Exemple #1
 * asethandle
 * Usage: asethandle oldname newname
 *   This command changes the handle of the player from oldname to
 *   newname.  The various player information, messages, logins, comments
 *   and games should be automatically transferred to the new account.
int com_asethandle(int p, param_list param)
  char *player = param[0].val.word;
  char *newplayer = param[1].val.word;
  char playerlower[MAX_LOGIN_NAME], newplayerlower[MAX_LOGIN_NAME];
  int p1;

  strcpy(playerlower, player);
  strcpy(newplayerlower, newplayer);
  if (player_find_bylogin(playerlower) >= 0) {
    pprintf(p, "A player by that name is logged in.\n");
    return COM_OK;
  if (player_find_bylogin(newplayerlower) >= 0) {
    pprintf(p, "A player by that new name is logged in.\n");
    return COM_OK;
  p1 = player_new();
  if (player_read(p1, playerlower)) {
    pprintf(p, "No player by the name %s is registered.\n", player);
    return COM_OK;
  } else {
	  if (!check_admin2(p, p1)) {
		  pprintf(p, "You can't set handles for an admin with a level higher than or equal to yourself.\n");
		  return COM_OK;

  p1 = player_new();
  if ((!player_read(p1, newplayerlower)) && (strcmp(playerlower, newplayerlower))) {
    pprintf(p, "Sorry that handle is already taken.\n");
    return COM_OK;

  if ((!player_rename(playerlower, newplayerlower)) && (!player_read(p1, newplayerlower))) {
    pprintf(p, "Player %s renamed to %s.\n", player, newplayer);
    player_globals.parray[p1].name = strdup(newplayer);
    /*if (player_globals.parray[p1].s_stats.rating > 0)
      UpdateRank(TYPE_STAND, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p1].s_stats, player);
    if (player_globals.parray[p1].z_stats.rating > 0)
      UpdateRank(TYPE_CRAZYHOUSE, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p1].z_stats, player);
    if (player_globals.parray[p1].w_stats.rating > 0)
      UpdateRank(TYPE_WILD, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p1].w_stats, player);*/
  } else {
    pprintf(p, "Asethandle failed.\n");
  return COM_OK;
Exemple #2
void * output_raw_writer(void * p) {
    sample_t mix_l, mix_r;
    int ret;
    while (thread_running) {
        ret = player_read((player_t *)output_raw_player, &mix_l, &mix_r);
        if (ret != 2)
            output_raw_player->playing = 0;
        fwrite(&mix_l, sizeof(sample_t), 1, (FILE *)output_raw_file);
        fwrite(&mix_r, sizeof(sample_t), 1, (FILE *)output_raw_file);
    return 0;
Exemple #3
int com_players_rewrite(int p, param_list param)

	int pT;
	int c;
	time_t t = time(0);
	DIR *dirp;
	char dname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE];
	struct dirent *dp;
	d_printf("BICS: Rewriting players data at %s\n", strltime(&t));
	for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
		sprintf(dname, "%s/%c", PLAYER_DIR, c);
		dirp = opendir(dname);
		if (!dirp)
		for (dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp))

			if (dp->d_name[0] == '.')

			pprintf(p, "%s\n", dp->d_name);

				pT = player_new();
				if (player_read(pT, dp->d_name) == 0)

					pprintf(p,"BICS: Player %s saved.\n", player_globals.parray[pT].login);

					pprintf(p,"BICS: Problem reading player %s.\n", dp->d_name);


	return COM_OK;
Exemple #4
 * remplayer
 * Usage:  remplayer name
 *   Removes an account.  A copy of its files are saved under .rem.* which can
 *   be found in the appropriate directory (useful in case of an accident).
 *   The account's details, messages, games and logons are all saved as
 *   'zombie' files.  These zombie accounts are not listed in handles or
 *   totals.
int com_remplayer(int p, param_list param)
	char *player = param[0].val.word;
	char playerlower[MAX_LOGIN_NAME];
	int p1, lookup;

	strcpy(playerlower, player);
	p1 = player_new();
	lookup = player_read(p1, playerlower);
	if (!lookup) {
		if (!check_admin2(p, p1)) {
			pprintf(p, "You can't remove an admin with a level higher than or equal to yourself.\n");
			return COM_OK;
	if (lookup) {
		pprintf(p, "No player by the name %s is registered.\n", player);
		return COM_OK;
	if (player_find_bylogin(playerlower) >= 0) {
		pprintf(p, "A player by that name is logged in.\n");
		return COM_OK;
	if (!player_kill(playerlower)) {
		pprintf(p, "Player %s removed.\n", player);
		//UpdateRank(TYPE_CRAZYHOUSE, NULL, NULL, player);
		//UpdateRank(TYPE_STAND, NULL, NULL, player);
		//UpdateRank(TYPE_WILD, NULL, NULL, player);
	} else {
		pprintf(p, "Remplayer failed.\n");
	return COM_OK;
Exemple #5
 * addplayer
 * Usage: addplayer playername emailaddress realname
 *   Adds a local player to the server with the handle of "playername".  For
 *   example:
 *      addplayer Hawk [email protected] Henrik Gram
int com_addplayer(int p, param_list param)
    char text[2048];
    char *newplayer = param[0].val.word;
    char *newname = param[2].val.string;
    char *newemail = param[1].val.word;
    char password[PASSLEN + 1];
    char newplayerlower[MAX_LOGIN_NAME];
    char salt[3];
    int p1, lookup;
    int i;

