Exemple #1
void PlotMatrix::updateLayout()
    for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
        for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, col );
            if ( p )
                bool showAxis[QwtPlot::axisCnt];
                showAxis[QwtPlot::xBottom] =
                    axisEnabled( QwtPlot::xBottom ) && row == numRows() - 1;
                showAxis[QwtPlot::xTop] =
                    axisEnabled( QwtPlot::xTop ) && row == 0;
                showAxis[QwtPlot::yLeft] =
                    axisEnabled( QwtPlot::yLeft ) && col == 0;
                showAxis[QwtPlot::yRight] =
                    axisEnabled( QwtPlot::yRight ) && col == numColumns() - 1;

                for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ )
                    enablePlotAxis( p, axis, showAxis[axis] );

    for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
        alignAxes( row, QwtPlot::xTop );
        alignAxes( row, QwtPlot::xBottom );

        alignScaleBorder( row, QwtPlot::yLeft );
        alignScaleBorder( row, QwtPlot::yRight );

    for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
        alignAxes( col, QwtPlot::yLeft );
        alignAxes( col, QwtPlot::yRight );

        alignScaleBorder( col, QwtPlot::xBottom );
        alignScaleBorder( col, QwtPlot::xTop );

    for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
        for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, col );
            if ( p )
Exemple #2
void PlotMatrix::alignScaleBorder( int rowOrColumn, int axis )
    int startDist = 0;
    int endDist = 0;

    if ( axis == QwtPlot::yLeft )
        QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, 0 );
        if ( p )
            p->axisWidget( axis )->getBorderDistHint( startDist, endDist );

        for ( int col = 1; col < numColumns(); col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, col );
            if ( p )
                p->axisWidget( axis )->setMinBorderDist( startDist, endDist );
    else if ( axis == QwtPlot::yRight )
        QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, numColumns() - 1 );
        if ( p )
            p->axisWidget( axis )->getBorderDistHint( startDist, endDist );

        for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns() - 1; col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, col );
            if ( p )
                p->axisWidget( axis )->setMinBorderDist( startDist, endDist );
    if ( axis == QwtPlot::xTop )
        QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, 0 );
        if ( p )
            p->axisWidget( axis )->getBorderDistHint( startDist, endDist );
        for ( int row = 1; row < numRows(); row++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, rowOrColumn );
            if ( p )
                p->axisWidget( axis )->setMinBorderDist( startDist, endDist );
    else if ( axis == QwtPlot::xBottom )
        QwtPlot *p = plotAt( numRows() - 1, rowOrColumn );
        if ( p )
            p->axisWidget( axis )->getBorderDistHint( startDist, endDist );
        for ( int row = 0; row < numRows() - 1; row++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, rowOrColumn );
            if ( p )
                p->axisWidget( axis )->setMinBorderDist( startDist, endDist );
Exemple #3
void PlotMatrix::setAxisScale( int axis, int rowOrColumn,
    double min, double max, double step )
    int row = 0;
    int col = 0;

    if ( axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop )
        col = rowOrColumn;
        row = rowOrColumn;

    QwtPlot *plt = plotAt( row, col );
    if ( plt )
        plt->setAxisScale( axis, min, max, step );
Exemple #4
void Organism::evolve()
{   // user-mediated evolution procedure
    char key = 0;
    drawTree(leftChild != NULL && !leftChild->terminal,
             midChild != NULL && !midChild->terminal,
             rightChild != NULL && !rightChild->terminal);
    // grow the parent and two children until a key is pressed
    // try a new child while this is happening
    Organism *newChild = spawnChild();
    assert(newChild != NULL);
    {   // repeat this loop until the space key is pressed
        plotAt(vc.numxpixels/2, vc.numypixels*3/4);

        if (leftChild == NULL)
            leftChild = spawnChild();    // make new left child
            leftChild->plotAt(vc.numxpixels/6, vc.numypixels/3);
        assert(leftChild != NULL);

        if (midChild == NULL)
            midChild = spawnChild();    // make new mid child
            midChild->plotAt(vc.numxpixels/2, vc.numypixels/4);
        assert(leftChild != NULL);

        if (rightChild == NULL)
            rightChild = spawnChild();    // make new left child
            rightChild->plotAt(vc.numxpixels*5/6, vc.numypixels/3);
        assert(leftChild != NULL);

