void testCase1() {
			int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -1, -2, -3 };
			stdPQ<int> pq1(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));
			tsPQ<int> pq2(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));

			while (!pq1.empty() && !pq2.empty()) {
				assert(pq1.top() == pq2.top());
				pq1.pop(); pq2.pop();
			assert(pq1.empty() && pq2.empty());
Exemple #2
void TfrmRetrieveMain::createBoxes( const LCDbCryoJob & job, const LPDbBoxType & boxType ) {
	struct Box {
		LPDbBoxName record;
		std::set<int> projects;
	} current;
	std::map<short,Box> boxes;
	short size = boxType.getCapacity();
	if( size < 1 ) {
		size = 100;		// assume MVE boxes
	// work out which projects each box belong to
	progress->Position = 0;
	for( const GridEntry & ge : rows ) {
		short boxNumber = (ge.new_pos-1) / size;
		boxes[ boxNumber ].projects.insert( ge.pid );
	for( auto & entry : boxes ) {
		const std::set<int> & projList = entry.second.projects;
		int projID = projList.size() == 1 ? *projList.begin() : 0;
		entry.second.record.setProjectCID( projID );
	// create records in central and project databases
	LQuery cq( LIMSDatabase::getCentralDb( ) );
	for( auto & entry : boxes ) {
		const std::set<int> & projList = entry.second.projects;
		auto pi = projList.begin();
		LQuery pq1( LIMSDatabase::getProjectDb( *pi ) );
		LPDbBoxName & box = entry.second.record;
		if( !box.create( boxType, job.getBoxSet( ), pq1, cq ) ) {
			throw Exception( "Cannot create destination box" );
		while( ++pi != projList.end() ) {
			LQuery pq( LIMSDatabase::getProjectDb( *pi ) );
			if( !box.saveRecord( pq, cq ) ) {
				throw Exception( "Cannot copy destination box" );
	// mark the cryovials for removal into the new boxes
	progress->Max = rows.size( );
	StoreDAO dao;
	for( const GridEntry & ge : rows ) {
		short boxNumber = (ge.new_pos-1) / size;
		const LPDbBoxName & box = boxes[ boxNumber ].record;
		short position = ge.new_pos - (boxNumber * size);
		LQuery pq( LIMSDatabase::getProjectDb( ge.pid ) );
		if( dao.addToRetrieval( job.getID( ), ge.cid, ge.pid, box.getID(), position ) ) {
			progress->StepIt( );
		} else {
			throw Exception( "Cannot add cryovial(s)" );
int main()
	clock_t start = clock();
	int const DELETE_CT = 2;
	int const PRINTSIZE = 5;
	int const HOWMANY = 20;  // How many values to read from each file.  If HOWMANY = 0, read all values.
	// SkewHeap pq1("SkewHeap PQ1");
	// LeftistHeap pq1("Leftist PQ1");
	/*PQHeap pq1("Heap PQ1", 6000);
	PQHeap pq2("Heap PQ2", 6000);
	PQHeap pq3("Heap PQ3", 6000);
	PQHeap pq4("Heap PQ4", 6000);
	PQHeap pq5("Heap PQ5", 6000);
	PQHeap pq6("Heap PQ6", 6000);*/
	SkewHeap pq1("SkewHeap PQ1");
	SkewHeap pq2("SkewHeap PQ2");
	SkewHeap pq3("SkewHeap PQ3");
	SkewHeap pq4("SkewHeap PQ4");
	SkewHeap pq5("SkewHeap PQ5");
	SkewHeap pq6("SkewHeap PQ6");
	/*Leftist pq1("LeftistHeap PQ1");
	Leftist pq2("LeftistHeap PQ2");
	Leftist pq3("LeftistHeap PQ3");
	Leftist pq4("LeftistHeap PQ4");
	Leftist pq5("LeftistHeapPQ5");
	Leftist pq6("LeftistHeapPQ6");/**/
	ifstream fin;

	insertNext(pq1, fin, HOWMANY);
	insertNext(pq2, fin, HOWMANY);
	insertNext(pq3, fin, HOWMANY);
	insertNext(pq4, fin, HOWMANY);
	insertNext(pq5, fin, HOWMANY);
	insertNext(pq6, fin);

	cout << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE);
	ofstream fout;
	cout << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE);

	for (int ct = 0; ct < DELETE_CT && !pq1.isEmpty(); ct++){
		ItemType big = pq1.deleteMax();
		fout << " ** DELETED " << big.toString() << endl;
		cout << " ** DELETED " << big.toString() << endl;
		cout << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE);
	for (int ct = 0; ct < DELETE_CT && !pq2.isEmpty(); ct++) {
		ItemType big = pq2.deleteMax();
		fout << " ** DELETED " << big.toString() << endl;
		cout << " ** DELETED " << big.toString() << endl;
	cout << "Before merge \n" << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	fout << "Before merge \n" << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	cout << "Before merge \n" << pq2.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	fout << "Before merge \n" << pq2.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;


	cout << "After merge \n" << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	fout << "After merge \n" << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	cout << "After merge \n" << pq2.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	fout << "After merge \n" << pq2.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	cout << "After merge 3 and 4 \n" << pq3.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	cout << "After merge 5 and 6 \n" << pq5.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	cout << "After merge 1 and 3\n" << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	cout << "After merge 1 and 5\n" << pq1.toString(PRINTSIZE) << endl;
	clock_t time = clock() - start;
	cout << "Elapsed time = " << ((float)time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
	fout << "Elapsed time = " << ((float)time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;