    if (strlen (newplayer) >= MAX_LOGIN_NAME) {
        pprintf (p, "Player name is too long\n");
        return COM_OK;

    if (strlen (newplayer) < 3) {
        pprintf(p, "Player name is too short\n");
        return COM_OK;

    if (!alphastring (newplayer)) {
        pprintf (p, "Illegal characters in player name. Only A-Za-z allowed.\n");
        return COM_OK;

    strcpy (newplayerlower, newplayer);
    stolower (newplayerlower);
    p1 = player_new ();
    lookup = player_read (p1, newplayerlower);

    if (!lookup) {
        pprintf (p, "A player by the name %s is already registered.\n", newplayerlower);
        player_remove (p1);
        return COM_OK;

    player_globals.parray[p1].name = strdup (newplayer);
    player_globals.parray[p1].login = strdup (newplayerlower);
    player_globals.parray[p1].fullName = strdup (newname);
    player_globals.parray[p1].emailAddress = strdup (newemail);

    for (i = 0; i < PASSLEN; i++) {
        password[i] = 'a' + random() % 26;

    password[i] = '\0';
    salt[0] = 'a' + random() % 26;
    salt[1] = 'a' + random() % 26;
    salt[2] = '\0';
    player_globals.parray[p1].passwd = strdup (chessd_crypt (password, salt));

    PFlagON (p1, PFLAG_REG);
    PFlagON (p1, PFLAG_RATED);
    player_add_comment (p, p1, "Player added by addplayer.");
        player_globals.parray[p1].timeOfReg = (int) time (0);
	player_save (p1);
	player_remove (p1);

    if ( (p1 = player_find_part_login(newplayer)) >= 0) {
        sprintf (text, "\nYour player account has been created.\n\n"
                  "Login Name: %s\nFull Name: %s\nEmail Address: %s\nInitial Password: %s\n\n"
                  "If any of this information is incorrect, please contact the administrator\n"
                  "to get it corrected.\n\n"
                  "You may change your password with the password command on the the server.\n"
                  "\nPlease be advised that if this is an unauthorized duplicate account for\n"
                  "you, by using it you take the risk of being banned from accessing this\n"
                  "chess server.\n\n"
                  "Regards,\n\nThe BICS admins\n",
                  newplayer, newname, newemail, password);

        pprintf_prompt (p1, "%s", text);
	player_read (p1, newplayer);
        player_globals.parray[p1].timeOfReg = player_globals.parray[p1].logon_time;

    pprintf (p, "Added: >%s< >%s< >%s< \n", newplayer, newname, newemail);
    pprintf (p, "Password %s\n", password);

    return COM_OK;
Exemple #6
 * raisedead
 * Usage:  raisedead oldname [newname]
 *   Restores an account that has been previously removed using "remplayer".
 *   The zombie files from which it came are removed.  Under most
 *   circumstances, you restore the account to the same handle it had
 *   before (oldname).  However, in some circumstances you may need to
 *   restore the account to a different handle, in which case you include
 *   "newname" as the new handle.  After "raisedead", you may need to use the
 *   "asetpasswd" command to get the player started again as a registered
 *   user, especially if the account had been locked
 *   by setting the password to *.
int com_raisedead(int p, param_list param)
  char *player = param[0].val.word;
  char *newplayer = (param[1].type == TYPE_NULL  ?  player  :  param[1].val.word);
  char playerlower[MAX_LOGIN_NAME], newplayerlower[MAX_LOGIN_NAME];
  char plrFile[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE];

  int p2, lookup;

  strcpy(playerlower, player);
  strcpy(newplayerlower, newplayer);

  /* First make sure we have a player to raise. */
  sprintf (plrFile, "%s/%c/.rem.%s", PLAYER_DIR, playerlower[0], playerlower);
  if (!file_exists (plrFile)) {
    pprintf(p, "No deleted player %s.\n", player);
    return COM_OK;

  /* Now check for registered player. */
  sprintf (plrFile, "%s/%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, newplayerlower[0], newplayerlower);
  if (file_exists (plrFile)) {
    pprintf(p, "A player named %s is already registered.\n", newplayerlower);
    pprintf(p, "Obtain a new handle for the dead person.\n");
    pprintf(p, "Then use raisedead [oldname] [newname].\n");
    return COM_OK;

