Exemple #1
void Image::save(const char * path)
    png_image pngimage_control;
    memset(&pngimage_control, 0, sizeof(png_image));

    pngimage_control.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
    pngimage_control.width = _width;
    pngimage_control.height = _height;
    pngimage_control.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;
    //pngimage_control.flags = PNG_IMAGE_FLAG_COLORSPACE_NOT_sRGB;

    int success = png_image_write_to_file(&pngimage_control, //control str
                                                    path, //file path
                                                    0, //convert_to_8bit
                                                    _buf, //buffer
                                                    0, //row_stride
    if (!success)
        fprintf(stderr, "Writing png file failed to path: %s.\n", path);
    } else
        fprintf(stderr, "PNG file saved: %s.\n", path);
Exemple #2
void png_test(){
	png_image image;

	memset(&image, 0, (sizeof image));
	image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;

	if(png_image_begin_read_from_file(&image, "data/hex.png")){
		png_bytep buffer;
		image.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;
		buffer = (png_bytep)malloc(PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image));

		if(buffer != NULL &&  png_image_finish_read(&image, NULL, buffer, 0, NULL)){
			if(png_image_write_to_file(&image, "data/hex.jordan.png",0, buffer, 0, NULL)){
				printf("Write was successful. F**k freeing memory\n");
				char c;
				int rs = scanf("%c", &c);
		} else{
			if(buffer == NULL){
			} else{

	printf("You've f****d up\n");
	char c;
	int rs = scanf("%c", &c);
Exemple #3
int gfwx_PngWriteFile(const char* filename, uint8_t* data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t bytesPerPixel)
	int status = -1;
	int png_status;
	int row_stride;
	png_image image;

	memset(&image, 0, sizeof(png_image));
	image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
	image.format = (bytesPerPixel == 4) ? PNG_FORMAT_BGRA : PNG_FORMAT_BGR;
	image.width = width;
	image.height = height;

	row_stride = PNG_IMAGE_ROW_STRIDE(image);

	png_status = png_image_write_to_file(&image, filename, 0,
		(const void*) data, row_stride, NULL);

	if (!png_status)
		goto exit;

	status = 1;

	return status;
Exemple #4
void TakeScreenshot() {
	g_TakeScreenshot = false;
	mkDir(g_Config.memCardDirectory + "/PSP/SCREENSHOT");

	// First, find a free filename.
	int i = 0;

	char temp[256];
	while (i < 10000){
			sprintf(temp, "%s/PSP/SCREENSHOT/screen%05d.png", g_Config.memCardDirectory.c_str(), i);
			sprintf(temp, "%s/PSP/SCREENSHOT/screen%05d.jpg", g_Config.memCardDirectory.c_str(), i);
		FileInfo info;
		if (!getFileInfo(temp, &info))

	// Okay, allocate a buffer.
	u8 *buffer = new u8[3 * pixel_xres * pixel_yres];
	// Silly openGL reads upside down, we flip to another buffer for simplicity.
	u8 *flipbuffer = new u8[3 * pixel_xres * pixel_yres];

	glReadPixels(0, 0, pixel_xres, pixel_yres, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);

	for (int y = 0; y < pixel_yres; y++) {
		memcpy(flipbuffer + y * pixel_xres * 3, buffer + (pixel_yres - y - 1) * pixel_xres * 3, pixel_xres * 3);

	if (g_Config.bScreenshotsAsPNG) {
		png_image png;
		memset(&png, 0, sizeof(png));
		png.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
		png.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGB;
		png.width = pixel_xres;
		png.height = pixel_yres;
		png_image_write_to_file(&png, temp, 0, flipbuffer, pixel_xres * 3, NULL);
	} else {
		jpge::params params;
		params.m_quality = 90;
		compress_image_to_jpeg_file(temp, pixel_xres, pixel_yres, 3, flipbuffer, params);

	delete [] buffer;
	delete [] flipbuffer;

bool PngHandler::TransPngFormat(const string& srcFilePath, const string& desFilePath, PNG_FORMAT pngFormat)
	bool result = false;

	// 初始化变量
	png_image image;
	memset(&image, 0, (sizeof image));
	image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;

