Exemple #1
int Config_MemDebug(HTTPCONNECTION hConnection, LIST *pParamList, int iAction, XML *pReturnXML)
	switch (iAction)
	case CA_AUTH:
		return AUTH_ADMIN;
	case CA_CONFIG:
			UINT32 i;
			char acBuf[128];
			UINT32 nLen = 0;
			static cyg_ppp_handle_t ppp_handle;
			const char *pcAction = httpGetString(pParamList, "action");
			if(strcmp(pcAction, "net") == 0)
				if(g_ptdNetDebug_stack == NULL)
					g_ptdNetDebug_stack = (unsigned char *)malloc(STACKSIZE);
					if (g_ptdNetDebug_stack != NULL)
						cyg_thread_create(PTD_PRIORITY, &NetTestThread, NULL, "ptdNetTest",
							g_ptdNetDebug_stack, STACKSIZE, &g_ptdNetDebug_handle, &g_ptdNetDebug);
						if (g_ptdNetDebug_handle == NULL)
							fprintf(stderr, "Thread for \"NetTest\" creation failed!\n");
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "print") == 0)
					diag_printf("random%d", rand());
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "pppip") == 0)
				int fd;
				struct ifreq ifr;
				UINT32 ulIP = 0;
				UINT32 ulNetmask = 0;
				char acIP[16];
				char acNetmask[16];
				fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
				strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "ppp0");
				if (fd >= 0) 
					if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) >= 0)
						ulIP = (unsigned int)(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
					if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &ifr) == 0)
						ulNetmask = (unsigned int)(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
				httpIP2String(ulIP, acIP);
				httpIP2String(ulNetmask, acNetmask);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "IP", acIP);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "Netmask", acNetmask);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "dppp") == 0)
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "ppp") == 0)
				bool ret;
				const char *pcUsername;
				const char *pcPassword;
				const char *pcServer;
				int iPort;
				pcUsername = httpGetString(pParamList, "User");
				pcPassword = httpGetString(pParamList, "Pass");
				pcServer = httpGetString(pParamList, "Server");
				iPort = httpGetLong(pParamList, "Port");

u: xiaohui      p: 0gogorovio0
u: xiaohui1    p: 1gogorovio1
u: xiaohui2    p: 2gogorovio2

				//ppp user: blah password=blahing
				// ssh port:4239, user: xhchen, pass: aeV2ohTi

				// Start up PPP
				//ppot_connect("tools.pimpmyrovio.com", 21201);
				//ppot_connect("", 21201);
				ret = ppot_connect(&pcServer, &iPort, 1, pcUsername, pcPassword);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "ppot_connect", (ret ? "true" : "false"));
#if 0		
				ppp_handle = cyg_ppp_up( "/dev/sert0", &options );

				// Wait for it to get running
				if( cyg_ppp_wait_up( ppp_handle ) == 0 )
					// Make use of PPP

					// Bring PPP link down
					//cyg_ppp_down( ppp_handle );

