const geometry_msgs::PoseArray InteractiveMarkerInitializer::pose_array()
    geometry_msgs::PoseArray pose_array_msg;
    pose_array_msg.header.frame_id = camera_frame_id_;
    pose_array_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    pose_array_msg.poses = poses();

    return pose_array_msg;
 void triangulateCorrespondences(std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& points, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& NDCs1, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& NDCs2, const Camera& camera1, const Camera& camera2)
     assert(NDCs1.size() == NDCs2.size());
     std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> NDCs(2);
     std::vector<SE3> poses(2);
     poses[0] = camera1.pose();
     poses[1] = camera2.pose();
     for (int i=0; i<NDCs1.size(); ++i)
         NDCs[0] = NDCs1[i];
         NDCs[1] = NDCs2[i];
         points[i] = triangulate(NDCs, poses);
void runDefault(
    demo::Mouse3dSensors& mouse3dSensors) {

  while(1) {
    std::cout << "+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+\n"
              << "|    X_pos    |    Y_pos    |    Z_pos    |    X_rot    |    Y_rot    |    Z_rot    |    Btn_1    |    Btn_2    |\n"
              << "+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+" << std::endl;
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) {
      const arma::Row<double>& poses = mouse3dSensors.measure();
      std::cout << "|";
      for (std::size_t k = 0; k < mouse3dSensors.numberOfSensors_; ++k) {
         std::cout << " " << std::setw(11) << poses(k) << " |";
      std::cout << std::endl;
main (int argc, char** argv)
  namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
  namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
  bpo::options_description opts_desc("Allowed options");
  bpo::positional_options_description p;

    ("help,h", "produce help message")
    ("in", bpo::value<std::string> ()->required (), "Input dir")
    ("out", bpo::value<std::string> ()->required (), "Output dir")
    ("volume-size", bpo::value<float> (), "Volume size")
    ("cell-size", bpo::value<float> (), "Cell size")
    ("num-frames", bpo::value<size_t> (), "Partially integrate the sequence: only the first N clouds used")
    ("visualize", "Visualize")
    ("verbose", "Verbose")
    ("color", "Store color in addition to depth in the TSDF")
    ("flatten", "Flatten mesh vertices")
    ("cleanup", "Clean up mesh")
    ("invert", "Transforms are inverted (world -> camera)")
    ("world", "Clouds are given in the world frame")
    ("organized", "Clouds are already organized")
    ("width", bpo::value<int> (), "Image width")
    ("height", bpo::value<int> (), "Image height")
    ("zero-nans", "Nans are represented as (0,0,0)")
    ("num-random-splits", bpo::value<int> (), "Number of random points to sample around each surface reading. Leave empty unless you know what you're doing.")
    ("fx", bpo::value<float> (), "Focal length x")
    ("fy", bpo::value<float> (), "Focal length y")
    ("cx", bpo::value<float> (), "Center pixel x")
    ("cy", bpo::value<float> (), "Center pixel y")
    ("save-ascii", "Save ply file as ASCII rather than binary")
    ("cloud-units", bpo::value<float> (), "Units of the data, in meters")
    ("pose-units", bpo::value<float> (), "Units of the poses, in meters")
    ("max-sensor-dist", bpo::value<float> (), "Maximum distance data can be from the sensor")
    ("min-sensor-dist", bpo::value<float> (), "Minimum distance data can be from the sensor")
    ("trunc-dist-pos", bpo::value<float> (), "Positive truncation distance")
    ("trunc-dist-neg", bpo::value<float> (), "Negative truncation distance")
    ("min-weight", bpo::value<float> (), "Minimum weight to render")
    ("cloud-only", "Save aggregate cloud rather than actually running TSDF")
  bpo::variables_map opts;
  bpo::store(bpo::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts_desc, bpo::command_line_style::unix_style ^ bpo::command_line_style::allow_short), opts);
  bool badargs = false;
  try { bpo::notify(opts); }
  catch(...) { badargs = true; }
  if(opts.count("help") || badargs) {
    cout << "Usage: " << bfs::basename(argv[0]) << " --in [in_dir] --out [out_dir] [OPTS]" << endl;
    cout << "Integrates multiple clouds and returns a mesh. Assumes clouds are PCD files and poses are ascii (.txt) or binary float (.transform) files with the same prefix, specifying the pose of the camera in the world frame. Can customize many parameters, but if you don't know what they do, the defaults are strongly recommended." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << opts_desc << endl;
    return (1);

