mixed do_resurrect_obj(object ob) {
    int corpse;
    object playerob;
    if(ob->isCorpse()) corpse = 1;
    if(interactive(ob)) playerob = ob;
    if( ob->isPlayer() ) playerob = ob->GetPlayerob();
    if( ob->isPlayer() && !playerob ){
        write("You cannot resurrect a player that isn't logged on.");
        return 1;
    if((playerob && !playerob->GetGhost()) || living(ob)) {
        write("You can't resurrect the living.");
        return 1;

    if(base_name(ob) != LIB_CORPSE){
        write("You can only resurrect flesh-based creatures.");
        return 1;

    if(environment(ob) != environment(this_player())) {
        write(capitalize(ob->GetKeyName())+" isn't here.");
        return 1;

    tell_player(this_player(),"You wave your hand, and with a flash "+
            "of light, "+ob->GetCapName()+" comes back to life!");
    tell_player(ob,capitalize(this_player()->GetKeyName())+" waves "+
            " hand, and with a flash of light, you come back from the dead!");
    tell_room(environment(this_player()),this_player()->GetCapName()+" waves "+
            " hand, and with a flash of light, "+ob->GetCapName()+
            " comes back to life!",
            ({ob, this_player()}) );
varargs int invoke_causelt (string str) {   
    object target;

    if (!str) str = "NONE";
    if (str=="NONE") target = TP->query_current_attacker();
    if (!target) target = present(str, environment(TP));
    if (!target) {
	return 0;

    if (!check_valid_targ(TP, target)) return 0;

    if (!invoke_spell(TP, COST)) return 0;


    lvl = TP->query_level("priest");
    write("You begin casting cause light wounds...\n"+
      "Dark energies coalesce around your fingers.\n");
    say(TPN+" begins a prayer...\n"+
      "Dark energies coalesce around "+
      possessive(TP->query("gender"))+" fingers!\n");
    if (!TP->query_hit(target)) {
	write("You fail to hit your target with the dark energies.\n");
	say(TPN+" fails to hit!\n");
	return 1;

    if (!check_magic_resist((TP->query_level("priest")), target, COST, ROLL)) 

    tell_room(environment(TP), TPN+" drains the life from "+
      target->query("cap_name")+"!\n", ({ TP, target }) );
varargs int cast_lightning (string str, int obj) {
    object target;

    if (!str) str = "NONE";
    if (str=="NONE") target = TP->query_current_attacker();
    if (!target) target = present(str, environment(TP));
    if (!target) {
	return 0;

    if (!check_valid_targ(TP, target)) return 0;
    if (!obj) {
	if (!cast_spell(TP, COST)) return 0;
	obj = query_caster_level(TP, "wizard");
	lvl = obj;
	write("You begin casting Chain Lightning...\n"+
	  "Electricity begins crackling between your fingers.\n");
	say(TPN+" begins uttering arcane words...\n"+
	  "Electricity begins crackling between "+
	  possessive(TP->query("gender"))+" fingers!\n");

	tell_room(environment(TP), TPN+" hurls a lightning bolt at "+
	  target->query("cap_name")+"!\n", ({ caster, target }) );
	write("You hurl a lightning bolt at "+
	tell_object(target, TPN+" hurls a lightning bolt at you!\n");
    } else {
Exemple #4
int cmd_trip(string str) {
   int dmg;
   object ob, env, tp;
   if (!abil())
     return notify_fail("What?\n");
   env = environment(this_player());
   tp = this_player();
   if (!str) ob = this_player()->query_current_attacker();
   else ob = present(str, env);
   if (!ob || !ob->is_living())
     return notify_fail("You do not see that here.\n");
   if (ob==this_player())
     return notify_fail("You trip and fall down.\n");
     return notify_fail("Hard to trip without a body..\n");
   if (this_player()->query_disable())
     return notify_fail("You are not oriented enough to do this.\n");
   if (environment(this_player())->query_property("no attack"))
     return notify_fail("Greater powers prevent your malice.\n");
   if ((int)this_player()->query_sp() < 20)
     return notify_fail("You are too tired.\n");
   if (ob->query_rest_type() == SIT)
     return notify_fail(ob->query_cap_name()+" is already on the ground!\n");
   if(!this_player()->kill_ob(ob)) {
      write(ob->query_cap_name()+" can't be attacked by you yet.");
      return 1;
   dmg = tp->query_stats("dexterity");
   dmg -= (ob->query_stats("dexterity") / 2);
   if (dmg < random(25)) {
      write("You spin at "+ob->query_cap_name()+", miss "+possessive(ob)+" and fall to the ground.");
      message("info", tp->query_cap_name()+" spins around on the ground and tries to trip you but misses and falls to the ground.", ob);
      message("info", tp->query_cap_name()+" spins around on the ground and tries to trip "+ob->query_cap_name()+" but misses and falls to the ground.",environment(ob), ({ tp, ob }));
Exemple #5
mixed do_steal_wrd_from_liv(string wrd, object liv) {
    this_player()->eventPrint("You eye " + (string)liv->GetName() +
      " with thoughts on " + possessive(liv) +
      " pockets.");
    if( (int)this_player()->GetInCombat() )
        this_player()->SetAttack(0, (: eventSteal,this_player(), "money", liv :),
    else eventSteal(this_player(), "money", liv);
Exemple #6
int regenerate(string limb) {
    int money, bonus;
    mapping limb_info;
    object tp;
    string *there, *missing;