					// Wait for connection to go down.
					//cyg_ppp_wait_down( ppp_handle );
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "rtsp") == 0)
				g_ntp_add = httpGetLong(pParamList, "ntp");
				g_ts_video = httpGetLong(pParamList, "ts_video");
				g_ts_audio = httpGetLong(pParamList, "ts_audio");
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ntp", g_ntp_add);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ts_video", g_ts_video);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ts_audio", g_ts_audio);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "max_vd_ratio", (int)max_vd_ratio);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "max_ad_ratio", (int)max_vd_ratio);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "dir") == 0)
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "channel") == 0)
				int ch;
				GetWlanChannel("wlan0", &ch);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "channel", ch);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "upnp") == 0)
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "UPNP", "refresh");
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "malloc") == 0)
				static unsigned long ulTotalSize = 0;
				unsigned long ulSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size");
				void *pAddr = malloc (ulSize);
				if (pAddr != NULL)
					ulTotalSize += ulSize;
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "addr", (int)pAddr);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "total_size", ulTotalSize);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "checkip") == 0)
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "ddns") == 0)
				BOOL bEnable = g_ConfigParam.bEnableDDNS;
				g_ConfigParam.bEnableDDNS = TRUE;
				g_ConfigParam.bEnableDDNS = bEnable;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "line") == 0)
				int i;
				char name[16];
				int size = sizeof(dbg_line_copy) / sizeof(dbg_line_copy[0]);
				dbg_line_pos_copy = dbg_line_pos;
				memcpy(dbg_line_copy, dbg_line, sizeof(dbg_line));
				for (i = 0; i < size; i += 16)
					int j;
					char str[128];
					int len = 0;
					for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
						len += sprintf(str + len, "%5d", (int) dbg_line_copy[(i+j+dbg_line_pos)%(size)]);
					sprintf(name, "%5d", i);
					AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, name, str);
#if 1	//xhchen - MCU debug
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "uart") == 0)
				char log[128];
				char name[16];
				int log_pos;
				int i;
				log_pos = uart_log_pos;
				memcpy(log, uart_log, sizeof(log));
				for (i = 0; i < sizeof(log); i += 16)
					int j;
					char str[32];
					int len = 0;
					for (j = 0; j < 16; j += 2)
						char ch = log[(log_pos + i + j) % sizeof(log)];
						len += sprintf(str + len, "%c", ( ch != '\0' ? ch : '-') );
						ch = log[(log_pos + i + j + 1) % sizeof(log)];
						len += sprintf(str + len, "%02x", (int)(unsigned char)ch);
					sprintf(name, "%08x", i / 2);
					AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, name, str);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "mcu") == 0)
				void mcuGetErrorStatus(UINT32 *puCmdNo, UINT32 *puCommandCount, BOOL *pbCrashedLock);
				UINT32 uCmdNo;
				UINT32 uCmdCount;
				BOOL bCrashedLock;
				mcuGetErrorStatus(&uCmdNo, &uCmdCount, &bCrashedLock);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "CmdNo", uCmdNo);			
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "LockCrashed", bCrashedLock);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "CmdCount", uCmdCount);
			if (strcmp(pcAction, "break") == 0)
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "break_after", "3 seconds");
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "ps") == 0)
				outpw(REG_GPIO_IE, (inpw(REG_GPIO_IE)|0x00000010));
				SetWlanPSMode("wlan0", FALSE);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "SetWlanPSMode", "wlan0");
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "cfg") == 0)
				SetWlanHostSleepCfg("wlan0", 5);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "SetWlanHostSleepCfg", "wlan0 5");
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "gpiob19") == 0)
				/* Set GPIOB for MCU */
				outpw(REG_GPIOB_OE,inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE)&(~0x00080000));		//19 output;
				outpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT,inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT)&(~0x00080000));	//19 low
				outpw(REG_GPIOB_OE,inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE)&(~0x00080000));		//19 output;
				outpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT,inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT)|(0x00080000));	//19 high   				
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x", inpw(REG_GPIOB_OE));
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "REG_GPIOB_OE", acBuf);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x", inpw(REG_GPIOB_DAT));
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "REG_GPIOB_DAT", acBuf);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "mall") == 0)
				struct mallinfo info = mallinfo();
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "arena", info.arena);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "ordblks", info.ordblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "smblks", info.smblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "hblks", info.hblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "hblkhd", info.hblkhd);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "usmblks", info.usmblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "fsmblks", info.fsmblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "uordblks", info.uordblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "fordblks", info.fordblks);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "keepcost", info.keepcost);
				AddHttpNum(pReturnXML, "maxfree", info.maxfree);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_mp4") == 0)
				UINT32 uBitrate = httpGetLong(pParamList, "bitrate");
				sprintf(acBuf, "%d", uBitrate);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "bitrate", acBuf);
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "read_flash") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size");
				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 1;
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]", uAddr, uSize);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_flash", acBuf);
				for (i = 0; i < uSize; i += 8)
					int j;
					char acFlash[8];
					UINT32 uThisSize = uSize - i;
					if (uThisSize > sizeof(acFlash))
						uThisSize = sizeof(acFlash);
					usiMyRead(uAddr + i, uThisSize, (void *)acFlash);
					acBuf[0] = '\0';
					nLen = 0;
					for (j = 0; j < uThisSize; ++j)
						nLen += sprintf(acBuf + nLen, "%02x ", (int)(unsigned char)(acFlash[j]) );
					AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_flash", acBuf);
				return 0;				
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "read_mem") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size");
				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 1;
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]", uAddr, uSize);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_mem", acBuf);
				acBuf[0] = '\0';
				for (i = 0; i < uSize; ++i)
					nLen += sprintf(acBuf + nLen, "%02x ", (int)*(unsigned char *)(uAddr + i) );
					if (( i + 1 ) % 8 == 0)
						AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_mem", acBuf);
						nLen = 0;
						acBuf[0] = '\0';
				if ( i % 8 != 0)
					AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_mem", acBuf);
				return 0;				
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_mem") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uValue = httpGetLong(pParamList, "value");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetLong(pParamList, "size");
				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 4;
				memcpy((char *)uAddr, &uValue, uSize);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]=%08x", uAddr,uSize,uValue);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "write_mem", acBuf);
				return 0;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_register") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetULong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uValue = httpGetULong(pParamList, "value");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size");
				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 4;
				//outpw(address, value);
				memcpy((char *)uAddr, &uValue, uSize);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x[->%08x]=%08x", uAddr,uSize,uValue);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "write_register", acBuf);
				return 0;
#if 1			
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "set_oe") == 0)
				UINT32 out = httpGetULong(pParamList, "out");
				UINT32 dir = httpGetULong(pParamList, "dir");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size");
				UINT32 read_oe=0;
				UINT32 read_dat=0;
				UINT32 read_sts=0;