  // Visualize?
  bool visualize = opts.count ("visualize");
  bool verbose = opts.count ("verbose");
  bool flatten = opts.count ("flatten");
  bool cleanup = opts.count ("cleanup");
  bool invert = opts.count ("invert");
  bool organized = opts.count ("organized");
  bool world_frame = opts.count ("world");
  bool zero_nans = opts.count ("zero-nans");
  bool save_ascii = opts.count ("save-ascii");
  float cloud_units = 1.;
  if (opts.count ("cloud-units"))
    cloud_units = opts["cloud-units"].as<float> ();
  float pose_units = 1.;
  if (opts.count ("pose-units"))
    pose_units = opts["pose-units"].as<float> ();
  int num_random_splits = 1;
  if (opts.count ("num-random-splits"))
    num_random_splits = opts["num-random-splits"].as<int> ();
  float max_sensor_dist = 3.0;
  if (opts.count ("max-sensor-dist"))
    max_sensor_dist = opts["max-sensor-dist"].as<float> ();
  float min_sensor_dist = 0;
  if (opts.count ("min-sensor-dist"))
    min_sensor_dist = opts["min-sensor-dist"].as<float> ();
  float min_weight = 0;
  if (opts.count ("min-weight"))
    min_weight = opts["min-weight"].as<float> ();
  float trunc_dist_pos = 0.03;
  if (opts.count ("trunc-dist-pos"))
    trunc_dist_pos = opts["trunc-dist-pos"].as<float> ();
  float trunc_dist_neg = 0.03;
  if (opts.count ("trunc-dist-neg"))
    trunc_dist_neg = opts["trunc-dist-neg"].as<float> ();
  bool binary_poses = false;
  if (opts.count ("width"))
    width_ = opts["width"].as<int> ();
  if (opts.count ("height"))
    height_ = opts["height"].as<int> ();
  focal_length_x_ = 525. * width_ / 640.;
  focal_length_y_ = 525. * height_ / 480.;
  principal_point_x_ = static_cast<float> (width_)/2. - 0.5;
  principal_point_y_ = static_cast<float> (height_)/2. - 0.5;

  if (opts.count ("fx"))
    focal_length_x_ = opts["fx"].as<float> ();
  if (opts.count ("fy"))
    focal_length_y_ = opts["fy"].as<float> ();
  if (opts.count ("cx"))
    principal_point_x_ = opts["cx"].as<float> ();
  if (opts.count ("cy"))
    principal_point_y_ = opts["cy"].as<float> ();
  bool cloud_only = opts.count ("cloud-only");
  bool integrate_color = opts.count("color");

