Exemple #1
int multiplyTwo3x3Matrices(double * result , double * matrixA , double * matrixB)
  if ( (matrixA==0) || (matrixB==0) || (result==0) ) { return 0; }

   fprintf(stderr,"Multiplying 3x3 A and B \n");
   print3x3DMatrix("A", matrixA);
   print3x3DMatrix("B", matrixB);

  // 0 1 2
  // 3 4 5
  // 6 7 8
  result[0]=matrixA[0] * matrixB[0] + matrixA[1] * matrixB[3]  + matrixA[2] * matrixB[6];
  result[1]=matrixA[0] * matrixB[1] + matrixA[1] * matrixB[4]  + matrixA[2] * matrixB[7];
  result[2]=matrixA[0] * matrixB[2] + matrixA[1] * matrixB[5]  + matrixA[2] * matrixB[8];

  result[3]=matrixA[3] * matrixB[0] + matrixA[4] * matrixB[3]  + matrixA[5] * matrixB[6];
  result[4]=matrixA[3] * matrixB[1] + matrixA[4] * matrixB[4]  + matrixA[5] * matrixB[7];
  result[5]=matrixA[3] * matrixB[2] + matrixA[4] * matrixB[5]  + matrixA[5] * matrixB[8];

  result[6]=matrixA[6] * matrixB[0] + matrixA[7] * matrixB[3]  + matrixA[8] * matrixB[6];
  result[7]=matrixA[6] * matrixB[1] + matrixA[7] * matrixB[4]  + matrixA[8] * matrixB[7];
  result[8]=matrixA[6] * matrixB[2] + matrixA[7] * matrixB[5]  + matrixA[8] * matrixB[8];

  print3x3DMatrix("AxB", result);

  return 1;
Exemple #2
int invert3x3MatrixD(double * mat,double * result)
 double * a = mat;
 double * b = result;
 double detA = det3x3Matrix(mat);
 if (detA==0.0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Matrix 3x3 cannot be inverted (det = 0)\n");
      return 0;
 double one_div_detA = (double) 1 / detA;

 b[I11]  = a[I22] * a[I33] - a[I23]*a[I32]  ;
 b[I11] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I12]  = a[I13] * a[I32] - a[I12]*a[I33]  ;
 b[I12] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I13]  = a[I12] * a[I23] - a[I13]*a[I22]  ;
 b[I13] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I21]  = a[I23] * a[I31] - a[I21]*a[I33]  ;
 b[I21] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I22]  = a[I11] * a[I33] - a[I13]*a[I31]  ;
 b[I22] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I23]  = a[I13] * a[I21] - a[I11]*a[I23]  ;
 b[I23] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I31]  = a[I21] * a[I32] - a[I22]*a[I31]  ;
 b[I31] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I32]  = a[I12] * a[I31] - a[I11]*a[I32]  ;
 b[I32] *= one_div_detA;

 b[I33]  = a[I11] * a[I22] - a[I12]*a[I21]  ;
 b[I33] *= one_div_detA;

 print3x3DMatrix("Inverted Matrix From Source",a);
 print3x3DMatrix("Inverted Matrix To Target",b);

 return 1;

int convertRodriguezTo3x3(double * result,double * matrix)
  if ( (matrix==0) ||  (result==0) ) { return 0; }

  double x = matrix[0] , y = matrix[1] , z = matrix[2];
  double th = sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );
  double cosTh = cos(th);
  x = x / th; y = y / th; z = z / th;

  if ( th < 0.00001 )
       result[0]=1.0f;  result[1]=0.0f; result[2]=0.0f;
       result[3]=0.0f;  result[4]=1.0f; result[5]=0.0f;
       result[6]=0.0f;  result[7]=0.0f; result[8]=1.0f;

       return 1;

   result[0]=x*x * (1 - cosTh) + cosTh;          result[1]=x*y*(1 - cosTh) - z*sin(th);      result[2]=x*z*(1 - cosTh) + y*sin(th);
   result[3]=x*y*(1 - cosTh) + z*sin(th);        result[4]=y*y*(1 - cosTh) + cosTh;          result[5]=y*z*(1 - cosTh) - x*sin(th);
   result[6]=x*z*(1 - cosTh) - y*sin(th);        result[7]=y*z*(1 - cosTh) + x*sin(th);      result[8]=z*z*(1 - cosTh) + cosTh;

   fprintf(stderr,"rodriguez %f %f %f\n ",matrix[0],matrix[1],matrix[2]);
   print3x3DMatrix("Rodriguez Initial", result);

  return 1;
int calculateFundamentalMatrix8PointMultipleView(double * result3x3Matrix , unsigned int pointsNum ,  double * pointsA,  double * pointsB )
    if (pointsNum<8) { fprintf(stderr,"calculateFundamentalMatrix8Point requires at least 8 points\n"); return 0; }

