int main(){ printf("Before: \n"); printValues(); sort(); printf("After: \n"); printValues(); return(0); } // end main
void Log::printValue(const xmlrpc_c::value & value) { std::clog<<" :"; int vi; double vd; bool vb; time_t vt; std::string vs; std::map<std::string, xmlrpc_c::value> vstruct; std::vector<xmlrpc_c::value> va; switch (value.type()) { case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_INT: fromXmlrpcValue(value, vi); std::clog<<" "<<vi<<"\n"; break; case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_BOOLEAN: fromXmlrpcValue(value, vb); std::clog<<" "<<vb<<"\n"; break; case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_DOUBLE: fromXmlrpcValue(value, vd); std::clog<<" "<<vd<<"\n"; break; case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_DATETIME: fromXmlrpcValue(value, vt); std::clog<<" "<<vt<<"\n"; break; case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_STRING: fromXmlrpcValue(value, vs); std::clog<<" "<<vs<<"\n"; break; case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_STRUCT: fromXmlrpcValue(value, vstruct); std::clog<<" struct begin {\n"; printValues(vstruct); std::clog<<"} struct end\n"; break; case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_ARRAY: fromXmlrpcValue(value, va); std::clog<<" array begin {\n"; printValues(va); std::clog<<"} array end\n"; break; /* case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_BYTESTRING: return std::string("TYPE_BYTESTRING"); case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_C_PTR: return std::string("TYPE_C_PTR"); case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_NIL: return std::string("TYPE_NIL"); case xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_DEAD:*/ default: std::clog<<" unknown\n"; } }
//Exercise 8 void CFileParser::printAll() { std::cout << "Exercise 8" << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of Words: " << _wordsInFile.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Is there an STL word?: " << stlWordExist() << std::endl; std::cout << "Last word is: " << _wordsInFile.back() << std::endl; std::cout << "Middle word is: " << / 2)) << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of words with more than 3 characters: " << countWordsWithMoreThan3Chars() << std::endl; std::cout << "List of words with less than 4 characters: " << std::endl; printValues(getStringsWithLessThanFourChars()); printValues(_wordsInFile); }
void insertionSort(int ar_size, int *ar) { int i,j,key=ar[ar_size-1]; for(i=ar_size-2;i>=0;i--) { if(ar[i]>key) { ar[i+1] = ar[i]; printValues(ar,0,ar_size-1); } else break; } ar[i+1] = key; printValues(ar,0,ar_size-1); }
int main(){ srand(GetTickCount()); for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++) values[i]=rand()%25; printf("Before: \n"); printValues(); sort(); printf("After: \n"); printValues(); return(0); } // end main
int main() { initializeHeap(heap); initializeValues(); buildMaxHeap(); printValues(); //printf("max: %d \n",heapExtractMax()); //heapIncreaseKey(2,18); //maxHeapInsert(17); printValues(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //char value = 0x0 | 0x03; int values[3] = {0,1,2}; //printf("Value: %d\n", (int)value); printValues(values, 3); }
int main () { int c_memsize = 20; int c_valsize = 20; // c float *c; c = (float*)malloc(c_memsize*sizeof(float)); for (int i = 0; i < c_valsize; ++i) c[i] = i; // dummy Dummy *test = (Dummy*)malloc(sizeof(Dummy)); test->a = 1; test->b = 2; test->c = c; printValues(test, c_memsize, c_valsize); // free free(test); free(c); return 0; }
//Exercise 7 void printUniqueValues(std::vector<int> vectInt) { std::cout << "Exercise 6/7: " << std::endl; std::set<int> setInt(vectInt.begin(), vectInt.end()); printValues(setInt); }
