Exemple #1
BOOL LASreaderASC::open(const char* file_name)
  if (file_name == 0)
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: fine name pointer is zero\n");
    return FALSE;


  file = fopen_compressed(file_name, "r", &piped);
  if (file == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open file '%s'\n", file_name);
    return FALSE;

  // clean the header


  // populate the header as much as it makes sense

  sprintf(header.system_identifier, "LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg");
  sprintf(header.generating_software, "via LASreaderASC (%d)", LAS_TOOLS_VERSION);

  // maybe set creation date

#ifdef _WIN32
	SYSTEMTIME creation;
  GetFileAttributesEx(file_name, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attr);
	FileTimeToSystemTime(&attr.ftCreationTime, &creation);
  int startday[13] = {-1, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};
  header.file_creation_day = startday[creation.wMonth] + creation.wDay;
  header.file_creation_year = creation.wYear;
  // leap year handling
  if ((((creation.wYear)%4) == 0) && (creation.wMonth > 2)) header.file_creation_day++;
  header.file_creation_day = 333;
  header.file_creation_year = 2012;

  header.point_data_format = 0;
  header.point_data_record_length = 20;

  // initialize point

  point.init(&header, header.point_data_format, header.point_data_record_length, &header);

  // read header of ASC file

  if (line == 0)
    line_size = 1024;
    line = (CHAR*)malloc(sizeof(CHAR)*line_size);

  CHAR dummy[32];
  BOOL complete = FALSE;
  ncols = 0;
  nrows = 0;
  F64 xllcorner = F64_MAX;
  F64 yllcorner = F64_MAX;
  xllcenter = F64_MAX;
  xllcenter = F64_MAX;
  cellsize = 0;
  nodata = -9999;
  header_lines = 0;

  while (!complete)
    if (!fgets(line, line_size, file)) break;

    if (strstr(line, "ncols") || strstr(line, "NCOLS"))
      sscanf(line, "ncols %d", &ncols);
      line_size = 1024+16*ncols;
      line = (CHAR*)malloc(sizeof(CHAR)*line_size);
    else if (strstr(line, "nrows") || strstr(line, "NROWS"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %d", dummy, &nrows);
    else if (strstr(line, "xllcorner") || strstr(line, "XLLCORNER"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %lf", dummy, &xllcorner);
    else if (strstr(line, "yllcorner") || strstr(line, "YLLCORNER"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %lf", dummy, &yllcorner);
    else if (strstr(line, "xllcenter") || strstr(line, "XLLCENTER"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %lf", dummy, &xllcenter);
    else if (strstr(line, "yllcenter") || strstr(line, "YLLCENTER"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %lf", dummy, &yllcenter);
    else if (strstr(line, "cellsize") || strstr(line, "CELLSIZE"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %f", dummy, &cellsize);
    else if (strstr(line, "nodata_value") || strstr(line, "NODATA_VALUE") || strstr(line, "nodata_VALUE") || strstr(line, "NODATA_value"))
      sscanf(line, "%s %f", dummy, &nodata);
    else if ((ncols != 0) && (nrows != 0) && (((xllcorner != F64_MAX) && (yllcorner != F64_MAX)) || ((xllcenter != F64_MAX) && (xllcenter != F64_MAX))) && (cellsize > 0))
      if (ncols == 1)
        F32 e0, e1;
        if ( sscanf(line, "%f %f", &e0, &e1) == 1)
          complete = TRUE;
      else if (ncols == 2)
        F32 e0, e1, e2;
        if ( sscanf(line, "%f %f %f", &e0, &e1, &e2) == 2)
          complete = TRUE;
      else if (ncols == 3)
        F32 e0, e1, e2, e3;
        if ( sscanf(line, "%f %f %f %f", &e0, &e1, &e2, &e3) == 3)
          complete = TRUE;
      else if (ncols == 4)
        F32 e0, e1, e2, e3, e4;
        if ( sscanf(line, "%f %f %f %f %f", &e0, &e1, &e2, &e3, &e4) == 4)
          complete = TRUE;
        F32 e0, e1, e2, e3, e4;
        if ( sscanf(line, "%f %f %f %f %f", &e0, &e1, &e2, &e3, &e4) == 5)
          complete = TRUE;

  if (!complete)
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: was not able to find header\n");
    return FALSE;

  // shift the llcorner to the pixel center

  if ((xllcorner != F64_MAX) && (yllcorner != F64_MAX))
    xllcenter = xllcorner + 0.5*cellsize;
    yllcenter = yllcorner + 0.5*cellsize;

  // init the bounding box x y

  header.min_x = xllcenter;
  header.min_y = yllcenter;
  header.max_x = xllcenter + (ncols-1)*cellsize;
  header.max_y = yllcenter + (nrows-1)*cellsize;

