int PlotArea::do_plot(const char *commands, bool clear) { // Discard all commands up to `G' command, if any int discard = -1; { const char *cmds = commands; while (*cmds != '\0') { if (cmds[0] == 'G' && cmds[1] == '\n') { if (pending_plots > 0) pending_plots--; discard = (cmds - commands); } while (*cmds != '\n' && *cmds != '\0') cmds++; if (*cmds != '\0') cmds++; } } // Process commands const char *cmds = commands; if (discard >= 0) { cmds += discard; assert(cmds[0] == 'G'); assert(cmds[1] == '\n'); } #if 0 // FIXME: Not thoroughly tested yet -AZ if (discard < 0 && pending_plots > 0) return discard; #endif while (cmds[0] != '\0') { const char *command_begin = cmds; // Move CMDS to the next line while (*cmds != '\0' && *cmds != '\n') cmds++; if (*cmds == '\0') break; // Command is incomplete - don't do it assert(*cmds == '\n'); cmds++; // Copy current command to a NULL-terminated string. Otherwise, // sscanf() takes far too much time. const int len_ = cmds-command_begin-1; assert(len_ >= 0); const string command_s(command_begin,len_); const char *command = command_s.chars(); switch (command[0]) { case 'V': if (win) plot_vector(command); break; case 'M': if (win) plot_move(command); break; case 'T': if (win) plot_text(command); break; case 'J': if (win) plot_justify(command); break; case 'L': if (win) plot_linetype(command); break; case 'P': if (win) plot_point(command); break; case 'G': plot_reset(command); if (win && clear) plot_clear(command); break; case 'E': case 'R': if (win) plot_nop(command); break; default: plot_unknown(command); break; } } return discard; }
int transform(const char * source, const char * destination, const char * output){ char src_pts_name[256]; char dest_pts_name[256]; char out_param_name[256]; int n=3; int m=0; int m2=0; int k,l; double **src_mat=NULL; double **dest_mat=NULL; double **dest_mat_T=NULL; double **src_mat_T=NULL; double **E_mat=NULL; double **C_mat=NULL; double **C_mat_interm=NULL; double **D_mat_interm=NULL; double **P_mat=NULL; double *D_vec=NULL; double *T_vec=NULL; double *one_vec=NULL; double **D_mat=NULL; double **Q_mat=NULL; double **P_mat_T=NULL; double **R_mat=NULL; double trace1=0.0; double trace2=0.0; double scal=0.0; double ppm=0.0; FILE *outfile; printf("\n*******************************\n"); printf( "* helmparms3d v%1.2f *\n",VERS); printf( "* (c) U. Niethammer 2011 *\n"); printf( "* *\n"); printf( "*******************************\n"); memset(src_pts_name,0,sizeof(src_pts_name)); memset(dest_pts_name,0,sizeof(dest_pts_name)); memset(out_param_name,0,sizeof(out_param_name)); strcpy(src_pts_name, source); strcpy(dest_pts_name, destination); strcpy(out_param_name, output); m=get_m_size(src_pts_name); m2=get_m_size(dest_pts_name); if(m2!=m){ printf("Error, number of source and destination points is not equal!\n"); } else { src_mat=matrix(m,m, src_mat); dest_mat=matrix(m,m, dest_mat); read_points(src_pts_name, src_mat); read_points(dest_pts_name, dest_mat); D_vec=vector(n, D_vec); E_mat=matrix(m, m, E_mat); P_mat=matrix(m, m, P_mat); D_mat=matrix(m, m, D_mat); Q_mat=matrix(m, m, Q_mat); P_mat_T=matrix(m, m, P_mat_T); R_mat=matrix(m, m, R_mat); dest_mat_T=matrix(m, m, dest_mat_T); C_mat=matrix(m, m, C_mat); C_mat_interm=matrix(m, m, C_mat_interm); src_mat_T=matrix(m, m, src_mat_T); D_mat_interm=matrix(m, m, D_mat_interm); transpose_matrix(m, m, dest_mat, dest_mat_T); if(debug)printf("%s_T:\n",dest_pts_name); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, m, dest_mat_T); for(k=0;k<m;k++){ for(l=0;l<m;l++){ if(k!=l){ E_mat[k][l]=-1.0/(double)m; } else{ E_mat[k][l]=1.0-1.0/(double)m; } } } if(debug)printf("E:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, m, m, E_mat); if(debug)printf("dest_mat_T:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, m, dest_mat_T); matmult(dest_mat_T, m, m, E_mat, m, m, C_mat_interm, m, n); if(debug)printf("C_interm:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, m, C_mat_interm); matmult(C_mat_interm, n, m, src_mat, m, n, C_mat, n, n); if(debug)printf("C:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, C_mat); copy_matrix(n,n,C_mat,P_mat); if(debug)printf("P:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, P_mat); //Given matrix C[m][n], m>=n, using svd decomposition C = P D Q' to get P[m][n], diag D[n] and Q[n][n]. svd(n, n, C_mat, P_mat, D_vec, Q_mat); transpose_matrix(n, n, P_mat, P_mat_T); if(debug)printf("P\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, P_mat); if(debug)printf("P_T\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, P_mat_T); if(debug)printf("D_vec\n"); if(debug)plot_vector(stdout, n, D_vec); for(k=0;k<n;k++){ for(l=0;l<n;l++){ D_mat[k][l]=0.0; D_mat[l][l]=D_vec[l]; } } if(debug)printf("D\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, D_mat); matmult(Q_mat, n, n, P_mat_T, n, n, R_mat, n, n); if(debug)printf("R_trans:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, R_mat); matmult(C_mat, m, n, R_mat, n, m, C_mat_interm, m, n); if(debug)printf("C_interm:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, C_mat_interm); trace1=trace(n,n,C_mat_interm); if(debug)printf("\ntra=%lf\n\n",trace1); transpose_matrix(m, m, src_mat, src_mat_T); if(debug)printf("%s_T:\n",src_pts_name); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, m, src_mat_T); init_matrix(m,m,C_mat); init_matrix(m,m,C_mat_interm); matmult(src_mat_T, m, m, E_mat, m, m, C_mat_interm, n, n); if(debug)printf("C_interm:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, m, C_mat_interm); matmult(C_mat_interm, n, m, src_mat, m, n, C_mat, n, n); if(debug)printf("C:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, C_mat); trace2=trace(n,n,C_mat); if(debug)printf("\ntra=%lf\n\n",trace2); scal=trace1/trace2; ppm=scal-1.0; if(debug)printf("\nscal = %10.10lf\nscal = %10.10lf ppm\n\n",scal, ppm); init_matrix(m,m,C_mat); init_matrix(m,m,C_mat_interm); matmult(src_mat, m, n, R_mat, n,m, D_mat_interm, m, n); if(debug)printf("C_mat_interm:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, m, n, D_mat_interm); scal_matrix(m, n, scal, D_mat_interm, C_mat_interm); if(debug)printf("C_mat_interm:\n"); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, m, n, C_mat_interm); subtract_matrix(m, n, dest_mat, C_mat_interm, D_mat_interm); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, m, n, D_mat_interm); scal_matrix(m, n, 1.0/m, D_mat_interm, C_mat_interm); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, m, n, C_mat_interm); init_matrix(m,m,src_mat_T); transpose_matrix(m, m, C_mat_interm, src_mat_T); if(debug)plot_matrix(stdout, n, m, src_mat_T); T_vec=vector(m, T_vec); one_vec=vector(m, one_vec); for(k=0;k<m;k++){ one_vec[k]=1.0; } matrix_multiply(n, m, src_mat_T, one_vec, T_vec); if(debug)printf("T:\n"); if(debug)plot_vector(stdout, 3, T_vec); outfile = fopen(out_param_name, "w"); if(outfile == NULL){ printf("Error writing %s\r\n",out_param_name); exit(-1); } init_matrix(m,m,src_mat_T); transpose_matrix(m, m, R_mat, src_mat_T); plot_matrix(outfile, n, n, src_mat_T); printf("R =\n");fflush(stdout); plot_matrix(stdout, n, n, src_mat_T); printf("\n");fflush(stdout); plot_vector(outfile, 3, T_vec); printf("T =\n");fflush(stdout); plot_vector(stdout, 3, T_vec); printf("\n");fflush(stdout); fprintf(outfile, "%10.10lf\n", scal); printf("s = %10.10lf (= %10.10lf ppm)\n\n",scal, ppm);fflush(stdout); fclose(outfile); freevector(D_vec); freevector(T_vec); freevector(one_vec); freematrix(m, src_mat); freematrix(m, dest_mat); freematrix(m, E_mat); freematrix(m, P_mat); freematrix(m, D_mat); freematrix(m, Q_mat); freematrix(m, P_mat_T); freematrix(m, R_mat); freematrix(m, dest_mat_T); freematrix(m, C_mat); freematrix(m, C_mat_interm); freematrix(m, src_mat_T); freematrix(m, D_mat_interm); printf("\n...done\n"); } }
void viz_update(void) { SDL_Rect rect; object_list *l; object *o; int i; object *last_object; object *last_point; // clear screen set_color(1, 1, 1); SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, current_color); // draw known objects for (l = static_objects; l; l = l->next) { o = l->data; switch (o->kind) { case 'b': set_color(.4, .4, .4); break; case 'c': set_color(.7, .4, .3); break; case 'h': set_color(0, 1, 0); break; default: set_color(1, 0, 1); break; } plot_point(o->x, o->y, o->a); } for (l = martians; l; l = l->next) { set_color(1, 0, 0); o = l->data; plot_point(o->x, o->y, 3); plot_vector(o->x, o->y, o->a, o->b); } last_point = NULL; last_object = NULL; for (l = viz_checked_points; l; l = l->next) { o = l->data; if (last_object == NULL) { last_object = o; } if (last_point == NULL) { last_point = o; i = 0; } if (last_object->kind != viz_decided_path) { set_color(.5, .5, 1); } else { set_color(0, 0, 1); } if (last_object->kind != o->kind) { plot_line(last_point->x, last_point->y, last_object->x, last_object->y); last_point = NULL; i = 0; } if (i > 5) { plot_line(last_point->x, last_point->y, o->x, o->y); last_point = o; i = 0; } last_object = o; i++; } if (last_point && last_object) { plot_line(last_point->x, last_point->y, last_object->x, last_object->y); } // draw destination //set_color(.5, .5, 1); //plot_point(destination_x, destination_y, 0); // draw rover set_color(0, .5, 0); plot_point(last_telemetry.vehicle_x, last_telemetry.vehicle_y, 3); // draw rover's vector plot_vector(last_telemetry.vehicle_x, last_telemetry.vehicle_y, last_telemetry.vehicle_dir, last_telemetry.vehicle_speed); SDL_Flip(screen); //fprintf(stderr, "Done\n"); }