**   BasicWesternChart   ---   OnResponsiveChartEvent
bool BasicWesternChart::OnResponsiveChartEvent( const MPoint p, const int /* keyMod */ )
	const ObjectId old1_marked = h1marked;
	const ObjectId old2_marked = h2marked;

	h1marked = ONONE;
	h2marked = ONONE;

	//for( uint i = 0; i < obs.size() && i < h1rects.size() && i < h2rects.size(); i++ )
	for( uint i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++ )
		if ( pointInRect( p, h1rect[obs[i]] ))
			//printf( "MATCH RECT1 %d planet %d\n", i, obs[i] );
			h1marked = obs[i];
			return h1marked != old1_marked;
		if ( pointInRect( p, h2rect[obs[i]] ))
			//printf( "MATCH RECT2 %d planet %d\n", i, obs[i] );
			h2marked = obs[i];
			return h2marked != old2_marked;
	//printf( "OnResponsiveChartEvent RETURN %d\n", old1_marked != ONONE || old2_marked != ONONE );

	// this point can only be reached if there is no match in the chart. repaint is only required if one was marked before
	return old1_marked != ONONE || old2_marked != ONONE;
Exemple #2
void guihckContextMouseMove(guihckContext* ctx, float sx, float sy, float dx, float dy)
  chckPoolIndex iter = 0;
  guihckMouseAreaId* mouseAreaId = NULL;
  chckIterPool* mouseAreas = queryMouseAreasIntersectingLine(ctx, sx, sy, dx, dy);
  bool handled = false;
  while(!handled && (mouseAreaId = chckIterPoolIter(mouseAreas, &iter)))
    _guihckMouseArea* mouseArea = chckPoolGet(ctx->mouseAreas, *mouseAreaId);
    if(!mouseArea->functionMap.mouseMove && !mouseArea->functionMap.mouseEnter && !mouseArea->functionMap.mouseExit)

    bool s = pointInRect(sx, sy, &mouseArea->rect);
    bool d = pointInRect(dx, dy, &mouseArea->rect);

    if(s && d)
        handled = mouseArea->functionMap.mouseMove(ctx, mouseArea->elementId, guihckElementGetData(ctx, mouseArea->elementId), sx, sy, dx, dy);
    else if(s)
        handled = mouseArea->functionMap.mouseExit(ctx, mouseArea->elementId, guihckElementGetData(ctx, mouseArea->elementId), sx, sy, dx, dy);
    else if(d)
        handled = mouseArea->functionMap.mouseEnter(ctx, mouseArea->elementId, guihckElementGetData(ctx, mouseArea->elementId), sx, sy, dx, dy);
Exemple #3
bool XUIObject::pointInRegion(int x, int y) {
  int over = pointInRect(x, y);
  if (over) {
    RootWnd *child = m_wnd->findRootWndChild(x, y);
    over &= (child == NULL || child == m_wnd);
  return over;
Exemple #4
chckIterPool* queryMouseAreasIntersectingLine(guihckContext* ctx, float sx, float sy, float dx, float dy)
  chckIterPool* result = chckIterPoolNew(4, 4, sizeof(guihckMouseAreaId));
  guihckMouseAreaId mouseAreaIter = 0;
  _guihckMouseArea* mouseArea  = NULL;
  while((mouseArea = chckPoolIter(ctx->mouseAreas, &mouseAreaIter)))
    /* Should be replaced by querying a quad tree*/
    if(pointInRect(sx, sy, &mouseArea->rect)
       || pointInRect(dx, dy, &mouseArea->rect))
      guihckMouseAreaId id = mouseAreaIter - 1;
      chckIterPoolAdd(result, &id, NULL);

  return sortMouseAreasByElementOrder(ctx, result);
Exemple #5
bool CollisionMgr::checkCollision(GWO obj1, GWO obj2)
	int x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
	int h1 = 0, w1 = 0;

	obj1.getPos(x1, y1);
	obj1.getDimensions(w1, h1);

	if (pointInRect(x1, y1, obj2) ||
		pointInRect(x1 + w1, y1, obj2) ||
		pointInRect(x1, y1 + h1, obj2) ||
		pointInRect(x1 + w1, y1 + h1, obj2))
		return true;

	return false;
bool Rect::collide(const Shape* shape, vec::Vector2& normal) const
	// Check for a null-pointer
	if (shape == NULL)
		return false;

	bool isColliding = false;