				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 4;
				//outpw(address, value);
				if(out==5 || out==18|| out ==0||out==1 )   // gpio5 is out1, gpio18 is out2
						outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE)|(1<<out));
						outpw(REG_GPIO_OE, inpw(REG_GPIO_OE)&~(1<<out));
				read_oe = inpw(REG_GPIO_OE);
				read_dat = inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT);
				read_sts = inpw(REG_GPIO_STS);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08xoe[%08xdat]%08xsts", read_oe,read_dat,read_sts);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "set_oe", acBuf);
				return 0;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "set_dat") == 0)
				UINT32 out = httpGetULong(pParamList, "out");
				UINT32 dat = httpGetULong(pParamList, "dat");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size");
				UINT32 read_oe=0;
				UINT32 read_dat=0;
				UINT32 read_sts=0;

				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 4;
				//outpw(address, value);
				if(out==5 || out==18)   // gpio5 is out1, gpio18 is out2
						outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT)|(1<<out));
						outpw(REG_GPIO_DAT, inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT)&~(1<<out));
				read_oe = inpw(REG_GPIO_OE);
				read_dat = inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT);
				read_sts = inpw(REG_GPIO_STS);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08xoe[%08xdat]%08xsts", read_oe,read_dat,read_sts);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "set_dat", acBuf);
				return 0;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "get_oe") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetULong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uValue = httpGetULong(pParamList, "value");
				UINT32 uSize = httpGetULong(pParamList, "size");
				UINT32 read_oe=0;
				UINT32 read_dat=0;
				UINT32 read_sts=0;
				if (uSize == 0)
					uSize = 4;
				read_oe = inpw(REG_GPIO_OE);
				read_dat = inpw(REG_GPIO_DAT);
				read_sts = inpw(REG_GPIO_STS);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08xoe[%08xdat]%08xsts", read_oe,read_dat,read_sts);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "get_oe", acBuf);
				return 0;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "read_i2c") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uValue = i2cReadI2C(uAddr);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x=%08x", uAddr, uValue);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "read_i2c", acBuf);
				return 0;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "write_i2c") == 0)
				UINT32 uAddr = httpGetLong(pParamList, "address");
				UINT32 uValue = httpGetLong(pParamList, "value");
				i2cWriteI2C (uAddr, uValue);
				sprintf(acBuf, "%08x=%08x", uAddr, uValue);
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "write_i2c", acBuf);
				return 0;
			else if (strcmp(pcAction, "debug") == 0)
				AddHttpValue(pReturnXML, "action", "error");
			return 0;
	return -1;
Exemple #2
int Config_SetPPP(HTTPCONNECTION hConnection, LIST *pParamList, int iAction, XML *pReturnXML)
	BOOL bConfigChanged = FALSE;
	BOOL bPPPEnable;
	const char *apcPPPServer[ sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer) / sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[0])];
	int aiPPPPort[ sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort) / sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[0])];
	const char *pcPPPUser;
	const char *pcPPPPass;
	int i;

