd_parent_loop(ev_ctx, parent); exit_server_cleanly(NULL); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return(0); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { static bool is_daemon; static bool opt_interactive; static bool Fork = true; static bool no_process_group; static bool log_stdout; poptContext pc; char *p_lmhosts = NULL; int opt; enum { OPT_DAEMON = 1000, OPT_INTERACTIVE, OPT_FORK, OPT_NO_PROCESS_GROUP, OPT_LOG_STDOUT }; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP {"daemon", 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_DAEMON, "Become a daemon(default)" }, {"interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_INTERACTIVE, "Run interactive (not a daemon)" }, {"foreground", 'F', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_FORK, "Run daemon in foreground (for daemontools & etc)" }, {"no-process-group", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_NO_PROCESS_GROUP, "Don't create a new process group" }, {"log-stdout", 'S', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_LOG_STDOUT, "Log to stdout" }, {"hosts", 'H', POPT_ARG_STRING, &p_lmhosts, 0, "Load a netbios hosts file"}, {"port", 'p', POPT_ARG_INT, &global_nmb_port, 0, "Listen on the specified port" }, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA { NULL } }; TALLOC_CTX *frame; NTSTATUS status; /* * Do this before any other talloc operation */ talloc_enable_null_tracking(); frame = talloc_stackframe(); setup_logging(argv[0], DEBUG_DEFAULT_STDOUT); load_case_tables(); global_nmb_port = NMB_PORT; pc = poptGetContext("nmbd", argc, argv, long_options, 0); while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case OPT_DAEMON: is_daemon = true; break; case OPT_INTERACTIVE: opt_interactive = true; break; case OPT_FORK: Fork = false; break; case OPT_NO_PROCESS_GROUP: no_process_group = true; break; case OPT_LOG_STDOUT: log_stdout = true; break; default: d_fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n", poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt)); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); exit(1); } }; poptFreeContext(pc); global_in_nmbd = true; StartupTime = time(NULL); sys_srandom(time(NULL) ^ sys_getpid()); if (!override_logfile) { char *lfile = NULL; if (asprintf(&lfile, "%s/log.nmbd", get_dyn_LOGFILEBASE()) < 0) { exit(1); } lp_set_logfile(lfile); SAFE_FREE(lfile); } fault_setup(); dump_core_setup("nmbd", lp_logfile()); /* POSIX demands that signals are inherited. If the invoking process has * these signals masked, we will have problems, as we won't receive them. */ BlockSignals(False, SIGHUP); BlockSignals(False, SIGUSR1); BlockSignals(False, SIGTERM); #if defined(SIGFPE) /* we are never interested in SIGFPE */ BlockSignals(True,SIGFPE); #endif /* We no longer use USR2... */ #if defined(SIGUSR2) BlockSignals(True, SIGUSR2); #endif if ( opt_interactive ) { Fork = False; log_stdout = True; } if ( log_stdout && Fork ) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Can't log to stdout (-S) unless daemon is in foreground (-F) or interactive (-i)\n")); exit(1); } if (log_stdout) { setup_logging(argv[0], DEBUG_STDOUT); } else { setup_logging( argv[0], DEBUG_FILE); } reopen_logs(); DEBUG(0,("nmbd version %s started.\n", samba_version_string())); DEBUGADD(0,("%s\n", COPYRIGHT_STARTUP_MESSAGE)); if (!lp_load_initial_only(get_dyn_CONFIGFILE())) { DEBUG(0, ("error opening config file '%s'\n", get_dyn_CONFIGFILE())); exit(1); } if (nmbd_messaging_context() == NULL) { return 1; } if ( !reload_nmbd_services(False) ) return(-1); if(!init_names()) return -1; reload_nmbd_services( True ); if (strequal(lp_workgroup(),"*")) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: a workgroup name of * is no longer supported\n")); exit(1); } set_samba_nb_type(); if (!is_daemon && !is_a_socket(0)) { DEBUG(0,("standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option\n")); is_daemon = True; } if (is_daemon && !opt_interactive) { DEBUG( 2, ( "Becoming a daemon.\n" ) ); become_daemon(Fork, no_process_group, log_stdout); } #if HAVE_SETPGID /* * If we're interactive we want to set our own process group for * signal management. */ if (opt_interactive && !no_process_group) setpgid( (pid_t)0, (pid_t)0 ); #endif if (nmbd_messaging_context() == NULL) { return 1; } #ifndef SYNC_DNS /* Setup the async dns. We do it here so it doesn't have all the other stuff initialised and thus chewing memory and sockets */ if(lp_we_are_a_wins_server() && lp_dns_proxy()) { start_async_dns(); } #endif if (!directory_exist(lp_lockdir())) { mkdir(lp_lockdir(), 0755); } pidfile_create("nmbd"); status = reinit_after_fork(nmbd_messaging_context(), nmbd_event_context(), procid_self(), false); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("reinit_after_fork() failed\n")); exit(1); } if (!nmbd_setup_sig_term_handler()) exit(1); if (!nmbd_setup_sig_hup_handler()) exit(1); /* get broadcast messages */ if (!serverid_register(procid_self(), FLAG_MSG_GENERAL | FLAG_MSG_NMBD | FLAG_MSG_DBWRAP)) { DEBUG(1, ("Could not register myself in serverid.tdb\n")); exit(1); } messaging_register(nmbd_messaging_context(), NULL, MSG_FORCE_ELECTION, nmbd_message_election); #if 0 /* Until winsrepl is done. */ messaging_register(nmbd_messaging_context(), NULL, MSG_WINS_NEW_ENTRY, nmbd_wins_new_entry); #endif messaging_register(nmbd_messaging_context(), NULL, MSG_SHUTDOWN, nmbd_terminate); messaging_register(nmbd_messaging_context(), NULL, MSG_SMB_CONF_UPDATED, msg_reload_nmbd_services); messaging_register(nmbd_messaging_context(), NULL, MSG_SEND_PACKET, msg_nmbd_send_packet); TimeInit(); DEBUG( 3, ( "Opening sockets %d\n", global_nmb_port ) ); if ( !open_sockets( is_daemon, global_nmb_port ) ) { kill_async_dns_child(); return 1; } /* Determine all the IP addresses we have. */ load_interfaces(); /* Create an nmbd subnet record for each of the above. */ if( False == create_subnets() ) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.\n")); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } /* Load in any static local names. */ if (p_lmhosts) { set_dyn_LMHOSTSFILE(p_lmhosts); } load_lmhosts_file(get_dyn_LMHOSTSFILE()); DEBUG(3,("Loaded hosts file %s\n", get_dyn_LMHOSTSFILE())); /* If we are acting as a WINS server, initialise data structures. */ if( !initialise_wins() ) { DEBUG( 0, ( "nmbd: Failed when initialising WINS server.\n" ) ); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } /* * Register nmbd primary workgroup and nmbd names on all * the broadcast subnets, and on the WINS server (if specified). * Also initiate the startup of our primary workgroup (start * elections if we are setup as being able to be a local * master browser. */ if( False == register_my_workgroup_and_names() ) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Failed when creating my my workgroup. Exiting.\n")); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } if (!initialize_nmbd_proxy_logon()) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Failed setup nmbd_proxy_logon.\n")); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } if (!nmbd_init_packet_server()) { kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } TALLOC_FREE(frame); process(); kill_async_dns_child(); return(0); }