  /* Don't raise over a logged in user. */
  if (player_find_bylogin(newplayerlower) >= 0) {
    pprintf(p, "A player named %s is logged in.\n", newplayerlower);
    pprintf(p, "Can't raise until that person leaves.\n");
    return COM_OK;

  /* OK, ready to go. */
  if (!player_reincarn(playerlower, newplayerlower)) {
    if (param[1].type == TYPE_WORD)
      pprintf(p, "Player %s reincarnated to %s.\n", player, newplayer);
      pprintf(p, "Player %s raised.\n", player);
    p2 = player_new();
    if (!(lookup = player_read(p2, newplayerlower))) {
      if (param[1].type == TYPE_WORD) {
        player_globals.parray[p2].name = strdup(newplayer);
      /*if (player_globals.parray[p2].s_stats.rating > 0)
        UpdateRank(TYPE_STAND, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p2].s_stats, newplayer);
      if (player_globals.parray[p2].z_stats.rating > 0)
        UpdateRank(TYPE_CRAZYHOUSE, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p2].z_stats, newplayer);
      if (player_globals.parray[p2].w_stats.rating > 0)
        UpdateRank(TYPE_WILD, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p2].w_stats, newplayer);*/
  } else {
    pprintf(p, "Raisedead failed.\n");
  return COM_OK;
#if 0
 if (param[1].type == TYPE_NULL) {
    if (!player_raise(playerlower)) {
      pprintf(p, "Player %s raised from dead.\n", player);

      p1 = player_new();
      if (!(lookup = player_read(p1, playerlower))) {
	/*if (player_globals.parray[p1].s_stats.rating > 0)
	  UpdateRank(TYPE_STAND, player, &player_globals.parray[p1].s_stats, player);
	if (player_globals.parray[p1].z_stats.rating > 0)
	  UpdateRank(TYPE_CRAZYHOUSE, player, &player_globals.parray[p1].z_stats, player);
	if (player_globals.parray[p1].w_stats.rating > 0)
	  UpdateRank(TYPE_WILD, player, &player_globals.parray[p1].w_stats, player);*/
    } else {
      pprintf(p, "Raisedead failed.\n");
    return COM_OK;
  } else {
    if (player_find_bylogin(newplayerlower) >= 0) {
      pprintf(p, "A player by the requested name is logged in.\n");
      pprintf(p, "Can't reincarnate until they leave.\n");
      return COM_OK;
    p2 = player_new();
    lookup = player_read(p2, newplayerlower);
    if (!lookup) {
      pprintf(p, "A player by the name %s is already registered.\n", player);
      pprintf(p, "Obtain another new handle for the dead person.\n");
      return COM_OK;
    if (!player_reincarn(playerlower, newplayerlower)) {
      pprintf(p, "Player %s reincarnated to %s.\n", player, newplayer);
      p2 = player_new();
      if (!(lookup = player_read(p2, newplayerlower))) {
	player_globals.parray[p2].name = strdup(newplayer);
	/*if (player_globals.parray[p2].s_stats.rating > 0)
	  UpdateRank(TYPE_STAND, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p2].s_stats, newplayer);
	if (player_globals.parray[p2].z_stats.rating > 0)
	  UpdateRank(TYPE_CRAZYHOUSE, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p2].z_stats, newplayer);
	if (player_globals.parray[p2].w_stats.rating > 0)
	  UpdateRank(TYPE_WILD, newplayer, &player_globals.parray[p2].w_stats, newplayer);*/
    } else {
      pprintf(p, "Raisedead failed.\n");
  return COM_OK;
	struct player *my = OBJECTDATA(obj,struct player);
	TIMESTAMP t1 = (TS_OPEN == my->status) ? my->next.ts : TS_NEVER;
	TIMESTAMP temp_t;

	if (my->status==TS_INIT){

		/* get local target if remote is not used and "value" is defined by the user at runtime */
		if (my->target==NULL && obj->parent == NULL)
			my->target = gl_get_property(obj,"value",NULL);

		if(player_open(obj) == 0)
			gl_error("sync_player: Unable to open player file '%s' for object '%s'", my->file, obj->name?obj->name:"(anon)");
			t1 = player_read(obj);
	while (my->status==TS_OPEN && t1<=t0
		&& my->next.ns==0 ) /* only use this method when not operating in subsecond mode */
	{	/* post this value */
		if (my->target==NULL)
			my->target = gl_get_property(obj->parent,my->property,NULL);
		if (my->target==NULL){
			gl_error("sync_player: Unable to find property \"%s\" in object %s", my->property, obj->name?obj->name:"(anon)");
			my->status = TS_ERROR;
		if (my->target!=NULL)
			OBJECT *target = obj->parent ? obj->parent : obj; /* target myself if no parent */
			gl_set_value(target,GETADDR(target,my->target),my->next.value,my->target); /* pointer => int64 */
		/* Copy the current value into our "tracking" variable */
		my->delta_track.ns = my->next.ns;
		my->delta_track.ts = my->next.ts;

		t1 = player_read(obj);

