Exemple #1
// Borrowed from http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/176327
Vector3 CellularAutomata::normCoordToTorus(const Vector2& norm) {
    float r1 = 2.0f; 
    float r2 = 1.0f;
    float theta = norm.x * 2.0f * pif();
    float phi   = norm.y * 2.0f * pif();

    Point3 p( (r1 + r2*cos(phi))*cos(theta),
                (r1 + r2*cos(phi))*sin(theta));

    return p;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("usage: %s <module>\n", argv[0]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  int mod = atoi(argv[1]);

  PixieInterface pif("pixie.cfg");

  pif.Boot(PixieInterface::DownloadParameters |
	   PixieInterface::ProgramFPGA |
	   PixieInterface::SetDAC, true);

  OffsetAdjuster adjuster;

  if (forModule<int>(pif, mod, adjuster)) {

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void OBJWriterNodeVisitor::processGeometry(osg::Geometry* geo, osg::Matrix& m) {
    _fout << std::endl;
    _fout << "o " << getUniqueName( geo->getName().empty() ? geo->className() : geo->getName() ) << std::endl;

    if (geo->containsDeprecatedData()) geo->fixDeprecatedData();


    processArray("v", geo->getVertexArray(), m, false);
    processArray("vn", geo->getNormalArray(), m, true);
    processArray("vt", geo->getTexCoordArray(0)); // we support only tex-unit 0
    unsigned int normalIndex = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < geo->getNumPrimitiveSets(); ++i)
        osg::PrimitiveSet* ps = geo->getPrimitiveSet(i);

        ObjPrimitiveIndexWriter pif(_fout, geo, normalIndex, _lastVertexIndex, _lastNormalIndex, _lastTexIndex);

        if(geo->getNormalArray() && geo->getNormalArray()->getBinding() == osg::Array::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE_SET)
    if (geo->getVertexArray())
        _lastVertexIndex += geo->getVertexArray()->getNumElements();
    if (geo->getNormalArray())
        _lastNormalIndex += geo->getNormalArray()->getNumElements();
        _lastTexIndex += geo->getTexCoordArray(0)->getNumElements();

Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 3) {
    printf("usage: %s <module> <channel>\n", argv[0]);

  int mod = atoi(argv[1]);
  int ch  = atoi(argv[2]);

  PixieInterface pif("pixie.cfg");

  pif.Boot(PixieInterface::DownloadParameters |
	   PixieInterface::ProgramFPGA |
	   PixieInterface::SetDAC, true);

  GoodToggler toggler;
  if (forChannel(pif, mod, ch, toggler))
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #5
Color3 Raytracer::shadeDirectBSDF(const SurfaceSample& intersector, const Ray& ray) const
	Color3 lightContribution(0,0,0);
	for (int i = 0; i < _currentScene->lighting()->lightArray.length(); ++i)
		GLight& light = _currentScene->lighting()->lightArray[i];
		const Point3& X = intersector.shadingLocation;
		const Point3& n = intersector.shadingNormal;
		const Vector3& diff = light.position.xyz() - X;
		const Vector3 w_i = diff.direction();
		const float distance = diff.length();
		const Vector3 w_eye = -ray.direction();
		const Power3& Phi = light.color.rgb();

		if (!isInSpotlight(light, w_i))

		if (isInShadow(intersector, w_i, distance))

		// power area
		const Color3& E_i = w_i.dot(n) * Phi / (4 * pif() * (distance*distance));

		const SuperBSDF::Ref bsdf = intersector.material->bsdf();
		const Color3& bsdfColor = bsdf->evaluate(intersector.shadingNormal, intersector.texCoord, w_i, w_eye).rgb();

		lightContribution += bsdfColor * E_i + intersector.emit;

	return lightContribution;
Exemple #6
void ParticleSystem::spawnSurface() {
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) {
        Particle& particle = m_particle.next();
        PhysicsData& physicsData = m_physicsData.next();

        Vector3 n;
        mesh.getRandomSurfacePoint(particle.position, n);
        particle.position = (transform * Vector4(particle.position, 1.0f)).xyz() + n * explode;

        particle.materialIndex = materialIndex;
        particle.color    = c;
        particle.angle    = rnd.uniform(0.0f, 2.0f) * pif(); 
        particle.radius   = radius;
        particle.emissive = 0;
        physicsData.angularVelocity = rnd.uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (360.0f * units::degrees()) / (20.0f * units::seconds());

