int pj_apply_gridshift( projCtx ctx, const char *nadgrids, int inverse, long point_count, int point_offset, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { PJ_GRIDINFO **gridlist; int grid_count; int ret; gridlist = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids( ctx, nadgrids, &grid_count ); if( gridlist == NULL || grid_count == 0 ) return ctx->last_errno; ret = pj_apply_gridshift_3( ctx, gridlist, grid_count, inverse, point_count, point_offset, x, y, z ); /* ** Note this frees the array of grid list pointers, but not the grids ** which is as intended. The grids themselves live on. */ pj_dalloc( gridlist ); return ret; }
PJ_GRIDINFO *pj_gc_findgrid( projCtx ctx, PJ_GridCatalog *catalog, int after, LP location, double date, PJ_Region *optimal_region, double *grid_date ) { int iEntry; PJ_GridCatalogEntry *entry = NULL; for( iEntry = 0; iEntry < catalog->entry_count; iEntry++ ) { entry = catalog->entries + iEntry; if( (after && entry->date < date) || (!after && entry->date > date) ) continue; if( location.lam < entry->region.ll_long || location.lam > entry->region.ur_long || location.phi < entry->region.ll_lat || location.phi > entry->region.ur_lat ) continue; if( entry->available == -1 ) continue; break; } if( iEntry == catalog->entry_count ) { if( grid_date ) *grid_date = 0.0; if( optimal_region != NULL ) memset( optimal_region, 0, sizeof(PJ_Region)); return NULL; } if( grid_date ) *grid_date = entry->date; if( optimal_region ) { } if( entry->gridinfo == NULL ) { PJ_GRIDINFO **gridlist = NULL; int grid_count = 0; gridlist = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids( ctx, entry->definition, &grid_count); if( grid_count == 1 ) entry->gridinfo = gridlist[0]; } return entry->gridinfo; }
int pj_apply_gridshift_2( PJ *defn, int inverse, long point_count, int point_offset, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { if( defn->gridlist == NULL ) { defn->gridlist = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids( pj_get_ctx( defn ), pj_param(defn->ctx, defn->params,"snadgrids").s, &(defn->gridlist_count) ); if( defn->gridlist == NULL || defn->gridlist_count == 0 ) return defn->ctx->last_errno; } return pj_apply_gridshift_3( pj_get_ctx( defn ), defn->gridlist, defn->gridlist_count, inverse, point_count, point_offset, x, y, z ); }
int proj_vgrid_init(PJ* P, const char *grids) { /********************************************** Initizalize and populate gridlist. Takes a PJ-object and the plus-parameter name that is used in the proj-string to specify the grids to load, e.g. "+grids". The + should be left out here. Returns the number of loaded grids. ***********************************************/ /* prepend "s" to the "grids" string to allow usage with pj_param */ char *sgrids = (char *) pj_malloc( (strlen(grids)+1+1) *sizeof(char) ); sprintf(sgrids, "%s%s", "s", grids); if (P->vgridlist_geoid == NULL) { P->vgridlist_geoid = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids( P->ctx, pj_param(P->ctx, P->params, sgrids).s, &(P->vgridlist_geoid_count) ); if( P->vgridlist_geoid == NULL || P->vgridlist_geoid_count == 0 ) { pj_dealloc(sgrids); return 0; } } if (P->vgridlist_geoid_count == 0) { proj_errno_set(P, PJD_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_GRID); } pj_dealloc(sgrids); return P->vgridlist_geoid_count; }
