static JSObjectRef ns_new(JSContextRef context, const char *ns_name) { Ns *priv = NULL; JSObjectRef ret = NULL; JSObjectRef global = NULL; gboolean found = FALSE; JSObjectRef proto = NULL; JSValueRef exception = NULL; // XXX: NOT THREAD SAFE? if (!gwkjs_ns_class_ref) { gwkjs_ns_class_ref = JSClassCreate(&gwkjs_ns_class); JSClassRetain(gwkjs_ns_class_ref); } global = gwkjs_get_import_global(context); if (!(found = gwkjs_object_has_property(context, global, gwkjs_ns_class.className))) { proto = JSObjectMake(context, gwkjs_ns_class_ref, NULL); gwkjs_object_set_property(context, global, gwkjs_ns_class.className, proto, GWKJS_PROTO_PROP_FLAGS, &exception); if (exception) g_error("Can't init class %s", gwkjs_ns_class.className); gwkjs_debug(GWKJS_DEBUG_IMPORTER, "Initialized class %s prototype %p", gwkjs_ns_class.className, proto); } else { JSValueRef proto_val = gwkjs_object_get_property(context, global, gwkjs_ns_class.className, &exception); if (exception || proto_val == NULL || !JSValueIsObject(context, proto_val)) g_error("Can't get protoType for class %s", gwkjs_ns_class.className); proto = JSValueToObject(context, proto_val, NULL); } g_assert(proto != NULL); ret = JSObjectMake(context, gwkjs_ns_class_ref, NULL); if (ret == NULL) return ret; JSObjectSetPrototype(context, ret, proto); priv = g_slice_new0(Ns); GWKJS_INC_COUNTER(ns); g_assert(priv_from_js(ret) == NULL); JSObjectSetPrivate(ret, priv); gwkjs_debug_lifecycle(GWKJS_DEBUG_GNAMESPACE, "ns constructor, obj %p priv %p", ret, priv); priv = priv_from_js(ret); priv->modules = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); priv->gi_namespace = g_strdup(ns_name); return ret; }
/* * Like JSResolveOp, but flags provide contextual information as follows: * * JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED a qualified property id: or obj[id], not id * JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING obj[id] is on the left-hand side of an assignment * JSRESOLVE_DETECTING 'if (o.p)...' or similar detection opcode sequence * JSRESOLVE_DECLARING var, const, or boxed prolog declaration opcode * JSRESOLVE_CLASSNAME class name used when constructing * * The *objp out parameter, on success, should be null to indicate that id * was not resolved; and non-null, referring to obj or one of its prototypes, * if id was resolved. */ static JSBool boxed_new_resolve(JSContext *context, JSObject *obj, jsid id, unsigned flags, JSObject **objp) { Boxed *priv; char *name; JSBool ret = JS_FALSE; *objp = NULL; if (!gjs_get_string_id(context, id, &name)) return JS_TRUE; /* not resolved, but no error */ priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); gjs_debug_jsprop(GJS_DEBUG_GBOXED, "Resolve prop '%s' hook obj %p priv %p", name, obj, priv); if (priv == NULL) goto out; /* wrong class */ if (priv->gboxed == NULL) { /* We are the prototype, so look for methods and other class properties */ GIFunctionInfo *method_info; method_info = g_struct_info_find_method((GIStructInfo*) priv->info, name); if (method_info != NULL) { JSObject *boxed_proto; const char *method_name; #if GJS_VERBOSE_ENABLE_GI_USAGE _gjs_log_info_usage((GIBaseInfo*) method_info); #endif method_name = g_base_info_get_name( (GIBaseInfo*) method_info); gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_GBOXED, "Defining method %s in prototype for %s.%s", method_name, g_base_info_get_namespace( (GIBaseInfo*) priv->info), g_base_info_get_name( (GIBaseInfo*) priv->info)); boxed_proto = obj; if (gjs_define_function(context, boxed_proto, priv->gtype, (GICallableInfo *)method_info) == NULL) { g_base_info_unref( (GIBaseInfo*) method_info); goto out; } *objp = boxed_proto; /* we defined the prop in object_proto */ g_base_info_unref( (GIBaseInfo*) method_info); } } else { /* We are an instance, not a prototype, so look for * per-instance props that we want to define on the * JSObject. Generally we do not want to cache these in JS, we * want to always pull them from the C object, or JS would not * see any changes made from C. So we use the get/set prop * hooks, not this resolve hook. */ } ret = JS_TRUE; out: g_free(name); return ret; }