    // Center
    const Vector3 offset = -bounds.center();
    for (int i = 0; i < m_particle.size(); ++i) {
        m_particle[i].position += offset;

    m_lastObjectSpaceAABoxBounds = bounds + offset;
void Foam::cyclicAMIFvPatchField<Type>::updateInterfaceMatrix
    scalarField& result,
    const scalarField& psiInternal,
    const scalarField& coeffs,
    const direction cmpt,
    const Pstream::commsTypes
) const
    const labelUList& nbrFaceCells =

    scalarField pnf(psiInternal, nbrFaceCells);

    // Transform according to the transformation tensors
    transformCoupleField(pnf, cmpt);

    if (cyclicAMIPatch_.applyLowWeightCorrection())
        scalarField pif(psiInternal, cyclicAMIPatch_.faceCells());
        pnf = cyclicAMIPatch_.interpolate(pnf, pif);
        pnf = cyclicAMIPatch_.interpolate(pnf);

    // Multiply the field by coefficients and add into the result
    const labelUList& faceCells = cyclicAMIPatch_.faceCells();

    forAll(faceCells, elemI)
        result[faceCells[elemI]] -= coeffs[elemI]*pnf[elemI];
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  if (argc !=  3) {
    printf("usage: %s <module> <channel>\n", argv[0]);
  int mod = atoi(argv[1]);
  int ch  = atoi(argv[2]);
  PixieInterface pif("pixie.cfg");
  pif.Boot(PixieInterface::DownloadParameters |
	   PixieInterface::ProgramFPGA |
	   PixieInterface::SetDAC, true);

  TraceGrabber grabber;
  forChannel(pif, mod, ch, grabber);

  char traceFile[] = "trace.dat";
  char fileOptions[] = "N";

  HRPUT (0, traceFile, fileOptions);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #9
 * Cerca prima di tutto nei titoli.
 * Successivamente, cerca l'accorrenza della parola *ricerca nei byte del file
 * compresi tra inizio e fine.
void stampa_ricerca(Canzoniere *canzoniere, char *ricerca) {
	FILE *fpin;
	char riga[MAX_RIGA];
	int i, j;
	printf("\nRisultati della ricerca nei titoli:\n");
	for(i = 0; i < canzoniere->num_brani; i++) {
		if(pif(canzoniere->brani[i].titolo, ricerca)) {
			printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, canzoniere->brani[i].titolo);
	fpin = fopen(canzoniere->filename, "r");
	if(fpin == NULL) return;
	printf("\nRisultati della ricerca nelle canzoni:\n");
	for(i = 0; i < canzoniere->num_brani; i++) {
		fseek(fpin, canzoniere->brani[i].inizio, SEEK_SET);
		/* Continua finché si può leggere e non abbiamo superato ancora il byte di fine */
		while((fgets(riga, MAX_RIGA, fpin) != NULL) && (ftell(fpin) <= canzoniere->brani[i].fine)) {
			if(strstr(riga, ricerca) != NULL ) {
				printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, canzoniere->brani[i].titolo);
Exemple #10
WriterNodeVisitor::createListTriangle(osg::Geometry * geo,
                                      ListTriangle  & listTriangles,
                                      bool          & texcoords,
                                      unsigned int  & drawable_n)
    const osg::Array * basevecs = geo->getVertexArray();
    if (!basevecs || basevecs->getNumElements()==0) return;

    // Texture coords
    const osg::Array * basetexvecs = geo->getNumTexCoordArrays()>=1 ? geo->getTexCoordArray(0) : NULL;
    if (basetexvecs)
        unsigned int nb = basetexvecs->getNumElements();
        if (nb != geo->getVertexArray()->getNumElements())
            OSG_NOTIFY(osg::FATAL) << "There are more/less texture coords than vertices (corrupted geometry)" << std::endl;
            _succeeded = false;
        texcoords = true;

    int material = processStateSet(_currentStateSet.get());

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < geo->getNumPrimitiveSets(); ++i) //Fill the Triangle List
        osg::PrimitiveSet* ps = geo->getPrimitiveSet(i);
        PrimitiveIndexWriter pif(geo, listTriangles, drawable_n, material);
Exemple #11
//static const Point3 MAX_POS(10, 5, 0);
void PlayerEntity::onSimulation(GameTime absoluteTime, GameTime deltaTime) {
    // Do not call Entity::onSimulation; that will override with spline animation

    m_previousFrame = m_frame;
    simulatePose(absoluteTime, deltaTime);