	/* Apply an intermediate value, if necessary - mainly for "DELTA players in non-delta situations" */
	if ((my->target!=NULL) && (my->delta_track.ts<t0) && (my->delta_track.ns!=0))
		OBJECT *target = obj->parent ? obj->parent : obj; /* target myself if no parent */
		gl_set_value(target,GETADDR(target,my->target),my->delta_track.value,my->target); /* pointer => int64 */

	/* Delta-mode catch - if we're not explicitly in delta mode and a nano-second values pops up, try to advance past it */
	if (((obj->flags & OF_DELTAMODE)!=OF_DELTAMODE) && (my->next.ns != 0) && (my->status==TS_OPEN))
		/* Initial value for next time */
		temp_t = t1;

		/* Copied verbatim from above - just in case it still needs to be done - if a first timestep is a deltamode timestep */
		if (my->target==NULL)
			my->target = gl_get_property(obj->parent,my->property,NULL);
		if (my->target==NULL){
			gl_error("sync_player: Unable to find property \"%s\" in object %s", my->property, obj->name?obj->name:"(anon)");
			my->status = TS_ERROR;

		/* Advance to a zero */
		while ((my->next.ns != 0) && (my->next.ts<=t0))
			/* Post the value as we go, so the "final" is correct */
			/* Apply the "current value", if it is relevant (player_next_value contains the previous, so this will override it) */
			if ((my->target!=NULL) && (my->next.ts<t0))
				OBJECT *target = obj->parent ? obj->parent : obj; /* target myself if no parent */
				gl_set_value(target,GETADDR(target,my->target),my->next.value,my->target); /* pointer => int64 */

			/* Copy the value into the tracking variable */
			my->delta_track.ns = my->next.ns;
			my->delta_track.ts = my->next.ts;

			/* Perform the update */
			temp_t = player_read(obj);

		/* Apply the update */
		t1 = temp_t;
	else if (((obj->flags & OF_DELTAMODE)==OF_DELTAMODE) && (delta_mode_needed<t0))	/* Code to catch when gets stuck in deltamode (exits early) */
		if (my->next.ts<t0)
			/* Advance to a value bigger than t0 */
			while ((my->next.ns != 0) && (my->next.ts<=t0))
				/* Post the value as we go, so the "final" is correct */
				/* Apply the "current value", if it is relevant (player_next_value contains the previous, so this will override it) */
				if ((my->target!=NULL) && (my->next.ts<t0))
					OBJECT *target = obj->parent ? obj->parent : obj; /* target myself if no parent */
					gl_set_value(target,GETADDR(target,my->target),my->next.value,my->target); /* pointer => int64 */

				/* Copy the value into the tracking variable */
				my->delta_track.ns = my->next.ns;
				my->delta_track.ts = my->next.ts;

				/* Perform the update */
				temp_t = player_read(obj);

			/* Do the adjustment of return */
			if (t1 < t0)	/* Sometimes gets stuck */
				/* Force it forward */
				t1 = temp_t;
			else	/* Equal or greater than next time */
				if ((temp_t<t1) && (temp_t>t0))
					t1 = temp_t;
		else if (my->next.ts == t0)
			/* Roll it once */
			/* Copy the value into the tracking variable */
			my->delta_track.ns = my->next.ns;
			my->delta_track.ts = my->next.ts;

			/* Perform the update */
			temp_t = player_read(obj);

	/* See if we need to push a sooner update (DELTA round)*/
	if ((my->delta_track.ts!=TS_NEVER) && (my->delta_track.ns != 0))
		/* Round the timestep up */
		temp_t = my->delta_track.ts+1;

		/* Make sure it is still valid - don't want to get stuck iterating */
		if ((temp_t<t1) && (temp_t>t0))
			t1 = temp_t;

	/* Catch for next delta instances that may occur -- if doesn't pass a reiteration, gets missed when nothing driving*/
	if ((obj->flags & OF_DELTAMODE) == OF_DELTAMODE)
		if ((t1>t0) && (my->next.ts==t0) && (my->next.ns != 0))
			/* Return us here, deltamode should have been flagged */
			t1 = t0;

		/* Check for a final stoppping point -- if player value goes ns beyond current stop time, it will get stuck and iterate */
		if ((my->next.ts == gl_globalstoptime) && (my->next.ns != 0) && (t1 == gl_globalstoptime))
			/* Push it one second forward, just so GLD thinks it's done and can get out */
			t1 = t1 + 1;

	obj->clock = t0;
	return t1;