Exemple #1
// find distance x0 is from triangle x1-x2-x3
float point_triangle_distance(
    const Vec3f &x0,
    const Vec3f &x1, const Vec3f &x2, const Vec3f &x3,
    float * baryCentricCoordinates)
   // first find barycentric coordinates of closest point on infinite plane
   Vec3f x13(x1-x3), x23(x2-x3), x03(x0-x3);
   float m13=mag2(x13), m23=mag2(x23), d=dot(x13,x23);
   float invdet=1.f/max(m13*m23-d*d,1e-30f);
   float a=dot(x13,x03), b=dot(x23,x03);
   // the barycentric coordinates themselves
   float w23=invdet*(m23*a-d*b);
   float w31=invdet*(m13*b-d*a);
   float w12=1-w23-w31;
     baryCentricCoordinates[0] = w23;
     baryCentricCoordinates[1] = w31;
     baryCentricCoordinates[2] = w12;
   if(w23>=0 && w31>=0 && w12>=0){ // if we're inside the triangle
      return dist(x0, w23*x1+w31*x2+w12*x3); 
   }else{ // we have to clamp to one of the edges
      if(w23>0) // this rules out edge 2-3 for us
         return min(point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x2), point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x3));
      else if(w31>0) // this rules out edge 1-3
         return min(point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x2), point_segment_distance(x0,x2,x3));
      else // w12 must be >0, ruling out edge 1-2
         return min(point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x3), point_segment_distance(x0,x2,x3));
Exemple #2
// find distance x0 is from triangle x1-x2-x3
static FLOAT64 point_triangle_distance(const vec3d &x0, const vec3d &x1, const vec3d &x2, const vec3d &x3, vec3d &out ) {
	// first find barycentric coordinates of closest point on infinite plane
	vec3d x13(x1-x3), x23(x2-x3), x03(x0-x3);
	FLOAT64 m13=x13.len2(), m23=x23.len2(), d=x13*x23;
	FLOAT64 invdet=1.0/fmax(m13*m23-d*d,1e-30);
	FLOAT64 a=x13*x03, b=x23*x03;
	// the barycentric coordinates themselves
	FLOAT64 w23=invdet*(m23*a-d*b);
	FLOAT64 w31=invdet*(m13*b-d*a);
	FLOAT64 w12=1-w23-w31;
	if(w23>=0 && w31>=0 && w12>=0){ // if we're inside the triangle
		out = w23*x1+w31*x2+w12*x3;
		return (x0-out).len();
	}else{ // we have to clamp to one of the edges
		if(w23>0) // this rules out edge 2-3 for us
			return fmin(point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x2,out), point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x3,out));
		else if(w31>0) // this rules out edge 1-3
			return fmin(point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x2,out), point_segment_distance(x0,x2,x3,out));
		else // w12 must be >0, ruling out edge 1-2
			return fmin(point_segment_distance(x0,x1,x3,out), point_segment_distance(x0,x2,x3,out));