	// If rect-rect collision
	if (shape->getTypeEnum() == RECT)
		const Rect* r = dynamic_cast<const Rect*>(shape);

		// Check for a null cast
		if (r == NULL)
			return false;

		if (r->getPos().dist(this->getPos()) < getRad() + r->getRad())
			//Check if any point lies inside the other rect
			if (pointInRect(r->tl, normal) || pointInRect(r->tr, normal) ||
				pointInRect(r->br, normal) || pointInRect(r->bl, normal))
				isColliding = true;

			if (r->pointInRect(tl, normal) || r->pointInRect(tr, normal) ||
				r->pointInRect(br, normal) || r->pointInRect(bl, normal))
				isColliding = true;
	// If rect-circ collision
	else if (shape->getTypeEnum() == CIRC)
		const Circ* c = dynamic_cast<const Circ*>(shape);
		// Check for a null cast
		if (c == NULL)
			return false;

		isColliding = collideRC(*this, *c, normal);

	return isColliding;
Exemple #7
//! \copydoc Widdget::handleMouseMotionEvent
void Button::handleMouseMotionEvent(SDL_MouseMotionEvent event) {
	SDL_Rect rect = this->getRenderRect();
	// hovered
	if(pointInRect(Point{event.x, event.y}, Rectangle(rect)) &&
		 m_state != State::Pressed)
		m_state = State::Hovered;
	// neutral (not hovered)
	else if(m_state != State::Pressed)
		m_state = State::Neutral;
void FontEditWindow::onLButtonDown(BOOL, int x, int y, UINT)
	if (magPosition < 2)
		// dont' grab anything if we're less than 100%

	mouseDown.x = x;
	mouseDown.y = y;

	if (pointInRect(x, y, fontBaselineRect))
		baselineMouseDownY = fontEdit->getBaseline();
		grabbed = Grab_Font_Base;
	else if (pointInRect(x, y, charBaselineRect))
		baselineMouseDownY = currentCharInfo->baseline;
		grabbed = Grab_Char_Base;
;//		FORWARD_WM_LBUTTONDOWN( fDoubleClick, x, y, keyFlags, defWindowProc);
void touch_timer(){
  LCD_RECT timerRect; timerRect.left = 0; timerRect.right = 128; timerRect.top = 46; timerRect.bottom = 66;
  while (!(touch_get_cursor(&m_point))){
  //what timer mode?
    if (timermode == 0){ //stopped mode
    //TODO: print 00:00:00.00 to screen in bignum, centered
     while (!(touch_get_cursor(&m_point))){}
     while ((touch_get_cursor(&m_point))){} //debounce
        //if it is outside numbers go to next display mode
        if (!pointInRect(m_point,timerRect)){oil_temp_gauge();}
        //if it is on numbers go to mode 1
        if (pointInRect(m_point,timerRect)){
           //store millis of start time
           timerStartMillis = millis();
           timermode = 1;
    if (timermode == 1){ //running and screen mode
      while (!(touch_get_cursor(&m_point))){
       //TODO: display code for running timer goes here 
       //current timer value = millis() - timer start
      while (touch_get_cursor(&m_point)){} //debounce
        //if it is on numbers go to mode 2
      if (pointInRect(m_point,timerRect)){
        timermode == 0;
        timerStoppedMillis = 0;
    //if it is outside go to next display mode
    if (!(pointInRect(m_point,timerRect))){
Exemple #10
 * Checks to see if the widget, self, has the mouse over it. This consists of
 * two checks; firstly seeing if the mouse is inside of the widgets bounding
 * rectangle; secondly, if the widget has a mask, seeing if the location is
 * masked or not.
 * @param self  The widget we want to see if the mouse is over.
 * @param location  The location of the mouse, in absolute terms.
 * @return True if the mouse is over the widget, false otherwise.
static bool widgetHasMouse(widget *self, point location)
	const rect bounds = widgetAbsoluteBounds(self);

	// Check to see if it is in the widgets bounding box
	bool hasMouse = pointInRect(location, bounds);

	// If the widget has a mask; ensure the location is not masked
	if (hasMouse && self->maskEnabled)
		// Work out where the mouse is relative to the widget
		const point relativeLocation = pointSub(location, bounds.topLeft);