/**************************************************************************** ** main program **************************************************************************** */ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { pstring logfile; static BOOL opt_interactive; poptContext pc; static char *p_lmhosts = dyn_LMHOSTSFILE; static BOOL no_process_group = False; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP {"daemon", 'D', POPT_ARG_VAL, &is_daemon, True, "Become a daemon(default)" }, {"interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_VAL, &opt_interactive, True, "Run interactive (not a daemon)" }, {"foreground", 'F', POPT_ARG_VAL, &Fork, False, "Run daemon in foreground (for daemontools & etc)" }, {"no-process-group", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &no_process_group, True, "Don't create a new process group" }, {"log-stdout", 'S', POPT_ARG_VAL, &log_stdout, True, "Log to stdout" }, {"hosts", 'H', POPT_ARG_STRING, &p_lmhosts, 'H', "Load a netbios hosts file"}, {"port", 'p', POPT_ARG_INT, &global_nmb_port, NMB_PORT, "Listen on the specified port" }, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA { NULL } }; load_case_tables(); global_nmb_port = NMB_PORT; pc = poptGetContext("nmbd", argc, argv, long_options, 0); while (poptGetNextOpt(pc) != -1) {}; poptFreeContext(pc); global_in_nmbd = True; StartupTime = time(NULL); sys_srandom(time(NULL) ^ sys_getpid()); if (!override_logfile) { slprintf(logfile, sizeof(logfile)-1, "%s/log.nmbd", dyn_LOGFILEBASE); lp_set_logfile(logfile); } fault_setup((void (*)(void *))fault_continue ); dump_core_setup("nmbd"); /* POSIX demands that signals are inherited. If the invoking process has * these signals masked, we will have problems, as we won't receive them. */ BlockSignals(False, SIGHUP); BlockSignals(False, SIGUSR1); BlockSignals(False, SIGTERM); CatchSignal( SIGHUP, SIGNAL_CAST sig_hup ); CatchSignal( SIGTERM, SIGNAL_CAST sig_term ); #if defined(SIGFPE) /* we are never interested in SIGFPE */ BlockSignals(True,SIGFPE); #endif /* We no longer use USR2... */ #if defined(SIGUSR2) BlockSignals(True, SIGUSR2); #endif if ( opt_interactive ) { Fork = False; log_stdout = True; } if ( log_stdout && Fork ) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Can't log to stdout (-S) unless daemon is in foreground (-F) or interactive (-i)\n")); exit(1); } setup_logging( argv[0], log_stdout ); reopen_logs(); DEBUG( 0, ( "Netbios nameserver version %s started.\n", SAMBA_VERSION_STRING) ); DEBUGADD( 0, ( "%s\n", COPYRIGHT_STARTUP_MESSAGE ) ); if ( !reload_nmbd_services(False) ) return(-1); if(!init_names()) return -1; reload_nmbd_services( True ); if (strequal(lp_workgroup(),"*")) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: a workgroup name of * is no longer supported\n")); exit(1); } set_samba_nb_type(); if (!is_daemon && !is_a_socket(0)) { DEBUG(0,("standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option\n")); is_daemon = True; } if (is_daemon && !opt_interactive) { DEBUG( 2, ( "Becoming a daemon.\n" ) ); become_daemon(Fork, no_process_group); } #if HAVE_SETPGID /* * If we're interactive we want to set our own process group for * signal management. */ if (opt_interactive && !no_process_group) setpgid( (pid_t)0, (pid_t)0 ); #endif #ifndef SYNC_DNS /* Setup the async dns. We do it here so it doesn't have all the other stuff initialised and thus chewing memory and sockets */ if(lp_we_are_a_wins_server() && lp_dns_proxy()) { start_async_dns(); } #endif if (!directory_exist(lp_lockdir(), NULL)) { mkdir(lp_lockdir(), 0755); } pidfile_create("nmbd"); message_init(); message_register(MSG_FORCE_ELECTION, nmbd_message_election, NULL); #if 0 /* Until winsrepl is done. */ message_register(MSG_WINS_NEW_ENTRY, nmbd_wins_new_entry, NULL); #endif message_register(MSG_SHUTDOWN, nmbd_terminate, NULL); message_register(MSG_SMB_CONF_UPDATED, msg_reload_nmbd_services, NULL); message_register(MSG_SEND_PACKET, msg_nmbd_send_packet, NULL); TimeInit(); DEBUG( 3, ( "Opening sockets %d\n", global_nmb_port ) ); if ( !open_sockets( is_daemon, global_nmb_port ) ) { kill_async_dns_child(); return 1; } /* Determine all the IP addresses we have. */ load_interfaces(); /* Create an nmbd subnet record for each of the above. */ if( False == create_subnets() ) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.\n")); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } /* Load in any static local names. */ load_lmhosts_file(p_lmhosts); DEBUG(3,("Loaded hosts file %s\n", p_lmhosts)); /* If we are acting as a WINS server, initialise data structures. */ if( !initialise_wins() ) { DEBUG( 0, ( "nmbd: Failed when initialising WINS server.\n" ) ); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } /* * Register nmbd primary workgroup and nmbd names on all * the broadcast subnets, and on the WINS server (if specified). * Also initiate the startup of our primary workgroup (start * elections if we are setup as being able to be a local * master browser. */ if( False == register_my_workgroup_and_names() ) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Failed when creating my my workgroup. Exiting.\n")); kill_async_dns_child(); exit(1); } /* We can only take signals in the select. */ BlockSignals( True, SIGTERM ); process(); if (dbf) x_fclose(dbf); kill_async_dns_child(); return(0); }
/* main server. */ static int binary_smbd_main(const char *binary_name, int argc, const char *argv[]) { bool opt_daemon = false; bool opt_interactive = false; int opt; poptContext pc; #define _MODULE_PROTO(init) extern NTSTATUS init(void); STATIC_service_MODULES_PROTO; init_module_fn static_init[] = { STATIC_service_MODULES }; init_module_fn *shared_init; struct tevent_context *event_ctx; uint16_t stdin_event_flags; NTSTATUS status; const char *model = "standard"; int max_runtime = 0; enum { OPT_DAEMON = 1000, OPT_INTERACTIVE, OPT_PROCESS_MODEL, OPT_SHOW_BUILD }; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP {"daemon", 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_DAEMON, "Become a daemon (default)", NULL }, {"interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_INTERACTIVE, "Run interactive (not a daemon)", NULL}, {"model", 'M', POPT_ARG_STRING, NULL, OPT_PROCESS_MODEL, "Select process model", "MODEL"}, {"maximum-runtime",0, POPT_ARG_INT, &max_runtime, 0, "set maximum runtime of the server process, till autotermination", "seconds"}, {"show-build", 'b', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_SHOW_BUILD, "show build info", NULL }, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA POPT_COMMON_VERSION { NULL } }; pc = poptGetContext(binary_name, argc, argv, long_options, 0); while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case OPT_DAEMON: opt_daemon = true; break; case OPT_INTERACTIVE: opt_interactive = true; break; case OPT_PROCESS_MODEL: model = poptGetOptArg(pc); break; case OPT_SHOW_BUILD: show_build(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n", poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt)); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); return 1; } } if (opt_daemon && opt_interactive) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: " "Option -i|--interactive is not allowed together with -D|--daemon\n\n"); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); return 1; } else if (!opt_interactive) { /* default is --daemon */ opt_daemon = true; } poptFreeContext(pc); setup_logging(binary_name, opt_interactive?DEBUG_STDOUT:DEBUG_FILE); setup_signals(); /* we want total control over the permissions on created files, so set our umask to 0 */ umask(0); DEBUG(0,("%s version %s started.