    //m_velocity = m_frame.vectorToWorldSpace(m_desiredOSVelocity);
    //m_frame.translation += m_velocity * (float)deltaTime;
    if (!isNaN(deltaTime)) {
        m_heading           += m_desiredYawVelocity * (float)deltaTime;
        m_frame.rotation     = Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitY(), m_heading);

        m_headTilt = clamp(m_headTilt + m_desiredPitchVelocity, -pif()/2, pif()/2);

Exemple #12
Color3 Surfel::probabilityOfScattering
(PathDirection  pathDirection, 
 const Vector3& wi, 
 Random&        rng,
 const ExpressiveParameters& expressiveParameters) const {

    Color3 prob;

    // Sum the impulses (no cosine; principle of virtual images)
    ImpulseArray impulseArray;
    getImpulses(pathDirection, wi, impulseArray);
    for (int i = 0; i < impulseArray.size(); ++i) {
        prob += impulseArray[i].magnitude;

    // This is uniform random sampling; would some kind of
    // striated or jittered sampling might produce a
    // lower-variance result.

    // Sample the finite portion.  Note the implicit cosine
    // weighting in the importance sampling of the sphere.
    const int N = 32;

    if (transmissive()) {
        // Check the entire sphere

        // Measure of each sample on a cosine-weighted sphere 
        // (the area of a cosine-weighted sphere is 2.0)
        const float dw = 2.0f * pif() / float(N);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            const Vector3& wo = Vector3::cosSphereRandom(shadingNormal, rng);
            prob += finiteScatteringDensity(pathDirection, wi, wo, expressiveParameters) * dw;
    } else {
        // Check only the positive hemisphere since the other hemisphere must be all zeros
        // Measure of each sample on a cosine-weighted hemisphere
        const float dw = 1.0f * pif() / float(N);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            const Vector3& wo = Vector3::cosHemiRandom(shadingNormal, rng);
            prob += finiteScatteringDensity(pathDirection, wi, wo, expressiveParameters) * dw;

    return prob;
void DXFWriterNodeVisitor::processGeometry(osg::Geometry* geo, osg::Matrix& m)

    // We only want to create a new layer for geometry with something to draw
    if (geo->getVertexArray() && geo->getVertexArray()->getNumElements() ) {

        if ( _firstPass ) {
            // Must have unique layer names
            _layer._name = getLayerName( geo->getName().empty() ? geo->getParent(0)->getName() : geo->getName() );
            OSG_DEBUG << "adding Layer " << _layer._name  << std::endl;

            // if single colour include in header
            osg::Array::Binding colorBinding = osg::getBinding(geo->getColorArray());
            if ( osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL == colorBinding ) {
                _layer._color = _acadColor.findColor(getNodeRGB(geo)); // per layer color
            } else if ( osg::Array::BIND_OFF== colorBinding ) {
                _layer._color = 0xff; // use white - or can we easily lookup in texture?
            } else {
                _layer._color = 0;  // per point color

        } else {
            _layer = _layers[_count++];
            OSG_DEBUG << "writing Layer " << _layer._name  << std::endl;


            if ( geo->getNumPrimitiveSets() ) {
                for(unsigned int i = 0; i < geo->getNumPrimitiveSets(); ++i)
                    osg::PrimitiveSet* ps = geo->getPrimitiveSet(i);
                    DxfPrimitiveIndexWriter pif(_fout, geo,_layer,_acadColor,m,_writeTriangleAs3DFace);
            } else {
                // Is array visitor necessary for only dealing with vertex arrays?
                //processArray(geo->getVertexArray(),  _layer,m);
                if ( geo->getVertexArray() ) {
                    osg::Vec3Array* data=static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>(geo->getVertexArray());
                    for (unsigned int ii=0;ii<data->getNumElements();ii++)
                        osg::Vec3 point = data->at(ii) * m;
                        _fout << "0 \nVERTEX\n 8\n"<<_layer._name<<"\n";
                        if ( _layer._color ) {
                            _fout << "62\n"<<_layer._color<<"\n";
                        } else {
                            _fout << "62\n"<<_acadColor.findColor(getNodeRGB(geo,ii))<<"\n";
                        _fout<<" 10\n"<<point.x()<<"\n 20\n"<<point.y()<<"\n 30\n"<<point.z()<<"\n";
Exemple #14
Color3 Raytracer::myShadePixel(const Tri::Intersector& intersector, const Ray& ray, int backwardBouncesLeft) const
	ray; backwardBouncesLeft;
	Vector3 position, normal;
	Vector2 texCoord;
	intersector.getResult(position, normal, texCoord);
	SurfaceSample surfaceSample(intersector);