	// 加载源文件
	if (png_image_begin_read_from_file(&image, srcFilePath.c_str()) != 0)
		// 设置图片格式
		switch (pngFormat)
		case PF_GRAY_8BIT:
			image.format = PNG_FORMAT_GRAY;
			image.format = PNG_FORMAT_GA;
		case PF_RGB_16BIT:
			image.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGB;
			image.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;

		// 创建buffer
		png_bytep buffer = NULL;
		size_t bufferSize = PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image);
		buffer = new png_byte[bufferSize];

		if (buffer != NULL 
			&& png_image_finish_read(&image, NULL, buffer, 0, NULL) != 0)
			result = (png_image_write_to_file(&image, desFilePath.c_str(), 0, buffer, 0, NULL) != 0);

		delete[] buffer;

	return result;
	void PNGWriter::write_file(const std::string &file_name, const Image &image)
		png_image pngimage;

		std::memset(&pngimage, 0, sizeof pngimage);
		pngimage.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
		pngimage.width = image.width();
		pngimage.height = image.height();
		pngimage.format = PNG_FORMAT_BGRA;

		if (!png_image_write_to_file(&pngimage,
			throw Exception(file_name, pngimage.message);
Exemple #7
int mergePng(char * fileBack, char * fileFront, char * fileOut)
	int height = 480;
	int width = 640;
	png_image image;
	memset(&image, 0, sizeof image);
	image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
	image.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;

	png_image_begin_read_from_file(&image, fileBack);
	png_bytep bufBack = (png_bytep)malloc(PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image));
	png_image_finish_read(&image, NULL/*background*/, bufBack, 0/*row_stride*/, NULL/*colormap*/);
	png_image_begin_read_from_file(&image, fileFront);
	png_bytep bufFront = (png_bytep)malloc(PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image));
	png_image_finish_read(&image, NULL/*background*/, bufFront, 0/*row_stride*/, NULL/*colormap*/);
	png_bytep bufOut = (png_bytep)malloc(PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image));
	int countRgb = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
		for(int j = 0; j < width * 4; j += 4) {
			bufOut[i * width * 4 + j] = bufBack[countRgb++];
			bufOut[i * width * 4 + j + 1] = bufBack[countRgb++];
			bufOut[i * width * 4 + j + 2] = bufBack[countRgb++];
			bufOut[i * width * 4 + j + 3] = 255 - bufFront[i * width * 4 + j + 3];
	png_image_write_to_file(&image, fileOut, 0/*convert_to_8bit*/, bufOut, 0/*row_stride*/, NULL/*colormap*/);
	return 0;
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
   if (argc == 3)
      png_image image; /* The control structure used by libpng */

      /* Initialize the 'png_image' structure. */
      memset(&image, 0, (sizeof image));
      image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;

      /* The first argument is the file to read: */
      if (png_image_begin_read_from_file(&image, argv[1]))
         png_bytep buffer;

         /* Set the format in which to read the PNG file; this code chooses a
          * simple sRGB format with a non-associated alpha channel, adequate to
          * store most images.
         image.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;

         /* Now allocate enough memory to hold the image in this format; the
          * PNG_IMAGE_SIZE macro uses the information about the image (width,
          * height and format) stored in 'image'.
         buffer = malloc(PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image));

         /* If enough memory was available read the image in the desired format
          * then write the result out to the new file.  'background' is not
          * necessary when reading the image because the alpha channel is
          * preserved; if it were to be removed, for example if we requested
          * PNG_FORMAT_RGB, then either a solid background color would have to
          * be supplied or the output buffer would have to be initialized to the
          * actual background of the image.
          * The fourth argument to png_image_finish_read is the 'row_stride' -
          * this is the number of components allocated for the image in each
          * row.  It has to be at least as big as the value returned by
          * PNG_IMAGE_ROW_STRIDE, but if you just allocate space for the
          * default, minimum, size using PNG_IMAGE_SIZE as above you can pass
          * zero.
          * The final argument is a pointer to a buffer for the colormap;
          * colormaps have exactly the same format as a row of image pixels (so
          * you choose what format to make the colormap by setting
          * image.format).  A colormap is only returned if
          * PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_COLORMAP is also set in image.format, so in this
          * case NULL is passed as the final argument.  If you do want to force
          * all images into an index/color-mapped format then you can use:
          *    PNG_IMAGE_COLORMAP_SIZE(image)
          * to find the maximum size of the colormap in bytes.
         if (buffer != NULL &&
            png_image_finish_read(&image, NULL/*background*/, buffer,
               0/*row_stride*/, NULL/*colormap*/))
            /* Now write the image out to the second argument.  In the write
             * call 'convert_to_8bit' allows 16-bit data to be squashed down to
             * 8 bits; this isn't necessary here because the original read was
             * to the 8-bit format.
            if (png_image_write_to_file(&image, argv[2], 0/*convert_to_8bit*/,
               buffer, 0/*row_stride*/, NULL/*colormap*/))
               /* The image has been written successfully. */