\n", binary_name, SAMBA_VERSION_STRING)); DEBUGADD(0,("Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2011\n")); if (sizeof(uint16_t) < 2 || sizeof(uint32_t) < 4 || sizeof(uint64_t) < 8) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba is not configured correctly for the word size on your machine\n")); DEBUGADD(0,("sizeof(uint16_t) = %u, sizeof(uint32_t) %u, sizeof(uint64_t) = %u\n", (unsigned int)sizeof(uint16_t), (unsigned int)sizeof(uint32_t), (unsigned int)sizeof(uint64_t))); return 1; } if (opt_daemon) { DEBUG(3,("Becoming a daemon.\n")); become_daemon(true, false, false); } cleanup_tmp_files(cmdline_lp_ctx); if (!directory_exist(lpcfg_lockdir(cmdline_lp_ctx))) { mkdir(lpcfg_lockdir(cmdline_lp_ctx), 0755); } pidfile_create(lpcfg_piddir(cmdline_lp_ctx), binary_name); /* Set up a database to hold a random seed, in case we don't * have /dev/urandom */ if (!randseed_init(talloc_autofree_context(), cmdline_lp_ctx)) { return 1; } if (lpcfg_server_role(cmdline_lp_ctx) == ROLE_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER) { if (!open_schannel_session_store(talloc_autofree_context(), lpcfg_private_dir(cmdline_lp_ctx))) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba cannot open schannel store for secured NETLOGON operations.\n")); exit(1); } } gensec_init(); /* FIXME: */ ntptr_init(); /* FIXME: maybe run this in the initialization function of the spoolss RPC server instead? */ ntvfs_init(cmdline_lp_ctx); /* FIXME: maybe run this in the initialization functions of the SMB[,2] server instead? */ process_model_init(cmdline_lp_ctx); shared_init = load_samba_modules(NULL, "service"); run_init_functions(static_init); run_init_functions(shared_init); talloc_free(shared_init); /* the event context is the top level structure in smbd. Everything else should hang off that */ event_ctx = s4_event_context_init(talloc_autofree_context()); if (event_ctx == NULL) { DEBUG(0,("Initializing event context failed\n")); return 1; } if (opt_interactive) { /* terminate when stdin goes away */ stdin_event_flags = TEVENT_FD_READ; } else { /* stay alive forever */ stdin_event_flags = 0; } /* catch EOF on stdin */ #ifdef SIGTTIN signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); #endif tevent_add_fd(event_ctx, event_ctx, 0, stdin_event_flags, server_stdin_handler, discard_const(binary_name)); if (max_runtime) { DEBUG(0,("Called with maxruntime %d - current ts %llu\n", max_runtime, (unsigned long long) time(NULL))); tevent_add_timer(event_ctx, event_ctx, timeval_current_ofs(max_runtime, 0), max_runtime_handler, discard_const(binary_name)); } prime_ldb_databases(event_ctx); status = setup_parent_messaging(event_ctx, cmdline_lp_ctx); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("Failed to setup parent messaging - %s\n", nt_errstr(status))); return 1; } DEBUG(0,("%s: using '%s' process model\n", binary_name, model)); status = server_service_startup(event_ctx, cmdline_lp_ctx, model, lpcfg_server_services(cmdline_lp_ctx)); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("Starting Services failed - %s\n", nt_errstr(status))); return 1; } /* wait for events - this is where smbd sits for most of its life */ tevent_loop_wait(event_ctx); /* as everything hangs off this event context, freeing it should initiate a clean shutdown of all services */ talloc_free(event_ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char optstring[] = "i:p:dfs:vh"; struct option longopts[] = { {"isns-server", 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"isns-port", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"debug", 0, NULL, 'd'}, {"foreground", 0, NULL, 'f'}, {"configfs-iscsi-path", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"version", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; int option; int longindex = 0; int ifd = -1, sfd = -1, tfd = -1; struct epoll_event events[EPOLL_MAX_FD]; ssize_t nr_events; bool daemon = true; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; size_t configsz; conffile_read(); while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, &longindex)) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'i': configsz = sizeof(config.isns_server); strncpy(config.isns_server, optarg, configsz); config.isns_server[configsz - 1] = '\0'; break; case 'p': sscanf(optarg, "%hu", &config.isns_port); break; case 'd': config.log_level = LOG_DEBUG; daemon = false; break; case 'f': daemon = false; break; case 's': configsz = sizeof(config.configfs_iscsi_path); strncpy(config.configfs_iscsi_path, optarg, configsz); config.configfs_iscsi_path[configsz - 1] = '\0'; break; case 'v': printf(PROGNAME " version " TARGET_ISNS_VERSION "\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'h': print_usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case ':': case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } if (!configfs_iscsi_path_exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: configfs is not mounted or the " "target and iSCSI modules are not loaded.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s missing.\n", config.configfs_iscsi_path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (daemon) { daemonize(); pidfile_create(); } log_init(PROGNAME, daemon, config.log_level); log_print(LOG_INFO, PROGNAME " version " TARGET_ISNS_VERSION " started"); epoll_init_fds(); if (isns_init(config.isns_server, config.isns_port) == -1) { log_print(LOG_ERR, "failed to initialize iSNS client"); goto err_init; } if ((epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0)) == -1) { log_print(LOG_ERR, "failed to create epoll instance"); goto err_epoll_fd; } if ((tfd = isns_registration_timer_init()) == -1) { log_print(LOG_ERR, "failed to create timerfd instance"); goto err_tfd; } epoll_set_fd(EPOLL_REGISTRATION_TIMER, tfd); if ((ifd = configfs_inotify_init()) == -1) { log_print(LOG_ERR, "failed to create inotify instance"); goto err_ifd; } epoll_set_fd(EPOLL_INOTIFY, ifd); if ((sfd = signal_init()) == -1) { log_print(LOG_ERR, "failed to create signalfd instance"); goto err_sfd; } epoll_set_fd(EPOLL_SIGNAL, sfd); isns_start(); while (true) { nr_events = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, ARRAY_SIZE(events), -1); for (int i = 0; i < nr_events; i++) { int fd = events[i].data.fd; if (fd == epoll_set[EPOLL_SIGNAL]) { if (signal_is_quit(fd)) goto quit; } else if (fd == epoll_set[EPOLL_INOTIFY]) configfs_inotify_events_handle(); else if (fd == epoll_set[EPOLL_REGISTRATION_TIMER]) isns_registration_refresh(); else if (fd == epoll_set[EPOLL_ISNS]) isns_handle(); else if (fd == epoll_set[EPOLL_SCN_LISTEN]) isns_scn_handle(true); else if (fd == epoll_set[EPOLL_SCN]) isns_scn_handle(false); } } quit: ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; isns_stop(); sleep(1); close(sfd); err_sfd: configfs_inotify_cleanup(); /* closes ifd */ err_ifd: close(tfd); err_tfd: close(epoll_fd); err_epoll_fd: isns_exit(); err_init: log_print(LOG_INFO, PROGNAME " stopped"); log_close(); if (daemon) pidfile_remove(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pstring logfile; static BOOL interactive = False; static BOOL Fork = True; static BOOL log_stdout = False; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP { "stdout", 'S', POPT_ARG_VAL, &log_stdout, True, "Log to stdout" }, { "foreground", 'F', POPT_ARG_VAL, &Fork, False, "Daemon in foreground mode" }, { "interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'i', "Interactive mode" }, { "single-daemon", 