	Color3 lightContribution(0,0,0);
	for (int i = 0; i < _currentScene->lighting()->lightArray.length(); ++i)
		GLight& light = _currentScene->lighting()->lightArray[i];

		const float lightDistance = light.distance(position);
		const Power3 power = light.power().rgb();
		const float lightArea = 4 * pif() * lightDistance * lightDistance;
		const Color3 kx = surfaceSample.lambertianReflect;

		const Vector3 light_in = (light.position.xyz() - position).unit();
		const float lightIn_dot_normal = light_in.dot(normal);

		// Spotlight
		if (!isInSpotlight(light, light_in))

		if (isInShadow(surfaceSample, light_in, lightDistance))

		Color3 fx(0, 0, 0);
		if (lightIn_dot_normal > 0)
			fx = kx / pif();

		lightContribution += (power / lightArea) * lightIn_dot_normal * fx;

	return lightContribution;
Exemple #15
Color3 App::sampleLightArea( World* world,Random& rng,const Ray& ray, shared_ptr<Surfel> surfel){
	Color3 e = Color3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);

	Sphere sp; //For each sphere light
	for (int L = 0 ; L < world->lightSurfacesIndex.size() ; L++ ) {
		//Create coordinate system for sampling sw, su, sv
		Vector3 sw = sp.center - surfel->position; // vector in the direction of the light center
        // (sw.y > 1 - eps) is equivalent to (sw.x^2 + sw.z^2) = ||sw \cross (0,1,0)||^2 < 0.1
		Vector3 su = sw.cross((abs(sw.y) > 0.9) ? Vector3(1,0,0) : Vector3(0,1,0));
		su = su.unit();
        Vector3 sv = sw.cross(su);

        // Determine max angle
        float cos_a_max = sqrt(1.0 - sp.radius*sp.radius/sw.dot(sw));

        // Calculate sample direction (to light) based acording to equation from Realistic Rendering
		float eps1 = rng.uniform();
        float eps2 = rng.uniform();
        float cos_a = 1.0 - eps1 + (eps1*cos_a_max);
        float sin_a = sqrt(1.0 - cos_a*cos_a);
        float phi = 2.0*pif()*eps2;
        float xx = cos(phi)*sin_a;
        float yy = sin(phi)*sin_a;
        float zz = cos_a;
        Vector3 ld = Vector3(xx*su.x + yy*sv.x + zz*sw.x,
							 xx*su.y + yy*sv.y + zz*sw.y,
							 xx*su.z + yy*sv.z + zz*sw.z);
		ld = ld.unit();
        // Check for oclussion with shadow ray
		float dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
		Vector3 nl = surfel->shadingNormal.dot(ray.direction()) < 0 ? surfel->shadingNormal : surfel->shadingNormal*-1;
		const shared_ptr<Surfel>& lightSurfel = world->intersect(Ray(surfel->position+nl*BUMP_DISTANCE,ld), dist);
		if ( notNull(lightSurfel) && lightSurfel->emittedRadiance(ld).max() > 0.0) {
			float omega = 2.0*pif()*(1.0 - cos_a_max);
			e += (surfel->reflectivity(rng)*(m_world->getEmissiveFromLighti(L)*ld.dot(nl)*omega))*(1.0/pif());
    return e;
Exemple #16
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    PixieInterface pif("test.cfg");



    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
tmp<Field<Type> > mixedFixedValueSlipFvPatchField<Type>::snGrad() const
    tmp<vectorField> nHat = this->patch().nf();
    Field<Type> pif(this->patchInternalField());

      + (1.0 - valueFraction_)*transform(I - sqr(nHat), pif) - pif
Exemple #18
void ParticleSystem::setFogModel(const Color4& color, int materialIndex) {
    const Color4unorm8 c(Color4(color.r, color.g, color.b, pow(color.a, 1.0f / SmokeVolumeSet::PARTICLE_GAMMA)));
    Random rnd;
    Noise noise;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_particle.size(); ++i) {
        SmokeVolumeSet::Particle& particle = m_particle[i];
        PhysicsData& physicsData = m_physicsData[i];