int pj_apply_gridshift( const char *nadgrids, int inverse, long point_count, int point_offset, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { int grid_count = 0; PJ_GRIDINFO **tables; int i; int debug_flag = getenv( "PROJ_DEBUG" ) != NULL; static int debug_count = 0; pj_errno = 0; tables = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids( nadgrids, &grid_count); if( tables == NULL || grid_count == 0 ) return pj_errno; for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ ) { long io = i * point_offset; LP input, output; int itable; input.phi = y[io]; input.lam = x[io]; output.phi = HUGE_VAL; output.lam = HUGE_VAL; /* keep trying till we find a table that works */ for( itable = 0; itable < grid_count; itable++ ) { PJ_GRIDINFO *gi = tables[itable]; struct CTABLE *ct = gi->ct; /* skip tables that don't match our point at all. */ if( ct->ll.phi > input.phi || ct->ll.lam > input.lam || ct->ll.phi + (ct->lim.phi-1) * ct->del.phi < input.phi || ct->ll.lam + (ct->lim.lam-1) * ct->del.lam < input.lam ) continue; /* If we have child nodes, check to see if any of them apply. */ if( gi->child != NULL ) { PJ_GRIDINFO *child; for( child = gi->child; child != NULL; child = child->next ) { struct CTABLE *ct1 = child->ct; if( ct1->ll.phi > input.phi || ct1->ll.lam > input.lam || ct1->ll.phi+(ct1->lim.phi-1)*ct1->del.phi < input.phi || ct1->ll.lam+(ct1->lim.lam-1)*ct1->del.lam < input.lam) continue; break; } /* we found a more refined child node to use */ if( child != NULL ) { gi = child; ct = child->ct; } } /* load the grid shift info if we don't have it. */ if( ct->cvs == NULL && !pj_gridinfo_load( gi ) ) { pj_errno = -38; return pj_errno; } output = nad_cvt( input, inverse, ct ); if( output.lam != HUGE_VAL ) { if( debug_flag && debug_count++ < 20 ) fprintf( stderr, "pj_apply_gridshift(): used %s\n", ct->id ); break; } } if( output.lam == HUGE_VAL ) { if( debug_flag ) { fprintf( stderr, "pj_apply_gridshift(): failed to find a grid shift table for\n" " location (%.7fdW,%.7fdN)\n", x[io] * RAD_TO_DEG, y[io] * RAD_TO_DEG ); fprintf( stderr, " tried: %s\n", nadgrids ); } pj_errno = -38; return pj_errno; } else { y[io] = output.phi; x[io] = output.lam; } } return 0; }
int pj_apply_vgridshift( PJ *defn, const char *listname, PJ_GRIDINFO ***gridlist_p, int *gridlist_count_p, int inverse, long point_count, int point_offset, double *x, double *y, double *z ) { int i; static int debug_count = 0; PJ_GRIDINFO **tables; struct CTABLE ct; if( *gridlist_p == NULL ) { *gridlist_p = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids( pj_get_ctx(defn), pj_param(defn->ctx,defn->params,listname).s, gridlist_count_p ); if( *gridlist_p == NULL || *gridlist_count_p == 0 ) return defn->ctx->last_errno; } if( *gridlist_count_p == 0 ) { pj_ctx_set_errno( defn->ctx, PJD_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_GRID); return PJD_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_GRID; } tables = *gridlist_p; defn->ctx->last_errno = 0; for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ ) { double value; long io = i * point_offset; LP input; input.phi = y[io]; input.lam = x[io]; value = read_vgrid_value(defn, input, gridlist_count_p, tables, &ct); if( inverse ) z[io] -= value; else z[io] += value; if( value != HUGE_VAL ) { if( debug_count++ < 20 ) { proj_log_trace(defn, "pj_apply_gridshift(): used %s",; break; } } if( value == HUGE_VAL ) { int itable; char gridlist[3000]; proj_log_debug(defn, "pj_apply_vgridshift(): failed to find a grid shift table for\n" " location (%.7fdW,%.7fdN)", x[io] * RAD_TO_DEG, y[io] * RAD_TO_DEG ); gridlist[0] = '\0'; for( itable = 0; itable < *gridlist_count_p; itable++ ) { PJ_GRIDINFO *gi = tables[itable]; if( strlen(gridlist) + strlen(gi->gridname) > sizeof(gridlist)-100 ) { strcat( gridlist, "..." ); break; } if( itable == 0 ) sprintf( gridlist, " tried: %s", gi->gridname ); else sprintf( gridlist+strlen(gridlist), ",%s", gi->gridname ); } proj_log_debug(defn, "%s", gridlist); pj_ctx_set_errno( defn->ctx, PJD_ERR_GRID_AREA ); return PJD_ERR_GRID_AREA; } } return 0; }
