int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	OpenAnchorScriptsigs *s;
	struct pkt *pkt;


	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "Create LeakAnchorSigsAndPretendWeDidnt to stdout",
			   "Print this message.");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc != 2)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 1 argument");

	s = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR_SCRIPTSIGS)

	pkt = leak_anchor_sigs_and_pretend_we_didnt_pkt(ctx, s);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash, rval;
	struct pkt *pkt;
	unsigned update_num;


	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "<seed> <update-number> <r-value>\n"
			   "Create a new HTLC complete message",
			   "Print this message.");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc != 4)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 3 arguments");

	if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed)))
		errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]);
	update_num = atoi(argv[2]);
	if (!update_num)
		errx(1, "Update number %s invalid", argv[2]);

	if (!hex_decode(argv[3], strlen(argv[3]), &rval, sizeof(rval)))
		errx(1, "Invalid rvalue '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[3]);

	/* Get next revocation hash. */
	shachain_from_seed(&seed, update_num, &revocation_hash);
	       revocation_hash.u.u8, sizeof(revocation_hash.u.u8));

	pkt = update_htlc_complete_pkt(ctx, &revocation_hash, &rval);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash, their_rhash;
	OpenChannel *o1, *o2;
	Update *update;
	struct bitcoin_tx *anchor, *commit;
	struct sha256_double anchor_txid;
	struct pkt *pkt;
	struct bitcoin_signature sig;
	EC_KEY *privkey;
	bool testnet;
	struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2;
	u8 *redeemscript;
	int64_t delta;
	size_t i, p2sh_out;


	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "<seed> <anchor-tx> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <commit-privkey> <update-protobuf> [previous-updates]\n"
			   "Accept a new update message",
			   "Print this message.");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc < 6)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 5+ arguments");

	if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed)))
		errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]);
	anchor = bitcoin_tx_from_file(ctx, argv[2]);
	bitcoin_txid(anchor, &anchor_txid);
	o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;

	privkey = key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &pubkey1);
	if (!privkey)
		errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]);
	if (!testnet)
		errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]);

	update = pkt_from_file(argv[6], PKT__PKT_UPDATE)->update;
	/* Figure out cumulative delta since anchor. */
	delta = update->delta;
	for (i = 7; i < argc; i++) {
		Update *u = pkt_from_file(argv[i], PKT__PKT_UPDATE)->update;
		delta += u->delta;

	/* Get next revocation hash. */
	shachain_from_seed(&seed, argc - 6, &revocation_hash);
	       revocation_hash.u.u8, sizeof(revocation_hash.u.u8));
	/* Get pubkeys */
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->anchor->pubkey, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey");
	if (pubkey_len(&pubkey1) != pubkey_len(&pubkey2)
	    || memcmp(pubkey1.key, pubkey2.key, pubkey_len(&pubkey2)) != 0)
		errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey");
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->anchor->pubkey, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o2 final pubkey");

	/* This is what the anchor pays to; figure out whick output. */
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2);
	p2sh_out = find_p2sh_out(anchor, redeemscript);

	/* Now create THEIR new commitment tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */
	proto_to_sha256(update->revocation_hash, &their_rhash);
	commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o2, o1, &their_rhash, delta,
				  &anchor_txid, p2sh_out);

	/* If contributions don't exceed fees, this fails. */
	if (!commit)
		errx(1, "Delta too large");

	/* Sign it for them. */
	sign_tx_input(ctx, commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript),
		      privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig);

	pkt = update_accept_pkt(ctx, &sig.sig, &revocation_hash);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	struct sha256 seed, preimage, our_rhash, their_rhash;
	OpenChannel *o1, *o2;
	OpenAnchor *a;
	struct bitcoin_tx *commit;
	struct pkt *pkt;
	struct bitcoin_signature sig;
	struct privkey privkey;
	bool testnet;
	struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2;
	u8 *redeemscript;
	size_t num_updates;
	struct channel_state *cstate;


	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "<seed> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <commit-privkey> <all-previous-updates>...\n"
			   "Create a new update-channel-signature message",
			   "Print this message.");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc < 8)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 7+ arguments");

	if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed)))
		errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]);

	o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor;

	if (!key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1))
		errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]);
	if (!testnet)
		errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]);

	sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL;

	/* Figure out cumulative delta since anchor. */
	cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 6,
				&our_rhash, &their_rhash, &sig.sig);
	if (num_updates < 1)
		errx(1, "Expected at least one update!");

	/* Give up revocation preimage for old tx. */
	shachain_from_seed(&seed, num_updates - 1, &preimage);
	/* Get pubkeys */
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey");
	if (!pubkey_eq(&pubkey1, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey");
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey");

	/* This is what the anchor pays to. */
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2);

	/* Check our new commit is signed correctly by them. */
	commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, &our_rhash, cstate);
	if (!commit)
		errx(1, "Invalid packets");

	/* Check their signature signs this input correctly. */
	if (!check_tx_sig(commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript),
			  &pubkey2, &sig))
		errx(1, "Invalid signature.");