//Exercise 5 void printOddValues(std::vector<int> vectInt) { std::cout << "Exercise 5" << std::endl; vectInt.erase(std::remove_if(vectInt.begin(), vectInt.end(), std::not1(IsEvenNumber())), vectInt.end()); printValues(vectInt); }
void swap(int*a, int*b){ int c; c = *a; *a = *b; *b = c; printValues(); } //swap pointer
void Log::print(const xmlrpc_c::paramList & params) { for(unsigned i=0; i < params.size(); i++) { std::clog<<"param["<<i<<"]\n"; printValues(params.getStruct(i)); } }
int main() { doPrint(); printValue(1); std::cout << add(1,1) << std::endl; printValues(3, 4); return 0; }
void quickSort(int *ar,int low, int high) { int pivot; if(low<high) { pivot = partition(ar,low,high); quickSort(ar,low,pivot-1); quickSort(ar,pivot+1,high); printValues(ar,low,high); } }
int main(){ std::array<int, 8> values{1,2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3}; Node* firstNode = new Node(values[0]); for(int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) { insertAtEnd(firstNode, values[i]); } printValues(firstNode); removeDups(firstNode); printValues(firstNode); delete firstNode; }
void main(void) { int * intArrays[COPIES], i, arraySize, value; clrscr(); printf("This program sorts and searches integer values!\n"); printf("please give me number of values you wish to deal with: "); scanf("%d", &arraySize); for(i = 0;i < COPIES; i++) intArrays[i] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * arraySize); readValues(intArrays, arraySize); printf("Enter number to search for? (linear search): "); scanf("%d", &value); if (linearSearch(intArrays[0], arraySize, value) != -1) printf("Found !\n"); else printf("Not Found!\n"); getch(); printValues(intArrays, arraySize); printf("\nSorting Array 1 using bubble....\n"); bubble(intArrays[0], arraySize); printValues(intArrays, arraySize); printf("\nSorting Array 2 using selection....\n"); selection(intArrays[1], arraySize); printValues(intArrays, arraySize); printf("\nSorting Array 3 using insertion....\n"); insertion(intArrays[2], arraySize); printValues(intArrays, arraySize); printf("Enter number to search for? (binary search): "); scanf("%d", &value); if (linearSearch(intArrays[0], arraySize, value) != -1) printf("Found !\n"); else printf("Not Found!\n"); getch(); }
int main(void) { int sum = 0; int grades[SIZE]; sum = getValues(grades); printf("\nNumber of scores entered: %d\n", sum); printValues(grades, sum); return 0; }
void sort() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<MAX;i++)//another sort for(j=i+1;j<MAX;j++) if(values[i]>values[j]) { swap(values[i],values[j]); printValues(); } }
//Exercise 1 void transformIntToStringVector() { std::cout << "Exercise 1" << std::endl; std::vector<int> vectInt = populateVector(); //std::vector<std::string> stringVector(vectInt.size()); //std::transform(vectInt.begin(), vectInt.end(), stringVector.begin(), static_cast<std::string(*)(int)>(std::to_string)); std::vector<std::string> stringVector2; std::transform(vectInt.begin(), vectInt.end(), std::back_inserter(stringVector2), static_cast<std::string(*)(int)>(std::to_string)); printValues(vectInt); }
void CSVGAnimateColor:: print(std::ostream &os, bool hier) const { if (hier) { os << "<animateColor"; printValues(os); os << "/>" << std::endl; } else os << "animateColor "; }
int main(){ char *chunk, *delim = ";"; //can be replaced with scanf for input. char *tmp = "x+=3;y+=5;x*=y;"; char *str = strdup(tmp); chunk = strtok(str, delim); while(chunk){ processString(chunk); chunk = strtok(NULL, delim); } printValues(); return 0; }
int main() { initializeHeap(heap); initializeValues(); buildMinHeap(); printValues(); //printf("min: %d \n",heapExtractMin()); //heapDecreaseKey(2,0); //minHeapInsert(0); //printValues(); return 0; }