        // Fill sponza 
        particle.position = Point3(rnd.uniform(-16, 14), pow(rnd.uniform(0, 1), 4.0f) * 4 + 0.5f, rnd.uniform(-6.5, 6.5));

        if (rnd.uniform() < 0.3f) {
            // Arena bridge
            particle.position = Point3(rnd.uniform(-14, 14) - 2.0f, pow(rnd.uniform(0, 1), 5.0f) * 16.0f + 7.2f, rnd.uniform(-8, 8) - 28.0f);
        } else {
            // Arena everywhere
            particle.position = Point3(rnd.uniform(-20, 20), pow(rnd.uniform(0, 1), 5.0f) * 12.0f + 7.2f, rnd.uniform(-20, 20));

        particle.angle = rnd.uniform(0.0f, 2.0f) * pif(); 
        particle.materialIndex = materialIndex;
        particle.radius = 1.0f;
        particle.emissive = 0.0f;
        particle.color = c;
        int r = rnd.integer(0, 15);
        particle.color.r = unorm8::fromBits(r + particle.color.r.bits());
        particle.color.g = unorm8::fromBits(r + particle.color.g.bits());
        particle.color.b  = unorm8::fromBits(r + particle.color.b.bits());
        physicsData.angularVelocity = 0;//rnd.uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (360.0f * units::degrees()) / (5.0f * units::seconds());

        // Unique values every 5m for the lowest frequencies
        const Vector3int32 intPos(particle.position * ((1 << 16) / (5 * units::meters())));
        const float acceptProbability = pow(max(0.0f, noise.sampleFloat(intPos.x, intPos.y, intPos.z, 5)), 2.0f);

        if (rnd.uniform() > acceptProbability) {
            // Reject this puff

    // Ensure that this matches
Exemple #19
float App::generateSample(Vector3& normal,Random& rng, Vector3& wDirection){
	// x,y,z coordinates of the sample in the sphere
	float r1 = 2.0*pif()*rng.uniform(); 
    float r2 = sqrt(rng.uniform());

	float sampleX, sampleY, sampleZ;
	sampleX = cos(r1)*sqrt(1.0 - r2); 
    sampleY = sin(r1)*sqrt(1.0 - r2); 
    sampleZ = r2;
	Vector3 w = normal;
    // (w.y > 1 - eps) is equivalent to (w.x^2 + w.z^2) = ||w \cross (0,1,0)||^2 < 0.1
	Vector3 u = w.cross((abs(w.y) > 0.9) ? Vector3(1,0,0) : Vector3(0,1,0));
	u = u.unit();
    Vector3 v = w.cross(u);
	wDirection = Vector3(sampleX*u.x + sampleY*v.x + sampleZ*w.x,
						 sampleX*u.y + sampleY*v.y + sampleZ*w.y,
						 sampleX*u.z + sampleY*v.z + sampleZ*w.z);
	wDirection = wDirection.unit();
	//For convinience this pdf is actually cos(theta)/PI*pdf (to just multiply it by the diffuse color of the object)
	return 1.0; // real pdf: 1 / 4PI
Exemple #20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 3) {
    printf("usage: %s <module> <channel>\n", argv[0]);

  int mod = atoi(argv[1]);
  int ch  = atoi(argv[2]);

  PixieInterface pif("pixie.cfg");
  pif.Boot(0, true);

  printf(" %2s %2s  %10s  %10s  %10s  %10s  %10s\n",
	 "M", "C", "Input",  "Output", "Live_t", "Proc_ev", "RealTime");
  StatsReader reader;
  forChannel(pif, mod, ch, reader);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #21
static void
	Tok  *t;
	char *dir;

	t = ppnoexpand();
	dir = t->v;
	if(strcmp(dir, "include") == 0)
	else if(strcmp(dir, "define")  == 0)
	else if(strcmp(dir, "if")  == 0)
	else if(strcmp(dir, "elseif")  == 0)
	else if(strcmp(dir, "else")  == 0)
	else if(strcmp(dir, "endif")  == 0)
		errorposf(&t->pos, "invalid directive %s", dir);
Exemple #22
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if(argc < 5){
		std::cout << " Invalid number of arguments to " << argv[0] << std::endl;
		std::cout << "  SYNTAX: " << argv[0] << " [module] [channel] [parameter] [value]\n\n";
		return 1;

	int mod = atoi(argv[1]);
	int ch = atoi(argv[2]);
	double value = std::strtod(argv[4], NULL);