    tp = this_player();
    if(present(limb, this_player())) bonus = 2;
    else bonus = 1;
    there = (string *)tp->query_limbs();
    missing = (string *)this_player()->query_severed_limbs() +
      (string *)RACE_D->query_limbs((string)this_player()->query("race"));
   checking with the race_d is allowing compatibility with old
   versions of the mudlib
    if(!missing) {
        notify_fail("You aren't missing any limbs!\n");
        return 0;
    if(member_array(limb, missing) == -1) {
        notify_fail("You are not missing that limb!\n");
        return 0;
    if(member_array(limb, there) != -1) {
        notify_fail("You already have that one back!\n");
        return 0;
    limb_info= (mapping)RACE_D->query_limb_info(limb,(string)tp->query("race"));
    if(!limb_info) {
        notify_fail("That limb cannot be replaced!\n");
        return 0;
    if(limb_info["attach"] != "0") {
        if(member_array(limb_info["attach"], there) == -1) {
            notify_fail("You would need a "+limb_info["attach"]+" for that!\n");
            return 0;
    if((string)this_player()->query_class() == "cleric") money = 1200;
    else money = 1600;
    money = money / limb_info["max"];
    if((int)tp->query_money("gold") < COST) {
        notify_fail("The cleric tells you:  You do not have enough gold.\n");
        return 0;
    tp->add_limb(limb, limb_info["ref"], (int)tp->query_max_hp()/limb_info["max"], 0, 0);
    if(member_array(limb, (string *)RACE_D->query_wielding_limbs((string)tp->query("race"))) != -1) 
    this_player()->add_money("gold", -COST);
    say(sprintf("%s asks the clerics for some help with %s missing %s.",
      this_player()->query_cap_name(), possessive(this_player()), limb));
    write("The clerics restore your "+limb+"!");
    return 1;
Exemple #7
int mimic( object victim, object attacker )
    string vil = victim->query_name();
    string att = attacker->query_name();
    int dam = 100 + random( 30 );
    ansi_tell_room( ENV( attacker ), sprintf(
      "%s screams as the slime touches %s "
      "skin! The slime burbles and changes form. "
      "It looks almost identical to %s!!!!\n", vil, possessive( vil ),
      vil ), color, ({ victim }) );
Exemple #8
int cmd_drink( string a )
    if( !id( a ) )
        notify_fail( "You wish to drink what?\nNB \"drink drink\" will work.\n" );
        return 0;
    write( "You drink your " + query( "name" ) + ".\n" );
    say( sprintf( "%s drinks %s %s.\n",
                  (string)this_player()-> query( "cap_name" ),
                  possessive( this_player() ),
                  query( "name" ),
                ) );
    call_out( "remove", 0 );
    return 1;
Exemple #9
int add_command(string cmd)
  int number;
  string type;
    sscanf(cmd, "%d %s", number, type);
  if(number && type)
	if(number > 30000 || total + number > 30000)
	  message("info","You can't fit more than 30000 coins inside the box.\n",
	else if(this_player()->debit(type,number))
	  message("info","You put "+number+" "+type+" coins into the box.\n",
	  message("info",""+this_player()->query_cap_name()+" puts "+number+" "+
	  ""+type+" coins into "+possessive(this_player())+" box.\n",
	  message("info","You don't seem to have "+number+" "+type+" coins.\n",
    return 1;
  return notify_fail("Syntax: 'add <number> <coin type>'\n");
varargs int cast_necrobolt (string str, int obj) {   
    object target;