int main() { enum { NumValues = 10 }; int fibonacciSequence[NumValues]; int* fibonacciResults[NumValues]; setupResultPointers(fibonacciSequence, fibonacciResults, NumValues); generateFibonacciSequence(fibonacciSequence, NumValues); printValues(fibonacciResults, NumValues); return 0; }
void iteratePrint2(const IterationRange<T1> & iteration1, const IterationRange<T2> & iteration2, const Exp & exp, const Print & print) { std::cout << " , "; printValues(iteration2); struct PrintAndIterate { PrintAndIterate(const IterationRange<T2> & iteration, const Exp & exp, const Print & print) : iteration_(iteration), exp_(exp), print_(print) { } void operator()(T1 val) const { PrintValue<T1>()(val); iterate(iteration_, makePrintExp(std::bind1st(exp_, val), print_)); std::cout << std::endl; } private: IterationRange<T2> iteration_; Exp exp_; Print print_; }; iterate(iteration1, PrintAndIterate(iteration2, exp, print)); }
Value* interpereteValue(Token *t){ Value *v = NULL, *v2 = NULL, *v3 = NULL; if(t==NULL) return NULL; int nValueBuffOld=nValueBuff; int nValueExtraBuffOld = nValueExtraBuff; switch (t->type){ default: PERRORTOK("", t); v=interpereteValue(t->firstChild); break; case VALUE: v=interpereteValue(t->firstChild); break; case ASSIGNMENT: { interpereteValue(t->firstChild->nextSibling); v2 = valueBuff + nValueBuff; v = interpreteAssignment(getVarName((int)t->firstChild->extra), v2->type, v2->extra); break; } case VARIABLE: { std::string name(getVarName((int)t->extra)); v2 = getVal(name); v = valueBuff+nValueBuff++; switch(v2->type){ case INTEGER: v->type = INTEGER; v->extra = valueExtraBuff+nValueExtraBuff; *((int*)v->extra) = *((int*)v2->extra); nValueExtraBuff+=sizeof(int); break; case FLOAT: v->type = FLOAT; v->extra = valueExtraBuff+nValueExtraBuff; *((float*)v->extra) = *((float*)v2->extra); nValueExtraBuff+=sizeof(float); break; case STRING: v->type = STRING; v->extra = valueExtraBuff+nValueExtraBuff; strcpy((char*)v->extra, (char*)v2->extra); nValueExtraBuff+=strlen((char*)v->extra)+1; break; } } break; case STRING: v = valueBuff+nValueBuff++; v->type = STRING; v->extra = valueExtraBuff+nValueExtraBuff; strcpy((char*)v->extra, (char*)t->extra); nValueExtraBuff+=strlen((char*)v->extra)+1; break; case INTEGER: v = valueBuff+nValueBuff++; v->type = INTEGER; v->extra = valueExtraBuff+nValueExtraBuff; *((int*)v->extra) = *((int*)t->extra); nValueExtraBuff+=sizeof(int); break; case FLOAT: v = valueBuff+nValueBuff++; v->type = FLOAT; v->extra = valueExtraBuff+nValueExtraBuff; *((float*)v->extra) = *((float*)t->extra); nValueExtraBuff+=sizeof(float); break; case OPERATOR: v3 = valueBuff + nValueBuff - 1; if (!isOperatorSingle((int)t->extra)) { v2 = valueBuff+nValueBuff-2; int type = (int)t->extra; if(v2->type < v3->type){ convert(v2, (int)v3->type); }else if(v2->type > v3->type){ convert(v3, (int)v2->type); } } switch (v3->type){ case STRING: v = interpereteStringOperator(t, v2, v3); break; case FLOAT: v = interpereteFloatOperator(t, v2, v3); break; case INTEGER: v = interpereteIntegerOperator(t, v2, v3); break; } if (!isOperatorSingle((int)t->extra)) nValueBuff--; break; case FUNC_DEF: { FuncDefExtra *extra = (FuncDefExtra*)t->extra; std::string name(getVarName((int)extra->name->extra)); v2 = getVal(name); v2->type = FUNC_DEF; v2->extra = t; } break; case FUNC_CALL: { FuncCallExtra *extra = (FuncCallExtra*)t->extra; std::string name(getVarName((int)extra->name->extra)); if (name == "print") { printValues(extra->values); } else if (name == "scan") { scanValue(); } else { Value *val = getVal(name); currentStack++; Token *funcDefToken = (Token*)val->extra; FuncDefExtra *defExtra = (FuncDefExtra*)funcDefToken->extra; Token *t_val = extra->values; Token *t_def = defExtra->parameters; while (t_val) { interpereteValue(t_val->firstChild); v2 = valueBuff + nValueBuff; interpreteAssignment(getVarName((int)t_def->extra), v2->type, v2->extra); t_val = t_val->nextSibling; t_def = t_def->nextSibling; } interpreteFlow(defExtra->func_body); currentStack--; } } break; } v2 = interpereteValue(t->nextSibling); nValueBuff = nValueBuffOld; nValueExtraBuff = nValueExtraBuffOld; return v2?v2:v; }
