void ViewmdaWidget1D::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) {
	if (!m_model) return;
	if ((event->button()&Qt::LeftButton)||(event->button()&Qt::RightButton)) {
		long index=pointToIndex(event->pos());
QMFieldView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent)
    bool   bValid  = false;
    UInt32 uiIndex = pointToIndex(pEvent->pos(), bValid);

    if(bValid && (uiIndex < getFieldPtr()->getSize()))
        emit doubleClicked(getFieldContainer(), getFieldId(), 
                           uiIndex,             pEvent->button());
Exemple #3
AngleMap::AngleMap(const deg tth)
    size_ = gSession->imageSize();
    const Detector& geo = gSession->params.detector;
    // compute angles:
    //    detector center is at vec{d} = (d_x, 0, )
    //    detector pixel (i,j) is at vec{b}
    const double t = tth.toRad();
    const double c = cos(t);
    const double s = sin(t);
    const double d_z = geo.detectorDistance.val();
    const double b_x1 = d_z * s;
    const double b_z1 = d_z * c;
    int midPixX = size_.w/2 + geo.pixOffset[0].val();
    int midPixY = size_.h/2 + geo.pixOffset[1].val();
    for (int i=0; i<size_.w; ++i) {
        const double d_x = (i - midPixX) * geo.pixSize.val();
        const double b_x = b_x1 + d_x * c;
        const double b_z = b_z1 - d_x * s;
        const double b_x2 = b_x * b_x;
        for (int j=0; j<size_.h; ++j) {
            const double b_y = (midPixY - j) * geo.pixSize.val(); // == d_y
            const double b_r = sqrt(b_x2 + b_y * b_y);
            const rad gma = atan2(b_y, b_x);
            const rad tth = atan2(b_r, b_z);
            arrAngles_[pointToIndex(i, j)] = {tth.toDeg(), gma.toDeg()};

    const ImageCut& cut = gSession->params.imageCut;
    ASSERT(size_.w > cut.horiz());
    ASSERT(size_.h > cut.vertical());
    const int countAfterCut = (size_.w - cut.horiz()) * (size_.h - cut.vertical());
    ASSERT(countAfterCut > 0);

    // compute ranges rgeTth_, rgeGma_, rgeGmaFull_, and arrays gmas_, gmaIndexes_:
    int gi = 0;
    for (int j = cut.top.val(), jEnd = size_.h - cut.bottom.val(); j < jEnd; ++j) {
        for (int i = cut.left.val(), iEnd = size_.w - cut.right.val(); i < iEnd; ++i) {
            // (loop order j-i results in faster stable_sort than order i-j)
            const ScatterDirection& dir = arrAngles_[pointToIndex(i, j)];
            gmas_[gi] = dir.gma;
            gmaIndexes_[gi] = pointToIndex(i, j);
            // TODO URGENT: THIS IS WRONG: seems correct only for tth<=90deg
            if (dir.tth >= tth)
                rgeGma_.extendBy(dir.gma); // gma range at mid tth
    //qDebug() << "AngleMap: found gamma range " << rgeGma_.to_s();
    //qDebug() << "AngleMap: found full range " << rgeGmaFull_.to_s();
    //qDebug() << "AngleMap: found theta range " << rgeTth_.to_s();