int pj_apply_vgridshift(PJ *defn, const char *listname, PJ_GRIDINFO ***gridlist_p, int *gridlist_count_p, int inverse, long point_count, int point_offset, double *x, double *y, double *z) { int i; static int debug_count = 0; PJ_GRIDINFO **tables; if (*gridlist_p == NULL) { *gridlist_p = pj_gridlist_from_nadgrids(pj_get_ctx(defn), pj_param(defn->ctx, defn->params, listname).s, gridlist_count_p); if (*gridlist_p == NULL || *gridlist_count_p == 0) return defn->ctx->last_errno; } if (*gridlist_count_p == 0) { pj_ctx_set_errno(defn->ctx, -38); return -38; } tables = *gridlist_p; defn->ctx->last_errno = 0; for (i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { long io = i * point_offset; LP input; int itable; double value = HUGE_VAL; input.phi = y[io]; input.lam = x[io]; /* keep trying till we find a table that works */ for (itable = 0; itable < *gridlist_count_p; itable++) { PJ_GRIDINFO *gi = tables[itable]; struct CTABLE *ct = gi->ct; double grid_x, grid_y; int grid_ix, grid_iy; float *cvs; /* skip tables that don't match our point at all. */ if (ct->ll.phi > input.phi || ct->ll.lam > input.lam || ct->ll.phi + (ct->lim.phi - 1) * ct->del.phi < input.phi || ct->ll.lam + (ct->lim.lam - 1) * ct->del.lam < input.lam) continue; /* If we have child nodes, check to see if any of them apply. */ if (gi->child != NULL) { PJ_GRIDINFO *child; for (child = gi->child; child != NULL; child = child->next) { struct CTABLE *ct1 = child->ct; if (ct1->ll.phi > input.phi || ct1->ll.lam > input.lam || ct1->ll.phi + (ct1->lim.phi - 1) * ct1->del.phi < input.phi || ct1->ll.lam + (ct1->lim.lam - 1) * ct1->del.lam < input.lam) continue; break; } /* we found a more refined child node to use */ if (child != NULL) { gi = child; ct = child->ct; } } /* load the grid shift info if we don't have it. */ if (ct->cvs == NULL && !pj_gridinfo_load(pj_get_ctx(defn), gi)) { pj_ctx_set_errno(defn->ctx, -38); return -38; } /* Interpolation a location within the grid */ grid_x = (input.lam - ct->ll.lam) / ct->del.lam; grid_y = (input.phi - ct->ll.phi) / ct->del.phi; grid_ix = (int)floor(grid_x); grid_iy = (int)floor(grid_y); grid_x -= grid_ix; grid_y -= grid_iy; cvs = (float *)ct->cvs; value = cvs[grid_ix + grid_iy * ct->lim.lam] * (1.0 - grid_x) * (1.0 - grid_y) + cvs[grid_ix + 1 + grid_iy * ct->lim.lam] * (grid_x) * (1.0 - grid_y) + cvs[grid_ix + (grid_iy + 1) * ct->lim.lam] * (1.0 - grid_x) * (grid_y) + cvs[grid_ix + 1 + (grid_iy + 1) * ct->lim.lam] * (grid_x) * (grid_y); if (value > 1000 || value < -1000) /* nodata? */ value = HUGE_VAL; else { if (inverse) z[io] -= value; else z[io] += value; } if (value != HUGE_VAL) { if (debug_count++ < 20) pj_log(defn->ctx, PJ_LOG_DEBUG_MINOR, "pj_apply_gridshift(): used %s", ct->id); break; } } if (value == HUGE_VAL) { char gridlist[3000]; pj_log(defn->ctx, PJ_LOG_DEBUG_MAJOR, "pj_apply_vgridshift(): failed to find a grid shift table for\n" " location (%.7fdW,%.7fdN)", x[io] * RAD_TO_DEG, y[io] * RAD_TO_DEG); gridlist[0] = '\0'; for (itable = 0; itable < *gridlist_count_p; itable++) { PJ_GRIDINFO *gi = tables[itable]; if (strlen(gridlist) + strlen(gi->gridname) > sizeof(gridlist) - 100) { strcat(gridlist, "..."); break; } if (itable == 0) sprintf(gridlist, " tried: %s", gi->gridname); else sprintf(gridlist + strlen(gridlist), ",%s", gi->gridname); } pj_log(defn->ctx, PJ_LOG_DEBUG_MAJOR, "%s", gridlist); pj_ctx_set_errno(defn->ctx, PJD_ERR_GRID_AREA); return PJD_ERR_GRID_AREA; } } return 0; }