        terminal = 0;    // if the node was terminal before, its not now

        if (newChild->age < 25)
        else if (leftChild->terminal == 1 &&
                 newChild->fitness()*0.7 > leftChild->fitness())
        {   // replace the left child with the new child
            delete leftChild;
            leftChild = newChild;
            newChild = spawnChild();
            assert(newChild != NULL);
        } else if (midChild->terminal == 1 &&
                   newChild->fitness()*0.7 > midChild->fitness())
        {   // replace the left child with the new child
            delete midChild;
            midChild = newChild;
            newChild = spawnChild();
            assert(newChild != NULL);
        } else if (rightChild->terminal == 1 &&
                   newChild->fitness()*0.7 > rightChild->fitness())
        {   // replace the left child with the new child
            delete rightChild;
            rightChild = newChild;
            newChild = spawnChild();
            assert(newChild != NULL);
        } else if (newChild->age > 50)
        {   // new child is 50 generations old and still has not promoted
            delete newChild;
            newChild = spawnChild();
            assert(newChild != NULL);
        } else

        if (kbhit())
        {   // read the key and see what needs to be done
            key = getch();
            if (_stackavail() > 0x0400)
            {   // only process child branch if there is enough stack space
                if (key == 'A' || key == 'a')
                else if (key == 'G' || key == 'g')
                else if (key == 'L' || key == 'l')
                drawTree(leftChild != NULL && !leftChild->terminal,
                         midChild != NULL && !midChild->terminal,
                         rightChild != NULL && !rightChild->terminal);
            };  // if
        } else
            key = 0;
    } while (key != ' ');
    delete newChild;
};  // Organism::evolve()
Exemple #5
void PlotMatrix::alignAxes( int rowOrColumn, int axis )
    if ( axis == QwtPlot::yLeft || axis == QwtPlot::yRight )
        double maxExtent = 0;

        for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, rowOrColumn );
            if ( p )
                QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = p->axisWidget( axis );

                QwtScaleDraw *sd = scaleWidget->scaleDraw();
                sd->setMinimumExtent( 0.0 );

                const double extent = sd->extent( scaleWidget->font() );
                if ( extent > maxExtent )
                    maxExtent = extent;

        for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, rowOrColumn );
            if ( p )
                QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = p->axisWidget( axis );
                scaleWidget->scaleDraw()->setMinimumExtent( maxExtent );
        double maxExtent = 0;

        for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, col );
            if ( p )
                QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = p->axisWidget( axis );

                QwtScaleDraw *sd = scaleWidget->scaleDraw();
                sd->setMinimumExtent( 0.0 );

                const double extent = sd->extent( scaleWidget->font() );
                if ( extent > maxExtent )
                    maxExtent = extent;

        for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, col );
            if ( p )
                QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = p->axisWidget( axis );
                scaleWidget->scaleDraw()->setMinimumExtent( maxExtent );
Exemple #6
void PlotMatrix::scaleDivChanged()
    if ( d_data->inScaleSync )

    d_data->inScaleSync = true;

    QwtPlot *plt = NULL;
    int axisId = -1;
    int rowOrColumn = -1;

    // find the changed axis
    for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
        for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
            QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, col );
            if ( p )
                for ( int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++ )
                    if ( p->axisWidget( axis ) == sender() )
                        plt = p;
                        axisId = axis;
                        if ( axisId == QwtPlot::xBottom || axisId == QwtPlot::xTop )
                            rowOrColumn = col;
                            rowOrColumn = row;


    if ( plt )
        const QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = plt->axisScaleDiv( axisId );

        // synchronize the axes
        if ( axisId == QwtPlot::xBottom || axisId == QwtPlot::xTop )
            for ( int row = 0; row < numRows(); row++ )
                QwtPlot *p = plotAt( row, rowOrColumn );
                if ( p != plt )
                    p->setAxisScaleDiv( axisId, scaleDiv );
            for ( int col = 0; col < numColumns(); col++ )
                QwtPlot *p = plotAt( rowOrColumn, col );
                if ( p != plt )
                    p->setAxisScaleDiv( axisId, scaleDiv );


    d_data->inScaleSync = false;