static JSBool boxed_field_getter (JSContext *context, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *value) { Boxed *priv; GIFieldInfo *field_info; GITypeInfo *type_info; GArgument arg; gboolean success = FALSE; priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); if (!priv) return JS_FALSE; field_info = get_field_info(context, priv, id); if (!field_info) return JS_FALSE; type_info = g_field_info_get_type (field_info); if (priv->gboxed == NULL) { /* direct access to proto field */ gjs_throw(context, "Can't get field %s.%s from a prototype", g_base_info_get_name ((GIBaseInfo *)priv->info), g_base_info_get_name ((GIBaseInfo *)field_info)); goto out; } if (!g_type_info_is_pointer (type_info) && g_type_info_get_tag (type_info) == GI_TYPE_TAG_INTERFACE) { GIBaseInfo *interface_info = g_type_info_get_interface(type_info); if (g_base_info_get_type (interface_info) == GI_INFO_TYPE_STRUCT || g_base_info_get_type (interface_info) == GI_INFO_TYPE_BOXED) { success = get_nested_interface_object (context, obj, priv, field_info, type_info, interface_info, value); g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *)interface_info); goto out; } g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *)interface_info); } if (!g_field_info_get_field (field_info, priv->gboxed, &arg)) { gjs_throw(context, "Reading field %s.%s is not supported", g_base_info_get_name ((GIBaseInfo *)priv->info), g_base_info_get_name ((GIBaseInfo *)field_info)); goto out; } if (!gjs_value_from_g_argument (context, value, type_info, &arg, TRUE)) goto out; success = TRUE; out: g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *)field_info); g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *)type_info); return success; }
/* * Like JSEnumerateOp, but enum provides contextual information as follows: * * JSENUMERATE_INIT: allocate private enum struct in state_p, return number * of elements in *id_p * JSENUMERATE_NEXT: return next property id in *id_p, and if no new property * free state_p and set to JSVAL_NULL * JSENUMERATE_DESTROY : destroy state_p * * Note that in a for ... in loop, this will be called first on the object, * then on its prototype. * */ static JSBool importer_new_enumerate(JSContext *context, JSObject **object, JSIterateOp enum_op, jsval *state_p, jsid *id_p) { ImporterIterator *iter; switch (enum_op) { case JSENUMERATE_INIT_ALL: case JSENUMERATE_INIT: { Importer *priv; JSObject *search_path; jsval search_path_val; guint32 search_path_len; guint32 i; jsid search_path_name; if (state_p) *state_p = JSVAL_NULL; if (id_p) *id_p = INT_TO_JSID(0); priv = priv_from_js(context, *object); if (!priv) /* we are enumerating the prototype properties */ return JS_TRUE; search_path_name = gjs_context_get_const_string(context, GJS_STRING_SEARCH_PATH); if (!gjs_object_require_property(context, *object, "importer", search_path_name, &search_path_val)) return JS_FALSE; if (!JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(search_path_val)) { gjs_throw(context, "searchPath property on importer is not an object"); return JS_FALSE; } search_path = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(search_path_val); if (!JS_IsArrayObject(context, search_path)) { gjs_throw(context, "searchPath property on importer is not an array"); return JS_FALSE; } if (!JS_GetArrayLength(context, search_path, &search_path_len)) { gjs_throw(context, "searchPath array has no length"); return JS_FALSE; } iter = importer_iterator_new(); for (i = 0; i < search_path_len; ++i) { char *dirname = NULL; char *init_path; const char *filename; jsval elem; GDir *dir = NULL; elem = JSVAL_VOID; if (!JS_GetElement(context, search_path, i, &elem)) { /* this means there was an exception, while elem == JSVAL_VOID * means no element found */ importer_iterator_free(iter); return JS_FALSE; } if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(elem)) continue; if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(elem)) { gjs_throw(context, "importer searchPath contains non-string"); importer_iterator_free(iter); return JS_FALSE; } if (!gjs_string_to_utf8(context, elem, &dirname)) { importer_iterator_free(iter); return