Exemple #1
/** @par Detailed Design: */
void Trick::MonteCarlo::dryrun() {

    /** <ul><li> For all runs: run the pre run jobs. */
    MonteRun * curr_run;
    while ((curr_run = get_next_dispatch())) {

    /** <ul><li> Run the master shutdown jobs */
    run_queue(&master_shutdown_queue, "in master_shutdown queue") ;

    message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Monte [Master] Dry run complete.\n") ;

    exit(0) ;
void Trick::MonteCarlo::dispatch_run_to_slave(MonteRun *in_run, MonteSlave *in_slave) {
    if (in_slave && in_run) {
        current_run = in_run->id;
        if (prepare_run(in_run) == -1) {
        in_slave->state = MonteSlave::RUNNING;
        connection_device.hostname = (char*)in_slave->machine_name.c_str();
        connection_device.port = in_slave->port;
        if (tc_connect(&connection_device) == TC_SUCCESS) {
            std::stringstream buffer_stream;
            buffer_stream << run_directory << "/RUN_" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << in_run->id;
            std::string buffer = "";
            for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type j = 0; j < in_run->variables.size(); ++j) {
                buffer += in_run->variables[j] + "\n";
            buffer += std::string("trick.set_output_dir(\"") + buffer_stream.str() + std::string("\");\n");
            buffer_stream << in_run->id ;
            buffer += std::string("trick.mc_set_current_run(") + buffer_stream.str() + std::string(");\n");

            if (verbosity >= INFORMATIONAL) {
                message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Monte [Master] Dispatching run %d to %s:%d.\n",
		     in_run->id, in_slave->machine_name.c_str(), in_slave->id) ;
            int command = htonl(MonteSlave::PROCESS_RUN);
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char *)&command, (int)sizeof(command));
            int num_bytes = htonl(buffer.length());
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char*)&num_bytes, (int)sizeof(num_bytes));
            tc_write(&connection_device, (char*)buffer.c_str(), (int)buffer.length());

            in_slave->current_run = in_run;

            struct timeval time_val;
            gettimeofday(&time_val, NULL);
            in_run->start_time = time_val.tv_sec + (double)time_val.tv_usec / 1000000;
        } else {
            in_slave->state = Trick::MonteSlave::DISCONNECTED;
            if (verbosity >= ERROR) {
                message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Monte [Master] Lost connection to %s:%d while dispatching run.\n",
                                in_slave->machine_name.c_str(), in_slave->id) ;
Exemple #3
/** @par Detailed Design: */
Trick::MonteRun *Trick::MonteCarlo::get_next_dispatch() {
    /** <ul><li> While there are remaining runs: */
    while (!runs.empty()) {
        MonteRun *curr_run = runs.front();
        /** <li> If it is in range, return it. </ul>*/
        if (in_range(curr_run)) {
            return curr_run;
        /** <li> Otherwise, run the pre run jobs and dequeue it. */
        } else {
            if (verbosity >= ALL) {
                message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Monte [Master] Run %d is out of range and has been skipped.\n", curr_run->id) ;
    return NULL;
	public: void start()