            /* Calling png_free_image is optional unless the simplified API was
             * not run to completion.  In this case if there wasn't enough
             * memory for 'buffer' we didn't complete the read, so we must free
             * the image:
            if (buffer == NULL)


      /* Something went wrong reading or writing the image.  libpng stores a
       * textual message in the 'png_image' structure:
      fprintf(stderr, "pngtopng: error: %s\n", image.message);
      exit (1);

   fprintf(stderr, "pngtopng: usage: pngtopng input-file output-file\n");

/* That's it ;-)  Of course you probably want to do more with PNG files than
 * just converting them all to 32-bit RGBA PNG files; you can do that between
 * the call to png_image_finish_read and png_image_write_to_file.  You can also
 * ask for the image data to be presented in a number of different formats.  You
 * do this by simply changing the 'format' parameter set before allocating the
 * buffer.
 * The format parameter consists of five flags that define various aspects of
 * the image, you can simply add these together to get the format or you can use
 * one of the predefined macros from png.h (as above):
 * PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_COLOR: if set the image will have three color components per
 *    pixel (red, green and blue), if not set the image will just have one
 *    luminance (grayscale) component.
 * PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_ALPHA: if set each pixel in the image will have an additional
 *    alpha value; a linear value that describes the degree the image pixel
 *    covers (overwrites) the contents of the existing pixel on the display.
 * PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_LINEAR: if set the components of each pixel will be returned
 *    as a series of 16-bit linear values, if not set the components will be
 *    returned as a series of 8-bit values encoded according to the 'sRGB'
 *    standard.  The 8-bit format is the normal format for images intended for
 *    direct display, because almost all display devices do the inverse of the
 *    sRGB transformation to the data they receive.  The 16-bit format is more
 *    common for scientific data and image data that must be further processed;
 *    because it is linear simple math can be done on the component values.
 *    Regardless of the setting of this flag the alpha channel is always linear,
 *    although it will be 8 bits or 16 bits wide as specified by the flag.
 * PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_BGR: if set the components of a color pixel will be returned
 *    in the order blue, then green, then red.  If not set the pixel components
 *    are in the order red, then green, then blue.
 * PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_AFIRST: if set the alpha channel (if present) precedes the
 *    color or grayscale components.  If not set the alpha channel follows the
 *    components.
 * You do not have to read directly from a file.  You can read from memory or,
 * on systems that support it, from a <stdio.h> FILE*.  This is controlled by
 * the particular png_image_read_from_ function you call at the start.  Likewise
 * on write you can write to a FILE* if your system supports it.  Check the
 * macro PNG_STDIO_SUPPORTED to see if stdio support has been included in your
 * libpng build.
 * If you read 16-bit (PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_LINEAR) data you may need to write it in
 * the 8-bit format for display.  You do this by setting the convert_to_8bit
 * flag to 'true'.
 * Don't repeatedly convert between the 8-bit and 16-bit forms.  There is
 * significant data loss when 16-bit data is converted to the 8-bit encoding and
 * the current libpng implementation of convertion to 16-bit is also
 * significantly lossy.  The latter will be fixed in the future, but the former
 * is unavoidable - the 8-bit format just doesn't have enough resolution.

/* If your program needs more information from the PNG data it reads, or if you
 * need to do more complex transformations, or minimise transformations, on the
 * data you read, then you must use one of the several lower level libpng
 * interfaces.
 * All these interfaces require that you do your own error handling - your
 * program must be able to arrange for control to return to your own code any
 * time libpng encounters a problem.  There are several ways to do this, but the
 * standard way is to use the ANSI-C (C90) <setjmp.h> interface to establish a
 * return point within your own code.  You must do this if you do not use the
 * simplified interface (above).
 * The first step is to include the header files you need, including the libpng
 * header file.  Include any standard headers and feature test macros your
 * program requires before including png.h:
#include <png.h>

 /* The png_jmpbuf() macro, used in error handling, became available in
  * libpng version 1.0.6.  If you want to be able to run your code with older
  * versions of libpng, you must define the macro yourself (but only if it
  * is not already defined by libpng!).