JS_FALSE; /* Error message already set */ } init_path = g_build_filename(dirname, MODULE_INIT_FILENAME, NULL); load_module_elements(context, *object, iter, init_path); g_free(init_path); dir = g_dir_open(dirname, 0, NULL); if (!dir) { g_free(dirname); continue; } while ((filename = g_dir_read_name(dir))) { char *full_path; /* skip hidden files and directories (.svn, .git, ...) */ if (filename[0] == '.') continue; /* skip module init file */ if (strcmp(filename, MODULE_INIT_FILENAME) == 0) continue; full_path = g_build_filename(dirname, filename, NULL); if (g_file_test(full_path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { g_ptr_array_add(iter->elements, g_strdup(filename)); } else { if (g_str_has_suffix(filename, "." G_MODULE_SUFFIX) || g_str_has_suffix(filename, ".js")) { g_ptr_array_add(iter->elements, g_strndup(filename, strlen(filename) - 3)); } } g_free(full_path); } g_dir_close(dir); g_free(dirname); } if (state_p) *state_p = PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(iter); if (id_p) *id_p = INT_TO_JSID(iter->elements->len); break; } case JSENUMERATE_NEXT: { jsval element_val; if (!state_p) { gjs_throw(context, "Enumerate with no iterator set?"); return JS_FALSE; } if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(*state_p)) /* Iterating prototype */ return JS_TRUE; iter = (ImporterIterator*) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(*state_p); if (iter->index < iter->elements->len) { if (!gjs_string_from_utf8(context, (const char*) g_ptr_array_index(iter->elements, iter->index++), -1, &element_val)) return JS_FALSE; if (!JS_ValueToId(context, element_val, id_p)) return JS_FALSE; break; } /* else fall through to destroying the iterator */ } case JSENUMERATE_DESTROY: { if (state_p && !JSVAL_IS_NULL(*state_p)) { iter = (ImporterIterator*) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(*state_p); importer_iterator_free(iter); *state_p = JSVAL_NULL; } } } return JS_TRUE; }
static JSObject* importer_new(JSContext *context, gboolean is_root) { JSObject *importer; Importer *priv; JSObject *global; JSBool found; global = gjs_get_import_global(context); if (!JS_HasProperty(context, global,, &found)) g_error("HasProperty call failed creating importer class"); if (!found) { JSObject *prototype; prototype = JS_InitClass(context, global, /* parent prototype JSObject* for * prototype; NULL for * Object.prototype */ NULL, &gjs_importer_class, /* constructor for instances (NULL for * none - just name the prototype like * Math - rarely correct) */ gjs_importer_constructor, /* number of constructor args */ 0, /* props of prototype */ &gjs_importer_proto_props[0], /* funcs of prototype */ &gjs_importer_proto_funcs[0], /* props of constructor, MyConstructor.myprop */ NULL, /* funcs of constructor, MyConstructor.myfunc() */ NULL); if (prototype == NULL) g_error("Can't init class %s",; gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_IMPORTER, "Initialized class %s prototype %p",, prototype); } importer = JS_NewObject(context, &gjs_importer_class, NULL, global); if (importer == NULL) g_error("No memory to create importer importer"); priv = g_slice_new0(Importer); priv->is_root = is_root; GJS_INC_COUNTER(importer); g_assert(priv_from_js(context, importer) == NULL); JS_SetPrivate(importer, priv); gjs_debug_lifecycle(GJS_DEBUG_IMPORTER, "importer constructor, obj %p priv %p", importer, priv); return importer; }
GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARE(union) { GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_VARIABLES(union) Union *priv; Union *proto_priv; JSObject *proto; void *gboxed; GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_PRELUDE(union); priv = g_slice_new0(Union); GJS_INC_COUNTER(boxed); g_assert(priv_from_js(context, object) == NULL); JS_SetPrivate(object, priv); gjs_debug_lifecycle(GJS_DEBUG_GBOXED, "union constructor, obj %p priv %p", object, priv); proto = JS_GetPrototype(object); gjs_debug_lifecycle(GJS_DEBUG_GBOXED, "union instance __proto__ is %p", proto); /* If we're the prototype, then post-construct we'll fill in priv->info. * If we are not the prototype, though, then we'll get ->info from the * prototype and then create a GObject if we don't have one already. */ proto_priv = priv_from_js(context, proto); if (proto_priv == NULL) {
