Exemple #1
static void pni_process_server_result(pn_transport_t *transport, int result)
    pni_sasl_t *sasl = transport->sasl;
    sasl_conn_t *cyrus_conn = (sasl_conn_t*)sasl->impl_context;
    switch (result) {
        case SASL_OK:
            // Authenticated
            sasl->outcome = PN_SASL_OK;
            transport->authenticated = true;
            // Get username from SASL
            const void* value;
            sasl_getprop(cyrus_conn, SASL_USERNAME, &value);
            sasl->username = (const char*) value;
            if (transport->trace & PN_TRACE_DRV)
              pn_transport_logf(transport, "Authenticated user: %s with mechanism %s", sasl->username, sasl->selected_mechanism);
            pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_POSTED_OUTCOME);
        case SASL_CONTINUE:
            // Need to send a challenge
            pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_POSTED_CHALLENGE);
            pni_check_sasl_result(cyrus_conn, result, transport);

            // Failed to authenticate
            sasl->outcome = PN_SASL_AUTH;
            pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_POSTED_OUTCOME);
Exemple #2
// This is a hack to tell us that
// no actual negotiation is going to happen and we can go
// straight to the AMQP layer; it can only work on the client side
// As the server doesn't know if SASL is even active until it sees
// the SASL header from the client first.
static void pni_sasl_force_anonymous(pn_transport_t *transport)
  pni_sasl_t *sasl = transport->sasl;
  if (sasl->client) {
    // Pretend we got sasl mechanisms frame with just ANONYMOUS
    if (pni_init_client(transport) &&
        pni_process_mechanisms(transport, "ANONYMOUS")) {
      pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_PRETEND_OUTCOME);
    } else {
      sasl->outcome = PN_SASL_PERM;
      pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_RECVED_OUTCOME_FAIL);
Exemple #3
static void pni_sasl_start_server_if_needed(pn_transport_t *transport)
  pni_sasl_t *sasl = transport->sasl;
  if (!sasl->client && sasl->desired_state<SASL_POSTED_MECHANISMS) {
    if (!pni_init_server(transport)) return;

    // Setup to send SASL mechanisms frame
    pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_POSTED_MECHANISMS);
Exemple #4
void pni_process_challenge(pn_transport_t *transport, const pn_bytes_t *recv)
    pni_sasl_t *sasl = transport->sasl;
    sasl_conn_t *cyrus_conn = (sasl_conn_t*)sasl->impl_context;
    int result = pni_wrap_client_step(sasl, recv);
    switch (result) {
        case SASL_OK:
            // Authenticated
            // TODO: Documented that we need to call sasl_client_step() again to be sure!;
        case SASL_CONTINUE:
            // Need to send a response
            pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_POSTED_RESPONSE);
            pni_check_sasl_result(cyrus_conn, result, transport);

            // Failed somehow - equivalent to failing authentication
            sasl->outcome = PN_SASL_AUTH;
            pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_RECVED_OUTCOME);
Exemple #5
// Received client side
int pn_do_outcome(pn_transport_t *transport, uint8_t frame_type, uint16_t channel, pn_data_t *args, const pn_bytes_t *payload)
  uint8_t outcome;
  int err = pn_data_scan(args, "D.[B]", &outcome);
  if (err) return err;

  pni_sasl_t *sasl = transport->sasl;
  sasl->outcome = (pn_sasl_outcome_t) outcome;
  bool authenticated = sasl->outcome==PN_SASL_OK;
  transport->authenticated = authenticated;
  pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, authenticated ? SASL_RECVED_OUTCOME_SUCCEED : SASL_RECVED_OUTCOME_FAIL);

  return 0;
Exemple #6
// Received client side
int pn_do_mechanisms(pn_transport_t *transport, uint8_t frame_type, uint16_t channel, pn_data_t *args, const pn_bytes_t *payload)
  pni_sasl_t *sasl = transport->sasl;

  // If we already pretended we got the ANONYMOUS mech then ignore
  if (sasl->last_state==SASL_PRETEND_OUTCOME) return 0;

  // This scanning relies on pn_data_scan leaving the pn_data_t cursors
  // where they are after finishing the scan
  int err = pn_data_scan(args, "D.[@[");
  if (err) return err;

  pn_string_t *mechs = pn_string("");

  // Now keep checking for end of array and pull a symbol
  while(pn_data_next(args)) {
    pn_bytes_t s = pn_data_get_symbol(args);
    if (pni_included_mech(transport->sasl->included_mechanisms, s)) {
      pn_string_addf(mechs, "%*s ", (int)s.size, s.start);

  if (pn_string_size(mechs)) {
      pn_string_buffer(mechs)[pn_string_size(mechs)-1] = 0;

  if (pni_init_client(transport) &&
      pni_process_mechanisms(transport, pn_string_get(mechs))) {
    pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_POSTED_INIT);
  } else {
    sasl->outcome = PN_SASL_PERM;
    pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_RECVED_OUTCOME_FAIL);

  return 0;
Exemple #7
static void pn_error_sasl(pn_transport_t* transport)
  transport->close_sent = true;
  pni_sasl_set_desired_state(transport, SASL_ERROR);