    // compute indices of sorted gmas_:
    std::vector<int> is(countAfterCut);
    for (int i=0; i<is.size(); ++i)
        is[i] = i;
    //qDebug() << "AngleMap: sort";
    // empirically, stable_sort seems to be faster than sort
    std::stable_sort(is.begin(), is.end(), [this](int i1, int i2) {
            return gmas_.at(i1) < gmas_.at(i2); });
    //qDebug() << "AngleMap: sort/";
    // sort gmas_:
    std::vector<deg> gv(countAfterCut);
    for (int i=0; i<countAfterCut; ++i)
        gv[i] = gmas_.at(is.at(i));
    gmas_ = std::move(gv);
    // sort gmaIndexes_:
    std::vector<int> uv(countAfterCut);
    for (int i=0; i<countAfterCut; ++i)
        uv[i] = gmaIndexes_.at(is.at(i));
    gmaIndexes_ = std::move(uv);
    //qDebug() << "AngleMap/";
bool RogueScene::init()
    // 1. super init first
    if ( !Layer::init() )
        return false;
    // 乱数
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
    // TouchEvent settings
    auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
    listener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(RogueScene::onTouchBegan, this);
    listener->onTouchMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(RogueScene::onTouchMoved, this);
    listener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(RogueScene::onTouchEnded, this);
//    this->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
    this->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener, 1);
    auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
    // ---------------------
    // タイルマップを生成
    // ---------------------
    auto pTiledMap = TMXTiledMap::create("tmx/desert.tmx");
    this->addChild(pTiledMap, RogueScene::zTiledMapIndex, RogueScene::kTiledMapTag);
    m_baseMapSize = pTiledMap->getMapSize();
    m_baseTileSize = pTiledMap->getTileSize();
    m_baseContentSize = pTiledMap->getContentSize();
    m_mapManager.init(0, (int)m_baseMapSize.height, 0, (int)m_baseMapSize.width);

    // 使ってなかった
//    // フロントレイヤー
//    auto pFrontLayer = Layer::create();
//    pTiledMap->addChild(pFrontLayer,
//                        RogueScene::TiledMapIndex::zTiledMapFrontIndex,
//                        RogueScene::TiledMapTag::kTiledMapFrontTag);
    // エネミーレイヤー
    auto pEnemyLayer = Layer::create();
    // ドロップアイテムレイヤー
    auto pDropItemLayer = Layer::create();
    // 障害物をmapManagerに適応する
    auto pColisionLayer = pTiledMap->getLayer("colision");
    for (int x = 0; x < m_baseMapSize.width; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < m_baseMapSize.height; y++)
            if (pColisionLayer->getTileAt(Point(x, y)))
                MapIndex mapIndex = {x, y, MoveDirectionType::MOVE_NONE};
                auto tileMapIndex = mapIndexToTileIndex(mapIndex);
    // ---------------------
    // グリッド線を生成
    // ---------------------
    auto draw = DrawNode::create();
    // 線の太さと色
    float lineSize = 1 * 0.5;
    Color4F color = Color4F::MAGENTA;
    // 縦線を引く
    for (int x = 1; x < m_baseMapSize.width; x++)
        float xPoint = x * m_baseTileSize.width;
        draw->drawSegment(Point(xPoint, 0), Point(xPoint, m_baseContentSize.height), lineSize, color);
    // 横線を引く
    for (int y = 1; y < m_baseMapSize.height; y++)
        float yPoint = y * m_baseTileSize.height;
        draw->drawSegment(Point(0, yPoint), Point(m_baseContentSize.width, yPoint), lineSize, color);
    // マップに追加
    pTiledMap->addChild(draw, RogueScene::TiledMapIndex::zGridLineIndex, RogueScene::TiledMapTag::kGridLineTag);