/* a hook on getting a property; set value_p to override property's value. * Return value is JS_FALSE on OOM/exception. */ static JSBool param_get_prop(JSContext *context, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *value_p) { JSBool success; Param *priv; GParamSpec *pspec; char *name; GType gtype; GIObjectInfo *info = NULL, *parent_info = NULL; GIFieldInfo *field_info = NULL; GITypeInfo *type_info = NULL; GIArgument arg; if (!gjs_get_string_id(context, id, &name)) return JS_TRUE; /* not something we affect, but no error */ priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); if (priv == NULL) { g_free(name); return JS_FALSE; /* wrong class */ } success = JS_FALSE; pspec = priv->gparam; gtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(pspec); info = (GIObjectInfo*)g_irepository_find_by_gtype(g_irepository_get_default(), gtype); if (info == NULL) { /* We may have a non-introspectable GParamSpec subclass here. Just return VOID. */ *value_p = JSVAL_VOID; success = JS_TRUE; goto out; } parent_info = g_object_info_get_parent(info); field_info = find_field_info(info, name); if (field_info == NULL) { /* Try it on the parent GParamSpec for generic GParamSpec properties. */ field_info = find_field_info(parent_info, name); } if (field_info == NULL) { *value_p = JSVAL_VOID; success = JS_TRUE; goto out; } type_info = g_field_info_get_type(field_info); if (!g_field_info_get_field(field_info, priv->gparam, &arg)) { gjs_throw(context, "Reading field %s.%s is not supported", g_base_info_get_name(info), g_base_info_get_name((GIBaseInfo*)field_info)); goto out; } if (!gjs_value_from_g_argument(context, value_p, type_info, &arg, TRUE)) goto out; success = JS_TRUE; out: if (field_info != NULL) g_base_info_unref((GIBaseInfo*)field_info); if (type_info != NULL) g_base_info_unref((GIBaseInfo*)type_info); if (info != NULL) g_base_info_unref((GIBaseInfo*)info); if (parent_info != NULL) g_base_info_unref((GIBaseInfo*)parent_info); g_free(name); return success; }
/* fromString() function implementation */ static JSBool from_string_func(JSContext *context, unsigned argc, jsval *vp) { JS::CallArgs argv = JS::CallArgsFromVp (argc, vp); ByteArrayInstance *priv; char *encoding; gboolean encoding_is_utf8; JSObject *obj; JSBool retval = JS_FALSE; obj = byte_array_new(context); if (obj == NULL) return JS_FALSE; JS_AddObjectRoot(context, &obj); priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); g_assert (priv != NULL); g_assert(argc > 0); /* because we specified min args 1 */ priv->array = gjs_g_byte_array_new(0); if (!JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[0])) { gjs_throw(context, "byteArray.fromString() called with non-string as first arg"); goto out; } if (argc > 1 && JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[1])) { if (!gjs_string_to_utf8(context, argv[1], &encoding)) goto out; /* maybe we should be smarter about utf8 synonyms here. * doesn't matter much though. encoding_is_utf8 is * just an optimization anyway. */ if (strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8") == 0) { encoding_is_utf8 = TRUE; g_free(encoding); encoding = NULL; } else { encoding_is_utf8 = FALSE; } } else { encoding_is_utf8 = TRUE; } if (encoding_is_utf8) { /* optimization? avoids iconv overhead and runs * libmozjs hardwired utf16-to-utf8. */ char *utf8 = NULL; if (!gjs_string_to_utf8(context, argv[0], &utf8)) goto out; g_byte_array_set_size(priv->array, 0); g_byte_array_append(priv->array, (guint8*) utf8, strlen(utf8)); g_free(utf8); } else { char *encoded; gsize bytes_written; GError *error; const jschar *u16_chars; gsize u16_len; u16_chars = JS_GetStringCharsAndLength(context, JSVAL_TO_STRING(argv[0]), &u16_len); if (u16_chars == NULL) goto out; error = NULL; encoded = g_convert((char*) u16_chars, u16_len * 2, encoding, /* to_encoding */ "UTF-16", /* from_encoding */ NULL, /* bytes read */ &bytes_written, &error); g_free(encoding); if (encoded == NULL) { /* frees the GError */ gjs_throw_g_error(context, error); goto out; } g_byte_array_set_size(priv->array, 0); g_byte_array_append(priv->array, (guint8*) encoded, bytes_written); g_free(encoded); } argv.rval().set(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj)); retval = JS_TRUE; out: JS_RemoveObjectRoot(context, &obj); return retval; }