	PixieInterface pif("pixie.cfg");

	pif.Boot(PixieInterface::DownloadParameters | PixieInterface::ProgramFPGA | PixieInterface::SetDAC, true);

	std::string temp_str(argv[3]);
	ParameterChannelWriter writer;
	if(forChannel(&pif, mod, ch, writer, make_pair(temp_str, value))){ pif.SaveDSPParameters(); }

	return 0;
Exemple #23
static float clampedConeVolume(float r) {
        (square(clampedConeHeight) - 3.0f * clampedConeHeight + 3.0f) *
        (clampedConeHeight * pif() * square(r)) / 3.0f;
Exemple #24
Radiance3 Raytracer::shadeIndirectIllumination(const SurfaceSample& intersector) const
	if (_settings._debugPixelTrace)
		int suresh = 1374;
	Radiance3 accumulatedPhotonRadiance;
	const Point3& X = intersector.shadingLocation;
	const Point3& n = intersector.shadingNormal;
	const float radius = _settings._photonGatherRadius;
	const SuperBSDF::Ref bsdf = intersector.material->bsdf();
	static bool increaseGathering = true;

	if (increaseGathering)
		const int gatheredPhotons = 5000;
		int numberOfPhotons = 0;
		float increasingRadius = 0.0f;
		static float increasingRate = 0.05f;
		while (numberOfPhotons < gatheredPhotons && increasingRadius < radius)
			// Gather all photons within radius of intersection
			const Sphere sphere(X, increasingRadius);
			PhotonGrid::SphereIterator it = _photonMap->beginSphereIntersection(sphere);
			while (it.hasMore())
			increasingRadius += increasingRate;

		const Sphere sphere(X, increasingRadius);
		PhotonGrid::SphereIterator it = _photonMap->beginSphereIntersection(sphere);

		//printf("%4.2f\n", increasingRadius);

		while (it.hasMore())
			const Vector3& diff = it->position.xyz() - X;
			const Vector3 w_i = diff.direction();
			const Vector3 w_eye = -(it->direction);
			const Color3& bsdfColor = bsdf->evaluate(intersector.shadingNormal, intersector.texCoord, w_i, w_eye).rgb();
			Radiance3 photo_illum = (it->power / ((pif() * increasingRadius*increasingRadius)/3)) * k((it->position - X).magnitude(), increasingRadius);
			photo_illum = photo_illum * max(0.0f, (it->direction * -1).dot(n));
			photo_illum = photo_illum * bsdfColor;
			accumulatedPhotonRadiance += photo_illum;
		// Gather all photons within radius of intersection
		const Sphere sphere(X, radius);
		PhotonGrid::SphereIterator it = _photonMap->beginSphereIntersection(sphere);
		while (it.hasMore())
			const Vector3& diff = it->position.xyz() - X;
			const Vector3 w_i = diff.direction();
			const Vector3 w_eye = -(it->direction);
			const Color3& bsdfColor = bsdf->evaluate(intersector.shadingNormal, intersector.texCoord, w_i, w_eye).rgb();
			Radiance3 photo_illum = (it->power / ((pif() * radius*radius)/3)) * k((it->position - X).magnitude(), radius);
			photo_illum = photo_illum * max(0.0f, (it->direction * -1).dot(n));
			photo_illum = photo_illum * bsdfColor;
			accumulatedPhotonRadiance += photo_illum;

	// Sum their power
	return accumulatedPhotonRadiance;
Exemple #25
float Cone::halfAngleFromSolidAngle(float solidAngle){
    return acos((1.0f - (solidAngle / (2.0f * pif()))));
Exemple #26
Matrix3 CompassDirection::toHeadingMatrix3() const {
    return Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitY(), zxRadians() + pif());
Exemple #27
float Cone::solidAngleFromHalfAngle(float halfAngle){
    return 2.0f * pif() * (1 - cosf(halfAngle));
Exemple #28
void ParticleSystem::spawnFace
   (const FaceScatter&  faceScatter, 
    const ParseOBJ&     parseObj, 
    const Color4&       color, 
    const Matrix4&      transform, 
    int                 materialIndex) {

    const Color4unorm8 c(color.pow(1.0f / SmokeVolumeSet::PARTICLE_GAMMA));