#ifndef png_jmpbuf
#  define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->png_jmpbuf)

/* Check to see if a file is a PNG file using png_sig_cmp().  png_sig_cmp()
 * returns zero if the image is a PNG and nonzero if it isn't a PNG.
 * The function check_if_png() shown here, but not used, returns nonzero (true)
 * if the file can be opened and is a PNG, 0 (false) otherwise.
 * If this call is successful, and you are going to keep the file open,
 * you should call png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK); once
 * you have created the png_ptr, so that libpng knows your application
 * has read that many bytes from the start of the file.  Make sure you
 * don't call png_set_sig_bytes() with more than 8 bytes read or give it
 * an incorrect number of bytes read, or you will either have read too
 * many bytes (your fault), or you are telling libpng to read the wrong
 * number of magic bytes (also your fault).
 * Many applications already read the first 2 or 4 bytes from the start
 * of the image to determine the file type, so it would be easiest just
 * to pass the bytes to png_sig_cmp() or even skip that if you know
 * you have a PNG file, and call png_set_sig_bytes().
int check_if_png(char *file_name, FILE **fp)
   char buf[PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK];

   /* Open the prospective PNG file. */
   if ((*fp = fopen(file_name, "rb")) == NULL)
      return 0;

   /* Read in some of the signature bytes */
   if (fread(buf, 1, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK, *fp) != PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK)
      return 0;

   /* Compare the first PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK bytes of the signature.
      Return nonzero (true) if they match */

   return(!png_sig_cmp(buf, (png_size_t)0, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK));
Exemple #9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	png_image image;
	png_bytep buffer;

	// Set the seed (as global variable random_integer)
	if (argc >= 2) random_integer = atoi(argv[1]);
	else {
		FILE* f = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
		fread(&random_integer, sizeof(int), 1, f);
		printf("Seed: %d\n", random_integer);

	// Set the image attributes
	memset(&image, 0, (sizeof image));
	image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
	image.opaque = NULL;
	image.width = 1024;
	image.height = 1024;
	image.format = PNG_FORMAT_GRAY;
	image.flags = 0;
	image.colormap_entries = 0;

	// Allocate the buffer
	buffer = malloc(PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image));

	// The status messages are used to indicate the progress through the image.
	// Each thread will spit one 
	const char* statuses = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
	int status_len = 26;
	int status_sent = 0;

	// Each chunk will process chunk_len pixel parts, except the last chunk
	// which processes the remaining stuff
	int nchunks = status_len;
	size_t chunk_len = PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image) / nchunks;
	struct fill_image_data *image_datas;
	image_datas = calloc(nchunks+1, sizeof(struct fill_image_data));

	// Allocate space for the thread pointers
	pthread_t *threads;
	threads = calloc(nchunks+1, sizeof(pthread_t));

	// Display a list of statuses for comparison
	printf("%s\n", statuses);

	// i = chunk index, j = index of data to start processing
	int i, j;
	j = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) {
		image_datas[i].image = &image;
		image_datas[i].buffer = buffer;
		image_datas[i].start = j;
		image_datas[i].end = j + chunk_len;
		image_datas[i].finish_message = statuses[i];

		// Start a worker thread
		pthread_create(threads+i, NULL, fill_image, image_datas+i);
		j += chunk_len;
	#if 1 // This limits number of threads. It can make it faster, can make it slower.
		if (i % 8 == 0) pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
	// Process the remaining parts
	image_datas[i].image = &image;
	image_datas[i].buffer = buffer;
	image_datas[i].start = j;
	image_datas[i].end = PNG_IMAGE_SIZE(image);
	image_datas[i].finish_message = statuses[i];
	pthread_create(threads+i, NULL, fill_image, image_datas+i);

	// Wait for completion
	for (i = 0; i < nchunks+1; i++) {
		pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);

	png_image_write_to_file(&image, "out.png", 0, buffer, 0, NULL);



	return 0;