    if (!str) str = "NONE";
    if (str=="NONE") target = TP->query_current_attacker();
    if (!target) target = present(str, environment(TP));
    if (!target) {
	return 0;

    if (!check_valid_targ(TP, target)) return 0;
    if (!obj) {
	obj = query_caster_level(TP, "wizard");
	if (!cast_spell(TP, COST)) return 0;

	write("You begin casting Necromantic Bolt...\n"+
	  "Your hands fill with negative energy.\n");
	say(TPN+" begins uttering arcane words...\n"+
	  "a thick blackness engulfs "+
	  possessive(TP->query("gender"))+" hands!\n");

	tell_room(environment(TP), TPN+" hurls a black beam of light at "+
	  target->query("cap_name")+"!\n", ({ caster, target }) );
Exemple #11
int cmd_trance(string s) {
    int x, b, time;
    object o, t;
    if(!s || s == "") return notify_fail("Trance who?\n");
    if(!o=present(s, environment(this_player()))) return
	notify_fail("You do not notice that here.\n");
    if(!o->is_living()) return notify_fail("You cannot trance "
	  "inanimate objects.\n");
    if(o->query_trance()) notify_fail(o->query_cap_name()+" is already under "
	  "someone elses control.\n");
    if(x < b) return notify_fail("Your trance fails to affect "+o->query_cap_name()+".\n");
    if(time > 25) time=25;
    write("X: "+x+" T: "+b+" Time: "+time);
    write("You trance "+o->query_cap_name()+".");
    message("", "You pay a little too much attention to "+
      (string)t->query_cap_name()+"'s eyes and you fall under "+
      possessive(t)+" trance.", o);
    message("", o->query_cap_name()+" places "+o->query_cap_name()+
      " under a trance.", environment(t), ({o,t}) );
Exemple #12
string query_possessive() { return possessive(query("gender")); }
Exemple #13
        tmprumbo = rumbo;
            if(grepp(rumbo, "#")) err = "Let's not load a clone.";
            else err = catch(rumbo = load_object(rumbo));
        if(err || !rumbo){
            log_file("runtime","\n"+timestamp()+" "+identify(this_object())+
                    " could not load "+identify(rumbo)+" to fall into.\n");
            err = catch(rumbo = load_object(rvoid));
        if(err || !rumbo){
            return 0;
        tell_object(this_object(),"You plummet downward!");
        if(err = this_object()->eventMove(rumbo)){
            tell_room(rumbo,capitalize(name)+" plummets in from above.",
                    ({ this_object() }));
            tell_room(env,capitalize(name)+" continues "+
                    possessive(this_object())+" fall downward.", ({ this_object() }));