    Random rnd(10000, false);
    AABox bounds;

    for (ParseOBJ::GroupTable::Iterator git = parseObj.groupTable.begin(); git.isValid(); ++git) {
        const shared_ptr<ParseOBJ::Group>& group = git->value;
        for (ParseOBJ::MeshTable::Iterator mit = group->meshTable.begin(); mit.isValid(); ++mit) {
            const shared_ptr<ParseOBJ::Mesh>& mesh = mit->value;
            for (int f = 0; f < mesh->faceArray.size(); ++f) {
                if (rnd.uniform() <= faceScatter.particlesPerFace) {
                    const ParseOBJ::Face& face = mesh->faceArray[f];
                    Particle& particle = m_particle.next();
                    PhysicsData& physicsData = m_physicsData.next();

                    // Use the average vertex as the position
                    Point3 vrt[10];
                    particle.position = Point3::zero();
                    for (int v = 0; v < face.size(); ++v) {
                        vrt[v] = (transform * Vector4(parseObj.vertexArray[face[v].vertex], 1.0f)).xyz();
                        particle.position += vrt[v];
                    particle.position /= float(face.size());

                    const Vector3& normal = (vrt[1] - vrt[0]).cross(vrt[2] - vrt[0]).direction();
                    particle.position += faceScatter.explodeDistance * normal;

                    particle.normal = normal;
                    particle.materialIndex = materialIndex;
                    particle.color    = c;
                    particle.angle    = rnd.uniform(0.0f, 2.0f) * pif(); 
                    particle.radius   = min(faceScatter.maxRadius, faceScatter.radiusScaleFactor * pow((particle.position - vrt[0]).length(), faceScatter.radiusExponent));
                    particle.emissive = 0;
                    physicsData.angularVelocity = rnd.uniform(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (360.0f * units::degrees()) / (20.0f * units::seconds());
            }  // face
        } // mesh
    } // group

    // Center
    if (faceScatter.moveCenterToOrigin) {
        const Vector3& offset = -bounds.center();
        for (int i = 0; i < m_particle.size(); ++i) {
            m_particle[i].position += offset;

        m_lastObjectSpaceAABoxBounds = bounds + offset;
    } else {
        m_lastObjectSpaceAABoxBounds = bounds;
Exemple #29
void ParticleSystemModel::Emitter::spawnParticles(ParticleSystem* system, int newParticlesToEmit, SimTime absoluteTime, SimTime relativeTime, SimTime deltaTime, int emitterIndex) const {
    // Give up and just place a particle anywhere in the noise field if we can't find
    // a good location by rejection sampling after this many tries.
    const int MAX_NOISE_SAMPLING_TRIES = 20;

    Random& rng = Random::common();
    Noise& noise = Noise::common();

    for (int i = 0; i < newParticlesToEmit; ++i) {
        ParticleSystem::Particle particle;
        particle.emitterIndex = emitterIndex;

        for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NOISE_SAMPLING_TRIES; ++j) {
            switch (m_specification.location) {
            case SpawnLocation::FACES:
                alwaysAssertM(m_spawnShape->type() == Shape::Type::MESH, "SpawnLocation::FACES requires a mesh");
                    const shared_ptr<MeshShape>& mesh = dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshShape>(m_spawnShape);
                    const Array<int>& indexArray = mesh->indexArray();
                    const Array<Point3>& vertexArray = mesh->vertexArray();
                    const int i = rng.integer(0, indexArray.size() / 3 - 1) * 3;
                    particle.position = (vertexArray[indexArray[i]] + vertexArray[indexArray[i + 1]] + vertexArray[indexArray[i + 2]]) / 3.0f;

            case SpawnLocation::VERTICES:
                alwaysAssertM(m_spawnShape->type() == Shape::Type::MESH, "SpawnLocation::VERTICES requires a mesh");
                    const shared_ptr<MeshShape>& mesh = dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshShape>(m_spawnShape);
                    particle.position = mesh->vertexArray().randomElement();

            case SpawnLocation::SURFACE:

            case SpawnLocation::VOLUME:
                particle.position = m_spawnShape->randomInteriorPoint();
                if (particle.position.isNaN()) {
                    // For poorly formed meshes...or even good ones with really bad luck...
                    // sometimes randomInteriorPoint will fail. In this case, generate a surface
                    // point, which is technically "on the interior" still, just poorly distributed.
            } // switch

            // Unique values every 5m for the lowest frequencies
            if (m_specification.noisePower == 0.0f) {
                // Accept any generated position
            } else { 
                const Vector3int32 intPos(particle.position * ((1 << 16) / (5 * units::meters())));
                const float acceptProbability = pow(max(0.0f, noise.sampleFloat(intPos.x, intPos.y, intPos.z, 5)), m_specification.noisePower);

                if (rng.uniform() <= acceptProbability) {
                    // An acceptable position!