'Y', POPT_ARG_VAL, &opt_dual_daemon, False, "Single daemon mode" }, { "no-caching", 'n', POPT_ARG_VAL, &opt_nocache, True, "Disable caching" }, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA POPT_TABLEEND }; poptContext pc; int opt; /* glibc (?) likes to print "User defined signal 1" and exit if a SIGUSR[12] is received before a handler is installed */ CatchSignal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); CatchSignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); fault_setup((void (*)(void *))fault_quit ); /* Initialise for running in non-root mode */ sec_init(); set_remote_machine_name("winbindd", False); /* Set environment variable so we don't recursively call ourselves. This may also be useful interactively. */ setenv(WINBINDD_DONT_ENV, "1", 1); /* Initialise samba/rpc client stuff */ pc = poptGetContext("winbindd", argc, (const char **)argv, long_options, POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST); while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch (opt) { /* Don't become a daemon */ case 'i': interactive = True; log_stdout = True; Fork = False; break; } } if (log_stdout && Fork) { printf("Can't log to stdout (-S) unless daemon is in foreground +(-F) or interactive (-i)\n"); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); exit(1); } pstr_sprintf(logfile, "%s/log.winbindd", dyn_LOGFILEBASE); lp_set_logfile(logfile); setup_logging("winbindd", log_stdout); reopen_logs(); DEBUG(1, ("winbindd version %s started.\n", SAMBA_VERSION_STRING) ); DEBUGADD( 1, ( "Copyright The Samba Team 2000-2004\n" ) ); if (!reload_services_file()) { DEBUG(0, ("error opening config file\n")); exit(1); } /* Setup names. */ if (!init_names()) exit(1); load_interfaces(); if (!secrets_init()) { DEBUG(0,("Could not initialize domain trust account secrets. Giving up\n")); return False; } /* Enable netbios namecache */ namecache_enable(); /* Check winbindd parameters are valid */ ZERO_STRUCT(server_state); /* Winbind daemon initialisation */ if ( (!winbindd_param_init()) || (!winbindd_upgrade_idmap()) || (!idmap_init(lp_idmap_backend())) ) { DEBUG(1, ("Could not init idmap -- netlogon proxy only\n")); idmap_proxyonly(); } generate_wellknown_sids(); /* Unblock all signals we are interested in as they may have been blocked by the parent process. */ BlockSignals(False, SIGINT); BlockSignals(False, SIGQUIT); BlockSignals(False, SIGTERM); BlockSignals(False, SIGUSR1); BlockSignals(False, SIGUSR2); BlockSignals(False, SIGHUP); BlockSignals(False, SIGCHLD); /* Setup signal handlers */ CatchSignal(SIGINT, termination_handler); /* Exit on these sigs */ CatchSignal(SIGQUIT, termination_handler); CatchSignal(SIGTERM, termination_handler); CatchSignal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler); CatchSignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* Ignore sigpipe */ CatchSignal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handler); /* Debugging sigs */ CatchSignal(SIGHUP, sighup_handler); if (!interactive) become_daemon(Fork); pidfile_create("winbindd"); #if HAVE_SETPGID /* * If we're interactive we want to set our own process group for * signal management. */ if (interactive) setpgid( (pid_t)0, (pid_t)0); #endif if (opt_dual_daemon) { do_dual_daemon(); } /* Initialise messaging system */ if (!message_init()) { DEBUG(0, ("unable to initialise messaging system\n")); exit(1); } /* React on 'smbcontrol winbindd reload-config' in the same way as to SIGHUP signal */ message_register(MSG_SMB_CONF_UPDATED, msg_reload_services); message_register(MSG_SHUTDOWN, msg_shutdown); poptFreeContext(pc); netsamlogon_cache_init(); /* Non-critical */ init_domain_list(); /* Loop waiting for requests */ process_loop(); trustdom_cache_shutdown(); return 0; }
int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) { fix_stacksize(); run_tests(); int32_t i, j; prog_name = argv[0]; struct timespec start_ts; cs_gettime(&start_ts); // Initialize clock_type if(pthread_key_create(&getclient, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create getclient, exiting..."); exit(1); } void (*mod_def[])(struct s_module *) = { #ifdef MODULE_MONITOR module_monitor, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD33 module_camd33, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35 module_camd35, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35_TCP module_camd35_tcp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_NEWCAMD module_newcamd, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CCCAM module_cccam, #endif #ifdef MODULE_PANDORA module_pandora, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GHTTP module_ghttp, #endif #ifdef CS_CACHEEX module_csp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GBOX module_gbox, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CONSTCW module_constcw, #endif #ifdef MODULE_RADEGAST module_radegast, #endif #ifdef MODULE_SCAM module_scam, #endif #ifdef MODULE_SERIAL module_serial, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DVBAPI module_dvbapi, #endif 0 }; find_conf_dir(); parse_cmdline_params(argc, argv); if(bg && do_daemon(1, 0)) { printf("Error starting in background (errno=%d: %s)", errno, strerror(errno)); cs_exit(1); } get_random_bytes_init(); #ifdef WEBIF if(cs_restart_mode) { restart_daemon(); } #endif memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(struct s_config)); cfg.max_pending = max_pending; if(cs_confdir[strlen(cs_confdir) - 1] != '/') { strcat(cs_confdir, "/"); } init_signal_pre(); // because log could cause SIGPIPE errors, init a signal handler first init_first_client(); cs_lock_create(__func__, &system_lock, "system_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &config_lock, "config_lock", 10000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &gethostbyname_lock, "gethostbyname_lock", 10000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &clientlist_lock, "clientlist_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &readerlist_lock, "readerlist_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &fakeuser_lock, "fakeuser_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &ecmcache_lock, "ecmcache_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &ecm_pushed_deleted_lock, "ecm_pushed_deleted_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &readdir_lock, "readdir_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &cwcycle_lock, "cwcycle_lock", 5000); init_cache(); cacheex_init_hitcache(); init_config(); cs_init_log(); init_machine_info(); init_check(); if(!oscam_pidfile && cfg.pidfile) { oscam_pidfile = cfg.pidfile; } if(!oscam_pidfile) { oscam_pidfile = get_tmp_dir_filename(default_pidfile, sizeof(default_pidfile), ""); } if(oscam_pidfile) { pidfile_create(oscam_pidfile); } cs_init_statistics(); coolapi_open_all(); init_stat(); ssl_init(); // These initializations *MUST* be called after init_config() // because modules depend on config values. for(i = 0; mod_def[i]; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; mod_def[i](module); } init_sidtab(); init_readerdb(); cfg.account = init_userdb(); init_signal(); init_provid(); init_srvid(); init_tierid(); init_fakecws(); start_garbage_collector(gbdb); cacheex_init(); init_len4caid(); init_irdeto_guess_tab(); write_versionfile(false); led_init(); led_status_default(); azbox_init(); mca_init(); global_whitelist_read(); ratelimit_read(); for(i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if((module->type & MOD_CONN_NET)) { for(j = 0; j < module->ptab.nports; j++) { start_listener(module, &module->ptab.ports[j]); } } } //set time for server to now to avoid 0 in monitor/webif first_client->last = time((time_t *)0); webif_init(); start_thread("reader check", (void *) &reader_check, NULL, NULL, 1, 1); cw_process_thread_start(); checkcache_process_thread_start(); lcd_thread_start(); do_report_emm_support(); init_cardreader(); cs_waitforcardinit(); emm_load_cache(); load_emmstat_from_file(); led_status_starting(); ac_init(); start_thread("card poll", (void *) &card_poll, NULL, NULL, 1, 1); for(i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if((module->type & MOD_CONN_SERIAL) && module->s_handler) { module->s_handler(NULL, NULL, i); } } // main loop function process_clients(); SAFE_COND_SIGNAL(&card_poll_sleep_cond); // Stop card_poll thread cw_process_thread_wakeup(); // Stop cw_process thread SAFE_COND_SIGNAL(&reader_check_sleep_cond); // Stop reader_check thread // Cleanup #ifdef MODULE_GBOX stop_sms_sender(); #endif webif_close(); azbox_close(); coolapi_close_all(); mca_close(); led_status_stopping(); led_stop(); lcd_thread_stop(); remove_versionfile(); stat_finish(); dvbapi_stop_all_descrambling(); dvbapi_save_channel_cache(); emm_save_cache(); save_emmstat_to_file(); cccam_done_share(); gbox_send_good_night(); kill_all_clients(); kill_all_readers(); for(i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if((module->type & MOD_CONN_NET)) { for(j = 0; j < module->ptab.nports; j++) { struct s_port *port = &module->ptab.ports[j]; if(port->fd) { shutdown(port->fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(port->fd); port->fd = 0; } } } } if(oscam_pidfile) { unlink(oscam_pidfile); } // sleep a bit, so hopefully all threads are stopped when we continue cs_sleepms(200); free_cache(); cacheex_free_hitcache(); webif_tpls_free(); init_free_userdb(cfg.account); cfg.account = NULL; init_free_sidtab(); free_readerdb(); free_irdeto_guess_tab(); config_free(); ssl_done(); detect_valgrind(); if (!running_under_valgrind) cs_log("cardserver down"); else cs_log("running under valgrind, waiting 5 seconds before stopping cardserver"); log_free(); if (running_under_valgrind) sleep(5); // HACK: Wait a bit for things to settle stop_garbage_collector(); NULLFREE(first_client->account); NULLFREE(first_client); free(stb_boxtype); free(stb_boxname); // This prevents the compiler from removing config_mak from the final binary syslog_ident = config_mak; return exit_oscam; }
static int daemonize(void) { if (chdir("/") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: chdir() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } struct rlimit rl; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: getrlimit() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: fork() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } else if (pid != 0) { exit(0); } if (pidfile_create() != 0) return -1; setsid(); if (rl.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY) rl.rlim_max = 1024; for (int i = 0; i < (int)rl.rlim_max; ++i) close(i); int dev_null = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (dev_null == -1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't open /dev/null: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (dup2(dev_null, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) { close(dev_null); syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't connect STDIN to /dev/null: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (dup2(dev_null, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) { close(dev_null); syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't connect STDOUT to /dev/null: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (dup2(dev_null, STDERR_FILENO) == -1) { close(dev_null); syslog(LOG_ERR, "Error: couldn't connect STDERR to /dev/null: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if ((dev_null != STDIN_FILENO) && (dev_null != STDOUT_FILENO) && (dev_null != STDERR_FILENO)) close(dev_null); return 0; } /* daemonize */
/* main server. */ static int binary_smbd_main(const char *binary_name, int argc, const char *argv[]) { bool opt_daemon = false; bool opt_interactive = false; int opt; poptContext pc; #define _MODULE_PROTO(init) extern NTSTATUS init(void); STATIC_service_MODULES_PROTO; init_module_fn static_init[] = { STATIC_service_MODULES }; init_module_fn *shared_init; struct tevent_context *event_ctx; uint16_t stdin_event_flags; NTSTATUS status; const char *model = "standard"; int max_runtime = 0; struct stat st; enum { OPT_DAEMON = 1000, OPT_INTERACTIVE, OPT_PROCESS_MODEL, OPT_SHOW_BUILD }; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP {"daemon", 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_DAEMON, "Become a daemon (default)", NULL }, {"interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_INTERACTIVE, "Run interactive (not a daemon)", NULL}, {"model", 'M', POPT_ARG_STRING, NULL, OPT_PROCESS_MODEL, "Select process model", "MODEL"}, {"maximum-runtime",0, POPT_ARG_INT, &max_runtime, 0, "set maximum runtime of the server process, till autotermination", "seconds"}, {"show-build", 'b', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, OPT_SHOW_BUILD, "show build info", NULL }, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA POPT_COMMON_VERSION { NULL } }; pc = poptGetContext(binary_name, argc, argv, long_options, 0); while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case OPT_DAEMON: opt_daemon = true; break; case OPT_INTERACTIVE: opt_interactive = true; break; case OPT_PROCESS_MODEL: model = poptGetOptArg(pc); break; case OPT_SHOW_BUILD: show_build(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\nInvalid option %s: %s\n\n", poptBadOption(pc, 0), poptStrerror(opt)); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); return 1; } } if (opt_daemon && opt_interactive) { fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: " "Option -i|--interactive is not allowed together with -D|--daemon\n\n"); poptPrintUsage(pc, stderr, 0); return 1; } else if (!opt_interactive) { /* default is --daemon */ opt_daemon = true; } poptFreeContext(pc); talloc_enable_null_tracking(); setup_logging(binary_name, opt_interactive?DEBUG_STDOUT:DEBUG_FILE); setup_signals(); /* we want total control over the permissions on created files, so set our umask to 0 */ umask(0); DEBUG(0,("%s version %s started.\n", binary_name, SAMBA_VERSION_STRING)); DEBUGADD(0,("Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2016\n")); if (sizeof(uint16_t) < 2 || sizeof(uint32_t) < 4 || sizeof(uint64_t) < 8) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba is not configured correctly for the word size on your machine\n")); DEBUGADD(0,("sizeof(uint16_t) = %u, sizeof(uint32_t) %u, sizeof(uint64_t) = %u\n", (unsigned int)sizeof(uint16_t), (unsigned int)sizeof(uint32_t), (unsigned int)sizeof(uint64_t))); return 1; } if (opt_daemon) { DEBUG(3,("Becoming a daemon.