// Method executed when the user ends the wizard, either with 'accept' or 'reject'.
// accept the custom config to be the main one if Accepted.
void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAssistantFinished( int result )
    MirallConfigFile cfg( _configHandle );

    if( result == QDialog::Rejected ) {
        // the old config remains valid. Remove the temporary one.
        qDebug() << "Rejected the new config, use the old!";
    } else if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) {
        qDebug() << "Config Changes were accepted!";

        // go through all folders and remove the journals if the server changed.
        MirallConfigFile prevCfg;
        QUrl prevUrl( prevCfg.ownCloudUrl() );
        QUrl newUrl( cfg.ownCloudUrl() );

        bool urlHasChanged = (prevUrl.host() != newUrl.host() || prevUrl.path() != newUrl.path());

        // if the user changed, its also a changed url.
        if( prevCfg.ownCloudUser() != cfg.ownCloudUser() ) {
            urlHasChanged = true;
            qDebug() << "The User has changed, same as url change.";

        const QString localFolder = _ocWizard->localFolder();
        bool acceptCfg = true;

        if( urlHasChanged ) {

           bool startFromScratch = _ocWizard->field( "OCSyncFromScratch" ).toBool();
            if( startFromScratch ) {
                // first try to rename (backup) the current local dir.
                bool renameOk = false;
                while( !renameOk ) {
                    renameOk = _folderMan->startFromScratch(localFolder);
                    if( ! renameOk ) {
                        QMessageBox::StandardButton but;
                        but = QMessageBox::question( 0, tr("Folder rename failed"),
                                                     tr("Can't remove and back up the folder because the folder or a file in it is open in another program."
                                                        "Please close the folder or file and hit retry or cancel the setup."), QMessageBox::Retry | QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Retry);
                        if( but == QMessageBox::Abort ) {
                            renameOk = true;
                            acceptCfg = false;
        // save the user credentials and afterwards clear the cred store.
        if( acceptCfg ) {

        // Now write the resulting folder definition if folder names are set.
        if( acceptCfg && urlHasChanged ) {
            _folderMan->addFolderDefinition( QLatin1String("owncloud"), Theme::instance()->appName(),
                                             localFolder, _remoteFolder, false );
            _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"green\"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font>").arg(localFolder));
        } else {
            // url is unchanged. Only the password was changed.
            if( acceptCfg ) {
                qDebug() << "Only password was changed, no changes to folder configuration.";
            } else {
                qDebug() << "User interrupted change of configuration.";

    // clear the custom config handle
    ownCloudInfo::instance()->setCustomConfigHandle( QString::null );

    // notify others.
    emit ownCloudWizardDone( result );
// Method executed when the user ends the wizard, either with 'accept' or 'reject'.
// accept the custom config to be the main one if Accepted.
void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAssistantFinished( int result )
    MirallConfigFile cfg( _configHandle );

    if( result == QDialog::Rejected ) {
        // the old config remains valid. Remove the temporary one.
        qDebug() << "Rejected the new config, use the old!";
    } else if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) {
        qDebug() << "Config Changes were accepted!";

        // go through all folders and remove the journals if the server changed.
        MirallConfigFile prevCfg;
        QUrl prevUrl( prevCfg.ownCloudUrl() );
        QUrl newUrl( cfg.ownCloudUrl() );

        bool urlHasChanged = (prevUrl.host() != newUrl.host() || prevUrl.path() != newUrl.path());

        // if the user changed, its also a changed url.
        if( prevCfg.ownCloudUser() != cfg.ownCloudUser() ) {
            urlHasChanged = true;
            qDebug() << "The User has changed, same as url change.";

        // save the user credentials and afterwards clear the cred store.

        // Now write the resulting folder definition if folder names are set.
        const QString localFolder = _ocWizard->localFolder();
        if( !( localFolder.isEmpty() || _remoteFolder.isEmpty() ) ) { // both variables are set.
            if( urlHasChanged ) {
                _folderMan->addFolderDefinition( QLatin1String("owncloud"), Theme::instance()->appName(),
                                                 localFolder, _remoteFolder, false );
                _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"green\"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font>").arg(localFolder));

                bool startFromScratch = _ocWizard->field( "OCSyncFromScratch" ).toBool();
                if( startFromScratch ) {
                    // clean the entire directory.
                    if( _folderMan->startFromScratch( localFolder ) ) {
                        _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"green\">Successfully prepared syncing from scratch!</font>"));
                    } else {
                        _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"red\">Failed to prepare syncing from scratch!</font>"));
            } else {
                // url is unchanged. Only the password was changed.
                qDebug() << "Only password was changed, no changes to folder configuration.";
    } else {
        qDebug() << "WRN: Got unknown dialog result code " << result;

    // clear the custom config handle
    ownCloudInfo::instance()->setCustomConfigHandle( QString::null );

    // notify others.
    emit ownCloudWizardDone( result );