/* fromArray() function implementation */ static JSBool from_array_func(JSContext *context, unsigned argc, jsval *vp) { JS::CallArgs argv = JS::CallArgsFromVp (argc, vp); ByteArrayInstance *priv; guint32 len; guint32 i; JSObject *obj; JSBool ret = JS_FALSE; obj = byte_array_new(context); if (obj == NULL) return JS_FALSE; JS_AddObjectRoot(context, &obj); priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); g_assert (priv != NULL); g_assert(argc > 0); /* because we specified min args 1 */ priv->array = gjs_g_byte_array_new(0); if (!JS_IsArrayObject(context, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[0]))) { gjs_throw(context, "byteArray.fromArray() called with non-array as first arg"); goto out; } if (!JS_GetArrayLength(context, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[0]), &len)) { gjs_throw(context, "byteArray.fromArray() can't get length of first array arg"); goto out; } g_byte_array_set_size(priv->array, len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { jsval elem; guint8 b; elem = JSVAL_VOID; if (!JS_GetElement(context, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[0]), i, &elem)) { /* this means there was an exception, while elem == JSVAL_VOID * means no element found */ goto out; } if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(elem)) continue; if (!gjs_value_to_byte(context, elem, &b)) goto out; g_array_index(priv->array, guint8, i) = b; } ret = JS_TRUE; argv.rval().set(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj)); out: JS_RemoveObjectRoot(context, &obj); return ret; }
/* implement toString() with an optional encoding arg */ static JSBool to_string_func(JSContext *context, unsigned argc, jsval *vp) { JS::CallArgs argv = JS::CallArgsFromVp (argc, vp); JSObject *object = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv.thisv()); ByteArrayInstance *priv; char *encoding; gboolean encoding_is_utf8; gchar *data; priv = priv_from_js(context, object); if (priv == NULL) return JS_TRUE; /* prototype, not instance */ byte_array_ensure_array(priv); if (argc >= 1 && JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[0])) { if (!gjs_string_to_utf8(context, argv[0], &encoding)) return JS_FALSE; /* maybe we should be smarter about utf8 synonyms here. * doesn't matter much though. encoding_is_utf8 is * just an optimization anyway. */ if (strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8") == 0) { encoding_is_utf8 = TRUE; g_free(encoding); encoding = NULL; } else { encoding_is_utf8 = FALSE; } } else { encoding_is_utf8 = TRUE; } if (priv->array->len == 0) /* the internal data pointer could be NULL in this case */ data = (gchar*)""; else data = (gchar*)priv->array->data; if (encoding_is_utf8) { /* optimization, avoids iconv overhead and runs * libmozjs hardwired utf8-to-utf16 */ jsval retval; JSBool ok; ok = gjs_string_from_utf8(context, data, priv->array->len, &retval); if (ok) argv.rval().set(retval); return ok; } else { JSBool ok = JS_FALSE; gsize bytes_written; GError *error; JSString *s; char *u16_str; error = NULL; u16_str = g_convert(data, priv->array->len, "UTF-16", encoding, NULL, /* bytes read */ &bytes_written, &error); g_free(encoding); if (u16_str == NULL) { /* frees the GError */ gjs_throw_g_error(context, error); return JS_FALSE; } /* bytes_written should be bytes in a UTF-16 string so * should be a multiple of 2 */ g_assert((bytes_written % 2) == 0); s = JS_NewUCStringCopyN(context, (jschar*) u16_str, bytes_written / 2); if (s != NULL) { ok = JS_TRUE; argv.rval().set(STRING_TO_JSVAL(s)); } g_free(u16_str); return ok; } }