    //           ( Xa )            ( Xb )                ( e11 e12 e13 )
    //  pointsA  ( Ya )    pointsB ( Yb )              E ( e21 e22 e23 )
    //           ( 1  )            ( 1  )                ( e31 e32 e33 )
    //So what we do is convert this to a matrix for solving a linear system of 8 equations
    // Xb*Xa*e11   +   Xb*Ya*e12     +    Xb*e13    +    yB*xA*e21     +    yB*yA*e22    +    yB*e23    +    xA*e31    +    yA*e32    +      1*e33    =   0

    double * pxA , * pyA , * pxB , * pyB ;
    int elements=10;

    double * compiledPoints = (double * ) malloc(pointsNum * elements * sizeof(double));
    if (compiledPoints==0) { return 0; }

    unsigned int i=0;
    for (i=0; i< pointsNum; i++)
      //Shortcut our vars
      pxA = &pointsA[i*2 + 0]; pyA = &pointsA[i*2 + 1];
      pxB = &pointsB[i*2 + 0]; pyB = &pointsB[i*2 + 1];
      fprintf(stderr,"Pair %u : Point A %f,%f Point B %f,%f \n",i,*pxA,*pyA,*pxB,*pyB);
      //Make the precalculations for each of the elements
      compiledPoints[i*elements + xBxA] = (double)  (*pxB) * (*pxA);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + xByA] = (double)  (*pxB) * (*pyA);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + xB]   = (double)  (*pxB) ;
      compiledPoints[i*elements + yBxA] = (double)  (*pyB) * (*pxA);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + yByA] = (double)  (*pyB) * (*pyA);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + yB]   = (double)  (*pyB);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + xA]   = (double)  (*pxA);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + yA]   = (double)  (*pyA);
      compiledPoints[i*elements + One]  = 1.0;
      compiledPoints[i*elements + Result] = 0.0;


    printSystemMathematica(compiledPoints, pointsNum);
    //printSystemScilab(compiledPoints, pointsNum);


    print3x3DMatrix("Result 3x3 Matrix",result3x3Matrix);


   return 1;
void testGJSolver()
  double * F3x3 = alloc3x3Matrix();    if (F3x3 ==0) { return; }
  double * pointsA = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * 8);
  memset(pointsA , 0 ,sizeof(double) * 2 * 8 );
  double * pointsB = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * 8);
  memset(pointsB , 0 ,sizeof(double) * 2 * 8 );

//          SOURCE FRAME POINTS                                 TARGET FRAME POINTS
  unsigned int i=0;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=34;    pointsA[i*2+1]=379;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=33;    pointsB[i*2+1]=358; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=178;   pointsA[i*2+1]=379;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=84;    pointsB[i*2+1]=374; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=320;   pointsA[i*2+1]=379;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=139;   pointsB[i*2+1]=392; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=461;   pointsA[i*2+1]=379;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=202;   pointsB[i*2+1]=410; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=605;   pointsA[i*2+1]=379;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=271;   pointsB[i*2+1]=432; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=120;   pointsA[i*2+1]=312;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=88;    pointsB[i*2+1]=318; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=219;   pointsA[i*2+1]=312;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=134;   pointsB[i*2+1]=329; /* | | */ ++i;
  pointsA[i*2+0]=319;   pointsA[i*2+1]=312;  /* | | */  pointsB[i*2+0]=184;   pointsB[i*2+1]=342; /* | | */ ++i;

  calculateFundamentalMatrix8Point(F3x3 , i /*Number of points*/ ,  pointsA,  pointsB );

  print3x3DMatrix("Calculated matrix using 8 points", F3x3);


  double err = testHomographyError(F3x3 , i ,  pointsA , pointsB);
  printf("result homography brings error %0.2f \n",err);

  F3x3[0] = 3.369783338522472;     F3x3[1] = -1.637685275601417;   F3x3[2] = 851.0036476001653;
  F3x3[3] = -0.2783636300638685;   F3x3[4] =  15.54534472903452;   F3x3[5] = -2133.959529863233;
  F3x3[6] = -0.003793213664419078; F3x3[7] =  0.02530490689886264; F3x3[8] = 1;

  print3x3DMatrix("3x3 known good homography", F3x3);
        err = testHomographyError(F3x3 , i , pointsA , pointsB);
  printf("known good homography brings error %0.2f \n",err);



  return ;