    // ステータスバー?
    auto statusLayer = LayerColor::create(Color4B::BLACK);
    statusLayer->setContentSize(Size(winSize.width, m_baseTileSize.height * 0.8));
    statusLayer->setPosition(Point(0, winSize.height - statusLayer->getContentSize().height));
    // TODO: あとで更新する
    auto sampleText = LabelTTF::create(" --F Lv-- HP ---/--- 満腹度 ---/---          - G", GAME_FONT(16), 16);
    sampleText->setPosition(Point(sampleText->getContentSize().width / 2, statusLayer->getContentSize().height / 2));
    this->addChild(statusLayer, RogueScene::zStatusBarIndex, RogueScene::kStatusBarTag);
    //    // 下のステータスバー2
    //    auto pStatusLayer2 = LayerColor::create(Color4B::BLACK);
    //    pStatusLayer2->setContentSize(Size(m_baseTileSize.width, m_baseTileSize.height));
    //    pStatusLayer2->setPosition(Point(0, 0));
    //    // TODO: アイコン表示するかな(ステータスバー2?)
    //    auto pFaceSprite = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrame(SpriteFrame::create("actor_4_f.png", Rect(0, 0, 96, 96)));
    //    float scale = 1.0f / 3.0f;
    //    pFaceSprite->setScale(scale, scale);
    //    //    pFaceSprite->setContentSize(pFaceSprite->getContentSize() * scale);
    //    //    CCLOG("getContentSize (%f, %f) ", pFaceSprite->getContentSize().width, pFaceSprite->getContentSize().height);
    //    //    pFaceSprite->setPosition(Point(pFaceSprite->getContentSize().width / 2, pFaceSprite->getContentSize().height / 2));
    //    pFaceSprite->setPosition(Point(pFaceSprite->getContentSize().width * pFaceSprite->getScaleX() / 2, pFaceSprite->getContentSize().height * pFaceSprite->getScaleY() / 2));
    //    pStatusLayer2->addChild(pFaceSprite);
    //    this->addChild(pStatusLayer2, RogueScene::zStatusBar2Index, RogueScene::kStatusBar2Tag);
    // ゲームログ表示
    //    float startWidth = pFaceSprite->getContentSize().width * pFaceSprite->getScaleX();
    auto pGameLogLayer = LayerColor::create(Color4B(0, 0, 0, 192));
    pGameLogLayer->setContentSize(Size(winSize.width * 0.8, m_baseTileSize.height * 1.5));
    pGameLogLayer->setPosition(winSize.width / 2 - pGameLogLayer->getContentSize().width / 2, 0);
    int baseFontSize = 10;
    auto pLogTextLabel = LabelTTF::create("", GAME_FONT(baseFontSize), baseFontSize, Size::ZERO, TextHAlignment::LEFT, TextVAlignment::TOP);
    pLogTextLabel->setPosition(Point(pLogTextLabel->getContentSize().width / 2 + pLogTextLabel->getFontSize() / 4, pGameLogLayer->getContentSize().height - pLogTextLabel->getContentSize().height / 2 - pLogTextLabel->getFontSize() / 4));
    this->addChild(pGameLogLayer, RogueScene::zGameLogIndex, RogueScene::kGameLogTag);
    // ------------------------
    // ミニマップ
    // ------------------------
    // 青で半透明
    auto miniMapLayer = LayerColor::create(Color4B(0, 0, 196, 128));
    // 1/8サイズ
    miniMapLayer->setContentSize(Size(m_baseMapSize.width * m_baseTileSize.width / 8,
                                      m_baseMapSize.height * m_baseTileSize.height / 8));
    // ステータスバーの下くらい
    miniMapLayer->setPosition(0, miniMapLayer->getPositionY() + winSize.height - miniMapLayer->getContentSize().height - statusLayer->getContentSize().height);
    this->addChild(miniMapLayer, RogueScene::zMiniMapIndex, RogueScene::kMiniMapTag);
    // ------------------------
    // イベントリ作成
    // ------------------------
    // ---------------------
    // プレイヤー生成
    // ---------------------
    ActorSprite::ActorDto actorDto;
    actorDto.name = "ジニー";
    actorDto.faceImgId = 0;
    actorDto.imageResId = 1015;
    // 基本
    actorDto.attackRange = 1;
    actorDto.movePoint = 5;
    actorDto.playerId = 4;
    // 攻守
    actorDto.attackPoint = 5;
    actorDto.defencePoint = 1;
    // 経験値
    actorDto.exp = 0;
    actorDto.nextExp = 10;
    // HP
    actorDto.hitPoint = 15;
    actorDto.hitPointLimit = 15;
    actorDto.lv = 1;
    // 満腹度?精神力?
    actorDto.magicPoint = 100;
    actorDto.magicPointLimit = 100;