/* * Like JSResolveOp, but flags provide contextual information as follows: * * JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED a qualified property id: or obj[id], not id * JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING obj[id] is on the left-hand side of an assignment * JSRESOLVE_DETECTING 'if (o.p)...' or similar detection opcode sequence * JSRESOLVE_DECLARING var, const, or boxed prolog declaration opcode * JSRESOLVE_CLASSNAME class name used when constructing * * The *objp out parameter, on success, should be null to indicate that id * was not resolved; and non-null, referring to obj or one of its prototypes, * if id was resolved. */ static JSBool union_new_resolve(JSContext *context, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, unsigned flags, JS::MutableHandleObject objp) { Union *priv; char *name; JSBool ret = JS_TRUE; if (!gjs_get_string_id(context, id, &name)) return JS_TRUE; /* not resolved, but no error */ priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); gjs_debug_jsprop(GJS_DEBUG_GBOXED, "Resolve prop '%s' hook obj %p priv %p", name, *obj, priv); if (priv == NULL) { ret = JS_FALSE; /* wrong class */ goto out; } if (priv->gboxed == NULL) { /* We are the prototype, so look for methods and other class properties */ GIFunctionInfo *method_info; method_info = g_union_info_find_method((GIUnionInfo*) priv->info, name); if (method_info != NULL) { JSObject *union_proto; const char *method_name; #if GJS_VERBOSE_ENABLE_GI_USAGE _gjs_log_info_usage((GIBaseInfo*) method_info); #endif if (g_function_info_get_flags (method_info) & GI_FUNCTION_IS_METHOD) { method_name = g_base_info_get_name( (GIBaseInfo*) method_info); gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_GBOXED, "Defining method %s in prototype for %s.%s", method_name, g_base_info_get_namespace( (GIBaseInfo*) priv->info), g_base_info_get_name( (GIBaseInfo*) priv->info)); union_proto = obj; if (gjs_define_function(context, union_proto, g_registered_type_info_get_g_type(priv->info), method_info) == NULL) { g_base_info_unref( (GIBaseInfo*) method_info); ret = JS_FALSE; goto out; } objp.set(union_proto); /* we defined the prop in object_proto */ } g_base_info_unref( (GIBaseInfo*) method_info); } } else { /* We are an instance, not a prototype, so look for * per-instance props that we want to define on the * JSObject. Generally we do not want to cache these in JS, we * want to always pull them from the C object, or JS would not * see any changes made from C. So we use the get/set prop * hooks, not this resolve hook. */ } out: g_free(name); return ret; }
JSObject* gjs_keep_alive_new(JSContext *context) { KeepAlive *priv; JSObject *keep_alive = NULL; JSObject *global; JSBool found; /* This function creates an unattached KeepAlive object; following our * general strategy, we have a single KeepAlive class with a constructor * stored on our single "load global" pseudo-global object, and we create * instances with the load global as parent. */ g_assert(context != NULL); JS_BeginRequest(context); global = gjs_get_import_global(context); g_assert(global != NULL); if (!JS_HasProperty(context, global,, &found)) goto out; if (!found) { JSObject *prototype; gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_KEEP_ALIVE, "Initializing keep-alive class in context %p global %p", context, global); prototype = JS_InitClass(context, global, /* parent prototype JSObject* for * prototype; NULL for * Object.prototype */ NULL, &gjs_keep_alive_class, /* constructor for instances (NULL for * none - just name the prototype like * Math - rarely correct) */ gjs_keep_alive_constructor, /* number of constructor args */ 0, /* props of prototype */ &gjs_keep_alive_proto_props[0], /* funcs of prototype */ &gjs_keep_alive_proto_funcs[0], /* props of constructor, MyConstructor.myprop */ NULL, /* funcs of constructor, MyConstructor.myfunc() */ NULL); if (prototype == NULL) g_error("Can't init class %s",; gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_KEEP_ALIVE, "Initialized class %s prototype %p",, prototype); } gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_KEEP_ALIVE, "Creating new keep-alive object for context %p global %p", context, global); keep_alive = JS_NewObject(context, &gjs_keep_alive_class, NULL, global); if (keep_alive == NULL) { gjs_log_exception(context); g_error("Failed to create keep_alive object"); } priv = g_slice_new0(KeepAlive); priv->children = g_hash_table_new_full(child_hash, child_equal, NULL, child_free); g_assert(priv_from_js(context, keep_alive) == NULL); JS_SetPrivate(keep_alive, priv); gjs_debug_lifecycle(GJS_DEBUG_KEEP_ALIVE, "keep_alive constructor, obj %p priv %p", keep_alive, priv); out: JS_EndRequest(context); return keep_alive; }
