Exemple #1
reader_t::vertex_cb(p_ply_argument argument)
	long value_index, element_index;
	vertexes_t* vertexes;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, nullptr, &element_index);
	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, (void**) &vertexes, &value_index);
	(*vertexes)[element_index][value_index] = ply_get_argument_value(argument);
	return 1;
Exemple #2
reader_t::face_cb(p_ply_argument argument)
	long value_index, element_index;
	faces_t* faces;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, nullptr, &element_index);
	ply_get_argument_property(argument, nullptr, nullptr, &value_index);
	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, (void**) &faces, nullptr);
	if (value_index != -1)
		(*faces)[element_index][value_index] = ply_get_argument_value(argument);
	return 1;
Exemple #3
/* Callback to handle vertex data from RPly */
int rply_vertex_callback(p_ply_argument argument) {
    Float **buffers;
    long index, flags;

    ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, (void **)&buffers, &flags);
    ply_get_argument_element(argument, nullptr, &index);

    int bufferIndex = (flags & 0xF00) >> 8;
    int stride = (flags & 0x0F0) >> 4;
    int offset = flags & 0x00F;

    Float *buffer = buffers[bufferIndex];
    if (buffer)
        buffer[index * stride + offset] =

    return 1;
Exemple #4
// rply face callback
static int FaceCB(p_ply_argument argument) {
	void *userData = NULL;
	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &userData, NULL);

	Triangle *verts = *static_cast<Triangle **> (userData);

	long triIndex;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, NULL, &triIndex);

	long length, valueIndex;
	ply_get_argument_property(argument, NULL, &length, &valueIndex);

	if (valueIndex >= 0 && valueIndex < 3) {
		verts[triIndex].v[valueIndex] =
				static_cast<unsigned int> (ply_get_argument_value(argument));

	return 1;
// rply uv callback
static int UVCB(p_ply_argument argument) {
	long userIndex = 0;
	void *userData = NULL;
	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &userData, &userIndex);

	UV *uv = *static_cast<UV **> (userData);

	long uvIndex;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, NULL, &uvIndex);

	if (userIndex == 0)
		uv[uvIndex].u =
	else if (userIndex == 1)
		uv[uvIndex].v =

	return 1;
Exemple #6
    int ply_parser_call_back(p_ply_argument argument) {
        p_ply_element elem;
        p_ply_property prop;
        const char* elem_name;
        const char* prop_name;
        PLYParser* parser;
        long prop_len;
        long value_idx;

        assert_success(ply_get_argument_element(argument, &elem, NULL));
        assert_success(ply_get_argument_property(argument, &prop, &prop_len, &value_idx));
        assert_success(ply_get_element_info(elem, &elem_name, NULL));
        assert_success(ply_get_property_info(prop, &prop_name, NULL, NULL, NULL));
        assert_success(ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, (void**)&parser, NULL));

        Float value = ply_get_argument_value(argument);

        if (value_idx >= 0)
            parser->add_property_value(elem_name, prop_name, value);
        return 1;
Exemple #7
// rply color callback
static int ColorCB(p_ply_argument argument) {
	long userIndex = 0;
	void *userData = NULL;
	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &userData, &userIndex);

	RGB* c = *static_cast<RGB **> (userData);

	long colIndex;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, NULL, &colIndex);

	if (userIndex == 0)
		c[colIndex].r =
			static_cast<float>(ply_get_argument_value(argument) / 255.0);
	else if (userIndex == 1)
		c[colIndex].g =
			static_cast<float>(ply_get_argument_value(argument) / 255.0);
	else if (userIndex == 2)
		c[colIndex].b =
			static_cast<float>(ply_get_argument_value(argument) / 255.0);

	return 1;
Exemple #8
// rply vertex callback
static int VertexCB(p_ply_argument argument) {
	long userIndex = 0;
	void *userData = NULL;
	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &userData, &userIndex);

	Point* p = *static_cast<Point **> (userData);

	long vertIndex;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, NULL, &vertIndex);

	if (userIndex == 0)
		p[vertIndex].x =
	else if (userIndex == 1)
		p[vertIndex].y =
	else if (userIndex == 2)
		p[vertIndex].z =

	return 1;
Exemple #9
// rply normal callback
static int NormalCB(p_ply_argument argument) {
	long userIndex = 0;
	void *userData = NULL;

	ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &userData, &userIndex);

	Normal* n = *static_cast<Normal **> (userData);

	long normIndex;
	ply_get_argument_element(argument, NULL, &normIndex);

	if (userIndex == 0)
		n[normIndex].x =
	else if (userIndex == 1)
		n[normIndex].y =
	else if (userIndex == 2)
		n[normIndex].z =

	return 1;
Exemple #10
void load_ply(const std::string &filename, MatrixXu &F, MatrixXf &V, bool load_faces,
              const ProgressCallback &progress) {
    auto message_cb = [](p_ply ply, const char *msg) {
        cerr << "rply: " << msg << endl;

    Timer<> timer;
    cout << "Loading \"" << filename << "\" .. ";

    p_ply ply = ply_open(filename.c_str(), message_cb, 0, nullptr);
    if (!ply)
        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open PLY file \"" + filename + "\"!");

    if (!ply_read_header(ply)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open PLY header of \"" + filename + "\"!");

    p_ply_element element = nullptr;
    uint32_t vertexCount = 0, faceCount = 0;

    /* Inspect the structure of the PLY file */
    while ((element = ply_get_next_element(ply, element)) != nullptr) {
        const char *name;
        long nInstances;

        ply_get_element_info(element, &name, &nInstances);
        if (!strcmp(name, "vertex"))
            vertexCount = (uint32_t) nInstances;
        else if (!strcmp(name, "face"))
            faceCount = (uint32_t) nInstances;

    if (vertexCount == 0 && faceCount == 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("PLY file \"" + filename + "\" is invalid! No face/vertex/elements found!");

    if (load_faces)
        F.resize(3, faceCount);
    V.resize(3, vertexCount);

    struct VertexCallbackData {
        MatrixXf &V;
        const ProgressCallback &progress;
        VertexCallbackData(MatrixXf &V, const ProgressCallback &progress)
            : V(V), progress(progress) {}

    struct FaceCallbackData {
        MatrixXu &F;
        const ProgressCallback &progress;
        FaceCallbackData(MatrixXu &F, const ProgressCallback &progress)
            : F(F), progress(progress) {}

    auto rply_vertex_cb = [](p_ply_argument argument) -> int {
        VertexCallbackData *data;
        long index, coord;
        ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, (void **) &data, &coord);
        ply_get_argument_element(argument, nullptr, &index);
        data->V(coord, index) = (Float) ply_get_argument_value(argument);
        if (data->progress && coord == 0 && index % 500000 == 0)
            data->progress("Loading vertex data", index / (Float) data->V.cols());
        return 1;

    auto rply_index_cb = [](p_ply_argument argument) -> int {
        FaceCallbackData *data;
        long length, value_index, index;
        ply_get_argument_property(argument, nullptr, &length, &value_index);

        if (length != 3)
            throw std::runtime_error("Only triangle faces are supported!");

        ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, (void **) &data, nullptr);
        ply_get_argument_element(argument, nullptr, &index);

        if (value_index >= 0)
            data->F(value_index, index) = (uint32_t) ply_get_argument_value(argument);

        if (data->progress && value_index == 0 && index % 500000 == 0)
            data->progress("Loading face data", index / (Float) data->F.cols());

        return 1;

    VertexCallbackData vcbData(V, progress);
    FaceCallbackData fcbData(F, progress);

    if (!ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "x", rply_vertex_cb, &vcbData, 0) ||
            !ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "y", rply_vertex_cb, &vcbData, 1) ||
            !ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "z", rply_vertex_cb, &vcbData, 2)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("PLY file \"" + filename + "\" does not contain vertex position data!");

    if (load_faces) {
        if (!ply_set_read_cb(ply, "face", "vertex_indices", rply_index_cb, &fcbData, 0)) {
            throw std::runtime_error("PLY file \"" + filename + "\" does not contain vertex indices!");

    if (!ply_read(ply)) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error while loading PLY data from \"" + filename + "\"!");

    cout << "done. (V=" << vertexCount;
    if (load_faces)
        cout << ", F=" << faceCount;
    cout << ", took " << timeString(timer.value()) << ")" << endl;