int main(void)
	/* Declare a struct TPAB and assign it's variable values */
	struct Album *TPAB = malloc(sizeof *TPAB);
	assert(TPAB != NULL);
	TPAB -> name = "To Pimp a Butterfly";
	TPAB -> date = "2015";
	TPAB -> artist = "Kendrick Lamar";
	/* Declare a struct Pablo and assign it's variable values */
	struct Album *Pablo = malloc(sizeof *Pablo);
	assert(Pablo != NULL);
	Pablo = (struct Album*)malloc(sizeof(struct Album));
	Pablo -> name = "The Life of Pablo";
	Pablo -> date = "2016";
	Pablo -> artist = "Kanye West";
	/* Use a function to print the Album's information */
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){
    int length;
    Song* album = readAlbum(argv[1], &length);
    int on = 1;
        printAlbum(album, length);
        int sel;
        printf("\nEnter 1 to listen to a song\nEnter 2 to change a rating\nEnter 0 to quit\n");
        scanf("%d", &sel);
        char* song = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAXNAMESIZE);
            case 1: // If the user enters 1 to listen to a song
            printf("\nEnter a title:");
            scanf("%s", song);
            if(listenToSong(song, album, length) == -1) printf("unable to find %s\n\n", song);
            else listenToSong(song, album, length);
            case 2: //if the user enters 2 to rate a song
            printf("\nEnter a title:");
            scanf("%s", song);
            int rating;
            printf("Enter a new rating:\n");
            scanf("%d", &rating);
            if(changeRating(song,rating, album, length) == -1) printf("unable to find %s\n\n", song);
            else changeRating(song,rating, album, length);
            case 0: //if the user chooses to exit the program
            on = 0;
    return 0;