\n")); become_daemon(true, false, false); } cleanup_tmp_files(cmdline_lp_ctx); if (!directory_exist(lpcfg_lock_directory(cmdline_lp_ctx))) { mkdir(lpcfg_lock_directory(cmdline_lp_ctx), 0755); } pidfile_create(lpcfg_pid_directory(cmdline_lp_ctx), binary_name); if (lpcfg_server_role(cmdline_lp_ctx) == ROLE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_DC) { if (!open_schannel_session_store(talloc_autofree_context(), cmdline_lp_ctx)) { exit_daemon("Samba cannot open schannel store for secured NETLOGON operations.", EACCES); } } /* make sure we won't go through nss_winbind */ if (!winbind_off()) { exit_daemon("Samba failed to disable recusive winbindd calls.", EACCES); } gensec_init(); /* FIXME: */ ntptr_init(); /* FIXME: maybe run this in the initialization function of the spoolss RPC server instead? */ ntvfs_init(cmdline_lp_ctx); /* FIXME: maybe run this in the initialization functions of the SMB[,2] server instead? */ process_model_init(cmdline_lp_ctx); shared_init = load_samba_modules(NULL, "service"); run_init_functions(static_init); run_init_functions(shared_init); talloc_free(shared_init); /* the event context is the top level structure in smbd. Everything else should hang off that */ event_ctx = s4_event_context_init(talloc_autofree_context()); if (event_ctx == NULL) { exit_daemon("Initializing event context failed", EACCES); } if (opt_interactive) { /* terminate when stdin goes away */ stdin_event_flags = TEVENT_FD_READ; } else { /* stay alive forever */ stdin_event_flags = 0; } /* catch EOF on stdin */ #ifdef SIGTTIN signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); #endif if (fstat(0, &st) != 0) { exit_daemon("Samba failed to set standard input handler", ENOTTY); } if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)) { tevent_add_fd(event_ctx, event_ctx, 0, stdin_event_flags, server_stdin_handler, discard_const(binary_name)); } if (max_runtime) { DEBUG(0,("Called with maxruntime %d - current ts %llu\n", max_runtime, (unsigned long long) time(NULL))); tevent_add_timer(event_ctx, event_ctx, timeval_current_ofs(max_runtime, 0), max_runtime_handler, discard_const(binary_name)); } if (lpcfg_server_role(cmdline_lp_ctx) != ROLE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_DC && !lpcfg_parm_bool(cmdline_lp_ctx, NULL, "server role check", "inhibit", false) && !str_list_check_ci(lpcfg_server_services(cmdline_lp_ctx), "smb") && !str_list_check_ci(lpcfg_dcerpc_endpoint_servers(cmdline_lp_ctx), "remote") && !str_list_check_ci(lpcfg_dcerpc_endpoint_servers(cmdline_lp_ctx), "mapiproxy")) { DEBUG(0, ("At this time the 'samba' binary should only be used for either:\n")); DEBUGADD(0, ("'server role = active directory domain controller' or to access the ntvfs file server with 'server services = +smb' or the rpc proxy with 'dcerpc endpoint servers = remote'\n")); DEBUGADD(0, ("You should start smbd/nmbd/winbindd instead for domain member and standalone file server tasks\n")); exit_daemon("Samba detected misconfigured 'server role' and exited. Check logs for details", EINVAL); }; prime_ldb_databases(event_ctx); status = setup_parent_messaging(event_ctx, cmdline_lp_ctx); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { exit_daemon("Samba failed to setup parent messaging", NT_STATUS_V(status)); } DEBUG(0,("%s: using '%s' process model\n", binary_name, model)); status = server_service_startup(event_ctx, cmdline_lp_ctx, model, lpcfg_server_services(cmdline_lp_ctx)); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { exit_daemon("Samba failed to start services", NT_STATUS_V(status)); } if (opt_daemon) { daemon_ready("samba"); } /* wait for events - this is where smbd sits for most of its life */ tevent_loop_wait(event_ctx); /* as everything hangs off this event context, freeing it should initiate a clean shutdown of all services */ talloc_free(event_ctx); return 0; }
int main2(int argc,const char *argv[]) { /* shall I run as a daemon */ static BOOL is_daemon = False; static BOOL interactive = False; static BOOL Fork = True; static BOOL no_process_group = False; static BOOL log_stdout = False; static char *ports = NULL; int opt; #ifndef _XBOX poptContext pc; struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP {"daemon", 'D', POPT_ARG_VAL, &is_daemon, True, "Become a daemon (default)" }, {"interactive", 'i', POPT_ARG_VAL, &interactive, True, "Run interactive (not a daemon)"}, {"foreground", 'F', POPT_ARG_VAL, &Fork, False, "Run daemon in foreground (for daemontools, etc.)" }, {"no-process-group", '\0', POPT_ARG_VAL, &no_process_group, True, "Don't create a new process group" }, {"log-stdout", 'S', POPT_ARG_VAL, &log_stdout, True, "Log to stdout" }, {"build-options", 'b', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'b', "Print build options" }, {"port", 'p', POPT_ARG_STRING, &ports, 0, "Listen on the specified ports"}, POPT_COMMON_SAMBA POPT_COMMON_DYNCONFIG POPT_TABLEEND }; #else interactive = True; log_stdout = True; #endif load_case_tables(); #ifdef HAVE_SET_AUTH_PARAMETERS set_auth_parameters(argc,argv); #endif #ifndef _XBOX pc = poptGetContext("smbd", argc, argv, long_options, 0); while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'b': build_options(True); /* Display output to screen as well as debug */ exit(0); break; } } poptFreeContext(pc); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETLUID /* needed for SecureWare on SCO */ setluid(0); #endif sec_init(); set_remote_machine_name("smbd", False); if (interactive) { Fork = False; log_stdout = True; } if (interactive && (DEBUGLEVEL >= 9)) { talloc_enable_leak_report(); } if (log_stdout && Fork) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Can't log to stdout (-S) unless daemon is in foreground (-F) or interactive (-i)\n")); exit(1); } setup_logging(argv[0],log_stdout); /* we want to re-seed early to prevent time delays causing client problems at a later date. (tridge) */ generate_random_buffer(NULL, 0); /* make absolutely sure we run as root - to handle cases where people are crazy enough to have it setuid */ gain_root_privilege(); gain_root_group_privilege(); #ifndef _XBOX fault_setup((void (*)(void *))exit_server_fault); dump_core_setup("smbd"); #endif CatchSignal(SIGTERM , SIGNAL_CAST sig_term); #ifndef _XBOX CatchSignal(SIGHUP,SIGNAL_CAST sig_hup); /* we are never interested in SIGPIPE */ BlockSignals(True,SIGPIPE); #endif #if defined(SIGFPE) /* we are never interested in SIGFPE */ BlockSignals(True,SIGFPE); #endif #if defined(SIGUSR2) /* We are no longer interested in USR2 */ BlockSignals(True,SIGUSR2); #endif /* POSIX demands that signals are inherited. If the invoking process has * these signals masked, we will have problems, as we won't recieve them. */ #ifndef _XBOX BlockSignals(False, SIGHUP); #endif BlockSignals(False, SIGUSR1); BlockSignals(False, SIGTERM); /* we want total control over the permissions on created files, so set our umask to 0 */ umask(0); init_sec_ctx(); reopen_logs(); DEBUG(0,( "smbd version %s started.\n", SAMBA_VERSION_STRING)); DEBUGADD( 0, ( "%s\n", COPYRIGHT_STARTUP_MESSAGE ) ); DEBUG(2,("uid=%d gid=%d euid=%d egid=%d\n", (int)getuid(),(int)getgid(),(int)geteuid(),(int)getegid())); /* Output the build options to the debug log */ build_options(False); if (sizeof(uint16) < 2 || sizeof(uint32) < 4) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba is not configured correctly for the word size on your machine\n")); exit(1); } /* * Do this before reload_services. */ if (!reload_services(False)) return(-1); init_structs(); #ifdef WITH_PROFILE if (!profile_setup(False)) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: failed to setup profiling\n")); return -1; } #endif DEBUG(3,( "loaded services\n")); if (!is_daemon && !is_a_socket(0)) { if (!interactive) DEBUG(0,("standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option\n")); /* * Setting is_daemon here prevents us from eventually calling * the open_sockets_inetd() */ is_daemon = True; } if (is_daemon && !interactive) { DEBUG( 3, ( "Becoming a daemon.