	/* Now create THEIR new commitment tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */
	commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o2, o1, a, &their_rhash, cstate);
	if (!commit)
		errx(1, "Invalid packets");

	/* Their pubkey must be valid */
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid public open-channel-file2");

	/* Sign it for them. */
	sign_tx_input(ctx, commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript),
		      &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig);

	pkt = update_signature_pkt(ctx, &sig.sig, &preimage);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash, their_rhash;
	OpenChannel *o1, *o2;
	OpenAnchor *a;
	struct bitcoin_tx *commit;
	struct pkt *pkt;
	struct bitcoin_signature sig;
	struct privkey privkey;
	bool testnet;
	size_t num_updates;
	struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2;
	u8 *redeemscript;
	struct channel_state *cstate;


	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "<seed> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <commit-privkey> <all-updates...>\n"
			   "Accept a new update message",
			   "Print this message.");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc < 7)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 6+ arguments");

	if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed)))
		errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]);
	o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor;

	if (!key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1))
		errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]);
	if (!testnet)
		errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]);

	/* Figure out cumulative delta since anchor. */
	cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 6,
				&num_updates, NULL, &their_rhash, NULL);

	/* Get next revocation hash. */
	shachain_from_seed(&seed, num_updates, &revocation_hash);
	       revocation_hash.u.u8, sizeof(revocation_hash.u.u8));
	/* Get pubkeys */
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey");
	if (!pubkey_eq(&pubkey1, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey");
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey");

	/* This is what the anchor pays to; figure out whick output. */
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2);

	/* Now create THEIR new commitment tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */
	commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o2, o1, a, &their_rhash, cstate);

	/* If contributions don't exceed fees, this fails. */
	if (!commit)
		errx(1, "Delta too large");

	/* Sign it for them. */
	sign_tx_input(ctx, commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript),
		      &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig);

	pkt = update_accept_pkt(ctx, &sig.sig, &revocation_hash);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	struct sha256 seed, our_rhash, their_rhash, preimage;
	OpenChannel *o1, *o2;
	OpenAnchor *a;
	struct pkt *pkt;
	struct bitcoin_tx *commit;
	struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2;
	size_t num_updates;
	struct bitcoin_signature sig;
	u8 *redeemscript;
	struct channel_state *cstate;


	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "<seed> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <all-previous-updates>\n"
			   "Create a new update-complete message",
			   "Print this message.");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc < 7)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 6+ arguments");

	if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed)))
		errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]);

	o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor;

	sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL;

	/* This also checks that preimage is correct! */
	cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 5,
				&our_rhash, &their_rhash, &sig.sig);
	if (num_updates < 1)
		errx(1, "Expected at least one update!");

	/* Get pubkeys */
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey1))
		errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey");
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey");

	/* This is what the anchor pays to. */
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2);

	/* Check their signature signs our new commit tx correctly. */
	commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, &our_rhash, cstate);
	if (!commit)
		errx(1, "Delta too large");

	if (!check_tx_sig(commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript),
			  &pubkey2, &sig))
		errx(1, "Invalid signature.");
	/* Hand over our preimage for previous tx. */
	shachain_from_seed(&seed, num_updates - 1, &preimage);
	pkt = update_complete_pkt(ctx, &preimage);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0);
	OpenChannel *o1, *o2;
	OpenAnchor *a;
	struct bitcoin_tx *close_tx;
	struct pkt *pkt;
	struct signature sig;
	struct privkey privkey;
	bool testnet;
	struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2;
	u8 *redeemscript;
	char *close_file = NULL;
	u64 close_fee = 10000;
	struct channel_state *cstate;


			 opt_set_charp, NULL, &close_file,
			 "Create a close_transaction_complete msg instead");
	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "<open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <anchor-file> <commit-privkey> [{+/-}update-protobuf]...\n"
			   "Create the signature needed for the close transaction",
			   "Print this message.");
			 opt_set_bits, opt_show_bits, &close_fee,
			 "100's of satoshi to pay for close tx");

 	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc < 5)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 4+ arguments");

	o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open;
	a = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor;

	if (!key_from_base58(argv[4], strlen(argv[4]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1))
		errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[4]);
	if (!testnet)
		errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[4]);

	if (close_file) {
		CloseChannel *c;
		c = pkt_from_file(close_file, PKT__PKT_CLOSE)->close;
		close_fee = c->close_fee;
	cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, close_fee, argv + 5, NULL,
		       NULL, NULL, NULL);

	/* Get pubkeys */
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey");
	if (pubkey_len(&pubkey1) != pubkey_len(&pubkey2)
	    || memcmp(pubkey1.key, pubkey2.key, pubkey_len(&pubkey2)) != 0)
		errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey");
	if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2))
		errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey");

	/* This is what the anchor pays to. */
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2);

	close_tx = create_close_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, cstate->, cstate->;

	/* Sign it for them. */
	sign_tx_input(ctx, close_tx, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript),
		      &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig);

	if (close_file)
		pkt = close_channel_complete_pkt(ctx, &sig);
		pkt = close_channel_pkt(ctx, close_fee, &sig);
	if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt)))
		err(1, "Writing out packet");

	return 0;