		// We have the mouse if the point is NOT masked
		hasMouse = !widgetPointMasked(self, relativeLocation);

	return hasMouse;
Exemple #11
//! \copydoc Widget::handleMouseButtonEvent
void Button::handleMouseButtonEvent(SDL_MouseButtonEvent event) {
	SDL_Rect rect = this->getRenderRect();

	// button event inside of button
	if(pointInRect(Point{event.x, event.y}, Rectangle(rect)))
		// pressed
		if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && m_state != State::Pressed)
			m_state = State::Pressed;

		else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP && m_state == State::Pressed){
			m_doClickCallbacks = true;
			m_state = State::Hovered;

	// if its not in the button, then we set the state back and do not call callback
		m_state = State::Neutral;
    IRenderable* EditorMap::getSceneGeom(const vec3& pnt)
      for (auto it = mStaticSceneGeom.begin(); it != mStaticSceneGeom.end(); ++it)
        if (dynamic_cast<RdrRect*>(*it))
          RdrRect* rect = static_cast<RdrRect*>(*it);

          for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            if (pointInRenderableRect(rect->getChildren()[i], pnt))
              return const_cast<IRenderable*>(rect->getChildren()[i]);

          if (pointInRect(rect->box(), pnt))
            return rect;
        else if (dynamic_cast<RdrTri*>(*it))
          RdrTri* tri = static_cast<RdrTri*>(*it);

          for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            if (pointInRenderableRectParentTri(tri->getChildren()[i], pnt))
              return const_cast<IRenderable*>(tri->getChildren()[i]);

          if (pointIsInTri(tri->getBase(), pnt))
            return tri;

      return nullptr;
**   BasicVedicChart   ---   getFieldForScreenPos
uint BasicVedicChart::getFieldForScreenPos( const MPoint &p )
	//printf( "BasicVedicChart::getFieldForScreenPos %f %f count %d\n", p.real(), p.imag(), field_count );
	for( uint i = 0; i < field_count && i < fields.size(); i++ )
		//printf( "BasicVedicChart::getFieldForScreenPos %f %f RECT %s\n", p.x, p.y, str2char( fields[i].rect.toString()) );
		if ( pointInRect( p, fields[i].rect ))
			const double x = ( p.real() - fields[i].rect.x ) / fields[i].rect.width;
			const double y = ( p.imag() - fields[i].rect.y ) / fields[i].rect.height;

			switch( fields[i].fieldtype )
				case FIELD_TYPE_FULL: // all fields in south indian chart, sbc, fixed rasis in east indian chart
					return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_NE: // east: taurus and sag
					if ( x >= y ) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_SW: // east: gemini and scorpio
					if ( x <= y ) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_NW: // east: leo and pisces
					if ( 1 - x >= y ) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_SE: // east: virgo and aquarius
					if ( 1 - x <= y ) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_N: // north: houses 2 and 12
					if ( fabs( x - .5 ) <= .5 * ( 1 - y )) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_W: // north: houses 3 and 5
					if ( fabs( y - .5 ) <= .5 * ( 1 - x )) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_S: // north: houses 6 and 8
					if ( fabs( x - .5 ) <= .5 * y ) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_E: // north: houses 9 and 11
					if ( fabs( y - .5 ) <= .5 * x ) return i;

				case FIELD_TYPE_DIAMOND:// north: houses 1: 4: 7: 10
					if ( .5 - fabs( x - .5 ) >= fabs( y - .5 )) return i;

					printf( "BasicVedicChart::getFieldForScreenPos WARN: invalid field type %d at postion %u\n", fields[i].fieldtype, i );
**   BasicVedicChart   ---   OnResponsiveChartEvent
bool BasicVedicChart::OnResponsiveChartEvent( const MPoint p, const int /* keyMod */ )
	bool changed = false;

	int status = 0;

	if ( p != MPoint( -1, -1 ))
		f = getFieldForScreenPos( p );
		//printf( "F %d\n", f );
  //printf( "Marked field is %d f is %d markedFieldStatus %d offset %d\n", markedField, f, markedFieldStatus, positionOffset );

	if ( markedField != f ) changed = true;
	markedField = f;

	if ( f == UINT_FOR_NOT_FOUND )
		markedFieldStatus = 0;
		const VedicChartBehaviorConfig &bcfg = chartprops->getVedicChartBehaviorConfig();

		if ( bcfg.highlightOnMouseOver ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_MARKUP;
		if ( bcfg.zoomOnMouseOver ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ZOOM;