\n" ) ); become_daemon(Fork, no_process_group); } #if HAVE_SETPGID /* * If we're interactive we want to set our own process group for * signal management. */ if (interactive && !no_process_group) setpgid( (pid_t)0, (pid_t)0); #endif if (!directory_exist(lp_lockdir(), NULL)) mkdir(lp_lockdir(), 0755); #ifndef _XBOX if (is_daemon) pidfile_create("smbd"); #endif /* Setup all the TDB's - including CLEAR_IF_FIRST tdb's. */ if (!message_init()) exit(1); /* Initialize our global sam sid first -- quite a lot of the other * initialization routines further down depend on it. */ /* Initialise the password backed before the global_sam_sid to ensure that we fetch from ldap before we make a domain sid up */ if(!initialize_password_db(False)) exit(1); /* Fail gracefully if we can't open secrets.tdb */ if (!secrets_init()) { DEBUG(0, ("ERROR: smbd can not open secrets.tdb\n")); exit(1); } if(!get_global_sam_sid()) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: Samba cannot create a SAM SID.\n")); exit(1); } if (!session_init()) exit(1); if (conn_tdb_ctx() == NULL) exit(1); if (!locking_init(0)) exit(1); namecache_enable(); if (!init_registry()) exit(1); #if 0 if (!init_svcctl_db()) exit(1); #endif #ifndef _XBOX if (!print_backend_init()) exit(1); #endif if (!init_guest_info()) { DEBUG(0,("ERROR: failed to setup guest info.\n")); return -1; } /* Setup the main smbd so that we can get messages. */ /* don't worry about general printing messages here */ claim_connection(NULL,"",0,True,FLAG_MSG_GENERAL|FLAG_MSG_SMBD); /* only start the background queue daemon if we are running as a daemon -- bad things will happen if smbd is launched via inetd and we fork a copy of ourselves here */ #ifndef _XBOX if ( is_daemon && !interactive ) start_background_queue(); #endif /* Always attempt to initialize DMAPI. We will only use it later if * lp_dmapi_support is set on the share, but we need a single global * session to work with. */ dmapi_init_session(); if (!open_sockets_smbd(is_daemon, interactive, ports)) exit(1); /* * everything after this point is run after the fork() */ static_init_rpc; init_modules(); /* possibly reload the services file. */ reload_services(True); if (!init_account_policy()) { DEBUG(0,("Could not open account policy tdb.\n")); exit(1); } if (*lp_rootdir()) { if (sys_chroot(lp_rootdir()) == 0) DEBUG(2,("Changed root to %s\n", lp_rootdir())); } /* Setup oplocks */ if (!init_oplocks()) exit(1); /* Setup change notify */ if (!init_change_notify()) exit(1); /* Setup aio signal handler. */ initialize_async_io_handler(); /* re-initialise the timezone */ TimeInit(); /* register our message handlers */ message_register(MSG_SMB_FORCE_TDIS, msg_force_tdis); smbd_process(); #ifdef _XBOX xb_DecClientCount(); #endif namecache_shutdown(); exit_server_cleanly(NULL); return(0); }
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char *argv[]) { int32_t i, j; prog_name = argv[0]; if (pthread_key_create(&getclient, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create getclient, exiting..."); exit(1); } void (*mod_def[])(struct s_module *)= { #ifdef MODULE_MONITOR module_monitor, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD33 module_camd33, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35 module_camd35, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35_TCP module_camd35_tcp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_NEWCAMD module_newcamd, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CCCAM module_cccam, #endif #ifdef MODULE_PANDORA module_pandora, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GHTTP module_ghttp, #endif #ifdef CS_CACHEEX module_csp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GBOX module_gbox, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CONSTCW module_constcw, #endif #ifdef MODULE_RADEGAST module_radegast, #endif #ifdef MODULE_SERIAL module_serial, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DVBAPI module_dvbapi, #endif 0 }; void (*cardsystem_def[])(struct s_cardsystem *)= { #ifdef READER_NAGRA reader_nagra, #endif #ifdef READER_IRDETO reader_irdeto, #endif #ifdef READER_CONAX reader_conax, #endif #ifdef READER_CRYPTOWORKS reader_cryptoworks, #endif #ifdef READER_SECA reader_seca, #endif #ifdef READER_VIACCESS reader_viaccess, #endif #ifdef READER_VIDEOGUARD reader_videoguard1, reader_videoguard2, reader_videoguard12, #endif #ifdef READER_DRE reader_dre, #endif #ifdef READER_TONGFANG reader_tongfang, #endif #ifdef READER_BULCRYPT reader_bulcrypt, #endif #ifdef READER_GRIFFIN reader_griffin, #endif #ifdef READER_DGCRYPT reader_dgcrypt, #endif 0 }; void (*cardreader_def[])(struct s_cardreader *)= { #ifdef CARDREADER_DB2COM cardreader_db2com, #endif #if defined(CARDREADER_INTERNAL_AZBOX) cardreader_internal_azbox, #elif defined(CARDREADER_INTERNAL_COOLAPI) cardreader_internal_cool, #elif defined(CARDREADER_INTERNAL_SCI) cardreader_internal_sci, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_PHOENIX cardreader_mouse, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_MP35 cardreader_mp35, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_PCSC cardreader_pcsc, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_SC8IN1 cardreader_sc8in1, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_SMARGO cardreader_smargo, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_SMART cardreader_smartreader, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_STAPI cardreader_stapi, #endif 0 }; parse_cmdline_params(argc, argv); if (bg && do_daemon(1,0)) { printf("Error starting in background (errno=%d: %s)", errno, strerror(errno)); cs_exit(1); } get_random_bytes_init(); #ifdef WEBIF if (cs_restart_mode) restart_daemon(); #endif memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(struct s_config)); cfg.max_pending = max_pending; if (cs_confdir[strlen(cs_confdir) - 1] != '/') strcat(cs_confdir, "/"); init_signal_pre(); // because log could cause SIGPIPE errors, init a signal handler first init_first_client(); cs_lock_create(&system_lock, 5, "system_lock"); cs_lock_create(&config_lock, 10, "config_lock"); cs_lock_create(&gethostbyname_lock, 10, "gethostbyname_lock"); cs_lock_create(&clientlist_lock, 5, "clientlist_lock"); cs_lock_create(&readerlist_lock, 5, "readerlist_lock"); cs_lock_create(&fakeuser_lock, 5, "fakeuser_lock"); cs_lock_create(&ecmcache_lock, 5, "ecmcache_lock"); cs_lock_create(&readdir_lock, 5, "readdir_lock"); cs_lock_create(&cwcycle_lock, 5, "cwcycle_lock"); cs_lock_create(&hitcache_lock, 5, "hitcache_lock"); coolapi_open_all(); init_config(); cs_init_log(); if (!oscam_pidfile && cfg.pidfile) oscam_pidfile = cfg.pidfile; if (!oscam_pidfile) { oscam_pidfile = get_tmp_dir_filename(default_pidfile, sizeof(default_pidfile), ""); } if (oscam_pidfile) pidfile_create(oscam_pidfile); cs_init_statistics(); init_check(); init_stat(); // These initializations *MUST* be called after init_config() // because modules depend on config values. for (i=0; mod_def[i]; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; mod_def[i](module); } for (i=0; cardsystem_def[i]; i++) { memset(&cardsystems[i], 0, sizeof(struct s_cardsystem)); cardsystem_def[i](&cardsystems[i]); } for (i=0; cardreader_def[i]; i++) { memset(&cardreaders[i], 0, sizeof(struct s_cardreader)); cardreader_def[i](&cardreaders[i]); } init_sidtab(); init_readerdb(); cfg.account = init_userdb(); init_signal(); init_srvid(); init_tierid(); init_provid(); start_garbage_collector(gbdb); cacheex_init(); init_len4caid(); init_irdeto_guess_tab(); write_versionfile(false); led_init(); led_status_default(); azbox_init(); mca_init(); global_whitelist_read(); cacheex_load_config_file(); for (i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if ((module->type & MOD_CONN_NET)) { for (j = 0; j < module->ptab.nports; j++) { start_listener(module, &module->ptab.ports[j]); } } } //set time for server to now to avoid 0 in monitor/webif first_client->last=time((time_t *)0); webif_init(); start_thread((void *) &reader_check, "reader check"); cw_process_thread_start(); lcd_thread_start(); do_report_emm_support(); init_cardreader(); cs_waitforcardinit(); led_status_starting(); ac_init(); for (i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if ((module->type & MOD_CONN_SERIAL) && module->s_handler) module->s_handler(NULL, NULL, i); } // main loop function process_clients(); cw_process_thread_wakeup(); // Stop cw_process thread pthread_cond_signal(&reader_check_sleep_cond); // Stop reader_check thread // Cleanup webif_close(); azbox_close(); coolapi_close_all(); mca_close(); led_status_stopping(); led_stop(); lcd_thread_stop(); remove_versionfile(); stat_finish(); cccam_done_share(); kill_all_clients(); kill_all_readers(); if (oscam_pidfile) unlink(oscam_pidfile); webif_tpls_free(); init_free_userdb(cfg.account); cfg.account = NULL; init_free_sidtab(); free_readerdb(); free_irdeto_guess_tab(); config_free(); cs_log("cardserver down"); log_free(); stop_garbage_collector(); free(first_client->account); free(first_client); // This prevents the compiler from removing config_mak from the final binary syslog_ident = config_mak; return exit_oscam; }
/** * @brief openvassd. * @param argc Argument count. * @param argv Argument vector. */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int exit_early = 0, scanner_port = 9391; pid_t handler_pid; char *myself; struct arglist *options = emalloc (sizeof (struct arglist)); struct addrinfo *mysaddr; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo ai; struct sockaddr_in saddr; struct sockaddr_in6 s6addr; proctitle_init (argc, argv); gcrypt_init (); if ((myself = strrchr (*argv, '/')) == 0) myself = *argv; else myself++; static gboolean display_version = FALSE; static gboolean dont_fork = FALSE; static gchar *address = NULL; static gchar *port = NULL; static gchar *config_file = NULL; static gchar *gnutls_priorities = "NORMAL"; static gchar *dh_params = NULL; static gboolean print_specs = FALSE; static gboolean print_sysconfdir = FALSE; static gboolean only_cache = FALSE; GError *error = NULL; GOptionContext *option_context; static GOptionEntry entries[] = { {"version", 'V', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &display_version, "Display version information", NULL}, {"foreground", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &dont_fork, "Do not run in daemon mode but stay in foreground", NULL}, {"listen", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &address, "Listen on <address>", "<address>"}, {"port", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &port, "Use port number <number>", "<number>"}, {"config-file", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &config_file, "Configuration file", "<.rcfile>"}, {"cfg-specs", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &print_specs, "Print configuration settings", NULL}, {"sysconfdir", 'y', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &print_sysconfdir, "Print system configuration directory (set at compile time)", NULL}, {"only-cache", 'C', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &only_cache, "Exit once the NVT cache has been initialized or updated", NULL}, {"gnutls-priorities", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &gnutls_priorities, "GnuTLS priorities string", "<string>"}, {"dh-params", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &dh_params, "Diffie-Hellman parameters file", "<string>"}, {NULL} }; option_context = g_option_context_new ("- Scanner of the Open Vulnerability Assessment System"); g_option_context_add_main_entries (option_context, entries, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse (option_context, &argc, &argv, &error)) { g_print ("%s\n\n", error->message); exit (0); } g_option_context_free (option_context); if (print_sysconfdir) { g_print ("%s\n", SYSCONFDIR); exit (0); } /* Switch to UTC so that OTP times are always in UTC. */ if (setenv ("TZ", "utc 0", 1) == -1) { g_print ("%s\n\n", strerror (errno)); exit (0); } tzset (); if (print_specs) exit_early = 2; /* no cipher initialization */ if (address != NULL) { memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; if (getaddrinfo (address, NULL, &hints, &mysaddr)) { printf ("Invalid IP address.\n"); printf ("Please use %s --help for more information.\n", myself); exit (0); } /* deep copy */ ai.ai_family = mysaddr->ai_family; if (ai.ai_family == AF_INET) { memcpy (&saddr, mysaddr->ai_addr, mysaddr->ai_addrlen); ai.ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr; } else { memcpy (&s6addr, mysaddr->ai_addr, mysaddr->ai_addrlen); ai.ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) &s6addr; } ai.ai_family = mysaddr->ai_family; ai.ai_protocol = mysaddr->ai_protocol; ai.ai_socktype = mysaddr->ai_socktype; ai.ai_addrlen = mysaddr->ai_addrlen; freeaddrinfo (mysaddr); } else { /* Default to IPv4 */ /*Warning: Not filling all the fields */ saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; saddr.sin_family = ai.ai_family = AF_INET; ai.ai_addrlen = sizeof (saddr); ai.ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr; } if (port != NULL) { scanner_port = atoi (port); if ((scanner_port <= 0) || (scanner_port >= 65536)) { printf ("Invalid port specification.\n"); printf ("Please use %s --help for more information.\n", myself); exit (1); } } if (display_version) { printf ("OpenVAS Scanner %s\n", OPENVASSD_VERSION); printf ("Nessus origin: (C) 2004 Renaud Deraison <*****@*****.**>\n"); printf ("Most new code since OpenVAS: (C) 2013 Greenbone Networks GmbH\n"); printf ("License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2\n"); printf ("This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\n"); exit (0); } if (config_file != NULL) arg_add_value (options, "acc_hint", ARG_INT, sizeof (int), (void *) 1); if (!config_file) { config_file = emalloc (strlen (OPENVASSD_CONF) + 1); strncpy (config_file, OPENVASSD_CONF, strlen (OPENVASSD_CONF)); } arg_add_value (options, "scanner_port", ARG_INT, sizeof (gpointer), GSIZE_TO_POINTER (scanner_port)); arg_add_value (options, "config_file", ARG_STRING, strlen (config_file), config_file); arg_add_value (options, "addr", ARG_PTR, -1, &ai); if (only_cache) { init_openvassd (options, 0, 1, dont_fork); init_plugins (options); exit (0); } init_openvassd (options, 1, exit_early, dont_fork); g_options = options; global_iana_socket = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (arg_get_value (options, "isck")); global_plugins = arg_get_value (options, "plugins"); /* special treatment */ if (print_specs) dump_cfg_specs (global_preferences); if (exit_early) exit (0); init_ssl_ctx (gnutls_priorities, dh_params); // Daemon mode: if (dont_fork == FALSE) set_daemon_mode (); pidfile_create ("openvassd"); handler_pid = loading_handler_start (); init_plugins (options); loading_handler_stop (handler_pid); main_loop (); exit (0); }