Exemple #1
void print_error_messages
    FILE *fd,
    char const *source,
    STRTAB_str_t    source_id,
    error_log_rec_t *log_rec_ptr
    if (log_rec_ptr->links.asBinTree.left != NULL)
        print_error_messages(fd, source, source_id, log_rec_ptr->links.asBinTree.left);

    print_errors_for_line(fd, source, source_id, log_rec_ptr);

    if (log_rec_ptr->links.asBinTree.right != NULL)
        print_error_messages(fd, source, source_id, log_rec_ptr->links.asBinTree.right);
Exemple #2
boolean print_errors

    FILE       *fd;
    char const *fn;
    int        i;
    STRTAB_str_t   source_id;
    error_log_rec_t *error_root;

     * If there are no errors, just return
     if (errors == NULL) return 0;

     * Copy the root of the error tree and null it out so that
     * it looks like all the errors have been printed if we get
     * an error while printing them out.
     error_root = errors;
     errors = NULL;

     * Loop through all files with errors
    for (i = 0; i < error_file_count; i++)
        source_id = error_files[i];
        STRTAB_str_to_string(source_id, &fn);
        fd = fopen(fn, "r");
        print_error_messages(fd, fn, source_id, error_root);
        last_error_line = 0;

     * Free the tree of errors,
    error_file_count = 0;

     * Return true if we found any errors.
    return (error_file_count != 0);
Exemple #3
int output_dirsync_status(music_query_t* music_query){
	int i = 0;

	apr_bucket_brigade* output_bb = music_query->output->bucket_brigade;

	apr_table_add(music_query->output->headers,"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
	apr_cpystrn((char*)music_query->output->content_type, "application/json", 255);

	apr_brigade_puts(music_query->output->bucket_brigade, NULL,NULL, "{\n");

	//Print Status
	if(music_query->globals->music_dirs != NULL){
		apr_brigade_puts(output_bb, NULL,NULL,"\t\"dir_sync_status\" : {\n");
			for(i = 0; i < music_query->globals->music_dirs->nelts; i++){
				dir_t* dir = &(((dir_t*)music_query->globals->music_dirs->elts)[i]);
				apr_brigade_printf(output_bb, NULL, NULL, "\t\t\"%s\" : {\n",dir->path);	
				apr_brigade_printf(output_bb, NULL,NULL, "\t\t\"Progress\" :  \"%.2f\",\n",dir->stats->sync_progress);
				apr_brigade_printf(output_bb, NULL,NULL, "\t\t\"Files Scanned\" :  \"%d\"\n", dir->stats->files_scanned);
				apr_brigade_printf(output_bb, NULL, NULL, "\t\t}");
				if(i < (music_query->globals->music_dirs->nelts - 1)){
					apr_brigade_printf(output_bb, NULL, NULL, ",");

		apr_brigade_puts(output_bb, NULL,NULL,"\t},\n");

	apr_brigade_puts(output_bb, NULL,NULL,"\t\"db_status\" : ");
	apr_brigade_puts(output_bb, NULL,NULL,"\n,");

	print_error_messages(music_query->pool,output_bb, music_query->error_messages);

	apr_brigade_puts(output_bb, NULL,NULL,"\n}\n");
	return 0;