		if ( bcfg.aspectingObjectsMode == 1 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTING;
		if ( bcfg.aspectedObjectsMode == 1 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTED;
		if ( bcfg.allAspectsMode == 1 && charttype != CT_PARTNER ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_ASPECTS;

		if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT ))
			if ( bcfg.aspectingObjectsMode == 2 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTING;
			if ( bcfg.aspectedObjectsMode == 2 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTED;
			if ( bcfg.allAspectsMode == 2 && charttype != CT_PARTNER ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_ASPECTS;

		if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ))
			if ( bcfg.aspectingObjectsMode == 3 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTING;
			if ( bcfg.aspectedObjectsMode == 3 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTED;
			if ( bcfg.allAspectsMode == 3 && charttype != CT_PARTNER ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_ASPECTS;

		if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_ALT ))
			if ( bcfg.aspectingObjectsMode == 4 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTING;
			if ( bcfg.aspectedObjectsMode == 4 ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ASPECTED;
			if ( bcfg.allAspectsMode == 4 && charttype != CT_PARTNER ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_ALL_ASPECTS;

		// test if mouse position is within transit rect (used for non cummutative partner aspects)
		if ( charttype == CT_RADIX || charttype == CT_TRANSIT ) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_POS_FULL;
			if ( pointInRect( p, transitrect )) status |= CHART_FIELD_STATUS_POS_INNER;
		//printf( "Status now %d\n", status );

		if ( status != markedFieldStatus ) changed = true;
		markedFieldStatus = status;

	//printf( "Ende BasicVedicChart::OnResponsiveChartEvent point %f %f markedField %d markedFieldStatus %d status %d changed %d\n", p.real(), p.imag(), markedField, markedFieldStatus, status, changed );
	return changed;
void updateEditor(SDL_Event event, EditorData* data)
	GUI_sendEventToGUI(data->gui, &event);

	const unsigned char* keyboardState = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
	int2 mousePixel;
	SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePixel.x, &mousePixel.y);

	float2 mousePos = pixelToPoint(&data->view, mousePixel);


	switch (event.type)

		switch (event.key.keysym.scancode)
			if (event.key.keysym.mod == KMOD_LCTRL)
				SDL_Event lastEvent = data->lowEventStack.Top();

				if (lastEvent.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_S && lastEvent.key.keysym.mod == KMOD_LCTRL)
					// save skeleton

					GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_addContainer(data->gui, GUI_MAIN_WIDGET, { 400 - 100, 300 - 25, 200, 50}, GUI_Container::Orientation::HORIZONTAL);

					auto callbackSave = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void* editorData)
						EditorData* data = (EditorData*)editorData;

						GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);

						const char* filename = GUI_getTextfield(gui, GUI_getChildWidget(gui, widget, 0)).text;

						saveSkeleton(filename, &data->skeleton[0], &data->names[0], data->skeleton.size());

						GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

					auto callbackCancel = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void*)
						GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);
						GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

					GUI_addTextfield(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, -1, -1 }, "filename");
					GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Save", data, callbackSave);
					GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Cancel", 0, callbackCancel);

				else if (lastEvent.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_O && lastEvent.key.keysym.mod == KMOD_LCTRL)
					// load skeleton

					GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_addContainer(data->gui, GUI_MAIN_WIDGET, { 400 - 100, 300 - 15, 200, 30 }, GUI_Container::Orientation::HORIZONTAL);

					auto callbackLoad = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void* editorData)
						EditorData* data = (EditorData*)editorData;

						GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);

						const char* filename = GUI_getTextfield(gui, GUI_getChildWidget(gui, widget, 0)).text;

						strcpy(data->skeletonName, filename);
						const SkeletonSave* save = loadSkeleton(filename);

						if (save != 0)

							const char* name = save->names;
							for (int i = 0; i < save->numBones; ++i)
								Bone newBone;
								newBone.jointAngle = { 1, 0 };
								newBone.jointPos = save->jointPos[i];
								newBone.parentJoint = save->parentJoints[i];
								newBone.name = data->names.push({ { 0 } });

								memcpy(data->names[newBone.name].string, name, save->nameLen[i] * sizeof(char));
								name += save->nameLen[i];

								Constraint constraint;
								constraint.minAngle = -PI;
								constraint.maxAngle = 3 * PI;



						GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

					auto callbackCancel = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void*)
						GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);
						GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