    ActorMapItem actorMapItem;
    actorMapItem.mapDataType = MapDataType::PLAYER;
    // 画面の中心(固定)
    actorMapItem.mapIndex = pointToIndex(Point(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2));
    actorMapItem.seqNo = 1;
    actorMapItem.moveDist = actorDto.movePoint;
    actorMapItem.attackDist = actorDto.attackRange;
    actorMapItem.moveDone = false;
    actorMapItem.attackDone = false;
    auto actorSprite = ActorSprite::createWithActorDto(actorDto);
    actorSprite->setPosition(indexToPoint(actorMapItem.mapIndex)); // 画面の中心
    // プレイヤーは画面中心にくるのでmapLayerに追加しない
    this->addChild(actorSprite, RogueScene::zActorBaseIndex, (RogueScene::kActorBaseTag + actorMapItem.seqNo));
    // マップに追加
    // プレイヤーの位置表示用(同じく1/8サイズ)
    auto miniMapActorLayer = LayerColor::create(Color4B::YELLOW);
    // タイルの1/8サイズ
    miniMapActorLayer->setContentSize(m_baseTileSize / 8);
    // 現在位置からPositionを取得して1/8にする
    miniMapActorLayer->setPosition(indexToPointNotTileSize(actorSprite->getActorMapItem()->mapIndex) / 8);
    // 移動時に更新できるようにplayerIdをtag管理
    // add
    // ---------------------
    // 敵キャラ生成
    // ---------------------
    ActorSprite::ActorDto enemyDto;
    enemyDto.name = "スライム";
    enemyDto.faceImgId = 0;
    enemyDto.imageResId = 1011;
    // 基本
    enemyDto.attackRange = 1; // TODO: 未使用
    enemyDto.movePoint = 10; // 索敵範囲
    enemyDto.playerId = 901;
    // 攻守
    enemyDto.attackPoint = 2;
    enemyDto.defencePoint = 0;
    // 経験値
    enemyDto.exp = 0;
    enemyDto.nextExp = 10;
    // HP
    enemyDto.hitPoint = 10;
    enemyDto.hitPointLimit = 10;
    enemyDto.lv = 1;
    // 満腹度?精神力?
    enemyDto.magicPoint = 100;
    enemyDto.magicPointLimit = 100;
    MapIndex enemyMapIndex1 = {4, 4, MoveDirectionType::MOVE_DOWN};
    tileSetEnemyActorMapItem(enemyDto, enemyMapIndex1);
    ActorSprite::ActorDto enemyDto2 = enemyDto;
    MapIndex enemyMapIndex2 = {14,12, MoveDirectionType::MOVE_DOWN};
    tileSetEnemyActorMapItem(enemyDto2, enemyMapIndex2);
    ActorSprite::ActorDto enemyDto3 = enemyDto;
    MapIndex enemyMapIndex3 = {20,4, MoveDirectionType::MOVE_DOWN};
    tileSetEnemyActorMapItem(enemyDto3, enemyMapIndex3);
    // アイテム配置
    DropItemSprite::DropItemDto dropItemDto;
    dropItemDto.itemId = 1;
    dropItemDto.imageResId = 64; // imageId 10064
    dropItemDto.name = "ポーション";
    MapIndex mapIndex = {7, 5, MoveDirectionType::MOVE_NONE};
    tileSetDropMapItem(dropItemDto, mapIndex);

    DropItemSprite::DropItemDto dropItemDto2;
    dropItemDto2.itemId = 2;
    dropItemDto2.imageResId = 168; // imageId 10168
    dropItemDto2.name = "ぶどう";
    MapIndex mapIndex2 = {10, 9, MoveDirectionType::MOVE_NONE};
    tileSetDropMapItem(dropItemDto2, mapIndex2);
    // -------------------------------
    // メニュー
    // -------------------------------
    auto rect = Rect(0, 0, 300, 30);
    auto capRect = Rect(0, 0, 300, 30);
    auto pScale9Sprite1 = extension::Scale9Sprite::create("menu_button.png", rect, capRect);
    pScale9Sprite1->setContentSize(Size(40, 20));
    auto pScale9Sprite2 = extension::Scale9Sprite::create("menu_button.png", rect, capRect);
    pScale9Sprite2->setContentSize(Size(40, 20));
    auto pMenuItem1 = MenuItemSprite::create(pScale9Sprite1, pScale9Sprite2, [this](Object *pSender) {
    pMenuItem1->setPosition(Point(winSize.width - pMenuItem1->getContentSize().width / 2, pMenuItem1->getContentSize().height / 2));
    auto pMenu = Menu::create(pMenuItem1, NULL);
    this->addChild(pMenu, RogueScene::zMenuIndex, RogueScene::kMenuTag);

    // ---------------------------------
    // プレイヤーの先行
    return true;