            if(rumbo->GetMedium() == MEDIUM_AIR && !(this_object()->CanFly())){ 
                call_out( "eventFall", 1);
        return 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #14
void extra_create()
    string race, name, lastname, rankfirst, 
      ranksecond, rankthird, rankfourth, attk;
    int sex = random( 2 );
    if( sex == 1 )
      set_gender( "male" );
      switch( random( 15 ) )
        case 0  : name = "Gary";     break;
        case 1  : name = "Larry";    break;
        case 2  : name = "Sigmund";  break;
        case 3  : name = "Alfred";   break;
        case 4  : name = "Gregory";  break;
        case 5  : name = "Lester";   break;
        case 6  : name = "Arnold";   break;
        case 7  : name = "Homer";    break;
        case 8  : name = "James";    break;
        case 9  : name = "Atherton"; break;
        case 10 : name = "Eric";     break;
        case 11 : name = "Robert";   break;
        case 12 : name = "Mike";     break;
        case 13 : name = "Gabe";     break;
        case 14 : name = "Malcom";   break;
    if( sex == 0 )
      set_gender( "female" );
      switch( random( 15 ) )
        case 0  : name = "Gale";       break;
        case 1  : name = "Edith";      break;
        case 2  : name = "Marilyn";    break;
        case 3  : name = "Margo";      break;
        case 4  : name = "Agnes";      break;
        case 5  : name = "Nelly";      break;
        case 6  : name = "Mildred";    break;
        case 7  : name = "Charlotte";  break;
        case 8  : name = "Eva";        break;
        case 9  : name = "Victoria";   break;
        case 10 : name = "Stella";     break;
        case 11 : name = "Vivian";     break;
        case 12 : name = "Ruth";       break;
        case 13 : name = "Sophronia";  break;
        case 14 : name = "Virginia";   break;
    switch( random( 15 ) )
      case 0  : lastname = "Masterson"; break;
      case 1  : lastname = "Laymon";    break;
      case 2  : lastname = "Wilson";    break;
      case 3  : lastname = "McCammon";  break;
      case 4  : lastname = "Bierce";    break;
      case 5  : lastname = "Blackwood"; break;
      case 6  : lastname = "Lovecraft"; break;
      case 7  : lastname = "Saul";      break;
      case 8  : lastname = "Poe";       break;
      case 9  : lastname = "Ketchum";   break;
      case 10 : lastname = "Koontz";    break;
      case 11 : lastname = "Lumley";    break;
      case 12 : lastname = "Lansdale";  break;
      case 13 : lastname = "Barker";    break;
      case 14 : lastname = "Bloch";     break;
    switch( random( 4 ) )
      case 0 : race = "drow_elf"; break;
      case 1 : race = "dwarf";    break;
      case 2 : race = "human";    break;
      case 3 : race = "gnome";    break;
    switch( random( 4 ) )
      case 0 : rankfirst = sprintf( "%s is tall and middle aged. %s "
        "shirt is wrinkled and %s looks dazed. ", name, 
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ), subjective( THISO ) );      break;
      case 1 : rankfirst = sprintf( "%s is a bit overweight. %s presence "
        "is chilling. There is something dark about %s. ", 
        name, CAP( possessive( THISO ) ), objective( THISO ) ); break;
      case 2 : rankfirst = sprintf( "There is a silky shine to %s hair. %s "
        "looks clean and well groomed. Almost too well groomed. Like %s is "
        "hiding something. ", possessive( THISO ), CAP( subjective( THISO ) ), 
        subjective( THISO ) );                                  break;
      case 3 : rankfirst = sprintf( "%s has taut skin and well toned muscles. %s "
        "looks to only be around thirty, though you know %s is much older. ", name,
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ), subjective( THISO ) );      break;
    switch( random( 4 ) )
      case 0 : ranksecond = sprintf( "%s dutifully concentrates on "
        "whatever %s task maybe. %s concentration is unwavering and intense. ", 
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ), possessive( THISO ), 
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ) );                                break;
      case 1 : ranksecond = sprintf( "%s moves with great agility. %s speed "
        "and grace is almost supernatural. As if %s wasn't fully of this world. ", 
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ), CAP( possessive( THISO ) ), 
        subjective( THISO ) );                                       break;
      case 2 : ranksecond = sprintf( "%s refuses to pause for a moment. %s "
        "rushes forward lost in thought. ", CAP( subjective( THISO ) ), 
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ) );                                break;
      case 3 : ranksecond = sprintf( "%s shoes are scuffed and the soles are almost "
        "worn through. %s proceeds relentlessly forwards driven by an unknown goal. ",
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ), CAP( subjective( THISO ) ) );    break;
    switch( random( 4 ) )
      case 0 : rankthird = sprintf( "%s eyes are crisp and calculating. ", 
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ) );                            break;
      case 1 : rankthird = sprintf( "%s eyes seem cold, yet relentless. ",
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ) );                            break;
      case 2 : rankthird = sprintf( "%s eyes are tireless and unyielding. ",
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ) );                            break;
      case 3 : rankthird = sprintf( "%s eyes intake the whole of the room, "
        "%s is searching for something. ", 
        CAP( possessive( THISO ) ), subjective( THISO ) );       break;
    switch( random( 4 ) )
      case 0 : rankfourth = sprintf( "%s only cares for work.",
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ) );                      break;
      case 1 : rankfourth = sprintf( "%s licks %s lips at the sight of you.", 
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ), possessive( THISO ) ); break;
      case 2 : rankfourth = sprintf( "%s is a tireless asset to this company.",
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ) );                      break;
      case 3 : rankfourth = sprintf( "%s has no fear. No worry.",
        CAP( subjective( THISO ) ) );                      break;
    switch( random( 100 ) )
       case 0..20  : attk = "sympathy"; break;
       case 21..70 : attk = "shove";    break;
       case 71..76 : attk = "panic";    break;
       case 77..99 : attk = "eyeclaw";  break;
    set_name( sprintf( "%s %s", name, lastname ) );
    add_alias( "researcher" );
    add_alias( "res" );
    add_alias( "doctor" );
    add_alias( lower_case( name ) );
    add_alias( lower_case( lastname ) );
    add_alias( sprintf( "%s %s", lower_case( name ), 
      lower_case( lastname ) ) );
    set_short( sprintf( "%s %s, a high level researcher", 
    name, lastname ) );
    set_long( sprintf( "%s %s %s %s", rankfirst, ranksecond, rankthird,
      rankfourth ) );
    set_race( race );
    set_alignment( NEUTRAL_AL );
    set_stat( "str", 120 + random( 30 ) );
    set_stat( "con", 100 + random( 30 ) );
    set_stat( "wil", 100 + random( 30 ) );
    set_stat( "int", 100 + random( 30 ) );
    set_stat( "dex", 100 + random( 30 ) );
    set_avoid_props( ({ NoWanderRoomP }) );
Exemple #15
int teleport_command(string cmd)
  if (!cmd) {
    if (!this_player()->query_battleob()) {
      if(!environment(this_player())->query_no_teleport()) {    
        object p = this_player();
        switch (this_player()->query_home_town()) {
        case "vaerlon":
        htst = "Vaerlon";
        destination = "/d/valkor/vaerlon/rooms/streets/h4.c";