/* * Like JSResolveOp, but flags provide contextual information as follows: * * JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED a qualified property id: or obj[id], not id * JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING obj[id] is on the left-hand side of an assignment * JSRESOLVE_DETECTING 'if (o.p)...' or similar detection opcode sequence * JSRESOLVE_DECLARING var, const, or function prolog declaration opcode * JSRESOLVE_CLASSNAME class name used when constructing * * The *objp out parameter, on success, should be null to indicate that id * was not resolved; and non-null, referring to obj or one of its prototypes, * if id was resolved. */ static JSBool ns_new_resolve(JSContext *context, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, unsigned flags, JS::MutableHandleObject objp) { Ns *priv; char *name; GIRepository *repo; GIBaseInfo *info; JSBool ret = JS_FALSE; gboolean defined; if (!gjs_get_string_id(context, id, &name)) return JS_TRUE; /* not resolved, but no error */ /* let Object.prototype resolve these */ if (strcmp(name, "valueOf") == 0 || strcmp(name, "toString") == 0) { ret = JS_TRUE; goto out; } priv = priv_from_js(context, obj); gjs_debug_jsprop(GJS_DEBUG_GNAMESPACE, "Resolve prop '%s' hook obj %p priv %p", name, *obj, priv); if (priv == NULL) { ret = JS_TRUE; /* we are the prototype, or have the wrong class */ goto out; } JS_BeginRequest(context); repo = g_irepository_get_default(); info = g_irepository_find_by_name(repo, priv->gi_namespace, name); if (info == NULL) { /* No property defined, but no error either, so return TRUE */ JS_EndRequest(context); ret = JS_TRUE; goto out; } gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_GNAMESPACE, "Found info type %s for '%s' in namespace '%s'", gjs_info_type_name(g_base_info_get_type(info)), g_base_info_get_name(info), g_base_info_get_namespace(info)); if (gjs_define_info(context, obj, info, &defined)) { g_base_info_unref(info); if (defined) objp.set(obj); /* we defined the property in this object */ ret = JS_TRUE; } else { gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_GNAMESPACE, "Failed to define info '%s'", g_base_info_get_name(info)); g_base_info_unref(info); } JS_EndRequest(context); out: g_free(name); return ret; }
static JSObject* ns_new(JSContext *context, const char *ns_name) { JSObject *ns; JSObject *global; Ns *priv; JSBool found; /* put constructor in the global namespace */ global = gjs_get_import_global(context); if (!JS_HasProperty(context, global,, &found)) return NULL; if (!found) { JSObject *prototype; prototype = JS_InitClass(context, global, /* parent prototype JSObject* for * prototype; NULL for * Object.prototype */ NULL, &gjs_ns_class, /* constructor for instances (NULL for * none - just name the prototype like * Math - rarely correct) */ gjs_ns_constructor, /* number of constructor args */ 0, /* props of prototype */ &gjs_ns_proto_props[0], /* funcs of prototype */ &gjs_ns_proto_funcs[0], /* props of constructor, MyConstructor.myprop */ NULL, /* funcs of constructor, MyConstructor.myfunc() */ NULL); if (prototype == NULL) g_error("Can't init class %s",; gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_GNAMESPACE, "Initialized class %s prototype %p",, prototype); } ns = JS_NewObject(context, &gjs_ns_class, NULL, global); if (ns == NULL) g_error("No memory to create ns object"); priv = g_slice_new0(Ns); GJS_INC_COUNTER(ns); g_assert(priv_from_js(context, ns) == NULL); JS_SetPrivate(ns, priv); gjs_debug_lifecycle(GJS_DEBUG_GNAMESPACE, "ns constructor, obj %p priv %p", ns, priv); priv = priv_from_js(context, ns); priv->gi_namespace = g_strdup(ns_name); return ns; }