	switch (iAction)
	case CA_AUTH:
		return AUTH_ADMIN;
	case CA_CONFIG:
		if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, "Enable"))
			bPPPEnable = httpGetBool(pParamList, "Enable");
			bPPPEnable = g_ConfigParam.bPPPEnable;
		if (bPPPEnable != g_ConfigParam.bPPPEnable)
			bConfigChanged = TRUE;

		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer) / sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[0]); ++i)
			char acName[32];
			snprintf(acName, sizeof(acName), "Server%d", i);
			apcPPPServer[i] = g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[i];
			if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, acName))
				apcPPPServer[i] = httpGetString(pParamList, acName);
				if (strcmp(apcPPPServer[i], g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[i]) != 0)
					bConfigChanged = TRUE;
		if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, "Server"))
			apcPPPServer[0] = httpGetString(pParamList, "Server");
			if (strcmp(apcPPPServer[0], g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[0]) != 0)
				bConfigChanged = TRUE;

		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort) / sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[0]); ++i)
			char acName[32];
			snprintf(acName, sizeof(acName), "Port%d", i);
			aiPPPPort[i] = g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[i];
			if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, acName))
				aiPPPPort[i] = httpGetLong(pParamList, acName);
				if (aiPPPPort[i] != g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[i])
					bConfigChanged = TRUE;
		if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, "Port"))
			aiPPPPort[0] = httpGetLong(pParamList, "Port");
			if (aiPPPPort[0] != g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[0])
				bConfigChanged = TRUE;

		if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, "User"))
			pcPPPUser = httpGetString(pParamList, "User");
			pcPPPUser = g_ConfigParam.acPPPUser;
		if (strcmp(pcPPPUser, g_ConfigParam.acPPPUser) != 0)
			bConfigChanged = TRUE;

		if (httpIsExistParam(pParamList, "Pass"))
			pcPPPPass = httpGetString(pParamList, "Pass");
			pcPPPPass = g_ConfigParam.acPPPPass;
		if (strcmp(pcPPPPass, g_ConfigParam.acPPPPass) != 0)
			bConfigChanged = TRUE;

		if (bConfigChanged)
			g_ConfigParam.bPPPEnable = bPPPEnable;
			for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer) / sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[0]); ++i)
				httpMyStrncpy(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[i], apcPPPServer[i], sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aacPPPServer[i]));
			for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort) / sizeof(g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[0]); ++i)
				g_ConfigParam.aiPPPPort[i] = aiPPPPort[i];
			httpMyStrncpy(g_ConfigParam.acPPPUser, pcPPPUser, sizeof(g_ConfigParam.acPPPUser));
			httpMyStrncpy(g_ConfigParam.acPPPPass, pcPPPPass, sizeof(g_ConfigParam.acPPPPass));
		if (!bPPPEnable)
			/* Disconnect if possible */
			//if (ppot_is_connecting())
		if(bPPPEnable && bConfigChanged) //&& !ppot_is_connecting())
			ppot_connect(apcPPPServer, aiPPPPort,
				sizeof(apcPPPServer) / sizeof(apcPPPServer[0]),
				pcPPPUser, pcPPPPass);

		return 0;
	return -1;