        case "graemor":
        htst = "Graemor";
        destination = "/d/graemor/virtual/9,18.graemor-part1.c";

        case "teladan":
        htst = "Teladan";
        destination = "/u/t/tarak/areas/town/rooms/f8.c";
        case "cenedoiss":
        htst = "Cenedoiss";
        destination = "/u/b/belannaer/virtual/18,27.cenedoiss.c";
        //case "mahrakc": ?
        case "atherton":
        htst = "Atherton";
        destination = "/u/b/belannaer/virtual/14,13.atherton.c";

        htst = "Vaerlon";
        destination = "/d/valkor/vaerlon/rooms/streets/h4.c";
        message("teleport", "You rub the Ring of Teleportation while thinking "+
        "of your hometown. The air around you shimmers and suddenly you find "+
        "yourself standing in the central square of "+htst+".\n", p);
        message("teleport", ""+p->query_cap_name()+" rubs "+possessive(p)+" "+
        "Ring of Teleportation. The air around "+objective(p)+" starts to "+
        "distort, and suddenly in the blink of an eye "+subjective(p)+" "+
        "disappears.\n", environment(p), p);
        if (charges < 1) {
        call_out("destruct_me", 1);
      } else {
        message("info", "Strange energy fluctuations in this room prevent "+
        "you from teleporting...\n", this_player()); 
    } else {
	  message("info", "You are too busy fighting to do that!\n", this_player());   
    return 1;
Exemple #16
int cmd_stat (string name) {

	string *coins, *list, *statnames ;
	object ob ;
	string *skillnames ;
	mapping skills ;
	int i, flag ;
	string spouse, tempstr ;
	string subj ;
	mapping stats ;
	int wealth;

	if (!name) {
		return help() ;
	ob = get_object(name);
	if (!ob || !living(ob)) {
		notify_fail("No such living object exists.\n");
		return 0 ;
	subj = capitalize(subjective(ob->query("gender"))) ;
	tempstr = ob->query("race") ;
	if (tempstr) write (subj+" is " + article(tempstr) + " " + tempstr +
		".\n") ;
	spouse = ob->query("spouse") ;
	if (spouse) {
		write (subj+" is married to "+spouse+".\n") ;
	if ((int)ob->query("no_attack")) {
		write (subj+"  is not an attackable object.\n") ;