  pcl::console::TicToc tt;
  tt.tic ();
  // Scrape files
  std::vector<std::string> pcd_files;
  std::vector<std::string> pose_files;
  std::vector<std::string> pose_files_unordered;
  bool found_pose_file = false;
  std::string pose_extension = "";
  std::string dir = opts["in"].as<std::string> ();
  std::string out_dir = opts["out"].as<std::string> ();
  boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_itr;
  for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itr (dir); itr != end_itr; ++itr)
    std::string extension = boost::filesystem::extension (itr->path ());
    std::string pathname = itr->path ().string ();
    // Look for PCD files
    if (extension == ".PCD" || extension == ".pcd")
      pcd_files.push_back (pathname);
    else if (extension == ".TRANSFORM" || extension == ".transform")
      if (found_pose_file && extension != pose_extension)
        PCL_ERROR ("Files with extension %s and %s were found in this folder! Please choose a consistent extension.\n", extension.c_str (), pose_extension.c_str ());
        return (1);
      else if (!found_pose_file)
        found_pose_file = true;
        binary_poses = true;
        pose_extension = extension;
      pose_files_unordered.push_back (pathname);
    else if (extension == ".TXT" || extension == ".txt")
      if (found_pose_file && extension != pose_extension)
        PCL_ERROR ("Files with extension %s and %s were found in this folder! Please choose a consistent extension.\n", extension.c_str (), pose_extension.c_str ());
        return (1);
      else if (!found_pose_file)
        found_pose_file = true;
        binary_poses = false;
        pose_extension = extension;
      pose_files_unordered.push_back (pathname);
  // Sort PCDS
  std::sort (pcd_files.begin (), pcd_files.end ());
  std::sort (pose_files_unordered.begin (), pose_files_unordered.end ());
  std::string pcd_prefix = getSharedPrefix(pcd_files);
  std::string pose_prefix = getSharedPrefix(pose_files_unordered);
  PCL_INFO ("Found PCD files with prefix: %s, poses with prefix: %s poses\n", pcd_prefix.c_str (), pose_prefix.c_str ());
  // For each PCD, get the pose file
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pcd_files.size (); i++)
    const std::string pcd_path = pcd_files[i];
    std::string suffix = boost::filesystem::basename (boost::filesystem::path (pcd_path.substr (pcd_prefix.length())));
    std::string pose_path = pose_prefix+suffix+pose_extension;
    // Check if .transform file exists
    if (boost::filesystem::exists (pose_path))
      pose_files.push_back (pose_path);
      PCL_ERROR ("Could not find matching transform file for %s\n", pcd_path.c_str ());
      return 1;
  std::sort (pose_files.begin (), pose_files.end ());
  PCL_INFO ("Reading in %s pose files\n", 
            binary_poses ? "binary" : "ascii");
  std::vector<Eigen::Affine3d> poses (pose_files.size ());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pose_files.size (); i++)
    ifstream f (pose_files[i].c_str ());
    float v;
    Eigen::Matrix4d mat;
    mat (3,0) = 0; mat (3,1) = 0; mat (3,2) = 0; mat (3,3) = 1;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
        if (binary_poses)
 ((char*)&v, sizeof (float));
          f >> v;
        mat (y,x) = static_cast<double> (v);
    f.close ();
    poses[i] = mat;
    if (invert)
      poses[i] = poses[i].inverse ();
    // Update units
    poses[i].matrix ().topRightCorner <3, 1> () *= pose_units;
    if (verbose)
      std::cout << "Pose[" << i << "]" << std::endl 
                << poses[i].matrix () << std::endl;
  PCL_INFO ("Done!\n");