					GUI_addTextfield(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, -1, -1 }, "filename");
					GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Load", data, callbackLoad);
					GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Cancel", 0, callbackCancel);



				if (event.key.keysym.mod == KMOD_LCTRL)
					SDL_Event lastEvent = data->lowEventStack.Top();

					if (lastEvent.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_S && lastEvent.key.keysym.mod == KMOD_LCTRL)
						// save keyFrame

						GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_addContainer(data->gui, GUI_MAIN_WIDGET, { 400 - 100, 300 - 15, 200, 30 }, GUI_Container::Orientation::HORIZONTAL);

						auto callbackSave = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void* editorData)
							EditorData* data = (EditorData*)editorData;

							GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);

							const char* filename = GUI_getTextfield(gui, GUI_getChildWidget(gui, widget, 0)).text;

							saveKeyFrame(filename, &data->skeleton[0], &data->names[0], data->skeleton.size());

							GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

						auto callbackCancel = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void*)
							GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);
							GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

						GUI_addTextfield(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, -1, -1 }, "filename");
						GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Save", data, callbackSave);
						GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Cancel", 0, callbackCancel);

					else if (lastEvent.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_O && lastEvent.key.keysym.mod == KMOD_LCTRL)
						// load keyframe

						GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_addContainer(data->gui, GUI_MAIN_WIDGET, { 400 - 100, 300 - 15, 200, 30 }, GUI_Container::Orientation::HORIZONTAL);

						auto callbackLoad = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void* editorData)
							EditorData* data = (EditorData*)editorData;

							GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);

							const char* filename = GUI_getTextfield(gui, GUI_getChildWidget(gui, widget, 0)).text;

							strcpy(data->frameName, filename);

							const KeyFrameSave* save = loadKeyFrame(filename);

							if (save != 0)

								const char* name = save->names;
								for (int i = 0; i < save->numBones; ++i)
									int nameID = -1;
									for (int j = 0; j < data->names.size(); ++j)
										if (strncmp(name, data->names[j].string, save->nameLen[i]) == 0)
											nameID = j;

									if (nameID != -1)

										if (data->skeleton[nameID].name == nameID)
											data->skeleton[nameID].jointAngle = save->jointAngles[i];
											for (int j = 0; j < data->skeleton.size(); j++)
												if (data->skeleton[j].name = nameID)
													data->skeleton[j].jointAngle = save->jointAngles[i];

									name += save->nameLen[i];


							GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

						auto callbackCancel = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void*)
							GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);
							GUI_removeWidget(gui, widget);

						GUI_addTextfield(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, -1, -1 }, "filename");
						GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Load", data, callbackLoad);
						GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, { 0, 0, 50, -1 }, "Cancel", 0, callbackCancel);




		data->newBone = -1;

		if (keyboardState[SDL_SCANCODE_A])
			for (int i = 0; i < data->bones.size(); ++i)
				if (pointInRect(mousePos, data->bones[i].rect))
					int name = data->names.push({ "test" });

					Bone newBone;
					newBone.jointAngle = { 1, 0 };
					newBone.jointPos = { 0, 0 };
					newBone.parentJoint = i;
					newBone.name = name;

					Constraint constraint;
					constraint.minAngle = -PI;
					constraint.maxAngle = 3 * PI;

					int newBoneID = data->skeleton.push(newBone);

					int* ids = new int[data->skeleton.size()];

					sortSkeleton(&data->skeleton[0], data->skeleton.size(), ids);

					Constraint* tempConstraints = new Constraint[data->constraints.size()];
					memcpy(tempConstraints, &data->constraints[0], sizeof(Constraint) * data->constraints.size());

					for (int i = 0; i < data->constraints.size(); ++i)
						data->constraints[i] = tempConstraints[ids[i]];

					delete[] tempConstraints;

					//find bone again
					data->newBone = ids[newBoneID];

					// rebuild bone selection




		else if (keyboardState[SDL_SCANCODE_N])

			for (int i = 0; i < data->bones.size(); ++i)
				if (pointInRect(mousePos, data->bones[i].rect))
					int2 pos = pointToPixel(&data->view, float2{ data->bones[i].rect.x + 10, data->bones[i].rect.y });
					GUI_WidgetID widget = GUI_addContainer(data->gui, GUI_MAIN_WIDGET, intRect{ pos.x, pos.y, 100, 30 }, GUI_Container::HORIZONTAL);

					struct Args
						EditorData* data;
						int boneId;
					}*args = new Args{ data, i };

					auto callbackOk = [](GUI* gui, GUI_WidgetID widgetID, void* args)
						EditorData* data = ((Args*)args)->data;
						int boneID = ((Args*)args)->boneId;