// swap two values at two given memory addresses void swap(int* a, int* b){ int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; printValues(); } // end swap
inline void iteratePrint1(const IterationRange<T> & iteration, const Exp & exp, const Print & print) { printValues(iteration); iterate(iteration, PrintExp<Exp, Print>(exp, print)); }
int main() { printValues(6, 7); return 0; }
int main() { /************************************************************/ /* */ /* ここに課題のプログラムを書く. */ /* */ /* 関数 read_matrix() を呼ぶことで,標準入力から連立一次 */ /* 方程式の次数および各係数を読み込む.その結果, */ /* 次数が大域変数 n に, */ /* 係数行列 A と右辺ベクトル b を合わせた拡大行列 [A b] が */ /* 帯域変数 a[][] に,それぞれ格納される. */ /* なお,a[][]の内部は */ /* A → a[1][1] ... a[n][n] , */ /* b → a[1][n+1] ... a[n][n+1] */ /* のようになっている. */ /* */ /* 関数 print_matrix() は a[][] の内容を標準出力に */ /* 出力する.アルゴリズムのデバッグに活用すべし. */ /* */ /************************************************************/ /* 以下はサンプルプログラムで,行列を読み込んでそのまま出力する.*/ /* 標準入力を読み込んで,係数行列を a[][] に,次数を n に格納する */ if (read_matrix() != 0) { /* 返り値が 0 以外であればエラー */ fprintf(stderr, "input error!\n"); return -1; } /* 現在の係数行列 a[][] の内容を出力する */ print_matrix(); /* ここにガウス消去法などの課題のプログラムを書く */ // Instead of Gaussian elimination, we'll use gauss-seidel method this // These 2 variables are used to test every cases of swapping (like a // bubble sort) int rowToSwap; int rowToSwap2; int allCombinations; for (allCombinations = 0; allCombinations < n; allCombinations++) { for (rowToSwap = 1; rowToSwap < n; rowToSwap++) { for (rowToSwap2 = n; rowToSwap2 >= 1; rowToSwap2--) { double values[MAXN] = {0}; double prev_values[MAXN] = {0}; // Checking if the equations are solved for x_1, x_2 ... print_matrix(); // Repeat this loop N times at maximum int i, j, k; int invalidDivision = 0; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (a[j][j] == 0) { invalidDivision = 1; break; } // Initialize before starting values[j - 1] = 0; for (k = 1; k <= n; k++) { double multi = values[k - 1]; if (k == j) multi = 0; // Since j starts from 1 // The sign will be flipped when moving to the right side //printf("values[%d]: %f += %f * %f\n", j - 1, values[j - 1], -(a[j][k] / a[j][j]), multi); values[j - 1] += -(a[j][k] / a[j][j]) * multi; } if (a[j][j] == 0) break; //printf("values[%d] = %f (%f += %f)\n", j - 1, values[j - 1] + a[j][n + 1] / a[j][j], values[j - 1], a[j][n + 1] / a[j][j]); // Add the integer (= Matrix "b") values[j - 1] += a[j][n + 1] / a[j][j]; } if (invalidDivision == 1) break; // After the whole matrix has been processed, check if the result // was accurate enough. double d = findMaxDelta(values, prev_values); printf("d: %f\n", d); // Stop when it becomes accurate enough if (d <= epsilon) { printValues(values); return 0; } // Now, make a backup of the current values (so that we can // calculate the delta in the next loop copyValues(values, prev_values); } // If the program comes out of this loop, it means that N trials were done // but the solutions didn't get accurate enough. swapRow(rowToSwap, rowToSwap2); //printf("swapped %d <=> %d\n", rowToSwap, rowToSwap2); } } } // Coming here means there were many attempts of estimating the solution // but all the attempts ended up not being accurate enough. It is possible // that the epsilon is too small or maybe there's something wrong with the // equation. printf("The equation set is likely it does not converge.\n"); /* プログラムの終了 */ return 0; }