        particle.angle = rng.uniform(0.0f, 2.0f * pif());
        particle.radius = fabs(rng.gaussian(m_specification.radiusMean, sqrt(m_specification.radiusVariance)));

        if (m_specification.coverageFadeInTime == 0.0f) {
            particle.coverage = 1.0f;
        } else {
            particle.coverage = 0.0f;

        particle.userdataFloat = 0.0f;
        particle.mass = m_specification.particleMassDensity * (4.0f / 3.0f) * pif() * particle.radius * particle.radius * particle.radius;

        if (m_specification.velocityConeAngleDegrees >= 180) {
            particle.velocity = Vector3::random(rng);
        } else if (m_specification.velocityConeAngleDegrees > 0) {
            const Cone emissionCone(Point3(), 
                m_specification.velocityConeAngleDegrees * 0.5f);
            particle.velocity = emissionCone.randomDirectionInCone(rng);
        } else {
            particle.velocity = m_specification.velocityDirectionMean;
        particle.velocity *= fabs(rng.gaussian(m_specification.velocityMagnitudeMean, m_specification.velocityMagnitudeVariance));
        particle.angularVelocity = rng.gaussian(m_specification.angularVelocityMean, m_specification.angularVelocityVariance);

        particle.spawnTime = absoluteTime;
        particle.expireTime = absoluteTime + fabs(rng.gaussian(m_specification.particleLifetimeMean, m_specification.particleLifetimeVariance));

        particle.dragCoefficient = m_specification.dragCoefficient;
        particle.material = m_material;

        particle.userdataInt = 0;

        if (system->particlesAreInWorldSpace()) {
            // Transform to world space
            particle.position = system->frame().pointToWorldSpace(particle.position);
            particle.velocity = system->frame().vectorToWorldSpace(particle.velocity);

        // Directly add to the particle system

    } // for new particles

    if (newParticlesToEmit > 0) {
    void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override{

        SkPaint blackFill;

        // Normal paints (no source)
        SkTArray<SkPaint> paints;
        create_paints(nullptr, &paints);

        // Paints with a PictureImageFilter as a source
        SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic;

            SkPictureRecorder rec;

            SkCanvas* c = rec.beginRecording(10, 10);
            c->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(10, 10), blackFill);

        SkAutoTUnref<SkPictureImageFilter> pif(SkPictureImageFilter::Create(pic));

        SkTArray<SkPaint> pifPaints;
        create_paints(pif, &pifPaints);

        // Paints with a BitmapSource as a source
        SkBitmap bm;

            SkPaint p;
            bm.allocN32Pixels(10, 10);
            SkCanvas temp(bm);
            temp.drawRect(SkRect::MakeLTRB(5, 5, 10, 10), p);
            temp.drawRect(SkRect::MakeLTRB(5, 0, 10, 5), p);

        SkAutoTUnref<SkBitmapSource> bms(SkBitmapSource::Create(bm));

        SkTArray<SkPaint> bmsPaints;
        create_paints(bms, &bmsPaints);

        SkASSERT(paints.count() == kNumVertTiles);
        SkASSERT(paints.count() == pifPaints.count());
        SkASSERT(paints.count() == bmsPaints.count());

        // horizontal separators
        for (int i = 1; i < paints.count(); ++i) {
                             SkIntToScalar((SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gDrawMthds) + kNumXtraCols)*kTileWidth),
        // vertical separators
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gDrawMthds) + kNumXtraCols; ++i) {
            canvas->drawLine(SkIntToScalar(i * kTileWidth),
                             SkIntToScalar(i * kTileWidth), 
                             SkIntToScalar(paints.count() * kTileWidth),

        // A column of saveLayers with PictureImageFilters
        for (int i = 0; i < pifPaints.count(); ++i) {
            draw_savelayer_with_paint(SkIPoint::Make(0, i*kTileHeight), 
                                      canvas, pifPaints[i]);

        // A column of saveLayers with BitmapSources
        for (int i = 0; i < pifPaints.count(); ++i) {
            draw_savelayer_with_paint(SkIPoint::Make(kTileWidth, i*kTileHeight),
                                      canvas, bmsPaints[i]);

        // Multiple columns with different geometry
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gDrawMthds); ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < paints.count(); ++j) {
                                     SkIPoint::Make((i+kNumXtraCols) * kTileWidth, j*kTileHeight),
                                     canvas, paints[j]);
