void onboard_parameters_receive_parameter(onboard_parameters_t* onboard_parameters, uint32_t sysid, mavlink_message_t* msg) 
	bool match = true;
	mavlink_param_set_t set;
	mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(msg, &set);
	// Check if this message is for this system and subsystem
	if ( ((uint8_t)set.target_system 	  == (uint8_t)sysid )
			  &&	(set.target_component == onboard_parameters->mavlink_stream->compid)	)
		char* key = (char*) set.param_id;
		onboard_parameters_entry_t* param;

		if ( onboard_parameters->debug == true )
			print_util_dbg_print("Setting parameter ");
			print_util_dbg_print(" to ");
			print_util_dbg_putfloat(set.param_value, 2);
		for (uint16_t i = 0; i < onboard_parameters->param_set->param_count; i++) 
			param = &onboard_parameters->param_set->parameters[i];
			match = true;

			for (uint16_t j = 0; j < param->param_name_length; j++) 
				// Compare
				if ((char)param->param_name[j] != (char)key[j]) 
					match = false;
				// End matching if null termination is reached
				if (((char)param->param_name[j]) == '\0') 
					// Exit internal (j) for() loop
			// Check if matched
			if (match) 
				// Only write and emit changes if there is actually a difference
				if (*(param->param) != set.param_value && set.param_type == param->data_type) 
					// onboard_parameters_update_parameter(onboard_parameters, i, set.param_value);
					(*param->param) = set.param_value;

					// schedule parameter for transmission downstream
		if (!match)
			if ( onboard_parameters->debug == true )
				print_util_dbg_print("Set parameter error! Parameter ");
				print_util_dbg_print(" not registred!\r\n");
Mission_handler::update_status_t Mission_handler_navigating::update()
    Determine if arrived for first time
    // Find distance to waypoint
    local_position_t wpt_pos = waypoint_.local_pos();
    float rel_pos[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        rel_pos[i] = wpt_pos[i] - ins_.position_lf()[i];
    float dist2wp_sqr = vectors_norm_sqr(rel_pos);
    float vel_sqr     = vectors_norm_sqr(ins_.velocity_lf().data());

    // Check if radius is available
    float radius = 0.0f;
    if (radius == 0.0f)
        // TODO use a configuration for this default radius
        radius = 2.0f;

    // Check if we reached the waypoint
    bool is_arrived = (dist2wp_sqr < (radius * radius)) && (vel_sqr < 1.0f); // TODO use a config for this speed threshold
    if (is_arrived)
        // If we are near the waypoint but the flag has not been set, do this once ...
        if (!waypoint_reached_)
            // Send debug log ...
            print_util_dbg_print("Waypoint reached, distance: ");
            print_util_dbg_putfloat(sqrt(dist2wp_sqr), 3);
            print_util_dbg_print(" m. Less than acceptable radius:");
            print_util_dbg_putfloat(sqrt(radius * radius), 3);
            print_util_dbg_print(" m.\r\n");

            // ... as well as a mavlink message ...
            mavlink_message_t msg;

            // ... and record the travel time ...
            travel_time_ = time_keeper_get_ms() - start_time_;

            // ... and set to waiting at waypoint ...
            waypoint_reached_ = true;

            // If the waypoint is not autocontinue, use its heading
            if (waypoint_.autocontinue() == false)
                // Use waypoint's heading

    Determine status code
    // First check if we have reached the waypoint
    if (waypoint_reached_)
        // Then ensure that we are in autocontinue
        if ((waypoint_.autocontinue() == 1) && (waypoint_handler_.waypoint_count() > 1))
            // Differentiate between dubin and direct to
            return MISSION_FINISHED;