  // Begin Integration
  float tsdf_size = 12.;
  if (opts.count ("volume-size"))
    tsdf_size = opts["volume-size"].as<float> ();
  float cell_size = 0.006;
  if (opts.count ("cell-size"))
    cell_size = opts["cell-size"].as<float> ();
  int tsdf_res;
  int desired_res = tsdf_size / cell_size;
  // Snap to nearest power of 2;
  int n = 1;
  while (desired_res > n)
    n *= 2;
  tsdf_res = n;
  // Initialize
  cpu_tsdf::TSDFVolumeOctree::Ptr tsdf;
  if (!cloud_only)
    tsdf.reset (new cpu_tsdf::TSDFVolumeOctree);
    tsdf->setGridSize (tsdf_size, tsdf_size, tsdf_size);
    PCL_INFO("Setting resolution: %d with grid size %f\n", tsdf_res, tsdf_size);
    tsdf->setResolution (tsdf_res, tsdf_res, tsdf_res);
    tsdf->setImageSize (width_, height_);
    tsdf->setCameraIntrinsics (focal_length_x_, focal_length_y_, principal_point_x_, principal_point_y_);
    tsdf->setNumRandomSplts (num_random_splits);
    tsdf->setSensorDistanceBounds (min_sensor_dist, max_sensor_dist);
    tsdf->setIntegrateColor (integrate_color);
    tsdf->setDepthTruncationLimits (trunc_dist_pos, trunc_dist_neg);
    tsdf->reset ();
  // Load data
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr map (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
  // Set up visualization
  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr vis;
  if (visualize)
     vis.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer);
     vis->addCoordinateSystem ();
  // Initialize aggregate cloud if we are just doing that instead
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr aggregate;
  if (cloud_only)
    aggregate.reset (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
  size_t num_frames = pcd_files.size ();
  if (opts.count ("num-frames"))
    size_t user_selected_num_frames = opts["num-frames"].as<size_t> ();
    if (user_selected_num_frames <= num_frames)
      num_frames = user_selected_num_frames;
      PCL_WARN("Warning: Manually input --num-frames=%zu, but the sequence only has %zu clouds. Ignoring user specification.\n", user_selected_num_frames, num_frames);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames; i++)
    PCL_INFO ("On frame %d / %d\n", i+1, num_frames);
    if (poses.size () <= i)
      PCL_WARN ("Warning: no matching pose file found for cloud %s.\n"
                "Defaulting to identity, but unless the camera never moved, this will yield a very poor mesh!\n", 
                pcd_files[i].c_str ());
      pose_files.push_back ("not_found");
      poses.push_back (Eigen::Affine3d::Identity ());
      PCL_INFO ("Cloud: %s, pose: %s\n", 
        pcd_files[i].c_str (), pose_files[i].c_str ());
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
    pcl::io::loadPCDFile (pcd_files[i], *cloud);
    if (cloud_units != 1)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud->size (); i++)
        pcl::PointXYZRGBA &pt = cloud->at (i);
        pt.x *= cloud_units;
        pt.y *= cloud_units;
        pt.z *= cloud_units;
    // Remove nans
    if (zero_nans)
      for (size_t j = 0; j < cloud->size (); j++)
        if (cloud->at (j).x == 0 && cloud->at (j).y == 0 && cloud->at (j).z == 0)
          cloud->at (j).x = cloud->at (j).y = cloud->at (j).z = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();
    // Transform
    if (world_frame)
      pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud, *cloud, poses[i].inverse ());
    // Make organized
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud_organized (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (width_, height_));
    if (organized)
      if (cloud->height != height_ || cloud->width != width_)
        PCL_ERROR ("Error: cloud %d has size %d x %d, but TSDF is initialized for %d x %d pointclouds\n", i+1, cloud->width, cloud->height, width_, height_);
        return (1);
      pcl::copyPointCloud (*cloud, *cloud_organized);
      size_t nonnan_original = 0;
      size_t nonnan_new = 0;
      float min_x = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
      float min_y = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
      float min_z = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
      float max_x = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
      float max_y = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
      float max_z = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
      for (size_t j = 0; j < cloud_organized->size (); j++)
        cloud_organized->at (j).z = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();
      for (size_t j = 0; j < cloud->size (); j++)
        const pcl::PointXYZRGBA &pt = cloud->at (j);
        if (verbose && !pcl_isnan (pt.z))
        int u, v;
        if (reprojectPoint (pt, u, v))
          pcl::PointXYZRGBA &pt_old = (*cloud_organized) (u, v);
          if (pcl_isnan (pt_old.z) || (pt_old.z > pt.z))
            if (verbose)
              if (pcl_isnan (pt_old.z))
              if (pt.x < min_x) min_x = pt.x;
              if (pt.y < min_y) min_y = pt.y;
              if (pt.z < min_z) min_z = pt.z;
              if (pt.x > max_x) max_x = pt.x;
              if (pt.y > max_y) max_y = pt.y;
              if (pt.z > max_z) max_z = pt.z;
            pt_old = pt;
      if (verbose)
        PCL_INFO ("Reprojection yielded %d valid points, of initial %d\n", nonnan_new, nonnan_original);
        PCL_INFO ("Cloud bounds: [%f, %f], [%f, %f], [%f, %f]\n", min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_x);
    if (visualize) // Just for visualization purposes
      vis->removeAllPointClouds ();
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> cloud_trans;
      pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud_organized, cloud_trans, poses[i]);
      *map += cloud_trans;
      pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> map_handler (map, 255, 0, 0);
      vis->addPointCloud (map, map_handler, "map");
      PCL_INFO ("Map\n");
      vis->spin ();
    Eigen::Affine3d  pose_rel_to_first_frame = poses[0].inverse () * poses[i];
    if (cloud_only) // Only if we're just dumping out the cloud
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> cloud_unorganized;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_organized->size (); i++)
        if (!pcl_isnan (cloud_organized->at (i).z))
          cloud_unorganized.push_back (cloud_organized->at (i));
      pcl::transformPointCloud (cloud_unorganized, cloud_unorganized, pose_rel_to_first_frame);
      *aggregate += cloud_unorganized;
      // Filter so it doesn't get too big
      if (i % 20 == 0 || i == num_frames - 1)
        pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> vg;
        vg.setLeafSize (0.01, 0.01, 0.01);
        vg.setInputCloud (aggregate);
        vg.filter (cloud_unorganized);
        *aggregate = cloud_unorganized;
      tsdf->integrateCloud (*cloud_organized, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal> (), pose_rel_to_first_frame);
  // Save
  boost::filesystem::create_directory (out_dir);
  // If we're just saving the cloud, no need to mesh
  if (cloud_only)
    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinaryCompressed (out_dir + "/cloud.pcd", *aggregate);
    cpu_tsdf::MarchingCubesTSDFOctree mc;
    mc.setMinWeight (min_weight);
    mc.setInputTSDF (tsdf);
    if (integrate_color)
      mc.setColorByRGB (true);
    pcl::PolygonMesh::Ptr mesh (new pcl::PolygonMesh);
    mc.reconstruct (*mesh);
    if (flatten)
      flattenVertices (*mesh);
    if (cleanup)
      cleanupMesh (*mesh);
    if (visualize)
      vis->removeAllPointClouds ();
      vis->addPolygonMesh (*mesh);
      vis->spin ();
    PCL_INFO ("Entire pipeline took %f ms\n", tt.toc ());
    if (save_ascii)
      pcl::io::savePLYFile (out_dir + "/mesh.ply", *mesh);
      pcl::io::savePLYFileBinary (out_dir + "/mesh.ply", *mesh);
    PCL_INFO ("Saved to %s/mesh.ply\n", out_dir.c_str ());
	bool execute(std::string inputModel, std::string& outputModel) {
		LOG(DEBUG) << name << ": Execute.";
		outputModel = "{}";
		libvariant::Variant inputModelAsJSON;
		libvariant::Variant outputModelAsJSON;
		brics_3d::rsg::JSONTypecaster::stringToJSON(inputModel, inputModelAsJSON);