	flag = ob->query("drunk") ;
	switch (flag) {
		case 1..5 : {
			write (subj+" are a bit tispy.\n") ;
			break ;
		case 6..10 : {
			write (subj+" are somewhat drunk.\n") ;
			break ;
		case 11..15 : {
			write (subj+" are rather drunk.\n") ;
			break ;
		case 16..20 : {
			write (subj+" are completely smashed.\n") ;
			break ;
		case 21..25 : {
			write (subj+" are maximally drunk.\n") ;
			break ;

	write ("Hit points: "+ob->query("hit_points")+" of "+
		ob->query("max_hp")+"\n") ;
	write ("Spell points: "+ob->query("spell_points")+" of "+
		ob->query("max_sp")+"\n") ;
	write ("\n") ;
	stats = ob->query("stat") ;
	if (stats && sizeof(stats)) {
	statnames = keys(stats) ;
	for (i=0;i<sizeof(stats);i++) {
		write (sprintf("%12-s : %d\n",capitalize(statnames[i]),stats[statnames[i]])) ;
	write ("\n") ;

	wealth = ob->query("wealth") ;
	if (!wealth) {
                write (subj+" doesn't have any coins in "+
               possessive(ob->query("gender"))+" purse.\n");
	} else {
 write ("Wealth:"+wealth+" coins.\n");
	skills = ob->query_skills() ;
	if (skills && sizeof(skills)) {
	skillnames = keys(skills) ;
	write ("\n") ;
	write (capitalize(possessive(ob->query("gender"))) +
		 " skills are:\n") ;
	list = sort_array(skillnames, "sort_skills", this_object()) ;
	for (i=0;i<sizeof(skills);i++) {
		write (sprintf("%24-s : %d\n",capitalize(list[i]),skills[list[i]])) ;
	return 1 ;
Exemple #17
int cmd_palmread(string who) {
  object tp=this_player();
  object tgt;  
  object *inv;
  int skill, i;
  int deaths, age, marriages;
  int kills, quests, str, wis;
  if (!abil()) {
    return 1;
  if (!who) {
    message("info","Read whose palm?",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tp->query_mp() < 30) {
    message("info","Not enough magic.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tp->query_disable()) {
    message("info","You are busy.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tp->query_current_attacker()) {
    message("info","You are too busy fighting.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (!tgt) {
    message("info","You don't see "+who+" here.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (!userp(tgt)) {
    message("info","You cannot read the palm of "+tgt->query_cap_name()+".",
    return 1;
  if (tgt->query_current_attacker()) {
    message("info",nominative(tgt)+" is too caught up in battle to show "
      "you "+possessive(tgt)+" palm.",tp);
    return 1;
  // these races either don't have hands, or have some kind of hand
  //   without normal skin on it
  if (tgt->query_race() == "dragon" ||
      tgt->query_race() == "lich" ||
      tgt->query_race() == "raknid") {
    message("info","That creature does not have a palm.",tp);
    return 1;
  // if their hands are both severed we can't read them very well..
  if (member_array("right hand",tgt->query_limbs()) == -1 &&
      member_array("left hand",tgt->query_limbs()) == -1) {
    message("info",nominative(tgt)+" has only stumps where "+possessive(tgt)+
      " hands should be.",tp);
    return 1;
  if (tgt == tp) {
    message("info","You look over your own palm...\n",tp);
    message("info",tp->query_cap_name()+" examines "+possessive(tp)+" palm.",
      environment(tp), tp);
  else {
    message("info","You look over "+tgt->query_cap_name()+"'s palm...\n",tp);
    message("info",tp->query_cap_name()+" examines the palm of your hand.",tgt);
    message("info",tp->query_cap_name()+" examines the palm of "+
      tgt->query_cap_name()+"'s hand.", environment(tp), ({ tgt, tp }) );
Exemple #18
mixed do_sleep() {
    tell_player(this_player(),"You fall asleep.");
    tell_room(environment(this_player()), this_player()->GetName()+ 
            " closes "+possessive(this_player())+" eyes and appears to "+
            "lose consciousness.", ({this_player()}) );
Exemple #19
void blood()
    tell_player( THISP, "Your fresh shotgun wounds bleed." );
    tell_room( ENV( THISP ), sprintf( "%s groans as %s wounds "
      "bleed.\n", THISP->query_name(), possessive( THISP ) ),
      ({ THISP }) );