						GUI_WidgetID parentID = GUI_getParentWidget(gui, widgetID);

						const char* newName = GUI_getTextfield(gui, GUI_getChildWidget(gui, parentID, 0)).text;

						strcpy(data->names[data->skeleton[boneID].name].string, newName);

						GUI_removeWidget(gui, parentID);

						delete args;

					GUI_addTextfield(data->gui, widget, intRect{ 0, 0, -1, -1 }, data->names[data->skeleton[i].name].string);
					GUI_addButton(data->gui, widget, intRect{ 0, 0, 30, -1 }, "OK", args, callbackOk);


			for (int i = 0; i < data->bones.size(); i++)
				if (pointInRect(mousePos, data->bones[i].rect))
					data->grabbedBone = i;

			if (data->grabbedBone == -1 && !keyboardState[SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL])


		data->grabbedBone = -1;


		if (SDL_GetMouseState(0, 0) == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE)
			data->view.position.x -= (event.motion.xrel / data->view.scale.x);
			data->view.position.y -= (event.motion.yrel / data->view.scale.y);


			float2 motion = rotate({ (float)event.motion.xrel, (float)event.motion.yrel }, data->view.angle) * float2{ 1 / data->view.scale.x, 1 / data->view.scale.y };

			if (data->newBone != -1)
				float2 angle = getBoneWorldTransform(&data->skeleton[0], data->skeleton.size(), data->newBone).angle;

				float2 rel = rotate(float2{ motion.x, motion.y }, negateRotation(angle));

				data->skeleton[data->newBone].jointPos += rel;

			if (data->grabbedBone != -1)
				if (keyboardState[SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL])
					float2 angle = getBoneWorldTransform(&data->skeleton[0], data->skeleton.size(), data->skeleton[data->grabbedBone].parentJoint).angle;

					float2 rel = rotate(float2{ motion.x, motion.y }, negateRotation(angle));

					data->skeleton[data->grabbedBone].jointPos += rel;
					animateCCDIKSelection(&data->skeleton[0], &data->constraints[0], data->skeleton.size(),
						&data->selectedBones[0], data->selectedBones.size(), data->grabbedBone, mousePos - float2{ 400, 300 });


		data->view.scale.x += event.wheel.y*0.1f;
		data->view.scale.y += event.wheel.y*0.1f;


/* Determine whether the given point is inside the threshold marker */
static gboolean pointInThresholdMarker(GreyrampProperties *properties, const int x, const int y)
  GdkRectangle markerRect;
  getThresholdMarkerRect(properties, &markerRect);
  return pointInRect(x, y, &markerRect);
void ScrollableContainer::onEvent(GuiEvent & evt)
	if(evt.type == MOUSE_EVENT)
		int mX = evt.mouse.x - getX();
		int mY = evt.mouse.y - getY();

		if(evt.mouse.type == CLICK)
			if(mX <= childArea.w && mY <= childArea.h)
				for(it = widgets.begin();it != widgets.end();++it)
						evt.mouse.x -= getX();
						evt.mouse.y -= getY();


						evt.mouse.x += getX();
						evt.mouse.y += getY();

		if(hScroll || vScroll)
			if(evt.mouse.type == BUTTON_DOWN)
				if(hScroll && pointInRect(mX,mY,hScrollRect))
					vDrag = false;
					hDrag = true;

					prevMx = mX;
					prevMy = mY;

				if(vScroll && pointInRect(mX,mY,vScrollRect))
					vDrag = true;
					hDrag = false;

					prevMx = mX;
					prevMy = mY;

			if(evt.mouse.type == MOUSE_MOVE)
					int am = mY - prevMy;

					if(am < 0)
						if(vScrollRect.y + am < 0)
							am = -vScrollRect.y;
					else if(am > 0)
						if(vScrollRect.y + vScrollRect.h + am > childArea.h)
							am = childArea.h - vScrollRect.h - vScrollRect.y;

					int chAm = am * -1.0 * vCoef;
					vScrollRect.y += am;


					int am = mX - prevMx;