		/* validate input */
		bool enableValidation = true;
		if (enableValidation) {
			if(!brics_3d::rsg::JSONTypecaster::validateFunctionBlockModel(inputModelAsJSON, inputMetaModelFile, modelsDefaultPath, outputModel)) {
				LOG(ERROR) << "JsonGenerator: Model validation for input model failed: " << outputModel;
				return false;

		/* get data */
		brics_3d::rsg::Id subgraphId = brics_3d::rsg::JSONTypecaster::getIdFromJSON(inputModelAsJSON, "subgraphId");

		/* output data */
		libvariant::Variant poses(libvariant::VariantDefines::ListType);
		bool result = true;

		/* execute query
        std::string fileName;
        std::string jsonFileName;
        std::string path = "./";
		std::stringstream tmpFileName;
		std::ofstream output;

		/* default file name with stamp */
		time_t rawtime;
		struct tm* timeinfo;
		timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
		tmpFileName << "20" // This will have to be adjusted in year 2100
				<< (timeinfo->tm_year)-100 << "-"
				<< std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
				<<	(timeinfo->tm_mon)+1 << "-"
				<< std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
				<<	timeinfo->tm_mday << "_"
				<< std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
				<<	timeinfo->tm_hour << "-"
				<< std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
				<<	timeinfo->tm_min << "-"
				<< std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
				<<	timeinfo->tm_sec;

		jsonFileName = "rsg_dump_" + tmpFileName.str();

		/* Check if input specifies fileName or path*/
		if(inputModelAsJSON.Contains("jsonFileName")) { // optional
			jsonFileName = inputModelAsJSON.Get("jsonFileName").AsString();
		if(inputModelAsJSON.Contains("path")) { // optional
			path = inputModelAsJSON.Get("path").AsString();

		fileName = path + jsonFileName + ".json";
		LOG(INFO) << "JsonGenerator: Printing graph to file " << fileName;

		/* Save a complete snapshopt relative to the root node */
		bool printRemoteRootNodes = true;
		if(!subgraphId.isNil()) {
			wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&jsonGraphGenerator, subgraphId);
			wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&hashTraverser, subgraphId);
			LOG(INFO) << "Hash for subgraph with ID = " << subgraphId << " == " << hashTraverser.getHashById(subgraphId);
			wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&hashTraverser, subgraphId);
			LOG(INFO) << "Hash without IDs for subgraph with ID = " << subgraphId << " == " << hashTraverser.getHashById(subgraphId);
			LOG(INFO) << "Hash list:" << std::endl << hashTraverser.getJSON();
			printRemoteRootNodes = false;
		} else { // NiL = not defined/specified => as default print the whole graph
			wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&jsonGraphGenerator, wm->scene.getRootId());
			wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&hashTraverser, wm->scene.getRootId());
			LOG(INFO) << "Hash for subgraph with ID = " << subgraphId << " == " << hashTraverser.getHashById(wm->scene.getRootId());
			wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&hashTraverser, subgraphId);
			LOG(INFO) << "Hash without IDs for subgraph with ID = " << subgraphId << " == " << hashTraverser.getHashById(subgraphId);
			LOG(INFO) << "Hash list:" << std::endl << hashTraverser.getJSON();
			printRemoteRootNodes = true;