  // init the bounding box z and count the rasters

  F32 elevation = 0;
  npoints = 0;
  header.min_z = F64_MAX;
  header.max_z = F64_MIN;

  for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
    line_curr = 0;
    for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
      // skip leading spaces
      while ((line[line_curr] != '\0') && (line[line_curr] == ' ')) line_curr++;
      // get elevation value
      sscanf(&(line[line_curr]), "%f", &elevation);
      // skip parsed number
      while ((line[line_curr] != '\0') && (line[line_curr] != ' ')) line_curr++;
      // should we use the raster
      if (elevation != nodata)
        if (header.max_z < elevation) header.max_z = elevation;
        if (header.min_z > elevation) header.min_z = elevation;
    if (!fgets(line, line_size, file)) break;

  // close the file


  // check the header values

  if ((header.min_z == F64_MAX) || (header.max_z == F64_MIN))
    fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: raster contains only no data\n");
    header.min_z = 0;
    header.max_z = 0;

  header.number_of_point_records = (U32)npoints;

  // populate scale and offset


  // check bounding box for this scale and offset


  // reopen

  return reopen(file_name);
bool LASreaderSHP::open(const char* file_name)
  if (file_name == 0)
    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: fine name pointer is zero\n");
    return FALSE;


  file = fopen_compressed(file_name, "rb", &piped);
  if (file == 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open file '%s'\n", file_name);
    return FALSE;

  // clean the header


  // populate the header as much as it makes sense

  sprintf(header.system_identifier, "LAStools (c) by rapidlasso GmbH");
  sprintf(header.generating_software, "via LASreaderSHP (%d)", LAS_TOOLS_VERSION);

  // maybe set creation date

#ifdef _WIN32
	SYSTEMTIME creation;
  GetFileAttributesEx(file_name, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attr);
	FileTimeToSystemTime(&attr.ftCreationTime, &creation);
  int startday[13] = {-1, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};
  header.file_creation_day = startday[creation.wMonth] + creation.wDay;
  header.file_creation_year = creation.wYear;
  // leap year handling
  if ((((creation.wYear)%4) == 0) && (creation.wMonth > 2)) header.file_creation_day++;
  header.file_creation_day = 111;
  header.file_creation_year = 2011;

  header.point_data_format = 0;
  header.point_data_record_length = 20;

  // initialize point

  point.init(&header, header.point_data_format, header.point_data_record_length);

  // read SHP header and populate the LAS header with the bounding box

  int int_input;
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // file code (BIG)
  if (int_input != 9994)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: wrong shapefile code %d != 9994\n", int_input);
    return FALSE;
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // unused (BIG)
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // unused (BIG)
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // unused (BIG)
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // unused (BIG)
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // unused (BIG)
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // file length (BIG)
  int file_length = int_input;
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // version (LITTLE)
  if (int_input != 1000)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: wrong shapefile version %d != 1000\n", int_input);
    return FALSE;
  if (fread(&int_input, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) return false; // shape type (LITTLE)
  shape_type = int_input;
  if (shape_type != 1 && shape_type != 11 && shape_type != 21 && shape_type != 8 && shape_type != 18 && shape_type != 28)
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: wrong shape type %d != 1,11,21,8,18,28\n", shape_type);
    return FALSE;
  double double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // xmin (LITTLE)
  header.min_x = double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // ymin (LITTLE)
  header.min_y = double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // xmax (LITTLE)
  header.max_x = double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // ymax (LITTLE)
  header.max_y = double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // zmin (LITTLE)
  header.min_z = double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // zmax (LITTLE)
  header.max_z = double_input;
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // mmin (LITTLE)
  if (fread(&double_input, sizeof(double), 1, file) != 1) return false; // mmax (LITTLE)

  // maybe calculate npoints

  if (shape_type == 1)
    npoints = (file_length-50)/(14);
  else if (shape_type == 11)
    npoints = (file_length-50)/(22);
  else if (shape_type == 21)
    npoints = (file_length-50)/(18);
  else if (shape_type == 8)
    npoints = (file_length-50-20)/(8); // over-estimate (assumes all in one record)
  else if (shape_type == 18)
    npoints = (file_length-50-36)/(16); // over-estimate (assumes all in one record)
  else if (shape_type == 28)
    npoints = (file_length-50-28)/(12); // over-estimate (assumes all in one record)
  header.number_of_point_records = (U32)npoints;
  header.number_of_points_by_return[0] = (U32)npoints;

  // figure out the right scale factor and offset


  // populate the quantized bounding box

  p_count = 0;

  return TRUE;