					if(am < 0)
						if(hScrollRect.x + am < 0)
							am = -hScrollRect.x;
					else if(am > 0)
						if(hScrollRect.x + hScrollRect.w + am > childArea.w)
							am = childArea.w - hScrollRect.w - hScrollRect.x;

					int chAm = am * -1.0 * hCoef;
					hScrollRect.x += am;


				prevMx = mX;
				prevMy = mY;

			if(evt.mouse.type == BUTTON_UP)
				vDrag = false;
				hDrag = false;
Exemple #18
bool Widget::hit(int x, int y)
	return pointInRect(rect, x, y);
void four_bar(){
  //for debugging
  float boost = 0;
  float oilT = 0;
  float T1 = 0; 
  float T2 = 0;
  while (!(touch_get_cursor(&m_point))){
    //get Boost, OilT, T1, and T2
    if (boost >= maxBoost){boost = 0;}
    if (oilT >= maxOilT){oilT = 0;}
    if (T1 >= maxT1){T1 = 0;}
    if (T2 >= maxT1){T2 = 0;}
    COLOR conditionColor = mwhite;
    //draw rectangles inside rectangles 
    //only 86 ticks on a bar
      //lcd_clear (x, y, x1, y2, fill); //draws a solid rect fill with no border
      //bst rect = (39, 13) to (125, 33)
      if (boost >= severeBoost){conditionColor = fadedRed;}
      else if (boost >= warnBoost){conditionColor = fadedYellow;}
      else {conditionColor = fadedGreen;}
      lcd_rectangle(39,13,(int(39.0+(boost * 86.0/maxBoost))),33,conditionColor,conditionColor);
      lcd_rectangle(int((39.0+(boost * 86.0/(float)maxBoost))),13,125,33,mblack,mblack); //blacken the rest 
      //oilt rect = (39, 38) to (125, 58)
      if (oilT >= severeOilT){conditionColor = fadedRed;}
      else if (oilT >= warnOilT){conditionColor = fadedYellow;}
      else {conditionColor = fadedGreen;}
      lcd_rectangle(39,38,(39+(oilT * 86/maxOilT)),58,conditionColor,conditionColor);
      lcd_rectangle((39+(oilT * 86/maxOilT)),38,125,58,mblack,mblack);
      //t1 rect = (39, 64) to (125, 84)
      if (T1 >= severeT1){conditionColor = fadedRed;}
      else if (T1 >= warnT1){conditionColor = fadedYellow;}
      else {conditionColor = fadedGreen;}
      lcd_rectangle(39,64,(39+(T1 * 86/maxT1)),84,conditionColor,conditionColor);
      lcd_rectangle((39+(T1 * 86/maxT1)),64,125,84,mblack,mblack);      
      //T2 rect = (39, 90) to (125, 110)
      if (T2 >= severeT2){conditionColor = fadedRed;}
      else if (T2 >= warnT2){conditionColor = fadedYellow;}
      else {conditionColor = fadedGreen;}
      lcd_rectangle(39,90,(39+(T2 * 86/maxT2)),110,conditionColor,conditionColor);
      lcd_rectangle((39+(T2 * 86/maxT2)),90,125,110,mblack,mblack);
    //print values on top of bars in white
    char out[7];
    fmtDouble(boost, 2, out, 7);
    lcd_puts(out, 95, 18, lightBlue, mblack);
    fmtDouble(oilT, 2, out, 7);
    lcd_puts(out, 95, 43, lightBlue, mblack);
    fmtDouble(T1, 2, out, 7);
    lcd_puts(out, 95, 69, lightBlue, mblack);     
    fmtDouble(T2, 2, out, 7);
    lcd_puts(out, 95, 93, lightBlue, mblack);
    delay (100);
  //when a touch is detected get coords
  //go to mode of what is touched if it is boost or oilT
  //otherwise go to next display
  while (touch_get_cursor(&m_point)){ //debounce hold
  LCD_RECT boostRect; boostRect.left = 0; boostRect.right = 128; boostRect.top = 11; boostRect.bottom = 34;
  LCD_RECT oilRect; oilRect.left = 0; oilRect.right = 128; oilRect.top = 36; oilRect.bottom = 59;
  if (pointInRect(m_point,boostRect)){boost_gauge();}
  if (pointInRect(m_point,oilRect)){oil_temp_gauge();}
  xygraph(); //click anywhere else and it goes to xygraph