		if(printRemoteRootNodes) {
			vector<brics_3d::rsg::Id> remoteRootNodeIds;
			for(vector<brics_3d::rsg::Id>::const_iterator it = remoteRootNodeIds.begin(); it != remoteRootNodeIds.end(); ++it) {
				wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&jsonGraphGenerator, *it);
				wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&hashTraverser, *it);
				LOG(INFO) << "Hash for subgraph with ID = " << subgraphId << " == " << hashTraverser.getHashById(*it);
				wm->scene.executeGraphTraverser(&hashTraverser, *it);
				LOG(INFO) << "Hash without IDs for subgraph with ID = " << subgraphId << " == " << hashTraverser.getHashById(*it);
				LOG(INFO) << "Hash list:" << std::endl << hashTraverser.getJSON();
		}, std::ios::trunc);
		if (! {
			output << jsonGraphGenerator.getJSON();
		} else {
			LOG(ERROR) << "JsonGenerator: Cannot write to file " << fileName;


		LOG(INFO) << "JsonGenerator: Done.";

		/* prepare output */
		outputModelAsJSON.Set("file", fileName);

		if(result) {
			outputModelAsJSON.Set("metamodel", libvariant::Variant(outputMetaModelFile));
			brics_3d::rsg::JSONTypecaster::JSONtoString(outputModelAsJSON, outputModel);

			/* validate output */
			if (enableValidation /*&& false*/) { //TODO update model
				if(!brics_3d::rsg::JSONTypecaster::validateFunctionBlockModel(outputModelAsJSON, outputMetaModelFile, modelsDefaultPath, outputModel)) {
					LOG(ERROR) << "JsonGenerator: Model validation for output model failed: " << outputModel;
					return false;

		return result;
Exemple #6
  void ColumnPrinter::print(std::ostream& out) const {
    // stringstream::str() copies the string, so we need
    // to extract all the strings and store them to avoid copying
    // at every access.
    std::vector<std::string> texts(getColumnCount());
	for (size_t col = 0; col < getColumnCount(); ++col)
      texts[col] = _cols[col]->text.str();
    // Calculate the width of each column.
	std::vector<size_t> widths(getColumnCount());
	for (size_t col = 0; col < getColumnCount(); ++col) {
      const auto& text = texts[col];
	  size_t maxWidth = 0;

	  size_t pos = 0;
	  while (pos < text.size()) {
		size_t width = getLineWidth(text, pos);
		if (width > maxWidth)
		  maxWidth = width;

		// We can't just increment pos unconditionally by width + 1, as
		// that could result in an overflow.
		pos += width;
        if (pos == text.size())
        if (text[pos] == '\0') {
          if (pos == text.size())
        } else if (text[pos] == '\n')
	  widths[col] = maxWidth;

	// Print each row
	std::vector<size_t> poses(getColumnCount());
	while (true) {
	  bool done = true;
	  for (size_t col = 0; col < getColumnCount(); ++col) {
		if (poses[col] < texts[col].size()) {
		  done = false;
	  if (done)

	  out << _prefix;
	  for (size_t col = 0; col < getColumnCount(); ++col) {
		out << _cols[col]->prefix;

		const std::string& text = texts[col];
		size_t& pos = poses[col];
		size_t width = getLineWidth(text, pos);

        char padChar = ' ';
        if (
          pos + width < text.size() &&
          text[pos + width] == '\0' &&
          pos + width + 1 < text.size()
        ) {
          padChar = text[pos + width + 1];

		if (!_cols[col]->flushLeft)
		  printChars(out, widths[col] - width, padChar);

		while (pos < text.size()) {
		  if (text[pos] == '\n') {
          if (text[pos] == '\0') {
            if (pos < text.size()) {
              MATHIC_ASSERT(text[pos] == padChar);
		  out << text[pos];

		if (_cols[col]->flushLeft)
		  printChars(out, widths[col] - width, padChar);

		out << _cols[col]->suffix;
	  out << '\n';